Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Your article Don exposes in sharp relief what is truly enabling this insanity to have power and influence over the majority and that is, pure and simple, FEAR.

60% of people - probably even more - know that what is being shoved down our throats is wrong, bad, evil. But they don’t push back out of fear and intimidation.

That is wrong. We are most assuredly in the majority and this is about, quite literally, saving children’s lives.

People have to take a stand and speak out the truth, and say “Enough!”

Do not give place to evil. Speak the truth. End the madness.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Don Surber

You have done it well again! The MSM hates facts and rarely gets down to the nitty gritty. Your columns are a breath of fresh air! Thanks again, Don. Common sense is so uncommon these days, and even now is frowned upon by the powers that be.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Don Surber

good am, don. 1995:"love is love, we just want acceptance", 2005:"we just want equality",2012:"bake the cake or go to court", 2015"say my pronouns or lose your job", 2023:"the kids will watch drag shows" this is the proverbial slippery slope....some comedian said at one time in the past as they allow these folks to marry same sex, at some point they'll. be marrying chickens, goats, pigs whatever?? here we are

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Don Surber

No sane person believes that a man can be a woman or a woman can be a man.

It is a useful hypocrisy.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The fact that trans women are pushing lesbians and heterosexual men to date them/have sex with them, basically says it all. From what I've read, lesbians certainly do not like other "lesbians" with penises. The straight men I know do not want to date trans women. One man I know says trans women are gay and that's how they deal with not coming out. It's up to the movement itself to decide to get rid of the TQs but it would clarify things if that were done. What we can't have is the continued treatment of children for transgenderism. They need to be adults, at least 18, to make life-altering decisions. Tucker posed an interesting question last night: He wants to know what meds are given to young people making these changes and how it affects their behaviour. Is testerone given to women transitioning to men affecting their thoughts and behaviour? Valid questions. We also need the so-called manifesto of Audrey Hale released so that we can understand her motivations for killing three children and three adults. Sunlight is the best disinfecant.

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I can never get the surveys to work (something about an old Mac computer), but I love "S for Straight."

I don't care what you do with your body. You want to dress up and alter yourself cosmetically to be the opposite sex, fine. You want to stay the same and use the pronouns of the opposite sex, fine. I don't check under bathroom stalls to see which way the feet in the next stall are pointed and I'm not going to grab your crotch to find out if anything is there if you're standing beside me at the sink. I can't stand Dylan Mulvaney, but I'd be the first person to stand between him and having his videos ripped down because the First Amendment is bigger than some little perverted grifter prick.

But that's where "trans rights" end. They do not have the right to . . .

(1) Silence my opinion that Mulvaney is some little perverted grifter prick (and a misogynist on top of it)

(2) Silence my opinion that "cis" is in fact a slur word and should be considered as such. (We are not the outlier wanting attention.)

(3) Enter women's spaces if they have not had bottom surgery (meaning if they have not removed the dangly bits) and expect to be welcomed, especially if they are waving said dangly bits around. (Or be housed in women's institutions at all--if you got a penis, you're not staying in a women's prison.)

(4) Compete against women, those born plain-old XX and all the dimorphic bodily characteristics that come with that because to do so is to reverse women's rights a hundred years.

(5) Cancel people because they refuse to "validate" you with pronouns (don't be stupid--pronouns are words; if you are so damaged by words, you need help).

(6) Mess with little kids' and teenagers' heads, causing them to go so far as to sterilize themselves when we've been trying so hard for years to get young people to learn to accept themselves, all so that trans adults can be validated and celebrated in what until recently was seen as a mental illness.

Because in the end, *science* says humans are a dimorphic species, meaning the genders are built specifically to best fulfill their role in reproduction and rearing of offspring. Brutal, but that's it. And no amount of cosmetic surgery and hormones will change that.

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The rage that Audrey Hale must have felt when ":it" realized that there was no turning back. This is an issue with people that believe plastic surgery/trans surgery will make them 'perfect.' You are messing with The Lord's handiwork and there are LOTS of examples of what happens when you do.

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The left always seems to eat their own. I keep thinking we are newaring a tipping point of liberal insanity, but I am always wrong. I pray that the fallout from this tragedy be that tipping point.

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"In this war, conservatives need all the allies we can muster. Would Republicans turn down Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s vote on a bill? I think not."

"If J.K. Rowling and her band of liberal lesbians side with us, welcome aboard."

Damn straight ("pun" intended), Don!!

Despite my conviction that homosexuality is wrong, period, how someone chooses to live or their proclivities, as long as such do not infringe on my rights, is their business.

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“If J.K. Rowling and her band of liberal lesbians side with us, welcome aboard.”

“The killer left behind a manifesto listing reasons why she killed six innocent Christians. Why not make it public so people can see what she had to say about pretending to be a man?”


Gender dysphorians need to be held accountable for the mental instabilities.

This lesbian agrees with removing LGB from the Goop!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Thank you, Don Suber, for saying what needs to be said. (The chief concern is a long overdue backlash against the Tranny Tyranny that has arisen. People resent being forced to pretend a man is a woman.) It is possible that I will use your term "Tranny Tyranny" but I will give proper credit.

One MSM has conflated the problem in the elite little Green Hills community of Nashville as counting for all of Tennessee. May that reporter's tongue cleave to the roof of his lying mouth.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Last line of the column: no they don't.

And there are other conflicts to communist/democrat constituent groups that Rs need to exploit. Blacks v Browns is another. Jews v Black's too.

Perhaps fan the flames more, and then sit back and watch. Or as my father in law used to say about the city riots. "Just give them all a jug of wine and strait razors and let em sort it out"

Trans are truly mentally ill so they are the most dangerous. Watch out LGB!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Don Surber

there is no punishment on earth or in hell sufficient for any of the alphabet soup perverts.

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We are suffering from this same insanity in NZ. The violence against Posie Parker by trans activists while the police stood back and did nothing will have consequences far into the future. It is shameful when elderly women are beaten by raging lunatic males and the media blame the women for being there.

We must speak truth to power.

Then vote the incompetent woolly woofters out for a generation

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Don Surber

“vulva” “car part” 😂🤣😂🤣 Only Don could link the two. Take that Seinfeld.

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I worry about Rowling, she's unafraid, but I fear the drugged up tranny's. And you can't carry in England.

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