Rather than have intellectually brilliant men and woman who care about our republic, your tome reminds us that almost everyone involved in politics is a grifter. Kudos!

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Keep writing about the grifters. They’re more fun and need more exposure of the truth.

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Plus there is unending supply of them. The material would keep coming for an eternity.

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Beto is another perpetual candidate. I am amazed at the massive amount of money wasted on these losers.

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Status Quo Joe’s already sold out WVU (you’re fired, Bob Huggins) and the state (yeah, you got us a GREAT deal with Zhou Bai-Dan). Get him the fook out of this state.

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Nice to see you back, Z.

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Bernie Sanders created the template for getting rich from presidential campaigns that you have no desire, intention or possibility to winning.

Advertising placement agencies get 15% off the top of the of ads they buy in any medium: TV, radio, digital. It's legal. It's industry standard and, for the professional ad placement agent it's cost effective because of their expertise and buying power.

Sanders wife is NOT an ad placement expert but she places all ads for Bernie's campaigns and gets 15% off the top. She partners with a friend who runs a small agency from her home.

Now you know how Socialist Bernie Sanders affords 3 homes, one with a private beach on a public servant salary that never exceeded $178,000 and why so many hopeless candidates who jumped into political campaigns wind up millionaires.

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Your theme that it's better to run and lose than to win reminds me of the film The Lion that Roared: the Duchy of Grand Fenwick decided to solve it's money problems by declaring war on the US, losing and raking in the foreign aid. Unfortunately for them they won! Heaven forbid that Liz or Mayor Pete or Maserati Manchin should screw up and win.

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Make that The Mouse that Roared.

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That's a really interesting point about raising money and spending the money when you know you can never win. We don't have those kind of campaign rules in Canada. The Manchin and Abrams scenarios where they are losers but winners with the moneythey have raised are not possible in Canada. Now I understand why all of these losers decide to run. It's financially beneficial for them to mount a campaign, fundraise, spend money on themselves and their families, and then lose. Why not? Grifters gotta grift. Joe Manchin needs to step off the stage really soon. He is really doing your state, which doesn't seem to be very well off, a disservice. He should be ashamed of himself but I understand that it's not possible. Hubris!

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Greed kills the soul of a person... who goes on to kill nations...

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I like the polls!

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I don't trust the polls, especially when voting is adjusted on election day to help the Democrats win. Or maybe the polls (some) are right and it's the adjusting on election day that makes them wrong.

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I was referring to the rather glib poll at the end of this article, not to political polling. People that make a living off polling are mostly clever fools.

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I like Surbs better.

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Totally scientific

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I have given up on the highlights of the news. Google just won't let me post any comments yetSo I'll ask you every now and then on the sub sub stack. Are you ever gonna write that article on prescription drug Pricing? It's the least transparent Business Practice in America.

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I was referring to the "Will Bernie Sanders Run?" poll at the bottom of the article, not "pols" (politicians) or pollsters. Sorry for the confusion.

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Manchin loses in 2024. Period.

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I guess Maserati Manchin might get some support and money for a presidential campaign but it's hard for me to see it being very strong. Being a moderate or centrist can make him some friends but I'd think it would make for more enemies especially with hardcore Democrats and Republicans. If he goes 3rd party, where would that support come from when he can't even carry his own state?

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Manchin could join in on national review's grift

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