I’m in favour of more publicity for the spokespeople of these events: who they are (by name and background) and what they have to say. They do love to hear themselves talk. The more they speak the more they express the true beliefs and goals for their backers. It’s not just Jews they want to annihilate (but the really do want that,) they want to destroy the West, starting with the US. Obama wasn’t smart or determined enough to do more than whine and gripe and throw snark around at people he didn’t like, but he surely enabled those with that clear destructive vision and the money to finance it.

So - let the “students” have their say, repeat it across the media and keep asking the viewing public: is this what you want?

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Obama was on the JV team before there was a varsity team. He was just a community organizer doing the same thing on a much smaller turf, but I have no doubt he is a devoted Muslim who hates the jews and is building his empire of destroying America completely in his lifetime.

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that guy with three islamic names is a cancerous puss on humanity. hundreds of millions of americans were dumb as dirt and supported his nefarious anti-american ideology.

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Because the American Left had prepared the ground for decades before Obama, with their haughty Anti-American/Anti-Capitalism smugness.

It has always seemed that what a Democrat would most dread is appearing even remotely patriotic. It is deeply engrained in the Democratic consciousness to be snobbishly condescending to anyone "brain-dead" enough to be patriotic. They took such pride in their ability to sniff at their nit-picked little examples of American failings. They think being patriotic is stupidly seeing things as black or white and blindly supporting America 'no matter what', and only "smart" people are capable of dealing with the gray area of nuance. This has been a tenet of their fundamental belief in their own "intellectual and moral superiority".

Over the years, this tendency has hardened into the very thing they thought they were superior to-- a non-nuanced, knee-jerk, visceral rejection of the idea that America is good. It is likely the source of Trump Derangement Syndrome, TDS, and their revulsion to the phrase "MAGA".

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agreed. that nuanced snobbery is rooted in new england, where the majority were tories, not embracing american individual freedom as much as group rights and elitism.

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Yup. Never forget watching the Fox panels of "conservatives", consisting of, amongst others, George Will and Charles Krauthammer who were waxing poetic on how Obama was a "centrist". LOL. Even seemingly intelligent people get conned.

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The O was a centrist when he spoke, but his actions were very different. The late Charles K was bright and knew it. But he was part of the DC machine that tries to control everything. George Wills problem was that he never traveled to get his stories, they were always about DC. He was more concerned with his use of the English language than the “story”..

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Respectfully disagree. Maybe BO played the centrist, but make no mistake, he was play acting. Agree, Dr. K was a bright man but no one gets it right all the time.

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Thats what I said, he played the centrist but his actions were far different. He is a Marxist.

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I didn't know that about the late Krauthammer; He impressed me as a really sharp cookie. George Will might be more popular now if he had died as well.

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LOL. George Will is an insufferable condescending elitist. Always was. A typical Swamp rat.

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Krauthammer had more conservative credibility than George Will, but Charles was closer to the Uniparty than nationalism.

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lefties both.

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Barry didn't write the speeches on the teleprompter. Hell, he could barely read them.

Given that there are less than 350 million people legally in our nation and only about 145 million of them are registered to vote, 75 million of whom voted for Trump, I'd put Barry's support at under 50 million.

The problem is that he is supported by people like Soros and Gates who actively seek to destroy all governments of the people, and they in turn are funded by international money flowing from Switzerland via the WEF.

Barry's support is as real as Patton's army at Normandy.

Cancerous puss may be owed an apology.

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I want to know who is funding the professional agitators. If we can isolate them and their financial support the rioting will soon stop

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“ Progressive billionaires aligned with the Democratic Party are sponsoring the nationwide wave of campus protests against the faux genocide in Gaza, operating through the same archipelago of dark-money NGOs and professional radical cadres that fueled the domestic unrest of the summer of 2020.

“• At Yale, Texas, and UC Berkeley, student leaders of the protests are paid fellows of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, which has received $300,000 from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation since 2017 and $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019. Two of these fellows are former interns for Democratic members of Congress, and the third, Berkeley law student Malak Afaneh, was the self-described “hijabi” who crashed a private dinner at the home of Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky earlier this month.

• The Columbia tent city, according to the Post, was organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Within Our Lifetime (WOL), and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). SJP, in addition to being connected to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood through its founder, Hatem Bazian, is fiscally sponsored by WESPAC, as is WOL. JVP has received significant funding from the Open Society Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Kaphan Foundation, founded by Sheldon Kaphan, Amazon’s first employee.

• SJP, WOL, and JVP have also, according to the Post, received money from the Wall Street fortune of Felice and Yoram Gelman, whose Sparkplug Foundation sponsors a variety of anti-Israel and pro-illegal immigration groups.

• WESPAC, which we’ve written about at length before, is headed by Howard Horowitz, the president of a market research firm and a former Orthodox Jew, who is also a member of the New York chapter of JVP. WESPAC has received funding from Tides—a progressive dark-money group aligned with the Obama faction and funded by Soros, Warren Buffett, Pierre Omidyar, and the heir to the Lehman Brothers fortune, Peter Buttenwieser—as well as from the Sparkplug Foundation, the Elias Foundation (which also funds JVP), and the “environmental” group Grassroots International.

• And, just for a sense of how small this world is, Grassroots International received $1.3 million in 2022 from Thousand Currents, which is heavily funded by Peter Buffett’s NoVo Foundation—which also funds Tides—and acted as the fiscal sponsor of Black Lives Matter between 2016 and 2020, until passing that role off to Tides. Until the summer of 2020, when the group deleted this information from its website, the vice chair of Thousand Currents’ board was Susan Rosenberg, a former Weather Underground member sentenced to 58 years in prison for her role in the 1981 Brinks robbery—only to be pardoned by Bill Clinton. “

~ The Scroll , 4/26/24

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All those identical tents reminded me of this. In 1985 The Amazing Randi went to a Peter Popoff public healing event. People in wheelchairs got out of their chairs and walked after the healing. Randi noticed that none of the healed had customized wheelchairs. It turned out that the Popoff staff supplied rented chairs to people who could walk and they were declared healed when they got out of those rented chairs.

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So let’s isolate one and prosecute. Florida and Texas would be good places to initiate prosecution

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Tie them ALL into one giant RICO indictment and take ‘em all down for “Conspiracy to undermine, and commit treason against the government and people of the USA”, or whatever.

They’d get off though, claiming 1st Amendment, etc. etc. protections, and the Dem machine would protect them. They are mostly a creation inspired by Obama. They are his actual spawn.

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Just read that 45 of 79 arrested in Austin were not students but agitators with previous records. Let’s start with them and prosecute their funding patrons. RICO would be a good start

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It was a miracle!

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Excellent analogy!

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Thanks for providing some detail on a very complicated issue. I would guess that some of our own tax money gets inserted into the mix as well.

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Oh yeah~ lots and lots!

All neatly bundled into those multi-thousand page bills they pass, to be earmarked to go out to every NGO imaginable, to perform all their dirty work.

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You mean like all of our tax money going to organizations bringing the illegals across our border? And then Billions more of our tax money being given to them as monthly stipends (larger than ANY CITIZEN will get in their monthly Social Security benefit)?

That's exactly what our government is up to...notice that the protests are starting to happen right about the same time the George Floyd protests started in 2020 - just in time to help disrupt an election cycle!

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This confirms the late Irving Kristol's observation about "The political stupidity of the Jews". That kind of self-hating, self-destructive activism, not by orthodox Jews but atheist ones, was found throughout Stalin's regime, from Yagoda, head of the KGB and designer of the Gulag system, down to the local political commissars. In the end Stalin killed most of them, once they had outlived their usefulness.

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All muslim brotherhood funded. Everyone of them.

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This is just one piece that identifies just some of the funding. You won’t be surprised that US taxpayers send money to NGOs on the wrong side of the fence and they spend the money on destructive activists. For decades.

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And that’s what needs more sunshine. The rest is all smoke.

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I think it’s not a big secret and some have done that kind of work to disclose the usual suspects. What is lacking is any evidence of will to stop it. The organizations have been at work developing relationships and networks for decades and the complicit academics and bureaucrats in the institutions have been teaching the ideology right along. The universities hire their staff because of their ideology, not despite it. They know what is taught and agree with it.

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I suspect you would be surprised to find out that in many cases you and I are funding it. If you want to really understand how DC works, research how your tax dollars are washed thru congress to different organizations like PP and then get washed again back to party politics. Both parties are guilty of it. Legal (mostly) corruption.

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Everyone knows who's funding this anarchy - it's just that no one in a position to stop it is willing.

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Spot on NFT.

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May 2Edited

They say George & Alex Soros (the latter visits the White House regularly) and the decadent heirs of the Rockefeller Foundation- the founder of whom was one of the original oppressors of average American workers back in the day. Just heard that Goldman Sachs gave $12 million to a group that advised the Columbia U rioters as well...

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May 2Edited
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TPG these are not stupid people ,merely evil and narcissists.

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Agree, Marlan, it's more than stupidity. PS I'm going to delete my comment about Goldman Sachs above--it's too long and I tried to cover too much, and didn't do it well. Maybe will re-post a smaller piece of it another time.

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Reports indicate it is Soros and Rockefeller-funded entities.

I wish someone would find a way in which this is illegal and bankrupt them. The U.S. govt could use their money.

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Our current government IS using their money:

to foment all this unrest, division and chaos!

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How does this chaos help the current administration?

As this blog post illustrates, even they are figuring out that it doesn't.

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I want to know why prominent BIG MOUTH JEWS like Rob Reiner, Babs Streisand, Cher, etc, etc aren't calling out this ANTI-SEMITISM and just Jews in general are hunkering down....my husband is Jewish and I raised my kids in the faith....I don't understand the JEWISH SILENCE...

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Are you kidding? They AGREE with the antisemites!! Some of the biggest antisemites are Jews. Look at a number of the organizations like J Street and Jews for Peace.

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I haven't noticed anybody claiming they are excessively bright.

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That is a good point.

However, if they are not, what does that say about our side, who they 'beat' in 2020? 😳

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it's one heck of a distraction while they slander Bibi and build the pier in Gaza that will do nothing but get our troops killed

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The US government gets plenty of money, but they waste it. I have heard the number 40% thrown around regarding waste. Ill bet it’s higher.

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I can believe its 40% or higher. Then another 30% has to be gigantic payments to "provide services" to the huge chunk of the country that can't manage to take responsibility for themselves or their children. The government is taking on pretty much 100% of the parenting role, performed by a gazillion social workers. Quite honestly, I think it's time to cut 95% of that out completely and spend a teeny fraction of that money instead on a huge campaign to promote two parent families, marriage, etc.

And OK, phase it in if you have to, but start that campaign NOW. This is kryptonite to the Left, but they've had their way long enough and the result is catastrophic failure.

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Most commonsense i have heard today. If one can work and doesn’t, no freebies. No skills? The government will train you but then you are on your own. No do-overs.

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What we need is another Joe McCarthy to investigate these weasels. Joe was right about Communist infiltration of our government, but was vilified by the left and the media as a conspiracy theorist and bully.

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Isn't it amazing that even THAT MANY YEARS ago the left STILL had media dominance!!

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Amen Jim N. and we need them yesterday.

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There are a few places the funding has popped up. This is how we know this has fallen out of favor. They never reported on the BLM/Antifa riot funding. Soros is behind most of it through many 'charities and nonprofits. He makes money of chaos.


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Just grab a list of the folks who congregate in Davos Switzerland.

Klaus Schwab is their front man(iac).

You can add a lot of the richest people in the world to that group, they don't like competition.

They whine and dine potential candidates for public offices who are left of center.

They had Abrams Tank to dinner. Almost bankrupted them even before the nain course.

That's who we are fighting. These kids on the campuses are brainwashed cannon fodder and were just abandoned like the Cubans at the Bay of Pigs.

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You took the thoughts right out of my spinning head.

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You would likely find out they are not even students at the school. Parents of all the students have likely told their mush heads to not appear on camera, hence all the “safety masks”. But you’re right, publish the names of all the little protestors, that way companies can avoid hiring the educated idiots.

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At the very least, one third of the agitators are paid outsiders, orchestrating the whole shebang.

The students are just their useful idiots.

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Those students aren’t old enough to remember or probably weren’t even born on September 11, 2001 and their parents are probably not old enough to remember the 1968 demonicrat convention. Maybe they should go talk to their grandparents.

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I've got a granddaughter in college today. I was six when that happened and don't directly remember it. Great grandma better have some of her heirs over for pie and a history lesson.

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absolutely, as the info is trickling in, it looks like at least 50% were outsiders.

But the campus kids knew this, and probably knew them.

We need an over under on the percentage that serve at least 24 hours in jail

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Some days Don reads my mind and repeats it more eloquently.

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I especially liked the “FREDO” moniker

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Yeah, vomit inducing kinda like the other Fredo we know. Fredo Cuomo.

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Or what Mitch Hedburg used to say when a joke fell flat- “You’ll laugh at that next time after I use different words and change them all around.

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He was hilarious! My favorite line - “I haven’t slept for 10 days…………………..because that would be too long.”

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You and my son would like each other. He makes sure his kids have heard all his jokes.

I think that’s his favorite too.

Never lose your sense of humor, it’ll get you thru dark circumstances.

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Never heard that. Funny!!

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This, all of this, is merely practice for the summer riots, which the d-rats hope will lead to a cancelled or ‘delayed’ election. All planned out and supported by players outside the country and the ghoulish Soros family inside the country. James Woods caught a fantastic pic of perfectly printed bundled and stacked (large) truckload of signs made ready before one of the current insurrections. See here… https://x.com/realjameswoods/status/1785812492524077566?s=12. Remember the pallets of bricks magically turning up at just the right locations at the blm riots last year?

You can see the plan unfolding before your lying eyes. The trannies, the queers, the islamists, the commies, blm by itself and disguised among them, the marxists, antifa, all looking for this years martyr, or any excuse really to rain misery, pain and discord on our great continent, and all supported by our own governments.

We all, common Americans, Canadians, Christians, Jews, and any other freedom worshipping folk who remember what a paradise we lived in before it was stolen by the left, need to get ready to physically stand up to these butchers. They’re coming, you know they are. But when we are united by a common vision, to return to our grandchildren, the paradise that was stolen from us, we’re stronger by far than they are. You know that too!

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It's a civilizational battle. It's good versus evil.

I've never read Lord of the Rings. It's now at the top of my list.

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You are in for a major treat-- LOTR is on my all-time Top 10. The Hobbit is a prequel to LOTR, but is nowhere near as good as the actual trilogy. I think it might be worth skipping the Hobbit and start with book 1 of the trilogy--the Fellowship of the Rings. You can read the Hobbit later if you want.

The Peter Jackson movies are truly outstanding, and filmed in the gorgeous New Zealand mountains. The battle scenes, especially in the 2nd film, are truly dramatic. But I would suggest definitely reading the books first--a richer experience. Maybe (?) read book 1, then watch the 1st movie, then read book 2, watch the 2nd movie, etc.

Full of correlations to what we are facing today. Evil appearing overwhelming, but having the Achilles heel of simply being Evil.

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I saw trilogy by Peter Jackson in the early 2000s and was impressed. Now it's time to read the books. I am not really interested in the Hobbit.

All of the evil around us is making me need to read these books. After, that it will be C.S. Lewis.

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Amen Chuck .

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Well, now that the protesters have lost De Niro their average IQ has rocketed upwards into the mid 70s.

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Well said. Never liked DeNiro but now he’s really dead to me. I won’t watch any of his work

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Yes, De Niro's TDS totally turned me off him as an actor. I was surprised that De Niro is not supporting the Hamas kids.

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Know what you mean. I used to think the same way but somehow we gotta separate the imbeciles from their acting. By the very definition of acting are they not suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder anyway?

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We all need to pray Bibi does not bail out the Pervert-in-Chief. And it's awfully hard to believe these juvenile children even know what they are doing. To them it's probably just a way of getting out of class. To the organizers they are useful idiots.

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I doubt Bibi would even pass gas to save Biden and his administration.

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Yup. You nailed it

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Show me the Democrat, I’ll show you the misplaced cause.

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A fish is caught by its mouth. Let the protesters speak. Let's get the organizers and backers to speak.

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Good comment, Edward.

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“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

Ephesians 6:12-13

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What I've noticed, which started with COVID for me, was all the evil we have in our world. I knew it was always there, but I was shocked and saddened to see it so nakedly exposed. I now realize that we are in a terrible battle that we've got to win, for God and for goodness.

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What happened during COVID has been a defining moment for me (I wasn't personally affected, but family and friends were) about politics and good and evil.

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The Evil was there, hiding. Covid, seemed to say you can quit hiding. I am sadden too.

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And the evil is out in the open now, both ugly and frightening.

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It is. I keep my Bible close these days. I quit religion a long time ago. A couple bad ministers and I was done with church but religion is mans' interpretation of the Bible. Not God's. So I pray to God, and snark at the Evil.

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I quit organized religion a long time ago. Too lefty for me. Doesn't change having faith.

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I love the section that follows, describing the defenses (faith, righteousness, salvation,...) that we are provided along with the single offensive weapon we are allowed: the word of God. It sure does seem to offend people these days.

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Amen Sister!

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Waiting with baited breath for the soon-to-be-magical-moment when these Muslim lovers turn on these useful idiots, placed in charge of our educational institutions by the Commies and Muslims running the 4th Branch of Government; just as our DOS, and CIA, via Samantha Powers has initiated a Color Revolution in Georgia over the last few days, which borders Russia.

FAFO Fools! Muslims have always dreamt of taking control of the West and these Tools are about to discover what Muslims do to lovers and purveyors of DEI, LGBTQWXYZ, etal.

We are witnessing 2 generations of privileged, spoiled brats who never learned the meaning of "NO", never learned the history of America, never knew hunger, pain or misery when life gave them "Lemons" rather than "Lemonade". They have zero critical thinking skills, not to mention any real life skills.

These morons love the idea of abortion and support it. If this "color revolution" continues the Useful Idiots are about to experience the pain and misery of "Abortion by HAMAS", right here on USA Soil!

Where's FJB?

The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost.

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Actually, it's 3 generations. These hoodlums are the grandchildren of the rioters in the 1960s.

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Yup. Archie Bunker was more right than we knew at the time. The Meathead is an idiot. Still.

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You are correct.

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I must quibble with one point. Cities from Philly to San Francisco are not trying to recover. If their leaders were reversing course, adopting constructive policies, enforcing the law, supporting their police forces, and so forth, you could legitimately say they are trying to recover. No such luck. Blue City leaders continually double down on destructive policies and will continue to do so until they have turned their cities into Detroit like wastelands. Their city's woes are all due to bad luck, of course.

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They would rather rule a shithole than be a member of utopia.

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Utopia is fantasy land.

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Member of a functioning society.

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F DeNiro

We can't let the left step back from this and detach from them orchestrating it. Accountability is a bitch. FJB is still going to fly in tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees and most likely give them residency status good enough to vote. If I know Dems, they will use this issue they caused as a way to rush in with a solution that claims to save America. . . . and blame Trump along the way.

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I don’t think the public is going to let that happen. We’re already seeing what a few agitators from the ME can do. No country wants Palestinions. Too toxic.

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Well, the ME doesn't want any Palestinians, but that matters not to the idiot in Chief, the senile old man, aka FJB who is ready to welcome with open arms another batch of D voters

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"FJB, Democrats and the media, who worked feverishly to free a WNBA player who was arrested in Russia on drug law violations, have ignored the Palestinians kidnapping Americans."

That sentence tells you a lot of things. It tells you that American Jews en masse matter less to FJB and the Democrats than one pot smoking basketball star. It also tells you that they are willing to negotiate with Putin to get back a high profile law breaker ( Russian laws), but won't pressure Qatar, Iran, and Hamas to give up the rest of the hostages. Why would that be? If it was 30 females of color, the Navy Seals would have already been in Rafah.

A lot of anti-semites, and there are a lot of these sick puppies here on substack, will repeat the lie that you can't criticize Jews in America, because Jews run the whole show. Really? It seems like there is plenty of criticism of Jews going around. Not just criticism but calls for genocide in a lot of places.

If Jews ran the world the way we are accused, at this point there would be no Gaza, no West Bank, no Lebanon, Yemen or Iran. Israel has lots of nukes and even without nukes using conventional arms could destroy any and all of those places. But Israel doesn't do that. America has done it. We did it to Tokyo, Dresden, Iraq ( Remember "shock and awe"?). Tokyo and Dresden made sense. Iraq, not so much. If Jews ran the Communists, then the Communists wouldn't be calling to kill all the Jews. The myth of pervasive Judeo-Bolshevism is an excuse to kill Jews. Never mind that Israel is a capitalist free market constitutional democracy. If you collect all the Jews and they don't produce a Communist country, it probably follows that they aren't all Communists, unless you are retarded, in which case all bets are off.

The people in these protests are proto-fascists and cosplay fascists. And if America wants to stay America or get back to being America, there is no room for fascists. You want to protest, scream and yell and criticize. Please, be my guest. But when you start depriving people of their civil rights, that's a problem. Everybody in these protests who screams death to the Jews, let's see who they are. Let's see their faces and their names. If they are proud to stand up for their cause, why are they wearing masks and scarves to cover their faces? You already know the answer. Because they are cowards and they know that the sentiments they are verbalizing are repulsive and anti-social.

The Democrats can reap what they've sown. They deserve the disgust they are receiving. And so do the crazy Leftist self-hating Jews who back all the shit they put us through. I'm a proud American and I'm proud of my Jewish ethnicity. But I don't like this stupid crap coming from my co-religionists. And I don't like that bad people with bad intentions who hate Jews can point at this stuff and not be entirely wrong. Democrats = Commies today. Any Jew who still votes for them is stupid or a Commie. This behavior is Anti-American and inhumane. I hope this is the issue that puts the Dems in the loser's column in November and represents the beginning of the end of this stuff. It won't be that easy. But these Commie Democrats are poison for the country and they need to be put out of office and out of jobs.

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Bravo, Tanto. You are right.

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You are correct, Tanto. Thank you .

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Thanks, Gene.

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I appreciate the support. Let’s all stand together to fix this country.

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The more Americans come together the chances grow of restoring the USA to a shining City On A Hill.Overcoming the msm/dem plans to steal 2024 requires constant outreach to open minds and ears wherever they are found.We can win .

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Amen, Brother.😎👍🇺🇸

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Amen Tanto !

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Having lived thru the first Chicago convention, where & when ‘catch & release’ meant the cops released you so they could beat the sh*t out of you (god, I miss Daley) this Chicago convention should be very entertaining. While I don’t doubt there are some organic elements here (after all stupidity is a college requirement) the ready made placards & ‘North Face’ tents & deployment of ‘Ray Epps’ types, had me screaming FEDS. There was just a little too much staging going on, though I did like the flag saving frat boys. And on the flip side of this Shakespearean comedy, we have the House of Representatives (you know the adult version of stupidity) passing an anti-Semitism bill that makes the New Testament a source of anti-Semitic hate speech (see Matt Walsh). Welcome to the Fall of America.

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A fracturing is on the horizon; the democrat party is made up of a bunch of loosely cobbled together factions who are held together by a system of “gimmies”, I.e. preferential treatment & “minority class” status per govt mandate. The problem inherent is that these factions are now starting to work @ cross purposes of each other; the Muslims won’t & cannot tolerate the Jews or the homosexuals & the homosexuals- if they’re intellectually honest - will abhor the Muslims. You’re seeing the rift now in places like Detroit & on college campuses. The dem party is rife with fault lines & a major tectonic shift is coming. It’s inevitable.

Pass the popcorn. It’s going to be entertaining ;<)

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I don’t know if I would call these protesters stink bugs.

I think of them more like cockroaches and nobody likes cockroaches. They also spread filth and disease just as these protesters are doing.

Get some popcorn and a few bananas and peanuts and enjoy the show of the Democrats losing their minds but being unable to stop it without pissing off another branch of their coalition.

It’s all about the Benjamin’s and the votes.

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I, too remember how the Chicago riots got Nixon elected ...

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"'Smashing windows with hammers and taking over a university building is not free speech. It is lawlessness. And those who did it should promptly face the consequences that are not merely a slap on the wrist.'"

Well, welcome to the side of common sense, Chuckles - enjoy your visit.

"'Campuses cannot be places of learning and argument and discussion when protests veer into criminality and those who commit such acts are doing nothing to convince others that their cause is just.'"

Sometimes, the comedy writes itself. Since when have universities & colleges been "...places of learning and argument and discussion..."? Hell, they were centers of indoctrination when I attended my alma mater, a tiny state school in rural Minnesota, in the 80s.

"I do not recall Schumer condemning the BLM riots of 2020."

Nor do I...

"Burning used car lots apparently is covered by the First Amendment."

Of course, because, "...it's different when WE do it..." [or when it benefits US] (in either case, Democrats).

"When you’ve lost Murdoch, you’ve lost the RINOs."

What has really been lost, though? They won't suddenly grow a spine, and stand up for what's right.

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