15 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Congratulate the cat for a sharp poll, even though the answer is obvious.

I can not understand never Trumpers or those with DTS. One would think they at least have to recognize some of his achievements.

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Willful ignorance as opposed to just ignorant. :)

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Nailed it Pam !

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DTS sufferers are that way because they've never been either actual liberals or conservatives, they've always been Leftists secretly in their ideology, er indoctrination. They've always been the true racists, the upper crust that is made fun of in Caddyshack. except the media helped solidify that by becoming captured by CIA via mockingbird. These people can't accept they've been lied to and are the Nazis our parents warned us about.

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I think they don’t believe they’ve been lied to - I think they hate being embarrassed and/or shown to be irrelevant. It seems they have been (happily and comfortably) playing roles their whole lives and just don’t want to give them up. They do believe in comfort and status. Does aging have anything to do with it? Maybe seeing younger people more capable - like Pressler, Musk, Kirk, Vance and DeSantis doing substantive things that others admire and appreciate- just gripes them to their bones. Does writing about or talking to others about one’s opinions count as substantive? Exactly what has Liz Cheney - picking one - ever accomplished in her life? She’s not exactly aging yet, but still ain’t done nothing as far as I know. I’d still like to know what Charles Blow ever did to get his the NYT gig years ago, except being black I mean.

Here I am, just writing an opinion. I do agree there are lies in abundance. New ones and old ones being propped up.

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Speaking of aging, I think we are seeing Kamela age in real time before our very eyes and not in a graceful, attractive way. She seems to be turning into a wrinkled mess. Sometimes life just seems to catch up with us

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I wondered if my eyes were deceiving me. I think you are correct.

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I think her handlers made her sober up, not a good look.

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Estee Palti subtly mocked her wrinkles in one of her send ups. Kamala has some very mean lines in her neck.

I could care less about how people look. That said, from all that has come out of late about Kamala, it is clear that she has only been about climbing the ladder, leading an instrumental life...i.e., who and what can help her get to the next step.

Harmeet Dhillon's interview with Tucker elaborates on this, as do some of the comments of Jeff Clark (who is trying to find transcripts of the few--8 or 9!--cases where she was first chair as an attorney). Her "experience" is quite thin on the ground. She would NEVER be where she is if not for having come to the national stage from CA.

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Old ones like the twin towers fell from jet fuel? The very moment I witnessed them collapse & fall within seconds into their footprint (perfectly) from my living room, while being home with my toddler children at the time, I knew the demolition was going to have to be explained away as something else. I never thought how bad it would be. The BIG LIE is that our entire government is a corrupt mafia extorting the middle and lower classes to launder their money printing and wealth theft. If you are connected to the top rungs of this evil you get the double standard, unitl you become a liability. Trump is the biggest liability EVER because he knows the game and is willing to die to expose it. My only fear is he will never give up the 9/11 hoax. I think the very upper echelons of power are all behind the Patriot act to control us plebes and that BIG LIE will never die until blood literally sheds in a Civil War to take our country back from the Elite Evil bastards that have killed our republic in the name of Democracy.

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I don't think they suffer -- I believe they are like my hypochondriac aunt-- they enjoy ill health. Tombstone will read, "See; I toldja I was sick!"

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They have been "Blinded by the Light-Bringer."

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'SIGNS OF WORRY: Democrats Send Obama to Campaign for Kamala Harris in Must-Win Pennsylvania'. The lightbringer has aged considerably since 2015. He's no Dorian Gray. Upon further review,he may be Gay, err Gray '(Dorian Gray Syndrome (DGS) denotes a cultural and societal phenomenon characterized by an excessive preoccupation with the individual's own appearance (dysmorphophobia) accompanied by difficulties coping with the aging process and with the requirements of maturation)'.

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Reminds me of the fox guarding the hen house.

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Just a random OT question. A few days ago you wrote this: “The mean old wife still says no to a Bentley convertible.” Is your MEanOldWife (MEOW) the notorious “cat” that produces your polls? Asking for a friend.

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Nice initialism: If he starts calling Lou Ann that, she'll blame you.

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I think you've cracked the code and solved the riddle. Good work!

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No, she knows him well enough to know that he's only daydreaming.

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They sold their souls to Satan and being honest politicians they stay bought.

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The never Trumpers I know are all Washington DC veterans. They’re either left-overs from the Bush administration or current/former staffers of old school senators/reps. All either still live in DC or all their friends/cronies are still there. In some cases they made a ton of money from their former positions. I question all the time why they are so blind (one is 30 years old!) and I’ve concluded that it’s DC. DC is very very democrat. The “republicans” who remain just aren’t exposed to anything except the echo chamber. They are stroked (paid?) by K street. All their friends are never Trumpers. They will likely be democrats at some point.

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It’s all about the money. All the grants Congress passes out are payoffs to their friends. It’s a money laundering operation. Success in these agencies is never about the outcome; it’s about spending the money. Money which is granted to friendly groups who then funnel some of that money back to campaigns. It’s perverse.

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The older Obama gets, the more he looks like a closeted old queen. His lisping delivery is now even more off-putting than it was when he was merely a middle-aged queen. Just as with Walz's faux, mincing masculinity, Obama's hectoring is guaranteed to turn off a few male voters who may have, at some point along the way, thought about voting for Harris. Funnily enough, in both cases these "men" are not truly masculine in either appearance or demeanor. They are what left-wing feminists imagine "men" are like. Truth to tell, real men are like an alien species to these feminists; something to be feared and reviled. At root, the feminist antipathy toward men is based on their unspoken but very real knowledge that men are actually superior in all the ways they wish to be, so since they cannot become "men", they strive for the next best thing, viz., to eliminate or emasculate them.

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Saw a video by a woman who claimed feminism is ruining the West. Thought for a moment and had to agree. Trump seems to be the antidote. (How to piss off a feminist...hold the door open for her. The last time I did that I said,"My mother taught me that.") Finally, God bless Trump, who now has a Purple Heart.

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I always say "thank you" to any gentleman who holds a door open for me - my mother taught me that! Also, since I seem to be getting shorter with this aging process, I always thank anyone who offers to help me get grocery items from a top shelf and that happens frequently.

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I'm that guy who opens the door for women. Most say nothing and then I say "You're welcome"... and most ignore that. Occasionally one turns, smiles and says, "Thank you" and that makes my day.

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A sad era for the hand that rocks the cradle.

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I check the hair color first. If the female is exhibiting the least hint of aposematism, I squeeze through the door and let it shut behind me. No use dealing with THAT.

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Had to look up "aposematism"! But don't abandon those women--you never know how a thoughtful gentlemen holding a door for a woman could make her day and open her thought a bit to more respect for such graciousness.

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I know miracles happen everyday but that ain’t one of them.

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Yep. That word just now sent me scurrying to the dictionary. I thought I new a lot. Sadly, I concentrated on medical terms. Sister was smart x10 and I wanted to be just like her! She would spelunk through a giant dictionary we had and point to a word, cover up the definition and make me think about the word until I got it.

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I purposely hold the door for the obvious feminists just to anger them.

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Check out Del Tacket understanding our times. It's long, seven sessions about an hour each. I attended his seminar on Saturday.

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Obama lectures; he does not engage his audience; works for me; he is now officially an idiot; albeit a rich one because of his backers. I just wish he would fade, fade, fade.... away.

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Like fold his tent and go gentle into that good night?

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Speaking of tent-folding; how I wish the newer arrivals would do that. Money question: which rich gazillionaire buys all those uppity folding tents shown on big city streets where the "tired, poor, restless refuse" on the Biden bus do a "sidewalk squat" in our fair cities?

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He is clearly pulling many strings behind the scenes, along with this pack of Obamite staffers that have infiltrated the government.

A pox on all their houses and let's CLEAN HOUSE.

Musk will be great as the "efficiency" specialist (i.e. a rough broom to sweep out the dross in our gov't ranks)

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Your points are well taken, Steve. Feminism encouraged women to compete through ego and while it can bring outward success it rarely brings complete satisfaction. In the early days they even dressed like men and some never have changed, their idol of course, being Hillary. They wear their inner masculine attributes on the outside rather than using them as strengths. But they only succeed in becoming ‘2nd rate men’ and they do indeed hate the Alpha male. This was blatantly displayed during the debates between The Donald and Hill. It was painful to watch bc these women are not authentic in their being.

OTOH, DJT never pretends. He has the rough edges of a fighter who has lived through the wars and he never surrenders. He’s smart and he gets the job done. He builds and fixes things that are broken. He is a protector, and never afraid of showing his inner compassion and generosity when appropriate. And men and women love him for all of that. Although never famous, my dad was that kind of man. He never let me down.

Now I’m not saying that women can’t be happy professionals but when they relate and develop relationships through their feminine essence rather than ego (a man’s domain), I have seen real satisfaction. One of my oldest friends is a glowing example of this principle. She climbed the ladder as an accomplished retailer, serving her clients. When the winds changed she transferred her skills to real estate and in a few short years has found fantastic success. She treats her clients so well that they become life friends. A more generous, giving human being would be hard to find. As the song says, ‘she’s always a woman’ but this one uses her internal (one could say male) analytical strengths to make life better. She’s honest, kind, spiritual, elegant, a ‘hostess with the mostess’ a talented cook and I’ve never seen her in a pants suit.

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Wonderful comment, Patricia! I agree. Especially liked "these women are not authentic in their being". We all need to ratchet back on the stereotyping and warring over this. I so honor and respect men who so well demonstrate the primary male traits, but also see them as solid-er and more grounded when they can temper that side of themselves with various so-called 'feminine" qualities, like being awake to the dimension of Love, and able to enjoying fulfilling connections with people, and appreciate the necessary role of nurturing in a society.

I also think women have some inherent qualities that are marvelous, and that women are also well-tempered when they can combine the Love and sensitivity with clear-headed thinking, rationality, and ability to perform competently in many occupations and the public arena.

We should not be at war with eachother. In the end, we're all just people, and each plays a valuable role when they can develop in a grounded, balanced manner.

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Gloria Steinem, the woman we love to hate, once said "We've begun to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters." It is taking a very long time for her to "drop dead" like we once wanted.

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Concur, Steve-Offering potential $18,000 for an opinion-Do I have a case? Click on this reply for details. Same offer to any attorney with cojones made of titanium

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Anybody with half a brain and a working memory is offended when a marxist community organizer hits them with condescending "hood" talk. That's how it comes off. He is a new money cheap fake.

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Maybe if they can't be men, they could be a "fag hag." My BFF seemed to collect young gay men as renters.

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The feminazis are angry because they want a real man but can’t get one. Feminism gives ugly women access to power they otherwise can’t get because no one respects them.

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“mincing masculinity” Brilliant!

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So Steve,do you feel this may explain why dem campaigners are wearing camo hats?? We are not supposed to see the OVERT lies they tell?

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14 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Elon Musk is more American than Jane Fonda.

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Amen, too.

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Amen 3

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

Was she ever? Henry went through the crucible and to produce a talented Whos Who privileged commie-wingbat sitting on anti-air craft battery used to shoot down US airmen?? FastFwd 40 years and PDJT woulda pulled an Obama and drone-missiled her butt sitting in that AA seat….

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Yep, I’m still trying to forgive her but her apology rings false. But I don’t think of her very often or follow her life. She’s sort of a non-entity. Leave her to God.

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True, although that wouldn't take much.

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Another one-liner that hits the nail on the head and sinks the point in one strike. Kamala should have taken lessons from you.

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Amen and Amen!

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🤢-Well put!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Best comment: I already have a dad, and he aint you" says it all. We must return to independent thought.

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Obama may be a "dad" but he's never been a father.

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And I question { dad } ,Shrugged.

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Musk may elect Trump. G-d, I hope so. This dumb mechanical engineer watched another rocket land itself this weekend rather than pummel a whale in the Atlantic ocean... Hmm.. I will listen and agree with that guy.

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Not only land itself but it hung itself back up in its rack. It was stunning. The video of that will live forever. Meanwhile, NASA is spending its efforts (and budget) pushing climate change and fighting racism.

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That feat was truly well Beyond ASTOUNDING!

Holy moley!!

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Yes! Another example of American ingenuity. Musk is a great exemplar of true Americans who are often unconventional but are always independent and free thinking. May we have many more like him.

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I hear NASA’ll chip in our-tax $$ for Musk’s Martian mission if he won’t discriminate against hiring Martians to help him build it….

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Saw the latest pictures from Mars. Why would anyone want to die there? It looks like pure desert w/no oxygen. They would be better off to just go camping in the Sahara.

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Would they qualify as DEI hires??

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Go to your room. DEI isn't funny anymore. 🤣🤣

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DIE better?

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Good idear! We could house those little green men under the bonnet of a 1969 VW Beetle. Wonder how much they would weigh on Earth, with our gravity as the prime directive.

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Trump wins. Musk buys Boeing merges it with nasa. Fires 80% of the dead weight. Puts men on mars

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Woeing may be having their “wake up call” with respect to their DEI practices. It’s all fun and games until pieces start falling off the planes.

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Caught it like a shortstop-250 TONS.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Musk biggest endorsement was keeping X/Twitter unbiased and free. FJB

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14 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

I think bringing Barry out to try to shame black men into voting for Kamala is backfiring biggly.

Sure he got the black vote the two times he ran but look who he was up against …two RINO’s…McStain and Mittens. Not really much of a competition for the slick talking Kenyan.

I also think Elon’s supporting Trump has a more practical reason for Musk. If the EV mandates and subsidies go away you won’t be able to give a Tesla away.

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Plus Elon and his team are going to rescue the 2 Americans stranded on the space station and have now demonstrated they can make their rocket make a perfect landing when they bring it back home. As you might discern, I'm a big fan of Musk and grateful that he's obviously become a big fan of PDJT!

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They bring out Obama. Musk catches a rocket in a basket. Which is more exciting?

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I’m sure that Obama has caught a few rockets in his basket, over the years.

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Just because he has developed a penchant for drowning his chefs? Rx for what ails BHO, "Take 2 Seppuku and call me in the morning."

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Or the current Morons running the FEMA government will give the $$ to China imports thru Mejico or Canada…

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hence the tariffs

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Spot on, Cactus, but you gotta give Xi credit .A brilliant idea.

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Bingo, Bill-- Take all that money and use it to subsidize. home generators, thereby relieving the power grid, and driving a stake through EV's heart. Win, win, win for everyone.

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The Muslim dude not from Hawaii is irrelevant. Always has been . Anti American zealot. Mike too.

Elon has come out of the closet with his endorsement of 45.

I opine his experience with Moraes in Brasil May have taught him a hard lesson about government censorship and "misinformation" aka the truth control. He has paid an unfortunate price for keeping X available in Brasil. He knows Horizontal Harris will do the same in her USSA.

TRUMP will support free speech and shut down government misinformation. Elon has the tools and technical competence to do this.

Seen the video of the new TESLA 📱 phone? Make the $150.00 investment. F Google.

From the beach....


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14 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

This was a tough one because they're ALL feckless idiots. The 'never Trumpers' though - it's astounding how blind they are. They cling to that view as if clinging to a life preserver, except the 'preserver' is made of cement... and they have no clue how it will drown them, the country and the world.

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But PRIDE /// JT.

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Limp wrist Obama came out and laid an egg (I guarantee you, he squats to pee.) This washed up has been, couldn't convince me to get out of the rain in a drenching downpour. So much for his fairy tale/. Then we have Tim Walz, pissed that the handle "mad dog" has already been taken. This clown is angry at everything and anything...perfect qualifications to be second in command of our country's march to oblivion Meanwhile, JD Vance is stealing the show, proving that he is a level-headed man in waiting to succeed DJT in four years. Things are looking up, gang. Add Elon Musk, the richest, most far-sighted visionary in America to the mix. I smell a landslide victory in the making.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Walz is the female version of Racheal Maddow.

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Oops. I'm gonna hafta quote that one very soon on another website. Thanks for the stage prompt ♥️

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Wow! You really know how to slam Racheal.

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Good tag P F .

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I pray you are right DJ.

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Don’t forget the burgeoning scandal about his grooming and abusing teenagers in the 90s. Sick.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

For me, that was an impossible poll without an “All of the Above”.

However, just an FYI: the “men for Kamala” dudes were all paid actors, so that level of fakery could have cinched the poll for them, but everyone on the list is sooo totally pathetic I simply could not choose one over the other.

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I think the "men for Kamala" were hired and paid with a case of Bud Light. That's considered a cheap beer these days.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

I chose Never Trumpers because I can never understand how voting for a Democrat is helping the conservative cause that they supposedly support. To me, it's like punching a hole in your lifeboat because you don't like the person sitting next to you - a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

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Love that analogy!

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CNN’s Dana Bash asked James Clyburn if he was concerned about black men voting for Trump.

Can imagine the outrage if Fox News had asked John Boehner if he was concerned about white men voting for Obama?


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12 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Kevin, great question!

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Elon Musk is not going to get Donald Trump elected, although he will certainly help. Donald Trump will be elected by millions of Americans who understand America and want their country back. Churchill once said Americans always do the right thing after they’ve tried everything else. The Democrats have had more than enough chances. We’re now in that “after” moment when we absolutely must do the right thing.

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I figured it out. The real reason people will vote for Harris is not her character, leadership, charisma, or record.


The reason people will vote for her is that they have a desperate need to feel morally superior to people who will vote for Trump.

There. Solved it.

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"they want the government to run everything because they are the government"

"they" are all afraid of losing their "ill gotten gains".

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This is the real reason David. It may be partly other reasons (like feeling morally superior), but it's the punch in their wallets they most fear.

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The only way the king can wear his new clothes is with moral superiority.

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Yes, same reason they voted for Obama. Self-righteous and sanctimonious. Holier than thou vote for MLK 2.0.

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RW, you definitely 'splained that well for us all - I agree with your take

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I like it R.W. !

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13 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Tough poll. I reckon I’ll hafta go with “Never Trumpers”… as they embody the rest. NT’s are variously stuck in a middle school mindset - voting for personality, to be with the ”cool kids” (mindless celebrities who mostly pretend for a living) and other shallow, immaterial (mis)perceptions. And they are largely undereducated, intellectually incurious, which makes them ign’ant by choice and thus, gullible and led like rats behind any flashy, charming, pied piper.

The Left has spent many decades fashioning such a society… by dumbing down and propagandizing education/information at all levels, from schools to entertainment. This election, more than any previous one, will measure the degree of their success.

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