Today, it’s the trans groomers. Tomorrow, the left will be on to some as yet unknown cause and the trans crowd will be left in the dust, irrelevant to the left.

As Michael Savage said and wrote, liberalism is a mental disorder.

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Trans has already faded. Now it is "minor attracted persons" and bestiality.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

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Oh, and as a corollary, liberalism isn't always a mental disorder. Sometimes it is a judgment from God. The question is discerning when/how we can help someone recover.

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Too much truth Don. I can't find a single line I can't nod at! Great column and lots of reminders. I'd say let the progressives stew in their own juices, but I really hope they realize their idiocy before idiocracy becomes a full reality.

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Just stop trying to change, what God has made. He had a reason for creating you the way you are. The sooner you figure that out, the better off we'll all be. Nuf said.

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"which is why the Good Lord and Orville Reddenbacher gave us popcorn: to enjoy watching the trainwreck" I have heard many variations on the "popcorn" theme, but this is my favorite to date.

As a liberal/libertarian (not quite the same, but I'm not conservative and we all love our labels), I find myself in a quandary. In principle, dude wants to wear a dress, it has nothing to do with me. You look anything like a woman, I will default to "her" without checking below the waist. I am all for letting you just be you, which is to me equality. I will go so far as to say that as long as you go into a stall in the woman's bathroom while looking like a woman, I'm not checking to see which way your feet face. Life is too short to police your life.

But because people like me have shown this level of respect for other people's choices and just want to left alone and so reciprocate that, we now face trying to claw back the craziness of putting male rapists in women's prisons, having men as classically understood competing in female sports, and having people forced to validate others' fetishes in a one true religion of gender ideology. On the left, any form of nuance on their side (and that's what the NYTs was after) is seen as a threat to the one true religion and any form on nuance on the right is seen as weakness to be exploited. Given that atmosphere, one is forced into a near zero-tolerance policy toward such issues simply to get us back to equilibrium and sanity.

As for the "anti-science" claim about people who question the one true religion surrounding gender ideology. Science tells us precisely the following: About half of humans are born XX and the other half are born XY. XX humans are uniformly born with the base potential to create eggs and bear children. XY humans are uniformly born with the base potential to create sperm and historically have defended and provided for the other half as pregnancy and childrearing makes one vulnerable. Given the two roles, our species developed highly dimorphic physical characteristics revolving entirely around these separate roles in the continuation of the species. That is all science says. The rest is belief, interpretation, faith, and opinion, which is not science and therefore not sacrosanct. It is a decision to be made by society as a whole balancing individual and communal rights and interests.

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"'which is why the Good Lord and Orville Reddenbacher gave us popcorn: to enjoy watching the trainwreck' I have heard many variations on the 'popcorn' theme, but this is my favorite to date."

Mine, too, now!

Like yours, my libertarian sensibilities compel me to let most everyone alone to live their lives as they like, until I'm forced to care. Meaning, if you are an adult man that thinks you are a woman, and you go so far as to dress like one, and behave as one, even have the surgery, that's your business.

However, as soon as you use your mental illness as an excuse to sexually assault and/or rape an actual woman, it won't end well for you, if I have anything to say about it. Ditto if you try to force me to validate the outward symptoms of your illness.

I no longer consider myself a conservative as it has been co-opted by far too many who would prefer a theocracy in lieu of a constitutional republic, instead of letting their Christian convictions inform and guide their political orientation.

If I have to have a label, it's deplorable American republican - note the lower-case 'r.'

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So fed up with sexual deviants of all stripes. We need to know what they are up to, to fight back. Still I am committed to ignoring their stupidity and deviancy to the greatest extent possible.

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Wally -- not Dilbert -- is Scott Adams alter ego

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It’s one thing for these people to prance around and complain how mean and horrible everyone is to them.

It is QUITE another for them to come after kids. That moves it all to an entirely different t level, and the gloves come off. Give them NO quarter.

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Great piece like usual. I didn't directly quote you but used your idea in a comment under The Free Press' podcast interview with Rowling. "Given Rowling’s embrace of lefty politics — an indulgence billionaires can afford — makes me enjoy watching her fend off the monsters she helped create." Brilliantly put.

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Several decades ago I was upset that the gay community (mainly men) were flaunting their sexuality to be recognized even though their numbers were very small. [Maybe that was why they flaunted.]

Anyway, now they've moved well past this and trying to impose their world on children. I guess they realize they've lost most hetero adults, i.e. the vast % of adults.

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The woke/progressive Left loves, loves, loves diversity--meanwhile, they demand conformity. For some strange reason, they believe they can square that circle of contradiction.

Once upon a time, I said that tolerance of LGBTQWERTY would not be sufficient, that neither support of nor championing its agenda would suffice. The needs satisfaction can only occur by participation in indiscriminate sexual relations with LGBTQWERTY in order to prove your bona fides. In other words, your identity, by act and deed, must become one and the same with their identity. This is the conformity they seek.

Are we there yet? The red lines of impossible to imagine conduct of only one or two years ago (much less a decade) keep getting crossed every one or two years.

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"The woke/progressive Left loves, loves, loves diversity--meanwhile, they demand conformity."

That's because (and this is nothing you don't already know) to them, 'diversity' is anything that is counter to traditional social mores.

You can bet that if their sexual perversion were to become the traditional norm, they would be the most staunch conservatives, stopping at nothing to preserve the status quo.

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"...long before I summoned up the courage to deal with my own sense of self, my experience with the trans community as an ally has been one of openness, inclusivity and patience — not the cult-like, anti-science rigidity one might assume of the community from reading the Times’ coverage."

Well, Soleil, be careful not to dislocate your shoulder while you pat yourself on the back...

"'siblings"? Seriously?

Finally - if you have to characterize your own actions as courageous, it means no one else, did. Chances are, they're not - by any standard.

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The only way I have found to deal with these issues personally is to refer back to Matthew 7:20. “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them”.

I have and have had friends of all persuasion. Because I was an Art Teacher most of my working life I learned to accept all students regardless of identifiers. The only things that concerned me was a desire to pursue art, and to have respect and tolerance for each other.

My only concerns were wasting materials and time, interfering with other people’s work, and bullying in general. These would be dealt with promptly.

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" It even refused to use the word gay in its pages until June 1987". No one should use that accursed word or its cognates like "LGBTQ . . . " because they are politically loaded terms. also it should be illegal to mention that topic to anyone under the age of 21.

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"Putting a rapist in women’s prisons just because the rapist claims to be a woman is beyond wrong; it is evil. It also shows how much the left values women: zip. The feminist movement was merely a conduit for expanding the left’s power."

That's true for every "marginalized" group, or population segment that is not rooted in a traditional social more. As mentioned by another commentor, today it's trans groomers, tomorrow it will be the euphemism for pederasts, and who knows what it will be the day AFTER tomorrow?

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"The truth hurts. And lefty hurt matters more than the truth these days. J.K. Rowling saying men cannot be women has caused some heat for her, but being a billionaire gives her insulation and not having to write gives her time to fight back."

That sounds, to me, like billionaire privilege - it isn't fair that her billions ($, or £) shield her from cancellation while if I am equally insensitive to any and all things trans, I could suffer all kinds of punishment, including losing my job. Ergo, JKR should share her £\$BBs with all (but especially, me) who can't write and speak freely for fear of retiation by the trans authoritarians.

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South Park a doctor denies a trans woman an abortion because..

Christiane Northrup@DrChrisNorthrup

Spot on.

youtube.comSouth Park: Scramble It's Brains or Vacuum it Out

Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina s09e01 Mr. Garrison thinks he needs an abortion.

2:44 PM · Feb 22, 2023


South Park humor! Fearless honesty!

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