Perhaps the feds could coax Robert DeNiro to argue their case before the court.

He is so eloquent.

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May 29Edited

Agreed. I had a 'comment' re big Bobby D blocked by ya-who yesterday reacting viscerally to a piece. Words like 'raging bullshit' were censored by the algorithm. I was a totally proud it failed to post.

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Raging Bullshit. Priceless. 😂

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May 29Edited

Thanks for the like & especially the comment. Sometimes I surprise myself. Feel free to use it… liberally. Of course.😖

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The world’s tallest midget!

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C'mon man! He's not THAT tall!

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It is shocking to hear him speak. So coarse, so vulgar. Never one to think actors are the roles they play, but think he must have been damaged by the roles he played and somehow thinks he is a tough guy.

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Most people are more humble starting out in life. DeNiro is no different but now is a "star" and doesn't care who he insults. Likely he was the same earlier in life but held it in for career's sake. He is insufferable now. Hope Trump wins in November. DeNiro's meltdown along with most liberals will be epic.

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Insufferable as Mark Hamill, Alec Baldwin, Jane Fonda, and other libtard actors who passed their "sell by" dates...

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I guess we just have to admit that it's a liberal thing. Seems to affect all of them save a few that have a brain. The man is clearly deranged.

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I don’t think DeNiro had a modest upbringing . His father was a famous painter in New York.

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Whatever his youth, I suspect he knew he had to keep his mouth shut to make it in the business but once he was a star, he let it rip. The man is not just a Trump hater, he is deranged. Suspect he has TDS so maybe he should get some more covid boosters. Yeap, that will help him. /sarc

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The Biden Simulation winds him up and sets him loose. He didn’t show up in his own. It’s all coordinated. He’s a piece of shit, anyway. Nut job, phony.

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Media back these people up and over the years, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If DeNiro was truly polite, he and the press would have less column inches and each will invent ANYTHING to grow a bit bigger.

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He found the perfect occupation for someone who can barely speak unless someone else has told him what to say.

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Not very eloquent now for sure. Sounds like a drunken bum.

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It could be incipient dementia brought on by a lot of alcohol consumption...

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It's Weirnecke dementia. Look it up.

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Have Barry Soetoro argue it. Without his teleprompter! Twelve words, seventy two utterances of uh and err . Or Zou Xiden, then plant a ten year old girl in among the observers.

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In Canada our Constitution…put in place by the way by Castro’s son’s stepfather (look it up, you’ll figure it out), is written on toilet paper.

But as an envious non-US citizen, I have never understood how y’all let the government down there walk all over the most glorious document the world has ever seen.

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Your outsider view is something Americans need to see and understand.

Thank you for noticing the erosion of our great founding document because most Americans never look at that issue, have no clue of its threatened state, and if they do notice, don't realize how much of it has been destroyed - especially while FJB has been in office.

Our Constitutional Republic is now closer to being a Bureaucratic Republic, as Mr. Surber reminds us on a regular basis as he did again today.

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Heck most of our government could not read at the level it takes to understand it

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Amen T.

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There may be an Ebonics translation of the Constitution in the Howard University archives.

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Perhaps that's why they developed AI . . . so they don't have to read and understand it either.

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Government has gotten so large that it becomes a sort of DeFacto Constitution of exceptions, just like Surber's article there today. Either the rules work for everything or they don't.

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...and that's by design.

Fifty-plus years ago, Civics was quietly deep-sixed from public and private schools' curricula.

We now, for the most part, are a nation with no sense of itself, or what we represent.

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Like most good things, we took it for granted.

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I don't think so. When you elect people who are left wing and then select judges who are the same, this is what you get. Big difference between a document that is taken literally as written and one that is interpreted as evolving.

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How? The usual exchange of temporary safety (or even just) convenience for essential rights, just like Franklin warned. Why? We let our faith go and God took care of the rest.

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It’s starting to turn, because eventually people get too pissed off to turn the other cheek. Amen! Tear it all down.

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What do you mean, "let"? I never voted to relax the document. When the education system here started to rot along with the family unit, we lost the essence of being a good citizen. Little did the country know that little mush heads were being turned into future liberal voters. The family unit collapsed for many reasons, none good, but today drugs are a leading contributor, especially in the concentrated black communities and impoverished areas. So it's easy to see how with the liberal vision of big government for all, and the increasing liberal voter bloc, how the Constitution came under assault. The liberal mission statement is inconsistent with freedom no matter where it's tried. You folks have your hands full up there as well with some of the same thing. You elected a dictator or two and now find yourselves in kind of the same boat. Ammo up, we are.

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Sorry… cucked out stepfather

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Why do you think media companies are all in for the deep state? Are leaks from the deep state the only way they can sell their products, and leaks are the means by which the deep state manipulates the public, so they are symbiotic? It's crazy the way the people who used to be opposed to "the man" back in the '60s are turned into the man on steroids when they took over every institution.

Even if the SCOTUS rules against them, will they obey? I'm not so sure about that.

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That's similar to my argument that having a legislature passing laws solves nothing if the executive branch refuses to execute the law. Biden refuses to live by the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Now the government picks and chooses which laws to enforce and with which people.

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It's only worse that the SCOTUS has been sow cowed by threats of "packing the court" they regularly let the bully POTUS get away with ignoring the law, which makes our problems all the more terrible.

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No, they are not letting him get away with anything. The told him he didn't have the authority to waive student loans and he did it anyway. The SCOTUS has no enforcement arm. It interprets only. The DOJ has refused to stop Biden and the congress is too lazy ..........both sides, to stop him. So, guess who that leaves to do the job?

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I don’t think it’s that. I believe it has a lot to do with the number of death threats they and their families receive, and the very apparent lack of will by the FBI to do anything about it.

That’s scary stuff.

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The FBI doing nothing? They're probably the ones making the threats.

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Or instigating them. That seems to be the only thing they excel at.

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Nailed it Ep.

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On target...............keep firing!

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Thank you Don, for throwing light on this. It's the kind of arrangement that worshippers of government love, and liberty-lovers hate.

Only one practical quibble: your statement that "20 bucks is 20 bucks. 2 cents is closer to the truth. But I doubt that will be a good argument for the lovers of the Administrative State to use, since it may throw light on their continual devaluation of our money.

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know any lawyers to take a $20 case?

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It’s shot up in price to $720.80 since 1776. The Constitution is due for a major revision.

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You'd be lucky to find a lawyer who'd provide a yes or no answer to an email for $20.

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The problem with our system of governance is the spoils system. Since its creation, unworthy men (and women) have lined the halls of the White House and then Congress looking for handouts. Useless people in useless agencies grifting. That is why many systems of government collapse after a few hundred years. The entropy of random decay forms rot. Hopefully SCOTUS cuts the head off this snake and clears the rot for a few more decades. FJB

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Nicolas Gomez Davila wrote: "A dying nation accumulates laws like a dying man accumulates remedies."

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"Either side may appeal the ALJ’s decision to the SEC commissioners, and the SEC’s final decision may be appealed to a federal appeals court."

The operation of this once great Constitutional Republic, run part-time by farmers for a few months a year, has become constipated with layer upon layer of bullshit. If crooked attorneys and attorneys general are the process of this so-called justice then this bureaucratic layering is the structure, together making an institution that removes justice unless you are a billionaire.

The middle layer, the SEC, who helped to put Martha Stewart in jail for insider trading, seems to turn blind eye to all of Congress who does what Martha did on a daily basis. That is the unjust bureaucracy we live in today.

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Bullseye! They're all disgusting hypocrites!

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The fish rots from the head and Trump will decapitate those in the federal government who are rotten to the core. He will also amputate the departments you listed that are anti-American slime. But one more important consideration: every single United States citizen should be required to devote a period of their life serving their government, not acting to destroy it. Reinstitute the draft. I served two years in the military and it did a world of good to straighten me out. So should you, and you, and you.

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Let the bed-wetting begin!

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We think alike. Don't want the draft back unless for a world war but every person should have some type of national service.

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He'll need a cooperative (not a rubber-stamp) congress to make it happen.

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Teaching civics in mid -thru-hi would make a difference.

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sad, but lately I have interpreted some of Trump's moves as to be moving left.. I hope it is a political strategy..

I am watching

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That could be to garner more votes, but you’re right, it is a strategy frought with risk.

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Someone said(paraphrased) "The first 12 amendments constrained government quite nicely while the next seven exploded it." Civil War exploded it, then all the next wars exploded it further. "Never let a crisis go to waste."

There are over 70,000 pages in the federal register passed by congress leading to millions of lines of regulations written by unelected bureaucrats. No one person can possibly understand any of these. By design.

Do what Trump did in 2017:

"Executive Order 13771: In January 2017, President Trump signed Executive Order 13771, which required that for every new regulation added, two regulations had to be cut. This was a significant move towards deregulation, as it aimed to reduce the overall regulatory burden on businesses.

Regulatory Reform Officers: The Trump administration designated “regulatory reform officers” at each agency to oversee the deregulation process. This move aimed to streamline the regulatory process and reduce bureaucratic red tape.

OMB’s Regulatory Budget: The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) introduced a new regulatory budget, which required each agency to cap the cost of its rules. This move aimed to ensure that regulations were cost-effective and did not unduly burden businesses.

Deregulation of Industries: The Trump administration deregulated several industries, including energy, finance, and healthcare. For example, the administration rolled back the Obama-era Clean Power Plan, which aimed to reduce carbon emissions from power plants."

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The same concept of administrative abuse can be found throughout federal and state governments. Agencies like state bars make up rules, create courts, waive rules of evidence and procedure that apply in every other court in the state. Rules that do exist are only enforced against the poor attorney (almost always a sole practitioner) with appeals being heard by brother and sister judges who live off the system. *** Along the same lines, Clarence Thomas is getting some mentions because he made another statement about courts having no jurisdiction over redistricting. He is absolutely correct. The Constitution acknowledges the states, only the states, have authority to draw lines. However, the largely unconstitutional Voting Rights Act created an administrative and judicial industry designed to exclusively assist Democrats in managing their captive black voters. Thomas is the Deep States worst enemy because he constantly opines publicly about it. Let him roar.

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the bureaucracy would sell their soul for a pension..

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They're getting a LOT more than a pension. But the soul they're losing is eternal and infinitely more valuable (which they will realize too late).

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Sounds good to me. The stunning work of the EPA. Please consider USPS, DOJ, FDA, USDA for subsidies NOT to produce. So many more organizations could be added that are CONTRIBUTING and CREATING problems versus CREATING solutions. It's such a mess anything, ANY changes have to be improvements.

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Banana republic, banana republic, banana republic! The process is the punishment.

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Fe, fi, fo, fum- Banana!

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Let's do Buck!

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A cumbersome gub'ment and its integral over-regulation is not just an annoyance; it costs real money, and since the gub'ment has no money - all it spends comes from someone who earned it, that would be you, Mr. Taxpayer. Here's the estimate of that cost from the National Association of Manufacturers:

$3.079 trillion - Cost of federal regulations to the U.S. economy

$465 billion - Increase in aggregate regulatory compliance costs since 2012

$277k - Avg. annual compliance costs for a U.S. firm

$29,100 - Avg. per employee cost of regulations for manufacturers

$50,100 - Avg. per employee cost of regulations for small manufacturers (<50 employees)

Some regulations are necessary; many are not, and their cost could be in your pocket and used for buying groceries.


And how do people react to these incredible costs? One need only look to California. The Babylon Bee channels a little Mamas and Papas to inform you:


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The Bee is always very clever!

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POLL: Of course you should fly the Pine Tree flag; it has come to symbolize the wise Justice Alito - and liberal's whining and tears.

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There ought to be a law.

We have met the enemy and they are us.

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