Ron and Nikki have to drop out and rally behind Trump. The $250 million or however much they've pissed away to be also rans needs to be allocated toward protecting the election from the crooked bastards that stole the last election. The Republicans must be an army marching forward together so they win the senate and the house in addition to the Oval Office. Trump will then be elected fairly and able to govern like a bull dozer, clearing away swamp garbage and making America great again.

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That seems unlikely tho, doesn’t it? Ron is now beholden to whoever (and seems a little too proud now to back down) and Nikki is part of the Hates Trump Crowd. I expect her to become more shrill and Hillary like. Chris Sununu backs her for crying out loud - mostly because he loathes Trump, really loathes Trump, and not because he believes in her or her policies. (I’m trying to think of anyone else who goes on media to defend her, now that I try to.)

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I've known Sununu for many years and he, like his daddy, have always been part of the Bush Bunch. People don't really understand how much the New Hampshire Primaries mean to the nation elections. Politics is a religion up there. I was fully immersed in it which is why I know all these people. And they know me. If you are a political junkie move to New Hampshire. I miss the political involvement immensely. I left because of the winters.

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they're pushing haley like crazy now. even some on the left. the hate for trump is so intense that haley could actually end up becoming the first female president.

that makes me sick. she's a shill for the globalists, a feminist to the bone, more liberal than conservative and a tramp to boot. fubar.

if she's the nominee i won't vote. period.

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She won't win the nomination. They may run her as a spoiler 3rd or 4th party candidate. There is certainly enough money behind her to pull something like that to try and siphon off votes for Trump. They don't hate Trump they fear him. He will take no prisoners when he gets in there. It will all be unearthed the opposition is working on the "hang together or hang separately" principle.

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We are current residents (Chris’ parents are neighbors) and lived through Chris and his hideous lockup policies during COVID. There is no so-called “Federal” money he won’t chase, no teachers union or medical institution he won’t try to appease and be loved by. Kids are being abused by school policies - like the rest of the country, only fewer kids because fewer cities. They are caught dead in the competency based education and mental health assessments traps. The $cost/student in our town of 174 elementary students is $40,000. Ask me how I really feel.

He’s the only Sununu who has accomplished nothing on his own. And he loathes Trump. He truly believes someone important listens to him and values what he says on his TV interviews. He’s a petty nasty guy at heart.

Ironically perhaps, we decided to stay (and not go south to family) because we love being outdoors a LOT and it’s terrible cold and yucky here less than it’s really hot in the Carolinas. We love our trees and woods and our sporting dogs (2 ridiculous Vizslas) off leash. We are new to retired and maybe later we will head out. Meanwhile we drive south 4 or 5 times a year and see all the ballet recitals and wrestling tournaments we can fit in. We rent a house so we can boogey board in SC this summer. We are blessed.

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Schoolboards and budgets are outrageous everywhere but New Hampshire, because there is no sales tax or income tax, the property owners get slammed. Don't get me started on schoolboards. I had many an argument with superintendents and board chairs. I am always telling people to pay attention to those elections. If you're John and Nancy's neighbor you are you're paying through the nose.

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Thanks for the insight.

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She is the msm darling because she lives on deep state support /m/i complex.

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We each can do something to help with that effort.

Visit: https://whoscounting.us/

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Haley has no path. RDS's path is only if Trump stumbles or is made to stumble. So they will both stick around because the never Trumpers will keep paying Haley to do so (improving her retirement fund's performance) and RDS can learn from the process for 2028, or be available in the event of a Trump downfall.

Trump has the nomination sown up of course, I just wish he would be a bit less accommodating of the cultural garbage that Don so aptly describes on a regular basis - and for me that is a serious problem with Trump. He supports Budweiser and Disney, between making general statements about how terrible the things are they stand for. It doesn't work that way. If elected, perhaps I will find his love of the Mouse and Bud was just a ruse. I certainly hope so.

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i'll be looking for your post here jim when haley wins in n.h. the fix is in i'm telling you.

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More likely than not. Look for same day registrations and party switching.

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Jim, Set your crack pipe down before submitting such a ridiculous response. Your words and thoughts are so far off base and untrue, you should be ashamed to submit them.


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The last paragraph was a response to JIM, not to anyone else. He was writing about cultural garbage and attacted some pretty rude insults to President Trump which are Far from True.

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A message in all caps, as you must know, means ignore the post.

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I thought all caps means you are shouting.

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Yep - which means they aren't worth reading - and he apparently hasn't read much of what Trump has had to say about Bud or Disney, or NC and bathrooms. And his support of Rona at the RNC. But that's fine. I've been shouted at before, by people who were just as wrong.

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Sorry, I think you are confusing Donald Trump with John Kasich.

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I’d love to know how anybody thinks any of this stuff is going to work itself out in a civil manner!

The blm, antifa, hamasshole brown shirts are getting their shit together in the freezing cold so they can be more efficient in the spring, summer and fall all over the country (and by the way, its working… who could have foreseen an attack on the gates of the WH that required an evacuation and not only no pushback but no arrests).

You know the voting process, one way or another is going to be compromised.

T is walking around with an increasingly larger target on his back, and there are any number of weirdos (all on the FBI’s radar don’t ya know) with itchy trigger fingers.

The Biden admin is waiting for any excuse to declare martial law and cancel the election period.

…and the only people who genuinely care about the country, remember when American was Great and dream that it could be like that again all have some form of arthritis and can’t communicate that love to their kids…

Gd Help Us!

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Beg to differ on the last paragraph. My husband and I communicated our love of America to our millennial daughter and now she, and her husband, are communicating that love to our grandchildren. And from what I’ve seen, all of their friends are doing the same. Don’t give up.

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Good on you PwN. My kids were born in the 70’s so they got to actually see it. But my guess is most of the country isn’t living our experience. Ie how many kids in either cohort are prepared to physically take up arms to defend our way of life.

I have a grandson in the military!

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Chuck as I roam around in socialist Or I am amazed at the number of young conservatives tired of the America bashing but they get ignored by msm in an attempt to promote socialism.

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That is very heartening. And I am SO glad those young people you are running into have the opportunity to talk with YOU--as you have many valuable thoughts to share and can steer them to some good news sources. Maybe these encounters are no accident, but unfolding divinely.

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I am afraid you are right about the left becoming prepared,, probably violently. I was watching Timcast Monday night and he said he would not be in Chicago to cover the Democratic Convention because the left would be there in mass and violently, he was afraid- but not the Republican. It seems like the left would be there to attack the Republican Convention, not the Democratic. Any thoughts? I did not understand his thought on this...

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Biden isn't running anything. Obama the Stalinist is and the Federal bureaucracy is full of Stalinists, fascists, and Islamists. And they are working together, with the help of "R"s who've sold their souls, to burn down the Republic, which they all hate. So, Trump's victory is a great one, the first of many, but don't kid yourselves: they will do anything to defeat him, and us. It's going to be a "bumpy" year, as Kunstler says, which is an understatement.

Place your faith in God, but keep your powder dry. And pray for the Republic!

Danny Huckabee

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This classic from WWII might be appropros:


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Damn! I saw (about 4 PM that day) that Jimmy K was giving a presentation in Berkeley Springs on Saturday from 2-5. Would have liked to hear him speak - the overriding topic was that the world will go to shit this year, but will have an upside in that everything will become more local. I’m WAY down wid dat junks.

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Jimmy K?

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Jimmy Kimmel?

Jimmy Keane?

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Trump may be a bastard, but he's our bastard. Good enough for me.

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Just as much a bastard as Gen Washington the night he crossed the Delaware river on Christmas day to ambush the Hessian enemy. Trump needs to take it up a few notches.

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The very first time I felt actual fear about the outcome of an election was when Obama ran for his 2nd term. When he won I feared our country could be on a truly fatal trajectory.

When Trump won in 2016, I happily voted for him, but even then wasn’t sure he’d be able to right the many wrongs of the Obama crowd. But he accomplished extraordinary things - of historical proportions!

His presidency also made me realize we’d been lied to by our own party for decades, making promises they never intended to keep, nearly all of which Trump managed to procure in just 3 short years - before Covid hit.

All that’s occurred since 2020, the flagrantly stolen election, the “mostly peaceful” riots, the destruction of our energy independence, and the resultant inflation, crushing hard working Americans, the demolition of education, the deviation of science, the diabolical perversion of the Rule of Law along with the inalienable rights of the people, and on and on. I wish it was a nightmare - but it has been, and still is more than real, more like existing in a surreal dystopia. Where the hell are we, really? What the hell happened?

The answer to that question can only link to the corruption lurking in men’s souls who have chosen darkness over light, if they could even comprehend the light to begin with.

We find ourselves in the darkest of times when even our children are being stolen from us and offered up to maniacal demons.

The entire world is a powder keg, just seconds from someone lighting the fuse.

There’s no mere man who can save us from this hellscape.

Trump may offer a symbol of hope to the righteous. But it is only in the one, true God we must put our faith in, the One Who is far greater and far more powerful than the man Trump if, peradvenure, the Lord God sees fit to give us one last chance to repent and redeem ourselves and return our hearts to Him and His will and His ways in our lives, and for the sake of our childrens lives and futures.

Pray without ceasing and May God have mercy on us all.

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I’m right with you Suzie. Never having worked an election, I got off my butt in 2012 to help Romney (who hadn’t gone to the dark side yet). I did this because I could only see evil in obama’s face. That’s an understatement today. Just ask his last two personal chefs . . .

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So well said! We are in a war between good and evil. I believe there are many signs that point to end times. Many prophesies have come true since other end time predictions in prior times. Israel in 1948 is but one. Read Romans 1. Read about AI, goals of WEF, digital currency, etc.

Still, pray our Father will allow a world reawakening and true revivals.

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Suzie, you have encapsulated our recent history very concisely and echo my thoughts to a tee. If I could, I would give you a hundred Likes.

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Well said, Suzie.

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Amen, Suzie.

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Love Love Love the combination of MLK and Trump's mugshots! So interesting to compare the parallels between both men's persecutions. You are totally right--there can be no choice but Trump, and Iowa did indeed step up. Thrilling that he had a landslide of all 99 counties. Both MLK and Trump are true American heroes. I hope they are not both martyrs.

Also intrigued by your bringing up Marco Rubio. When he first came on the scene, many of us (Tea Partiers) were very excited by him, but became disillusioned when he seemed to backtrack and become RINO-ish, mainly on the amnesty stuff, and sort of generally seemed to be trying to curry favor with the Washington power structure. At that time he was still an ordinary young man with no independent wealth just starting out and clawing to get a place at the table, and was vulnerable to the money men and the other poison the corrupt establishment laid on him.

But, he has been around the block now, and what I think I've been seeing in recent years, and what I hope is true, is that he has become much savvier and more of his own man now. The "establishment" has allowed him his place at the table, but I think he realizes that they have closed any further advancement for him. His root "being" is FIRMLY based in Freedom--coming from his family's flight from Communist Cuba, and I think the Deep State does not trust him. Good. Washington is a very cut-throat place, and beginners are eaten up raw. Rubio was eaten up raw a bit. (And DeSantis has been eaten up raw quite a bit this past year.) Rubio has had the chance to see behind the curtain, and I think has grasped the establishment's true nature, and no longer is seduced to try and climb the establishment's ladder. I do think Rubio is exceptionally intelligent. He's also pretty aggressive and articulate.

IF he has become wiser and even more determined in the cause of Freedom, he could possibly become a strong warrior for us--and a very good VP choice for Trump. (Demographically, he would be fantastic for welcoming all those new Hispanic voters that have been moving to Trump.) Few people become mature and effective leaders instantly. Wouldn't it be cool if we've been "growing" a really good one in Rubio over the past decade?? OK, yes, I guess I'm just "visioning" on this--but it could be true.

Lastly, Nikki Haley is not going to withdraw--she is a ghoul hoping that Trump will be taken out somehow. So, we need to think through the nominating process rules, and see what our options are if Trump is not available. For that reason, DeSantis almost HAS TO STAY IN--especially if he can continue to beat out Nikki for 2nd place. We may need a 2nd place option, and LORD SAVE US from it being Nikki.

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Really well said, TPG. Bravo.

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Rubio soiled himself with McStain of Az.

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Guess I wasn't following things that close and missed whatever event happened there. Still, I know he is smart, and a smart man can learn from experience.

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Gang of eight ?

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re: MLK. MLK has a good reputation around these-here parts, but as a WV expat living in Virginia, I celebrate January 13 as Lee-Jackson day right along with everybody else.

re: Iowa. Trump's momentum is so large now that I hope the Deep State and the Alleged President Joe Stolen regime will be afraid to assassinate him. God help them all if they do. Now they are preparing to undermine his next presidency, but I suspect he may take the Ramaswamy tactic: Cut their numbers by 90% on day one. Hope so.

re: the Deep State. I nearly got into a fistfight with an FBI man at WV Tech about twenty years ago, during "Career Day." He tried to recruit me into the FBI and I told him no. When he kept asking why, I told him I had my reputation to consider. Took it poorly, he did....

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I believe the DC cartel is pretty much screwed. If Trump gets elected, they're screwed. If they kill him, they'll create a martyr and they'll be screwed. Also, Trump is wealthy. Wealthy enough to threaten them back with his own surprises. And, I assume he has the backing of the Mossad, which most likely has Epstein's photography and video collection. This will be one hell of an intersting year.

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re: Mossad. God, I hope you're right, although there is a persistent rumour that Mossad took Epstein out.

re: tapes and voyeurism. I had a distant cousin - now long dead - who ran a gen-you-wine restaurant and cathouse on Rt. 3 in Raleigh County in the early 'fifties. Another cousin, now in his late 'seventies, used to go there and stay overnight in his early teens, since nobody in the family knew about the side business. (One thing about Hillbillies - at least in those days: they knew how to keep their mouth shut.) He used his Genuine Tree Brand and bored a small hole from his room to the next so he could watch the action. Sort of an archetypal Epstein, except he of course couldn't record it all.

I'm hoping somebody releases the tapes, 'cos I'll spread them all over the Internet. Couldn't happen to nicer sonsofbitches....

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Little Nikki said, “I can safely say tonight Iowa made this Republican primary a two-person race.” Well, yes, in the sense that a downhill ski race between me and Michaela Schifrin would be a "two person race," in that she is a person and I am a person, which makes two persons and we would both be skiing downhill. Of course, the fact that Michaela would not only finish, but would be able to change into her street clothes, have a bite to eat and then wait to greet me at the finish line rather takes the "race" part out of the equation.

Enough with the comedy. It's going to continue to get more and more serious as each Trump victory in the process eventuates with his nomination, and when the head-to-head campaign against Biden (or whomever the Socialist Democrat Party apparatchiks come up with to replace him) commences, Katie bar the door. It is gratifying to note, however that so many Americans have come to realize that their enemies-in-residence in the White House and Congress mean to either subjugate or eliminate them and compromise and "bipartisanship" are code words for "surrender." It is now an existential struggle of "US" (in the sense of "us" as well as United States) versus "them," "them" being the Marxist/Gramscian/Globalist/Militant Atheist cabal that controls the extra-national organizations like the UN, WHO, WEF and America's Executive Branch.

And you know what's interesting this day-after-MLK Day? The fact that, unlike in the case of Trump, the FBI didn't have to make stuff up about "Dr. King." He actually was guilty of everything they found out about his (cough-cough) activities; the hypocritical infidelities, the communist sympathies, the violence against women in his life. All true, but suppressed in order to establish his saintly bona fides as one more item on the armamentarium of things to beat white people with. It's ironic that King is idolized for standing up for his people's rights, but if a white person tries to do the same thing, he is pilloried as a "racist." That's "diversity" for ya; merely a polite way of saying no whites allowed. I shall conclude my observations by once again stating that the slave never wishes for equality; he wishes to be the master, and leave it at that.

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Cruz has been MIA on too many issues lately, and instinctively lined up with the Senate lynch mob on Jan6. His top protege now in Congress was one of the two loudest DeSantis supporters.

As far as DeSantis, too often with his SuperPAC driven campaign, when a major donor yelled jump, his campaign responded within hours. (Very evident when the topic was the Ukraine war). The Covid Jab was his biggest opening issue wise to show he was fighting for us, and he backed off in a big way when the donors objected. Judging by the past year, he’s back off every policy debate the first time the Murdochs or the Kochs objected.

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Cruz sort of fell off the wagon or something since 2016. But, in the many months leading up to the 2016 election he was strong, smart, and tough. If my memory serves me, he had stronger polling against Trump than DeSantis has today.

I am glad - in hindsight - that Trump prevailed, but Cruz is an excellent legal mind and constitutionalist. After the loss (and the verbal beating Trump gave him along the way) he had serious challenges to his Senate seat that he had to attend to. I suspect by now he is mostly cruising to the retirement finish line.

The Ted Cruz from 2015 would have done many good things but we'll never know now.

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Although, like Marco Rubio (they both joined the Senate the same year as Tea Party favorites), Ted Cruz has also hung in there and gained quite a bit of savvy. His heart has not seemed "in it" recently. But, that could change if he saw a role for himself in truly saving America, and got a second wind to fight. I'm sure Washington has been brutal for him. But what do they say about how diamonds are made--under the crushing power of the earth. And he would be SUPERB as Trump's first Supreme Court pick.

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I agree.. if we could just get rid of Roberts...

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I wish Cruz was sitting in Roberts seat right now. Things would be different.

BTW: In today's poll, I picked Cruz over DeSantis. I did that without any reservation.

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I picked Cruz today also!

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Me too.

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Ditto Shrugged.

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Spot on TPG.

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And Cruz supported Trump after Trump won, and actually worked to get him elected, unlike others who hung around and did pretty much nothing after saying they would support him. He has been very silent about J6 after being pretty fired up about what he saw as an attack.

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Vivek just dropped a video predicting DeSantis will be forced into becoming Haley's VP pick in order to gang up against Trump. These two, as you say, are donor puppets, but I think everyone knows it. This year will be a major test of the power of the MSM, as it tries like hell to push a conveyor belt of deep state lies on us.

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Hmmm. I don't see the advantage of that. RDS has a future in 2028. Aligning with Haley would truly kill that.

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Ron has been a real disappointment. Should have waited until 2028. But hubris.....

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The ego of the politician. Never ending.

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Yes, it does sound strange but donors are desperate for a solution and, except for Trump and Vevek, they call the shots.

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Good that Vivek has dropped out and endorsed Trump.

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Trump clearly needs the donors too. Don't think he doesn't.

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I voted for Ted Cruz in the poll because he is not DeSantis, aka, not a Bushie. I've met Ted Cruz twice, been around him with his family, and talked to Secret Service men who have protected him. We are unanimous. He is what you see in public, a decent man, a brilliant man with the chutzpah to take on anyone or agency in DC. *** Nikki Haley is truly amazing. She is the Republican's Jill Biden: She trolls for adulation with a full tank of ambition and an empty tank of ability.. *** What Republican politician can refuse to answer the question, "Can a man become a woman?" without saying a resounding, "No?" Answer: Nikki Haley stands alone on that one, Pal. Nikki must be afraid she will offend a crossover Democrat voter with her answer. Our country cannot afford a President afraid to offend a Democrat's ever changing emotional state and political position. *** Truly, there was and is no choice but Trump.

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Nice touches of phrasing JM.

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I keep hoping that we will reach the critical mass that causes the FBI to collapse in on itself. They really flubbed up yesterday by noting Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 95th Birthday on Twitter. Before Elon Musk took over Twitter, Elvis Chan and his fellow fascists would have scrubbed the critical comments. But no more. See for yourself and tell the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation what you really think of them! ;-) https://twitter.com/FBI/status/1746910418436513980

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Hmm.. early Executive Order.. cancel the new FBI headquarters building

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Make them all work from home and only meet on Zoom calls. That'll take care of it. A lockdown without calling it a lockdown of the FBI.

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Trump has vocalized his support for new digs for the FBI. There will be no exec order from him undoing it - unless of course it is just a ruse.

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I was all set to vote DeSantis in the poll ... then I saw you included Sarah Palin as an option. Without Sarah Palin in 2008 there would've been no Trump 2016 2020 2024. She exposed the rot and the Judas Goats within the Republican Party for anyone who would look to see. She showed where the landmines were and where the snipers were nested. That made it much easier for Trump to steamroll the Bush-globalist Democrat-lite wing of the Republican Party and, then, the mainstream media and the rest of the Democrat party. To coin a phrase: she made straight his path.

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"Iowa had no choice but Trump"

...and neither do we - if we wish to have even a chance of regaining control of our republic.

"Iowans rose and stood with him because they had no choice."

They did, indeed.

In 2017, on my last visit to God's country (Iowa, for anyone who may be wondering) with my now ex-wife for Thanksgiving, my late favourite aunt informed me that Iowa was Trump country. This both pleased and surprised me because to the best of my knowledge, not since Reagan's re-election in '84 had Iowa voted Republican.

I think Iowa republicans aren't voting Republican - they're voting Trump.

The nicknames are just one of this substack's attractions - Tricky Nikki, Hillary Haley - truly pricless gems!

Dandy Don cited as a reference by Dandy Don! Sadly, that pop-cultural touchstone is recognized by fewer and fewer of us.

"Actually, it is a Solzhenitsyn versus Stalin contest because Biden wants to send Trump to a gulag, preferably in Alaska.

Democrats and their RINO flunkies want to convict Trump of an imaginary incitement of an imaginary insurrection."

Damn straight. The Uniparty and its deep-state apparatchiks need to be rooted out at every level, and incarcerated until such time as the gallows can accommodate them.

"The FBI is not our friend. The Constitution does not seem to authorize its existence. It is a politicized police force."

For this reason alone, it ought to be eliminated, and every agent given the option of hanging or firing squad.

"Under J. Edgar Hoover, it spied on King. Under J. Edgar Comey, it spied on Trump."

Under J. Edgar Wray it raids the homes and offices of JObama's political existential threat.

There seems to be little difference between MLK and Jim Bakker. For some reason, it's always seemed to me that MLK's widow never seemed to publicly exhibit the appropriate affect of a woman who has been widowed. It almost seems like she's content with him getting what she likely felt he deserved.

Just like MLK, the Corporate Class cooperates with the Uniparty, and the deep state in attempting to destroy Trump.

"...Iowans...see a vote for Trump as a way of saving America."

Not A way - the ONLY way.

I rather imagine that Goldwater's opposition to the CRA of 1964 was principled, at the time. Of course, he stuck around too long and the brutal Arizona sun baked his brain - that excuse isn't available to the traitor John "Death's Head" McCain.

"Iowans stepped up."

Thank goodness - now, it's our turn.

Sarah Palin pisses off the Political Class as much as Trump. I'd like to see Trump give her the job of shutting down every agency not sanctioned by the constitution. Maybe she could begin with the FBI & BATF.

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Ron! has beclowned himself in this race. Squandered millions in donations from the deep pockets crowd to finish 30 points behind.What a waste.

He bragged about campaigning in all 99 counties in Iowa yet carried NONE. Iowans who heard him are sending us a message.

But he did receive a participation trophy. Trump can’t say the same.

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While Rubio is correct that only Trump has a chance of beginning the restoration - the Reconstitution (there's a third party for ya) - of this once great nation, he's wrong that beating Biden will have any meaningful effect. Trump, should he beat the odds of the grand theft that will be attempted, had best show up with a rototiller and a stump remover, because weeding the rank garden that is the District of Corruptia ain't gonna cut it.

(said a man proud to be included in Don Surber's FBI file :D )

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I believe it is why Trump is constantly referred to as an insurrectionist, dictator, nazi, or fascist. They know if he gets back in, he WILL dig deep and tear as much out by the roots as he can. Then, the MSM can jump up and down screaming the terms above. It's foreshadowing one of their strategic plans if they need it.

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I really don't understand this - because if you are right, Trump would have done much more of that in his term, which he didn't. He is singing praises of the RNC structure, supports Disney and Bud, makes pretty crazy comments about NC and using whatever bathroom you want. He just wanted to make deals. Some of us already knew how corrupt DC was, but he spread that knowledge far and wide. And did next to nothing about it.

What else did he know and would have done something about had he had a second consecutive term? Because the irrational hate by the left power structure of him suggests something much deeper and insidious going on among the nation's and world's elite business and political power brokers.

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I can't disagree with some of the seemingly inconsistent things Trump has done. I guess I base my opinion above on these beliefs: (1) Trump represents a threat so great, the left is willing to spend so much time and money to falsely convict him of made-up charges to make him go away. (2) Trump was not a politician. He went into the highest job in the country as a businessman. As such, he was naive about how things worked. He had a lot to learn and made some mistakes. (3) He was bombarded with so many distractions and fake charges, the left literally spent 24/7 for four years trying anything to stop him. When did he have time to do anything really? (4) Despite all of the above, he did do some amazing things. Things his predecessors only dreamed of doing but never did.

I wish Trump had done a number of things differently, but I have no doubt he is the only solution to this communist coup that has taken over our lives.

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Yes, there sure is a feeling that there's more to the story than we regular folks know.

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Final comment for a while. Great blog again Don. Hard work has turned excellence into a habit for you. I love it.

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