Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"Republicans are harder on Gaetz than they are on Jamaal Bowman, Hakeem Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden combined because crooks and communists pose no threat to the RINO cash flow. Gaetz does."

Perfect. Could add Trump to that too

Newt lost me when he sat on the Global warming couch with Nancy years ago. Just another bought out fraud like Hannity Levin and all others.

Way to go Matt Gaetz

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"Just another bought out fraud like Hannity Levin and all others."

PREACH, Brother!!

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When I see Levin on TV or web, I turn the sound down. I just like watching him scowl like he smells something.

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Levin has a sharp constitutional mind but has gotten so angry he is unwatchable. The corrupt system eventually absorbs everyone, good and bad.

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Neither he nor Hannity have ever been watchable. Overwhelming egos

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I do not watch Hannity. But you can learn a lot from people who may be hard to listen to sometimes. Levin is a bright guy, just too consumed with anger to be able to speak effectively today.

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AMEN!!! Hannity is disgusting.

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Matt: ‘I take no lecture from those who would grovel and bend knee for the lobbyists and special interests who own our leadership, hollow out this town, and borrow against the future of our future generations’.

This is a Conservative. Not sure about this one but he also speaks truth: If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women and then vote against them, you've got no business being up here." J.M. Unruh, a lobyee.

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Amen!!! Goetz hit a grand slam.

D.S.: "You lie, goodbye."

"You play, you pay": A friend of mine, long ago. after Magic Johnson got AIDS. First time I'd heard the expression. Never forgot it.

Poor Nancy Pelosi (I first typed "Reagan"!!!).

She slithers into the Dump McCarthy wave and then gets knocked off her surfboard with McCarthy's successor INSTANTLY kicking her out of her palatial office.

Then she has the balls to remind everyone about Dennis Hastert, Ex-Speaker / Little Boy Banger --- whining that when she was Speaker, she allowed ex-Speaker Hastert to retain his cushy office.

(For a lousy two months!!! "After Democrats took control of the House in 2007 following the 2006 elections, Hastert declined to seek the position of minority leader, [on January 3, 2007, he] resigned his House seat, and became a lobbyist at the firm of Dickson Shapiro." WP 10-04-23).

--- "... as sad as Travis Kelce will be when [Taylor Swift] dumps him."

Hey, at least, she actually existed!

[Ref: ex-Notre Dame football player with an imaginary girlfriend: https://www.sportskeeda.com/nfl/news-lb-manti-te-o-become-victim-complex-hoax.]

Then, again, any man dating Taylor Swift WOULD have an imaginary girlfriend.

She's fired more boyfriends than Steinbrenner axed Yankee managers.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This alone justifies the drama: "Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was ordered to “immediately” vacate her Capitol hideaway office by Wednesday as she slammed acting speaker Patrick McHenry’s decision as a “sharp departure from tradition.”

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Nancy Pelosi is the reason her "Husband" became queer.

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LOL, LOL, LOL!!!!!

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Now THAT is funny!!!!!

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She hasn’t been Speaker since last Nov; what the hell she still doing in there?

Send her back to her palace in San Fransicko where she can make idiotic, tone-deaf videos giggling like some dumb teenager in front of her $10,000 refrigerators.

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Controlling the ‘Speaker”…like Obama is still in Washington controlling the Presidency (and the destruction of the country).

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I think you are giving obama too much credit. obama was the second most STUPID president of all time. Jimmy Carter was THE dumbest. You see obama a lot in the media, but that is obama showing his ever growing homosexual ego.

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I agree with your assessment of Obama but Carter was not stupid. He had a degree in nuclear physics and was a bright guy. His problem was a lack of leadership. He was a micro-manger to the tenth degree and had no idea how to lead people. Not all bright guys coming out of a Naval Officer position are good leaders. But on the high side, he never managed to run a ship into another one so that's something in his favor.

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You are right about Mr. Carter. He was a very smart man, but a terrible president. The navy failed us in another way as well--John McCain who should have been nothing more than a dishwasher.

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Agreed. So many people think that ex-military people will make good politicians. Some do, others don't. McCain was a flawed man who started to believe all the [praise people dumped on him. His arrogant attitude was not good for politics either.

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Carter had no common sense. I have seen it a lot in the Tech field. Great Tech, no leadership or personal skills.

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Spending a long career in the Army taught me the difference between being a manager and being a leader. Today, they are too often confused as meaning the same thing. For some reason, too many companies hire managers and put them in leadership positions, with the non-surprising result. As so many companies and organizations try to get out from under high employee salaries by hiring todays brightest young people who will work for much less, you see this more and more. Life skills and "significant life experiences" (as my flight instructor used to call them) are priceless learning assets. I see so many retired people today who should be running companies and corporations instead of relaxing. If Bud Lites parent company had understood customers a bit better perhaps they would have hired such a person instead of a young woke airhead non-beer drinker who lost them billions of dollars and turned an entire cultural segment against them.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

You and I have had this discussion before Tony. I think discounting BHBarry’s smarts based on his orientation is a mistake.

Why else does he have a bazillion $ house a stones throw from the WH and now we’re told Mike is being set up to be on Newsomes ticket as a VP.

If it’s not Bath House who is it? Biden can’t find his own ass with two hands and a flashlight, someone is calling the shots!

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If Biden's having trouble finding his ass, hand him a mirror and tell him to look at it.

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She has a place in Frisco but intends to retire in Florida where they own a large home. I expect she is concerned about the rising crime in the city she helped destroy.

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McHenry flashed some balls last night-the Grinch is a disappointment, and Gaetz has the admiration of all the MAGAA. 'To be elected speaker a candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast, as opposed to a majority of the full membership of the House – presently 218 votes, in a House of 435'. Why not Donald Jr?

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10/04/23: My gut feeling is that McHenry faked his support for McCarthy (he had nothing to gain and everything to lose overtly supporting Gaetz). Then when he benefited from McCarthy being ousted, he decided that it was time for him to be himself. And he is one very sharp, talented dude (as well as being willing to betray to get ahead). I'm surprised I hadn't heard anything about McHenry prior to this.

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The tradition she speaks of is called "business as usual".

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Loved that one. Showed just what a coward he was.

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Update: Kevin McCarthy was behind interim Speaker Patrick McHenry’s move to kick former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer out of their office spaces, two Republican sources told CNN.

GOP Rep. Garret Graves told reporters on Wednesday that McCarthy is getting the office that McHenry has ordered her to vacate.

“Look the deal is that the office that Pelosi is in right now is the office of the preceding speaker. Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats determined that they wanted a new … speaker, and [that makes the new preceding speaker] Kevin McCarthy. So, he’s getting the office,” he said.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Hey Newt, if you want to expel Matt Gaetz then you need to move here and vote against him in the next election. And make sure to bring a lot of your quisling buddies along because he won 80% of the vote in 2022. Otherwise, respect the will of the people and leave our duly elected representative alone.

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I'm sending him some ducketts... people like Gaetz need to be shown they have our support

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Yes, yesterday I made several phone calls praising the 8 and seriously chiding my state’s Reps for not being among the 8. Money matters too, even $5 from tons of people will add up to HUGE $$ reward for standing up to the RINO’s.

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Yep, I sent in a small donation to Gaetz as well! I LOVE SEEING A FIGHTER ON OUR SIDE for once!! (other than Trump!)

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Newt is a pathetic, washed-up clown/turncoat.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Yesterday, we got to witness the way government under a Representative Republic SHOULD operate. We finally saw the courage of a patriot spitting in the eye of the uniparty. The opinion of the majority of Americans were represented in Congress.

The boos in Congress show me their real feelings toward 75 million Trump voters. So, for those booing, please find another place to live. The outcome will be fascinating to watch unfold. I can only hope this courage won't be wasted.

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Those Boo's were telling; one of the few times they told the truth (how they feel about us versus their "precious" lobbyists). Usually when their lips are moving, they're lying - but I guess your lips don't have to move when you "boo"...

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This vote to oust McCarthy clearly shows that all but 8 of the House Republicans are Rinos. Very disappointed in Jim Jordan! My rep in AL sided with McCarthy. It is so true. The Republicans continue to do nothing to save our nation. Zilch! Nada! The Democrat party is the varsity team. The Republican party is the freshman team. Same play book. God help us!

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You are too kind. The Republican party are the water boys serving the Dems whatever they request for little in return.

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Precisely the reason I left; Dems bear an endless stream of false witness (“Russian Collusion!”), impeach a Republican POTUS three times over trumped up BS, lie about Republicans in the media 24/7, & a weak, feckless, in-over-his-head water boy (RINO Ryan) actively works to hand over an institution of which he was Speaker to the opposition?

Done with this merry-go-round I want off. Take your party & shove it.

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But these waterboy's still get to screw the cheerleaders B squad, so they don't mind and stay in their lane.

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My rep is Nancy Mace, who I have always considered to be a RINO. I was stunned that she voted with Gaetz. Once upon a time I swore that I would never vote for her again. I may have to rethink that.

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Jury is still out on her. She may have wanted something out of this for herself. Time will tell. But remember, some people want to be leaders but need to be shown how to be one. She has the right tools, but lacks consistency and some other traits. Don't judge everyone after one action. This takes time to fix and we need all the help we can get.

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No, this was an anomaly...

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Maybe, maybe not. Too early to tell.

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She goes back and forth too much. What are her values? She always says she was elected to serve her district. Ok. But there needs to be some consistency in her core values.

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Rob, not sure I totally agree with your assessment of the number of Rino's. There are two kinds of people in congress; leaders and followers. You can be a follower and not necessarily be a Rino in my opinion. Some followers need to be shown how to be effective leaders. Congress has always been about allegiance's and partnering to get things done. Invariably, it takes a few strong leaders to motivate people to take charge and do the right thing but that doesn't happen all at once. This is a step in the right direction. What the new speaker needs is some early victories to show the group how it's done. We will see if that leader presents themselves or not I guess. One thing is for sure though, the GOP will not survive as a party if it doesn't shed its "its okay to finish second" mantra and start taking charge of the system.

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Well said. Which of us hasn't made a mistake - professionally or personally - yet we learned a valuable lesson from it, navigated a new course and became a better person. It's called "experience" and the best only comes from hard lessons.

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Yep, you "get it". Wish everyone did. I have learned far more from failing at something than from my successes.

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lol Dad always did the lessons learned after one of us kids did something stupid or failed at. Only as a teen you just groaned and said no Dad, no but he usually got us some self analysis done in the next week or two. He didnt call it lessons learned either, finally figured it out about 20 yrs later. I do miss him.

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Yeah, my wife always says we grow much smarter with age.

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Hang together or hang alone-not one dem voted for-we can only wish we had that cohesion.

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Jordan cut his throat with his vote.

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House Republicans’ ability to govern?

My top two additions - leaving the J6 prisoners to rot in jail with no constitutional rights. As far as I know, the only person in congress to even visit them was Marjorie Taylor Greene. And number 2 - McCarthy promising to release ALL of the J6 videos and then sitting on them instead. Unforgivable.

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Especially the video of the black Capitol policewoman VICIOUSLY beating Rosanne Boyland to death. There were at least 3 videos of this from different angles. And the NEXT DAY the DC Medical Examiner’s office cremated her body and called her death a drug overdose.

Truly, getting this video out would collapse the entire phony J6 “narrative”. Shame on McCarthy.

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Yeah that was just sickening. He beat her so much and she was just trapped. Then they sent projectiles into the crowd who were trying to get him to stop.

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I am shocked MTG didn't back Gaetz on this vote. Nor Boebert. 🫤

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MTG supported McCarthy when he became speaker because he promised her some committee position. Same for Jim Jordan.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Well, now both of them are freed from under McCarthy’s boot.

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Good point. Let's hope it matters.

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Gomer from Texas went with MTG to try to visit the J6 prisoners and get some answers.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Honest to God, Don, this article quite literally brought me to tears!

“House Republicans ability to govern??!”

For anyone out there who didn’t know it already, this kabuki theater drama should crystallize for you once and for all that, maybe, and only just maybe, there are about 4 or 5 people in our so-called “representative” party who actually give a damn about the current State of our Union.

We now will get to watch the sequel to yesterday’s “show” as they set about to introduce the “new boss”, same as the “old boss”.

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It all starts with one David willing to sling a stone. After David killed Goliath, the "scardy-cat" Israelites defeated the superior Philistine army. Hopefully a few more folks will wake up after seeing Gaetz sling the stone at Goliath Washington.

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That is my prayer of prayers and dream of dreams!

As David so aptly put it to the cowering Israelites, “Is there not a cause?!”

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Thank you for that perspective.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

well said. Would Don Surber consider position of Press Secretary in Trump 2024 Administration?

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I'd watch every press briefing!

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OMG it would be MUST SEE TV!! 🤣

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

At bottom, this is a revolt against the 'uniparty' of which McCarthy clearly is a major member. He was supported as leader to control rebel conservatives. 'America First' is anathema to the uniparty and populism is their new dirty word which they use to smear those wanting a stronger America and who want a greater focus on the well-being of Americans. Ukraine, like Afghanistan and Iraq, cannot be formed by force into a freedom-loving country which mirrors American values. We have no idea, because the uniparty will not tell us what their goals in Ukraine are. The Ukraine war will only be stopped when Congress cuts off the money for it, like they did to end the Vietnam war. While the swamp wants more war, the majority of Americans want a negotiated end to war right now. McCarthy was helping the effort to preserve defense funding and keeping war going. He needed to go from his key leadership position if we are going to have a chance to end this madness.

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Looks to me like Gingrich pulled up to Karl Rove's Juicy Pig sandwich drive-in in South Austin and had him one of those greasy pork sliders. Wipe your mouth Newt.

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When Texas finally leaves the union and is re-established as a sovereign republic, Austin along with the rest of Travis County, and its adjacent counties ought to be partitioned as a territory without representation in the new Texas national legislature, however that is configured – at least one person in a position to know tells me that a new Texas government will not resemble anything like what we have at present, and in Washington, DC.

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You just reminded me of one of my weird dreams; California and Texas both secede from the union and form another country. I did not take any poli-sci classes but knew a lot of people who did. Even worked for a couple of those. My son sometimes calls me Leon B. Little.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Seeing Patrick McHenry slam the gavel on the block in anger makes me want to place his head on said block and repeat the gavel stunt to his head. What a traitor.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Must be another one of McCarthy's boyfriends... another McRINO...



now McHenry...

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He was handpicked by McCarthy to be pro-tem Speaker. All ya need to know.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

As i said last year, Tom Fitton for speaker. he's not part of the swamp and he's got his head on straight.

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Interesting. I’d like him better as Attorney General under Trump in 2024, but I did hear he’s not an attorney himself. He has the courage though.

There probably IS an outstanding attorney in the Judicial Watch organization that would be a good AG, but whoever it is doesn’t have enough of a public profile, so we can’t tell if he could stand up to the intense pressure or not. But our next Elliot Ness might be working at Judicial Watch right now.

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Rumor has it that Trump's next AG will be Jeff Clark. He's a hammer. Besides, who would take Fitton's place at Judicial Watch?

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True, Fitton is highly effective where he is. A jewel.

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i thought the same thing about Klayman and his departure worked out fine

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He could benchpress Maxine Waters.

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But who would want to?

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Well, there is that. Delete Maxine. Insert Rashida Tlaib.

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Well, there went my breakfast.

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Imagine waking up with her on the next pillow.

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Uh, nope.

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That sounds like a worthy goal. For Waters!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I think Courage and A Trump Supporter amount to the same thing.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"Democrats wisely go by the Benedict Arnold Rule: never trust a turncoat."

A bitter lesson for Kevin. He gave the Dems nearly everything they wanted. It would have been everything but for a handful of stalwart conservatives. But even so, they didn't rescue him.

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The Chinese made the same mistake.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Give Trump the job.

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They can actually do that. Speaker does not have to be an elected official. Then impeach both Biden and HeeHaw and Trump won't have to wait till January 2025 to be president.

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Ohhhh that would be so fun to watch practically every head in that cesspool explode! 😆

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OMG yes. I would pay just for that.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The ultimate scenario would be for Trump to become speaker the plead he cannot be bothered with these sham trials because he has a government to run. Go for it Republicans if you’ve got the ………

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Gas on the fire! ;<)

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