"What you do in private is your own business. Quit making it mine."
Amen, brother. I think everyone is thoroughly tired of homosexuality going from "the love that cannot be named" to "the love that can't shut the f*** up".
Yes, including love that can't keep it's pants on in the Senate hearing room (insisting on recording the distasteful act for their own ego) or in front of minor children. Many who want gay "love" is a front for pedophilia.
Hey, at least you know where that creep(s) stand on the state of the country. House 'republicans' just reauthorized Marxism against its own base(NDAA); almost in secret.
Putting republicans in quotes says all we need to say. It's done in secret so they don't have to be accountable to the taxpayers. They are all enablers of the deep state to negate our constitutional liberties.
As usual, the GOP has way too many priorities going on and spending all their time on the Biden corruption that will never end with a Biden conviction or impeachment. They just didn't have time to get revisions to the NDAA done. It's kind of a common theme with the GOP it seems.
What drives them is guilt. They know in their hearts that it is wrong. Because of that, they believe that others are judging them. They want to force acceptance on people who didn't care and don't want to know.
The left, the progressives, the proto-communists, the full communists, the d-rats, antifa, blm and the gay mafia have taken control of the world through the loud-mouthed activism and intervention of feminism and single, childless over educated white women (who by the way are now déclassé and being ditched by the monsters they’ve created…(Shadenfreude alert…HaHaHa)).
There is never going to be peace here in NA (go ahead ask me about anywhere else) until a Male-centred, Testosterone driven (and please spare me the ‘Testosterone means Violence’ screeds here, it only shows your ignorance) Culture retakes control.
You will indeed because it is changing. This whole fight is like an accordion moving. We are due for some sizable jumps in peoples attitudes about the issue I believe. Stay tuned.
We need to leave this discussion for a man and his wife in the comfort of their own home. Personally, I think boobs are way over rated but to each his own.
If a woman wants a change, or feels she needs a refresher or she doesn’t like how age is treating her, she isn’t asking you for the $ and she’s not your wife, what’s it to you
And look son, if y’all want to go ‘ad hominem’ here ( go look it up I’ll wait), I’m just the boy to start up with.
One thing that I noticed about women with boob jobs is that are all VERY proud of their new store bought hooters and want to show them off every chance they get. Not that I am complaining...
Liberals ( the Left) cannot leave anybody alone. They are narcissists and neurotics constantly tinkering with other peoples’ lives, inevitably making them worse. They think they know better, but they know nothing. I was reading the quotes from the NYT article and every single thing she said was incorrect. They are fundamentally ill informed, irrational, and unrealistic. And their ideology and actions hurt real people in serious ways.
Kanye is just a mentally ill guy who gets attention because he's a famous rapper. Otherwise, he'd be irrelevant. Guilt laden white people make people like Kanye a celebrity. He's basically a jerk.
Nobody can keep up with their crap. That’s part of the strategy, to overwhelm and demoralize.
Name one thing about public life that’s better today than it was even 10 years ago. We now live in a low trust society, and every aspect of life is becoming more like third world. Europe is worse. The immigrant crime problem in Germany, France, England, Sweden is off the charts, but you won’t see that in the media. So what do the liberals do? Let the criminals go and punish law abiding citizens of course. It’s insanity.
The Left will continue to double down until we either throw them out or the country collapses. The Republicans are not going to solve this. I know some people don’t like me saying that. But it’s true. We have to be honest with one another. And if Trump comes back into power, mark my words, the Republicans will fight him every step of the way, just like they did in his first term. We have to understand what is going on and stop it. No more Commies and no more RINOs.
Trump is not perfect. He can’t help himself with the insults and the provocations that hurt his cause. But he’s the best real option we have. The rest of the clown posse will just break your heart and your country.
Liberals are hollow, believe in nothing but themselves, love government to do for them, and do not have the ability to understand an opinion that is different than theirs. They are spoiled, petulant little children and throw a temper tantrum when someone tries to debate them.
Off-topic on the carols: Do you know the significance of the 4 gifts the magi brought to Jesus (4 because the first gift was bowing down and worshipping Him)?
1. They recognized His deity with worship.
2. They recognized His kingship with gold.
3. They recognized Him as high priest with frankincense.
4. They recognized His sacrifice, death, and resurrection with myrrh, a burial spice.
Those guys knew what they were up to, probably because Daniel wrote about it 500 years ago during Israel's exile in Babylon.
Great. Thank you for the head's up. Our vast (?) public library doesn't have a copy. I've ordered a used copy from Thrift Books. One of our pastors preached on Daniel, introducing him as about college freshman age, along with his 2 companions sent into Babylon. As a teenager, my first church camp study book was Dare to be a Daniel. You probably remember that one, too.
Lefties feel empowered by telling everyone how they should live. Leftist women are the worst- I used to walk daily in the park with a woman who pronounced herself ‘a socialist’. I gave it little thought but we agreed we couldn’t talk politics. Actually I didn’t mind but she would have meltdowns like the time I mentioned how interesting Dr. Ben Carson, a distinguished doctor who ended up in Trump’s cabinet, was. She flipped out and immediately stopped talking to me after Trump got elected. She was the busiest of busy bodies too: She told me if I drank too much seltzer it would damage my organs, that using bleach was bad for the septic system, etc - she was constantly prescribing what I should do and how it should be done and she wasn’t the only lefty female friend who just couldn’t keep her prescriptions to herself. These people are miserable and do their damnedest to make the rest of us miserable as well. Avoid them.
I believe we all have friends like that, even family members. They all seem to believe that their's is the only correct answer or opinion. Yet, when forced to defend their statements or pronouncements, they can't and then get angry and start calling people names. My good friend who spent a career as a teaching "shrink" told me that people who cannot or refuse to debate an issue may have deep seated issues from early in life. Many times they simply cannot face the thought that their belief system could be wrong or flawed. I told him their problem is that they are lefty's and being wrong is an institutional thing with them. He told me I was practicing his profession without a license. Ha!
Reddog, I have a brother like this. He has always had issues. When we were kids, my Nana or Mom would make us stand in the corner for 1/2 hour as punishment. If that failed the belt came out. I can recall my brother in that corner for 2 hours. Each 15 minutes he was asked if he was sorry to which he said “No” and would be given another half hour until my mom would finally snap & crack the s-h-i-t out of him. Totally unrepentant. He still complains about my parents who were cheap SOB’s. Every Saturday night at 11pm my parents always got a pizza or Italian beef sandwiches as their treat, and never just said “let’s have a pizza for dinner kids”. I told my brother to get over it, you are an adult now and can get it anytime you want. Years later I talked about the old times with my parents & this came up. I told them I held no grudge but when it is time for them to go to a senior care or nursing home I would put them in the filthiest one I could find in the ghetto of Chicago. Haha My mom passed in 2008 & I haven’t spoken to my brothers or father in well over a decade. All miserable, selfish people & I finally walked away.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I guess most of us can relate in some fashion. Regardless of good situations or bad, we are all shaped and affected by them growing up. Yours was hard but then there are those kids who grow up in families that do all the right things and yet the kids end up doing bad things. Look at some of the Hollywood kids of celebrities. Yet even with tough upbringings, so many people turn out just fine or even achieve greatness. Look at Clarence Thomas and so many others. I have always said that we are shaped and learn more from adversity and hardship than by our successes. Life challenges are necessary growing up. They make you stronger. Then there are the liberals. I have no idea how people get so darn twisted like them but I know that the absence of religion in their lives is a huge factor.
The Left is composed of unhappy people who believe they are entitled to correct and control everybody, that they deserve a better situation in life, usually unearned. Psychologists routinely find higher rates of unhappiness and mental illness on the Left. Most of them do it to go along with the crowd and fit in. They haven’t examined any of the issues they take positions on. They are essentially lemmings, and now they use their political views to signal their obedience to the mainstream narrative for the purpose of social climbing. The ones on top just want power and money and they use the lemmings to get what they want. That’s all.
We understand what is wrong with liberals but countering them is far harder. Sadly, if they did mot have the media as their firewall they would be rendered irrelevant. We all need to support those media outlets and blogs like this one who expose them. Oddly, when the economy is stressed as it is today, it helps the left because people are too busy trying to feed their families and work to pay attention to current issues. 2024 is going to be a turbulent and dangerous time for the country.
I was told that pumped storage (of water) was a solution to the intermittency of solar and wind power, yet all I hear now is celebrations of dams being destroyed.
Yeah, wouldn't you think that a state that sits in the middle of a desert would have the foresight to build reservoirs to capture and store every bit of water that runs thru or falls on their state to alleviate their drought problems? California just had two years with record snow and atmospheric rivers dumping unprecedented amounts of water on them and yet here they are, building no reservoirs and tearing down four dams and the impoundments behind them. I think that lack of foresight defines the term "death wish".
The Left, with the hand of Satan, truly is the destroyer. I am about the right age to have experienced the changes in the school system, teachers, civility, behaviour, you name it. My reference point is the 1970s. At that time, when I was a teen I thought it was great. It was wild and exciting. Very little was out of bounds. New ideas and new behaviours. Only in recent years, when I look back do I see the destruction that time wrought on the family, school, and society in general. I still am, sort of, of two minds on that time period and what happened no matter what because I was directly affected and changed by that time period. On one hand, I keep thinking that it was inevitable at that time and that there were going to be big social changes because that's how life and history go -- in cycles. Maybe some of it was okay -- tolerance and acceptance -- maybe? On the other hand, I really think that everything just went too far, too much excess, and too many extremes. This is where we are now. My conclusion is that when you turn away from core values -- God, family, country -- ultimately nothing good can happen. I would like us to get back to the centre and see our societies grounding themselves and searching for the good. The family and children, and God, are really the keys. Without this, we have Satan the destroyer acting out in crazed liberals.
What in blazes is an atomized society? Sorry, but my civil engineering degree didn’t cover that apparently. In any regard, they used to be called liberals. Now it’s progressives. I guarantee you tomorrow it will be Democratic Socialists. These people increasingly have little in common with the party known originally as Democrat. What really changed? Answer: total lack of accountability and personal responsibility. So watch what happens around the first of June when Joe Biden announces he is not running for re-election. All the people infected with the AOC virus will start spinning their heads around 360 degrees and demand that the walking California oil slick known as Gov Newsom must come save the party. I hope the slow but steady erosion of the party base will make some folks stop long enough to ask themselves how a guy like Newsom, who is left of center about as far as is measurable, is going to bring the Democrat party back from full blown Socialism. When they realize he is not the savior but just a doubling down of the same radicalism that caused the rift, perhaps something positive will come from it. In any case, Newsom is about as electable as H. Clinton and will lose, not just because of Trump but because the third party runs by Kennedy and others will suck more votes from Democrats than the GOP nominee. 2024 will be known as the year the two party system ruined itself because people finally stood up and told the radicals to shut up. I hope and pray, anyway.
We have barely survived the destruction derby called Biden - not for the But Wait moment - we have Gov Oil Slick waiting in the wings to complete our total destruction at warp speed - I pray we have the survival instinct and intestinal fortitude to save ourselves! MAGA 2024
John Fredericks did a really thorough analysis of the latest polls showing PDJT widening his lead in the primary and the general. He dug into the demographics and I was stunned that the under thirties are now supporting him over any Democrat candidate. Everyone is fed up with all the Uniparty clowns and their day of reckoning is approaching.
Sundance posted a rundown of the poll on the Treehouse last night.
Down in the comments thread someone made the point that MAGA voters generally don’t answer polls. I find that to be true amongst the people I know. So it stands to reason that factoring in the silent MAGA voters would drive Trump’s numbers even higher. Yes, the slumbering giant is finally waking up - hope it’s not too late.
Yes, the first hurdle is getting the WH win in 2024. But we must keep the House as well or we are screwed. This will be a make or break election for the GOP. If they do not support Trump aggressively, should he win, they will see a lot of vacant seats in both the House and Senate come the mid terms. People are fed up .......................... I mean really freaking fed up and the people on the Hill better understand it this time. The RNC is a lost cause and is good for little but fund raising. McDaniel needs to be fired and someone who is non-RINO needs to run it. George S. Patton is out, he's dead. But we need another GSP to run the RNC and get good conservatives to run for office. I'm praying it all comes together this year.
The RINOs are starting to run out of standard bearers. The Senate after 2024 will be more MAGA, not less. The dems have a horrific map in front of them. While Trump still has a cap, I'd bet in the House Biden's sinking poll numbers mean suburban districts surrounding blue urban centers will get a bit more red. The House will be more MAGA as well. There is a popular uprising against DC in general, and DC is doing nothing to change that. When you live by creating more victim groups, eventually you end up with a lot of people leaving your coalition because it seems unfair.
I still don't see how Trump can survive the swing states anymore than he could before - but I will say this - Biden is sure as hell making it more possible than I would have ever thought.
Very true. The difference this time around are the third party Democrats or quasi-Dems who will run and steal votes from Biden. Halley hates Trump and could likely be persuaded to run as a third party candidate or independent in November. It's all about taking votes from Trump and damaging his chances. Cue Christie, the paid assassin.
Liz Cheney interview tonight on Fox. Time to change the channel.
Day 72 of the Israeli Hamas war. Thank God for Surber Nation Mental Health Support. LOVE YOU GUYS! Also, today's my Mom's heavenly birthday! She came home with her mother on Christmas Day. Her name is Carol. Of course I was up very early again. I sense an impending nap coming. Did I mention yet that I'm retired.
I’ve been following politics closely for almost 50 years and the one thing that never waivers is that, when demonicrats lose, the problem is ALWAYS their messaging and NEVER their policies. You’d think that people who consider themselves so brilliant and elite could take a look around them in places like LA, SF, Seattle, DC, NYC, Portland, etc. and see that all the things they believe are crazy and all the things that they do are failures.
Things are f'd up. Repubs want to fix things but can't come together on a leader. Dems want to hang everything bad on Ole Joe so they can put another puppet in the White House and continue on with the distruction. With voting not an option anymore since its been corrupted Americans feel it's hopeless. What a country..
We need a MAGA Carta plan for America that we can get behind. However, even if we had one 25 percent would be against it, 25 percent would be for it and 50 percent wouldn't care. We are in a tough spot right now.
“Repubs want to fix things but can't come together on a leader”
Dennis, Repubs don’t want to come together on a leader. The neocon repubs are in the uniparty and therefore want to neuter us. They don’t want to “ fix” anything.
We had success when Newt was Speaker and had his Contract with America. This isn't rocket science and we could do it again easily. But the problem is that the GOP doesn't understand how to message or market their positions. Part of the reason is RINO's, and part of the reason is they simply have too many priorities and they want them all pushed at once. If they would just fix the biggest things a great many of the lesser issues would take care of themselves. I am not sure the mix in the GOP caucus today are going to be able to put aside their agenda's and come together behind Johnson. In any case, our real problem is the Senate and our minority status. The GOP Senate is NOT aligned with the GOP House at all. That is not a winning situation for us.
"incremental improvements to a dysfunctional society.
It doesn’t have to provide a compelling view of the future. All it needs is a romantic conception of the past, to which it can offer the false promise of return. When people are scared and full of despair, ‘let’s go back to the way things were’ is a potent message, especially for those with memories of happier times.”
Like all other liberals, Goldberg lacks even a whisper of self-awareness. She refers to "a romantic conception of the past" and then admits that there are people with "memories of happier times." Well, those times were happier because liberals had not yet wrecked society.
Goldberg is a clown. With the mental acuity of a flea. People enjoy progress, they enjoy better consumer products, more plentiful food, technological and medical breakthroughs. They also enjoy our evolution on tribes, and that you can look different and still be OK, as long as you are OK with the tribal mores and customs. And there is the break - she says it and fails to see it.
I am not OK with it being OK to discriminate and hate white people. She is. How is that different from the mentality that supported segregation? I'm not OK with people who think the American culture of work, and all those other things that help you be successful are racist and somehow wrong. I know what a man is and what a woman is. And if you are confused that is your problem, not mine. They are mentally ill. Full stop. If my kids teacher's felt they needed to be their authentic self by trying to sell my kid on trans, or gay, or bestiality, or setting them up for being prayed upon by adults - I would be my authentic self by beating the crap out of that teacher. Unfettered immigration is a problem, Goldberg. And the freedom to kill your baby as it gets ready to be born is not progress. Talk to Baal.
Goldberg, you fail to remember that there is no utopia on earth, this has long been known, and long been warned about. The only thing the utopians have is a trail of death and genocide. In the tens, even hundreds, of millions. If you think that is progress, look out. You may become part of someone else's great unwashed, for whom a "final solution" will be prepared.
I choke up every time I hear "I'll Be Home For Christmas (If Only In My Dreams) thinking of the WWII soldiers thinking of their loved ones back home while fighting overseas on Christmas.
Klamath dams produce 169 megawatts of electricity with old infrastructure. Might do even better with a rehab. Carbon free. Enough to heat and light at least 100,000 homes.
When downstream flooding destroys homes will taxpayers be on the hook for that, too?
I hear you. Makes no sense other than it placates a certain segment of society in California and keeps them voting "D". When winter rains cause problems downstream, that same segment that advocated for the dams removal will be nowhere to be found and will never take responsibility for the issue. Complete lack of professional and personal responsibility on display there.
"What you do in private is your own business. Quit making it mine."
Amen, brother. I think everyone is thoroughly tired of homosexuality going from "the love that cannot be named" to "the love that can't shut the f*** up".
Yes, including love that can't keep it's pants on in the Senate hearing room (insisting on recording the distasteful act for their own ego) or in front of minor children. Many who want gay "love" is a front for pedophilia.
Hey, at least you know where that creep(s) stand on the state of the country. House 'republicans' just reauthorized Marxism against its own base(NDAA); almost in secret.
Putting republicans in quotes says all we need to say. It's done in secret so they don't have to be accountable to the taxpayers. They are all enablers of the deep state to negate our constitutional liberties.
As usual, the GOP has way too many priorities going on and spending all their time on the Biden corruption that will never end with a Biden conviction or impeachment. They just didn't have time to get revisions to the NDAA done. It's kind of a common theme with the GOP it seems.
You meant uni-party did you not?
What drives them is guilt. They know in their hearts that it is wrong. Because of that, they believe that others are judging them. They want to force acceptance on people who didn't care and don't want to know.
This is their version of " the telltale heart".
The left, the progressives, the proto-communists, the full communists, the d-rats, antifa, blm and the gay mafia have taken control of the world through the loud-mouthed activism and intervention of feminism and single, childless over educated white women (who by the way are now déclassé and being ditched by the monsters they’ve created…(Shadenfreude alert…HaHaHa)).
There is never going to be peace here in NA (go ahead ask me about anywhere else) until a Male-centred, Testosterone driven (and please spare me the ‘Testosterone means Violence’ screeds here, it only shows your ignorance) Culture retakes control.
There I said it and I’m glad I said it!
I hope I live to see that day, when men were men and women were proud of it! I hope to, but somewhat doubt it.
You will indeed because it is changing. This whole fight is like an accordion moving. We are due for some sizable jumps in peoples attitudes about the issue I believe. Stay tuned.
‘Women with large Doctor-Inflated Chests’…
Don you say that like it’s a bad thing or something!😊
Look Ye might be a f’n asshole and insane but he’s not crazy!
Chuck, you have to stop being so timid and such a shrinking violet. :)
Yes many times, and happily so. Perhaps I’m just an insensitive clod.
Look if it’s that bad, next time you’re assaulted like that, send them to me. Everybody needs a hug!
Delete "hug." Insert "grope."
We need to leave this discussion for a man and his wife in the comfort of their own home. Personally, I think boobs are way over rated but to each his own.
If a woman wants a change, or feels she needs a refresher or she doesn’t like how age is treating her, she isn’t asking you for the $ and she’s not your wife, what’s it to you
And look son, if y’all want to go ‘ad hominem’ here ( go look it up I’ll wait), I’m just the boy to start up with.
One thing that I noticed about women with boob jobs is that are all VERY proud of their new store bought hooters and want to show them off every chance they get. Not that I am complaining...
Ever run across a pair of the cheap ones? The kind that have corners?
Yep, they are all show and no go. But Goodyear makes a fortune by telling women they are just like "real". What a waste of money.
Liberals ( the Left) cannot leave anybody alone. They are narcissists and neurotics constantly tinkering with other peoples’ lives, inevitably making them worse. They think they know better, but they know nothing. I was reading the quotes from the NYT article and every single thing she said was incorrect. They are fundamentally ill informed, irrational, and unrealistic. And their ideology and actions hurt real people in serious ways.
Kanye is just a mentally ill guy who gets attention because he's a famous rapper. Otherwise, he'd be irrelevant. Guilt laden white people make people like Kanye a celebrity. He's basically a jerk.
Nobody can keep up with their crap. That’s part of the strategy, to overwhelm and demoralize.
Name one thing about public life that’s better today than it was even 10 years ago. We now live in a low trust society, and every aspect of life is becoming more like third world. Europe is worse. The immigrant crime problem in Germany, France, England, Sweden is off the charts, but you won’t see that in the media. So what do the liberals do? Let the criminals go and punish law abiding citizens of course. It’s insanity.
The Left will continue to double down until we either throw them out or the country collapses. The Republicans are not going to solve this. I know some people don’t like me saying that. But it’s true. We have to be honest with one another. And if Trump comes back into power, mark my words, the Republicans will fight him every step of the way, just like they did in his first term. We have to understand what is going on and stop it. No more Commies and no more RINOs.
Trump is not perfect. He can’t help himself with the insults and the provocations that hurt his cause. But he’s the best real option we have. The rest of the clown posse will just break your heart and your country.
Liberals are hollow, believe in nothing but themselves, love government to do for them, and do not have the ability to understand an opinion that is different than theirs. They are spoiled, petulant little children and throw a temper tantrum when someone tries to debate them.
Tanto,your first paragraph said it all. Well done!!!
Off-topic on the carols: Do you know the significance of the 4 gifts the magi brought to Jesus (4 because the first gift was bowing down and worshipping Him)?
1. They recognized His deity with worship.
2. They recognized His kingship with gold.
3. They recognized Him as high priest with frankincense.
4. They recognized His sacrifice, death, and resurrection with myrrh, a burial spice.
Those guys knew what they were up to, probably because Daniel wrote about it 500 years ago during Israel's exile in Babylon.
Exactly plus the 3 gifts probably allowed Joseph & Mary to go and live in Egypt.
Thank you for that, DT. I will use it soon. Daniel is my favorite prophet/sage.
You should read the book "Daniel Revisited" by Mark Davidson. It is a real eye-opener.
Great. Thank you for the head's up. Our vast (?) public library doesn't have a copy. I've ordered a used copy from Thrift Books. One of our pastors preached on Daniel, introducing him as about college freshman age, along with his 2 companions sent into Babylon. As a teenager, my first church camp study book was Dare to be a Daniel. You probably remember that one, too.
The left destroys everything it touches.
Danny Huckabee
By design.
And if not by design, by sheer lunacy and stupidity.
Lefties feel empowered by telling everyone how they should live. Leftist women are the worst- I used to walk daily in the park with a woman who pronounced herself ‘a socialist’. I gave it little thought but we agreed we couldn’t talk politics. Actually I didn’t mind but she would have meltdowns like the time I mentioned how interesting Dr. Ben Carson, a distinguished doctor who ended up in Trump’s cabinet, was. She flipped out and immediately stopped talking to me after Trump got elected. She was the busiest of busy bodies too: She told me if I drank too much seltzer it would damage my organs, that using bleach was bad for the septic system, etc - she was constantly prescribing what I should do and how it should be done and she wasn’t the only lefty female friend who just couldn’t keep her prescriptions to herself. These people are miserable and do their damnedest to make the rest of us miserable as well. Avoid them.
I believe we all have friends like that, even family members. They all seem to believe that their's is the only correct answer or opinion. Yet, when forced to defend their statements or pronouncements, they can't and then get angry and start calling people names. My good friend who spent a career as a teaching "shrink" told me that people who cannot or refuse to debate an issue may have deep seated issues from early in life. Many times they simply cannot face the thought that their belief system could be wrong or flawed. I told him their problem is that they are lefty's and being wrong is an institutional thing with them. He told me I was practicing his profession without a license. Ha!
and a commonly heard refrain on the web...'leftism is a mental disease' 🥴
Reddog, I have a brother like this. He has always had issues. When we were kids, my Nana or Mom would make us stand in the corner for 1/2 hour as punishment. If that failed the belt came out. I can recall my brother in that corner for 2 hours. Each 15 minutes he was asked if he was sorry to which he said “No” and would be given another half hour until my mom would finally snap & crack the s-h-i-t out of him. Totally unrepentant. He still complains about my parents who were cheap SOB’s. Every Saturday night at 11pm my parents always got a pizza or Italian beef sandwiches as their treat, and never just said “let’s have a pizza for dinner kids”. I told my brother to get over it, you are an adult now and can get it anytime you want. Years later I talked about the old times with my parents & this came up. I told them I held no grudge but when it is time for them to go to a senior care or nursing home I would put them in the filthiest one I could find in the ghetto of Chicago. Haha My mom passed in 2008 & I haven’t spoken to my brothers or father in well over a decade. All miserable, selfish people & I finally walked away.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I guess most of us can relate in some fashion. Regardless of good situations or bad, we are all shaped and affected by them growing up. Yours was hard but then there are those kids who grow up in families that do all the right things and yet the kids end up doing bad things. Look at some of the Hollywood kids of celebrities. Yet even with tough upbringings, so many people turn out just fine or even achieve greatness. Look at Clarence Thomas and so many others. I have always said that we are shaped and learn more from adversity and hardship than by our successes. Life challenges are necessary growing up. They make you stronger. Then there are the liberals. I have no idea how people get so darn twisted like them but I know that the absence of religion in their lives is a huge factor.
The Left is composed of unhappy people who believe they are entitled to correct and control everybody, that they deserve a better situation in life, usually unearned. Psychologists routinely find higher rates of unhappiness and mental illness on the Left. Most of them do it to go along with the crowd and fit in. They haven’t examined any of the issues they take positions on. They are essentially lemmings, and now they use their political views to signal their obedience to the mainstream narrative for the purpose of social climbing. The ones on top just want power and money and they use the lemmings to get what they want. That’s all.
We understand what is wrong with liberals but countering them is far harder. Sadly, if they did mot have the media as their firewall they would be rendered irrelevant. We all need to support those media outlets and blogs like this one who expose them. Oddly, when the economy is stressed as it is today, it helps the left because people are too busy trying to feed their families and work to pay attention to current issues. 2024 is going to be a turbulent and dangerous time for the country.
Imagine being married to her. Ugh
I was told that pumped storage (of water) was a solution to the intermittency of solar and wind power, yet all I hear now is celebrations of dams being destroyed.
CA has many options for better water supply management but refuse to use it. I think the real motivation is to remove the power sources.
I wonder if any of them even understand what is coming down the road when they start turning off the tap water?
. . . And never use them.
Yeah, wouldn't you think that a state that sits in the middle of a desert would have the foresight to build reservoirs to capture and store every bit of water that runs thru or falls on their state to alleviate their drought problems? California just had two years with record snow and atmospheric rivers dumping unprecedented amounts of water on them and yet here they are, building no reservoirs and tearing down four dams and the impoundments behind them. I think that lack of foresight defines the term "death wish".
Suckers for sucker fish And stupidity.
I hope that's only that A.H. of a governor in California, isn't it??
The Left, with the hand of Satan, truly is the destroyer. I am about the right age to have experienced the changes in the school system, teachers, civility, behaviour, you name it. My reference point is the 1970s. At that time, when I was a teen I thought it was great. It was wild and exciting. Very little was out of bounds. New ideas and new behaviours. Only in recent years, when I look back do I see the destruction that time wrought on the family, school, and society in general. I still am, sort of, of two minds on that time period and what happened no matter what because I was directly affected and changed by that time period. On one hand, I keep thinking that it was inevitable at that time and that there were going to be big social changes because that's how life and history go -- in cycles. Maybe some of it was okay -- tolerance and acceptance -- maybe? On the other hand, I really think that everything just went too far, too much excess, and too many extremes. This is where we are now. My conclusion is that when you turn away from core values -- God, family, country -- ultimately nothing good can happen. I would like us to get back to the centre and see our societies grounding themselves and searching for the good. The family and children, and God, are really the keys. Without this, we have Satan the destroyer acting out in crazed liberals.
What in blazes is an atomized society? Sorry, but my civil engineering degree didn’t cover that apparently. In any regard, they used to be called liberals. Now it’s progressives. I guarantee you tomorrow it will be Democratic Socialists. These people increasingly have little in common with the party known originally as Democrat. What really changed? Answer: total lack of accountability and personal responsibility. So watch what happens around the first of June when Joe Biden announces he is not running for re-election. All the people infected with the AOC virus will start spinning their heads around 360 degrees and demand that the walking California oil slick known as Gov Newsom must come save the party. I hope the slow but steady erosion of the party base will make some folks stop long enough to ask themselves how a guy like Newsom, who is left of center about as far as is measurable, is going to bring the Democrat party back from full blown Socialism. When they realize he is not the savior but just a doubling down of the same radicalism that caused the rift, perhaps something positive will come from it. In any case, Newsom is about as electable as H. Clinton and will lose, not just because of Trump but because the third party runs by Kennedy and others will suck more votes from Democrats than the GOP nominee. 2024 will be known as the year the two party system ruined itself because people finally stood up and told the radicals to shut up. I hope and pray, anyway.
We have barely survived the destruction derby called Biden - not for the But Wait moment - we have Gov Oil Slick waiting in the wings to complete our total destruction at warp speed - I pray we have the survival instinct and intestinal fortitude to save ourselves! MAGA 2024
Same here. Going to be a wild and crazy ride no matter who wins in 2024.
John Fredericks did a really thorough analysis of the latest polls showing PDJT widening his lead in the primary and the general. He dug into the demographics and I was stunned that the under thirties are now supporting him over any Democrat candidate. Everyone is fed up with all the Uniparty clowns and their day of reckoning is approaching.
Sundance posted a rundown of the poll on the Treehouse last night.
Down in the comments thread someone made the point that MAGA voters generally don’t answer polls. I find that to be true amongst the people I know. So it stands to reason that factoring in the silent MAGA voters would drive Trump’s numbers even higher. Yes, the slumbering giant is finally waking up - hope it’s not too late.
Yes, the first hurdle is getting the WH win in 2024. But we must keep the House as well or we are screwed. This will be a make or break election for the GOP. If they do not support Trump aggressively, should he win, they will see a lot of vacant seats in both the House and Senate come the mid terms. People are fed up .......................... I mean really freaking fed up and the people on the Hill better understand it this time. The RNC is a lost cause and is good for little but fund raising. McDaniel needs to be fired and someone who is non-RINO needs to run it. George S. Patton is out, he's dead. But we need another GSP to run the RNC and get good conservatives to run for office. I'm praying it all comes together this year.
The RINOs are starting to run out of standard bearers. The Senate after 2024 will be more MAGA, not less. The dems have a horrific map in front of them. While Trump still has a cap, I'd bet in the House Biden's sinking poll numbers mean suburban districts surrounding blue urban centers will get a bit more red. The House will be more MAGA as well. There is a popular uprising against DC in general, and DC is doing nothing to change that. When you live by creating more victim groups, eventually you end up with a lot of people leaving your coalition because it seems unfair.
I still don't see how Trump can survive the swing states anymore than he could before - but I will say this - Biden is sure as hell making it more possible than I would have ever thought.
Very true. The difference this time around are the third party Democrats or quasi-Dems who will run and steal votes from Biden. Halley hates Trump and could likely be persuaded to run as a third party candidate or independent in November. It's all about taking votes from Trump and damaging his chances. Cue Christie, the paid assassin.
From your lips to Gods ears !!!
Liz Cheney interview tonight on Fox. Time to change the channel.
Day 72 of the Israeli Hamas war. Thank God for Surber Nation Mental Health Support. LOVE YOU GUYS! Also, today's my Mom's heavenly birthday! She came home with her mother on Christmas Day. Her name is Carol. Of course I was up very early again. I sense an impending nap coming. Did I mention yet that I'm retired.
I’ve been following politics closely for almost 50 years and the one thing that never waivers is that, when demonicrats lose, the problem is ALWAYS their messaging and NEVER their policies. You’d think that people who consider themselves so brilliant and elite could take a look around them in places like LA, SF, Seattle, DC, NYC, Portland, etc. and see that all the things they believe are crazy and all the things that they do are failures.
Things are f'd up. Repubs want to fix things but can't come together on a leader. Dems want to hang everything bad on Ole Joe so they can put another puppet in the White House and continue on with the distruction. With voting not an option anymore since its been corrupted Americans feel it's hopeless. What a country..
We need a MAGA Carta plan for America that we can get behind. However, even if we had one 25 percent would be against it, 25 percent would be for it and 50 percent wouldn't care. We are in a tough spot right now.
“Repubs want to fix things but can't come together on a leader”
Dennis, Repubs don’t want to come together on a leader. The neocon repubs are in the uniparty and therefore want to neuter us. They don’t want to “ fix” anything.
MAGA Carta! I like that, Dennis.
We had success when Newt was Speaker and had his Contract with America. This isn't rocket science and we could do it again easily. But the problem is that the GOP doesn't understand how to message or market their positions. Part of the reason is RINO's, and part of the reason is they simply have too many priorities and they want them all pushed at once. If they would just fix the biggest things a great many of the lesser issues would take care of themselves. I am not sure the mix in the GOP caucus today are going to be able to put aside their agenda's and come together behind Johnson. In any case, our real problem is the Senate and our minority status. The GOP Senate is NOT aligned with the GOP House at all. That is not a winning situation for us.
"incremental improvements to a dysfunctional society.
It doesn’t have to provide a compelling view of the future. All it needs is a romantic conception of the past, to which it can offer the false promise of return. When people are scared and full of despair, ‘let’s go back to the way things were’ is a potent message, especially for those with memories of happier times.”
Like all other liberals, Goldberg lacks even a whisper of self-awareness. She refers to "a romantic conception of the past" and then admits that there are people with "memories of happier times." Well, those times were happier because liberals had not yet wrecked society.
Goldberg is a clown. With the mental acuity of a flea. People enjoy progress, they enjoy better consumer products, more plentiful food, technological and medical breakthroughs. They also enjoy our evolution on tribes, and that you can look different and still be OK, as long as you are OK with the tribal mores and customs. And there is the break - she says it and fails to see it.
I am not OK with it being OK to discriminate and hate white people. She is. How is that different from the mentality that supported segregation? I'm not OK with people who think the American culture of work, and all those other things that help you be successful are racist and somehow wrong. I know what a man is and what a woman is. And if you are confused that is your problem, not mine. They are mentally ill. Full stop. If my kids teacher's felt they needed to be their authentic self by trying to sell my kid on trans, or gay, or bestiality, or setting them up for being prayed upon by adults - I would be my authentic self by beating the crap out of that teacher. Unfettered immigration is a problem, Goldberg. And the freedom to kill your baby as it gets ready to be born is not progress. Talk to Baal.
Goldberg, you fail to remember that there is no utopia on earth, this has long been known, and long been warned about. The only thing the utopians have is a trail of death and genocide. In the tens, even hundreds, of millions. If you think that is progress, look out. You may become part of someone else's great unwashed, for whom a "final solution" will be prepared.
I choke up every time I hear "I'll Be Home For Christmas (If Only In My Dreams) thinking of the WWII soldiers thinking of their loved ones back home while fighting overseas on Christmas.
Anybody that makes their sexual proclivities the focus of their life's meaning is a totally lost individual living a wasted life.
That sums it up very nicely. May all the “look at ME!” flamers in Congress read it.
Klamath dams produce 169 megawatts of electricity with old infrastructure. Might do even better with a rehab. Carbon free. Enough to heat and light at least 100,000 homes.
When downstream flooding destroys homes will taxpayers be on the hook for that, too?
I hear you. Makes no sense other than it placates a certain segment of society in California and keeps them voting "D". When winter rains cause problems downstream, that same segment that advocated for the dams removal will be nowhere to be found and will never take responsibility for the issue. Complete lack of professional and personal responsibility on display there.