Supreme Court Rules 5-4 That State Authorities

Cannot Protect American Citizens from

Illegal Border Entry- A sad Day for Texas-Barrett, Roberts,, and the 3 stooges

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A very disappointing ruling. What's wrong with these people? Oh, yeah - they live inside a safe bubble, unlike most Americans.

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I'm not so sure about the "safe bubble".. It may be they are being threatened or blackmailed. Justice Barret has several chioldren. "It would be a shame if anything happened to those children, right?"

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People have also had protest in front of their homes with no protection from the FBI or DOJ or whoever it is that issupposedto be protecting them

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When I saw she joined, I thought immediately of blackmail. I am pretty sure Roberts is too due to his adoption being in the grey.

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Words cannot express my disappointment in Barrett.

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I think she is protecting her family. Unfortunately there is a lot of blackmail going on

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I believe you are probably correct, in which case she had no business agreeing to the nomination - she should have declined, and allowed Trump to name the next one on the list.

But, woulda, coulda, shoulda...hindsight is 20/20.

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Not sure it would have helped. Look how long the left has been after Thomas ..

Makes you wonder about all the Epstien files though, someone has those servers that were supposedly stole before the 'FBI" could do their raid..... so the FBI leaks like sieve on raids happening at odark thirty (Stone w CNN plus others) and cant find a mass murderer before it takes place even though the last 50-60 were known to the FBI and most were taken off the list.

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Again, I'm inclined to agree...

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no worries, just wish there was something to be done with all of DC. there is too much power concentrated in too small of an area. Our founders had the government jobs set up as a part time thing mostly. When the jobs became full time, the people serving lost perspective and started serving themselves.

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She's a lowlife. I knew it when she waved that blank sheet of paper around during her confirmation hearing. It stands for her moral content (zero).

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Profiles of Courage. None of the justices provided any explanation for their vote. Armillaria root is withering all 4 branches of Government.

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Headline of record for the Fall of the American Empire-Three Former Presidents Start NGO to Import Illegal Aliens into the U.S.

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The SC are members of the Swamp same as Tom, Dick and Harry. Thereby subject to the same intimidation and blackmail as all the other barnacle scum.

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It’s probably a good time to just disobey. Hopefully Texas will stand firm and make this a hill to die on.

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I argee with you, Dennis. You know that Biden opened the border by disobeing the law AND got away with it.

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Not. Alamo2 though.

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Robert's in the name of protecting the Court pours gasoline on a fire. This actually helps Trump against Biden, because it keeps the flow going. The border situation is unpopular everywhere. And Texas will most certainly have a response.

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Photo does not show John Roberts with Ghislaine Maxwell?

Dec 21, 2020 — The photo shows a tan, white man in a polka-dotted shirt with his arm around Maxwell as the two of them sit together on an armchair. NTTAWWT.

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At some point, we have to identify and impeach every elected, appointed, or employed government official with ties to Epstein and his blackmail operation. This can be done under the almost certain assumption that the ability to execute their oath of office has been subverted by that association and they are, therefore, unfit to serve. Harsh, but I doubt anyone with a tie to Epstein is completely innocent to begin with. We need a housecleaning.

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Yeah, there's history there I think.

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This is why I keep hammering on this - you cannot trust GOP establishment approved anything, including SCOTUS nominees. Very disappointing.

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God can't save us if Obiden gets to nominate another DIE graduate to the SC

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He won't need to - Barrett is revealing herself to be Souter in drag.

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Souter the same impersonation, the odel being Barrett.

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It’s a problem.

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Damn Right!

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Good grief, why even have a Supreme Court? Roberts was always a disappoinment and Barrett joins his club.

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PM, except Thomas and Alito, they are all part of the DC party scene. Hard to go to social events when you vote against the swamp. Read the ruling, think it just vacates lower court ruling. Biden will have bad political optics if he cuts down wire fences in election year.

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You're right, Mark, and Texas has vowed to keep fighting-just boggles the mind that we are not united against the invasion. Should have been a 9/0 decision to let Texas protect us.

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We have 2 true conservatives. 1 Marxist, 2 Liberals 1 libertarian and 3 Rinos. If there is a Trump 2.0, he better do a little homework.

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👍For the folks in Rio Linda-Alito, Thomas, KBJ, Kagan and the wise Latina, Gorsuch, Larry, Curly, and Moe

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Yorba Linda?

Rush's favourite town in California!

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Only if Yorba means 'river'😁

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But even the way you phrased it "...LET Texas protect us..." isn't the basis on which States should act outside the Constitution. I'm sorry to say, but the problem really is with the Executive Branch that refuses to enforce America's laws-- in flagrant violation of laws that Congress has passed. Impeachment should be Congress's response, and it should have been the first year Biden did this, even when Obama did it. Presidents don't have the unilateral right to pick and choose which laws they will enforce.

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Our Constitution does have checks and balances built in. The problem right now is the Executive needs to be "checked" but the Congress won't exercise it's "checking authority".

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And bidets ag is a mimeo machine for him.

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I read somewhere that the two Trump-appointed justices who joined the majority (i.e. -- the lock-step liberal wing) were motivated by the belief that federal authority supersedes state authority. I think i could accept that principal.

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Why should any state accept malfeasance from the feds when citizens safety is at risk?

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While that seems to be their interpretation or at least rationale, my argument would follow that with: what if the federal government is, for whatever reasons, unable, failing or - as is most apparent in this case - is willfully refusing to do that duty which is under its mandate to perform?

Would it, then, not fall upon the state(s) in such a case to do so, especially if the country might be imperiled by Federal inaction?

I have no idea what the Constitutional remedy is, but the Federal government, no matter how you paint it, has been derelict in its duty to protect the nation’s borders. I don’t know how anyone can even question that.

In any case, it is heartening to hear that Paxton is not going to quit in his efforts to stop such lawlessness. It would be even more heartening to see more state AG’s join his fight from around the whole country, as well as any all concerned citizens and organizations.

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i believe the Constitutional remedy is to vote the President and his party out of office. That means we're stuck with him for up to 4 years, but that is the remedy the founders had in mind.

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Or impeach him for not upholding his oath to preserve and protect the constitution of the US, which happens to include its borders.

But then we have a thoroughly feckless Republican Party who are complicit in this ongoing nightmare invasion.

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They can not even impeach Mayorkas it seems.

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They "can't" because they really don't want to...

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Impeaching is the easy part -- getting a conviction in a Democratic Senate is the stumbling block.

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Yes, impeachment of the President would be the Constitutional remedy. But it does seem that at least one of the Supreme Court justices should have stated that in their Opinion or Comments that went with the ruling.

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It is A remedy, but not necessarily the only one.

Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh all were on Texas’ side in the case. I would assume they know darn well Texas was within its rights to defend its border from invasion. But. Barrett and Roberts went with the dark side.

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Agree. A conservative justice can follow the Constitution and still rule against a conservative idea.

But I'd have more faith if Conservative justices read and followed the 10th Amendment

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Might that not be a rationale for the War of Northern Aggression?

Just asking.

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That's the war they called "Civil" IIRC, and who knew they were just being sarcastic?

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i was about to comment that we had fought a bloody war over that question, and i don't want us to fight it again. I won't address the issue of your title for that war.

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Not trying to pick a fight, just participating in the class discussion.

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Barrett was the only Trump appointed one on the majority.

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This: The Lord gave you free speech. Your government is supposed to protect that right.

The left believes that the government grants you these rights. When did that way of thinking take root? I bet that most college students today would not be able to define the term inalienable rights. I guess I just answered my own question…

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Or spell it.

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There's been an organized effort to destroy the basic framework of our nation by the elimination of CIVICS education on the schools of America. Tending to my life, I had not been aware of MANY things that have been occurring. It was only after learning that the "Jaws" actor, Richard Dreyfus was leading an effort to bring back CIVICS into the education system. I was blown away actually. Civics is among other things a strong and necessary element uniting a people. Understanding government means good governance, at least you hope. I asked the dental staff of my dentist the three branches of government. Low and behold, many were perplexed, and some did know. Now as to the function of those branches. well I left it alone. Knowing I would return I didn't want to press my luck. And these ladies are intelligent professionals who don't have a clue. Shocks and scares the hell out of me. Knowledge of Civics unifies a people at a basic level.

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Civics and History are necessary for wise governance.

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Agreed 100%

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Jan 23, 2024
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They took our civics classes away first and then came for history and replaced it with a revised "updated" history and renamed it Social Studies. This history has a distinct anti-American lean to it. It includes things like how America stole land from the indigenous people and how we invented slavery and racism. They teach that 2+2=5. They teach that boys can be girls and girls can be boys. They teach we only have a few years before the earth is destroyed by the use of fossil fuels and green energy is the answer. None of it is useful. All of it is wrong.

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Spot on Ep.

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We are probably relics of an age the three rs were taught as well as civics history geography and biology.Sadly those days seem to be gone.

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Shortly after I graduated, Civics was cut to make way for 'more needed subjects'.

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The Left WANTS us to believe that the state bestows rights on the “obedient.”When they succeed, free citizens become slaves.

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Since the left doesn't believe in God, the only higher power is the state. So of course, everything comes from the state.

This is why there can be no truce

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Jan 23, 2024Edited
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That's water under the bridge. But it also makes it even more deplorable that the ACLU has become a gang of leftist control freaks.

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Give it a rest, Tony N

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It is indeed Tony Neidermeier. I have been blocked From liking (as if I would) his posts.

He can change his name, but not his stripes.

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I have been wondering the same thing for weeks now. The writing style and word usage is about as predictable as facial recognition. Thanks for settling this issue that's been nagging me for many weeks.

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The big difference is Tony N. Constantly larded his responses with “me” and “I”. It was all about him when he wasn’t trashing blacks, gays and Jews. “Ayers” has stopped using me and I.

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We exposed him a few weeks ago as the Boston Jew Hater.

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I fully support Tony/Bill right to post. Free speech has no filters. It is sad that this carpenter from Boston did not learn anything from another Jewish carpenter in the past. I’m not sure who scared him to make him so hateful. I try and find something good in everyone. Tony/Bill has many brilliant posts, except when he veers into Jews/Gays/Blacks.

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Nailed it PM & SL. The name may have changed but the style and hate remain the same… got ya you antisemitic creep!

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Dang, Schlong, I thought the N was for Nazi

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I had Ayers blocked, but I still see his comments. Try mute, Surbs, and see what happens. 'Muting someone on your Home feed will prevent you from seeing that person's notes and their activity– this includes any replies to your notes. .To mute a user, click on the three dots menu on a note or on a Substack profile. Select "Mute <Substack profile>".

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It's seems every institution in this country is now run by junior high student council members that all forgot to take their ADHD meds.

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and they're just getting started. wait until we get our first feminist man hating shrew for president. it's all down hill from there cb.

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really, that is a nightmare. I didnt need that this morning.

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Or maybe because they DIDN'T forget to take the meds.

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To the mainstream media, and liberals in general, the First Amendment is the worst amendment.

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“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." JFK

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When the truth doesn't fit the story, print the story. Paraphrased from The Man who Shot Liberty Valance

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“taking the high road into the sewer of censorship“

With the exchange rate at 1 picture = 1,000 words, a great figure of speech = 2 pictures

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That twat of a "reporter" was asking White about the post-fight interview given by Sean Strickland a couple days earlier. That's the video you need to see. I'm not a big MMA fan, but Strickland is now enshrined among my Great American Heroes Hall of Fame.

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He pulled no punches Steve !!

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If Monday tried to do that today in some cities he would be arrested for suppressing the "free speech" of the flag burners and the new media would agree wholeheartedly.

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Powerful. Just a few things:

1) There is a Very Good Reason, as Pooh might say, that the First Amendment is first. And, I might add, why the Second is second - for protecting the First. Thanks to our gub'ment schools, those now of age to run this Grand Experiment don't - or can't - read very well. If they did, and read a little history, or if they had been part of the cohort trained in the 'fifties and 'sixties, they would see very clearly the game that's being foisted on America - er, excuse me, Amerika. It's called "destroy from within" and they are willing players - useful idiots, if you will (HT to my Boy Lenin) - and I especially finger the Lamestream Press, the Tools of the Left.

2) A lifetime of amateur radio, electronics hobbying, and four years undergraduate training in electrical engineering gave me a small insight into the Dominion "voting machine" problem. They are not "voting machines." They are computers, and any computer - especially if the hacker has physical access - can be hacked. Once your ballot is scanned, it becomes data - electronic pulses - and you have no idea what happens thereafter - if ANYTHING. A paper was recently presented to court by a Ph.D. computer science professor. It had been presented to Georgia's secretary of state Raffensperger shortly after the 2020 Steal and was suppressed. The good professor then proceeded to hack one of the machines in front of the judge and change the vote totals.

The hazard to election integrity presented by these machines cannot be overstated; they are the perfect conduit to vote fraud, and the Alleged President Joe Stolen "administration" knows it. And the remedy is stunningly simple: paper ballots, triple-locked ballot boxes, hand counting. Until this happens, you should have ZERO faith in the ballot process.

3) There are signs that a fed-up American populace has had enough, and full credit should go to people like Bari Weiss and Don Surber. And especially Substack, without which saving this beautiful republic would not be possible. Damn, we just may make it.™


(Just as an aside, from the relative safety of retirement, I personally treated patients with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine during the height of the PlanDemic. Zero deaths, zero hospitalizations. Oh, and no - I mean zero - side effects, as expected. Don't By-God tell me it doesn't work or that it will hurt 'cha. Just so you know.)

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Well said, Jim. Bravo.

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The machine hack demo in court was awesome. But the corrupt Republican Georgian elite could care less.

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especially using the defense's own pen.

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Pretty sad excuse for :Repub Officials" doncha think.

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Exactly, Mr. L. There will be more cheating in Georgia.

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We needed an "us" option in the poll.

No one person should ever be in charge of free speech. It is protected in aggregate by a free nation. The reason the WSJ and the NYT have fallen is because of hundreds of thousands of people who have wakened to their lies. In their hubris, these news channels kept stretching the lies a little bit further each time, unnoticed by most because it happened so slowly. Well, the gap has gotten impossible to ignore and they have been found guilty.

The sentence for their crime is to expose them at every turn. They will not be able to restore their credibility. We need to make the army of awakened truth seekers (all of us) many times larger.

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But it's not as if this is a recent development. In the early thirties the NYT printed the blatant lies by Walter Duranty, which amounted to a denial of the Stalin-orchestrated Ukrainian famine. He got a Pulitzer prize, and in 2003 the Pulitzer Poobahs refused to revoke it.

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I trust your history and would not be surprised that it has been going on for so long. But in the 1930’s, news travelled slowly and there weren’t many channel options to expose lies. Thankfully, that has changed and MSM has been exposed with new media.

To your closing point that the Pulitzer wasn’t rescinded in 2003 certainly shows their intent to lie.

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And for pretty much the same reason they lie today: Ideology. In the 1930s the press AND the Roosevelt administration were full of Russia- and Communism-sympathizers.

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Emma Tucker WSJ editor is going to have a massive headache/aggravation on election day, 11/05/24. I would almost (almost) volunteer to go back to work in order to be in her office on that day just to see her knickers getting twisted into hurricanes...

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How much further down the rabbit hole to Hell would we be without Elon Musk. However we feel about him there is no denying he has put his money where his mouth is. And he knows exactly what is going down. He is unlike other billionaires who think they can somehow shield themselves from the coming hordes by building grandiose bunkers. Ain't happening.

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Give credit where it's due. Kudos to Elon. And kudos to Fetterman for his positions on Israel and the border.

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Fetterman has become one of the sanest democrats. Wo woulda thunk?

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Cant figure out if his stroke gave him smarts or if he is divorcing his wife. either way, I really wish he could help the others including RINOs see the light.

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Outstanding commentary. Operation Mockingbird run by the CIA was exposed in the 70's Senate's Church Committee on government overreach. Essentially, it's an operation where the MSM is fed info to then share with the public. It gives the MIC and the Administrative State (Deep State) a free hand to portray anything as it suits their objective. As far as I can tell it has only gotten much worse in the control of media. Much of the info coming out of this present regime has been lies. Whether it's the economy, our encouraged and facilitated invasion of our borders, or the Ukraine proxy war, it's all been lies. Some big some small. Talk about a Free Press? The MSM is a mouthpiece of that regime and a dangerous one at that. Upwards of a million Ukranian casualties, an entire generation lost, front line soldiers in their 50's, constant threats of Putin wanting to invade the entire European landmass, Western Europe preparing a war footing against the Russian Boogie Man, and our federal government continues funding this lost cause with imaginary taxpayer money? Hell, Mr. Surber, there's no free speech and there is no soundness of mind in our government either. There, I feel better. LOL

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None of the laws in this country are worth the paper they are written on unless we are willing to fight for them. The constitution and bill of rights are only suggestions to the Democrats. As with the border in Texas, as TC asked yesterday, “Where are all the brave Texans willing to fight for this country?”

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Jan 23, 2024
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I am sorry Georgia is being invaded too. Unfortunately when we have an unelected president all of the orders and decisions made by him and his politburo are moot. If Mr Trump lives to assume office, hopefully the ship will be uprighted. If not, I suspect there will be tough times ahead. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.

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Prayer helps ease the mind and soul.

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Each day brother!

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In retrospect, Georgia should have been our hill to die on. Ossoff/Perdue-Warnock/Walker-Biden/Trump, all within the margin of fraud. If only, we woulda been that shining city on a hill.

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If anyone in the military joined the fight without orders, they would be up on military charges so fast it would make the J6s seem like slow show. Action in the US is against the regs. The military have always walk a fine line ~ especially with action and political speech.

Although right now the brass, such as Silly Milley's and the like should all have been brought up on treason for colluding with China. and for weakening the military with all the Woke BS. regular military would be in the brig for resistance. If you read the report that shows just how very little racism/ect that Milley and Austin shut down the entire military for, you can here how it dripped with disappointment that there were less than 100 cases across all the branches.

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This is all true, but the Biden Bunch doesn't see it as a failure; they consider themselves on a holy mission to completely change this country by importing more Democrat voters, and making it a one-party state. So they've been enabling an invasion -- which it is the constitutional duty of the government to protect us from. And THAT is treason -- I'm trying NOT to adopt your habit of writing in CAPITALS, because I find reading such materials IRRITATING.

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the american press mostly went to k-12. there they learned how to follow marching orders and the rest, as they say, is history.

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The problem is that most journalists do not represent the views of their readers or listeners. There aren't that many working class journalists left. I was one in my time and so were most of my colleagues. Now, it's elite educated young people who are populating what is left of newsrooms. Most of them haven't a clue about every day life for people and are very left leaning. Hence the ridiculous question from the Canadian reporter to Sean Strickland. These folks are trying to change the world, not reporting on it.

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I'm sorry that the camera wasn't on the reporter when he was making his ridiculous "leash" statement. And I'm sorry that Strickland didn't pick the bum up and make sailor's knots out of his body, with a really good tight one around the fascist's pencil neck.

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I find the Surber readers a bit more classy and informed than AT...what say you?

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i thought about that and i agree. the proof i offer...i often post surber to A.T. but never the other way around. do you post on A.T. ? it's behind a pay wall too, as you probably know.

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Yes I do... I like AT but sometimes I feel like it’s Groundhog Day... same stuff day in and day out... same writers day in and day out... and same commentators. But nothing changes. As a matter of fact things get worse and worse... LOL.

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I always read Clarice Feldman on Sunday, seek out anything from Thomas Lifson (I hope he’s well, he rarely posts anymore (nothing since January 2)) and I cherry pick other articles. Comments are no where close to the quality of Don’s readers.

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a few (mostly useless) articles and blogs appear on a regular basis but remember that lifson used to be a card carrying donk.

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So true... haven’t thought about much but you are right, Mr. Lifson not posting much lately. Yes, hope all is well.

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What is "AT"?

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American Thinker...

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Superb Surber today and a much needed takedown of the msm and government propagandists.D.White literally left the reporter a quivering mess with very hurt self esteem.I like the free speech isn't always pretty line barb ,Use them things fishin suckas.Eye opener poll with an easy A marked on it.Lead on Poca-Man as we are gaining ground one step at a time but gaining.2024 is MAGA year .

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Hope so, Marlan - it's still a 'Republic if we can keep it'-it will be in spite of 3 traitors who keep Slo Joe from being the worst president evah.

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Don, this sentence seems to be missing words:

The month after Republicans, the New York Times — through a column by Jim Rutenberg — declared an end to objective journalism.

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Oops. Lemme fix that. Thanks.

One month after Republicans nominated Trump in 2016, the New York Times — through a column by Jim Rutenberg — declared an end to objective journalism.

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To me it meant that Republicans declared the end of objective journalism a month before the NY Slimes got around to it.

And as far as Trump’s team booting an NBC reporter, I seem to remember both Clintons doing the same thing to conservatives. Payback is a bitch.

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I hope Trump continues it.

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Getting to the party late, but the write in on the Poll should be you Don!

Which leads to my next point..

‘ Enter Musk, Trump and now White. None of these men are perfect but they are standing up for God’

The Operative Word ( for me) in that phrase was ‘men’. Albeit rich men, men who can’t be trifled with, shamed, censored, cancelled or couldn’t care less if they are made unpopular, but never the less, men.

Get where I’m going with that!

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I guess you mean as opposed to Amy Coney Barrett and John Roberts.

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Actually no, I was referring to the lack of female billionaires (and by extension…) who either don’t give a rats ass about free speech or who are in favour of its control or elimination.

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