What they might just as well say out loud is that it is only when conservatives, libertarians, and republicans vote is democracy threatened - and it SHOULD be, for this reason:

"Ours is a constitutional republic that protects individuals from the savagery of mass hysteria."

That is certainly the ideal - and perhaps was true, at some point - maybe still is... in Ottawa County, anyway.

"They closed the county’s office of diversity, equity and inclusion."

One of the best measures taken.

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It's a constant redefining of words. "Democracy" to them means people thinking they actually have a choice rather than understanding what it looks like when they really do.

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Democracy now means the other side (Ds) getting their way, whatever the cost.

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Cost savings already!

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Excellent comment!!

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I would not like to live in a county run by The Washington Post

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I would not like to live in a COUNTRY run by The Washington Post.

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I was expecting that comment. Good job sir!

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You (we) do.

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As Barack Hussein Soetoro said, "Elections have consequences."

Well, we conservatives have had to put up with disagreeable consequences for a long time. Now it's their turn.

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Well said. One small correction - Barry Hussein Soetoro.

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A victory for the people. A defeat for Bezos and the lefties.

I reckon a safety manager at an HVAC company is more qualified to head the health department than a septic inspector. As for Covid, the former inspector proved she was full of shit, like many of the tanks she used to inspect.

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Anyone who has made the job from a technical expert to manager realizes the skills sets are different. Just because someone has domain knowledge does not make them a decent manager.

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Well, an ACTUAL safety manager at an ACTUAL HVAC company makes more sense to head a county health department than some guy filling the post of Head of the Department of Transportation just because he fits the checkmark for "gay".

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Anyone who can successfully manage a small business can manage a government.

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Congratulations citizens of Grand Haven, MI!! Your leadership is a model for countless other counties in our beautiful USA!

Evil despises truth and righteousness. We are indeed in a war between good and evil. We are finally pushing back! Who cares what the evil Post thinks, and other leftist rags for that matter.

Another excellent post Mr. Poca man with the Bentley dreams!!

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I stand by what I have always maintained "The more the government does, the worse the problem gets."

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The legacy media has morphed from 4th estate to 5th column

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They never were the fourth estate. As I used to tell journalists, we ain't royalist France. Now they're basically the equilvent of crack whores,

I take that back. At there you get what you pay for.

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“Ottawa County offers a glimpse of what happens when one of the building blocks of American democracy is consumed by ideological battles.”

Bwa bwa bwa. That’s what they say when they lose & right prevails. Sounds lovely to the rest of us. I sure hope it spreads.

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Thank you so much for this inspiring article. I live in a totally Blue state, where if you didn't wear a mask you were considered a killer.

As a retired physician I studied all the research papers during the lockdown, on masks, on Ivermectin, on Hydroxychloroquine, on the destructive NIH protocol that required doctors to use medications that were either toxic to the kidneys (Remdesivir), steroids in too low a dose to be effective, and ventilators that most often ended people's lives.

The bureaucratic protocol was designed in such a way that the bioweapons would be considered the only treatment for the virus (which is also a bioweapon created by the DOD through Eco-health alliance in Wuhan) otherwise the bioweapon (falsely labeled a vaccine) could not get Emergency Use Authorization. That meant that instead of treating patients as soon as they became ill as outpatients, with widely used and safe drugs, doctors were told to tell patients, "Come back when you can't breathe." At no time in the 20th century have doctors told patients with an infection "I can't help you until you are near death."

The entire medical community was controlled by public health officials who don't have any patients of their own and never treated patients themselves. Doctors had to follow these protocols or be fired from the medical staff. A few doctors of integrity treated their patients, saved lives, and distinguished themselves. Many were fired from the medical staff of their hospitals and were cyber stalked by social media, and "fact checkers," which made them out to be quacks, when, in fact, they were the best doctors in the country. Drs. McCullough, Pierre Kory, Dr. Marik, Dr. Zelenko, and so many others.

Katherine Watt has done legal research into the laws that made it legal for the DOD to set up a biochemical weapons program and contract with pharmaceutical manufacturers to make and distribute these products labeled as vaccines, but which were bioweapons intended to damage and destroy human beings.https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/. In fact very early on in the pandemic, the US DOD took control of pandemic policy from HHS.

The government used a fake pandemic as an excuse to shutdown the society and bring the economy to a near collapse, to use a bioweapon on its people and then to change voting rules to enable a vast number of fraudulent ballots using multiple fraudulent methods, in order to make sure that Donald Trump would never again be elected President and in order to make sure that as few MAGA candidates won as possible.

In the face of all this evil, it is indeed like shining the light of God on us all, to print this article about honest patriots in Michigan. Thank you, Don Surber.

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It should be noted - we knew as early as April, Covid was not surface transmitted. We knew also that masks could not work as the virus was too small for the containment field in the masks - not even N95s as worn by the general population made any difference at all. We had real life school data showing that the 6 ft distancing rule - based upon a hypothesis brought forward by a German scientist or doctor in the 1800's- had no impact on spread. None of the public health mandates had any impact on the spread. But boy did they have a bunch of negative impacts.

The closing of schools was a disaster, and there are numerous studies out there demonstrating massive educational loss - with the most optimistic ones saying at least the bright ones can recover. Speech issues with masking on the very young. The shutdown impacted human social networks such that we are experiencing the most dire mental health issues of our lives - and probably impacted by social media. More importantly, we saw that the professional class was willing to absolutely promote policies that they knew were medically inappropriate at best, and flat down dangerous at worse, in order to make a political change they wanted. There are social media posts bragging about this.

The good doctor above noted the problems within the medical profession who treat patients between those who were willing to fight the public health quacks, and those who were silent, vs those who teamed up with the public health quacks. Very interesting and sad.

The same public health quacks and their medical fellow travelers are now trying to create a disease called long covid. Guess what, a recent study on masking indicates long covid may be a direct result of mask wearing. So prolonged mask wearing actually appears to bad for you. Employers watch it closely, your overly masked employees may be working up a big medical bill down the road for you cover for long covid, or any one of another respiratory ailments due to prolonged mask use.

Hurray for this Michigan county. Other red state counties and states need to clip the wings of the public health class - and consider prosecuting a few of them for good measure.

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By the end of April 2020, 63 year-old diabetic Tom Hanks and his wife Rita had recovered from C-19 and returned to the USA and the hospital ship Comfort had left New York Harbor unused.

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A very dear lady, mother of a close friend of mine, contracted COVID when she was more than 90 years old.

And recovered.

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Excellent comment!!

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Change is easiest at the local level..at school boards and in Ottawa county. The Bezos Post’s opinions are irrelevant, as is Foxnews’ now.

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Foxnews? What's that? 😉

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Faux News, you know, fake, it's like CNN having an echo.

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Ohhhhh! Got it! 😉


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Good for Ottawa County. As I recall, voting for the opposition, let alone winning, is punishable by jail time in most Communist countries, and Michigan qualifies on that count. So I understand the Post’s confusion. They’ve moved into the Post-Republican period ( See what I did there?). You’re only allowed to vote for Democrats. Hey, at least Ottawa County had a fair election. We can’t even get that in Arizona, a red state, where RINOs help the Left steal elections rather than let the process work as planned and the people have their lawful vote counted. This is not your father’s Oldsmobile.

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A quote from @JeremyRedfernFL that seems useful here “I’m sorry the Constitution is happening to you.”

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About 20 years ago, I spent a week on Ottawa County on a project. Some work involved me being out and about at 2am. Never felt safer. Really enjoyed the area, and I usually hate larger places.

The Wikipedia entry for Ottawa County has this not surprisingly biased sentence in the opening paragraph: “As of 2023, the county's board of commissioners has been described as far-right by national and Michigan-based media organizations, with former official of President Donald Trump, John Gibbs, chosen by the board to serve as the county administrator.”

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“Far right” means you can tie your own shoes, your hair isn’t colored like a Peter Max poster, you might eat a cheeseburger, you believe in working for a living, and your spouse is not the same sex as you are.

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Far left means you are more artistic as it becomes art to exist while having a cranial-rectal insertion and feel superior at the same time..

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It’s actually been studied and is known in psychology lexicon as the Dunning-Kruger effect.

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Thank you.

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Well, then I think it should be edited, yet again! Guess what *I'll* be doing, this weekend!

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As of 2023 the voters of Ottawa county have firmly rejected stealth communism and leftist anti family dogma.

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I guess perhaps around the same time period I also worked nearby in a town to the North of Grand Haven, called Muskegon, looked like they had been testing Stinger missles there best I recall. My weekends were spent in Grand Haven, really beautiful lil burg with lots of boats and supported with a triple the size of population during the summer months. Glad they took it back. Even brought the wife and kids up there one weekend to look at homes, might have been the better choice, oh well.

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One of my best friends was an officer in the USCG, and he was stationed in GH for ~3 years. He loved it, there!

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I loved your poll today. Definitely ignoring it.

"An Otherwise Nondescript Michigan County F*cked Around With Its Career Public Servants." I love this strange new world we live in. Bureaucrats aren't "public servants." If you've ever been to the DMV or dealt with a building inspector, they're petty little bureaucrats who have to justify their jobs. We should definitely fuck with them more.

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Ignoring it did absolutely nothing. At least with the masks you had a toxic incubator strapped to your face increasing your chances of getting a severe infection of something that might kill you. At least that was the plan. We survived them.

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Certainly appreciate your reporting this. We need to work in the trenches, i.e. all levels of government, to bring sanity back if it is at all possible.

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If only Donald Trump had the cojones the first time to really clean house. I hope he's learned his lesson for the second round assuming the diaper-filling fool and his party occupying the White House now don't manage to steal it again.

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