Love the old history of Saint Walpurga.

Hate the new history being written today in the corruption capitols of the US of A and Ukraine.

That Kiev seems to be safer than most of America’s largest cities is truly sad and mind blowing.

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And the sons and daughters of the Ukrainian elite party on as their poorer, and Russian speaking Ukrainian young get hauled off to the slaughterhouse.

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Would like to visit Nuremberg then, understand that is a place where the have torch-lit runs through the forest and watchfires on the hilltops…

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That history lesson is right in my wheel house. I could listen by the hour! Thanks DS for the research.

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At the very least, the US should be giving both sides an off-ramp: forcing an end to the war whereby Russia and Ukraine can tell their people the US is to blame for peace. Instead, we've got a senile imbecile in the White House who's being manipulated by the war hawks who, as Don correctly noted in the poll, will never have to feed their children into the meat grinders of war.

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All we are saying is, Give Peace a Chance! Sound familar?

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Yes it does, too bad those who need to hear it, wont.

Hope you are doing ok, hadnt seen you comment in a while. Hope your day/week goes well.

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I haven't been able to comment much this month due to any columns on Pride/ DEI/BLM because of work requirements and concern about such comments.

All is good. Hope you are doing well, too. We are still in fog/smoke due to forest fires -- not caused by climate change!

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Oh they are man made but from Arson, not climate change. Similar to CAs forest fires.

All good, just normal stuff.

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Yup, it's arson, bad forestry practices and lightning in Canada. People keep trying to blame it on "climate change."

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Want out of control Forest Fires? Let Governments monopolize fire suppression with Unionized Government Employees.

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Statesmen would be feverishly, diplomatically, working to end the conflict. Instead, Biden feeds the war machine.

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The correct answer to ending this war is C- stop sending Ukraine money.

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That's the correct answer for a lot of problems. For politicians money is oxygen. Cut it off and only the true servants will survive.

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Wish the cat had included it as an option....

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Dr. Cat

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"Putin began this war."

Hold on their Cowboy. The United States funded and ousted an elected Government of Ukraine in 2014. Please don't repeat State Department and CIA talking points.

From 2014 to 2022 Ukraine Nazis shelled the Donbas, Russian speaking Region, killing some 14,000 in the Eastern Ukraine. Putin offered a Peace Plan, the idiotic old Puppet did what he was told and rejected it.

End the war by making Ukraine a demilitarized and neutral country.

Is the end of the entire world in a Nuclear War worth the crazed dream of U.S. Neoconlibs and their European Colonies?

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Yes to that, Kam.

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Um - nice try. Russia installed a "soviet" style puppet prior to our getting rid of him in 2014. I realize we do this all the time, as the Russians try to do as well. The fact is Russia had a history of invading its previous Soviet satellites prior to this. See Georgia.

Putin's peace plan was to allow him to set the security policies of all of eastern and some of central Europe. Some plan. Botht he Minsk I and II accords were blatantly violated by both sides, more accurately never even implemented by either side.

Russia invaded a sovereign country. Full stop. He did that. We didn't do that. Ukraine didn't do that. I'm not suggesting that there really are any good guys here - because I don't think there are. But Putin started this, and he didn't have to - he chose to.

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Oh, I forgot to ask, did Vic Nuland bring cookies to your history class on Ukraine?

FWIW, there never was a "Ukraine" until the Soviet Communists created it.

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Nice selective slicing of History. The U.S. has been trying to divide Russia for decades. Countries like the Ukraine are the fools who put their children in the front lines to die for Profits for the Bidens , the Zelenskys, and BlackRock.

Follow the money to DC, Switzerland and Tel Aviv and you might get close to the reality.

Killing people for money? The NeoConLibs wet dream.

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I see you don't read very thoroughly. Would you like a real history of Russia, and the other eastern European peoples? It's been anywhere from a loose to tight "federation" of peoples. The most tight was during the post WWII Soviet era. Putin is looking for a way to recreate that. And you know that, but that would ruin your story.

But in quick response, Ukraine is an independent country now. So history, not that you show much knowledge of it, or perhaps just a selective rendering of it, matters not. Putin INVADED Ukraine. No other way to explain it. And I am sure you can look up Minsk 1 and 2 and read for yourself how ineffective they were, or how well abided by they were by either side.

As to our response to the Russians historically, all the western powers fought against the communist revolution because it would result in Russia leaving the WWI fight against Germany. Otherwise, we have hardly cared, oh yeah, except for the post WWII time when the Soviets violated all the post war understandings and agreements, blockaded Berlin, and almost started WWIII as they absorbed eastern Europe. So NATO was created due to the belligerence of the Soviets. Not the ambitions of the USA. We were worried about how the hell we would stop the huge amount of Soviet Armor coming across the plains of Western Germany,as the Soviets were very loud about toppling the west. And so we spent a lot of time trying to beat them first, which Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Pope JPII ended up doing.

Now, we have every incentive to watch Russia spend their last true measure of strength bogged down in Ukraine. Power politics sucks. And national self interest in these days of the end of globalism (Davos elite, time to go home) rules global relationships; and Russia is holding a weaker hand than they would want due to the failures of the late Soviet period, and the corruption of the early post Soviet period. They are a dying nation. Sorry for the people having to experience it, as well as the Ukrainians who look about as bad, but I have to worry about my own people. And my own people are best served by the Ukes and the Rus battling in Eastern Ukraine for a long time.

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I am fully aware of Eastern Europe. the catalyst for internecine destruction going back further than the Polish-Lithuanian Empire. Nice background. But let's deal with today.

"Your People" ? ought to find compromise with Russia. Ukraine is a cobbled out state from remnants of Russia (East of the Dnieper) and parts of Poland, Romania, and Hungary (Western Ukraine). It is the colony of the Ottomans before that.

Having been invaded and having their people murdered by Napolean, the Kaiser, and Hitler, the Russians are understandably a bit touchy having the "World Policeman" USSA pushing up against their border. This is not the one-way street of "Bad Russia" you are fixated on.

Think of Peace. Or there will be no Ukraine, or "your People", likely the entire World.

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And, while not exactly the same thing, is blockading Western Berlin much different than sanctioning Cuba or Russia? The result isn't exactly friendly.

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Now, wait just a minute - Putin is a bad guy? How can that be when W said he saw into Putin's soul? W wasn't deceived, was he? Did W lie, or was it an untruth, or did he misprevaricatify (that sounds like a made-up word he would use)?

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I have never thought that Putin was a nice guy, but protecting Russia is his main priority, not scamming/extorting money from Foreigners.

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Excellent point.

It would be nice if OUR head of state made our nation as much a priority as Putin makes his.

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Ukrainians we met in Berlin we’re glad to have jobs and be out of the war zone. Russians that had been living in Paris years were saying they were French. And the killing on both sides continues with the US is funding $100s of Billions in Raytheon & Lockheed weapons to protect our National interest - bioweapons labs we built over there for NIH and US DOD…..not to mention millions in bribes & kickbacks to Uniparty Pols….

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I might otherwise understand the war, BUT WE ARE SUPPLYING AND PAYING FOR IT.

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The Neo-war mongers uni-party wins twice that way. They are paying Ukraine with funny money, used to pay for the supplies we send them and the bribes to keep it coming. The funny money used for supplies, pays for new supplies from the DOD contracts and bribes to keep it coming. We get shafted every which way.

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Always have and always will.....

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I am so very disgusted by the war. War Pigs is the right way to describe the people behind this.

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I think of it more of a cat fight, or family fight using someone else's weapons. I think Mother Russia and Daughter Ukraine are claiming that Uncle Sam knocked both of them up the day after Biden was installed. They didn't want to spook Trump by attributing such to him. Besides, they knew that the US was "claiming" to be wary of Trump. Obama had previously squealed that Biden could probably be the father of those 2 kids--Obama would tell anyone who'd listen that Biden never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. (FJB didn't just recently begin sniffing hair!) For certain, if anyone in this mess tells you they are fighting for freedom, they are lying through their unfortunate looking dental work.

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When Mr. Surber started talking about "Night life" in the beginning of his article, I thought he was talking about somewhere here in the USA, then the comment of a "Forever war" hit home because that is exactly what I thought of the Vietnam war and the massive financial crises that descended on The United States as a result. All the U.S. should do is stop all aid immediately and let the Russians and the Ukrainians kill each other so we won't have to and maybe then, this great phony war will end--or it will be the end of all of us. If congress is too weak to impeach this idiot and corrupt whore Biden and his family, then perhaps a full insurrection is warranted. This "war" is far more serious than most of us realize.

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Absolutely! We should be treating this war like we did the Iran-Iraq war in the 80s’s. Let them kill each other off with no help from us - it’s a win-win. Or, let Europe cover the cost. It’s happening in their backyard, after all.

But that’s not going to happen - Zelensky has ALL of the dirt on Pedo Joe and is holding it over his head so that the billion$ keep coming. What’s a few hundred thousand deaths when that kind of money is at stake?

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The middle east has been fighting for the better part of 6,000 yrs. We arent going to stop them no matter what we we would do. Let them fight, we need to stay out of it. Russia/Ukraine is the same.

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Our only interest is that Putin's ambitions lie beyond Ukraine, and that means NATO. And that means we are bound to fight to assist Poland, the Balkans and Romania.

Should we be in NATO anymore? Excellent question. And it's one I'm not so sure isn't answered with a No. Then we would have no reason to be involved. The strategic implications surround NATO, and those who argue we have no such concern are ignoring reality and are not serious commentators at this point. As long as we are in NATO we have a strategic interest - full stop. May not like it, but it is in fact the truth.

As to who is paying, check out what this has done to Germany, who essentially sacrificed their economy to oppose Putin. Yes, they were foolish to put themselves into this position. But they did it. So, it is frustrating to see money being sent over, which is then being skimmed off by all the usual suspects both here and abroad, but it isn't doing us any real harm outside of all the skimming that goes on throughout everything the govt does. And until we really trim down the things the fed pays for, it doesn't matter where it goes. You should be just as angry if not more about the spending on Medicare and Medicaid as you are on Ukraine. Much more is siphoned off on those two government welfare plans by several orders of magnitude.

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NATO outlived its usefulness a while back. Yes, since we are still a member, it makes things tricky especially since it was supposed to be a buffer zone and never expanded. NATO was a measure to help keep the Soviets in check but as you say, Germany and the others made themselves vulnerable to Russian by becoming dependent on Russia oil and stopping their own production. Similar to us being dependent on China for necessary critical supplies like medicine and steel. Stupid all the way round, us and Germany both.

Yes, I am not happy with Medicare or Medicaid. Both are bloated programs that while there were good intentions, there is rampant fraud. The Covid PPE and other programs allowed for a huge amount of fraud too and DID NOT USE simple checks about being in jail, and dead people which would have cut the fraud in half. Almost like they designed it that way.

Our government needs to be cleaned from head to foot, starting in DC and fixed. unfortunately, the way it is setup, that is a pipe dream. Anyone that we think will fix it, goes in and within a yr is either converted or blackmailed into keeping the status quo.

Sorry my cynical hat is on today.

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The situation, with different details, is the same in every Western liberal democracy. It's rot from head to toe.

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The entire European Welfare State is pegged on 2 posts.

1. That the U.S. taxpayer pays the bill for Europe's Defense, NATO,

2. Cheap Russian energy, oil and pipeline gas. Gas, which to this day still flows into Europe, via Poland, Ukraine and Turkey, notwithstanding Joe Biden's terrorist move of blowing up Nord Stream.

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Let them go at it. If not, force them to the table for a negotiated peace settlement. Partition Ukraine, if necessary. This war is useless and corrupt. (I guess that goes for all wars.) How right Ozzie's song War Pigs was and is. Who would have thought that???

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Draft Hunter and Chelsea...and at least one child or grandchild of every member of Congress to send to the front lines... No more wars. Problem solved.

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Black Sabbath’s original version is the best. The band Cake also does a good cover of War Pigs.

There is plenty more to the Ukraine that motivated the DC political establishment to start this war. We just don’t know all the details.

Lots of money laundering for lots of politician crooks, biological laboratories doing secret research, the problems Putin poses for the NWO, what else...? I bet that Trump knows. And so does General Flynn.

People here who “stand with Ukraine” have no idea what they’re actually standing up for. It’s not what they think.

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Stand with Ukraine? (One of my neighbours is in that camp and is flying the flag.)

Let's push it over. Now.

Go Team Putin! (I don't know what the hell is going on there and I don't think anyone does after the past weekend.)

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“Standing with Ukraine” is BS. Just like the dumb “Science is real!” Yard signs. Just yuppie-Commie virtue signaling. Zero commitment, zero risk, zero understanding. Meaningless drivel.

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This poll was really tough for me. I tended towards draft hunter & chelsea because surely that would make their parents try to keep them safe. Then I thought about the column some more and who their parents were & figured they’d probably be more likely to throw them in the fire if expedient. So I went with “pray” which always works. Thanks for a great column, Mr. Surber.

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I agree. But sarcasm is a delicious choice. God understands.

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Hunter and Chelsea's Ukrainian counterparts are the ones partying.

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The war seems to be good for most of the elite class in the world. The deep state and military industrial complex are selling all of their weapons getting rid of all the old weapons and using it to control the public narrative and ultimately put the clamps down on the descent in this country. For Zelenskyy., He is raking in $100 billion of which he personally keeps probably 3B with Biden and crew getting kickbacks of upwards of 10 to 20 B. He offloads parts of his country that are pro-Russian and dances the night away. I’m sure there’s a Nobel prize in there somewhere.

Putin, is no longer the world second class citizen because of his newfound economic strength. In addition, he gets rid of a lot of lazy, unproductive Russian men by sending them to the front to be cannon fodder. As usual, the biggest losers are the poor souls caught in the crosshairs. The other biggest losers are as usual the American public. We’ve used up all of our weapons which cannot be replaced without Chinese technology, money and resources. And we destroyed our petrodollar economic system, thank you Joe Biden

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Mark - there appears be a typo in the fourth to last word of your comment. Shouldn’t it say “fuck you Joe Biden”.

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Could be both!!

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There is a Crime in skimming funds back into American Politicians pockets from money being sent to Ukraine. Yet the Apparatchiks that control the DOJ are partners in the skim.

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In the old days, the money was delivered to politicians in brown paper bags. 20 years ago it was sent to numbered accounts in Switzerland, Cayman Islands, or the Cook Islands. Now it is transferred as some variation of cryptocurrency.

If you want to figure out, which crypto, just look at the one that has not fluctuated in a downward spiral yet.

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I said this above. We are both supplying the money and the equipment.

The Neo-war mongers uni-party wins twice that way. They are paying Ukraine with funny money, used to pay for the supplies we send them and the bribes to keep it coming. The funny money used for supplies, pays for new supplies from the DOD contracts and bribes to keep it coming. We get shafted every which way.

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Yes TJ we live in Bizzarro world. DJT at least opened our eyes to the facts that our Government is evil.

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Or way more evil than we ever imagined.

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Newfound economic strength? Where. The ruble is in the toilet, they are being forced to sell their commodities at a discount. They aren't starving, or having the lights go off (something China would have to worry about BTW), but as far as economic activity goes - its none to bright in old Moscow these days.

Seriously, I would be very happy to see the basis for your opinion on that. They had a bounce after the initial hit, but I've seen nothing showing things are going along well economically right now.

And of course, as I am like a skipping record, demographically Russia is toast.

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Cute. "The Ruble will be rubble."

12 cents before Biden opened his fly trap, 12 cents today.

USD. Peaked at 113 now 102.

Enjoy the ride to the bottom with the debt anchor chained to your neck.

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The only peaceful resolution is the election of Donald Trump in a little over 17 months from now. It’s obvious the war pigs have more than just the WhatsApp message on the sitting president.

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Eisenhower was correct when he warned of the "Military Industrial Complex."

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"Just end the war". Apt.

My American engineering colleague who is a Russian immigrant - his mom lives in Crimea - and I talk every day and we just laugh at the media and its controllers:

There are 8B people and we guess that there are 3B cell phones with camera's and, outside of March 2022, we see almost zero video reports from anyone.

Who the hell knows what is actually going on over there except that billions of our tax dollars paying their 'leaders'?

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…and all the heads of states and officials and “stars” who fly in and out of there like they were going to Paris, then stroll leisurely about.

I think once Putin decides to drop a bombshell on Kiev this thing will come to a screeching halt.

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Thats what told me it was a fake war. All the politicians and celebrities showed up.

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This is one of the best comments -> "There are 8B people and we guess that there are 3B cell phones with camera's and, outside of March 2022, we see almost zero video reports from anyone."

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you are too kind.

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Hey bartender over here

Two more shots

And two more beers

Sir turn up the TV sound

The war has started on the ground

Just love those laser guided bombs

They're really great

For righting wrongs

You hit the target

And win the game

From bars 3, 000 miles away

3, 000 miles away

We play the game

With the bravery of being out of range

We zap and maim

With the bravery of being out of range

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I’m old enough to remember when the left was staunchly anti war. But like everything else, they only condemn what they think is not profitable.

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???? The left has been prowar since they started the Civil War, got us into the Great War and allowed us to be bombed into the second world war.

Let's not forget Vietnam either, and while 9-11-01 happened on W's watch, the planning preparation and motivation happened during worthless Willie's time in the oral orifice.

They are also against capital punishment unless you are an innocent child or Christian.

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Bob Dole was right when he called them, 'Democrat Wars' on that debate stage in Houston in '76...

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Just end the war. YES! Absolutely.

Just impeach Merrick Garland and stop the corrupt DOJ.

Just impeach Chris Wray and reform the FBI.

Just arrest Hunter and Joe Biden for crimes . . . and treason.

Just fix the election system and stop using it to play games with our votes.

If you are a Republican in Congress, JUST DO YOUR DAMN JOB!

Represent your constituents and the will of your supporters.

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Do you have access to a huge supply of spines and MDs to insert them where needed?This what the majority of repubs need like yesterday already.

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If only...

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Now if you load your rifle right

And if you fix your bayonet so

And if you kill that man, my friend.

The one we call the foe

And if you do it often lad

And if you do it right

You'll save your country from a fight

Remember GOD is always right

If you survive to see the sight

Friend now greeting foe.

No you won't believe in if anymore.

If's an elusion, if's an elusion....

Roger Whittaker.

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I think if we threaten to draft Hunter and Chelsea the war would end immediately.

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