Clausewicz is often quoted as the source of the definition of war as politics by other means. This applies equally to legal warfare. The left has taken this to heart and as a result has enacted policies and programs which, if put to a plebiscite, would fail spectacularly. Of course, with each success in the lawfare battlescape, the ratchet of government moves leftward, and we, the sheeple, sigh and accomocate the enforced "new normal." Our formerly great republic is dying a death by a thousand cuts. We shall soon be bled dry and left like the shriveled husk of roadkill in the desert. Perhaps then the unlucky survivors will recognize what happened, but only when it is too late to resuscitate the corpse. Ozymandias, here we come.

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"Here, Republicans clearly have the law on their side and they refuse to use it.


That's because the Republican Party is nothing more than willingly controlled opposition.

Jesse Kelly nailed it when he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson - the podcast is readily and freely available - it is highly recommended listening.

Even Stalin allowed for the illusion of an alternative party - controlled opposition via The Trust - he was able to keep tabs on any serious threats to his power.

As for today's poll, it's a tie between Riley Gaines and the WV girls - but if a choice is required, I'll give the nod to the WV girls.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

All true. Our politicians are useless. I wrote Carol Miller a nice note this weekend informing her that I will not vote for her after her support for Ukraine funding when we don’t have our own border secure.

They suck in DC. District of Corruption

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

NO student loan forgiveness and no more grants:

We see the expansion and contraction of the business cycle every several years because supply and demand are the invisible arbiters in an organic system, but, until COVID, higher education never seemed to show a dip in enrollments and usually showed continued growth despite economic conditions to the contrary. That occurred because student loans and grants artificially kept the system going.

In my opinion, this country needs a severe downsizing of higher education institutions with no more than two or three universities per state and a host of technical training (2-year) institutions near large urban areas that focus on trade skills and certification. And, nobody goes for free. Ever. Regardless of family economic status.

No give-away grants. Everyone can gain student loan access IF they maintain a 2.0 or higher and EVERYONE pays it back or is placed in the military service for 2 to 4 years where the debt is deducted from each paycheck.

Downsize higher education, get rid of the lunatic leftist professors and worthless degree programs.

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Harvard endowment = $49,495,000,000. Enough to pay for every single student's tuition. And housing.

Fvck them. Every single letter I get from my alma mater(U of MN) I use as fire starter.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

Rush said Washington Republicans could never do anything useful until they retrieved their stones from "Hillary's testicular lock box." Nobody's ever improved on that.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

The United States of America is a ticking time bomb.

With well over 12 million illegals - and counting - now in this country, and a debt that will reach over $50 trillion dollars in the next few months, it is all going to come crashing down soon, very soon. We are about ready now to literally implode upon ourselves. The Democrats are just looting whatever they can get their hands on before it all comes crashing down, while Republicans either join them or watch from the sidelines powerless and cowering.

The Constitution along with any Rights once afforded us by the 1st Amendment, have been thoroughly discarded, the Rule of Law has been deformed into the Whims of the Powerful, every single institution has been corrupted to its marrow, and wicked, violent hordes have been unleashed upon the land that are willing to literally burn down the whole house if they don’t get their way .

We can pretend an election will somehow be able to avert what is inevitably coming, but I fear that is just a pipe dream. Even If Trump were to win, they’d just pull their faux-plug on the economy once and for all and let him deal with the devastation and ruin that will follow. Trump will be the one who’ll have to declare Martial Law now left to salvage and control a nation in utter chaos.

And all that’s before considering whether Iran, who desperately fears a potential President Trump, won’t ignite WWIII well before that can happen.

I believe we have passed the Rubicon, and need to prepare for what is coming, and none of it is good. Buckle up.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

Isn't "political malpractice by Republicans" an oxymoron? Republicans (i.e. Uniparty members) know exactly how this is all going to go down. And why they voted with their brethren to upgrade the FBI to the tune of $375 million.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

Great post but you didn't go deep enough.The reublican attorneys are all afraid of losing their right to practice law as happened to many for defending PDJT and his administration.The Roberts Supreme Court is less than helpful in pursuit of constitutional rights guaranteed all Americans there in.As for title IX where are all the bra burning feminists and equal rights crowds now,glued to the msm outlets and worried about rights of hamassholes in the middle east chanting death to America.Riley and the WVa girls are gaining support for sanity but it is the same battle we are in for the return to sanity as a Great Nation founded on God Given rights.Lead on to a MAGA 2024 victory Poca-Man.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

This is what happens when you have no president running the country. The party is running the WH today with help from non-elected civil servants and party backers. We are a SCOTUS justice or two changes away from a full on Democrat party dictatorship. The USA has been reduced to a giant social justice mob run by the Tech Industry owned or run mostly by Marxist elites who are still going thru puberty. The problem here is that conservatives have no party today. Republicans are represented by defeatists who do not know how to win at anything, and more worried about fundraising and appearance than representing their party effectively. Who knows, maybe Sen. Kennedy can teach his GOP peers some comedy so they can put their time in office to better use and maintain the devoted while the barbed wire and walls are erected They have the time available after all.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

The same students who are threatening and accosting Jewish students at Columbia and Yale are the ones who will have their loans forgiven - and those of their parents too most likely. The protestors at other anti Israel events (those not paid by a Soros NGO or foundation) who show up because they work from home or can’t be bothered to work are also more likely to have loans forgiven illegally. People without loans are actually working for a living.

I expect Missouri to lead the way in challenging, but with only the same 25 states following. No RNC or official party or interested party willing to show up.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

The democrats are doing for women what they did for blacks. Yet the aggrieved parties are either too stupid or too morally compromised to recognize it. We indeed are a powder keg (Ty Susie) with a lot fuse. Unfortunately the results will not turn out like that stupid movie Civil War, they will be real and horrifying. The only good thing that will result is these politicians will all pay the consequences first that is after all the legacy press, Wall Street and tech types. The bad thing is most Americans will not survive as our supply lines are critical. Hospitals are critical. Unlike 1860, most Americans are non-agrarian, meaning non self sufficient. I bet those 12M illegals are imported to help out?

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

Democrats sue, Republicans write letters.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

a secure border is the only way to save america. that's where men had to man up but they didn't and now it is probably too late. let women take care of their own sports problems. if every women (regardless of age or political bent) would refuse to compete against girly-boys the problem would disappear before the stanely cup is raised this year. this is why matriarchy always fails.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

What is true is that Johnson, whatever he truly believes, has a split caucus. Half or so are patriots, and half or so are commie sympathizers. We need to continue the work of eliminating the commie symps on our own side. And realize, that our victories, and they are beginning to pile up, are coming from the States and conservative pressure groups - like Christopher Rufo's outfit that is destroying DEI one wokie at a time. Send people to DC who are willing to cut power away from DC. And keep on doing it until it happens.

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Apr 22Liked by Don Surber

One of many reasons to throw up hands (or, in this case- breakfast) and despair, which is entirely rational if we do not keep before us our ragtag revolutionary forefathers, who kept before themselves Almighty God (David’s corner man).

Plus, we have Babylon Bee, with its nuclear attacks on the Achilles heel of hypocrisy.

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