Answer: vote Republican. It’s not a perfect solution, but a Republican landslide would offend all the right people.

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It's the only tool in the toolbox. It's like using a pen knife or a dime to screw in a screw. Yes, a screwdriver would be nice, but when that tool is not in the toolbox, you make due with the best you got. We all wish we had a complete set of tools, but we don't. (Tool, of course, in the sense of an object useful to accomplish a task. We do have a complete set of tools in the slang definition of someone being a "tool.")

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the tool is voting? You mean like a way to fix something like a screw that is rusted and not coming loose? Ironic you use this metaphor. I would agree to use the tool available, but the tool we need is a drill, not a dime or penknife. Using a dime to try and unseat the rusted screw means you become insane trying to repeatedly do something and expecting a different result. The result of voting for the criminals in charge is that they've corrupted the country, and blamed you for being racist. They no longer have a right to lead so I choose to ignore them and kindly explain to them to go piss up a rope. SAdly too many of you wish to continue to comply with criminals. Not me. Have fun voting again in hopes the Socialists will flee...hahahahahaha. They only know violence. I'm willing to oblige them, but voting aint going to move the needle. It's not a great answer, but when they have lied for this long the response of the righteous is not to turn the other cheek. Jesus sacrificed himself, for all of humanity and for all intents and purposes he succeeded in bringing peace in a way that humans have stopped killing each other less now than before, but humans haven't changed. Our tactics need to. Voting is the death of a thousand cuts when we let bureaucrats stay in charge. People need to learn the hard way. I'm going to let them get their way. I am deplorable.

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Just to be clear, you are saying that our only choices are voting or violence, right? And you are arguing that voting does not and is not going to work. Which leaves only violence. What are you waiting for?

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NO, I am saying that non compliance is ignoring the status quo and choosing to not participate in the lie. You wanting to participate is your choice, have at it. Good luck with that. How's it worked so far? When Trump wins and the left gets violent and blames you, maybe another vote will do the trick? They aren't going to stop until they get stopped by what they preach. I'm just preparing for their final move. I advocated for voting in my youth, and then I saw the corruption and wish to no longer participate. I will not comply. They can jail me and take my life but they wont get my consent. I sleep well at night.

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My conundrum here is, I have withdrawn my consent to be governed. By voting I am condoning the result of the criminal government to maintain any authority over my life. Screw them. I am self governed. At this point, voting is just prolonging the inevitable implosion that is coming from the lies and corruption the press has hid for decades.

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We need every legal vote in order to beat the cheat. Please reconsider for our sakes.

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Even when Trump wins, the Deep State and lying Media still won't allow freedom. It will only amp up more that the Right are Nazi's. The rioting and chaos will only get worse. I'm hoping the Leftists win and then when its gets worse faster, we can start over and finally get the 4th Turning on target to finally turn. Gonna get shirts that say "Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes."

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Mike Herzog, your advocating for withdrawal and surrender strikes me as dangerous and unwise. You're placing an awful lot of reliance on the assumption that "when it gets worse faster, we can start over".

The "worse" could be so bad there IS NO possibility to start over.

Instead of waiting to do the things you would classify as "start over" (i.e., meaning fix our problems), why not be doing all those things right NOW?

You should vote. This analogy may be a stretch, but to not vote is like a person with an infected foot refusing to take an antibiotic, because why not just get to the "amputate the foot" stage sooner. I understand you are pessimistic and don't think the "antibiotic" (voting) will be effective but you can not KNOW the outcome of events and it doesn't hurt anything to use every tool we have at present.

I'm groping here, but sometimes I think the voicing of pessimism is a fear of being embarrassed if you hold out the possibility of a positive outcome, and the positive outcome doesn't work out. If you take a position of "Don't Try" you think you're avoiding the "mud on your face" if you try and fail. And yet, oddly, you think that after failure occurs and "the worst" arrives, that THEN you can try for a positive outcome and it will succeed.

Someone else may be able to state this better.

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Well said, TPG!

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Fight, fight, fight!!! Sound familar?

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I have voted and I have witnessed the utter disregard for reason truth and facts form Republicans. I no longer am participating in the charade called voting. Both parties are corrupt and Trump can't clean house enough to make a difference. My infected foot got cleaned with antiseptics and not from a hospital, I didn't ignore my injured foot, I, ME, took care of it. Hoping the bureaucracy will heal it is naive and more dangerous because you wont be prepared for when it ultimately gets worse. It it going to because the lies won't stop and too many voters don't actually know truth, they just play along with the voting in hopes the bureaucrats will fix it...HAHAHAHA, put your mask up over your nose and comply, voter. Don't look at these extra ballots, you racist. yeah keep hope alive, I'll stock up on ammo and continue to charge more for my services.

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Realize this-- we have already won, because a clear majority of Americans already are awake and will vote for Trump. If just ONE SIMPLE CHANGE is made--to paper ballots, voter ID, etc--our problems are OVER, because up and down the line (President to local school board), we already have the win if a FAIR election occurs.

(AND, we already had the win in 2020, if the election had been fair.)

And a FAIR election is close at hand if the action Youngkin took for Virginia in moving to all paper ballots was to take place in every state.

There is a ton of "noise" on the Left right now. But that should not intimidate us and drown out the common sense, that we KNOW masses of people have and are waking up, and numerically we have probably already actually won.

We just need to have our win properly registered at the ballot box.

Yes, I know the election clean up is no small problem and it's going painfully slowly with new threats arising (illegals voting, etc.).

But do keep things in perspective. I suspect we've already in reality gained the numbers to win.

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Then why do you spend time here talking endlessly about issues if the system and all of government is totally corrupt and nothing can fix it? Insurrection is your only option, and not one most here would list as an option until/unless it is inevitable for survival. Most people here are absolutely willing to fight with constructive tactics even in the face of grave circumstances.

Do you think people were at your point at the civil war with the country split in half? The first and second world war? They were scared to death but fought to save this country. They didn’t withdraw and give up (which is what withdrawal is).

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You still need to vote.

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Early and Often- 'By any means necessary' is not a sick joke.

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Oh I know, and it works both ways. Tragically the Left aren't that smart. SO I don't fear them. They can't help but screw things up in everyway. Implosion is the way. I'm not going to slow them down by voting against them. Bring it on harder, so the fall will be faster.

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I believe that is just as true now as it was in the 60's when I first registered and voted. Even if they put up a skull-and-crossbones on the voting booth, I would still vote. Unless and until someone has the nerve to remove that privilege, I will vote. Even if the rest of the world says it's of no use. Not seeing a direct answer to prayer is not reason to stop praying. I think America is under judgment from On High at the moment.

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Mike, if the leftists win, there will be no tomorrow to save. They are a "by any means necessary" force. You won't survive if they win.

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1776 says otherwise, the Magna Carta and Declaration of Independence beg to differ. By condoning the election charade, you are advancing the Socialism we will have to shoot our way out of. Those that don't learn form history are doomed to repeat it, rinse and repeat again.

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But Mike, none of those key events occurred in a vacuum, nor did those that pushed for better governance only begin pushing with those events.

Life is a series of choices, and we sometimes don't even recognize the critical choice, which could be your vote.

Ever heard of butterfly wings?

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The Magna Carta now means nothing. England has fallen.

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You’re overthinking this. Consent doesn’t really apply.

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The “black pill” is strong with Mike.

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I do have some sympathy though.

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Of course, sympathy for another’s lack of hope is a normal human reaction. Everyone must choose their own path, but I’m not trying to convince the good people on this platform to stop voting.

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Its not black, its grey, or is it gray, whichever one isn't cultural appropriation "I'll take for $100 Steve" LOL. What is amusing is that this one election isn't the end, or the beginning, its the continuation of the slow slide towards full on Leftism(fascism, communism, socialism, marxism, its all here and NOW) The FAcEbOOk is controlling the masses and most of you won't get rid of it and learn to disobey your rulers. NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN NPR...they aren't going away and will continue to lie and the voters will keep patronizing them until they dont and by then, the shiite will have hit the fan. Be prepared or suffer.

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Yeah, I've noticed. Neither does voting, or laws, or science. Good times

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There is some truth in what you say. But voting can’t hurt.

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Kinda like signing from Santa Claus to presents to your adult children. It can't hurt.

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This reminded me of this, from way National Lampoon way back in 1972: 


Go placidly

Amid the noise and waste.

And remember what comfort there may be

In owning a piece thereof.

Avoid quiet and passive persons

Unless you are in need of sleep.

Rotate your tires.

Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself

And heed well their advice,

Even though they be turkeys.

Know what to kiss... and when!

Consider that two wrongs never make a right

But that three... do.

Wherever possible, put people on hold.

Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment

And despite the changing fortunes of time,

There is always a big future in computer maintenance.


You are a fluke

Of the universe.

You have no right to be here.

And whether you can hear it or not

The universe is laughing behind your back.

Remember the Pueblo.

Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle and mutilate.

Know yourself.

If you need help, call the FBI.

Exercise caution in your daily affairs,

Especially with those persons closest to you.

That lemon on your left, for instance.

Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls

Would scarcely get your feet wet.

Fall not in love therefore;

It will stick to your face.

Gracefully surrender the things of youth:

The birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan

And let not the sands of time

Get in your lunch.

Hire people with hooks.

For a good time call 606-4311;

Ask for "Ken."

Take heart amid the deepening gloom

That your dog is finally getting enough cheese.

And reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot

It could only be worse in Milwaukee.


Therefore, make peace with your god

Whatever you conceive him to be-

Hairy thunderer, or cosmic muffin.

With all its hopes, dreams, promises and urban renewal

The world continues to deteriorate.



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Two Wongs don't make a White

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without censorship msm would have to report the truth or go out of business and we all know that's not happening anytime soon.

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All the collectivists - Fascists, Socialists-Communists, Islamists, walk in lock step on the issue of freedom: You can’t have any. One country originally set the high bar for freedom, and that was America. And we too are now subjected to the suppressive machinations of an evil government. Vestiges of federalism, DJT and the occasional honest judge give us some hope. We are fighting pathetic tyrants and their bootlicking media lackeys.

Notice as well not only the hive like tendencies of these governments, most of which protest about saving “democracy” while doing everything possible to destroy it. They all pull the same stunts at the same time with the same language. But I’m sure that’s all just a coincidence. Everybody needs to shut up except the orcs who support the regime.

We aren’t going to stop. Not going to back to serfdom and monarchies under a different name. Do not let them silence you. A lot of good people have paid the ultimate price to defend freedom. They did what was necessary to stop tyranny. That’s what this is. Again, it’s time to take out the trash.

Trump/Vance 2024

PS Have a nice day😎

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Sot on Tanto. But we have created a monarchy of sorts, career politicians. In many ways they are the worst kind of monarchy. It’s past time for the serfs to put the monarchy in its place………..unemployed.

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The career pols are a symptom of a bigger caste of players. The deep state is real. The IC and their impacts on government is real and not in a good way. The problem is way to huge for one man to solve. It's gonna take more than a village.

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The problem has always been huge, but we have to start somewhere by taking action. That action is voting and persuasion of others to vote for the same people and policies that advance ordered liberty.

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Can’t find the source (I want to say it was the late, great Kinky Friedman) but a wise man proposed two terms for every elected official - the first in office, and the second in prison.

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Can't be stated better👍

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Nae quinn, nae king, nae laird, nae master! We willna be fooled again!

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I canna say it better

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Aye, but d'ye ken the source?

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Aye, laddie-Terry Pratchett- (assist by MacGoogle)

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The Wee Free Men.

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We have never been a "democracy" and that simple fact is why the Left gets any attention. We continue to use the lying words they do when trying to communicate with these twits. Parallel economy is where we are heading. A true underground of sorts for those that are capable of ignoring bureaucracies. How long you can keep your head low will be key. Viva la Liberte

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If you eliminate the middle class in an economy, you end up with a sort of monarchy with the wealthy elites in power and the serfs working with no hope for a better life..

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If you eliminate the middle class, you get communism.

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Here is my contribution of support for this thread:


Please share this as much as needed to expose the fraud of media calling us a democracy.

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And a Liberal isn't a dirty word. The conservatives have been clinging to tradition while ignoring the progress of ideas that expand personal liberty. The corrupted government controlled press have contorted words and definitions to confuse our discussions of truth. I am a far right Classical Liberal free market discgolfer husband and father of five independent thinkers who happened to get screwed over in their education by Leftists lying about truth. I believe the republic has fallen. The swamp is too big.

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Perhaps after 12 years of Trump and Vance, our country will be recognizable again,

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Elon Musk will prevail. Cream (honesty) rises to the top, but it takes time. Meanwhile, watching the main stream media rot from the headlines down has become our nation's past time. Good triumphs evil. Truth trumps fiction. Never forget that. Once DJT takes the helm, the pace will quicken, and a new song, "Turds Don't Float" will top the charts.

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Odds are greater than zero that they will try to kill him again and this time they won't send a 20 year old.

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Prayers that you are wrong, Jake.

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I hope Musk doesn’t get extradited to the UK by this administration.

Are you working on the song?

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12 years of MAGA may correct our course-right now. we're headed down the road paved w/good intentions

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Ah, yes. I quite remember the famous Rudakubana clan, members of which fought at Hastings, signed the Magna Carta and helped Nelson defeat the Spanish Armada at Tragalgar. That famously British family with roots going deep into the history of Jolly Olde. Wait... You mean to say they only came to England in the twilight of The Empire, back in the early 2000's? I must have been mistaken in my research through Debrett's Guide to the British peerage. Oh, well. If the stabber had been a mooslim, we would stil not know his name, face or family affiliations. But being a "Christian" (as styled by the famously independent and inquisitive British press), he lacked sufficient diversity Pokemon points to remain anonymous. Funny, though, how we only hear the left declaim, "If it only saves one child!" when they demand gun control after a shooting death, but never, ever when it involves immigration controls.

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Simply amazing coincidence Steve.///sarc

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Sarc and puns are the highest forms of intelligence.

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Freedom of Speech???

Ironically, the only speech that might ever deserve to be suppressed is that speech which would suppress speech itself. It’s akin to yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater. When you suppress speech, what you’re really doing is suppressing thought. Thus those who would suppress thought are those who seek to control us by controlling how we think. It’s time to yell “Fire!” my friends. The theater is really ablaze.

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Not only suppression of thought, but installation of the utmost fear. Fear is a major driving factor for their control of us. Just ask anyone who has been able to escape a communist regime. They’ll tell you, as a “dissident”, they couldn’t trust anyone, not even their closest family or friends.

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Some here in America got a little taste of that when Covid hit. People were encouraged to rat on those that didn't get the shot and then they were ostracized and banned from certain activities.

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COVID brought out totalitarian/fascist/commie behaviour in our so-called betters. It gave them a taste of power that they are not willing to give up.

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Ah yes, and Oh-so progressive Tampon Tim bragged about "isolating" (i.e. avoiding) his 87 year-old mother recovering from a heart operation.

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She probably didn't like him either.

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IIRC Tampon Tim also established a "hot line" during COVID so Minnesotans could snitch on one another.

He is a Leftists dream Fascist--rolly polly with all the right purported characteristics (gun using, Dad, "neighborly") checked but only a poor facsimile of all of those. Just a cipher, actually.

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and he supposedly encouraged others to rat on their neighbors & acquaintances

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More evidence yet that he is what Leftists like him are always accusing conservatives of being - A FASCIST.

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Read the stories of people who lived behind the Berlin Wall before it came down. Chilling and almost beyond comprehension. The communists used fear to suppress even thought, and paid people to snitch on their own family members private thoughts. It was so far beyond 1984 it is hard to understand how human beings can be so savage toward their own family and community.

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My friend's elderly mother lived through that in East Berlin. It was real and according to my friend, it made her worry that people were always listening to her private conversations even after the wall came down.

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Harold Finch : It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you. Admitting Physician : Who exactly is after you? Harold Finch : The Brotherhood, the federal government.

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THE LIVES OF OTHERS is about exactly this subject and won the Oscar for best foreign film. It’s a story, not a documentary.

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Extremely well said👍👍

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"Knowledge itself is power." Sir Francis Bacon. It is the job of fascist governments and their media collaborators to prohibit the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge among their people. It is through the device of keeping the people ignorant, therefore docile and powerless, that regimes keep their power. See American public schools. See every federal government agency, aka, deep state, all weaponized to serve the fascist agenda. The Brits are the spearhead showing the way for the American fascists.

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hence the spin from the state media (MSM)

three months ago Harris was toxic.. now she races Jesus across the water

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And the lemmings follow as best they can. It boggles the mind that it still works for so many people.

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Given the choices, of course, ‘nothing’

But add to that- live according to reason tempered by faith (in what?, it has been given to you to choose), cultivate a well-tuned bullshit detector, be ready to give account of the hope that is in you, stand firm when you are pressured to betray your conscience, hope, and pray.

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Well the correct answer is "nothing", BUT watching the propaganda spewed like projectile vomit through MSM, I voted for eliminating MSNBC. Because visual media has honed the craft of appealing to emotions and thus displacing reading. And so many of the leftists love MSNBC (and CNN).

With busy lives lots of people never read so can't form independent opinions--unimaginable to those of us reading Surber but so often true of Lefties

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Read the NYTimes or the WaPo and believe it or don’t. Your choice.

Most of us don’t believe what they print or what Joy Reid spews on PMSNBC.

We consider the source of the information. If the pink haired lady is waving a campaign sign advocating for a certain candidate it might be wise to consider the source and conclude she is advocating for a liberal. Not always but it’s a good rule of thumb.

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A story based on lies always fails over time as the truth never changes.Thank you Poca-Man for posting the real story on the stabbings and the perp.My pity cup for the Brits is empty as they willingly tried to one up France in Muslim immigration per capita and now have the 6 or 7 largest cities run by Islamic politicians.Lead on Mr.Surber and we will see a MAGA 2024 victory as strong as todays poll results by the Grace of GOD.

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I'm Jewish, and all my life people have said the most vile things to my face because they either didn't know, or worse, simply forgot that I'm Jewish. I don't care. They're idiots. Let the Nazi speak first. Bring him to the front of the line. As a free speech absolutist, the most disturbing thing anyone can say to me is, "I believe in free speech, but...." confessing that they don't believe in it at all.

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When they use "but," it betrays who they really are. Free speech for all.

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Nothing but respect. Dad. Worked 25 years for 2 of the finest people I ever knew-Abe and Joe Weingarten

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It’s a very difficult time ahead of us. Our governments are evil and desire to control all aspects of our lives.

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Evil is openly showing its face. We are being dared to fight or submit.

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Our government has gotten so large and bloated it is almost incapable of fixing anything, fearing that if it does then the natural outcome will eventually turn to reducing the size of government and loss of jobs. Our government is too large and has now become the reason citizens cannot adjust its size to fit current requirements and resources. You never hear a government advocate for a reduction in its size rather than a reduction in services. Somehow, we have made government at many levels sort of a sacred cow that must be appeased with higher and higher taxes rather than any reduction in force size.

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I heard today that even China--a communist state--only devotes 14% of GDP to government, while in the USA the government is 18% (and not even sure that includes state and local gov't spending either).

Reduce the $$ and the temptation for corruption and control is diminished.

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The Brits caused the problem by withholding information..

The presumption of it being a Muslim was the governments fault

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Who is to say he is not a convert to Islam?.

He might come from a Christian family but some Christians have left and gone over. The question of his current religion was not asked. Wonder why.

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interesting stat I have read lately is more Muslims are sick of the violence and converting to Christianity than vice-versa

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We'll never see that headline.

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Maybe in a Don Surber column or comment!

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There is an evangelist who wins more Muslims to Christ by teaching them what is in the Quran and hadith than by teaching them the Gospel.

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??? would enjoy adding him/her to my daily/weekly knowledge expansion


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Absolutely, the degree to which most people don't read something, anything, is a problem.

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The firm called Open Web manages comment boards for many sites. They are managing the content that is posted because, in their words, "There is a crisis of toxicity online".

What they call toxicity is really truth because they don't want a discourse of opinion. So, they censor it.

There is a recent article about migrants hanging out in large groups at Home Depot parking lots resulting in fighting and violence among themselves who were vying for day labor jobs. My comment said, "They are here illegally. They are disrupting our communities and sometimes are the source of serious crime and fighting. If they are unable to fit into productive society, send them back to where they came from."

It was rejected for violating community standards.

This is a crisis and it is not just about where we get our news. They are controlling what can be said among ourselves. Today, we can't pose a factual opinion on a serious issue like illegal immigration, and tomorrow they will arrest you for a conversation you had in your kitchen that was overheard by your phone or Alexa.

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"OPEN WEB". What a crock. The most reliable prediction about today's media is that the names of the speech-control outfits convey the very opposite of their intentions.

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Boycotting Nazibook would go a long way to fixing free speech.

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Conservatives posting pictures of their grand babies keep FB profitable.

The kids went to TicTok.

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Totally, my kids have been off FB for a good while. If it's not TikTok, it's Snapchat or Instagram.

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Snapchat, X, whatever....when the censors are allowed to continue, I boycott. I'll be here in the background watching the insanity continue. Someone once said, don't argue with a moron, how will anyone know if you won? These criminals in both parties don't deserve votes, they deserve gallows. And until leaders start advocating for punishment for the criminals, there is no justice or law, or country. Im advocating for punishment. But only with consent of the self governed will I comply. Too many want to vote first, okay, go ahead. I will wait. And when that doesn't work out, let me know.

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Mike, probably every American on the Right agrees with you that the criminals in both parties (and in the IC etc.), many of whom have committed treason, deserve justice, punishment, and for treason, the gallows.

If the Left tries to steal THIS election by fraud, we will be in a new situation, which may end up in Civil War. And let's make no mistake about it-- it will be the LEFT that makes this choice by daring to commit treason again by election fraud, or assassination. So that would be the LEFT that will be choosing the path of violence.

In the meantime, voting in an election "too big to rig" may succeed, and would avoid the tragedy of outright war. A vote is a simple thing to do, and well worth it if the vote succeeds.

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The vote has succeeded and was summarily ignored the last time, and the last time before that. The Left ignores truth. I'm a helper. So I'm helping them come the realization of truth. By not helping them lose, their winning will beget more chaos that they will not be able to ignore much longer. First step is letting go. I noticed its already gone. Now go get 'vaccinated' and for God's sake don't eat red meat.

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Why would we "let you know"

You don't lead or follow, you just get out of the way.

You must love Tampon Tim

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You are all letting me know now, to lead from behind, by voting. Right now. Sorry but I aint following by leading from behind, hahahaha. When you get a broken window, call me, then I can fix it for you. No sense in fixing it until it breaks right, the price is negotiable.

Right now, everything is beginning to break down from decades of lies and deceit from both parties. That can't be undone except to say, it will inevitably be undone, by hook or by rook, and right now the crooks are helping it swimmingly. Going along to get along, is the mantra the middle has clung to for far too long. That chicken is coming home to roost and voting this time, is still not going to correct course. But go ahead and try. I'm doing. By not pretending anymore there is a country that has a Bill of Rights. I am a person that has my Natural rights and I pity the fool that attempts to take them from me. By vote or violence. God speed

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For the survey, I recommend shuttering all MSM for misinformation and propaganda.

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“Online violence”

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Vote Republican and don’t be silent about it.

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Buy ammo and be silent about it.

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