The Bravo channel’s TV show I Am Jazz followed the adventures of Jazz Jennings, a spunky little boy who wanted to be a girl. The GLAAD crowd got a front man (well, boy) for its push of the trans movement upon boys and girls. Barbara Walters got an exclusive interview with him for Disney’s ABC. Bravo made money. He got attention. Everybody was happy.
The insurance companies need to stop offering liability coverage to doctors and hospitals who butcher the children. That will put an immediate end to the practice.
Plus the pharma's hid all the bad data as is coming out now as a trickle. The Covid shots all caused heart issues, clots and several other things. More than enough to stop clinical trials let alone make everyone get them. the Pharmas and FDA are fighting tooth and nail to keep that data hid.
Absolutely. Immunity was the basis for the government bulldozing everyone to get it. It was the reason employers felt comfortable forcing it on their employees.
The problem or issue is more complicated than liability immunity for pharma companies--which begins with the fact that pharma companies do not treat patients.
To put it in another context, this is why gun manufacturers are not liable for the (mis)use of their product. It's the user who is responsible and liable for the use, not the mfg.
But the second issue regarding elective surgery on children is informed consent. Children cannot consent.
And of course, informed consent was the same problem with the SARS-2 jab under an emergency use authorization (EUA). EUA exists as an exemption for use when no alternative treatment is available, and it is used for terminal patients with no remaining alternatives. An EUA in concert with mandated use is itself a violation of informed consent.
Combined with third-party payor (govt or insurance), informed consent becomes a moral hazard--it increases risk-taking due to the absence of visible costs.
The last issue regarding this elective sex-altering surgery is the apparently ignored Hippocratic Oath: First, do no harm. With no research documenting the syndrome and its effects and outcomes, the attending physicians and surgeons are experimenting--not treating a disease state with a known and beneficial protocol.
The beginning of the Nuremberg Code states: "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."
Humanity has bungled into Dr. Mengele territory with these sex/gender procedures.
I agree with everything you said except for the gun analogy. It isn’t comparable to a pharma drug. Take the covid vax as an example. The pharma companies knew it had risks but hid that from the public. They said it was safe for pregnant women. They knew it wasn’t. That is a liability issue that they are accountable for. A gun does not kill without human operation thus making the human accountable. These pharma bastards should be prosecuted and then given the largest fine in human history. Every company and university that had a vax mandate should pay into that largest fine in human history.
Removing that senile child molesting drug abusing bitch from the white house would be an even better start. And yes, I do think that found cocaine was for Joe Biden, but it was brought in by his drug addicted son--you know, the one Joe Biden says "Is the most intelligent man he knows." He probably is.
The govt (FDA) approved the EUA--and controlled the conditions under which it was approved. Your assertion of what the pharma companies knew (or didn't know), i.e., the risks of a minimally tested product under rush conditions, is perhaps best sorted out in a courtroom--which I wager will never happen. I suspect the only remedy for the fiasco of the govt response to SARS-2 is through politics and elections--and I have doubts that will change anything substantively. Cheers.
Insurance companies are such greedy monsters - expecting anything resembling a moral decision from them is a sickening joke.
They are money-sucking, money-grubbing vampires who get between patients and doctors and force them to make medical decisions by the insurance company's rules.
If you mean the physicians, I would say no. They are subjected to a system that makes practice in the best interest of patients hard. If you are a loan practitioner or a small group to purchase an electronic medical record system is almost $100,000 not including the annual maintenance. The practice is subject to state and federal regulations and reporting requirements. If you are a solo practitioner or a hospital the same report is required. The hospital or large group can hire people to do all that paperwork the solo practitioner has to do it themselves or pays for the staff to do the same work the hospital does. I was blessed with the ability to run to the hospital in the middle of the night see an emergency go home sleep for a few hours and work a full day the next day. These days physicians are not asked to do that on a routine basis. They find it more attractive to work in a system that will support enough staff so that those additional hours are not required. I am not suggesting there aren’t advantages to the present system but it does advance the consolidation of practices. I wouldn’t call the young physicians hypocrites but the system has changed maybe not for the better.
As a solo practitioner, I can confirm everything you say. I would go further and add that corporate medicine is not in patients’ best interests. Costs are ridiculous. Quality is not better. Corporations bully their doctors and nurses and patients. If we didn’t have all this corporate-government driven consolidation, the Deep State could not have gotten away with the civil liberties abuses and medical malpractice surrounding COVID.
Thanks, Tanto, for first-hand confirmation of that which many of us already discerned.
This situation also has a chilling effect between me and my physician as he must give me a cognitive evaluation test every time I see him just because I’m over 65! And he keeps trying to push statins on me, too. I certain he’s a good guy but what you said puts him at odds with his patients.
Doncha know that the Hippocratic Oath hangs out with the 1st Amendment? The 2nd Amendment is knocking at their door.
Our “betters” in the government define our rights now. Heard a student mockingly declare, “Sure, continue to believe in those rooty-tooty Natural Rights.”
I shall believe that God has endowed me with Natural Rights even unto the grave. The same God who judges all of us will judge those in the government. That reality should give those individuals pause. Should....
Government research grants to start with but the list is long. Today, doctors are business people first and drones second. Not sure where humanitarians is on the list.
Sadly they aren’t business people either. They work for big hospital corporations and are the subject of the rules that insure maximum income for the management. In the past hard work and excellent care were required for physicians to do well. With insurance companies and the government making physicians interchangeable that model no longer works.
I agree with you. I’m a senior. My wifes dad was a doctor who made house calls occasionally when necessary. He did it because it was the right thing to do for those patients. Today doctors see patients as numbers. A billable visit is 10-20 minutes. Booking two patients at the same time allows them to use their nurse or tech to circumvent their actual in-room attendance and thus see more billable patients. That is a business decision, not necessarily in the best interests of the patient. Hospitals and insurance companies own doctors today. Thats why you see the real doctors going off and starting concierge medical practices rather than put up with being a slave to be business and big pharma. None of this is good for doctors or patients. But we let it happen and add it to the list of the country’s problems because in America today, we don’t actually fix anything, we just politicize it and talk about it while using it to fundraise. Total insanity and the death knell of the greatest country ever created.
As a practicing surgeon, the liability insurance carriers will probably make it prohibitive for many private practice practitioners to do these type of surgeries. However, the large majority are done in academic centers where there is a disconnect between the surgeon and their liability company, since the premiums are paid by the employing academic center.
The biggest problem with these surgeries are that they don’t work well, and do not give satisfying results. Both of the transitions lead to extremely poor cosmetic results, and certainly non-functional results. If the individual was suffering from mental challenges prior to the procedure after the procedure, it’s most likely they may suffer more.
How can any moderately educated person imagine -- or be persuaded (which is more likely, I think) -- that surgically transplanted -- or, in the case of f-to-m, completely artificial -- "equipment" will actually be functional? Homosexuals and lesbians can have satisfying sexual experiences, but I doubt that any modified person can.
The “neovagina” is more functional in someways than the neopenis which is a just a slab of transplanted leg skin with a non functioning urethra. The “hope” is for transplants of sex organs bladders etc from a “donor,” which would solve the function and esthetic issues. However the procedure is costly >300K and is mired with complications. In additions there are clear ethical issues and lack of donors. Plus on top of hormone replacement, recipients would need anti rejection drugs which may work at cross purposes.
Don, another great review but you left out the two main drivers in the Jennings fiasco. His GD parents. This kid has been jerked around by the people he should have most trusted to look out for his best interests and yet who were his worst betrayers…all if you ask me for increased prestige in their progressive, d-rat hive… and did I forget to mention the $… sorry.
There is at least one YouTube vid of the poor kid telling his mother (Mrs Satan) that ‘all (he) wants to do is feel like himself and he never feels like himself… ever’… her reply ‘ this is just you getting ‘all up in your head’… WTF!!!
I hope he sues them, the doctors, the hospitals and the F’ing pharmaceutical co’s for all their worth, and then some. Blood-Sucking, Assholes.
I wonder where you would start with an ox like Kim Kardashian. Without her Father's money, you would have never heard of the Kardashians. Her makeover, to include making her thick all over including rubber cement to make her ass bigger and more firm (WHO in their right mind wants a bigger ass??). One day Hollywood will run out of money and then what will that ghetto trash do for attention...?
I would like to see a case(s) brought against any teachers who “aid and abet” an impressionable minor into making a potentially deadly life-altering decision such as “transitioning”, most especially those who coerce children into lying to their parents. These monsters need to be punished and severely and publicly for their demonic acts.
The teachers and school counselors are often responsible for putting these ideas into their students’ heads in the first place. I agree they should be sued along with the doctors and hospitals responsible for the butchery.
A case that was just filed in North Carolina exposed another disturbing element contributing to the pool of kids seeking transition. Prisha Mosely is a 25 year old woman who underwent female-to-male treatment in her teens and now regrets the outcome. I watched an interview in which she said as a troubled teen she spent a lot of time in self-harm chat rooms with other afflicted teens. There were adults dropping in to tell the kids that they were cutting themselves because they’re trapped in the wrong body. These ghouls would then put them in touch with “gender affirming resources” to start the process. All behind the parents’ backs, of course.
While reading every paragraph I wanted to substitute "vaccine" for puberty blockers because the story is the same. The criminals are the same. The fake vaccine has adversely affected millions of people who were lied to regarding the real risk of COVID. This association was made toward the end of the piece. May there be a day in the court of justice for all who were damaged because of an intentional lie.
Interesting you would say that. Does anyone out there have a profile picture of Moochelle obama being pregnant ? I personally thought she had been artificially inseminated, like a cow sometimes is, I mean , could you see Herr obama getting on top of her fat ass.
I have encountered that unfortunate event myself. Nowadays, if I want to preserve a web site, I don't bookmark it. I right-click the page and select "Print". This will allow you to save the page as a pdf. I have lots of those relating to elections and COVID. Also, as it time-stamps the document, you have a good reference for that metadatum.
Mr. Surber, as far as your question of the day goes, I'd choose all three, but as far as your article goes, what's this? "The best long-term evidence we have among adults shows that medical intervention fails to reduce suicide." Actually, it INCREASES the likelihood of suicide by 40%. As far as trans-athletes go and they are adults, I say to remove their peckers among other male appendages before they compete. I did notice that the future rapist and wife beater Lia(R) Thomas slightly changed the spelling of his name to L-E-A-H. To your readers, Mr. Surber, I say this. If you think I am being excessive in calling this idiot Lia(r) Thomas a future rapist and wife beater, it's already happening to women athletes in college locker rooms getting beaten to a pulp by these so-called "trans"-athletes.
Doesnt really surprise me. I quit shopping Target due to the bathroom policy. We had a couple of pervs take advantage soon after even though no MSM reported it locally. It was 'known'. Unfortunately it is not the policy makers who suffer but innocents.
@ this point if I would think World War II Veterans would be enraged; they spent four years fighting for a country - freezing/sweating their asses off in the ETO/PTO - for that country to become just exactly what they fought against.
My late husband was with an armored division in Germany, winning the war in his early 20's. He was born in 1924, that was 99 years ago. There are 2 men still living from that unit, one of them is 97 who lied about his age to get in, and the other is 102. Hubby wore his unit patch on a baseball cap for years; he could never think of something to say when people thanked him for his service. He once told a lady, "It was my pleasure."
He has my salute & eternal respect as do you Ma’dame for being part of one incredible & irreplaceable generation. There’s really something about you all & it comes thru in the photos of that period: the women - seemingly always nattily dressed & imbued with class - & the men - though they be late teens/early twenties - have a maturity that literally comes thru the camera lense. They easily read 40-something. Perhaps it was living thru The Depression & the hardscrabble life it engendered. Perhaps it was that Depression that dovetailed into a world war. In all probability it’s most likely a combination of all of these. I grew up in a world your generation molded & it was happy, carefree, & certainly didn’t suffer from the absolute rank insanity that’s out there today. More importantly that world WORKED! It functioned- for the most part - the way it was intended. Sadly, that simply isn’t the case anymore.
I revere & spend a lot of time with Veterans; being a Christian I was looking for a way to serve others & literally just stumbled into doing this:
It’s an ongoing documentary series to preserve Veteran’s experiences for their family, friends, & posterity. One unique feature of the World War II generation was that a lot of them just came home, got married, & went to work. They never spoke to anyone or recorded their experiences. Sadly those rich histories they lived have been lost to the ages once they passed away. I’m doing my best to see that doesn’t happen with the remaining World War II Vets as well as the Vietnam Veterans.
One Veteran in particular (CDR John B. Lipinski, US Navy, Ret.) I’ve produced -thus far - @ least 20 episodes on also lied about his age to join the Navy in 1951. He was 16yrs old. He spent 38yrs on active duty running carrier air operations. Even though I’ve been a Military History nut since 1st Grade, I had no clue how dangerous carrier flight decks are. It’s one thing to read about it in a book, it’s entirely another to hear it from a Veteran first hand. ;<)
Thank you for your kind words. All 4 of my uncles served somewhere in Europe and the PTO. Dad had an A Card, so we made daily trips to the train station, because of various arrivals and departures. 1954 saw older brother and his best friend became NavCad pilots, headed for carriers. It seemed so normal, since it was just daily life.
That cat could write a book! He'd call it That Darn Cat, and both of you would be sued for copyright infringement. Haley Mills is too old now for that remake.
The trans movement is a political Neo-Marxist movement. It’s not an organic phenomenon at this order of magnitude. It’s an orchestrated psyop funded by wealthy donors and pushed by the left, big pharma and big hospitals.
I’m a plastic surgeon. I don’t do sex change operations. There is a very small group of people who are convinced they were born in the wrong body. Some are happier living as the opposite sex. Most are mentally troubled people and are not happier. The data shows no improvement in depression and attempted suicide rates in people who transition. This is predominantly a mental health issue and it is certainly not appropriate to promote sex change surgery and drugs to kids. It’s absolutely scientifically wrong and immoral. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons doesn’t debate this issue. They don’t discuss it in their flagship journal. They’re cowards. Any time a controversial issue arises they punt. There is no question that kids are vulnerable to suggestion and persuadable. This practice should be stopped immediately and will require legislation to do so. Insurance companies shouldn’t pay for pediatric sex change drugs or surgery. There are a lot of ruined lives here.
The Europeans btw do not endorse this type of aggressive treatment in kids because they have also found it doesn’t help in terms of psychological health. The whole thing is a big lie based on fake data and a political agenda.
Everybody isn’t gay. Everybody isn’t trans. This is an attempt at societal deconstruction via demoralization. How evil and cynical must one be to use children like this? Democrats and rino politicians who vote with them are criminal trash. But we already knew that and I’m just repeating myself.
Do children who were (are) given puberty blockers go through any sort of puberty at all? It is a biological fact (I know, “hate fact”) that our bodies are meant to mature through puberty (a dreadful stage for everyone) and into adulthood.
So if a child is prescribed puberty blockers before going through that stage of their birth sex, do they experience any puberty at all? If the answer is “no,” then are trans children doomed to live the rest of their lives with the mind of a child?
Remove the male plumbing and pump in a load of estrogen and you have a woman. Does no real woman take offense at the suggestion that she is nothing more than a vagina and some estrogen? That's all that gives her individual personality and personhood? Somehow, I thought the whole purpose of the women's movement was to make women more than appendages and sex objects. I guess we failed.
The insurance companies need to stop offering liability coverage to doctors and hospitals who butcher the children. That will put an immediate end to the practice.
No pharma company should ever be given immunity. It invites cutting corners to be faster to market for over-pricing a defective product.
Plus the pharma's hid all the bad data as is coming out now as a trickle. The Covid shots all caused heart issues, clots and several other things. More than enough to stop clinical trials let alone make everyone get them. the Pharmas and FDA are fighting tooth and nail to keep that data hid.
I believe we saw that during the Covid BS, Yes?
Absolutely. Immunity was the basis for the government bulldozing everyone to get it. It was the reason employers felt comfortable forcing it on their employees.
The problem or issue is more complicated than liability immunity for pharma companies--which begins with the fact that pharma companies do not treat patients.
To put it in another context, this is why gun manufacturers are not liable for the (mis)use of their product. It's the user who is responsible and liable for the use, not the mfg.
But the second issue regarding elective surgery on children is informed consent. Children cannot consent.
And of course, informed consent was the same problem with the SARS-2 jab under an emergency use authorization (EUA). EUA exists as an exemption for use when no alternative treatment is available, and it is used for terminal patients with no remaining alternatives. An EUA in concert with mandated use is itself a violation of informed consent.
Combined with third-party payor (govt or insurance), informed consent becomes a moral hazard--it increases risk-taking due to the absence of visible costs.
The last issue regarding this elective sex-altering surgery is the apparently ignored Hippocratic Oath: First, do no harm. With no research documenting the syndrome and its effects and outcomes, the attending physicians and surgeons are experimenting--not treating a disease state with a known and beneficial protocol.
The beginning of the Nuremberg Code states: "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."
Humanity has bungled into Dr. Mengele territory with these sex/gender procedures.
I agree with everything you said except for the gun analogy. It isn’t comparable to a pharma drug. Take the covid vax as an example. The pharma companies knew it had risks but hid that from the public. They said it was safe for pregnant women. They knew it wasn’t. That is a liability issue that they are accountable for. A gun does not kill without human operation thus making the human accountable. These pharma bastards should be prosecuted and then given the largest fine in human history. Every company and university that had a vax mandate should pay into that largest fine in human history.
Removing that senile child molesting drug abusing bitch from the white house would be an even better start. And yes, I do think that found cocaine was for Joe Biden, but it was brought in by his drug addicted son--you know, the one Joe Biden says "Is the most intelligent man he knows." He probably is.
The govt (FDA) approved the EUA--and controlled the conditions under which it was approved. Your assertion of what the pharma companies knew (or didn't know), i.e., the risks of a minimally tested product under rush conditions, is perhaps best sorted out in a courtroom--which I wager will never happen. I suspect the only remedy for the fiasco of the govt response to SARS-2 is through politics and elections--and I have doubts that will change anything substantively. Cheers.
Insurance companies are such greedy monsters - expecting anything resembling a moral decision from them is a sickening joke.
They are money-sucking, money-grubbing vampires who get between patients and doctors and force them to make medical decisions by the insurance company's rules.
Amen to that my friend.
Absolutely. NO IMMUNITY for any of these criminals.
Whatever happened to the 1st rule of the Hippocratic oath? Do no harm!
It’s ‘Do no harm to your bank account’
Sadly they dropped that years ago. 40 years or so, they were taking the Doctor's Oath instead because of abortion.
They’re hypocrites?
If you mean the physicians, I would say no. They are subjected to a system that makes practice in the best interest of patients hard. If you are a loan practitioner or a small group to purchase an electronic medical record system is almost $100,000 not including the annual maintenance. The practice is subject to state and federal regulations and reporting requirements. If you are a solo practitioner or a hospital the same report is required. The hospital or large group can hire people to do all that paperwork the solo practitioner has to do it themselves or pays for the staff to do the same work the hospital does. I was blessed with the ability to run to the hospital in the middle of the night see an emergency go home sleep for a few hours and work a full day the next day. These days physicians are not asked to do that on a routine basis. They find it more attractive to work in a system that will support enough staff so that those additional hours are not required. I am not suggesting there aren’t advantages to the present system but it does advance the consolidation of practices. I wouldn’t call the young physicians hypocrites but the system has changed maybe not for the better.
As a solo practitioner, I can confirm everything you say. I would go further and add that corporate medicine is not in patients’ best interests. Costs are ridiculous. Quality is not better. Corporations bully their doctors and nurses and patients. If we didn’t have all this corporate-government driven consolidation, the Deep State could not have gotten away with the civil liberties abuses and medical malpractice surrounding COVID.
Thanks, Tanto, for first-hand confirmation of that which many of us already discerned.
This situation also has a chilling effect between me and my physician as he must give me a cognitive evaluation test every time I see him just because I’m over 65! And he keeps trying to push statins on me, too. I certain he’s a good guy but what you said puts him at odds with his patients.
Maybe you should give him a cognitive evaluation.
Ha! Good one!
My plan is to refuse and make him PROVE that I am slipping mentally.
Doncha know that the Hippocratic Oath hangs out with the 1st Amendment? The 2nd Amendment is knocking at their door.
Our “betters” in the government define our rights now. Heard a student mockingly declare, “Sure, continue to believe in those rooty-tooty Natural Rights.”
I shall believe that God has endowed me with Natural Rights even unto the grave. The same God who judges all of us will judge those in the government. That reality should give those individuals pause. Should....
And he neither slumbers nor sleeps!
Government research grants to start with but the list is long. Today, doctors are business people first and drones second. Not sure where humanitarians is on the list.
Sadly they aren’t business people either. They work for big hospital corporations and are the subject of the rules that insure maximum income for the management. In the past hard work and excellent care were required for physicians to do well. With insurance companies and the government making physicians interchangeable that model no longer works.
I agree with you. I’m a senior. My wifes dad was a doctor who made house calls occasionally when necessary. He did it because it was the right thing to do for those patients. Today doctors see patients as numbers. A billable visit is 10-20 minutes. Booking two patients at the same time allows them to use their nurse or tech to circumvent their actual in-room attendance and thus see more billable patients. That is a business decision, not necessarily in the best interests of the patient. Hospitals and insurance companies own doctors today. Thats why you see the real doctors going off and starting concierge medical practices rather than put up with being a slave to be business and big pharma. None of this is good for doctors or patients. But we let it happen and add it to the list of the country’s problems because in America today, we don’t actually fix anything, we just politicize it and talk about it while using it to fundraise. Total insanity and the death knell of the greatest country ever created.
As a practicing surgeon, the liability insurance carriers will probably make it prohibitive for many private practice practitioners to do these type of surgeries. However, the large majority are done in academic centers where there is a disconnect between the surgeon and their liability company, since the premiums are paid by the employing academic center.
The biggest problem with these surgeries are that they don’t work well, and do not give satisfying results. Both of the transitions lead to extremely poor cosmetic results, and certainly non-functional results. If the individual was suffering from mental challenges prior to the procedure after the procedure, it’s most likely they may suffer more.
How can any moderately educated person imagine -- or be persuaded (which is more likely, I think) -- that surgically transplanted -- or, in the case of f-to-m, completely artificial -- "equipment" will actually be functional? Homosexuals and lesbians can have satisfying sexual experiences, but I doubt that any modified person can.
The “neovagina” is more functional in someways than the neopenis which is a just a slab of transplanted leg skin with a non functioning urethra. The “hope” is for transplants of sex organs bladders etc from a “donor,” which would solve the function and esthetic issues. However the procedure is costly >300K and is mired with complications. In additions there are clear ethical issues and lack of donors. Plus on top of hormone replacement, recipients would need anti rejection drugs which may work at cross purposes.
What kind of surgeon, Mark?
Tanto I am a trauma surgeon
Don, another great review but you left out the two main drivers in the Jennings fiasco. His GD parents. This kid has been jerked around by the people he should have most trusted to look out for his best interests and yet who were his worst betrayers…all if you ask me for increased prestige in their progressive, d-rat hive… and did I forget to mention the $… sorry.
There is at least one YouTube vid of the poor kid telling his mother (Mrs Satan) that ‘all (he) wants to do is feel like himself and he never feels like himself… ever’… her reply ‘ this is just you getting ‘all up in your head’… WTF!!!
I hope he sues them, the doctors, the hospitals and the F’ing pharmaceutical co’s for all their worth, and then some. Blood-Sucking, Assholes.
I wonder where you would start with an ox like Kim Kardashian. Without her Father's money, you would have never heard of the Kardashians. Her makeover, to include making her thick all over including rubber cement to make her ass bigger and more firm (WHO in their right mind wants a bigger ass??). One day Hollywood will run out of money and then what will that ghetto trash do for attention...?
Oh, I think the time fast approaches when the “beautiful people” will be kicked to the curb. But will they notice?
Who knows? ....and does anyone really care.?
Ultimately, I do not care.
But I would relish me some schadenfreude! Sweet!
Easy on Kim… she has issues…I’m here to help!
Yeah she does........where are you going to start?
I need to assess her mental stability first… I have Questions?
I assume you know that Florida has a bounty on Pythons right?
It’s a little known fact the Kardasians are some of the most successful Python hunters in the US.
Know where they find some of the longest ugliest Pythons in FLA?
The locker room of the Miami Heat!
True Story😊
I would like to see a case(s) brought against any teachers who “aid and abet” an impressionable minor into making a potentially deadly life-altering decision such as “transitioning”, most especially those who coerce children into lying to their parents. These monsters need to be punished and severely and publicly for their demonic acts.
The teachers and school counselors are often responsible for putting these ideas into their students’ heads in the first place. I agree they should be sued along with the doctors and hospitals responsible for the butchery.
A case that was just filed in North Carolina exposed another disturbing element contributing to the pool of kids seeking transition. Prisha Mosely is a 25 year old woman who underwent female-to-male treatment in her teens and now regrets the outcome. I watched an interview in which she said as a troubled teen she spent a lot of time in self-harm chat rooms with other afflicted teens. There were adults dropping in to tell the kids that they were cutting themselves because they’re trapped in the wrong body. These ghouls would then put them in touch with “gender affirming resources” to start the process. All behind the parents’ backs, of course.
Here’s a link to an article that covers the particulars of her case -
My God, these people are despicable. They need to be prosecuted criminally as well as sued.
While reading every paragraph I wanted to substitute "vaccine" for puberty blockers because the story is the same. The criminals are the same. The fake vaccine has adversely affected millions of people who were lied to regarding the real risk of COVID. This association was made toward the end of the piece. May there be a day in the court of justice for all who were damaged because of an intentional lie.
POLL: The correct answer is Obama: he's married to one.
Interesting you would say that. Does anyone out there have a profile picture of Moochelle obama being pregnant ? I personally thought she had been artificially inseminated, like a cow sometimes is, I mean , could you see Herr obama getting on top of her fat ass.
No birth certificates for those two kids, either. They were willingly given.
No hospital records of Mooch-elle delivering any infant in a maternity ward - because none of it ever happened.
Can you refer me to where you got your information. I believe you just on the face of things, but I have heard this before.
I wish that I could - the url from a now-ancient story (circa 2014) in The Chicago Tribune, of all places, now returns a '404 File not found' message.
As I recall, one had to note what was not mentioned, and read it with a critical eye.
If memory serves, it vanished within weeks of my reading it for the first time.
Nonetheless, neither sibling resembles either "parent" or each other, for that matter.
I have encountered that unfortunate event myself. Nowadays, if I want to preserve a web site, I don't bookmark it. I right-click the page and select "Print". This will allow you to save the page as a pdf. I have lots of those relating to elections and COVID. Also, as it time-stamps the document, you have a good reference for that metadatum.
Thank you!
I should have done that, then!
I have done so lately, but that doesn't help me, now ☹️
I completely agree.
Do a search on Martin Nesbitt and Anita Blanchard - very good friends of the 0bama’s. Then look at the 0bama kids.
Aliens don't usually bring a birth certificate with them to this planet.
Saw a clip last week of Barry at a podium, where he said "Michael and I". Twice. No context, but it seemed clear that he was referring to Michelle.
Somewhere there is an insurance company actuary who is not sleeping well
I pray to God that a multitude of actuaries spend many a sleepless night until the real nightmares end for innocent children!
Mr. Surber, as far as your question of the day goes, I'd choose all three, but as far as your article goes, what's this? "The best long-term evidence we have among adults shows that medical intervention fails to reduce suicide." Actually, it INCREASES the likelihood of suicide by 40%. As far as trans-athletes go and they are adults, I say to remove their peckers among other male appendages before they compete. I did notice that the future rapist and wife beater Lia(R) Thomas slightly changed the spelling of his name to L-E-A-H. To your readers, Mr. Surber, I say this. If you think I am being excessive in calling this idiot Lia(r) Thomas a future rapist and wife beater, it's already happening to women athletes in college locker rooms getting beaten to a pulp by these so-called "trans"-athletes.
Doesnt really surprise me. I quit shopping Target due to the bathroom policy. We had a couple of pervs take advantage soon after even though no MSM reported it locally. It was 'known'. Unfortunately it is not the policy makers who suffer but innocents.
This is Dr. Josef Mengele stuff. Sick.
@ this point if I would think World War II Veterans would be enraged; they spent four years fighting for a country - freezing/sweating their asses off in the ETO/PTO - for that country to become just exactly what they fought against.
I know my grandfather would is rolling in his grave, my dad too though a different war.
My late husband was with an armored division in Germany, winning the war in his early 20's. He was born in 1924, that was 99 years ago. There are 2 men still living from that unit, one of them is 97 who lied about his age to get in, and the other is 102. Hubby wore his unit patch on a baseball cap for years; he could never think of something to say when people thanked him for his service. He once told a lady, "It was my pleasure."
He has my salute & eternal respect as do you Ma’dame for being part of one incredible & irreplaceable generation. There’s really something about you all & it comes thru in the photos of that period: the women - seemingly always nattily dressed & imbued with class - & the men - though they be late teens/early twenties - have a maturity that literally comes thru the camera lense. They easily read 40-something. Perhaps it was living thru The Depression & the hardscrabble life it engendered. Perhaps it was that Depression that dovetailed into a world war. In all probability it’s most likely a combination of all of these. I grew up in a world your generation molded & it was happy, carefree, & certainly didn’t suffer from the absolute rank insanity that’s out there today. More importantly that world WORKED! It functioned- for the most part - the way it was intended. Sadly, that simply isn’t the case anymore.
I revere & spend a lot of time with Veterans; being a Christian I was looking for a way to serve others & literally just stumbled into doing this:
It’s an ongoing documentary series to preserve Veteran’s experiences for their family, friends, & posterity. One unique feature of the World War II generation was that a lot of them just came home, got married, & went to work. They never spoke to anyone or recorded their experiences. Sadly those rich histories they lived have been lost to the ages once they passed away. I’m doing my best to see that doesn’t happen with the remaining World War II Vets as well as the Vietnam Veterans.
One Veteran in particular (CDR John B. Lipinski, US Navy, Ret.) I’ve produced -thus far - @ least 20 episodes on also lied about his age to join the Navy in 1951. He was 16yrs old. He spent 38yrs on active duty running carrier air operations. Even though I’ve been a Military History nut since 1st Grade, I had no clue how dangerous carrier flight decks are. It’s one thing to read about it in a book, it’s entirely another to hear it from a Veteran first hand. ;<)
May God bless & Keep Ma’dame 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you for your kind words. All 4 of my uncles served somewhere in Europe and the PTO. Dad had an A Card, so we made daily trips to the train station, because of various arrivals and departures. 1954 saw older brother and his best friend became NavCad pilots, headed for carriers. It seemed so normal, since it was just daily life.
Anyone who attempts to change nature is working on behalf of Lucifer.
Easy poll this morning, needed a 4th option that rolled up the first three….Uniparty.
I thought I put that in when I added Satan as a choice
Er, the CAT put in
That cat could write a book! He'd call it That Darn Cat, and both of you would be sued for copyright infringement. Haley Mills is too old now for that remake.
There is no distinction between "satan" and "obama". It was difficult to choose
Uniparty as a term I dislike, prefer the term fascistcrats.
The trans movement is a political Neo-Marxist movement. It’s not an organic phenomenon at this order of magnitude. It’s an orchestrated psyop funded by wealthy donors and pushed by the left, big pharma and big hospitals.
I’m a plastic surgeon. I don’t do sex change operations. There is a very small group of people who are convinced they were born in the wrong body. Some are happier living as the opposite sex. Most are mentally troubled people and are not happier. The data shows no improvement in depression and attempted suicide rates in people who transition. This is predominantly a mental health issue and it is certainly not appropriate to promote sex change surgery and drugs to kids. It’s absolutely scientifically wrong and immoral. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons doesn’t debate this issue. They don’t discuss it in their flagship journal. They’re cowards. Any time a controversial issue arises they punt. There is no question that kids are vulnerable to suggestion and persuadable. This practice should be stopped immediately and will require legislation to do so. Insurance companies shouldn’t pay for pediatric sex change drugs or surgery. There are a lot of ruined lives here.
The Europeans btw do not endorse this type of aggressive treatment in kids because they have also found it doesn’t help in terms of psychological health. The whole thing is a big lie based on fake data and a political agenda.
Everybody isn’t gay. Everybody isn’t trans. This is an attempt at societal deconstruction via demoralization. How evil and cynical must one be to use children like this? Democrats and rino politicians who vote with them are criminal trash. But we already knew that and I’m just repeating myself.
Do children who were (are) given puberty blockers go through any sort of puberty at all? It is a biological fact (I know, “hate fact”) that our bodies are meant to mature through puberty (a dreadful stage for everyone) and into adulthood.
So if a child is prescribed puberty blockers before going through that stage of their birth sex, do they experience any puberty at all? If the answer is “no,” then are trans children doomed to live the rest of their lives with the mind of a child?
Remove the male plumbing and pump in a load of estrogen and you have a woman. Does no real woman take offense at the suggestion that she is nothing more than a vagina and some estrogen? That's all that gives her individual personality and personhood? Somehow, I thought the whole purpose of the women's movement was to make women more than appendages and sex objects. I guess we failed.
Litigation to stop castration. Has a nice ring to it...
Is it OK to love lawyers now?
I wrote many a tort reform editorial but I always told my boss that the best tort reform is not to have a tort to begin with
In WV in the 1980s and 1990s, no tort was needed however
No, it is not. Just bcause parasites might feed on larger parasites, they remain parasites.
Good point. I try never to disagree with Billy Shakes (aka Wm. Shakespeare).
Do you think that some lawyers can use their training for good ends?
I have for many years considered recourse to lawyers akin to recourse to a gun.
Not something you do lightly, but sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man has to do…