Listless Walmart Shopping vessels are we, Who live in the land of the free. We know what we like. DeSantis can take a hike. It’s Trump or it’s nothing for me. — Rudy the Reader Ron DeSantis is crashing and burning as a political candidate, which has him lashing out at the Republican base. He is demanding to know why he isn’t up by 50 points.
Do it! Or, actually, don’t do it - the tinting. I started going gray very early in life, colored my hair in my forties and then quit when I turned 50. I love my God’s Platinum. Before, I had mousy medium brown with little shine. Today, the gray almost sparkles and people stop me in public to comment on it. That never happened before. You’ll most likely love your gray too - and life is so much easier when you aren’t having to do something about those roots.
My sister, who is resting in peace, was 4 years older than I. In my late 40's she saith unto to me: "Get that d**n gray out of your hair immediately. Everybody on earth knows I am older than you. You're ruining our image, so stoppit! I started having my hair colored. Bare in mind that our brother had the most beautiful full head of white hair known to the world of Navy barbers! We adored him anyway. Our parents had mousey brown and red-turned gray hair. We are all blood kin, so Gregor Mendel couldn't even figure it out.
Well, more like he saw the fishing lure flashing on the surface of the waters of power and impaled his mouth on it. Now the wealthy people who don't like Trump have him netted and he is gasping for breath.
I think he just forgot who and what he is for a moment. Politics does that to most people with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan. Mr. DeSantis time will come down the road, but not in 2024.
He forgot that the mega donors still only cast one vote. There may be more money in the mega, but there are more votes in the MAGA. Aaaannnnndddd we don't forget easily.
I loved what he did as governor, maybe it was a little too perfect. Six or Seven other Republican held the line during covid. We only heard about Desantis and Noem. Know what I mean?
He lost me when he promised during his governor's campaign that he would finish his 2nd term out as FL governor, then reneged on it. I wouldnt have cared if he hadnt made that a core tenet of his re-election but he did. I appreciate all hes done in FL and all but he is the one that made that promise and broke it. Telling me he cant be trusted.
Once again the republicans are forming a circular firing squad. We take out our best people. Ron DeSantis is frustrated by his failure to overcome the martyrhood of Trump by the democrats. You really can't blame him. Candidates say stupid things when they are frustrated by things beyond their control. I would advise Ron to drop out now before he suffers irreparable damage. Trump is a warrior and he will win this battle with the democrats but he will also win with his republican foes. But the problem is when he beats another Republican he is damaging his own and so he should be circumspect in his attacks. To him it is a game to be won, to others it is a principle to be fought for. We should not lose good men to the game and Trump will need principled men to help him in the end.
I only hope that cooler heads will prevail in the end and our best are not destroyed in this quest to return Trump to the White House where he belongs.
Agree completely, Lady Churchill. We shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath-water. If anything happens to Trump, God forbid, DeSantis is probably the next best option.
Agree—DeSantis should drop out after this Wednesday’s debate—he should use the debate platform to aggressively attack the Democrats for their outrageous lawsuits on Trump and DEMAND that all the other candidates at the debate ALSO denounce this as a unified front (meaning put them squarely on the hot spot). And then in his closing statement at the debate announce his withdrawal and ENDORSE Trump.
This would regain DeSantis a lot of credit and restore him as a future candidate. Then he should go back to Florida and continue to hammer hard against the Left as he has done so well. Hopefully this will have been a learning opportunity for DeSantis, and if he is mature— he can come out of this clearer and stronger. I hope he is wise and quietly re-thinks what he did wrong.
And I sure hope Patrick Morrisey wins the West Virginia governorship. Morrisey has the capability to be as stellar a Governor as DeSantis has been. It would be fantastic to have another governor commanding the national stage along with DeSantis (and occasionally Abbott).
If anything happens to Trump, God forbid, then it really doesn't matter who is nominated/elected. He is the only candidate who has proven himself (as president) and who is not owned by someone/something else. So I won't vote for the R-nominee. Period.
I voted for the R nominee in 2016 not because I thought he would be as great a president as he turned out to be, but because I was voting against tyranny. I will always vote for the R for that reason.
"To him (Trump) it is a game to be won, to others it is a principle to be fought for."
What of the Principle of a Leader being a Leader and not a Follower. DeSantis took the bait (money) and abandoned his Principles. Not Trump.
Trump is Pragmatic, a Fighter. DeSantis has not received 1 wound that Trump hasn't received by the thousands.
They are hunting down Trump, like they will be hunting down you. Stand now or get on your knees. It is a Clear Choice. Life seldom offers such clarity.
Men of principle do not hold petty grudges against their opponents in internecine conflicts.
Men can bloody each other in battle and emerge the best of friends.
John McCain was not a man of principle - he was a very small man.
Ted Cruz, on the other hand, has comported himself as a man of principle in that he's seemingly put candidate Trump's slings and arrows behind him because there are more important matters to address.
Agreed. The party has far too many small men and women today. Call them Rinos or just unprincipled, same thing. America is what matters, not egos and personal gain.
Yes, why is Asa Hutchison not supporting Trump? Ass-ah is sooo divisive, he needs to take the pledge. Maybe me not giving him $1 made him not my best buddy anymore.
I wondered how this guy could be so blind about what is at stake until I realized that he thinks this is just normal times in America. He’s a serious backbencher.
That's a great point, Matt. Supposedly all the participants in the GOP debate signed the pledge to support the eventual nominee. Let's take note who is in the debate and if they all support Trump when he wins. I find it difficult to believe Hutchison and Christie will.
It’s actually quite tragic to witness this crash and burn of DeSantis.
He was a powerful voice as FL Governor against the wickedness and machinations of the Left, and example for all Governors to emulate.
He traded all that, seduced by a “shiny” promise from the RNC and RINO Trump haters that they could “give him all the kingdoms of the world”, if he would just bow down to them. It’s shocking really.
Has he never actually studied the actual Presidency of DJT, and learned of the astonishing accomplishments he achieved during his term that literally restored this nation into a super-power in every category: energy, immigration, world peace, the economy, the military, etc., all while battling the raging furies of the Left’s relentless attacks?
We are far from listless vessels, but rather a force to be reckoned with recognizing not just a great leader, but a man who tells the truth and keeps his promises, to Make America Great Again.
I believe DeSantis can still save face, reputation, and his future career in politics if at the debate, he apologizes to the nation, promises to do better, and drops out of the race.
As I understand it, he got the FL legislature to amend laws so that he could run and remain governor at the same time. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong about that.
"As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I’ve got a little list — I’ve got a little list
Of society offenders who might well be underground,
And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!
There’s the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs —
All people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs —
All children who are up in dates, and floor you with ’em flat —
All persons who in shaking hands, shake hands with you like that —
And all third persons who on spoiling tête-á-têtes insist —
They’d none of ’em be missed — they’d none of ’em be missed!
He’s got ’em on the list — he’s got ’em on the list;
And they’ll none of ’em be missed — they’ll none of ’em be missed."
We all had such great expectation of DeSantis, based on what he was able to accomplish in Florida. He, like most politicians, believed his lickspittles and hangers-on that this would translate to national support, and it might have save for one thing. The people who knew that their legitimately re-elected President had been jobbed out of that position by a cabal of knaves, fools and political criminals, a/k/a, the "democrat party" assisted by their media co-conspirators. Had DeSantis merely waited for his time to come along, he could have been a contender, in the words of another famous palooka. But his head was turned by his supporters within his political bubble and he went off half-cocked, to use yet another hackneyed phrase. (So sue me; if the hackneyed phrase fits, wear it!) I wish with all my heart that Trump was a perfect candidate, one who combines a pristine and spotless past with a Churchillian ability to speak and a record of unblemished administrative and legislative success. If we wait for someone fitting that description to come along, we'll be waiting 'til Kingdom Come--and I mean that literally, for no human will ever fill that bill. Meanwhile, I plan on supporting the only one on the horizon who seems to actually want to put country ahead of personal aggrandizement; the only one who had so much money, fame and influence that getting elected wasn't just a way to gain those things politically. I am not making a direct comparison, but George Washington also had wealth, power and influence before he put it all at risk by becoming the commander of the rebel colonists, then later accepting the Presidency and guiding the nation through its initial decade of existence, after which he retired from public life. As King George remarked, this made him the greatest man in the world! Of course, he also owned slaves and scandalously married a widowed woman with children! Imagine what today's vile reprobates in the media would have done with that! Point is, one must make many compromises in life, and although Trump is imperfect, he is the man of the hour. The attacks on him only prove that to be the case. Although it will be a close run thing (citation omitted) should he survive and win, it will be a glorious victory for every American citizen. Maybe not so much for the illegal aliens, democrat-socialists, communists, sexual degenerates, perverts and assorted societal rejects who form the democrat party at the moment, but the rest of us would once again be able to say, "God Bless America," and really mean it.
Ps—I’m not familiar with the Mikado song, but I loved your assessment of Trump as the man of the hour. Trump truly has been and is right now THE leader on this planet holding up the banner of FREEDOM, and will go down in history right up there with Washington and Lincoln.
The DeSantis melt down shouldn't be any cause for joy; we need to have a strong bench. For some reason Republican governors have had a very hard time recently making the transition to the national stage - they start out with a good record and high hopes and then - Boom! - crash and burn. Very strange.
His mistake was due to timing. He got ahead of himself. He will be our candidate in the future but not 2024. Let’s hope he realizes it before he hurts his chances in a terminal way. .
There is a lot of history in words, listing is bad for power craft and rowboats (unbalanced), but a sailing ship that is not listing (listless) is becalmed or moving downwind and isn’t making way (moving against the wind)
Well it’s started. Now we will spend months listening to one GOP candidate after the other forgetting all their principles to get on the “bash Trump” clowncar to help their odds of election. Mr.DeSantis is a good man. Like many of us I admire his willingness to fight the status quo and wokiees. But this is the era of one party America where, by decree of the Democrat party, fascism and fanaticism and family destruction are what is best for all of us. Their motto; “trust us and the science because we will never lie to you”. So now we have once again reached the point where, instead of dropping out of the race due to meager support, the pack attacks the party front runner and does the lefts work for them. In any other time Mr. DeSantis would likely be the front runner, but not at this time. I wanted a Trump/DeSantis ticket but it isn’t happening. Now here we go yet again with the in-party duels and hatchet jobs. So ask yourself this, does the party even matter anymore and if it does, then why are our candidates putting its principles aside for personal gain? This is not about Mr. Trump anymore. He is just the lightning rod. This is about whether or not we are going to live in a lawless America with two systems of justice or not.
President Trump, since his arrival on the political stage, has revealed to the American public, just how twisted politics is. We've discovered the backroom dealings and the muscle behind each candidate. Ulterior motives and the unannounced agendas of the candidates being exposed shows the financial support agenda is quite different than that of the American people. And the catastrophic results are all too clear. BTW Anyone buy into a chef drowning in three ft of water with a contusion received when he finally hit the sandy bottom? Just asking FJB
Here is why I will vote for Mr. Trump and NOT Mr. DeSantis. Mr. Trump knows what he has accomplished and what his next term will accomplish. Mr. DeSantis is using the power of government to accomplish his goals. Mt. DeSantis, you are acting like a RINO and a liberal. NO THANKS !!
It's no big surprise when someone from the other side, like Hillary, resorts to name calling that people of low character do. However when a member of your own team, like DeSantis, does the same thing, it really does make you pause and wonder. When you think about it, it's not much different than Megan Rapinoe dissing the very country that helped make her a success.
I think it is fair to say there is no MAGA candidate for President other Donald J. Trump. Trump has one weak area that has not been fully answered by him, namely whether or not he knew that the entire pandemic was faked in order to sell billions of dollars of untested genetic therapies under cover of a National Medical Emergency of which there was none. Whomever runs for President will have to answer the people about those who were responsible for the millions of deaths caused by the US health care system and the "vaccines" and will have to have a specific plan regarding the enabling legislation that must be revoked and changed.
Other than that issue (which is the biggest issue of all, actually) Trump's policy ideas are solutions that work. His policies on national security make us safer. His policies on economics make our economy stronger. His policy on abortion saves babies. His policy on the border saves our sovereignty from the globalist wolves. His policy on drug dealers (death penalty) will save lives. His policy on the Middle East made a Middle East peace agreement that no prior President in our history could make. His policies on Israel make Israel a stronger country and stronger ally. He is the only candidate who can protect us from CBDCs, 15 minute cities, and the destruction of America by the globalists which is all but a done deal now.
Here is a brilliant article describing the parasitic connection between leftists and globalists and it really helps clarify what leftists/globalists are all about.
Speaking of debates 21 AUG 1858 the start of perhaps the greatest series of debates in United States history started in the county seat of LaSalle County, Ottawa, Illinois. These, of course, were the Lincoln Douglas Debates. Estimate 16,000 came out to see this first debate. Don't make them like that anymore.
Ron DeSantis is demanding to know why he isn’t up by 50 points. Standard answer from the 1960's: Because you are ugly and your mama dresses you funny! Indeed we DID dodge a Bullet Train. Good call, Station Master! And as far as I am concerned, "Being offended by every little utterance is the mark of a liberal, not an American" should be added to the US Constitution! (The document, not the battleship.) I love that Florida's gov has been eternally linked to Lewinski's boyfriend's wife! Huge Hugs for that one. You've gotta love how Ronnie wants Trump's mama to tell Trump to knock it off picking on little guys. Even if Trump only spent jet fuel to Iowa because Mama DeSantis's little fella was lost and alone.
Pronouns? You're underestimating me. I'm actually a racist cis-preferential climate-denying neurotypical fascist insurrectionist traditionalist patriarchal anti-vax white supremacist anti-trunalimunumaprzure capitalist oppressor
Pronouns….we dont need no stink-een’ pronouns…
You forgot "transphobic" - gotta keep up!
Hello, brotha from anotha Motha! Me too. Are your eyes also blue?
Like Julie my eyes are not blue (hat tip to Jessi Colture) but my hair is God’s Platinum
Fan-dang-tastic. May I borrow that God's Platinum phrase? I can probably quit having my locks tinted back to the future now.
Do it! Or, actually, don’t do it - the tinting. I started going gray very early in life, colored my hair in my forties and then quit when I turned 50. I love my God’s Platinum. Before, I had mousy medium brown with little shine. Today, the gray almost sparkles and people stop me in public to comment on it. That never happened before. You’ll most likely love your gray too - and life is so much easier when you aren’t having to do something about those roots.
My sister, who is resting in peace, was 4 years older than I. In my late 40's she saith unto to me: "Get that d**n gray out of your hair immediately. Everybody on earth knows I am older than you. You're ruining our image, so stoppit! I started having my hair colored. Bare in mind that our brother had the most beautiful full head of white hair known to the world of Navy barbers! We adored him anyway. Our parents had mousey brown and red-turned gray hair. We are all blood kin, so Gregor Mendel couldn't even figure it out.
I stole it, you can too!
You guys have such interesting conversations 😁
The last time I was a listless vessel, seven women in one week divorced me. Boy, did I learn my lesson...
You too!
"trunalimunumaprzure". Had to look that one up... :-D
I did. Laughed loudly.
Or in short.... Ultra MAGA
All weekend was “clean up on aisle Ron!”
He is done and he did it to himself.
Well, more like he saw the fishing lure flashing on the surface of the waters of power and impaled his mouth on it. Now the wealthy people who don't like Trump have him netted and he is gasping for breath.
I think he just forgot who and what he is for a moment. Politics does that to most people with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan. Mr. DeSantis time will come down the road, but not in 2024.
I’m kinda doubting that.
His base of support has not been small donors but mega donors with close ties to the Sea Islam and RNC club members.
He forgot that the mega donors still only cast one vote. There may be more money in the mega, but there are more votes in the MAGA. Aaaannnnndddd we don't forget easily.
I loved what he did as governor, maybe it was a little too perfect. Six or Seven other Republican held the line during covid. We only heard about Desantis and Noem. Know what I mean?
I’m making a list and checking it twice. Gonna find out who are RINOs or mice.
DeSantis made it too easy to find out.
We won’t get fooled again.
He lost me when he promised during his governor's campaign that he would finish his 2nd term out as FL governor, then reneged on it. I wouldnt have cared if he hadnt made that a core tenet of his re-election but he did. I appreciate all hes done in FL and all but he is the one that made that promise and broke it. Telling me he cant be trusted.
Yeah, if he and the rest of the flailing pack believed in party principles they would bow out but egos and big money backers will not allow it. Sad.
Do you have a jukebox in your head? I do.
Once again the republicans are forming a circular firing squad. We take out our best people. Ron DeSantis is frustrated by his failure to overcome the martyrhood of Trump by the democrats. You really can't blame him. Candidates say stupid things when they are frustrated by things beyond their control. I would advise Ron to drop out now before he suffers irreparable damage. Trump is a warrior and he will win this battle with the democrats but he will also win with his republican foes. But the problem is when he beats another Republican he is damaging his own and so he should be circumspect in his attacks. To him it is a game to be won, to others it is a principle to be fought for. We should not lose good men to the game and Trump will need principled men to help him in the end.
I only hope that cooler heads will prevail in the end and our best are not destroyed in this quest to return Trump to the White House where he belongs.
Agree completely, Lady Churchill. We shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath-water. If anything happens to Trump, God forbid, DeSantis is probably the next best option.
Agree—DeSantis should drop out after this Wednesday’s debate—he should use the debate platform to aggressively attack the Democrats for their outrageous lawsuits on Trump and DEMAND that all the other candidates at the debate ALSO denounce this as a unified front (meaning put them squarely on the hot spot). And then in his closing statement at the debate announce his withdrawal and ENDORSE Trump.
This would regain DeSantis a lot of credit and restore him as a future candidate. Then he should go back to Florida and continue to hammer hard against the Left as he has done so well. Hopefully this will have been a learning opportunity for DeSantis, and if he is mature— he can come out of this clearer and stronger. I hope he is wise and quietly re-thinks what he did wrong.
And I sure hope Patrick Morrisey wins the West Virginia governorship. Morrisey has the capability to be as stellar a Governor as DeSantis has been. It would be fantastic to have another governor commanding the national stage along with DeSantis (and occasionally Abbott).
If anything happens to Trump, God forbid, then it really doesn't matter who is nominated/elected. He is the only candidate who has proven himself (as president) and who is not owned by someone/something else. So I won't vote for the R-nominee. Period.
I voted for the R nominee in 2016 not because I thought he would be as great a president as he turned out to be, but because I was voting against tyranny. I will always vote for the R for that reason.
Great comment.
Excellent comment 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻TPG
"To him (Trump) it is a game to be won, to others it is a principle to be fought for."
What of the Principle of a Leader being a Leader and not a Follower. DeSantis took the bait (money) and abandoned his Principles. Not Trump.
Trump is Pragmatic, a Fighter. DeSantis has not received 1 wound that Trump hasn't received by the thousands.
They are hunting down Trump, like they will be hunting down you. Stand now or get on your knees. It is a Clear Choice. Life seldom offers such clarity.
I know! A lot of people tried to warn DeSantis not to climb off the boat into that river of no return.
Great movie, River of No Return. Marilyn Monroe is in it but Robert Mitchum owns it
Too bad Disney doesn’t watch a few like that and get the message, eh?
Men of principle do not hold petty grudges against their opponents in internecine conflicts.
Men can bloody each other in battle and emerge the best of friends.
John McCain was not a man of principle - he was a very small man.
Ted Cruz, on the other hand, has comported himself as a man of principle in that he's seemingly put candidate Trump's slings and arrows behind him because there are more important matters to address.
And what an AG or Supreme Justice Cruz would be!!!!
I’d rather Cruz as Justice. AG is too political and definitely not a lifetime appointment.
Agreed. The party has far too many small men and women today. Call them Rinos or just unprincipled, same thing. America is what matters, not egos and personal gain.
Yes, why is Asa Hutchison not supporting Trump? Ass-ah is sooo divisive, he needs to take the pledge. Maybe me not giving him $1 made him not my best buddy anymore.
I wondered how this guy could be so blind about what is at stake until I realized that he thinks this is just normal times in America. He’s a serious backbencher.
That's a great point, Matt. Supposedly all the participants in the GOP debate signed the pledge to support the eventual nominee. Let's take note who is in the debate and if they all support Trump when he wins. I find it difficult to believe Hutchison and Christie will.
Great comment. Spot on target. Lets hope he realizes what is happening to him and bows out. His time will come but not in 2024.
Thoughtful and well stated LCUSA 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
It’s actually quite tragic to witness this crash and burn of DeSantis.
He was a powerful voice as FL Governor against the wickedness and machinations of the Left, and example for all Governors to emulate.
He traded all that, seduced by a “shiny” promise from the RNC and RINO Trump haters that they could “give him all the kingdoms of the world”, if he would just bow down to them. It’s shocking really.
Has he never actually studied the actual Presidency of DJT, and learned of the astonishing accomplishments he achieved during his term that literally restored this nation into a super-power in every category: energy, immigration, world peace, the economy, the military, etc., all while battling the raging furies of the Left’s relentless attacks?
We are far from listless vessels, but rather a force to be reckoned with recognizing not just a great leader, but a man who tells the truth and keeps his promises, to Make America Great Again.
I believe DeSantis can still save face, reputation, and his future career in politics if at the debate, he apologizes to the nation, promises to do better, and drops out of the race.
Indeed. And here's to that powerful voice as FL Governor against the wickedness and machinations. Hope he didn't resign first!
As I understand it, he got the FL legislature to amend laws so that he could run and remain governor at the same time. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong about that.
I believe you are correct.
Our collective brain remembers that also! Thanks.
Well said, Suzie!
Beautifully said Suzie!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
As KOKO sang in "The Mikado":
"As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I’ve got a little list — I’ve got a little list
Of society offenders who might well be underground,
And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!
There’s the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs —
All people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs —
All children who are up in dates, and floor you with ’em flat —
All persons who in shaking hands, shake hands with you like that —
And all third persons who on spoiling tête-á-têtes insist —
They’d none of ’em be missed — they’d none of ’em be missed!
He’s got ’em on the list — he’s got ’em on the list;
And they’ll none of ’em be missed — they’ll none of ’em be missed."
We all had such great expectation of DeSantis, based on what he was able to accomplish in Florida. He, like most politicians, believed his lickspittles and hangers-on that this would translate to national support, and it might have save for one thing. The people who knew that their legitimately re-elected President had been jobbed out of that position by a cabal of knaves, fools and political criminals, a/k/a, the "democrat party" assisted by their media co-conspirators. Had DeSantis merely waited for his time to come along, he could have been a contender, in the words of another famous palooka. But his head was turned by his supporters within his political bubble and he went off half-cocked, to use yet another hackneyed phrase. (So sue me; if the hackneyed phrase fits, wear it!) I wish with all my heart that Trump was a perfect candidate, one who combines a pristine and spotless past with a Churchillian ability to speak and a record of unblemished administrative and legislative success. If we wait for someone fitting that description to come along, we'll be waiting 'til Kingdom Come--and I mean that literally, for no human will ever fill that bill. Meanwhile, I plan on supporting the only one on the horizon who seems to actually want to put country ahead of personal aggrandizement; the only one who had so much money, fame and influence that getting elected wasn't just a way to gain those things politically. I am not making a direct comparison, but George Washington also had wealth, power and influence before he put it all at risk by becoming the commander of the rebel colonists, then later accepting the Presidency and guiding the nation through its initial decade of existence, after which he retired from public life. As King George remarked, this made him the greatest man in the world! Of course, he also owned slaves and scandalously married a widowed woman with children! Imagine what today's vile reprobates in the media would have done with that! Point is, one must make many compromises in life, and although Trump is imperfect, he is the man of the hour. The attacks on him only prove that to be the case. Although it will be a close run thing (citation omitted) should he survive and win, it will be a glorious victory for every American citizen. Maybe not so much for the illegal aliens, democrat-socialists, communists, sexual degenerates, perverts and assorted societal rejects who form the democrat party at the moment, but the rest of us would once again be able to say, "God Bless America," and really mean it.
Superb comment.
Ps—I’m not familiar with the Mikado song, but I loved your assessment of Trump as the man of the hour. Trump truly has been and is right now THE leader on this planet holding up the banner of FREEDOM, and will go down in history right up there with Washington and Lincoln.
Agreed but if he sustains and prevails in all of these attacks a better comparison would be to Superman.
Haha--true! I think it can be done. There is a type of irresistible power in Truth and in Good, and in pure Courage.
Right on, TPG!
You might enjoy this:
Gilbert and Sullivan were very politically incorrect. That's why I love their operettas. So veddy, veddy British Empire.
Hear! hear!
The DeSantis melt down shouldn't be any cause for joy; we need to have a strong bench. For some reason Republican governors have had a very hard time recently making the transition to the national stage - they start out with a good record and high hopes and then - Boom! - crash and burn. Very strange.
His mistake was due to timing. He got ahead of himself. He will be our candidate in the future but not 2024. Let’s hope he realizes it before he hurts his chances in a terminal way. .
If I ever get a boat, I'm going to name it the Listless Vessel.
Trump, once again, branded correctly when he labeled Ron DeSanctimonious.
There is a lot of history in words, listing is bad for power craft and rowboats (unbalanced), but a sailing ship that is not listing (listless) is becalmed or moving downwind and isn’t making way (moving against the wind)
That is a gem
Well it’s started. Now we will spend months listening to one GOP candidate after the other forgetting all their principles to get on the “bash Trump” clowncar to help their odds of election. Mr.DeSantis is a good man. Like many of us I admire his willingness to fight the status quo and wokiees. But this is the era of one party America where, by decree of the Democrat party, fascism and fanaticism and family destruction are what is best for all of us. Their motto; “trust us and the science because we will never lie to you”. So now we have once again reached the point where, instead of dropping out of the race due to meager support, the pack attacks the party front runner and does the lefts work for them. In any other time Mr. DeSantis would likely be the front runner, but not at this time. I wanted a Trump/DeSantis ticket but it isn’t happening. Now here we go yet again with the in-party duels and hatchet jobs. So ask yourself this, does the party even matter anymore and if it does, then why are our candidates putting its principles aside for personal gain? This is not about Mr. Trump anymore. He is just the lightning rod. This is about whether or not we are going to live in a lawless America with two systems of justice or not.
President Trump, since his arrival on the political stage, has revealed to the American public, just how twisted politics is. We've discovered the backroom dealings and the muscle behind each candidate. Ulterior motives and the unannounced agendas of the candidates being exposed shows the financial support agenda is quite different than that of the American people. And the catastrophic results are all too clear. BTW Anyone buy into a chef drowning in three ft of water with a contusion received when he finally hit the sandy bottom? Just asking FJB
Trump ripped off many masks and the look is ugly, corrupt and twisted. But he did everyone a favour by doing that.
Agree about the exposure of things— although extremely dismaying, if we clean it up, the exposure will turn out to have been a blessing.
I think the chef drowned in 8 feet of water, not 3? But whatever, the whole story is very fishy.
I kind of like listless vessel. If they believe that they will never see us coming.
Here is why I will vote for Mr. Trump and NOT Mr. DeSantis. Mr. Trump knows what he has accomplished and what his next term will accomplish. Mr. DeSantis is using the power of government to accomplish his goals. Mt. DeSantis, you are acting like a RINO and a liberal. NO THANKS !!
It's no big surprise when someone from the other side, like Hillary, resorts to name calling that people of low character do. However when a member of your own team, like DeSantis, does the same thing, it really does make you pause and wonder. When you think about it, it's not much different than Megan Rapinoe dissing the very country that helped make her a success.
Amen, Rapinoe makes me mad every time I see her face.
I think it is fair to say there is no MAGA candidate for President other Donald J. Trump. Trump has one weak area that has not been fully answered by him, namely whether or not he knew that the entire pandemic was faked in order to sell billions of dollars of untested genetic therapies under cover of a National Medical Emergency of which there was none. Whomever runs for President will have to answer the people about those who were responsible for the millions of deaths caused by the US health care system and the "vaccines" and will have to have a specific plan regarding the enabling legislation that must be revoked and changed.
Other than that issue (which is the biggest issue of all, actually) Trump's policy ideas are solutions that work. His policies on national security make us safer. His policies on economics make our economy stronger. His policy on abortion saves babies. His policy on the border saves our sovereignty from the globalist wolves. His policy on drug dealers (death penalty) will save lives. His policy on the Middle East made a Middle East peace agreement that no prior President in our history could make. His policies on Israel make Israel a stronger country and stronger ally. He is the only candidate who can protect us from CBDCs, 15 minute cities, and the destruction of America by the globalists which is all but a done deal now.
Here is a brilliant article describing the parasitic connection between leftists and globalists and it really helps clarify what leftists/globalists are all about.
The bottom line is they are obsessed with power, and the one thing both these groups care most about is taking away our freedom.
Speaking of debates 21 AUG 1858 the start of perhaps the greatest series of debates in United States history started in the county seat of LaSalle County, Ottawa, Illinois. These, of course, were the Lincoln Douglas Debates. Estimate 16,000 came out to see this first debate. Don't make them like that anymore.
Ron DeSantis is demanding to know why he isn’t up by 50 points. Standard answer from the 1960's: Because you are ugly and your mama dresses you funny! Indeed we DID dodge a Bullet Train. Good call, Station Master! And as far as I am concerned, "Being offended by every little utterance is the mark of a liberal, not an American" should be added to the US Constitution! (The document, not the battleship.) I love that Florida's gov has been eternally linked to Lewinski's boyfriend's wife! Huge Hugs for that one. You've gotta love how Ronnie wants Trump's mama to tell Trump to knock it off picking on little guys. Even if Trump only spent jet fuel to Iowa because Mama DeSantis's little fella was lost and alone.