I will vote vote for Trump over Biden or Newsome any day but praying for America has a prior claim.

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Another issue if the d-rats either cheat (and you know they’re going to..they’re already designing mail in Ballots) their way into a re-election or set up a situation where the election is cancelled (Oh No, we can’t change admins in the middle of a crisis) is the Packing of the SC. Can you imagine 6 more ‘Diversity’ appointee’s like Ketanji?

There will never be another ‘Conservative” ruling in the court again. Remember, Everything and I do mean Everything, the left touches…turns to dross!

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Gah, that is a new nightmare. Really. I did not need one today.

I really hope DEI is on it's way out. Harvards' current President, Gay will probably speed it along, now that she is up to almost 50 cases of plagiarism in only 17 papers. Not sure she has ever wrote an original thought at this point.

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Kinda makes one wonder how much of that cheating or plagiarism went on with our latest diversity hire in the Supreme Court. I mean, she didn't even know what a woman was.

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*snort Had to be a lot, Ketanji couldnt even tell she was a woman.....

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I admire your Optimism son!

You really think the 2nd most obvious equity hire on the planet, who was just covered and re-endorsed by the 1st will see the exit door any time soon.

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What actually gives me hope is a lot of the DEI dept are being done away with in Tech and other places. DEI is not a profit center, so of course they are going to get cut first when businesses are having problems. IT used to be the first cut.

Unfortunately, it means we are probably going to hit the recession this year that Biden's Admin has changed the definition of and used the funny money of 'selling' the Ukraine weapons to keep us out of. You can only skate so long on thin ice.

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I agree DEI will backfire bigly.

BUT it will take a few planes, loaded with passengers, to crash and burn first, with DEI running the Pilot and Crews, along with the Air Traffic Controllers directing air traffic, before any DEI reporters from,(the 4th Branch), the MSM reports on it and then it will only be reporting on the obvious to the lowest IQ sheep looking at the video on the iPhone.

We've been in a recession since the steal.

Every one who buys food, clothing, drives a vehicle, pays any and all insurance premiums, household bills for survival, and/or recently laid-off knows the definition of recession, (as we head into a depression), without the installed tyrants telling them via the approved mass lyin media.

It's been planned for quite sometime, however, I do agree completely, "You can only skate so long on thin ice."

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Based on my experience in Canada, I do not see DEI in retreat any time soon in this lefty country.

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DEI and every other corrosive policy continues apace in Canukistan

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As long as Canadians keep Justine as PM, Canada will drift left. Canadians that I have known and worked with are to the person, great people, but there must be something in the culture or the water that keeps obvious nincompoops like Trudeau in power.

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Well i can’t be right about everything. You called it tj…looks like Ms Happy (Gay) is out, as of today. She offered her resignation and it was accepted. I don’t know if this includes her position within the Harvard teaching paradigm but if it doesn’t, the plagiarism scandal is still on deck!


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See if you can find her resignation letter. Instead of taking the full bounce for the plagiarism bullshit, the anti-Semitic fiasco or any one of the downstream problems she caused, she blames it on…






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I loved how her speech was checked for plagiarism first thing and found to have issues but all day the MSM claimed it was because everyone was printing bits and pieces of her speech..... nope, she copied other people... **cough cough, duplicitous writing....

Oh and she is claiming racial threats. Like she didnt ignore all the people hounding the Jew students she is supposed to help protect.

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She will still be “teaching” and hauling in almost $900,000 a year (link says 800, headline says near 900..


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On a positive note, Gay resigned citing racism. I guess that if you aren't white, cheating stealing and such are a right.

Next thought, how big a bribe did she get?

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golden parachute, she is keeping her Pres salary doing Prof work at 1 or 2 classes a semester.....

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Gay has resigned! Two down, one to go.

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Why should she? If you get away with it 16 times, why wouldn’t you do it 17 times? And she’s a professor at Harvard, so the journals are going to publish the papers she submits, particularly in a fuzzy social sciences discipline.

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and the 50 times were across 8 papers...

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Tenth Amendment time, backed by local sheriffs!!!

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Chuck, would be interested to know why you believe there will be no more conservative rulings.

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What i should have said specifically is that there will be no more upholding of laws based on Conservative theory. As I understand it the SC (down there) doesn’t make laws it only examines them with a view to their Constitutionality and hands down a ruling based on that. So i still can’t figure (along with anyone else with a brain and a heart) where the ‘Right’ to an Abortion is (or was).

And by the way peeps if I’m wrong on anything I write here please don’t hesitate to tell me!

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Your definition of SCOTUS actions and purpose is correct. A few decades ago, while I was working with my congressional delegation in DC, I realized that congress had no desire to work and put out concise, simple, and easy to interpret laws. They are wholly, lazy, and disingenuous about the meanings of the bills they pass. They leave it up to the agencies affected to interpret them and write policy and regulations to comply with the meaning. We have seen today how this type of action has led to deep state governing. In the case of the Dems, they purposely write junk laws with a broad meaning knowing their corrupted players in the bureaucracy will write policy and regulations that align with the parties objectives. I call them junk laws. The classic example of this is the ACA (Obamacare). They fully conspired to enact socialized medicine. That's why today so many cases are taken before the SCOTUS for a final determination of Constitutionality. This was never the intent of the framers. The issue of abortion, like so many other things, has been proclaimed to be a "right" by the left. Liberal Justices on the bench believe in a fluid or moving interpretation of the Constitution that adjusts itself to current social and other norms. They are wrong. That can only lead to one thing, a constant rewriting of the Constitution itself to suit political tastes and we know where that will lead in short order. That puts no limits at all on the federal government itself, because the Constitution was written to limit what the federal government could do, not the citizenry. To me, the issue of abortion is a fundamental one based on the Ten Commandments but that will never put the issue to bed. So I think the issue of abortion needs to be decided at the state level in every state, and then let those decisions determine the fate of the states involved. The left, which at its core is a relatively small group of string pullers and ultra radicals, is afraid of the long term effects of letting the states decide the issue. They know that vocally or silently, most people support the elimination of abortion in the country. So the fight goes on.

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Well said Reddog !

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IF the D'rats succeed in packing the SC, of course, there will be no more conservative rulings!

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The Communist left uses this issue to scare us and hold their base together. They know what would happen to the country if they actually tried to do so. The Dems on the Hill are not all disciples of the far left, especially on this issue.

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The donks want full control. Once they change the court, they intend to make sure it never changes back. It took a major war to remove the last totalitarian that got ousted. Unfortunately there have been many since who remain in power or have been replaced by even worse. See Jong un, Kim for further context on that, and WW2 concerning the first.

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…” Supreme Court could take sledgehammer to agency power” by requiring Congress, not bureaucrats, to authorize the expansion of an agency’s authority.”

Can’t wait til they get around to sledgehammering the many unconstitutional Departments (DoE, EPA, Dept of Ed., FBI, Federal Reserve, etc. etc.), our Federal Govt. has created and toss them all in the dustbin of history!

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I do very much admire your faith!

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Jan 2, 2024
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Amen Gayle !

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If the demonicrats keep pushing Justice Thomas he should simply throw Elena Kagan back in their faces. She was an attorney for the gang who created 0bamacare and she refused to recuse herself when the case on its constitutionality came before the court.

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules” - Saul Alinsky, Hillary’s hero.

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Well said, Mr. Surber. Although I have found over a long life that I really don't need moral or ethical instruction from the AP, NYT, Washpost, or Jamie Rasking. ESPECIALLY Jamie Raskin.

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Jamie Rascal is what he should be known as.

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I wouldn't even raise him to the level of rascal. He's a simpleminded person of blinkered hate.

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DEI Associate Justice Brown makes DEI Dean Claudine Gay seem like Oliver Wendell Holmes. Each of the justices are disappointments with the exception of Thomas and Alito. CJ Roberts prefers the DC social circle and if he had any concerns for the republic would have taken up the 2020 election case(s). But what do you expect from a GW Bush Appointee?

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Harsh but true assessment Mark.

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It seems that I recall the Epstein flight log listed a John Roberts as a passenger. Now the name is a common name, for example, a Fox News anchor is John Roberts, but wouldn't it be a revelation if the SCOTUS chief justice were the passenger. That might account for his curious vote on Obamacare being a tax versus a fee. Hmmm.

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I saw that years ago also. I had a similar thought. I’m sure that the Democratic controlled media will make nothing of the names on the list just like they made nothing of the Bill Clinton scandal with a young intern while he was president.

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Jan 2, 2024
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Thank you so much Gayle. I guess Claudine Gay resigned. Rest, assured, Harvard will put somebody worse into that position.

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Part of the problem is that we refer to decisions by appellate courts as "opinions." This implies that the judges issuing the decisions are free to decide based on what they personally think. And since the vast majority of Americans will never actually read a judicial opinion, news reporting that infers a relationship between the judges' politics and decisions or worse, motivated by payoffs, is tempting clickbait.

Yet every appellate judicial decision comes with a detailed explainer - the published opinion. Judicial opinions cite facts found to be true under established evidentiary rules. They cite precedents set in the handling of similar cases in the past. Sometimes even the history of debate within the legislature that gave rise to a particular law is examined so as to accurately reflect the intent of the lawmakers. So any effort in the Judicial branch to pull a fast one is sharply constrained by the requirement that the decision be explained and justified in precise detail for any and all to see.

Contrast this with votes taken in the House and Senate where the elected are free to choose without any explanation whatsoever. They simply throw a switch to either yea or nay. The rules of chamber debate allow members complete immunity in every way for abject falsehoods posited as fact. Even cases where members knowingly lie or benefit from insider knowledge cannot be addressed legally except through expulsion by other chamber members in most cases.

So knowing this distinction, regardless of your politics, which branch would you think stands a better chance of being right, just and transparent?

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The rules of jurisprudence look great on paper, but when it comes to the judges making decisions that's another story. Honorable, honest men on the bench would not have allowed lawfare. After LBJ made his famous great society speech in 1964, communist lawfare lawyers went to work making arguments for unionizing civil service at every level. City. County. State. Federal. They used the language in JFK's Order #10988 as the basis for their arguments. Unions in the private sector kept greedy men from killing children in coal mines. Unions in the public sector are now buying politicians with the billions they collect in dues. None of that would have happened without fellow-traveling judges helping the communist lawyers "organize" U.S. government bureaucracy into a phalanx of boondoggle, featherbedding & corruption. https://www.c-span.org/video/?525547-1/qa-philip-k-howard

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I stand in awe of the man who not only recalled Tennessee Tuxedo in wonderful detail, but used it as a springboard to address certain issues du jour. We're not worthy, Don.

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I am waiting for Don to use Bugs Bunny's Sir Loin of Beef or Where's my Hasenpfeffer.....

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Thanks, cousin, I hope he does.

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Wish I'd said that. I watched reruns of Tennessee Tuxedo nearly all day yesterday while I was sick-a-bed with a fever. It was a quick trip down memory lane.

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Chief Justice Roberts needs to learn that if it wasn't for artificial intelligence, Washington D.C. would have no intelligence at all.

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This poll needs the “all of the above” option.

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Yep! However, omitting the “all or none of the above” options forces one to choose. A good mental exercise.

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I agree!

I’m having trouble choosing today. No doubt the “right” answer is to pray harder, but I prefer honesty. I tend to avoid “resolutions” because I hate to fail/disappoint. I can resolve to pray harder, but will I carry through? I KNOW I will vote for Trump even if I were to have to write his name in, so that’s an easy “resolution”.

I know. I have a streak of almost 1000 days going in a language app. I’m going to tie its reminder to do a lesson to remind me to pray for our country and for Trump. That I can resolve!

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Don, don't you know that ethics lapses, like insider trading, can only be found on the GOP side of the aisle? (Especially when they don't exist.) *** Yes, the DNC employs Mr. Phineas J. Whoopee. *** Here is a question for which I have no answer. What is the end game of the Left's war on SCOTUS? *** SCOTUS does not need public trust. Congress cannot impose an ethics code on SCOTUS. Justices cannot be forced to recuse themselves. *** The Left fears the court because it has the power to undo much of what the left has given us in terms of uncontrolled bureaucracies and institutionalized racism. (See Voting Rights Act, recently used to redraw Georgia districts to give black voters a safe black/Dem district to which the GA GOP fell in line without a whimper.) But where is the actual power of the left to control SCOTUS?

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Unfortunately the intimidation by the press seems all too often to work. It is that or the Intelligence Community reminding members (only originalists of course) of the skeletons in their closets.

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I believe the 4th branch is running the whole show and will use blackmail every day of the week, plus twice on Sunday, to maintain control, since "The Magic One" provided that avenue for fundamental transformation.

Now, in reality, are there a few honest good men and women who are not afraid of their past and willing to fight off the lies and besmirchment available to the 4th Branch?


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Exactly right. Just that there are so few good, honest and moral people in the Swamp.

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"Kellogg's Sugar Corn Pops! Sugar Pops are tops! They're shot from guns!"

That was my favorite cereal once-upon-a-time. Now there's a bureaucrat in Washington counting the grains of sugar and salt in a piece of Rice Chex. I am seriously sick of bureaucrats, government regulations and procedure. What a waste of life it is to be a bureaucrat. Sheesh! How lazy can you get?

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Puffed Wheat was the product claimed to be shot from guns. Minnesota native Alexander Anderson posited the presence of a free water molecule within each starch granule making up rice and other starch grains. He proved this by heating grains under conditions of pressure, later released, and produced the cereal result. American marketing, eventually even Saturday morning cartoons, took it from there.


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Mr Anderson killed'em in St Louis: (from your link) Anderson finally captured attention at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. He brought eight bronze, twenty-inch-long cylinders that appeared to many onlookers to be small cannons. Anderson loaded each "cannon" with six pounds of raw rice and applied heat.[1] When he uncapped them, a blizzard of expanded rice showered into a two-story-high, forty-foot-wide cage. Helpers bagged the rice and sold it for a nickel to delighted onlookers. By fair's end, Anderson's team had puffed more than 20,000 pounds of rice and sold a quarter-million packages.

...maybe this is what I was remembering...a Sugar Pops ad starring Andy Devine..."Plunk yer magic twanger Froggy!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-prhHrxNmsc

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This is more like a Class Reunion than a political sphere.

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Wow. Rice is the "new" miracle food for the gluten-free people.

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Love Puffed Wheat. Was hard to find here in North Carolina. I make like my Mom used to for us kids. Melt butter in a frying pan and cook the Puffed Wheat until it soaks up the butter & browns. Sprinkle salt over it & serve. Love the stuff!

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I loved Fruitloops. My brother and I grew up on sugar and TV in the 70s. We don't regret a minute of it!

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The Democrats have a rather lopsided view of ethics. Ethics is for other people. Show me an ethical Democrat. I’d hold my breath, but I’m too pretty to die.

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Ohhh, there are ethical Democrats out there.

They vote MAGA.

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Javier Milei for president!!!

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Latest I read about Milei is that he's flying commercial, economy class because Argentina can't afford the lavish lifestyle of past presidents! I think he's a very interesting person and love to learn about the various actions he's taking

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Guns and praying in equal measure. Then voting. Never smoked won’t start.

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I would have picked drinking more alcohol if the choice had been available.

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