NEWS BULLETINS: Mud Slides in Malibu, Landslide Trump victory in Nevada and Virgin Islands, Special counsel throws incoherent Biden under the bus in Washington. Cream of Hollywood’s crap fleeing Malibu homes, Special counsel report says Biden has lost his marbles. Supreme Court makes mince meat of Colorado ballot bullshit. Schumer, McConnell and other senators plan a victory tour to Ukraine. Vladimir Putin licking chops at a chance to lob one in at their hotel. Senate Republicans getting close to dumping McConnell as majority leader. Tucker gets 22 million Putin interviewers in one hour on X (now at 93 million). GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Lana says to force politicians to fight on front lines in Ukraine if they support Schumer’s give-away money. I’d call that a good day.
I believe it was Napoleon who said that the kind of courage he admired was "Three o'clock in the morning courage." The last three years have been dark times, but in those darkest of nights, true courage has begun to turn the ship around.
Because we know that they cannot win if they cannot cheat, the path toward freedom and justice is now clear. Pray for us all, praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
I suspect I received the word, actually four words, before my queen Mary's beautiful death on August the 2nd. It's. All. Set. Up. I think that applies not only to my personal life which by the way is still being blessed beyond belief, but possibly the political events of recent days. What abuses me the most and makes me roar was laughter frequently is watching Fox News now on mute. The enemy is in trouble when Fox News which are only recently being able to speak the words Trump, now sounds like a full-time ad service for Trump's campaign. I know talking to extreme liberals now sounds like the question that was asked a cowboy sitting in a patch of cactus. It seemed like a good idea at the time was his response.
The morning after Fox called Arizona for Alleged President Joe Stolen, I literally threw my satellite dish into my pond. Within a couple of days, I'd received the boxes and my equipment was winging its way to AT&T. I used the savings to upgrade my Internet speed and now pick and choose news sources from the Web. The side effect is that my stress levels have gone through the floor; occasionally I visit my brother and Fox is always on in the background. No wonder he stays wired all the time. Have not and WILL not watch Fox or any of the Lamestream Press again.
Jim Wills, I am finally able to tolerate and enjoy, one of those two words or said it the same time, Fox News partly because I love Greg gutfeld and his sidekicks, little tiny cats, sorry sigh, my secretary misspelled it again, and planet Tyrus. I'm addicted to Greg's leftovers, yum. I put Fox News on mute and right now it looks like a full-time campaign ad for Trump which makes me very happy because evidently the route the anybody but Trump crowd have been beaten so bad that they're finally learning to roll over and have their tummy rubbed which makes me feel very happy.
Believe me, the ass-kissing will do them no good. Trump will remember what happened in November 2020. Say... aren't we getting too self-assured, TOO certain that he'll win the election? That's what a lot of us did in 2020...
Self-confidence can let you down. I'm not a prophet but I am totally confident in God being able to pull off a plan anytime he decides. Has he decided? Did I hear correctly the four words? As my favorite president says in uncertain times, we will see.
If I may continue to comment, since I have been fiercely trained to be a fearless bully fighter, which I am grateful to my mother or her constant offering ice cream if I came home bruised and bleeding from standing up to a bully, my greatest joy now seems to be watching bully beatdowns or even in some cases final moments from facing and armed policemen or citizen. Frankly, I even got a kick out of Alec Baldwin's beat down of an obnoxious reporter, actually paparazzi. That explains the great rejoicing in times square when the Germans surrendered. We may be witnesses to the longest running beat down of the Democratic party since the civil War. It was hard to celebrate given the events surrounding Abraham Lincoln's assassination, but this time it will be a lot more fun can I hear an amen? Finally, hahaha, I would like to explain actually that's unnecessary I would like to point out my favorite Twitter actually x, account that I follow perhaps you've heard of him. Steve Inman. Good day?
Totally agree, Don. They already have that plan. I'm just speculating and reverse engineering on how God could accomplish it not that he needs my help, and that is to come out with repeatable damning news and ever increasing intensity that even the suicidal maniacs won't necessarily surrender, but just stay home and eat gourmet ice cream and drink themselves silly probably with wine. Since they're too snooty to drink beer. But we will see. It's. All. Set. Up??
The diehards in the NY Post-Hitler bunker are still fighting a rear-guard action against anything being said in favor of Trump, not to mention the daily pathetic attempts at character assassination that they swiped from Hillary Clinton-2016 (which went swimmingly, we all know that. Plagiarists need to hone their skills. You just can't steal ANYTHING. Right, Claudine?)
I'm old enough to remember when Napoleon was running for the White House against Obama and he made a great big bellow-yip-yap about how we could trust him with the "3 a.m." emergency phone calls from the Pentagon. Or was that Hillary Clinton? Listening to Taylor Swift songs ruins one's memory. Does Kelce sing in the shower?
I'm signing up for the nearest available correspondence course in the morning. Hell, they may give me credit for driving down / flying to Kentucky multiple times to visit Keeneland! One time we even drove back through The Confederacy's Last Stand National Highway (Route 62) in the hills between Lexington and Maysville, where "FAFO" was tattooed on every telephone pole and I got the sneaking feeling that they meant it.
That is a horror and a shame about Mark Steyn. Thank you for reminding me to renew my subscription to his website (I left it when he decided that we'd all like to read 26 paragraphs each day, or listen to hour-long videos. We, I would have, but the time factor prevailed. I'd only be able to do the dishwasher once a week under such a scheme!).
Define adjuster, I'm leaving my secretaries spelling in this... I don't always roar with laughter when reading excellent sarcasm, but when I do it's usually reading Don's blog. Thank you for a job well done.
Forever grateful we're past the days of mammographs, correction mimeographs, and whiteout. Old school was pencils and a big honkin eraser. Older was cheap hard chalk that screeched, oldest school was a stick in the dirt. TU Google secretary.
All of this Gender bullshit and the downstream tragedies that were the result of it can be laid at the feet of bathhouse barry in an attempt to validate mike and’ fundamentally change American Society’
There I said it and I’m glad I said it.
Make Hanging in the Public Square for Treason Great Again!
He also ushered in same sex marriage after he had his puppet, Pedo Joe, make the first move for him because he was too much of a coward to do it himself.
In what rathole is she hanging out these days? Remember how Big Mike blew up when Barry told Jarrett to move in with them in 2017? I guess BM objected to having to share Jarret with anyone else...
Again! Vocabulary is important. there is no such thing as Transitioning. you cannot change your DNA you are either male or female. You may however mutilate your body and call yourself the opposite sex, but I suggest that those fantasies be left to adults and more age appropriate fantasies that do not include irreversible mutilations be offered to children. If you can wait until you are 21 to have a drink, you can wait until then to cut off body parts. Please let's stop pretending there is a nice way to describe this.
Right. And if you’re that batshit crazy pay for it yourself. Don’t demand we all pay for it. Remember, insurance Medicaid Medicare is our money it ain’t free money from the unicorns
Look for center mass of most of the problems we have in this country and you find that scumbag, Obama. He’s the worst thing that ever happened to this nation.
Maybe... Looks like Joe is too old and feeble to be prosecuted. I told you guys this would happen. Next phase is the insertion of Michelle. Barry will get another bite of the apple.
My theory is, most of these people are gay, but gay is no longer a 'victim' group so the next logical step to get the attention they crave is to declare "I'm trans!". It seems none of these advocates ever question why so few black, Hispanic or Asian kids are so afflicted.
Yes, and also seems to be a status symbol with teenagers. Like being "cool" in the 60's by railing against the "man". As smoking weed in the 70's was the in thing -- now it's mutilating ones body. Trouble with this though there is no going back.
Amen, EODMom. @Wiki: A mental health disorder in which a caregiver creates the appearance of health problems in another person, typically their child. (Factitious. I love this new-to-me word I just learned.)
In the future, should there be one, people will look back on the trannie madness and its surgical/chemical mutilation of mentally confused children and adolescents as the sick, perverse tragedy it is. The shame of it is that few, or more likely none of those who championed this farcical yet tragic episode will be held accountable. Sure, there may be some money changing hands, most of which will go into the pockets of the shysters chasing those ambulances but personal responsibility will be avoided. The hospitals and "medical" practitioners" (using "medical" in the sense that Dr. Mengele was a "medical" practitioner) will tap their insurance policies for the loot initially, and when the money starts to run out, they will resort to paying what's left to politicians who will pass "medical malpractice reform" immunizing them against further personal financial liability. It happened before and will happen again.
I agree and that SHOULD be a scandal but the wretched politicians and media & "organized medicine"(puke) will bury it as deep as they can. Money will change hands but the practitioners belong in jail & they know it. I hope they BURY Boston Children's, they are some truly sick people.
Wonder what the true percentage of children who went through this surgery now regret it. 95%? And this POS Pamela Paul now hedging against her own mental illness is pathetic. F her and all the scum who continue to advocate the robbing of a child's innocence.
95% is certainly the % of individuals with life long medical problems they haven’t begun to cope with. 25 years ago or more Johns Hopkins stopped doing this range of surgery on adults because the subsequent rate of suicide was so high. Adults. Now it’s children sentenced to life long pain and disfigurement without helping real mental health problems.
Just goes to show everything today is about the Benjamins. The lying, cheating and stealing. The corruption, the Swamp, the politician, lobbyists, big pharma, big tech, the military complex. Everything is traceable to the graft.
Doesn’t WPATH stand for Weird path? Or wrong path? In Boy Scouts, after they had won a SCOTUS decision that they didn’t have to admit gays (the pre-Robert’s era), we had Trumps 1st SOS, WEF Global leader of non-Green XOM, REX Tillerson, destroy Scouting by admitting gay Scout Leaders. What could go wrong? How many young men had scouting helped get through puberty, girls and what am I good at? In that tumultuous period of maturing? Camping, hiking, trips to beautiful parts of our country never seen by youngsters… teens have Tik Tock and video games….much better, eh?
In our family we have one family of husband, wife, two sons. The males are ALL EAGLE SCOUTS... and are well adjusted, conservative, Americans. Boy Scouts Rule !!!
Did you ever hear of Camp Boxwell? It is on the glide path over Nashville airport. It is considered to be the center of local BSA history. My brother went there as a youth. He flew jets from a carrier for a living. Retired after VN.
To say that I am f-in furious with many of my younger colleagues and the medical societies promoting this "transgender" lunacy is to seriously understate the case. I only practiced medicine for forty years and was trained back when Responsibility - with a capital "R" was drilled and bolted onto a doctor's forehead, so - full disclaimer - I may not be a good source of opinion on this matter.
Yes, it's like your Mommy said: it's all fun and games until the lawsuits start. Something like that ... But that begs the question of Where Are The Doctors, and why did they ever let this become a Thing? This is not complicated: sex (not gender; nouns have gender, people are of a certain sex) is not "assigned at birth," as the medical whores like to say. Sex is determined - and that word has a very specific scientific meaning - at conception nine months earlier and is set by chromosomes in every nucleated cell in the body. Cutting off outies or trying to surgically make innies alters one's sex not one whit. You'd just as well cut off your arm, start saying "Arrrrrrr! and call yourself Long John Silver. Not since they banned lobotomies have medicos tried to treat mental illness with surgery. That is, until now. Sometimes I wonder which side of the couch the greater mental illness lies.
People ask me why I go through all the recurrent training and CMEs in retirement to maintain my West Virginia and Virginia licenses. The sad fact is that I do it to protect my friends and family from my colleagues.
Here is an off topic comment I posted elsewhere: I have a superpower. It is called cross-examination. If Biden was charged, the last thing the prosecutor would need to worry about was how Biden would present to a jury, because Biden would never testify. Biden’s handlers can’t risk the chance of actual cross-examination. If Biden was charged he would resign before trial.
fathers need to get involved in their daughters lives and let them know that taylor swift is a useless biped. not even an average roll model and certainly not someone teenage girls should emulate.
however fathers will do no such thing. here in america women own the narratives and no father will be allowed inside the inner sanctum of feminist ideology unless he is simping for the mother.
i assure you over on american thinker i will get lit up by a couple of 'conservative' women who spend more time defending feminism than conservative values.
I loved the movies and the TV series about Davy Crockett. I was in about 5th or 6th grade, and it was a very popular show. Our next door neighbor had been tapped for a part in the movie, and he packed his family up and moved to Hollywood before anyone knew how weird that geographic epicenter could be. Oh gimme dat 'coon skin cap! I was a tomboy then, and wore jeans and sneakers and an ungirly haircut.* My college age brother took one look at me on a visit home and marched me into a beauty salon and told them to make me look like a girl! I tried to dislodge a tick of irony from this profound statement: "Better to have a live daughter than a dead son, right?" I'm beginning to wonder why the Nashville Police Department will not, or cannot, release the yammering "manifesto" of the transgender murderer of children and educators of a certain Christian school here. I discovered the 247 varieties of the common tick and gave up trying. SOC-8 is exactly like Best Practice, or TQA, as defined by a business intent on inventing a problem and then solving it by stuffing a square peg into a round hole. Even if pigs can't fly now, maybe they will before this entire planet swings out of orbit. (*If anyone thought I was trying to look like a boy, it would not have been true. I just wanted to be like Davy Crockett--irrespective of gender.)
Totally understand, Lawsy--I once was Ilya Kuryakin (The Man From U.N.C.L.E. ) for Halloween. Had nothing to do with gender, just thought it would be really cool to be a Secret Agent! Had short blond hair, wore all black and had a shoulder holster.
Like Joe Rogan opined, “if someone thinks they are actually of the opposite sex, why do they need to take hormone treatments”? Sorry for denting his exact words. This article was very telling. The outrage by the “journalism staff” of the NYT was so stunning. By linking it to “equity and inclusion” it tells you everything you need to know about their biases. But I may not have the same opinion about any credit that should be given to the Times as Don does. I’m just not that charitable to people who seek to control me these days. But it is utterly clear that the NYT sees itself as an elitist organization and their writings make clear they believe they are a sort of final authority on all issues. We continue to see organizations such as this seek to rewrite the Constitution and the literal meaning our language today. That the courts seem to follow in lockstep is troubling and a sign of things to come. Sadly, the media has become so powerful today but not in the way it was traditionally expected. But much of their power is due to people becoming less questioning about what they read and hear and far too willing to go along with definitions that are obviously twisted or in error simply because they align with the persons social views. It seems odd to me that in an era of “everyone is a subject matter expert” why the mental health community is not openly speaking out on the trans issue. The “global warming experts” certainly are and have been. Why is there a lack of discussion, both pro and con, from the shrinks of the world??
The majority, not all, but the majority of people who inhabit the so-called “mental health community” are some of the most F’d up people you could find grouped together anywhere else.
Something that happened rather 'under the radar', was that in the last 5+ years, many, if not most, states have passed laws forbidding psychologists, counselors, etc. to engage in "gender conversion therapy". I believe most people took that phrase to mean the type of forcible, even abusive, marine-boot-camp style aggressive conversion therapy, and that therefore possibly the laws had some merit. But it's another case of most folks giving a more innocent interpretation to things which turn out to not be so innocent.
Those same laws also said therapists could engage in supporting a patient in whatever gender identity the patient felt they were, but therapists were NOT allowed to counsel a patient against the gender identity the patient had chosen. And most importantly, these laws had teeth--the therapists could lose their license to practice. I believe that is why you hear crickets from the mental health professionals field. The licensing laws were used to enforce conformity on this subject.
There has been pushback now, as this is all no longer "under the radar". The pushback laws have upheld the therapist's individual right of conscience to counsel in accordance with their own belief system.
At the core of all this is Society's persistent assumption that psychologists, counselors, therapists, and such-like are legitimate, scientifically-based "professionals". With a few exceptions, they are not. Instead they are leeches on the body of the medical profession, whose jargon they abuse to impress the gullible. And that racket was started by Freud the Fraud in the late 1800s, when people were just as likely to buy into weird belief systems as they are today.
The few exceptions to that rule are those independent thinkers who made it through their "professional" indoctrination without selling their souls. Jordan Peterson is one, as was Carl Jung, Erich Fromm, and Thomas Szasz.
Agree, Wim. There are some genuine, insightful, and effective psychologists (I have one in my extended family and another who is a close friend). They contribute alot.
But as a field, there are some problems. As you say, theoretically they are "scientifically-based professionals". Yet, for the most part, none of them can state what the actual premises are of their system, which to me, shows it is not scientifically based-- it is based on a fluctuating vague consensus. It's a field with a shaky foundation. Also, as a country, we are spending billions on "mental health care", but no one ever looks at what the "cure" rate is. They are not accountable for results-- they get paid based on "services provided", not outcomes achieved. I suspect the "results" are overall mediocre at best. But again, there are also some outstanding therapists out there. Though I think in some cases, what they're doing is more overlapping with a ministerial / spiritual function.
I'm glad to see that we largely agree, and you make several valid points besides. The only thing I would add is that the psycho-cult has substituted politics for science, and I say that because their method of identifying (or inventing) new "Disorders" to include in their notorious -- to me, anyway -- Diagnostic Manual is by voting, a purely political method; not a scientific one. That was how homosexuality went from being a disorder in an older edition of the Manual to a mere "orientation" or "identity"; and in a reverse process, possibly to preclude shrinkage of the profitable Manual, confused teenage girls were classified as having a "gender disorder", which was basically a radical feminist fairy tale dressed up in semi-scientific psychobabble.
Agree. That's why I'm very skeptical of these "red flag" gun laws-- where they can confiscate a person's guns if a 'mental health professional' deems the person unstable or whatever. It's just so subjective. You can easily see that being abused, as there's too much talk on the Left about Republicans being extremist, dangerous, etc.
An aside, those "red flag" laws may be another example where we innocently acknowledge that they might be useful to keep guns out of the hands of a genuine schizo; but on the underlying level, the intent of the laws is not innocent at all. It's very likely those laws are INTENDED to be used to label one's political enemies as unfit and as grounds to confiscate their guns.
The Left has really drenched us in alot of BS that as normal, innocent people we have not been savvy enough to realize at the time what they were doing.
Wow. They couldnt do their job and use their expert training to attempt to “fix” these people and help them to see their problem. Another law twisted to subvert medicine. The people who write these laws are just evil.
Yep, "fixing" implies there's a problem, that something needs to be fixed. That is offensive, hateful. Therapists are only permitted to endorse, support, or affirm the chosen gender orientation and/or identity.
My point exactly. They aren't doing their job. They simply play word games and pretend nothing has changed but in reality they are not helping their patient, they are merely enabling them. That's sick.
I won't pretend a man is really a woman, just as I won't pretend to hear the voices in a schizophrenic's head.
What we have learned in past 4 years is that the medical community is NOT TO BE TRUSTED!! Covid, covid Vax, vaccines in general and hiding adverse reactions, autism, and now this bullshit.
The industry has gone from the most trusted to a notch above politicians, because that's what they are.
It seems more likely to me that the "industry" has lived through waves of high respect, alternating with troughs of popular doubt and disdain -- and whether either extreme was deserved or just could fill many books. You have to bear in mind that for quite a long time in the past, doctors doubled as barbers, or vice-versa, and although very gradually the incipient medical profession gained respect, not all of it was deserved: consider that George Washington died prematurely at the hands of his doctor, who was still applying the "bleeding" hoax to our unfortunate Founding Father.
Do keep in mind here that talking about reputation does not mean a wholesale denial of the utility of medicine; that would be very foolish. But when you consider past medical catastrophes -- the bloodletting craze I already mentioned, the widespread use of mercury, arsenic, cocaine and opium, thalidomide, lobotomies, Covid ... it pays to be skeptical, and not rush in where angels fear to tread.
Yes, dear, there should be fewer medically and socially sexually disrupted people treated as important role models in society. And even fewer should have access to children. Think of the disdain the West has for the Chinese practise of foot binding. This is a worse magnitude of torture and disfigurement of a whole tranche of American children, not for the purpose of perceived beauty, but for profit. It’s barbaric.
NEWS BULLETINS: Mud Slides in Malibu, Landslide Trump victory in Nevada and Virgin Islands, Special counsel throws incoherent Biden under the bus in Washington. Cream of Hollywood’s crap fleeing Malibu homes, Special counsel report says Biden has lost his marbles. Supreme Court makes mince meat of Colorado ballot bullshit. Schumer, McConnell and other senators plan a victory tour to Ukraine. Vladimir Putin licking chops at a chance to lob one in at their hotel. Senate Republicans getting close to dumping McConnell as majority leader. Tucker gets 22 million Putin interviewers in one hour on X (now at 93 million). GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Lana says to force politicians to fight on front lines in Ukraine if they support Schumer’s give-away money. I’d call that a good day.
I believe it was Napoleon who said that the kind of courage he admired was "Three o'clock in the morning courage." The last three years have been dark times, but in those darkest of nights, true courage has begun to turn the ship around.
Because we know that they cannot win if they cannot cheat, the path toward freedom and justice is now clear. Pray for us all, praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
I suspect I received the word, actually four words, before my queen Mary's beautiful death on August the 2nd. It's. All. Set. Up. I think that applies not only to my personal life which by the way is still being blessed beyond belief, but possibly the political events of recent days. What abuses me the most and makes me roar was laughter frequently is watching Fox News now on mute. The enemy is in trouble when Fox News which are only recently being able to speak the words Trump, now sounds like a full-time ad service for Trump's campaign. I know talking to extreme liberals now sounds like the question that was asked a cowboy sitting in a patch of cactus. It seemed like a good idea at the time was his response.
The morning after Fox called Arizona for Alleged President Joe Stolen, I literally threw my satellite dish into my pond. Within a couple of days, I'd received the boxes and my equipment was winging its way to AT&T. I used the savings to upgrade my Internet speed and now pick and choose news sources from the Web. The side effect is that my stress levels have gone through the floor; occasionally I visit my brother and Fox is always on in the background. No wonder he stays wired all the time. Have not and WILL not watch Fox or any of the Lamestream Press again.
Jim Wills, I am finally able to tolerate and enjoy, one of those two words or said it the same time, Fox News partly because I love Greg gutfeld and his sidekicks, little tiny cats, sorry sigh, my secretary misspelled it again, and planet Tyrus. I'm addicted to Greg's leftovers, yum. I put Fox News on mute and right now it looks like a full-time campaign ad for Trump which makes me very happy because evidently the route the anybody but Trump crowd have been beaten so bad that they're finally learning to roll over and have their tummy rubbed which makes me feel very happy.
Believe me, the ass-kissing will do them no good. Trump will remember what happened in November 2020. Say... aren't we getting too self-assured, TOO certain that he'll win the election? That's what a lot of us did in 2020...
Self-confidence can let you down. I'm not a prophet but I am totally confident in God being able to pull off a plan anytime he decides. Has he decided? Did I hear correctly the four words? As my favorite president says in uncertain times, we will see.
If I may continue to comment, since I have been fiercely trained to be a fearless bully fighter, which I am grateful to my mother or her constant offering ice cream if I came home bruised and bleeding from standing up to a bully, my greatest joy now seems to be watching bully beatdowns or even in some cases final moments from facing and armed policemen or citizen. Frankly, I even got a kick out of Alec Baldwin's beat down of an obnoxious reporter, actually paparazzi. That explains the great rejoicing in times square when the Germans surrendered. We may be witnesses to the longest running beat down of the Democratic party since the civil War. It was hard to celebrate given the events surrounding Abraham Lincoln's assassination, but this time it will be a lot more fun can I hear an amen? Finally, hahaha, I would like to explain actually that's unnecessary I would like to point out my favorite Twitter actually x, account that I follow perhaps you've heard of him. Steve Inman. Good day?
Don't jump the gun, my good man. If they can --- and did --- one "election," they can rig another.
Totally agree, Don. They already have that plan. I'm just speculating and reverse engineering on how God could accomplish it not that he needs my help, and that is to come out with repeatable damning news and ever increasing intensity that even the suicidal maniacs won't necessarily surrender, but just stay home and eat gourmet ice cream and drink themselves silly probably with wine. Since they're too snooty to drink beer. But we will see. It's. All. Set. Up??
We'll REALLY need divine help this time. Another 4 years of this anarchy and...
The diehards in the NY Post-Hitler bunker are still fighting a rear-guard action against anything being said in favor of Trump, not to mention the daily pathetic attempts at character assassination that they swiped from Hillary Clinton-2016 (which went swimmingly, we all know that. Plagiarists need to hone their skills. You just can't steal ANYTHING. Right, Claudine?)
I'm old enough to remember when Napoleon was running for the White House against Obama and he made a great big bellow-yip-yap about how we could trust him with the "3 a.m." emergency phone calls from the Pentagon. Or was that Hillary Clinton? Listening to Taylor Swift songs ruins one's memory. Does Kelce sing in the shower?
The real question is, does he hum?
I fail to get the joke, but if it in any way/shape/form is a sly, derogatory comment about TS and her pet tight end, I'm all for it!
Clearly you need to learn about Hillbilly oral sex...........
I'm signing up for the nearest available correspondence course in the morning. Hell, they may give me credit for driving down / flying to Kentucky multiple times to visit Keeneland! One time we even drove back through The Confederacy's Last Stand National Highway (Route 62) in the hills between Lexington and Maysville, where "FAFO" was tattooed on every telephone pole and I got the sneaking feeling that they meant it.
And in other news:
• Hawaii essentially secedes from the Union via ruling in open defiance of the Constitution and SCOTUS.
• Mark Steyn loses his case against lying fraud smelly sack of weasel shite Michael Mann.
Quite the day yesterday.
Gotta love it Susie. The Dems are going to fall through their asses and hang themselves.
Once again, we are running the risk of assuming the victory before the event.
If they could get an ambulatory corpse elected in 2020, someone in a permanent horizontal position in a coffin can be elected president in 2024.
Could Obama be the prone one? Asking for an embalmer.
I think this is a very clever way for Big "Vertical" Mike (pretending to be an embalmer) to put her request in via their go-between.
Defund Hawaii...
That is a horror and a shame about Mark Steyn. Thank you for reminding me to renew my subscription to his website (I left it when he decided that we'd all like to read 26 paragraphs each day, or listen to hour-long videos. We, I would have, but the time factor prevailed. I'd only be able to do the dishwasher once a week under such a scheme!).
Define adjuster, I'm leaving my secretaries spelling in this... I don't always roar with laughter when reading excellent sarcasm, but when I do it's usually reading Don's blog. Thank you for a job well done.
And thank you, too, Reverend. Welcome to Typos Are Us.
Don't. Stop. Don't. Stop. Don't stop. What a reluctant passionate kisser said on her first kiss or maybe it was him.
Forever grateful we're past the days of mammographs, correction mimeographs, and whiteout. Old school was pencils and a big honkin eraser. Older was cheap hard chalk that screeched, oldest school was a stick in the dirt. TU Google secretary.
Thanks for the news. Sorry Don but that’s a lot more important than another story about the ridiculous trans mental disease.
True confession: I wrote and posted it after being up half the night steaming about the coast-to-coast insanity that is epidemic in our country.
I just wake up in the middle of the night to consider this nightmare regime and the harm done.
02/09/24: Superb summation!
"Schumer, McConnell and other senators plan a victory tour to Ukraine. Vladimir Putin licking chops at a chance to lob one in at their hotel."
Oh, please do. We'd be in stitches for a solid week.
All of this Gender bullshit and the downstream tragedies that were the result of it can be laid at the feet of bathhouse barry in an attempt to validate mike and’ fundamentally change American Society’
There I said it and I’m glad I said it.
Make Hanging in the Public Square for Treason Great Again!
He also ushered in same sex marriage after he had his puppet, Pedo Joe, make the first move for him because he was too much of a coward to do it himself.
He and his handler Jarrett are responsible for all of it.
All Treason!
In what rathole is she hanging out these days? Remember how Big Mike blew up when Barry told Jarrett to move in with them in 2017? I guess BM objected to having to share Jarret with anyone else...
I'm glad you said that, too. Hooray for our side.
Dr Josef Mengele was an rank amateur compared to today’s “Medical Community”.
Wouldn’t want to be them come Judgement Day.
Hanging in the Public Square. What a concept. The Dangling Super Bowl, coming to your town and mine.
I don’t need the government telling me who I have to tolerate. We don’t need special laws for anybody. The original 10 Commandments work quite well.
Again! Vocabulary is important. there is no such thing as Transitioning. you cannot change your DNA you are either male or female. You may however mutilate your body and call yourself the opposite sex, but I suggest that those fantasies be left to adults and more age appropriate fantasies that do not include irreversible mutilations be offered to children. If you can wait until you are 21 to have a drink, you can wait until then to cut off body parts. Please let's stop pretending there is a nice way to describe this.
Right. And if you’re that batshit crazy pay for it yourself. Don’t demand we all pay for it. Remember, insurance Medicaid Medicare is our money it ain’t free money from the unicorns
Instead of saying TRANSITIONING, we should say IMAGINING
Or better yet: "LOSING IT"?
Perfection Shrugged.
Look for center mass of most of the problems we have in this country and you find that scumbag, Obama. He’s the worst thing that ever happened to this nation.
Maybe... Looks like Joe is too old and feeble to be prosecuted. I told you guys this would happen. Next phase is the insertion of Michelle. Barry will get another bite of the apple.
My theory is, most of these people are gay, but gay is no longer a 'victim' group so the next logical step to get the attention they crave is to declare "I'm trans!". It seems none of these advocates ever question why so few black, Hispanic or Asian kids are so afflicted.
Yes, and also seems to be a status symbol with teenagers. Like being "cool" in the 60's by railing against the "man". As smoking weed in the 70's was the in thing -- now it's mutilating ones body. Trouble with this though there is no going back.
From my observations, they are people desperately seeking attention. "Look at me!"
Look at the mothers of many of these confused, abused children. They are the ones saying “look at me!”
Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
It looks that way to me. Very sad.
You ID'd it correctly.
Good point. Some of these kids are confused because of their parents.
Not confused: groomed and manipulated.
Amen, EODMom. @Wiki: A mental health disorder in which a caregiver creates the appearance of health problems in another person, typically their child. (Factitious. I love this new-to-me word I just learned.)
My gay friends think it's crazy.
My brother is gay, has been with his partner over 40 years. They just shake their heads at the trans-insanity...their words.
My son....hates this garbage.
And the tranny zealots hate your gay friends. Say, didn't this all start out in the 1960s with the "love-ins"?
In the future, should there be one, people will look back on the trannie madness and its surgical/chemical mutilation of mentally confused children and adolescents as the sick, perverse tragedy it is. The shame of it is that few, or more likely none of those who championed this farcical yet tragic episode will be held accountable. Sure, there may be some money changing hands, most of which will go into the pockets of the shysters chasing those ambulances but personal responsibility will be avoided. The hospitals and "medical" practitioners" (using "medical" in the sense that Dr. Mengele was a "medical" practitioner) will tap their insurance policies for the loot initially, and when the money starts to run out, they will resort to paying what's left to politicians who will pass "medical malpractice reform" immunizing them against further personal financial liability. It happened before and will happen again.
I agree and that SHOULD be a scandal but the wretched politicians and media & "organized medicine"(puke) will bury it as deep as they can. Money will change hands but the practitioners belong in jail & they know it. I hope they BURY Boston Children's, they are some truly sick people.
Wonder what the true percentage of children who went through this surgery now regret it. 95%? And this POS Pamela Paul now hedging against her own mental illness is pathetic. F her and all the scum who continue to advocate the robbing of a child's innocence.
95% is certainly the % of individuals with life long medical problems they haven’t begun to cope with. 25 years ago or more Johns Hopkins stopped doing this range of surgery on adults because the subsequent rate of suicide was so high. Adults. Now it’s children sentenced to life long pain and disfigurement without helping real mental health problems.
Just goes to show everything today is about the Benjamins. The lying, cheating and stealing. The corruption, the Swamp, the politician, lobbyists, big pharma, big tech, the military complex. Everything is traceable to the graft.
Money is said to be the root of all evil.
If only it were not for the LOVE of money, aka filthy lucre, aka Benjamins!
“The LOVE of money” is the actual quote, which imputes personal responsibility for such sin.
Doesn’t WPATH stand for Weird path? Or wrong path? In Boy Scouts, after they had won a SCOTUS decision that they didn’t have to admit gays (the pre-Robert’s era), we had Trumps 1st SOS, WEF Global leader of non-Green XOM, REX Tillerson, destroy Scouting by admitting gay Scout Leaders. What could go wrong? How many young men had scouting helped get through puberty, girls and what am I good at? In that tumultuous period of maturing? Camping, hiking, trips to beautiful parts of our country never seen by youngsters… teens have Tik Tock and video games….much better, eh?
In our family we have one family of husband, wife, two sons. The males are ALL EAGLE SCOUTS... and are well adjusted, conservative, Americans. Boy Scouts Rule !!!
Did you ever hear of Camp Boxwell? It is on the glide path over Nashville airport. It is considered to be the center of local BSA history. My brother went there as a youth. He flew jets from a carrier for a living. Retired after VN.
To say that I am f-in furious with many of my younger colleagues and the medical societies promoting this "transgender" lunacy is to seriously understate the case. I only practiced medicine for forty years and was trained back when Responsibility - with a capital "R" was drilled and bolted onto a doctor's forehead, so - full disclaimer - I may not be a good source of opinion on this matter.
Yes, it's like your Mommy said: it's all fun and games until the lawsuits start. Something like that ... But that begs the question of Where Are The Doctors, and why did they ever let this become a Thing? This is not complicated: sex (not gender; nouns have gender, people are of a certain sex) is not "assigned at birth," as the medical whores like to say. Sex is determined - and that word has a very specific scientific meaning - at conception nine months earlier and is set by chromosomes in every nucleated cell in the body. Cutting off outies or trying to surgically make innies alters one's sex not one whit. You'd just as well cut off your arm, start saying "Arrrrrrr! and call yourself Long John Silver. Not since they banned lobotomies have medicos tried to treat mental illness with surgery. That is, until now. Sometimes I wonder which side of the couch the greater mental illness lies.
People ask me why I go through all the recurrent training and CMEs in retirement to maintain my West Virginia and Virginia licenses. The sad fact is that I do it to protect my friends and family from my colleagues.
Here is an off topic comment I posted elsewhere: I have a superpower. It is called cross-examination. If Biden was charged, the last thing the prosecutor would need to worry about was how Biden would present to a jury, because Biden would never testify. Biden’s handlers can’t risk the chance of actual cross-examination. If Biden was charged he would resign before trial.
Good point. It is clear that Biden is held to a double standard; that is no standard at all; he is immune to prosecution.
Good idea!
I don't quite follow this. How would resigning exempt Biden from testifying? I would think it would raise the odds.
fathers need to get involved in their daughters lives and let them know that taylor swift is a useless biped. not even an average roll model and certainly not someone teenage girls should emulate.
however fathers will do no such thing. here in america women own the narratives and no father will be allowed inside the inner sanctum of feminist ideology unless he is simping for the mother.
Hard to argue with logic.
i assure you over on american thinker i will get lit up by a couple of 'conservative' women who spend more time defending feminism than conservative values.
Indeed, but a lot of us have your back!!
I loved the movies and the TV series about Davy Crockett. I was in about 5th or 6th grade, and it was a very popular show. Our next door neighbor had been tapped for a part in the movie, and he packed his family up and moved to Hollywood before anyone knew how weird that geographic epicenter could be. Oh gimme dat 'coon skin cap! I was a tomboy then, and wore jeans and sneakers and an ungirly haircut.* My college age brother took one look at me on a visit home and marched me into a beauty salon and told them to make me look like a girl! I tried to dislodge a tick of irony from this profound statement: "Better to have a live daughter than a dead son, right?" I'm beginning to wonder why the Nashville Police Department will not, or cannot, release the yammering "manifesto" of the transgender murderer of children and educators of a certain Christian school here. I discovered the 247 varieties of the common tick and gave up trying. SOC-8 is exactly like Best Practice, or TQA, as defined by a business intent on inventing a problem and then solving it by stuffing a square peg into a round hole. Even if pigs can't fly now, maybe they will before this entire planet swings out of orbit. (*If anyone thought I was trying to look like a boy, it would not have been true. I just wanted to be like Davy Crockett--irrespective of gender.)
Totally understand, Lawsy--I once was Ilya Kuryakin (The Man From U.N.C.L.E. ) for Halloween. Had nothing to do with gender, just thought it would be really cool to be a Secret Agent! Had short blond hair, wore all black and had a shoulder holster.
Like Joe Rogan opined, “if someone thinks they are actually of the opposite sex, why do they need to take hormone treatments”? Sorry for denting his exact words. This article was very telling. The outrage by the “journalism staff” of the NYT was so stunning. By linking it to “equity and inclusion” it tells you everything you need to know about their biases. But I may not have the same opinion about any credit that should be given to the Times as Don does. I’m just not that charitable to people who seek to control me these days. But it is utterly clear that the NYT sees itself as an elitist organization and their writings make clear they believe they are a sort of final authority on all issues. We continue to see organizations such as this seek to rewrite the Constitution and the literal meaning our language today. That the courts seem to follow in lockstep is troubling and a sign of things to come. Sadly, the media has become so powerful today but not in the way it was traditionally expected. But much of their power is due to people becoming less questioning about what they read and hear and far too willing to go along with definitions that are obviously twisted or in error simply because they align with the persons social views. It seems odd to me that in an era of “everyone is a subject matter expert” why the mental health community is not openly speaking out on the trans issue. The “global warming experts” certainly are and have been. Why is there a lack of discussion, both pro and con, from the shrinks of the world??
The majority, not all, but the majority of people who inhabit the so-called “mental health community” are some of the most F’d up people you could find grouped together anywhere else.
Oh! With the possible exception of the entire Biden Administration!
Amen Suzie.
Something that happened rather 'under the radar', was that in the last 5+ years, many, if not most, states have passed laws forbidding psychologists, counselors, etc. to engage in "gender conversion therapy". I believe most people took that phrase to mean the type of forcible, even abusive, marine-boot-camp style aggressive conversion therapy, and that therefore possibly the laws had some merit. But it's another case of most folks giving a more innocent interpretation to things which turn out to not be so innocent.
Those same laws also said therapists could engage in supporting a patient in whatever gender identity the patient felt they were, but therapists were NOT allowed to counsel a patient against the gender identity the patient had chosen. And most importantly, these laws had teeth--the therapists could lose their license to practice. I believe that is why you hear crickets from the mental health professionals field. The licensing laws were used to enforce conformity on this subject.
There has been pushback now, as this is all no longer "under the radar". The pushback laws have upheld the therapist's individual right of conscience to counsel in accordance with their own belief system.
At the core of all this is Society's persistent assumption that psychologists, counselors, therapists, and such-like are legitimate, scientifically-based "professionals". With a few exceptions, they are not. Instead they are leeches on the body of the medical profession, whose jargon they abuse to impress the gullible. And that racket was started by Freud the Fraud in the late 1800s, when people were just as likely to buy into weird belief systems as they are today.
The few exceptions to that rule are those independent thinkers who made it through their "professional" indoctrination without selling their souls. Jordan Peterson is one, as was Carl Jung, Erich Fromm, and Thomas Szasz.
Agree, Wim. There are some genuine, insightful, and effective psychologists (I have one in my extended family and another who is a close friend). They contribute alot.
But as a field, there are some problems. As you say, theoretically they are "scientifically-based professionals". Yet, for the most part, none of them can state what the actual premises are of their system, which to me, shows it is not scientifically based-- it is based on a fluctuating vague consensus. It's a field with a shaky foundation. Also, as a country, we are spending billions on "mental health care", but no one ever looks at what the "cure" rate is. They are not accountable for results-- they get paid based on "services provided", not outcomes achieved. I suspect the "results" are overall mediocre at best. But again, there are also some outstanding therapists out there. Though I think in some cases, what they're doing is more overlapping with a ministerial / spiritual function.
I'm glad to see that we largely agree, and you make several valid points besides. The only thing I would add is that the psycho-cult has substituted politics for science, and I say that because their method of identifying (or inventing) new "Disorders" to include in their notorious -- to me, anyway -- Diagnostic Manual is by voting, a purely political method; not a scientific one. That was how homosexuality went from being a disorder in an older edition of the Manual to a mere "orientation" or "identity"; and in a reverse process, possibly to preclude shrinkage of the profitable Manual, confused teenage girls were classified as having a "gender disorder", which was basically a radical feminist fairy tale dressed up in semi-scientific psychobabble.
Agree. That's why I'm very skeptical of these "red flag" gun laws-- where they can confiscate a person's guns if a 'mental health professional' deems the person unstable or whatever. It's just so subjective. You can easily see that being abused, as there's too much talk on the Left about Republicans being extremist, dangerous, etc.
An aside, those "red flag" laws may be another example where we innocently acknowledge that they might be useful to keep guns out of the hands of a genuine schizo; but on the underlying level, the intent of the laws is not innocent at all. It's very likely those laws are INTENDED to be used to label one's political enemies as unfit and as grounds to confiscate their guns.
The Left has really drenched us in alot of BS that as normal, innocent people we have not been savvy enough to realize at the time what they were doing.
I fear you are right TPG.
The majority of these folks also probably feel humans can change the global climates.
It's part of the same syndrome: God doesn't exist, therefore we people need to be God.
Wow. They couldnt do their job and use their expert training to attempt to “fix” these people and help them to see their problem. Another law twisted to subvert medicine. The people who write these laws are just evil.
Yep, "fixing" implies there's a problem, that something needs to be fixed. That is offensive, hateful. Therapists are only permitted to endorse, support, or affirm the chosen gender orientation and/or identity.
My point exactly. They aren't doing their job. They simply play word games and pretend nothing has changed but in reality they are not helping their patient, they are merely enabling them. That's sick.
You get sent to a reeducation camp like Jordan Peterson for "wrong think"...
Why? Because, as Adorable states above, it’s all about the Benjamins.
Society shouldn't appease the mentally ill.
I won't pretend a man is really a woman, just as I won't pretend to hear the voices in a schizophrenic's head.
What we have learned in past 4 years is that the medical community is NOT TO BE TRUSTED!! Covid, covid Vax, vaccines in general and hiding adverse reactions, autism, and now this bullshit.
The industry has gone from the most trusted to a notch above politicians, because that's what they are.
It seems more likely to me that the "industry" has lived through waves of high respect, alternating with troughs of popular doubt and disdain -- and whether either extreme was deserved or just could fill many books. You have to bear in mind that for quite a long time in the past, doctors doubled as barbers, or vice-versa, and although very gradually the incipient medical profession gained respect, not all of it was deserved: consider that George Washington died prematurely at the hands of his doctor, who was still applying the "bleeding" hoax to our unfortunate Founding Father.
Do keep in mind here that talking about reputation does not mean a wholesale denial of the utility of medicine; that would be very foolish. But when you consider past medical catastrophes -- the bloodletting craze I already mentioned, the widespread use of mercury, arsenic, cocaine and opium, thalidomide, lobotomies, Covid ... it pays to be skeptical, and not rush in where angels fear to tread.
Yes, dear, there should be fewer medically and socially sexually disrupted people treated as important role models in society. And even fewer should have access to children. Think of the disdain the West has for the Chinese practise of foot binding. This is a worse magnitude of torture and disfigurement of a whole tranche of American children, not for the purpose of perceived beauty, but for profit. It’s barbaric.