I wonder if Tucker Carlson will be the next to go, as he is now revealing the truth about the alleged Capitol riots.

Gasbag Hannity was unwatchable 10 years ago when I gave up on Fox. From what I read, T. Carlson is the only one worth watching. I watched some Fox Business - Varney and Lou Dobbs. When they dumped Dobbs for telling the truth, I stopped watching that network as well.

And Dominion is crooked.

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If Tucker is pushed out of Fox or if he decides to leave, there will be no more Fox. Yes, Dominion is crooked.

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I have Sling TV so I can watch two shows on Fox: Tucker Carlson and Gutfeld. The rest I have trouble with. They are too Republican if not too conservative. And, yes, Hannity is unwatchable. I've tried when he comes on right after Tucker and he has someone I enjoy seeing interviews from, but I can never make it.

I won't definitively say Dominion is crooked, though I suspect it is as it is suing Fox News when CNN/HBO have made similar allegations (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/mar/7/media-distortions/) and they were never sued. The Democrats, pre 2020, had their own questions about the safety of voting machines. Heck, a significant portion of them still believe that the Russians hacked the voting machines and gave the election to Donald Trump. But now suddenly voting machines are totally safe and you're a dangerous "-ist" of some kind if you suggest differently.

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It took Tucker two years to publicly reach the truth about the 2020 election. I don't know if he had a moment of clarity or whether he always knew that but wanted to preserve his job. Your guess is as good as mine.

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You pick your hills to die on.

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Guess Tucker got the talk. Expect his exit soon.

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Me too

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You can say what you want about calling me an election denier, but I watched the 2020 election quite closely her in PA and Michigan. Trump's loss in PA made no sense since damned near the whole state was employed. Michigan had Trump over Biden by almost eight percent at the close of the polls. The next morning, Trump was supposedly losing by three percent. This is not possible. Add that to Kari Lake's supposed loss in the Arizona governor's race to, like Biden, a no show during the election season winning?? That just didn't happen. Report Murdoch's two homosexual sons speaks volumes about his failure as a parent and as a leader. Leave FOX alone.

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Proud election-results denier, here!

Smile, when you say that!

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Yes sir. Proud denier. And not shy to mention it.

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"I should care, but I don’t. The network died for me when it chased Roger Ailes into retirement over a blowjob from Gretchen Carlson. It was a he said/she said thing that I view as transactional sex. Both were pigs."

Aye! For me, FauxNews descended further into irrelevance when it hired Juan Williams and gave him an even higher profile than he had at NPR.

I expect, at some point, to see Tucker's show on Newsmax, where Greta landed.

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You can see where Fox has been headed since it put Paul Ryan on its board of directors.

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If Fox fires Tucker, they might as well pack it in.

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Pretty much. Tucker and Gutfield are the only things worth watching.

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I still watch the only two still worth watching, Tucker and Gutfeld. Otherwise, no Fox in the house.

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Too true!

Here’s NPR’s report on Murdoch looked at from a slightly different angle, substituting Russiagate for Trump:

“…In the heat of the moment, right after Election Day 2020, government-funded NPR knew that the hosts on their NPR channels were endorsing lies about the entire Russiagate investigation

“And they did nothing to intervene to stop it.

“Instead, NPR, in cahoots with the Democrat party, followed the lead of the network's senior executives in sidestepping the truth for a pro-Democrat audience angered when confronted by the facts.

“Asked whether they could have told the NPR’s chief executives and their stars to stop giving airtime to only peddler’s of the Russiagate hoax peddling election lies — NPR assented. ‘We could have. ‘But we didn't.”

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Fox news is unwatchable except for Tucker, Maria and Gutfeld. I've added Maria because she is very good and I'd forgotten about her because I don't get Fox Business and I can only see her on Sundays in Canada on the news side. I will apply historian Robert Conquest's second law (more or less) to what is happening to Fox since Ailes was forced out: Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing. Apply Conquest's law to any and all organizations in western liberal democracies and that pretty much explains what conservatives/right of centre people are up against.

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There's a lot of history in here I did not know. Up until around 2018 I used CNN's homepage as my news source and I didn't really listen to any "news" shows. I got tired of the TDS on CNN and I'd been catching clips of Tucker Carlson on YouTube, so I switched. There are a lot of things I don't like about Fox, but it's easier to ignore those things because, as a liberal, I understand their purpose and their bent and so it's a lot easier to take their foibles than to listen to the preachy people on CNN or NPR or MSNBC who pretend to be something they are not (a nonbiased bulwark against power).

The part that bothered me about the election night was that Fox called it so early. They all try to be the first rather than doing the responsible thing and letting all the votes come in. I understand how they can call them and that they were probably right. But doing so is unwise, especially when your audience is already on edge. It was a particularly stupid move in an already tense situation and not very responsible journalism.

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I got rid of my TV over a decade ago. I don't always agree with Prager, but he was right when he said our ears are a gateway to logical thinking and television is a gateway to emotional thinking. I do my best even to avoid pictures when I read articles on the internet. It is amazing how much emotion becomes involved when you see a picture of someone you feel strongly about (one way or the other) connected with some rhetorical thought.

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I so loathe the videos that auto-play as soon as one scrolls to an area of the page, but you can't find to mute it or shut it down.

There was, briefly, this trend toward all content being video by default - so glad it passed. Reading is the indispenable skill.

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If I were Czar I would allow no TV reporting or ad buying or any programming on politics. All radio and print. TV is not about informing, it's about persuading.

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I never watch you tube or other videos. Too much blah blah blah. I want to read what I want and skim the rest.

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"The network died for me when it chased Roger Ailes into retirement over a blowjob from Gretchen Carlson. It was a he said/she said thing that I view as transactional sex. Both were pigs."

That corresponds nicely with when I stopped watching(except Maria and Tucka).

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Carlson went to the Miss American organization where she was accused of bullying. Ha! She was never a news person.

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She was Miss MN and Miss America. Maybe winning those 'competitions' fundamentally changes people :-D

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She fundamentally did not deserve to host a news program.

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Murdock is the 21st Century WR Hearst. He is no more a conservative than M McConnell. An Aussie by birth, he inherited the Adelaide paper from his dad. Wonder how long Tucker has left? Rest of shows unwatchable.

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Fox wiithout Ailes is like The Crickets without Buddy Holly. Murdoch was just the manager of the band.

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Who can watch any TV news? I have to DVR my local 10 pm newscast so I can fast forward through all the baloney to get to the weather. And even that is turning into weather porn.

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I hate how people are obsessed with the weather and I am a Canadian where obsessing about it is damn near a religion. I've had to tell a good friend that I just don't care about talking about the weather. We sometimes start meetings with the latest weather report! You're right -- it is weather porn. It can't just be cold, it has to be a polar vortex and on and on and on. The descriptors that are being used for the temperature and the weather are ridiculous. Where I live it's never just about the temperature, it's about the wind chill and the humidity level added to the temperature depending on the time of year. Ridiculous.

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Ha-- good phrase--"weather porn".

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Lou Dobbs cancellation did it for me, but I still love the Money Honey on Fox Business.

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I quit watching most of Fox 6 years ago. In 2018, I quit watching it altogether. I will watch Tucker if it shows up on CFP. I don’t miss it.

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Furthermore I read all your posts because you always have fresh information. Well done.

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I only watch Fox News on YouTube for 2 reasons. The narrator hasn't pissed me off. The headline arouses my curiosity. That eliminates 99%.

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