Little published fact: fully 20% of the residents and workforce in Israel are Arab. 20% of the ruling Knesset are Arab. How many Jews live and work in Gaza, Egypt, Jordan, Iran? How many Christians?
As King Abdullah of Jordan explained on 10/17 after stating Jordan and Egypt would not take any Gaza refugees: "The answer lies with the Palestinians, and it always has. Had they accepted the 1948 partition, they would never have had to live for eight decades in camps. Had they chosen to pursue peace and engagement with Israel as a final outcome, they would have had their own state decades ago, along with tons of Western investment. Instead, the Palestinians have insisted on annihilating Israel and seizing the land “from the river to the sea,” and keep adding to their misery.”
"Living in refugee camps" is another term that is always tossed about without question when describing the Palestinians' situation. Funny, but Gaza doesn't look like a "camp" to me; most camps don't have paved roads and multi-story concrete and steel buildings. But the myth has to be served.
Israel is more humane to its Arab citizens (they have full rights) than neighbouring Muslim countries show the Palestinians. This problem isn't getting solved because the other side does not want it solved.
Israel had been assuming that Hamas was responsibly looking after their people, and that if they gave jobs to people in Gaza, the Palestinians would want to build their own community. As of this past year, 480,000 Gazans were given jobs in Israel. (Source for that number comes from the UN)
The Gazans who came to work for Israel gathered data on the homes in Israeli communities. They gathered data such as does the home have an alarm system? Does the home have a dog? How many men and how many women live in the home? Do the owners have weapons? Do they have a safe room? This was done on many homes in the communities along the Gaza border.
How do they know this is what the Gazans did? Because of documents found on dead or captured terrorists. They showed the documents on the webinar. They were in Arabic, but the group running the webinar had an Arabic translator. These documents had detailed descriptions of each home, and all those details were gathered by the Gazans who were supposedly working in Israel.
By the way, the operation Al Aqsa Flood has an interesting derivation. Al Aqsa is the mosque built directly over where the Jewish temple of Solomon had existed. The Al Aqsa mosque has been a rallying cry for the murder of Jews for the last 100 years. The flood, or tufan, in Arabic comes from a Koranic sura which reads, "The wicked of the world shall be washed away in the flood." This sura is quoted underneath where on the documents Tufan Al Aqsa is written.
The documents the Gazans carried gave explicit instructions to each person as to what to accomplish. The first goal was to murder as many Jews as possible. Then they were directed exactly how to commit the murders, i.e., who to burn, how many to burn, etc. The second goal was to cause as much destruction as possible. And third they were directed to film everything in order to cause as much demoralization of the Jews as possible.
Another goal was the taking of hostages, with the goal of "ending the siege of Gaza." The reason Palestinians say Gazans are under siege is that they believe that all the land of Israel is theirs, and since they are living in one small community instead of owning all of Israel, they say that is a siege.
Secondly, the Gazans believe that no Israelis are civilians. None. They look at Israelis all as if each of them is a soldier keeping them in "prison." No matter what the age of the Israeli. They are all "occupiers" because all of them, to their way of thinking, do not belong there. They view the Jews as living in the land that is their land.
Taking hostages is a war crime in and of itself.
But the idea that they would use Israeli civilians to exchange for terrorists who have been tried and convicted of mass murder is quite bizarre, but it fits with their delusional belief that the land is really theirs and does not in any way belong to Israel.
Think about the mindset of people who are so disconnected from reality that they believe they own Israel and all Jews are illegally living on their land. Not only that, they feel so outraged at feeling like victims of this massive crime that no amount of bloodshed is too much in order to get back what they believe is rightly theirs.
As far as international law goes, if a group of people commit war crimes constituting genocide, no country which has signed on to any of the genocide conventions is allowed to help them, re-supply them with any kind of aid. Therefore, the US is demanding that Israel break international laws by re-supplying Gaza.
In addition, if your country is the victim of war crimes, it is fully acceptable under international law to put that country under siege. You are required under international law to defeat those committing genocide by any means possible. In fact, there is no such thing as collateral damage in the situation in which a country has experienced a genocidal assault. Israel is required to do whatever they have to in order to defeat Hamas, and those who are caught in the crossfire who are injured or killed are not considered "collateral damage" which Israel should be held responsible for.
If. you want to hear more about the international rules that apply after a country has been attacked by a genocidal nation or group of people, then watch that webinar which explains all of this in very clear terms.
Especially as no Muslim country will take the Palestinians. Especially Egypt that has full responsibility for the Palestinians who are in the Sinai. The International Committee of the Red Cross says they can be anywhere in the world in 3 hours, and they have a mandate to return hostages. When asked about Gaza, the ICRC said "We aren't in Gaza because we haven't been invited. " The ICRC is actually in Gaza, but they are appallingly hypocritical about the fact that they say they need to be invited. Who would be the ones to invite them in? Well, the Israelis are not in charge of Gaza.. So they said, "Hamas would have to invite us." So how often does it happen that the people who take hostages will invite you in? They said nothing in response. They are completely antisemitic and treat Jews as if they are subhuman.
I thought I understood a lot about Israel and the Palestinians. This war has taught me so much about which we have been lied to over the years. Who knew that Gazans seeking work in Israel would be using every last minute of their time in Israel to case homes, one by one in order to commit genocide?
Who knew that the American Committee of the Red Cross was so double dealing? How many Americans have supported the Red Cross so they could exploit Israel and lead to the death of Israeli Jews in their "compassion?" Why isn't the Red Cross shamed and treated like any other Nazi organization by Americans? Because they lie and never tell Americans the truth. I've supported the Red Cross for years only to find this out about them now.
How many other so-called "compassionate" organizations lie to Americans in order to get money so they can assist in the genocide of Jews?
How many democrats and republicans in Congress get money so they can lie to us and support money laundering in Ukraine and Iran's desire to destroy the state of Israel?
And Joe Biden is tying aid to Ukraine with aid to Israel. Isn't that the most cynical ploy a small time thug can make? But he's not just any small time thug. He's a thug who has empowered Iran to create a conflagration in the Middle East.
Oh yes, and he wants a two state solution, so Israel will have to live next to a genocidal group of Palestinians who think all of Israel is their land, and that Israelis should be killed, every last one of them.
Unfortunately the democrat party has never once spoken back to the Ilhan Omars or AOCs or Rashida Tlaibs when they go on their anti-Israel rants. That makes them complicit in genocide in terms of international war.
Thank you Schlongtavious Lardmaster for your support of Israel. And thank you to everyone else here, who has taken the time to think through these issues, correct me, and offer their own interesting and incisive comments.
My thoughts on this "Over-crowding" of Gaza goes something like this:
So the population of the capital of Cambodia is nearly 10 times as crowded as Gaza City but somehow Palestinians are the ones who are unfairly packed in like sardines in a can, and not Cambodians.
I say:
If the Gaza strip is where ALL the trouble starts, bomb it into the stone ages and then there will be no more over-crowding OR terrorism. Problem solved.
I actually think that's exactly what Israel is intending. They're looking at guerrilla warfare, street to street, hidden location after hidden location. And besides indoctrinating children the Hamas has spent years devising tunnel systems to thwart any invasion. Pop up from behind system. WWII vet commented after viewing what the marines did clearing Fallujah Iraq, he said facing Japanese coming at them was nothing like they'd experienced. He actually said it looked terrifying. Israel knows very well what they're getting into so why rush. Reservists need time to ready themselves. Besides, Israel HAS to have contingencies if a total war breaks out. Any way you look at it it's going to be costly.
I heard an interview (probably a week afterwards on Steve Bannon’s War Room) where the guest observed that Israelis haven’t had a real war in 2 generations. The IDF soldiers of old had a clear understanding of the existential threat posed by, well, everyone. The current generation thinks we can all hold hands and sing Kumbaya and are suddenly faced with the bloody and harsh reality of genocidal maniacs who don’t want to coexist.
Why? It gives the terrorists a chance at survival. Personally, I am tired of reading mor hearing about whatever travesty has happened, so whatever Israel does to these devil worshippers is fine with me.
obama said ONE true thing about Biden. "Leave it to Biden to fuck things up.". Darlin' I don't know who you are but what really scares the hell out of me every night when I go to bed is knowing Biden has the launch codes to start WWIII. I pray to God that nothing gets worse and He has all of our best interests to do what has to be done and we all know it. May God Bless you and yours.
The Fight is not about land. When Jordan controlled West Bank, Palis weren’t blowing things up and killing Jordanians to get back their statehood. Jordan is ruled by a Hashemite minority. They aren’t Palis. Same deal with Egypt. Egypt held land that the Palis claim now was theirs, but there was no genocide. The land issue is a lie.
They want to kill all the Jews. They don’t want Jews in the Middle East. They forced Jews from their homes in every Islamic country, where they lived for a thousand years or more. Because Islam is the real apartheid. It’s not a
religion. It’s a religion inside of a political
System. The political system is: Muslims only.
Everybody else gets killed, converts, or becomes a slave. There is no peaceful coexistence. There is deception. And then there is murder. Islamists hate everybody else. Period.
Israel needs to do whatever it has to do. Fuck the UN and Biden and the liars in the media. The U.S. government can be a quite treacherous friend. Biden, the media, the Lefties all bought off. Same as China. The Arab oil sheiks fund this stuff and pay off our politicians to fight their battles in the ME. They see us as whores and mercenaries because we are easy to bribe. These guys rode around on camels until the West taught them to dig for oil, and made them trillionaires. The degenerate sheikhs whore around in Monaco and London then get pious on the private jet ride home.
There’s gonna be more trouble here. They’re just waiting. There’s only one side to be on in this war. The rest is bullshit.
Those yelling anti-colonial are the same who demand vagrants living in tents, pooping in the street, stealing from others, violence and destruction of people's property.
That is a return to the dark ages and tribal warfare
The left is very clever in how they select words to obscure their intention..
I say that the millions of invaders from central and South America and Africa and former-Persia are colonizing the part North America known as the USA for 250 years. While they are doing it they are de-civilizing everywhere they go and get to.
Good summary, Donald. If I may add... We are sending millions to Hamas while they have American hostages. Is there anything more obtuse or telling?
God Damn Joe Biden and the rest of his minions that occupied the Cannon building yesterday in support of terrorism, including the Capitol Police and the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation!
You want to label me a 'Domestic Terrorist'? Good, let's get it on.
I am sure he does, whether it be Hamas humanitarian aid or the 6B to Iran or wait, he slipped Iran 2.5B earlier..... that is just now being reported. And what about all that dirty Venezuela oil? that we could produce here for a lot less and in much cleaner processes?
It is not obtuse: it’s policy. The administration (whoever it is) wants Israel destroyed. It is happy to enable Hamas and Iran and/or anyone else to do it.
Let's see if we can get some fake journalists at the NYT, CNN, etc. to read Surber. If they have any conscience left at all, they will acknowledge their deceit. Don't hold your breath.
POLL: I still chose Hamas, because you can't overlook the power of religious hatred.
Islam is a phony religion, started by a 7th century Arab pervert. It has no historical, cultural or moral/philosophical basis beyond that. No wonder it's been so destructive for 1,300 years.
The Arabs are good at killing Jews, Gentiles and their own people. The other thing they’re good at lying. Compare Europe now and 100 years ago. Now Europe is in chaos because of all the Arabs who don’t want to assimilate and live there in peace. 100 years ago when Europe was full of Jews, they weren’t the problem( except to a small man from Passau Austria).
Sadly since American Jews have overall chosen the Democrat party to fund and support, they have chosen to oppose Israel's existence. I doubt this will change anything. I also doubt the "insurrection" this week will be treated like J6.
Of course, because of what the Ds push, they have also chosen to help destroy the US
As has been discussed here repeatedly, most “Jews” supporting the democrats are not religious at all. They may have Jewish parents, etc., but they are not observant.
Even lowlifes like Chuckie Schumer are now calling for the destruction of Hamas. Call me shocked. Let’s see if he keeps up the rhetoric
You hit the nail on the head Schlongy. As a non-religious Jew myself (Bar Mitzva’d like my father before me and my children after - went through the rituals but moved on from religion as soon as it wasn’t compulsory) I’ve seen first hand the Cognitive Dissonance among Reform Jews and those slightly less so. The first time I used the term “self-gassing Jews” with my wife she was appalled...several years later she’s come to be appalled by them.
I appreciate the thought Carolyn. Sadly, I refuse to go back and have severed all ties with my former congregation, which is where I observed this behavior. Former rabbi, who was otherwise a great guy, succumbed to TDS and other social diseases. The fact that he was a proud member of the local Planned Parenthood board didn’t endear me either. Every local congregation has rubbed me raw with sermons offending my sensibilities. So thanks, but no thanks. Besides, they probably wouldn’t appreciate the 9mm in my tallit bag that my wife insisted I bring whenever we attended services.
It's hard to separate the members or the leaders from our religion some times. Can you not find a more compatible group? I am we have our squabbles also, but luckily most are conservative and we don't talk politics in church. I don't blame you for carrying, especially with the anti-Jewish sentiments...we had some federal agents in our last congregation so I always felt safe. I'm going to start lessons again and carry!
It’s not as easy as that, Carolyn. I live over 50 miles from the nearest synagogue. It is reformed. The reformed movement has gender neutralized the prayers (no more Lord, King, father, etc) and give sermons on climate change. The reformed movement’s web page could have been stolen from the Democrat National Committee.
I am better off at home praying by myself or with my wife, in God’s presence.
Marty and Christopher are not alone.
I look at it as if I am being home schooled instead of attending public school in a blue state.
My daughter's Jewish boyfriend says he is culturally Jewish but is not religious. Is that the trend now? Is it like secular Christians? His parents are observant Jews.
Thanks, Mr. Lardmaster. Super interesting and informative. Cultural Judaism at least helps Jews be aware that they are Jews and be connected to Jewish life. It seems to be stronger than secular Christianity, which has left us with left-wing churches and celebrations for the "holiday season." Easter is pretty much a long weekend now. Ultimately, the secularness is the watering down of both religions and diminishes the central tenets of each. What then is the answer for both Jews and Christians to the growing (?) secular nature of their religions? I don't know. Each of must decide what our religions mean to us and how we honour and celebrate them. There certainly needs to be a return, in my opinion, to traditional teachings (some at least) and the proper honouring of our respective holy days. It's a tall task. There's no point letting perfect be the enemy of good, which leaves the door open to secular Jews. Many Christians are already there. We are, as I have said many times, collectively turning away from God. Why?
The answer is to turn to or return to the Lord Jesus Christ and to follow the path of Messianic Jews, secular Christians and Jews respectively.
Jews are God’s chosen people. They have rebelled forever and suffered greatly. Read Daniel. Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah for starters. They will suffer again.
As CS Lewis wrote, Jesus was either a lunatic, a liar or God’s son. The well attested resurrection gives 100% credence to the third. He is the Don of God, and God himself.
Read Isaiah 52, last 4 verses and Isaiah 53.
If Jews don’t turn to Jesus now, some will during the tribulation. But, there will be enormous suffering for all people during that 7 year period.
I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you. The USA will be cursed because of the Marxist anti Israeli misadministration support for the terrorists and Iran!
I totally second MartyB's comments about our co-religionists. As someone said a long time ago, Reform Judaism is nothing but the Democrat party at prayer.
Thank you Don Surber for countering lies with truth.
The Biden administration not only funded this war by giving billions of dollars to Iran, but also the Biden administration took definitive actions to prevent Israel from getting the intelligence they needed to prevent this war. The Biden administration paid people in Lebanon to out 17 Israeli spies who could have reported on Hamas getting hang glider training from Hizb'allah there.
Apparently Hamas started to prepare this war after Biden's disastrous botched Afghanistan exit.
The timing of the actual assault on Israel most likely had to do with the possibility of Israeli-Saudi rapprochement. For Iran, that meant potentially being surrounded by Muslim states who were joining with Israel in solidarity to prevent Iran's hegemonic aspirations.
The Obama Biden administration considers Iran, Hizb'allah, and Hamas to be allies. It considers Israel to be an adversary, but they create a tissue of lies to make it appear that they support Israel.
In fact, the Biden administration has totally boxed in Israel. Israel needs bunker busting bombs from the US in order to destroy Hamas' military infrastructure which is located in underground tunnels throughout Gaza. But Biden told Israel they will get no ordnance unless they open a humanitarian corridor, which is doublespeak for allowing Hamas to re-supply.
While Hizb'allah shells Israel from the North, the Biden administration said they will not support Israel if they get in a war with Hizb'allah.
And the Biden administration is going to force a Two State Solution on Israel, which means forcing Israel to live side by side with genocidal maniacs who will be promoted into having their own state.
I think Americans need to know that the Obama Biden Administration want Israel to be destroyed, and have Muslims take over all the land of Israel. They want Muslims in control of Jerusalem. They want the Middle East ruled by Iran. They are doing everything in their power to accomplish this.
Israelis concluded long ago that the Palestinians are not interested in peace with Israel. They want ALL OF ISRAEL. That is why the Two State Solution is incompatible with Israel's survival. It is not as if the Palestinians would be a regular country willing to live in peace side by side with Israel. It would be like Israel being forced to live next to Nazi Germany, a country with the goal of wiping Israel off the map.
The Palestinian chant is "From the river to the sea all of Palestine will be free." That means from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea, Palestinians want all of that land. Every person who supports the Palestinians and joins in this chant, might as well be saying, "Heil Hitler."
If Israel survives this war, which is a war for survival of the state of Israel, they will need a new paradigm, as Don Surber said above. They can no longer depend upon a US government that has betrayed them so completely. Either they will have to manufacture their own weaponry or they will have to purchase it from a country that will not micromanage their use of it. Israel has always thought of the US as their closest ally. The reality now is that the US government, not the American people, but the US government is their enemy.
I am not sure that all Muslims want Iran to control the Middle East. Do Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain want that? Not sure. Although it's clear that all would prefer the destruction of Israel.
You are right, the Sunni states of the Middle East have decided that Iran is the big threat in the Middle East, and that is how the Abraham Accords came about: they realized that they have more in common with Israel than with Iran. The problem for Israel and the Sunni states comes when the US government acts against the interests of Israel and the Sunni states, and becomes allied with Iran against them all. This causes a fracture between them, because in the past, Israel has remained allied to the US. The Sunni states are left more or left to their own devices. The way they see it, they are going to go with the "strong horse" whichever that country is. That is why Saudi Arabia worked with China to at least appear to be reconnecting or improving their relationship with Iran. Once the US shows refusal to support these countries like Obama and Biden did, they have to look elsewhere. And if they see Iran is becoming the "strong horse" in the Middle East, they will feel they have to back away from Israel and appear to support Iran. This is how devastating the Obama policy has been. Instead of his being a force for peace in the middle east, his policies which have continued under Biden support ISLAMIC TERRORISM. Now the Sunni States have been trying to get rid of the terrorists in their countries, and here comes Biden, cozying up to and empowering the biggest source of Islamic terror in their neighborhood. Obama Biden have created this scenario by empowering Iran, and by fomenting Islamic terrorism.
Genesis 12:3 says “I, (God), will bless those who bless you (Israel) and I will curse those who curse you. Prepare to be cursed by the Creator of the Universe, America. Turn to Jesus before it is too late.
This is so obvious I feel funny having to repeat it. These animals love the concept of death, the 72 virgins (or raisins or whatever the f) and life ever after flying around on carpets and who knows what else… Its a fabricated religion using bits and pieces of Judaism and Christianity. The parts of their so-called religion that don’t fit in with Christianity or Judaism are filled in with the musing of of a pedophilic psychopath.
They think the rest of us are the lowlifes. If Christianity had won the Crusades, and modern Israel had never existed, they’d be getting the same treatment as the Jews. For reference check out the treatment of the Copts, the Armenians in Turkey and the history of Cypress, and anywhere decent countries either abut muslim countries or have a muslim population that approaches (or exceeds) 20%.
The leftists, their individual subsidiaries (LGBTQ’s, Unions, Teachers) and media, love hammering Israel whenever it has finally had enough of the muslim bullshit and stands up for itself. They lie about the truth, they make up lies and they used to photoshop the shit out of any photo they could find but now with AI they can just make them up out of whole cloth.
The truth is we don’t know how many are over here in NA. Trudeau brought about 30,000 (I think) of them over here when the war between themselves in Syria led to pics of these poor wretched looking souls hit the world wide media (attention Virtue Signalling Alert). Uneducated, untrained in anything useful to NA society, no communication skills, no record of ever having attended school, and in most cases no birth certificates. A year later one of the reporters asked whatever moron was the head of immigration at the time how the gov’t was tracking them and where they were…the answer was a confused, stunned look and crickets. They had no idea. And yet they continue to fill every immigration Quota with them to the exclusion of anyone else
You guys have Michigan, New York, and Minnesota. Did I hear No-Go Zones!!! Now with the wide open Southern Border the situation is so dire that IF there is an election and IF T gets in and IF he makes it as far as the Whitehouse, you need to ask yourself how is he going to clean the mess up before the muslims start shooting back!
Israel needs to ignore the rest of the world and do what it must to finally settle this once and for all. Turn Gaza into a parking lot. Give the so-called Palestinians in the so-called West Bank an option to either become Israeli citizens or drive them to the Jordanian border (the true Palestinian state) and create a 25 mile DMZ in south Lebanon (you can do the same thing in Mexico by the way but I suggest 150 miles). And finally…turn Iran into a radioactive ashtray!
Tough poll today. (Give the cat an extra treat.) I chose the media because the lies they spew daily convince the gullible.
Oh, and I've recently seen reports that the explosion happened in a parking lot next to the virtually unscathed hospital and that there were only 5 or 6 deaths.
I chose the media too, but would have preferred an “all of the above”.
The “Palestinians” are to blame for all of their problems. They have miles and miles of waterfront property which could have made the entire Gaza Strip wealthy as a tourist destination, but they chose to support terrorism and live as parasites off the rest of the Middle East instead. They are vermin and deserve to be treated as such because they elected Hamas as their government and would reelect them given the opportunity.
I believe that it was Golda Meir who said something like “terrorism will end when the Muslims decide to love their children more than they hate Jews.”
Yes, it was a misfire Islamic Jihad missile I believe. And it did kill just a handful of people. And our media dutifully reported it as the Hamas Public Relations office asked them to.
I might have added a 4th entity of responsibility on this: Barry Obama. He started this “Arab Spring” and now it has morphed to the current situation. Puddinghead and his band of incompetents aren’t capable enough to think this through. Barry and his handlers are. And a larger war is coming.
He said she said and on and on it goes, never endIng continuous bickering. The smart thing to do is cut off their water, food and whatever, kick the Jew hating media out, and then re visit it 3 months later. The door to door CQ combat should be easier, especially after you starve these bastards. We've all seen them hide behind women and children, send them out sacrificially to explode themselves in the name of allah. Isn't quite obvious that these folks just do not give a damn of not only others but even of themselves. Not sure what Biden said to Bibi, only can conjecture it was not any good, as has been his M.O. here. Once again I'll point out that we have our own problems here, the borders, the 33 trillion in debt, the woke military, the trannies, etc etc etc etc etc. I'm tired of funding this insane shit, the Imperial City gonna float 100 billion to these ass clowns. WFU America, end thiis shit show now.
It's getting to the point where I just don't care any more. I'm sure if you look to South Africa you'll find atrocities too. Enough. Not my circus not my animals. Let Israel handle their affairs. We have enough issues to deal with right here at home
Stop funding everyone! We're completely bankrupt. Yet we take out loans to send billions to people that hate us. What other country taxes their citizens and sends that $$ to others? It's madness
THIS! 95% of Washington politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, and journalists are in Washington for one and only one reason: To get themselves rich. They have no morals. They have no ethics. They have no integrity. They get us into wars, they foment racial hatred, they spend as much money as they possibly can to benefit their families and their big money corporate contributors. They don't give one damn about the voters or the small money contributors. This is the reason why so many things in Washington do not make sense. They are not stupid. They are not confused. They know exactly what they are doing.
Unfortunately Israel handling its own affairs depends on US manufacturing and supplying of weapons. Both Winkin Blinkin and President Puddinghead are making demands on Israel that are counter to solving the problem.
Don says that Joe Biden is a plain old-fashioned anti-Semitic Democrat. I say he's more than that. He arrests and imprisons his political opponents. He restricts free speech and wants to confiscate our guns. He increasingly controls all energy, food, and transportation means and the manufacturing of products American need and use.
That makes Joe Biden, like Mussolini and Hitler, a Fascist.
Little published fact: fully 20% of the residents and workforce in Israel are Arab. 20% of the ruling Knesset are Arab. How many Jews live and work in Gaza, Egypt, Jordan, Iran? How many Christians?
As King Abdullah of Jordan explained on 10/17 after stating Jordan and Egypt would not take any Gaza refugees: "The answer lies with the Palestinians, and it always has. Had they accepted the 1948 partition, they would never have had to live for eight decades in camps. Had they chosen to pursue peace and engagement with Israel as a final outcome, they would have had their own state decades ago, along with tons of Western investment. Instead, the Palestinians have insisted on annihilating Israel and seizing the land “from the river to the sea,” and keep adding to their misery.”
The Palestinians have Hamas running things and we have the Democrats. We're both screwed.
"Living in refugee camps" is another term that is always tossed about without question when describing the Palestinians' situation. Funny, but Gaza doesn't look like a "camp" to me; most camps don't have paved roads and multi-story concrete and steel buildings. But the myth has to be served.
Israel built most of that. The Palestinians are working to tear it all down. Occasionally they invite the Israelis to join them.
"Occasionally they invite the Israelis to join them."
LOL! Love it!
Israel is more humane to its Arab citizens (they have full rights) than neighbouring Muslim countries show the Palestinians. This problem isn't getting solved because the other side does not want it solved.
Page Turner,
I found out the following during this webinar:
Israel had been assuming that Hamas was responsibly looking after their people, and that if they gave jobs to people in Gaza, the Palestinians would want to build their own community. As of this past year, 480,000 Gazans were given jobs in Israel. (Source for that number comes from the UN)
The Gazans who came to work for Israel gathered data on the homes in Israeli communities. They gathered data such as does the home have an alarm system? Does the home have a dog? How many men and how many women live in the home? Do the owners have weapons? Do they have a safe room? This was done on many homes in the communities along the Gaza border.
How do they know this is what the Gazans did? Because of documents found on dead or captured terrorists. They showed the documents on the webinar. They were in Arabic, but the group running the webinar had an Arabic translator. These documents had detailed descriptions of each home, and all those details were gathered by the Gazans who were supposedly working in Israel.
By the way, the operation Al Aqsa Flood has an interesting derivation. Al Aqsa is the mosque built directly over where the Jewish temple of Solomon had existed. The Al Aqsa mosque has been a rallying cry for the murder of Jews for the last 100 years. The flood, or tufan, in Arabic comes from a Koranic sura which reads, "The wicked of the world shall be washed away in the flood." This sura is quoted underneath where on the documents Tufan Al Aqsa is written.
The documents the Gazans carried gave explicit instructions to each person as to what to accomplish. The first goal was to murder as many Jews as possible. Then they were directed exactly how to commit the murders, i.e., who to burn, how many to burn, etc. The second goal was to cause as much destruction as possible. And third they were directed to film everything in order to cause as much demoralization of the Jews as possible.
Another goal was the taking of hostages, with the goal of "ending the siege of Gaza." The reason Palestinians say Gazans are under siege is that they believe that all the land of Israel is theirs, and since they are living in one small community instead of owning all of Israel, they say that is a siege.
Secondly, the Gazans believe that no Israelis are civilians. None. They look at Israelis all as if each of them is a soldier keeping them in "prison." No matter what the age of the Israeli. They are all "occupiers" because all of them, to their way of thinking, do not belong there. They view the Jews as living in the land that is their land.
Taking hostages is a war crime in and of itself.
But the idea that they would use Israeli civilians to exchange for terrorists who have been tried and convicted of mass murder is quite bizarre, but it fits with their delusional belief that the land is really theirs and does not in any way belong to Israel.
Think about the mindset of people who are so disconnected from reality that they believe they own Israel and all Jews are illegally living on their land. Not only that, they feel so outraged at feeling like victims of this massive crime that no amount of bloodshed is too much in order to get back what they believe is rightly theirs.
As far as international law goes, if a group of people commit war crimes constituting genocide, no country which has signed on to any of the genocide conventions is allowed to help them, re-supply them with any kind of aid. Therefore, the US is demanding that Israel break international laws by re-supplying Gaza.
In addition, if your country is the victim of war crimes, it is fully acceptable under international law to put that country under siege. You are required under international law to defeat those committing genocide by any means possible. In fact, there is no such thing as collateral damage in the situation in which a country has experienced a genocidal assault. Israel is required to do whatever they have to in order to defeat Hamas, and those who are caught in the crossfire who are injured or killed are not considered "collateral damage" which Israel should be held responsible for.
If. you want to hear more about the international rules that apply after a country has been attacked by a genocidal nation or group of people, then watch that webinar which explains all of this in very clear terms.
What an amazing post. Thank you. I feel outrage at what I’ve read and hope the Israeli’s have 100 times the outrage I do.
I feel exactly as you do.
Especially as no Muslim country will take the Palestinians. Especially Egypt that has full responsibility for the Palestinians who are in the Sinai. The International Committee of the Red Cross says they can be anywhere in the world in 3 hours, and they have a mandate to return hostages. When asked about Gaza, the ICRC said "We aren't in Gaza because we haven't been invited. " The ICRC is actually in Gaza, but they are appallingly hypocritical about the fact that they say they need to be invited. Who would be the ones to invite them in? Well, the Israelis are not in charge of Gaza.. So they said, "Hamas would have to invite us." So how often does it happen that the people who take hostages will invite you in? They said nothing in response. They are completely antisemitic and treat Jews as if they are subhuman.
I had no idea about the International Committee of the Red Cross and how antisemitic they are until this webinar:
I thought I understood a lot about Israel and the Palestinians. This war has taught me so much about which we have been lied to over the years. Who knew that Gazans seeking work in Israel would be using every last minute of their time in Israel to case homes, one by one in order to commit genocide?
Who knew that the American Committee of the Red Cross was so double dealing? How many Americans have supported the Red Cross so they could exploit Israel and lead to the death of Israeli Jews in their "compassion?" Why isn't the Red Cross shamed and treated like any other Nazi organization by Americans? Because they lie and never tell Americans the truth. I've supported the Red Cross for years only to find this out about them now.
How many other so-called "compassionate" organizations lie to Americans in order to get money so they can assist in the genocide of Jews?
How many democrats and republicans in Congress get money so they can lie to us and support money laundering in Ukraine and Iran's desire to destroy the state of Israel?
And Joe Biden is tying aid to Ukraine with aid to Israel. Isn't that the most cynical ploy a small time thug can make? But he's not just any small time thug. He's a thug who has empowered Iran to create a conflagration in the Middle East.
Oh yes, and he wants a two state solution, so Israel will have to live next to a genocidal group of Palestinians who think all of Israel is their land, and that Israelis should be killed, every last one of them.
Unfortunately the democrat party has never once spoken back to the Ilhan Omars or AOCs or Rashida Tlaibs when they go on their anti-Israel rants. That makes them complicit in genocide in terms of international war.
Thank you Schlongtavious Lardmaster for your support of Israel. And thank you to everyone else here, who has taken the time to think through these issues, correct me, and offer their own interesting and incisive comments.
Since this is a mental health group we are rightly compelled to listen to every word while holding hands.
But I'm a poet preacher. Short, humorous?, clear, musical thoughts are my forte.
Command #1. You shall love the Lord God with all your yada yada yada yada.
Command #2. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. See THE GOOD SAMARITAN....&.... THE PRODIGAL SON.
COMUNICATIONS: CONSTANTLY PRAISING, THANKING, STANDING NOT DEMANDING, SERVING in humility giving credit to God the Father and His Only begotten SON.
Blessed are the peacemakers...
Blameless goes both directions. So does forgiveness/respect.
Jesus the Living and Written Word says this better than me. DUH.
Can you give me a reference for that quote? Seems to run contrary to what he has been saying since.
My thoughts on this "Over-crowding" of Gaza goes something like this:
So the population of the capital of Cambodia is nearly 10 times as crowded as Gaza City but somehow Palestinians are the ones who are unfairly packed in like sardines in a can, and not Cambodians.
I say:
If the Gaza strip is where ALL the trouble starts, bomb it into the stone ages and then there will be no more over-crowding OR terrorism. Problem solved.
I actually think that's exactly what Israel is intending. They're looking at guerrilla warfare, street to street, hidden location after hidden location. And besides indoctrinating children the Hamas has spent years devising tunnel systems to thwart any invasion. Pop up from behind system. WWII vet commented after viewing what the marines did clearing Fallujah Iraq, he said facing Japanese coming at them was nothing like they'd experienced. He actually said it looked terrifying. Israel knows very well what they're getting into so why rush. Reservists need time to ready themselves. Besides, Israel HAS to have contingencies if a total war breaks out. Any way you look at it it's going to be costly.
Israel should have been ready right after the massacre at the 1972 Olympics in West Germany.
I heard an interview (probably a week afterwards on Steve Bannon’s War Room) where the guest observed that Israelis haven’t had a real war in 2 generations. The IDF soldiers of old had a clear understanding of the existential threat posed by, well, everyone. The current generation thinks we can all hold hands and sing Kumbaya and are suddenly faced with the bloody and harsh reality of genocidal maniacs who don’t want to coexist.
No argument here
Make the rubble bounce.
Why? It gives the terrorists a chance at survival. Personally, I am tired of reading mor hearing about whatever travesty has happened, so whatever Israel does to these devil worshippers is fine with me.
I agree with you. My comment was to level the place so there can be no hiding by the evil bastards.
Whatever the Americans learned from the VC and their tunneling abilities during Vietnam has been lost on the Israelites.
And how about Singapore. The crowded and extremely successful country.
obama said ONE true thing about Biden. "Leave it to Biden to fuck things up.". Darlin' I don't know who you are but what really scares the hell out of me every night when I go to bed is knowing Biden has the launch codes to start WWIII. I pray to God that nothing gets worse and He has all of our best interests to do what has to be done and we all know it. May God Bless you and yours.
The Fight is not about land. When Jordan controlled West Bank, Palis weren’t blowing things up and killing Jordanians to get back their statehood. Jordan is ruled by a Hashemite minority. They aren’t Palis. Same deal with Egypt. Egypt held land that the Palis claim now was theirs, but there was no genocide. The land issue is a lie.
They want to kill all the Jews. They don’t want Jews in the Middle East. They forced Jews from their homes in every Islamic country, where they lived for a thousand years or more. Because Islam is the real apartheid. It’s not a
religion. It’s a religion inside of a political
System. The political system is: Muslims only.
Everybody else gets killed, converts, or becomes a slave. There is no peaceful coexistence. There is deception. And then there is murder. Islamists hate everybody else. Period.
Israel needs to do whatever it has to do. Fuck the UN and Biden and the liars in the media. The U.S. government can be a quite treacherous friend. Biden, the media, the Lefties all bought off. Same as China. The Arab oil sheiks fund this stuff and pay off our politicians to fight their battles in the ME. They see us as whores and mercenaries because we are easy to bribe. These guys rode around on camels until the West taught them to dig for oil, and made them trillionaires. The degenerate sheikhs whore around in Monaco and London then get pious on the private jet ride home.
There’s gonna be more trouble here. They’re just waiting. There’s only one side to be on in this war. The rest is bullshit.
Spot on Tanto!!!!!
Anti-colonial means anti-civilization.
Those yelling anti-colonial are the same who demand vagrants living in tents, pooping in the street, stealing from others, violence and destruction of people's property.
That is a return to the dark ages and tribal warfare
The left is very clever in how they select words to obscure their intention..
I say that the millions of invaders from central and South America and Africa and former-Persia are colonizing the part North America known as the USA for 250 years. While they are doing it they are de-civilizing everywhere they go and get to.
I have read comments by former "colonized" people saying they were much better then.
Good summary, Donald. If I may add... We are sending millions to Hamas while they have American hostages. Is there anything more obtuse or telling?
God Damn Joe Biden and the rest of his minions that occupied the Cannon building yesterday in support of terrorism, including the Capitol Police and the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation!
You want to label me a 'Domestic Terrorist'? Good, let's get it on.
As reported by the only true news source:
#Biden & D卐M☭CRATs suck.
HO!!!!!! That was a loud laugh.
America's paper of record-all the news that's fit to print-democracy dies in darkness
Laughing. Loudly! MA Conservative... Thanks.
I wonder if the big guy gets a 10% kickback.
That money will go straight to more weapons of terror
I am sure he does, whether it be Hamas humanitarian aid or the 6B to Iran or wait, he slipped Iran 2.5B earlier..... that is just now being reported. And what about all that dirty Venezuela oil? that we could produce here for a lot less and in much cleaner processes?
Glad you are back SL, have been missing your cutting humor. Hope things in RL are setting down for you and yours.
Glad you're back also. I took have MIA. It's good to be among friends. Anybody missing Trump yet?
have.. should be.... MIA LOA. Google it?
SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE: nevermind. Gilda. AWOL?
Thank you TJ. Getting there.
It is not obtuse: it’s policy. The administration (whoever it is) wants Israel destroyed. It is happy to enable Hamas and Iran and/or anyone else to do it.
As always, Don does the work to keep the rest of us informed. Excellent piece!
Let's see if we can get some fake journalists at the NYT, CNN, etc. to read Surber. If they have any conscience left at all, they will acknowledge their deceit. Don't hold your breath.
They don’t have a conscience.
True. They are like 12 year olds who value the "popular" crowd more than life.
'Don’t want none, don’t start none'. Don sanitized it from last week; FAFO-Shakespeare's version: 'Fornicate, and thee shall discover.'
POLL: I still chose Hamas, because you can't overlook the power of religious hatred.
Islam is a phony religion, started by a 7th century Arab pervert. It has no historical, cultural or moral/philosophical basis beyond that. No wonder it's been so destructive for 1,300 years.
Put more succinctly:
Hamas = Islam; Islam = Hamas
The Arabs are good at killing Jews, Gentiles and their own people. The other thing they’re good at lying. Compare Europe now and 100 years ago. Now Europe is in chaos because of all the Arabs who don’t want to assimilate and live there in peace. 100 years ago when Europe was full of Jews, they weren’t the problem( except to a small man from Passau Austria).
The guy from Passau was a sick 8 year old boy. Never grew up to be a man. Only a narcissistic pathological sociopath!
Sadly since American Jews have overall chosen the Democrat party to fund and support, they have chosen to oppose Israel's existence. I doubt this will change anything. I also doubt the "insurrection" this week will be treated like J6.
Of course, because of what the Ds push, they have also chosen to help destroy the US
As has been discussed here repeatedly, most “Jews” supporting the democrats are not religious at all. They may have Jewish parents, etc., but they are not observant.
Even lowlifes like Chuckie Schumer are now calling for the destruction of Hamas. Call me shocked. Let’s see if he keeps up the rhetoric
I'm betting no more than a month.
im betting 6 weeks. got a couple pennies on it.
You hit the nail on the head Schlongy. As a non-religious Jew myself (Bar Mitzva’d like my father before me and my children after - went through the rituals but moved on from religion as soon as it wasn’t compulsory) I’ve seen first hand the Cognitive Dissonance among Reform Jews and those slightly less so. The first time I used the term “self-gassing Jews” with my wife she was appalled...several years later she’s come to be appalled by them.
Please. Go to Temple. For you and your family.
I appreciate the thought Carolyn. Sadly, I refuse to go back and have severed all ties with my former congregation, which is where I observed this behavior. Former rabbi, who was otherwise a great guy, succumbed to TDS and other social diseases. The fact that he was a proud member of the local Planned Parenthood board didn’t endear me either. Every local congregation has rubbed me raw with sermons offending my sensibilities. So thanks, but no thanks. Besides, they probably wouldn’t appreciate the 9mm in my tallit bag that my wife insisted I bring whenever we attended services.
Hmmmm, sounds like we may have gone to the exact same temple . . .
It's hard to separate the members or the leaders from our religion some times. Can you not find a more compatible group? I am we have our squabbles also, but luckily most are conservative and we don't talk politics in church. I don't blame you for carrying, especially with the anti-Jewish sentiments...we had some federal agents in our last congregation so I always felt safe. I'm going to start lessons again and carry!
It’s not as easy as that, Carolyn. I live over 50 miles from the nearest synagogue. It is reformed. The reformed movement has gender neutralized the prayers (no more Lord, King, father, etc) and give sermons on climate change. The reformed movement’s web page could have been stolen from the Democrat National Committee.
I am better off at home praying by myself or with my wife, in God’s presence.
Marty and Christopher are not alone.
I look at it as if I am being home schooled instead of attending public school in a blue state.
My daughter's Jewish boyfriend says he is culturally Jewish but is not religious. Is that the trend now? Is it like secular Christians? His parents are observant Jews.
Thanks, Mr. Lardmaster. Super interesting and informative. Cultural Judaism at least helps Jews be aware that they are Jews and be connected to Jewish life. It seems to be stronger than secular Christianity, which has left us with left-wing churches and celebrations for the "holiday season." Easter is pretty much a long weekend now. Ultimately, the secularness is the watering down of both religions and diminishes the central tenets of each. What then is the answer for both Jews and Christians to the growing (?) secular nature of their religions? I don't know. Each of must decide what our religions mean to us and how we honour and celebrate them. There certainly needs to be a return, in my opinion, to traditional teachings (some at least) and the proper honouring of our respective holy days. It's a tall task. There's no point letting perfect be the enemy of good, which leaves the door open to secular Jews. Many Christians are already there. We are, as I have said many times, collectively turning away from God. Why?
The answer is to turn to or return to the Lord Jesus Christ and to follow the path of Messianic Jews, secular Christians and Jews respectively.
Jews are God’s chosen people. They have rebelled forever and suffered greatly. Read Daniel. Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah for starters. They will suffer again.
As CS Lewis wrote, Jesus was either a lunatic, a liar or God’s son. The well attested resurrection gives 100% credence to the third. He is the Don of God, and God himself.
Read Isaiah 52, last 4 verses and Isaiah 53.
If Jews don’t turn to Jesus now, some will during the tribulation. But, there will be enormous suffering for all people during that 7 year period.
Best for all, turn to Jesus now!
Genesis 12:3
I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you. The USA will be cursed because of the Marxist anti Israeli misadministration support for the terrorists and Iran!
I think that is the overwhelming trend. Here is an interesting article:
I totally second MartyB's comments about our co-religionists. As someone said a long time ago, Reform Judaism is nothing but the Democrat party at prayer.
Thank you Don Surber for countering lies with truth.
The Biden administration not only funded this war by giving billions of dollars to Iran, but also the Biden administration took definitive actions to prevent Israel from getting the intelligence they needed to prevent this war. The Biden administration paid people in Lebanon to out 17 Israeli spies who could have reported on Hamas getting hang glider training from Hizb'allah there.
Apparently Hamas started to prepare this war after Biden's disastrous botched Afghanistan exit.
The timing of the actual assault on Israel most likely had to do with the possibility of Israeli-Saudi rapprochement. For Iran, that meant potentially being surrounded by Muslim states who were joining with Israel in solidarity to prevent Iran's hegemonic aspirations.
The Obama Biden administration considers Iran, Hizb'allah, and Hamas to be allies. It considers Israel to be an adversary, but they create a tissue of lies to make it appear that they support Israel.
In fact, the Biden administration has totally boxed in Israel. Israel needs bunker busting bombs from the US in order to destroy Hamas' military infrastructure which is located in underground tunnels throughout Gaza. But Biden told Israel they will get no ordnance unless they open a humanitarian corridor, which is doublespeak for allowing Hamas to re-supply.
While Hizb'allah shells Israel from the North, the Biden administration said they will not support Israel if they get in a war with Hizb'allah.
And the Biden administration is going to force a Two State Solution on Israel, which means forcing Israel to live side by side with genocidal maniacs who will be promoted into having their own state.
I think Americans need to know that the Obama Biden Administration want Israel to be destroyed, and have Muslims take over all the land of Israel. They want Muslims in control of Jerusalem. They want the Middle East ruled by Iran. They are doing everything in their power to accomplish this.
Israelis concluded long ago that the Palestinians are not interested in peace with Israel. They want ALL OF ISRAEL. That is why the Two State Solution is incompatible with Israel's survival. It is not as if the Palestinians would be a regular country willing to live in peace side by side with Israel. It would be like Israel being forced to live next to Nazi Germany, a country with the goal of wiping Israel off the map.
The Palestinian chant is "From the river to the sea all of Palestine will be free." That means from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea, Palestinians want all of that land. Every person who supports the Palestinians and joins in this chant, might as well be saying, "Heil Hitler."
If Israel survives this war, which is a war for survival of the state of Israel, they will need a new paradigm, as Don Surber said above. They can no longer depend upon a US government that has betrayed them so completely. Either they will have to manufacture their own weaponry or they will have to purchase it from a country that will not micromanage their use of it. Israel has always thought of the US as their closest ally. The reality now is that the US government, not the American people, but the US government is their enemy.
So much truth in this post, Eve. Thank you.
This is truly a critical period for Israel’s survival. Soetoro and his Muslim Brotherhood supporting backers are truly sabotaging Israel.
Thank you Schlongtavious Lardmaster,
I appreciate the clear understanding you have of the situation. Israel needs all the friends she can get!
I am not sure that all Muslims want Iran to control the Middle East. Do Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain want that? Not sure. Although it's clear that all would prefer the destruction of Israel.
You are right, the Sunni states of the Middle East have decided that Iran is the big threat in the Middle East, and that is how the Abraham Accords came about: they realized that they have more in common with Israel than with Iran. The problem for Israel and the Sunni states comes when the US government acts against the interests of Israel and the Sunni states, and becomes allied with Iran against them all. This causes a fracture between them, because in the past, Israel has remained allied to the US. The Sunni states are left more or left to their own devices. The way they see it, they are going to go with the "strong horse" whichever that country is. That is why Saudi Arabia worked with China to at least appear to be reconnecting or improving their relationship with Iran. Once the US shows refusal to support these countries like Obama and Biden did, they have to look elsewhere. And if they see Iran is becoming the "strong horse" in the Middle East, they will feel they have to back away from Israel and appear to support Iran. This is how devastating the Obama policy has been. Instead of his being a force for peace in the middle east, his policies which have continued under Biden support ISLAMIC TERRORISM. Now the Sunni States have been trying to get rid of the terrorists in their countries, and here comes Biden, cozying up to and empowering the biggest source of Islamic terror in their neighborhood. Obama Biden have created this scenario by empowering Iran, and by fomenting Islamic terrorism.
By the way, Obama even funded ISIS.
100% !
Amen and Amen.
Genesis 12:3 says “I, (God), will bless those who bless you (Israel) and I will curse those who curse you. Prepare to be cursed by the Creator of the Universe, America. Turn to Jesus before it is too late.
Nice work on the Math Don.
This is so obvious I feel funny having to repeat it. These animals love the concept of death, the 72 virgins (or raisins or whatever the f) and life ever after flying around on carpets and who knows what else… Its a fabricated religion using bits and pieces of Judaism and Christianity. The parts of their so-called religion that don’t fit in with Christianity or Judaism are filled in with the musing of of a pedophilic psychopath.
They think the rest of us are the lowlifes. If Christianity had won the Crusades, and modern Israel had never existed, they’d be getting the same treatment as the Jews. For reference check out the treatment of the Copts, the Armenians in Turkey and the history of Cypress, and anywhere decent countries either abut muslim countries or have a muslim population that approaches (or exceeds) 20%.
The leftists, their individual subsidiaries (LGBTQ’s, Unions, Teachers) and media, love hammering Israel whenever it has finally had enough of the muslim bullshit and stands up for itself. They lie about the truth, they make up lies and they used to photoshop the shit out of any photo they could find but now with AI they can just make them up out of whole cloth.
The truth is we don’t know how many are over here in NA. Trudeau brought about 30,000 (I think) of them over here when the war between themselves in Syria led to pics of these poor wretched looking souls hit the world wide media (attention Virtue Signalling Alert). Uneducated, untrained in anything useful to NA society, no communication skills, no record of ever having attended school, and in most cases no birth certificates. A year later one of the reporters asked whatever moron was the head of immigration at the time how the gov’t was tracking them and where they were…the answer was a confused, stunned look and crickets. They had no idea. And yet they continue to fill every immigration Quota with them to the exclusion of anyone else
You guys have Michigan, New York, and Minnesota. Did I hear No-Go Zones!!! Now with the wide open Southern Border the situation is so dire that IF there is an election and IF T gets in and IF he makes it as far as the Whitehouse, you need to ask yourself how is he going to clean the mess up before the muslims start shooting back!
Israel needs to ignore the rest of the world and do what it must to finally settle this once and for all. Turn Gaza into a parking lot. Give the so-called Palestinians in the so-called West Bank an option to either become Israeli citizens or drive them to the Jordanian border (the true Palestinian state) and create a 25 mile DMZ in south Lebanon (you can do the same thing in Mexico by the way but I suggest 150 miles). And finally…turn Iran into a radioactive ashtray!
Tough poll today. (Give the cat an extra treat.) I chose the media because the lies they spew daily convince the gullible.
Oh, and I've recently seen reports that the explosion happened in a parking lot next to the virtually unscathed hospital and that there were only 5 or 6 deaths.
I chose the media too, but would have preferred an “all of the above”.
The “Palestinians” are to blame for all of their problems. They have miles and miles of waterfront property which could have made the entire Gaza Strip wealthy as a tourist destination, but they chose to support terrorism and live as parasites off the rest of the Middle East instead. They are vermin and deserve to be treated as such because they elected Hamas as their government and would reelect them given the opportunity.
I believe that it was Golda Meir who said something like “terrorism will end when the Muslims decide to love their children more than they hate Jews.”
Beirut used to be called “The Paris of the Middle East”. Hezbollah took care of that.
You are absolutely correct that Gaza could have beautiful resort areas.
My Arab Christian friend from Lebanon blames the PLO and Hezbollah for destroying his country.
Parasites. Good name.
Yes, it was a misfire Islamic Jihad missile I believe. And it did kill just a handful of people. And our media dutifully reported it as the Hamas Public Relations office asked them to.
Oh the media. They DO lie about everything, but so does Joe Biden. Tuff choice.
Any and all reports of deaths and injuries from the Palestinians is total BS. The media will report it without question.
The cat was brilliant. But I'm having an AADD attack from these happy choices. Thanks Don.
I might have added a 4th entity of responsibility on this: Barry Obama. He started this “Arab Spring” and now it has morphed to the current situation. Puddinghead and his band of incompetents aren’t capable enough to think this through. Barry and his handlers are. And a larger war is coming.
He said she said and on and on it goes, never endIng continuous bickering. The smart thing to do is cut off their water, food and whatever, kick the Jew hating media out, and then re visit it 3 months later. The door to door CQ combat should be easier, especially after you starve these bastards. We've all seen them hide behind women and children, send them out sacrificially to explode themselves in the name of allah. Isn't quite obvious that these folks just do not give a damn of not only others but even of themselves. Not sure what Biden said to Bibi, only can conjecture it was not any good, as has been his M.O. here. Once again I'll point out that we have our own problems here, the borders, the 33 trillion in debt, the woke military, the trannies, etc etc etc etc etc. I'm tired of funding this insane shit, the Imperial City gonna float 100 billion to these ass clowns. WFU America, end thiis shit show now.
Whatever Xiden said in private has to be worse than what he says publicly.
So far:
he’s called Hamas “the other team” like it is a ball game and when the game is over, players shake hands and swap jerseys.
When learning that Hamas blew up their own parking lot (he probably still thinks it was a hospital), he said they should learn to shoot straight.
With a friend like this, who needs enemies.
Fuck Joe Biden.
It's getting to the point where I just don't care any more. I'm sure if you look to South Africa you'll find atrocities too. Enough. Not my circus not my animals. Let Israel handle their affairs. We have enough issues to deal with right here at home
Before we can let Israel handle their own affairs, we need to stop funding their enemies.
Trump/MAGA 2024
Stop funding everyone! We're completely bankrupt. Yet we take out loans to send billions to people that hate us. What other country taxes their citizens and sends that $$ to others? It's madness
It's how politicians get rich. Kickbacks and bribes
THIS! 95% of Washington politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, and journalists are in Washington for one and only one reason: To get themselves rich. They have no morals. They have no ethics. They have no integrity. They get us into wars, they foment racial hatred, they spend as much money as they possibly can to benefit their families and their big money corporate contributors. They don't give one damn about the voters or the small money contributors. This is the reason why so many things in Washington do not make sense. They are not stupid. They are not confused. They know exactly what they are doing.
Well put J.
"What other country taxes their citizens and sends that $$ to others? "
Every nation in the world except Israel.
Unfortunately Israel handling its own affairs depends on US manufacturing and supplying of weapons. Both Winkin Blinkin and President Puddinghead are making demands on Israel that are counter to solving the problem.
I have no problems having commerce with other nations. Buy/sell is fine. Butting into their business, not fine
South Africa is a(nother) racist mess and quagmire - but that's a column Don can write another day.
I don’t care either.
Don says that Joe Biden is a plain old-fashioned anti-Semitic Democrat. I say he's more than that. He arrests and imprisons his political opponents. He restricts free speech and wants to confiscate our guns. He increasingly controls all energy, food, and transportation means and the manufacturing of products American need and use.
That makes Joe Biden, like Mussolini and Hitler, a Fascist.
Ep. this isnt Joe but ozero and jarrett controlling a monkey.
I know, but he's the figurehead and more people will understand the message if you keep it simple.