Powerful ruling. Here’s to Judge Doughty. Looks like another 6-3 Supreme Court decision is headed our way.

Only one question remains - how will the Xiden administration get around and ignore this ruling?

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Schlongy,not to worry.Val jarrett and the other puppeteers have a back-up plan already in action as we shall learn today.Meanwhile prepare for more attacks on the court system in the msm.

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By brazenly ignoring it.

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As NfT noted, they will ignore it. The scumbag attorney general of Arizona has said they will ignore the SCOTUS ruling regarding LGBT harassment of Christian businesses. Who would enforce it? Garland's DOJ?

Some day they will meet the GOD they don't admit exists.

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Entirely agree. I was going to post a similar message but you beat me to it. Congress can pass all the laws they want. The Supreme Court can decide all the rulings they want. If the Executive Branch doesn't execute the laws/rulings, it matters not.

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"Gun control! Defund the police! Gun control! Defund the police! Gun control! Defund the police! Gun control! Defund the police!" Legislate and then defund the means to enforce the legislation, with a straight face. As easy as ignoring what's going on.

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Hey Lard. Thanks always for your posts on here. They give me my daily boost.

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A late Happy Fourth to you and to all!

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I think this would open up - if confirmed through the entire process -the right of individuals to bring individual lawsuits against the government, and attach the social media companies as co-defendants. For money.

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The Department of Justice is an oxymoron..

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And run by a moron.

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Excellent point. When we have the Jewish Heinrich Himmler running the Gestapo, I mean DOJ, you soon realize that the Judicial branch is essentially powerless.

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Their power these days is mostly in inaction.

Tho certainly at times the act against lawful citizens to enable the lawless.

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I think or I hope that Xiden will actually have nothing to do with it. But I wished upon a star anyway.

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07-07-23 (1:45 am): You may have the answer to your question by the end of the first week in August. Things are going to get HOT HOT HOT in the last week in July, and I'm not referring to topics addressed by the gargantuan things wearing dresses on the Weather Channel.

Speaking of the fascist Brillo-Head (Facebook)... an excerpt from a letter sent tonight: "You may have, from time to time, detected from my statements just the faintest soupçon of derision about wagering on Major League Baseball. Just a tad, Todd. To be more precise, one 1000th of a midget iota. Even smaller than Zuckerberg's conscience."

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What a thrilling and most appropriate gift to receive on our actual Independence Day!!

And not to dampen the joy of it, the Deep State never stops until they feel pain. Until they - someone, or a lot of someone’s-hear the sound of a jail cell door being slammed behind them, they will persist in their lawlessness. These judges have the power of the US Marshall’s at their disposal. I hope they will stand vigilantly on guard against any attempts by this lawless administration to pull an end-run around this order, and execute swift judgment on those who still seek to usurp the Constitution of the United States.

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Pain. Yes! Which is why I want PJDT to be reelected and burn the whole damn thing down to the foundation. He's the ONLY one who has the balls to do it.

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Yep, sorry.

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You're forgiven 😁

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I don't remember back when the British burned it all (set fire to several buildings) but I love to watch the reruns of the Ft. McHenry battle. That'll stir up your BP if it needs is.

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Unfortunately the Marshal's service answers to Meritless Garbage. They can't be counted on anymore.

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True, but the Judge has bench warrant powers.

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But with the Marshal's under control of the executive branch, those warrants are simply ignored. We have a lawless administration. They control the military and law enforcement. The judges will be ignored or forced to capitulate.

We have a form of government designed for a moral and honest people. It is insufficient for what has seized power.

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The saddest part of this story is the government didn’t have to push very hard to get the desired censorship. Big tech willingly and enthusiastically complied, and actively went above and beyond to assist the swamp in getting the election outcome it wanted. How did Trump get a larger share everywhere except the states that voted differently in 16 v 20? ZuckBucks targeted to the very metro areas needed to do so. A study of Trump’s penetration into traditionally Democrat voting blocks after discounting the areas with two+ months of paid ballot harvesting would be interesting. Trump could have moved the needle among the black vote from 10% to 25% or better, and the increased turnout the second time around obscured that progress in the final vote tally. Trump’s improvement among Hispanic voters saved Texas, and Biden’s poor performance will likely put New Mexico and Arizona back in play in 2024.. The damage Biden has done, his family’s lawlessness and privilege, coupled with the contrast with Trump’s performance stands to weaken the Democrats’ ability to harvest so many votes.

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Let's hope, Charles. But it's always the vote counting, not the turnout.

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Almost all of Don’s readers have the same thought - it’s not if, but how will the deep state ignore the ruling and continue on their merry way.

Most sane Americans probably are thinking the exact same thing.

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That's because we've seen it happen over and over again. I get the impression that many of the commenters here have been around the block a few times.

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Yes, but they really put it in our faces after 2016 when Trump was elected. Too hard to ignore now.

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Exactly. The reason: Trump and COVID policies pulled off all of the masks. Everyone clearly sees what is happening and the two-tiered justice system. We all see now how the deep state controls the system and how the Democrats benefit from it.

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VDH has a great piece on this today.

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Busy week but I’ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.

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THANK YOU Don for today's post. It is a fabulous 'Reader's Digest' version of this ruling and the state of affairs surrounding this issue.

This ruling is so powerful that I am led to wonder if this ruling and this judge might not go down in history as being a pivotal point in human history. As Trump might say: It's yuuuge.

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Only if we the people rally around him and force the government to play fair.

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Play fair? They don’t know the meaning a of fairness or justice.

Those “wanna be dictators” are getting what they really want--for “We the People” to forget that our “unalienable rights” are endowed by our Creator.

Their ultimate goal is to condition a free people to accept that the our rights are endowed by our government. Then, to paraphrase Job, the government gives and the government takes away; blessed be the name of the government.

And without a meaningful change to correct our country’s direction sooner or later they will get that outcome.

Yet hope remains....

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I think their ultimate goal is to kill us and replace us with these invaders flowing across our borders. Easier than retraining and they want the global population reduced to about 1 billion.

I could be wrong, just repeating what Schwab said.

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I agree that they want to replace us after our passing and reduce the surplus population; but unless Schwab & Co intend direct extermination, they’ll have to wait. I don’t put forced extermination past them, though.

I am reminded of that scene in A Christmas Carol when The Ghost of Christmas Present reminds EB that he should consider just who is “the surplus population.” EB might be shocked to learn that he is less worthy to live than “this poor man’s child.”

Schwab is evil, but he’s an old man who could be outlived by his mouthpiece, Yuval Noah Harari, who is just as evil as Schwab but who could have many more years ahead of him to execute their vision of achieving “hackable humans” and the “end of free will”—a more frightening fate than death.

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In COVID-19 the great reset he states their goal is to eliminate half by 2050 by means of war famine and scamdemics.

People who got the clot shot are experiencing a bunch of health problems.

One gal I know has suffered two miscarriages. She didn't get the shot but her husband did. My brother had a stroke immediately after getting his.

War? They could end the fiasco in Ukraine anytime, but dead bodies are what they want. Iran is paired with Russia, Persia and Gog of Magog.

Maybe you aren't a Bible believing person, but the predictions are aligning like the planets.

There is no safe place left. Our nation has fallen victim to their traps. Who has not sold us out? (Among people still in office).

GOD will protect his people, rest assured. You may depart with a body as destroyed as Christ crucified, but the LORD will protect your soul, the only part that matters.

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How did Cocaine end up in the White House? We will never learn. This story will be buried faster than Pompeii.

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They closed down several streets around the WH and evacuated it, of course. It occurs to me they wouldn’t be past destroying who knows what kind of evidence at that moment, ya know like oblahma’s wingman advised, never let a crisis go to waste because it’s an opportunity to do things you couldn’t before…. There’s every chance this is about way more than a baggy of Hunty’s illegal drugs.

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The Biden family really is white trash.

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Quit with the insults, we white trash may not be easily offended, but we do have standards. Low, but not Xiden low.

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You've asked a question to which you know the answer: Hunter.

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Doesn’t matter if they try to bury it or spin it. Everybody with an iota of brains and honesty already knows how it got there. Occam’s Razor.

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I was going to originally write “ How (Hunter) did (Hunter) Cocaine (Hunter) end (Hunter) up (Hunter) in (Hunter) the (Hunter) White (Hunter) House (Hunter)? We (Hunter) will (Hunter) never (Hunter) learn (Hunter). This (Hunter) story (Hunter) will (Hunter) be (Hunter) buried (Hunter) faster (Hunter) than (Hunter) Pompeii.”.

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{Hah ha ha ha ha!}

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Maybe Barry visited?

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Two weeks to the day from the announcement of Hunter Biden's plea deal, cocaine is found in the West Wing. He couldn't even make it a month without breaking the law. But he doesn't worry about it because he has the secret service and the FBI to protect him . . . again. It's not two systems. It's a system and then a group of people who are not subject to the system.

As for the ruling, I hope it holds, but the government will get around it by going through third party non-profits. You simply need to do as you suggest: tear the federal government down to nothing and leave all the power in the hands of the states.

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Did the Deep State plant it? Is this part of the plot to get rid of Brandon?

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Oh, I doubt the Deep State planted it, but something is going on. I would have half expected them to claim some "right wing extremist/domestic terrorist" planted anthrax rather than admit they found cocaine. So something is definitely afoot.

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This column makes me realize how much America lost when Rush left us.

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I'd like to think that Judge Doughty misses Rush, too.

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Never give up. Never surrender.

Last man standing wins. It doesn’t have to be pretty.

This shows what happens when state AGs do their jobs in front of an actual judge, not an Ivy League junior Commie activist. There are all kinds of cases where this approach would yield fruit.

Our loser RINO nunchuck wielding clown AG in AZ allowed massive election fraud in 2022 because he was part of the McCain Mafia as was Ducey, the midget cork soaker governor.

When you have real conservative AGs you can beat these Commies. Of course they push back, like the persecution of Ken Paxton in Texas by “Republicans”.

You have to shoot all the arrows in your quiver.

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Maricopa county seems to have fallen ill with cartel flu ,maybe a touch of Anti wuflu serum was also injected?

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Viper’s nest

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POLL: Had to vote for Biden, since he's the "titular head" of all the three-letter-agencies and their cesspool of criminal activity against We The People.

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I voted Zuck because all of the millennials, Gen Xers, Freak Show crowd, etc pay attention to Zuck. Xiden, not so much. They probably can’t name their own representative or senators, but they can tell you the latest meme on social media.

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Once again, Rev, I voted with you. While Zuck controls and has allot of influence on Facebook. I think that's about it. On the other hand, Biden, while feeble and weak, still has all the power and authority of the entire federal government behind him.

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Indeed, titular seems to be his style. Snicker.

Whether he's mentally incompetent now or not, he let the evil in decades ago. I think his current state is probably reproof from God.

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Zou Xiden has the mind of a twelve year old. When he sees a thirteen year old, he thinks of her as an older woman.

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I thought Bezos was the titular guy…

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Both are puppets of the money changers.

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Again, the poll question is a toss up.

Especially liked commentary by DS:

I follow the news pretty close but reading the breath-taking amount of censorship heaped upon us by the federal government is shocking. The censorship and the lies raise the argument that we should defund the entire enterprise and let the states govern and the National Guard and local militias protect our borders.

You have to read the decision itself to appreciate just how often and routinely the Biden administration got Facebook and Twitter to censor posts and ban dissenters, including Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. There are 18 incidents in the first 93 days of the Biden administration’s takeover of the White House.

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Yes. I wanted a box to check which read “Both”.

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"The censorship and the lies raise the argument that we should defund the entire enterprise and let the states govern and the National Guard and local militias protect our borders."


We do have a slight problem here in MN and that is our 'Governor' defers to his communist Lt. Governor who is a complete and dangerous whack job, he has handpicked his communist Supreme Court, our two largest counties(Ramsey and Hennepin) determine fraudulent elections, his SecState is Marc Elias buddy Steve Simon, and we have a Nation of Islam former leader who beats women as our AG(Keith Ellison).

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I weep - truly weep - for my former home state.

There was no better place to grow up than my former home town in rural, outstate Minnesota where a lake in which you could swim and/or fish was never more than an hour away, tops.

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I'm also from outstate Minnesota and lived somewhere in that state most of my life with 30 years in Twin Cities suburbs. As it is in so many "blue" states, the metropolitan areas dominate the entire state. My husband, originally from here, and I moved to SD after his retirement 10 years ago. We were very happy to be in a more conservative state during the COVID mess.

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Grew up fishing Lake Stay and Shaokatan. Now I live in Kansas, it's not the same.

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I feel for you having lived in Eveleth for a short time and they are or were deep red at the time.

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Oh... They are even redder today than ever. Four counties contain half the state population in MPLS, St. Paul, Duluth, and Rochester - all deep blue and most likely corrupt.

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The large metropolitan areas of "blue" states dominate the entire states wherever they're located. Corruption is easier in more populous cities than it is in small town or rural areas. There's plenty of corruption in the small towns also, but it's harder to hide. The MN district where I grew up probably had the last "conservative" democrat representative who was finally defeated by a republican in 2018. I'm happy my husband and I moved to SD after his retirement.

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SoDak, Tennessee, or Alabama... Florida and Texas are great, but the cost of living is exploding. Got a few years yet.

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Texas has no state income income tax, and there is a state constitutional amendment prohibiting one from ever being instituted.

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Yassir, but those taxes are passed on to other purchases; specifically in the summer of 2020 we flew down and rented a sedan - $22/day for the car and $23 additional 'taxes'/day(stadium fee, et al). At the same period a rental car in MN was $33/day. Love Texas, but it is not as 'red' as it advertises.

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Three brothers in SoDak. Great state and beautiful this time of year.

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From Minnesota Nice to Minnesota Vice.

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Progressives don't have to get together to "conspire" with each other. They all know their goal is to remake America into a fascist country and suppress individual freedoms, and they organically know what part they are to play to achieve that goal. The US is rapidly becoming a fascist country, if we're not there already. When a government tells private industries what they can and can't produce and sell (EVs, gas stoves, etc.), or what ideas should be pushed or suppressed, it's fascist.

Thank God there are still freedom loving people throughout this land, and more citizens seem to be awakening to the darkness ahead if nothing is done to reverse course. I pray it will be a bloodless reversal, but I have my doubts.

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In the same way that there is no sacrifice without blood, the reversal will not be without blood.

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I agree the fight to return to the foundations of these United States, including federalism, will most likely be bloody, and I hope the free people will prevail. I'm old enough that I may not live to see the fight. However, I will continue to pray that it won't be bloody.

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The deep state isn't worried about this ruling. Zuckerberg et al don't need to be prompted by the government directly. Their checkbooks speak loud and clear. It is great to hear a federal judge rule this way. It'll be challenged and tied up for years meanwhile clandestine methods will be employed to accomplish their goals. Heck the methods they are currently using, indicting Trump in various locals around the country with several more waiting in the wings if the current ones fail seems to be doing the trick. Trump fatigue is starting to wear people down. There is also the fear that some states are not going allow him to be on the ballot. The other day I was asked if I thought Trump would win the 2024 election. My response was. "God, I hope so."

YouTube is great for videos of golf tips and how to repair things. Twitter, I keep because occasionally a blogger will link to a video. I have watched a couple of Tucker Carlson's posts. Facebook used to be a means to stay in touch with my children who live all around the country but now we do it with video calls and texting so I never go on anymore. Never bothered with any of the other platforms.

The biggest problem I see facing this country right now is too many people are still watching NBC, CBS etc. As long as they do the lie will continue.

I think we should have to Ink our thumbs once we've voted.

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You’re right, the legal harassment of Trump is outright vicious. As to YouTube, I read that right after the 2020 “election” YouTube brought on staff 9 Chinese censors. YouTube is not our friend.

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But I'm also wondering how the diabolical deep state is simply going to create WORK AROUNDS to this, as I know they will try to do. 😩

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What a perfect gift from a DJT judge to America on her birthday!!!!Great post about common sense and reasoning by a legal mind.We are winning Don one step at a time but the steps are getting close to strides.Your cat did not like fireworks or just felt diabolical today?

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