I stared in disbelief at the image of dozens of Representatives cheering and waving Ukrainian flags on the floor of the House after voting to spend another $95,000,000 on the folly in Ukraine. These truly are people who are no longer my countrymen. Given the fact that about 70% of the populace is oposed to this warmongering giveaway as well as the "open border" policy currently in effect, I suggest that, rather than nationalizing the Presidential election as some wish to do, we should nationalize eletions for Senators and Representatives. Those who have been so keen on killing Ukrainians and Russians in Eastern Europe while holding the southern border of our own country wide open would probably all lose resoundingly.
Actually, just abolish the (unconstitutional) 17th Amendment, so that Senators are (once again) appointed rather than elected.
Then have each state pay ALL it's Senators' and Congresspersons' salaries and benefits - remove that whole tier of $$ from Washington, and have each state house monitor their representatives' bank accounts for any funny money coming in or going out.
You want to be a "public" servant? Fine - then your whole life becomes an open book for everyone to examine.
On August 18, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment. With Tennessee's ratification, the 19th Amendment became law, ensuring that the right to vote could not be denied based on sex. I'm sorry. But I hadn't even been born yet. I was a lot happier when I didn't have to think about it. Thank the Suffragettes who left it for us to step in on the way to the Capitol. First, only males could vote; then property owners, then, and then and then.
How can WE get this GREAT PLAN done, Rev. Mac? Is there any hope the "supremes" will step in and pretend to care that our lives, AND THEIR LIVES, are worthless? Do they fear any retribution from anyone? Iknow the DEI's are taught to believe they are Teflon Coated.
Just remarkable. 90% of DC is made up of truly repulsive people. Bought and paid for by special interests and controlled by the USIC. We are in really, really deep. And at this point probably no way of digging out.
I appreciate your comment and would like to respectively add that we nationalized the elections of Senators(17th amendment) and it has hurt us greatly.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your use of 'nationalize'. Have a great day!
OK, John you had to know you would get this question..... are you talking about White Women or Black Women? OR, are We All the Same????? Go ahead, you stuck your neck out.... what do you say? LOL
There is a corollary issue linked with my earlier statement about things going eskew when women got the vote: that issue is SHOULD women get the vote? My personal feeling about that issue is that YES, women - as a part of our nation and contributors - as an identifiable group - to the advance or decline of our nation, however defined - should be able to participate in policy making of matters that affect our nation. I have a very good friend, female, retired professional person, smart, practicing jew, conventional wife (married to a practing Baptist, if that can be included as "conventional" marriage) with another very good friend of mine, male. I tease her with the women's vote linkage periodically (and husband usually covers his head with a sofa pillow or such and shuts his eyes). His wife once responded to my statement with this: "I hate to say it, but you're right: but I still wanta scratch your eyes out when you say it!" My statement you question carries no implication as to ethnicity (doesn't the US Census bureau say we are nearly all mongrels?) but it does specify biological sex of an identifiable group. Lets face it: women are wired by nature differently than men are wired, we do not behave the same in many dimensions. The behavior of female voters (and their crazy fellow travellers) vote a certain way from male voters (and our crazy fellow travellers). If we could get an homest count of honest votes the interaction between these two groups on election day (the only time we shold be allowed to vote and on paper ballot), our country would move in one general direction from that it would present, should the votes of biological females (and their biological crazies of whatever ethnicity) not be included in the voter mix. But you are included in voting and each of you (as each of us males) a unique set of characteristics, IQ, biases, experiences, and everything else. And that brings up another statement I will make: I believe in equal opportunity, but reject equal outcomes, as we are all different. If one rejects discrimination - defined how ever you want, one must pursue the golden rule that equals be treated equally. But, as in the case of most everything, there is a corollary golden to this statement, also: since individuals are not equals (not even before the law, as it seems here) UNEQUALS MUST ALSO BE TREATED UNEQUALLY - lacking that, discrimination exists.
To clarify, Senatorial elections were not "nationalied," but rather, were made subject to popular vote instead of election by each state's legislature. But my point was not so much that I favor nationalizing anything, especially in regard to voting, but to point out that there is an inexplicable divergence between what the vast majority of all the people in the country want and what their so-called "elected representatives" have done in connection with our border and financing the Russo-Ukraine war. But your point is certainly well taken.
Completely agree about the divergence and it really pisses me off. Republicans have campaigned for 35 years on immigration control, cutting regulations, cutting spending, et al and Donald Trump comes along and actually does most of these things and they hate him for it. Further verifies many 'republicans' are neo-liberals serving globalist lobbyists.
Yes, So then, We need TRUMP to get us out of this?... and maybe lots of weapons and free rides to where the 'evil politicians' hang out? We also need the 'Supreme Court' to GET BACK TO WORK AND DO THE JOB THEY SIGNED ON FOR.... WITH CONSTITUTIONAL RESPECT GUIDING THEM. That is a Tall Order for the group, I fear.
I would not want to move away from having Senators elected by popular vote. If they were to be "appointed", including by state legislators, they would be appointed mostly by party insiders, by "the Club", and we would be in an even worse position than we are in now.
Perhaps, but the upper chamber would be controlled by Republicans almost exclusively. That would have stopped most of the welfare state and socialist nonsense in its tracks decades so.
Where would the "upper chamber" be controlled by Republicans almost exclusively"? And even if it is, why would you trust those Republicans to speak for you?
No, it doesn't matter who controls the legislature, Republicans or Democrats-- it would still be a small group of people (just a couple hundred legislators at most, depending on how each state's constitution designated it) electing the Senator for a state, instead of the state's entire population. It would be a tight crony-system, not at all a representative democracy.
"Appointment" of Senators would be a huge step backwards-- greatly lessening accountability.
The make up of legislatures shows that republican controlled states would have the majority of senators. In 2023, 28 states were Republican, that’s 56 senators.
As originally designed, the senator is the representative of the state legislature, not the people. The senator is allied with the legislature. The House is how the people voice their opinion. The senate was there to ensure the various states’ interests were not overwhelmed by the federal and fickle people in the house. The Executive Branch represents the interests of the federal government.
This is the true 3-legs of checks and balances apart from the Executive, Congress and Supreme Court.
Had we not allowed the progs to amend the Constitution in 1913, we would be nowhere close to the dysfunction we see today. Cooler heads would have prevailed in those special times in our history.
I vote for a clean sweep. Get rid of every elected official. No politician is sacred, they all must go. And while we're at it, remodel the joint. Remove the center aisle from both houses.
This latest capitulation by the Repubs in both sides of Congress is a wake up call, for me at least. If the upcoming election isn’t a shocking MAGA wave (screw Republican, conservative, blah, blah, yadda , blah), then I can’t see any political way forward. If every RINO isn’t replaced, then what good are the true patriots qua politicians.
I can only see a way forward that has a steadfast minority of solid Patriots who, having no political clout, serve only as prophetic voices in the wilderness, around which a desperate nation can possibly coalesce and replace RINO Nation.
Hopefully the Freedom Caucus can transform into that.
If that is isolationism, so be it. The hand we’re currently playing is a loser.
"Hopefully the Freedom Caucus can transform into that."
From my vantage point, they are moving away from anything resembling freedom. Aside from an occasional stern look on the news cycle, and leading another slow, worthless, expensive Congressional hearing, they slumber in the sunshine like sea lions.
The Freedom Caucus is not a force, more dysfunctional than anything. Some well-meaning people in it but they have no leadership with a long-term purpose. Let's just face reality, the GOP is a dead horse we keep trying to drag across the finish line every two years. They don't hear us because they don't want to do so.
You and I agree on this. I’m sick of going year after year after decade trying to get the GOP more conservative. Not going to happen. First time in my life I am going to leave the party and go Independent, a thing I swore I would never do. They left me. It is time for a “truth social new party” representing conservatives. I hope DJT reads this blog.
Let’s hope so. Everything needs to be reborn at some point or at least rebuilt and our two party system is way past their sell by date. The GOP has been sick for decades and it is time to let it die. I believe that a majority of people in this country are sick of the two parties actions. Maybe its time for all those people to get off their collective lazy butts and march on DC demanding they follow their platforms or we collectively will seek alternatives. It wouldn't work of course because “the country” to those folks is that land inside the beltway. Why would they change? They make the rules and decide outcomes, so why would they change? Nope, Im convinced the two parties need to become but a footnote in our history and new parties replace them. After all, when the public stops buying a product like EVs, what happens? Something comes along to replace it that they will buy. We are a broken country today and the vote on Ukraine/Israel aid says it all.
But Reddog, you don't seriously want Trump to start a new party right now, do you, in May of 2024? One, it's far too late in the process for 2024. Impossible to organize, set up state chapters, get on the ballot for primaries (that most states have already held), even to get on the ballot in all 50 states for the general, etc. Trump has already won the nomination for 2024 in the existing Republican Party.
And Two, right now, in 2024, he has his hands rather full with "a few court cases". And, he is playing the lead role in trying to marshal our forces nationally for the 2024 election. If Trump becomes President in November, this topic will be moot, because the old Republican party will be dead by the end of his term, fully overturned by MAGA (including a second RINO-purging in 2026).
I think from the tone of today's comments by everyone, that folks are feeling kind of exhausted and frustrated. I totally understand. But it is kind of ironic, that today there are several comments about how it was a mistake to give women the vote, because they are too emotional. There's alot of emotion on the male side today as well!
But that's fine! It's normal--no bad reflection on anyone right now, male or female. Given how long we've been enduring this onslaught by the Communist Left, it is very reasonable to feel negative emotions. One wouldn't have a pulse if they didn't feel bad about all this.
I trust everyone will take a breath and refresh their energies for the pivotal battle of the next 6 months. Yes, America is disintegrating. But you have to admit the Democratic party is disintegrating too--they are seriously split over pro-con Hamas, and many other chickens are coming home to roost too. We cannot see the overall outcome at this point-- things are too close to call.
Jesus: "In the world, ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
I said nothing of starting a new party now. It isn't going to happen during a DJT administration either, but it will happen eventually. As for men supposedly bashing emotional women, don't trust people's alias names as gender correct. They aren't always. I have two friends with alias that imply a male but they are not so. They are both conservatives. And they are some of the hardest commenters when it comes to women I have ever heard. I'm not taking a deep breath, that doesn't fix anything. But I am walking away from the GOP-ish. They let me down for the last time. You think the Dem party is disintegrating but it's not, it's just morphing into a true socialist party because they can no longer sell their ideology to anyone. But the GOP is doing the same, becoming sort of a Democrat party 2.0, which is much easier for them to do than actually work to fix anything. There is no Cavalry coming to save us anytime soon. We are like Custer and surrounded now. If Trump gets another term he will be faced with the same if not worse attacks that he got the first time around and little of substance will be fixed. It is unfair to expect Trump to fix this. Until enough Americans get up and take to the streets that it gets peoples attention in DC and they worry about reelection, it will not change.
Well said, about the Democrats "morphing into a true socialist party" and "the GOP becoming a Democrat party 2.0"; or I would say, revealing its true colors as a Democratic-lite party.
As to "Americans...taking to the streets"--it's very hard to guess how that would turn out. My gut says the Dems are trying to provoke us to take to the streets, and have a plan in place to take advantage of two-sided "protesting". Probably very vicious retaliation to "nip revolution in the bud".
But it does seem like so far no Dems have been held accountable in any serious way. I suspect they genuinely think they will pay no consequences for what they have done and are doing. I think they really believe they can "psyops" us into surrender.
I think there should be more focus on the primary elections and we should try to vote out these RINO's. Here in WV I can think of no national level incumbents who deserve re-election.
Some RINOs will be replaced, but there will still be some to be dealt with. Both the House and the Senate will be more MAGA. But there will be more work to do in the 2026 elections.
I think until the RINOs are gone we’ll need some coalition of sane Republicans to stand apart. ( I’m tired of the term RINO. Maybe we’re the RINOs. Let’s start calling them the Kristol Goldbergs. Or maybe you’ve got a better name.)
Do you mean will it start performing well again or just continue to lie down in uselessness? Who knows? Balls in there court.
I like the Kristol Goldbergs, THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR. The term RINO is useless now, no one is insulted by it. Time for a change they will pay attention to. Might have to drop a hint onto the little boy wearing the large Rolex...he would have to listen to a bit of KG;s thoughts.... could be interesting...
I think most western militaries today are being designed mainly as forces against their own citizens to counteract uprisings as more and more of them wake up to what their bereft politicians and bureaucrats are doing to them.
The reason Death Sentences are being handed to J6 protesters is the Apparatchiks in the Independent Nation of DC are running scared. And so they should be. No one is going to come to their aid.
We talked Ukraine/NATO in 2008 and Putin invaded Georgia. We overthrew a democratically elected pro-Russia President(Yanukovych) in 2014 and talked Ukraine/NATO and Putin took Crimea. We overthrew Poroschenko and installed Zelensky and talked Ukraine/NATO; Russia invaded Ukraine.
Russia told us in the 90's: 'we will not tolerate Western missiles on our border' and we still tried and collected billions...
The worst thing is there is absolutely NO accountability anywhere.... especially for the dead soldiers.
Media and the Internet are nearly 100% controlled by Monopolies whose succor comes from Government Money and Favors. The appearance of stability is what they want while ignoring the pot near boiling point.
I often wonder how many members of congress have ever viewed Ike's speech upon leaving the WH? Maybe it should be mandatory for all members every year.
Former President Eisenhower was a friendly but shrewd and tough guy and if he were alive today, I would imagine he would be speaking fire and brimstone to congress for what they are doing to the country he helped save. So would Harry Truman, a completely under rated president. Now we have Joe Biden who is not even qualified to shine either former presidents shoes. God help us, Marlan.
$60 billion here, a trillion there. What comes after a trillion? Quadrillion? Number 1 followed by 15 zeroes. LOL. What the hell, it's just a number. Our grandchildren will be happy to pay it off, right? And BTW, when was the last time we saw a congressional Democrat waving an American flag?
And Biden is using the funny money to keep the GDP up out of recession territory. So he prints the money to give to Ukraine, Ukraine 'uses' the money to buy all the arms ect (and politicians), there by the selling then is recorded as goods sold by the US and walla we have a GDP. Unfortunately you can only wallpaper the Economy so long before it hits hard.
I love this writing style. Biting humor. At least a get a chuckle reading Don Surber and Mark Steyn while knowing their articles are documenting the demise of western civilization. Unless we wake up.
“NATO cannot fight a foreign war when it is under attack … from within.” And neither can we. There is a reason we have borders and oceans. We need to seal them and let Europe take care of itself.
We need to return them all. Anyone in this country illegally needs to be gone. Prioritize terrorists, criminals, men of military age. They have one chance to tell us where they are from so we can return them. Don't tell us and we'll pick a country. DNA Swabs for every one. Countries that don't take them back get squeezed - cut off from all aid. And we drop them into those countries covertly. It's not that hard. We also close the border to Mexico. No one comes in other than US citizens making legal crossings. And if we need to, close the border to Mexico to everyone and everything - including commerce. We've got a 3rd world banana republic dictator down there trying to tell ole weak knees spineless JB what to do. That ends Jan 22nd.
Not only the military aged men from foreign soil. Or own young men will eventually strike out. It’s already happening in the urban areas. DC will be fighting an ideological war, a religious war and a civil war at home.
“What? Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!...It ain't over now, 'cause when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. Who's with me? Let's go! Come on!” - Bluto Blutarsky -
Some days are harder than others. But WE will not give up. WE WIL NEVER EVER GIVE UP. there is no point or reason to give in, or give up. KEEP GOING! STRONGER TOMORROW!!!
Our "betters" in D.C. have already warned us about what will come: they will continue to bankrupt our country, and send our children - NOT theirs, of course - to die. In order to line their pockets, of course.
All while denouncing you for not using proper pronouns, or treating mentally ill men like women, you bigot, you!
They are terrified of what might happen if we unite against their nonsense; after all, we rather outnumber them, no? Why do you suppose their goal is to divide and distract?
Look to the future, my friends, and act accordingly. What kind of world are we gonna leave to Keith Richards, huh? ;D
Our greatest mistake was winning World War II which left a vast MIC on the hunt for new dragons to slay. Germany's greatest mistake was allowing AH to involve them in a war they couldn't win. Once the German Army became embroiled in a war of attrition with the Red Army the handwriting was on the wall. Stalin had an inexhaustible supply of manpower & he expended them profligately. Look @ the casualty figures: U.S. KIA in World War II was 435,000. The Red Army incurred 3.5 million casualties in the first 3 months of Operation Barbarossa alone. Germany was far better pre-1945. The rest of Europe never got over World War I & they had no stomach for a redo.
What is especially frightening is that this world has the worst "elites" certainly since 1914 & most likely of all time. Their cluelessness is only eclipsed by their overindulgence in frivolity, the mundane, & the sordid. Who in their right mind would obey/follow these people into gunfire or trust in their grasp of a particular geopolitical situation/crisis? One can make the claim with metaphysical certitude that they will make exactly the wrong decisions for the physical well-being of their respective countries no matter at what price. The West has lost its way & now seemingly wants to commit suicide.
Don't see how we vote our way out of this; once the West turned its back on God we could only be sundered.
Yes. And those elites wonder why they can't get any young men to enlist. Maybe it's hard to sell to a young man full of piss and vinegar the idea that he should lay his life on the line for a man in a dress.
There are messages being sent everyday. The ATF killed that airport manager the other day and no one had the required video cameras on. They could have easily arrested him without incident but didn't. That is a message to US. Same goes with DJT continual trials. Ther message is clearly directed to US. If NY can get Trump, they can do anything they want to anyone, inside or outside the law. Joe Biden left billions in war equipment for the terrorists in the Afghan retreat because he didn't want the fight to end with our pullout. Those are messages should we choose to read them.
Paraphrasing the Right Reverend Jeremiah Wright, G_d, damn these people! And soon.
In my dotage I've read a lot of history, and one thing stands out: wars are never started by ordinary people. They and their children just pay for, fight and die in them. Wars are started by the bespectacled elite - the Boltons, Kerrys, Albrights, and Ramrod-Clintons who never reap the wages of their oh-so-smart-and-aggressive Big Ideas. In my King-For-24-Hours world, the first procedure would be a Constitutional amendment requiring a congressional declaration of war before a single dollar or weapon goes overseas, followed immediately by a congressional draft in which 10% of Congress is conscripted. And should the remaining 90% get itchy and start another war, another 10% gets a free uniform. Rinse and repeat.
The French elite had dreams, too, but in the summer of 1789 things changed. In history things have a way of snowballing, and if there were ever a time ripe for it, it's now.
Agreed. Mobs frighten me more than anything; once they get ginned up, you have no idea which direction they will go or what they will do. The only thing you know is that they cannot be controlled.
OTOH, I am so disgusted with our so-called leaders that I can't get certain fantasies out of my head; I hope and pray that if the balloon really does go up I will have the self-control not to participate.
NATO should have dissolved very shortly after the Soviet Union did. Instead it got March of Dimes syndrome. Once it had achieved its initial objective - said objective being both ambitious and important - it had to find other ways to justify its continued existence.
Denver, totally agree NATO should have been wound down in the 1990s.
Unfortunately, the Neocons captured the Clinton Administration and have been driving the forever wars/American Empire fantasy in every administration since (including DJT, but to a lesser extent).
The NATO expansion east towards Russia has been a disaster for America. Putin has been saying for years that any NATO expansion that includes Ukraine will be stopped by force, and Putin was true to his word.
The one thing Don left out of today’s article is that Trump lobbied the GOP, and Tiny Mikey Johnson in particular, to pass the atrocious bill funding the forever wars.
The inescapable conclusion is that Trump is firmly onboard with the forever wars/American Empire fantasy. No election will solve this, as they are just gonna do what they wanna do, voters be damned.
My advice is to start preparing for the inevitable collapse of this government that is out of control, and planning and fighting to shape what the next iteration of government will be on this landmass.
I suggest you visit N. S. Lyons’ Substack, “Upheaval,” as he is proposing a parallel society until this one collapses. There is hope!
Germany is the dark face in the woodpile. Two world wars. Hates Russia . Without Stalin in WWII, the allies would have had a more challenging time to conclude the hostilities in Europe. Think about it. Who was our ally in both world wars? Right. Go to the head of the class. RUSSIA. I opine, to hell with NATO and the EU, one of the same. Close all military bases in Europe. Bring the military personnel home. Those bases and the personnel thereto assigned (and their dependents) support the local economies.
Get off our backs, Europe and take care of you own stuff. Put the military we bring home on our own borders and stop the invasion of illegal aliens . Mexico is a terrorist state. Say it loudly Congress. Seal the border. Our hemisphere. Our responsibility.
The reactions on the floor of the HoR merely showed how right PDJT was and brought out all the idiocy of the yea voters.When a dem rep states the Uk-Russia border is our border but votes against added security on the US-Mex and is praised we are in trouble.Not all in on rep T.Massie but the fact house sgt at arms wants to fine him for posting the loons on line via X shows the depth of corruption.Great post Poca-Man and Putin needs 2 bullets plus wooden stakes for our MIC.
Ah…it isn’t going to matter in the near future. There was an “incident” at the Scranton munitions facility. There has been an “incident” at a munitions facility in Wales. Both of these places manufacture large-bore artillery, tank, and mortar rounds. As the saying goes, “once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.” Pretty soon all we are going to be able to send to Ukraine is $60,000,000,000 worth of “harsh language” to hurl at the Russians.
We have lost a couple refineries to 'unknown fires', a new one hasnt been built since the 1970s. We have lost a lot of meat packing plants. There have been a lot of weird infrastructure malfunctions going on and that is before a ship that should have had separate multiple steering and power functions hit a bridge that is critical.
American Historical Ignorance fills the pot of belligerence in Europe. Most don't know the squabble over Alsace-Lorraine, any more than that Ukraine was a creation of the Soviet/Bolshevik Communists Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev.
The U.S. would no more allow Mexico to encroach on their former lands taken by Military force to become U.S. states, than Russia is going to allow NATO to expand any further into Russian influence. Underneath the facade of "democracy" is a very nasty, underhanded USA that wishes to have the wealth of resources inside Russia (and to some extent the Ukraine).
GDP???? What a joke Western GDP has become since the days of Paul Samuelson. Owner's imputed rent and Government make up 50% of the GDP numbers (and no one taxes the Government).
More weapons is not a deterrent, it is an invitation to more Russian weapons. And endless strategy when Diplomacy would be the far more productive investment.
Biden is truly the best personification of what is left of the once decent, proud nation. We have a brain-rotten, line-reader for the inside rats controlling the Presidency.
The problem is that this is a problem that's been more than a hundred years in the making, and it’s hard to turn back the clock. Wilson, after claiming the opposite to get elected, dragged this country into WWI, at the point when Germany had already beaten Russia in the east, and the war on the western front was a dilemma stuck in a stalemate stuck in a quagmire. If at that time the US had stayed out, there would have had to be a settlement – all sides were exhausted, and the people were famished, to the point where parents had to abandon their children. In the town in the Netherlands where I grew up were several women – by then married to local Dutchmen – who during that war had come from Germany as starving little girls, and never went back to Germany (The Netherlands had stayed out of it, so conditions were tolerable there.) A settlement of WWI back then might have meant a few territorial gains for Germany – like the port of Antwerp – and everybody could have gone home. But no, Americans had been whipped into a furious anti-German frenzy, so the US threw the Founding Fathers’ warnings about not getting involved in other people’s wars to the wind; it intervened, rushed “Over There” and broke the stalemate. All at he behest of Wilson, one of the worst presidents ever, who boosted eugenics and racism, re-segregated the federal government while promoting it as the solution to all our problems, and created the federal income tax.
And what was the final result of Wilson’s intervention? True, finally everyone could go home – for a little while. But Germany was left in huge political turmoil, extremely angry about America having facilitated the European allies’ imposition of the vengeful Versailles treaty, with enormous payments to make and huge losses of German territory – next came the Great Depression, which originated here, and hit Germany too. Result: a miracle-worker by the name of Adolf Hitler who promised to set everything to rights, and did – for a little while. And then the US came and intervened, again. And once again, the peace was royally messed up, with Stalin getting all kinds of goodies from the left-leaning Roosevelt administration – no wonder he wanted more yet, so Hello, Cold War; and Putin was a product of THAT.
In the aftermath of WWII the Americans created NATO, as a defensive alliance against Russia, with the implicit promise of coming over and intervening again if need be.
Is it any wonder that the Europeans have not done their share of keeping up their militaries? Would you, if you’d gotten used to Uncle Sam picking up your messes, every time? And instead of complaining about funding the Ukrainian war, have you thought of a way to get out of this while neutralizing the Russian threat to Europe? O wait, I forgot, there is a way: The Time Machine that brings us back to 1914.
You missed the worst Disaster of Wilson. The Federal Reserve, where a select group was chosen to print money (front run) for themselves so they could buy (essentially for free, and before anyone else) anything their tiny hearts desired.
True, but once you start investigating Wilson there's no end to it. The sinking of the Lusitania off Ireland, which killed about more than 100 Americans on board, was a big argument for entering the war, but legally the Germans were justified in torpedoing the vessel, which was carrying ammo to Europe -- ammo that must have contributed to its surprisingly rapid sinking. And the Zimmerman telegram -- even if it was real, the idea that Mexico would be able to re-conquer America's Southwest was ludicrous.
Wilson was a piece of work - however, the treaty of Versailles was not Wilson's doing, and not what he wanted. It was a vengeful France and UK, angry for the whole mess starting in the first place that drove the terms you noted. Not the US.
I think it is also folly that something as significant as Antwerp would be easily given up. That is a bit of projection. Something was always going to blow up the order that existed, it was just a matter of what.
I know Wilson was unhappy with Versailles -- my point was simply that he had enabled it. And with regard to Antwerp - that's just speculation, because that's not the way history went.
True, he helped set the conditions that allowed it to happen, but I am always a bit worried about going to the next level of blame on hypotheticals, that was all.
I stared in disbelief at the image of dozens of Representatives cheering and waving Ukrainian flags on the floor of the House after voting to spend another $95,000,000 on the folly in Ukraine. These truly are people who are no longer my countrymen. Given the fact that about 70% of the populace is oposed to this warmongering giveaway as well as the "open border" policy currently in effect, I suggest that, rather than nationalizing the Presidential election as some wish to do, we should nationalize eletions for Senators and Representatives. Those who have been so keen on killing Ukrainians and Russians in Eastern Europe while holding the southern border of our own country wide open would probably all lose resoundingly.
Actually, just abolish the (unconstitutional) 17th Amendment, so that Senators are (once again) appointed rather than elected.
Then have each state pay ALL it's Senators' and Congresspersons' salaries and benefits - remove that whole tier of $$ from Washington, and have each state house monitor their representatives' bank accounts for any funny money coming in or going out.
You want to be a "public" servant? Fine - then your whole life becomes an open book for everyone to examine.
Great Idea. Will never happen. They are too well intrenched.
Good thoughts Rev.
On August 18, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment. With Tennessee's ratification, the 19th Amendment became law, ensuring that the right to vote could not be denied based on sex. I'm sorry. But I hadn't even been born yet. I was a lot happier when I didn't have to think about it. Thank the Suffragettes who left it for us to step in on the way to the Capitol. First, only males could vote; then property owners, then, and then and then.
Oy. As if!!
How can WE get this GREAT PLAN done, Rev. Mac? Is there any hope the "supremes" will step in and pretend to care that our lives, AND THEIR LIVES, are worthless? Do they fear any retribution from anyone? Iknow the DEI's are taught to believe they are Teflon Coated.
Just remarkable. 90% of DC is made up of truly repulsive people. Bought and paid for by special interests and controlled by the USIC. We are in really, really deep. And at this point probably no way of digging out.
I am heartened by your optimism. I would never have guessed that 10% of D.C.'s population is NOT repulsive. But if you say so. . .
The 10% are the ones who clean toilets, which seems repulsive until you compare them to Senators, three letter agency goons, etc.
It truly is incomprehensible.
I appreciate your comment and would like to respectively add that we nationalized the elections of Senators(17th amendment) and it has hurt us greatly.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your use of 'nationalize'. Have a great day!
A case can be made to repeal the 17th and 19th Amendments to the Constitution.
Yep, my single mother routinely talked about appealing the 19th in the 70's and 80's. Emotion should never be allowed to vote.
Your mom has wisdom.
Have you noticed that since suffrage, we’ve been in constant wars and have completely destroyed civil society? Just sayin
This all began to spin out of control when Woymen got the vote.
OK, John you had to know you would get this question..... are you talking about White Women or Black Women? OR, are We All the Same????? Go ahead, you stuck your neck out.... what do you say? LOL
There is a corollary issue linked with my earlier statement about things going eskew when women got the vote: that issue is SHOULD women get the vote? My personal feeling about that issue is that YES, women - as a part of our nation and contributors - as an identifiable group - to the advance or decline of our nation, however defined - should be able to participate in policy making of matters that affect our nation. I have a very good friend, female, retired professional person, smart, practicing jew, conventional wife (married to a practing Baptist, if that can be included as "conventional" marriage) with another very good friend of mine, male. I tease her with the women's vote linkage periodically (and husband usually covers his head with a sofa pillow or such and shuts his eyes). His wife once responded to my statement with this: "I hate to say it, but you're right: but I still wanta scratch your eyes out when you say it!" My statement you question carries no implication as to ethnicity (doesn't the US Census bureau say we are nearly all mongrels?) but it does specify biological sex of an identifiable group. Lets face it: women are wired by nature differently than men are wired, we do not behave the same in many dimensions. The behavior of female voters (and their crazy fellow travellers) vote a certain way from male voters (and our crazy fellow travellers). If we could get an homest count of honest votes the interaction between these two groups on election day (the only time we shold be allowed to vote and on paper ballot), our country would move in one general direction from that it would present, should the votes of biological females (and their biological crazies of whatever ethnicity) not be included in the voter mix. But you are included in voting and each of you (as each of us males) a unique set of characteristics, IQ, biases, experiences, and everything else. And that brings up another statement I will make: I believe in equal opportunity, but reject equal outcomes, as we are all different. If one rejects discrimination - defined how ever you want, one must pursue the golden rule that equals be treated equally. But, as in the case of most everything, there is a corollary golden to this statement, also: since individuals are not equals (not even before the law, as it seems here) UNEQUALS MUST ALSO BE TREATED UNEQUALLY - lacking that, discrimination exists.
To clarify, Senatorial elections were not "nationalied," but rather, were made subject to popular vote instead of election by each state's legislature. But my point was not so much that I favor nationalizing anything, especially in regard to voting, but to point out that there is an inexplicable divergence between what the vast majority of all the people in the country want and what their so-called "elected representatives" have done in connection with our border and financing the Russo-Ukraine war. But your point is certainly well taken.
Completely agree about the divergence and it really pisses me off. Republicans have campaigned for 35 years on immigration control, cutting regulations, cutting spending, et al and Donald Trump comes along and actually does most of these things and they hate him for it. Further verifies many 'republicans' are neo-liberals serving globalist lobbyists.
Yes, So then, We need TRUMP to get us out of this?... and maybe lots of weapons and free rides to where the 'evil politicians' hang out? We also need the 'Supreme Court' to GET BACK TO WORK AND DO THE JOB THEY SIGNED ON FOR.... WITH CONSTITUTIONAL RESPECT GUIDING THEM. That is a Tall Order for the group, I fear.
I would not want to move away from having Senators elected by popular vote. If they were to be "appointed", including by state legislators, they would be appointed mostly by party insiders, by "the Club", and we would be in an even worse position than we are in now.
Perhaps, but the upper chamber would be controlled by Republicans almost exclusively. That would have stopped most of the welfare state and socialist nonsense in its tracks decades so.
Where would the "upper chamber" be controlled by Republicans almost exclusively"? And even if it is, why would you trust those Republicans to speak for you?
No, it doesn't matter who controls the legislature, Republicans or Democrats-- it would still be a small group of people (just a couple hundred legislators at most, depending on how each state's constitution designated it) electing the Senator for a state, instead of the state's entire population. It would be a tight crony-system, not at all a representative democracy.
"Appointment" of Senators would be a huge step backwards-- greatly lessening accountability.
The make up of legislatures shows that republican controlled states would have the majority of senators. In 2023, 28 states were Republican, that’s 56 senators.
As originally designed, the senator is the representative of the state legislature, not the people. The senator is allied with the legislature. The House is how the people voice their opinion. The senate was there to ensure the various states’ interests were not overwhelmed by the federal and fickle people in the house. The Executive Branch represents the interests of the federal government.
This is the true 3-legs of checks and balances apart from the Executive, Congress and Supreme Court.
Had we not allowed the progs to amend the Constitution in 1913, we would be nowhere close to the dysfunction we see today. Cooler heads would have prevailed in those special times in our history.
Aside from the fact that we elect psychopaths to office at all levels.
I vote for a clean sweep. Get rid of every elected official. No politician is sacred, they all must go. And while we're at it, remodel the joint. Remove the center aisle from both houses.
Another ‘None of the above’
This latest capitulation by the Repubs in both sides of Congress is a wake up call, for me at least. If the upcoming election isn’t a shocking MAGA wave (screw Republican, conservative, blah, blah, yadda , blah), then I can’t see any political way forward. If every RINO isn’t replaced, then what good are the true patriots qua politicians.
I can only see a way forward that has a steadfast minority of solid Patriots who, having no political clout, serve only as prophetic voices in the wilderness, around which a desperate nation can possibly coalesce and replace RINO Nation.
Hopefully the Freedom Caucus can transform into that.
If that is isolationism, so be it. The hand we’re currently playing is a loser.
"Hopefully the Freedom Caucus can transform into that."
From my vantage point, they are moving away from anything resembling freedom. Aside from an occasional stern look on the news cycle, and leading another slow, worthless, expensive Congressional hearing, they slumber in the sunshine like sea lions.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that too
The Freedom Caucus is not a force, more dysfunctional than anything. Some well-meaning people in it but they have no leadership with a long-term purpose. Let's just face reality, the GOP is a dead horse we keep trying to drag across the finish line every two years. They don't hear us because they don't want to do so.
You and I agree on this. I’m sick of going year after year after decade trying to get the GOP more conservative. Not going to happen. First time in my life I am going to leave the party and go Independent, a thing I swore I would never do. They left me. It is time for a “truth social new party” representing conservatives. I hope DJT reads this blog.
Somebody in his camp does. Too many coincidences of stuff Don writes finding its way into DJT’s pronouncements.
Let’s hope so. Everything needs to be reborn at some point or at least rebuilt and our two party system is way past their sell by date. The GOP has been sick for decades and it is time to let it die. I believe that a majority of people in this country are sick of the two parties actions. Maybe its time for all those people to get off their collective lazy butts and march on DC demanding they follow their platforms or we collectively will seek alternatives. It wouldn't work of course because “the country” to those folks is that land inside the beltway. Why would they change? They make the rules and decide outcomes, so why would they change? Nope, Im convinced the two parties need to become but a footnote in our history and new parties replace them. After all, when the public stops buying a product like EVs, what happens? Something comes along to replace it that they will buy. We are a broken country today and the vote on Ukraine/Israel aid says it all.
But Reddog, you don't seriously want Trump to start a new party right now, do you, in May of 2024? One, it's far too late in the process for 2024. Impossible to organize, set up state chapters, get on the ballot for primaries (that most states have already held), even to get on the ballot in all 50 states for the general, etc. Trump has already won the nomination for 2024 in the existing Republican Party.
And Two, right now, in 2024, he has his hands rather full with "a few court cases". And, he is playing the lead role in trying to marshal our forces nationally for the 2024 election. If Trump becomes President in November, this topic will be moot, because the old Republican party will be dead by the end of his term, fully overturned by MAGA (including a second RINO-purging in 2026).
I think from the tone of today's comments by everyone, that folks are feeling kind of exhausted and frustrated. I totally understand. But it is kind of ironic, that today there are several comments about how it was a mistake to give women the vote, because they are too emotional. There's alot of emotion on the male side today as well!
But that's fine! It's normal--no bad reflection on anyone right now, male or female. Given how long we've been enduring this onslaught by the Communist Left, it is very reasonable to feel negative emotions. One wouldn't have a pulse if they didn't feel bad about all this.
I trust everyone will take a breath and refresh their energies for the pivotal battle of the next 6 months. Yes, America is disintegrating. But you have to admit the Democratic party is disintegrating too--they are seriously split over pro-con Hamas, and many other chickens are coming home to roost too. We cannot see the overall outcome at this point-- things are too close to call.
Jesus: "In the world, ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
I said nothing of starting a new party now. It isn't going to happen during a DJT administration either, but it will happen eventually. As for men supposedly bashing emotional women, don't trust people's alias names as gender correct. They aren't always. I have two friends with alias that imply a male but they are not so. They are both conservatives. And they are some of the hardest commenters when it comes to women I have ever heard. I'm not taking a deep breath, that doesn't fix anything. But I am walking away from the GOP-ish. They let me down for the last time. You think the Dem party is disintegrating but it's not, it's just morphing into a true socialist party because they can no longer sell their ideology to anyone. But the GOP is doing the same, becoming sort of a Democrat party 2.0, which is much easier for them to do than actually work to fix anything. There is no Cavalry coming to save us anytime soon. We are like Custer and surrounded now. If Trump gets another term he will be faced with the same if not worse attacks that he got the first time around and little of substance will be fixed. It is unfair to expect Trump to fix this. Until enough Americans get up and take to the streets that it gets peoples attention in DC and they worry about reelection, it will not change.
Well said, about the Democrats "morphing into a true socialist party" and "the GOP becoming a Democrat party 2.0"; or I would say, revealing its true colors as a Democratic-lite party.
As to "Americans...taking to the streets"--it's very hard to guess how that would turn out. My gut says the Dems are trying to provoke us to take to the streets, and have a plan in place to take advantage of two-sided "protesting". Probably very vicious retaliation to "nip revolution in the bud".
But it does seem like so far no Dems have been held accountable in any serious way. I suspect they genuinely think they will pay no consequences for what they have done and are doing. I think they really believe they can "psyops" us into surrender.
I think there should be more focus on the primary elections and we should try to vote out these RINO's. Here in WV I can think of no national level incumbents who deserve re-election.
It's waaaaaaaay past being a wake-up call.
My wife says I have the gift of sleep
Some RINOs will be replaced, but there will still be some to be dealt with. Both the House and the Senate will be more MAGA. But there will be more work to do in the 2026 elections.
Well stated, Steve Boggs. Will the Caucus perform well or just lie down in uselessness?
Good question.
I think until the RINOs are gone we’ll need some coalition of sane Republicans to stand apart. ( I’m tired of the term RINO. Maybe we’re the RINOs. Let’s start calling them the Kristol Goldbergs. Or maybe you’ve got a better name.)
Do you mean will it start performing well again or just continue to lie down in uselessness? Who knows? Balls in there court.
I like the Kristol Goldbergs, THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR. The term RINO is useless now, no one is insulted by it. Time for a change they will pay attention to. Might have to drop a hint onto the little boy wearing the large Rolex...he would have to listen to a bit of KG;s thoughts.... could be interesting...
I think most western militaries today are being designed mainly as forces against their own citizens to counteract uprisings as more and more of them wake up to what their bereft politicians and bureaucrats are doing to them.
The reason Death Sentences are being handed to J6 protesters is the Apparatchiks in the Independent Nation of DC are running scared. And so they should be. No one is going to come to their aid.
You mean like this? Yeah, DEI is not helping our military either.
Look back at history and you will see that take place time and again.
There is certainly evidence to suggest that for sure.
Great piece Don.
We talked Ukraine/NATO in 2008 and Putin invaded Georgia. We overthrew a democratically elected pro-Russia President(Yanukovych) in 2014 and talked Ukraine/NATO and Putin took Crimea. We overthrew Poroschenko and installed Zelensky and talked Ukraine/NATO; Russia invaded Ukraine.
Russia told us in the 90's: 'we will not tolerate Western missiles on our border' and we still tried and collected billions...
The worst thing is there is absolutely NO accountability anywhere.... especially for the dead soldiers.
Media and the Internet are nearly 100% controlled by Monopolies whose succor comes from Government Money and Favors. The appearance of stability is what they want while ignoring the pot near boiling point.
History is a brutal teacher.
Yep, and we are the frogs in the pot.
I often wonder how many members of congress have ever viewed Ike's speech upon leaving the WH? Maybe it should be mandatory for all members every year.
Heaven forbid they be subjected to knowledge from experience.
Former President Eisenhower was a friendly but shrewd and tough guy and if he were alive today, I would imagine he would be speaking fire and brimstone to congress for what they are doing to the country he helped save. So would Harry Truman, a completely under rated president. Now we have Joe Biden who is not even qualified to shine either former presidents shoes. God help us, Marlan.
I like to believe he will and is Reddog.
$60 billion here, a trillion there. What comes after a trillion? Quadrillion? Number 1 followed by 15 zeroes. LOL. What the hell, it's just a number. Our grandchildren will be happy to pay it off, right? And BTW, when was the last time we saw a congressional Democrat waving an American flag?
And Biden is using the funny money to keep the GDP up out of recession territory. So he prints the money to give to Ukraine, Ukraine 'uses' the money to buy all the arms ect (and politicians), there by the selling then is recorded as goods sold by the US and walla we have a GDP. Unfortunately you can only wallpaper the Economy so long before it hits hard.
Or using funny money to bankrupt and destroy USA and turn on the digital only approach?
I love this writing style. Biting humor. At least a get a chuckle reading Don Surber and Mark Steyn while knowing their articles are documenting the demise of western civilization. Unless we wake up.
Yes. Love the "DC scum". I know there are a whole bunch of 4 letter words to describe these worthless bags of s--t. But scum is most apropos.
I like your description better.
Nah - we're done - stick a fork in us.
We aren't done until we give up. Not going to happen.
“NATO cannot fight a foreign war when it is under attack … from within.” And neither can we. There is a reason we have borders and oceans. We need to seal them and let Europe take care of itself.
An awful lot of military aged men coming across our open border...... To bad the FBI is too busy chasing Grandmas.
We need to return them all. Anyone in this country illegally needs to be gone. Prioritize terrorists, criminals, men of military age. They have one chance to tell us where they are from so we can return them. Don't tell us and we'll pick a country. DNA Swabs for every one. Countries that don't take them back get squeezed - cut off from all aid. And we drop them into those countries covertly. It's not that hard. We also close the border to Mexico. No one comes in other than US citizens making legal crossings. And if we need to, close the border to Mexico to everyone and everything - including commerce. We've got a 3rd world banana republic dictator down there trying to tell ole weak knees spineless JB what to do. That ends Jan 22nd.
Amen, Dennis.
The border towns wouldn't like that. A lot of Mexicans visit there to shop.
We're either secure or we're not. Right now we're not. When we're secure again, we can open it again with proper controls.
sometimes one must make tough choices
Not only the military aged men from foreign soil. Or own young men will eventually strike out. It’s already happening in the urban areas. DC will be fighting an ideological war, a religious war and a civil war at home.
It is a message from the FBI and government to us. We need to pay attention.
It keeps getting harder to stay positive.
“What? Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!...It ain't over now, 'cause when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. Who's with me? Let's go! Come on!” - Bluto Blutarsky -
...the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor..."
He's on a roll
You get me. LOL
“National Lampoon’s Animal House” - 1978 -
A classic that should be shown to Congress every year so they can see how we view their work.
Writers always face the problem of whether or not to mark obvious Sarcasm.
Some days are harder than others. But WE will not give up. WE WIL NEVER EVER GIVE UP. there is no point or reason to give in, or give up. KEEP GOING! STRONGER TOMORROW!!!
Good morning, all.
Our "betters" in D.C. have already warned us about what will come: they will continue to bankrupt our country, and send our children - NOT theirs, of course - to die. In order to line their pockets, of course.
All while denouncing you for not using proper pronouns, or treating mentally ill men like women, you bigot, you!
They are terrified of what might happen if we unite against their nonsense; after all, we rather outnumber them, no? Why do you suppose their goal is to divide and distract?
Look to the future, my friends, and act accordingly. What kind of world are we gonna leave to Keith Richards, huh? ;D
Have a good day, everybody.
"What kind of world are we going to leave Keith Richards" Coffee all over my screen. LOFL
I learned from a couple days ago and put the coffee down BEFORE reading the comments.
Kv reads Surber too much.
Our greatest mistake was winning World War II which left a vast MIC on the hunt for new dragons to slay. Germany's greatest mistake was allowing AH to involve them in a war they couldn't win. Once the German Army became embroiled in a war of attrition with the Red Army the handwriting was on the wall. Stalin had an inexhaustible supply of manpower & he expended them profligately. Look @ the casualty figures: U.S. KIA in World War II was 435,000. The Red Army incurred 3.5 million casualties in the first 3 months of Operation Barbarossa alone. Germany was far better pre-1945. The rest of Europe never got over World War I & they had no stomach for a redo.
What is especially frightening is that this world has the worst "elites" certainly since 1914 & most likely of all time. Their cluelessness is only eclipsed by their overindulgence in frivolity, the mundane, & the sordid. Who in their right mind would obey/follow these people into gunfire or trust in their grasp of a particular geopolitical situation/crisis? One can make the claim with metaphysical certitude that they will make exactly the wrong decisions for the physical well-being of their respective countries no matter at what price. The West has lost its way & now seemingly wants to commit suicide.
Don't see how we vote our way out of this; once the West turned its back on God we could only be sundered.
Yes. And those elites wonder why they can't get any young men to enlist. Maybe it's hard to sell to a young man full of piss and vinegar the idea that he should lay his life on the line for a man in a dress.
Nor do they want to enlist to fight for a Common Criminal in the Presidency, for Swindlers in Congress, and Cheaters in the Senate.
plus with DEI, they promise that young man, no raises, no forward progress and no chance of using the military to get ahead.
Hitler worked hard to take control of the German DC (Berlin), the media, and he sent brutal messages to opponents (January 6 protestors, Trump).
See any patterns yet?
There are messages being sent everyday. The ATF killed that airport manager the other day and no one had the required video cameras on. They could have easily arrested him without incident but didn't. That is a message to US. Same goes with DJT continual trials. Ther message is clearly directed to US. If NY can get Trump, they can do anything they want to anyone, inside or outside the law. Joe Biden left billions in war equipment for the terrorists in the Afghan retreat because he didn't want the fight to end with our pullout. Those are messages should we choose to read them.
and now we're leaving more in Niger as we exit there
And there goes my blood pressure again.
Paraphrasing the Right Reverend Jeremiah Wright, G_d, damn these people! And soon.
In my dotage I've read a lot of history, and one thing stands out: wars are never started by ordinary people. They and their children just pay for, fight and die in them. Wars are started by the bespectacled elite - the Boltons, Kerrys, Albrights, and Ramrod-Clintons who never reap the wages of their oh-so-smart-and-aggressive Big Ideas. In my King-For-24-Hours world, the first procedure would be a Constitutional amendment requiring a congressional declaration of war before a single dollar or weapon goes overseas, followed immediately by a congressional draft in which 10% of Congress is conscripted. And should the remaining 90% get itchy and start another war, another 10% gets a free uniform. Rinse and repeat.
Great idea but unfortunately in our dreams. But keep dreaming, sometimes they come true.
The French elite had dreams, too, but in the summer of 1789 things changed. In history things have a way of snowballing, and if there were ever a time ripe for it, it's now.
Not convinced enough people here have the will to do so. Time may tell.
Agreed. Mobs frighten me more than anything; once they get ginned up, you have no idea which direction they will go or what they will do. The only thing you know is that they cannot be controlled.
OTOH, I am so disgusted with our so-called leaders that I can't get certain fantasies out of my head; I hope and pray that if the balloon really does go up I will have the self-control not to participate.
You are comfortable with the ginned-up Mob in Washington?
NATO should have dissolved very shortly after the Soviet Union did. Instead it got March of Dimes syndrome. Once it had achieved its initial objective - said objective being both ambitious and important - it had to find other ways to justify its continued existence.
I fully believe DJT will pull us out of NATO if reelected. That will cause it to either get stronger or die. Im guessing the latter.
Denver, totally agree NATO should have been wound down in the 1990s.
Unfortunately, the Neocons captured the Clinton Administration and have been driving the forever wars/American Empire fantasy in every administration since (including DJT, but to a lesser extent).
The NATO expansion east towards Russia has been a disaster for America. Putin has been saying for years that any NATO expansion that includes Ukraine will be stopped by force, and Putin was true to his word.
The one thing Don left out of today’s article is that Trump lobbied the GOP, and Tiny Mikey Johnson in particular, to pass the atrocious bill funding the forever wars.
The inescapable conclusion is that Trump is firmly onboard with the forever wars/American Empire fantasy. No election will solve this, as they are just gonna do what they wanna do, voters be damned.
My advice is to start preparing for the inevitable collapse of this government that is out of control, and planning and fighting to shape what the next iteration of government will be on this landmass.
I suggest you visit N. S. Lyons’ Substack, “Upheaval,” as he is proposing a parallel society until this one collapses. There is hope!
Germany is the dark face in the woodpile. Two world wars. Hates Russia . Without Stalin in WWII, the allies would have had a more challenging time to conclude the hostilities in Europe. Think about it. Who was our ally in both world wars? Right. Go to the head of the class. RUSSIA. I opine, to hell with NATO and the EU, one of the same. Close all military bases in Europe. Bring the military personnel home. Those bases and the personnel thereto assigned (and their dependents) support the local economies.
Get off our backs, Europe and take care of you own stuff. Put the military we bring home on our own borders and stop the invasion of illegal aliens . Mexico is a terrorist state. Say it loudly Congress. Seal the border. Our hemisphere. Our responsibility.
Yeah. Funny how the same people who loathe Russia are the same people who want to turn the USA into something that will look a lot worse.
Aint that the truth !
The reactions on the floor of the HoR merely showed how right PDJT was and brought out all the idiocy of the yea voters.When a dem rep states the Uk-Russia border is our border but votes against added security on the US-Mex and is praised we are in trouble.Not all in on rep T.Massie but the fact house sgt at arms wants to fine him for posting the loons on line via X shows the depth of corruption.Great post Poca-Man and Putin needs 2 bullets plus wooden stakes for our MIC.
Ah…it isn’t going to matter in the near future. There was an “incident” at the Scranton munitions facility. There has been an “incident” at a munitions facility in Wales. Both of these places manufacture large-bore artillery, tank, and mortar rounds. As the saying goes, “once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.” Pretty soon all we are going to be able to send to Ukraine is $60,000,000,000 worth of “harsh language” to hurl at the Russians.
We have lost a couple refineries to 'unknown fires', a new one hasnt been built since the 1970s. We have lost a lot of meat packing plants. There have been a lot of weird infrastructure malfunctions going on and that is before a ship that should have had separate multiple steering and power functions hit a bridge that is critical.
The Republicans are expert at sending scolding letters!!!
American Historical Ignorance fills the pot of belligerence in Europe. Most don't know the squabble over Alsace-Lorraine, any more than that Ukraine was a creation of the Soviet/Bolshevik Communists Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev.
The U.S. would no more allow Mexico to encroach on their former lands taken by Military force to become U.S. states, than Russia is going to allow NATO to expand any further into Russian influence. Underneath the facade of "democracy" is a very nasty, underhanded USA that wishes to have the wealth of resources inside Russia (and to some extent the Ukraine).
GDP???? What a joke Western GDP has become since the days of Paul Samuelson. Owner's imputed rent and Government make up 50% of the GDP numbers (and no one taxes the Government).
More weapons is not a deterrent, it is an invitation to more Russian weapons. And endless strategy when Diplomacy would be the far more productive investment.
Biden is truly the best personification of what is left of the once decent, proud nation. We have a brain-rotten, line-reader for the inside rats controlling the Presidency.
The problem is that this is a problem that's been more than a hundred years in the making, and it’s hard to turn back the clock. Wilson, after claiming the opposite to get elected, dragged this country into WWI, at the point when Germany had already beaten Russia in the east, and the war on the western front was a dilemma stuck in a stalemate stuck in a quagmire. If at that time the US had stayed out, there would have had to be a settlement – all sides were exhausted, and the people were famished, to the point where parents had to abandon their children. In the town in the Netherlands where I grew up were several women – by then married to local Dutchmen – who during that war had come from Germany as starving little girls, and never went back to Germany (The Netherlands had stayed out of it, so conditions were tolerable there.) A settlement of WWI back then might have meant a few territorial gains for Germany – like the port of Antwerp – and everybody could have gone home. But no, Americans had been whipped into a furious anti-German frenzy, so the US threw the Founding Fathers’ warnings about not getting involved in other people’s wars to the wind; it intervened, rushed “Over There” and broke the stalemate. All at he behest of Wilson, one of the worst presidents ever, who boosted eugenics and racism, re-segregated the federal government while promoting it as the solution to all our problems, and created the federal income tax.
And what was the final result of Wilson’s intervention? True, finally everyone could go home – for a little while. But Germany was left in huge political turmoil, extremely angry about America having facilitated the European allies’ imposition of the vengeful Versailles treaty, with enormous payments to make and huge losses of German territory – next came the Great Depression, which originated here, and hit Germany too. Result: a miracle-worker by the name of Adolf Hitler who promised to set everything to rights, and did – for a little while. And then the US came and intervened, again. And once again, the peace was royally messed up, with Stalin getting all kinds of goodies from the left-leaning Roosevelt administration – no wonder he wanted more yet, so Hello, Cold War; and Putin was a product of THAT.
In the aftermath of WWII the Americans created NATO, as a defensive alliance against Russia, with the implicit promise of coming over and intervening again if need be.
Is it any wonder that the Europeans have not done their share of keeping up their militaries? Would you, if you’d gotten used to Uncle Sam picking up your messes, every time? And instead of complaining about funding the Ukrainian war, have you thought of a way to get out of this while neutralizing the Russian threat to Europe? O wait, I forgot, there is a way: The Time Machine that brings us back to 1914.
You missed the worst Disaster of Wilson. The Federal Reserve, where a select group was chosen to print money (front run) for themselves so they could buy (essentially for free, and before anyone else) anything their tiny hearts desired.
True, but once you start investigating Wilson there's no end to it. The sinking of the Lusitania off Ireland, which killed about more than 100 Americans on board, was a big argument for entering the war, but legally the Germans were justified in torpedoing the vessel, which was carrying ammo to Europe -- ammo that must have contributed to its surprisingly rapid sinking. And the Zimmerman telegram -- even if it was real, the idea that Mexico would be able to re-conquer America's Southwest was ludicrous.
Wilson was a piece of work - however, the treaty of Versailles was not Wilson's doing, and not what he wanted. It was a vengeful France and UK, angry for the whole mess starting in the first place that drove the terms you noted. Not the US.
I think it is also folly that something as significant as Antwerp would be easily given up. That is a bit of projection. Something was always going to blow up the order that existed, it was just a matter of what.
I know Wilson was unhappy with Versailles -- my point was simply that he had enabled it. And with regard to Antwerp - that's just speculation, because that's not the way history went.
True, he helped set the conditions that allowed it to happen, but I am always a bit worried about going to the next level of blame on hypotheticals, that was all.
Wilson was a disaster for sure.