DeSantis seems to be a good man, in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It is time for him to step aside.

Some think he is not MAGA, but a member of the RINOs. His governorship make him appear to be MAGA. More governors should be like him, including mine.

I agree with you, Don. If he joins PDJT’s cabinet, we will know where he stands if he runs for president in 2028.

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As a Floridian I want him to finish his term here, then join Trump's cabinet. He has been a fabulous governor!

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Ditto on the term finishing. Nearly one third of my brother's family live in Florida, courtesy of the USN. That makes DeSantis a de facto member of my family by luck of the draw. My third has never left Tennessee. The other third is committed to California (bless their hearts) but they/we have totally disowned Gov. Brylcreem.

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Same here!!

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Sherry, may I suggest you run that by the Boss in prayer? God loves partners to sync up with.

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Look at his supporters with money. Sea Island never Trumpers. Another wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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He needs to stay in because he jumped in. He needs to learn the ropes of an extended campaign, he also needs to stay in to keep Trump firmly connected to the conservative cause. DeSantis has been right, and Trump wrong, on every major cultural issue the country has faced in the last few years. The only way to keep Trump grounded, is by knowing if he starts rambling DeSantis can hurt him from the right. I am not sure DeSantis would ever be helped by being in a Trump administration, I guess I could see pros and cons of it, but I think the cons have it at the moment.

It is a shame though. The most capable chief public executive in the country is suspect for higher office because he isn't a good campaigner. Perhaps he could take a page out of FJB's playbook and campaign from his basement.

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Remind me — who got Roe v Wade overturned???

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Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

And Trump has already publicly stated the court was wrong. So he's not taking any credit for it. After the court gave him what he campaigned on in 2016.

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Ah, so Alito and Thomas were able to cast the majority of votes. Good to know!

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And you're good at ignoring Trump disagreed with their verdict ;-) .

Funny, I didn't see Trump's signature on the verdict.

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What are you talking about?

You stated "Trump was on the wrong side of every major cultural issue".

Was it, or was it not, Trump's GOAL to have Roe v Wade overturned (which he campaigned on, and was the FIRST PRESIDENT to attend the March for Life rally) and have the abortion issue sent back to the states?

That NEVER could have happened if TRUMP had not appointed the three additional Justices who voted to form the majority.

So explain exactly how he was on the wrong side of that and that it was only two votes who overturned it?

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Ignorance is bliss, as they say....

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Trump recently said overturning it would be bad for Republicans. And it was the Federalist Society that overturned it - they gave Trump a list of judges and he just went down the list and nominated everybody they suggested.

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REALLY!? The Federalist Society was President of the United States?! Wow! I didn't know that either!

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I give Trump credit for sticking with Brett Kavanaugh during the most vicious, disgusting smear campaign since Clarence Thomas. I give him that. Anybody else would likely have asked Kavanaugh to withdraw. But the choices were provided to Trump by the Federalist Society. He asked for their recommendations. He didn't conjure up the names out of thin air.

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So what, that he was given a list of recommended names? He gets a demerit for using a list? I don’t see what your point is.

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No one got Roe vs Wade overturned - it was lousy law - it was doomed to die - even Ruth Bader Ginsberg said so. It was a fast pull on the electorate while the states were in the process of deciding it for themselves. It took power away from the people to decide. It took decades but it had to go. The sad thing is that Ginsberg wasn't around to see it go away - it's what she wanted.

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Sorry CC but I have to respectfully disagree. TRUMP got R v W overturned. Just like he got the U.S. embassy moved to Jerusalem that R and D presidents alike preceding him all promised to do yet only HE did it.

It took a president with b@lls like Trump to get the justices appointed who he was confident would overturn it. I have no doubt that a GOPe president would have appointed another squish like Souter or Kennedy.

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I don't disagree - Trump got it done. Trump gets all the credit for appointing conservative justices and for this alone he should be re-elected. I was taking a broad brush at the 'corruptness' of the decision-making that made it law. The LEFT used the courts to push their agenda through in a completely un-Constitutional manner. The ruling was badly thought through. The electorate should have never be disregarded. The right to an abortion was never in the Constitution - it was always for the states to decide.

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Absolutely. In this we are in total agreement.

The abdication of Congress to do their legislative job (what I heard one analyst say, and I agree with) is what politicized SCOTUS.

I am hopeful with this new Speaker that we'll inch back toward the Constitution. 🤞

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Schlongy, just as an aside check the first house vote under new speaker.

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That is nice. Thanks for the heads up. The No votes are not surprising, except for Massie of Ky.

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With Johnson ,Scalise,and Sen. John Kennedy maybe La. should send logic water to rinos.

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Yes Massie was a surprise.

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ok guys, I am brain dead this morning and cant find the first house vote w Johnson. Can you post a link? My search is not working (probably wrong terms.....)

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I found it on twitchy at Hot Air.

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Still not finding it other than the NY Slimes, which is behind a paywall.

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Citizens Free Press

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I see it on Townhall now.

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Check CFP

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9 Dems-6 Gutless, and Massie (96%conservative). Read his justification and judged it insufficient.

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Sorry to be dense but what's that?

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Thank you!

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Word study for today... Vetting. Great work, Shlong. My Polish side of my children by marriage loves your name. LONG LIVE BACON 🥓😄

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Thx. I’ve had the name for a long time. Much before PDJT mentioned that he schlonged Rodham.

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The world of "double entendres". As ancient as The Song of Solomon.

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I’m getting to the party late again, and if this has been discussed already somewhere in the 141 comments (at this point) forgive me but “If he joins PDJT’s cabinet???” T has already referred to him being a traitor and if there is one thing I’m pretty sure he’s going to want to avoid (considering how many he brought on board last time) is bringing another back stabber into his inner circle.

Sorry but as good a Governor as RdS is, I think he’s shot his bolt, as far as the Presidency goes even in 2028. He was asked, begged and beseech’d to wait till 2028, but Nope he (or Casey) knew best. FAFO!

If I’m (somehow)wrong on this, I’d appreciated some one straightening me out!

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Remember, this is politics. The enemy of my friend or the friend of my enemy, it's all strange bedfellows.

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If he is in the cabinet, we will see if he is with us or against us.

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I gave DeSantis his due when he brought Americans home. https://www.facebook.com/kitty.myers.77/posts/pfbid02NaaAGqCAnny64PsMnrQnv3xfnKTzfsJfgEuodQy16NPdWDd7tEAUyoQPcmC7FhAzl

But he should have supported Trump for 2024 and not run. Instead, he was disloyal, after Trump had endorsed him for governor. DeSantis seems to be doing right by Florida. Maybe that's where he belongs. Being a good governor does not necessarily translate into a good president. After all, DeSantis is no Reagan.

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If he planned on running for Pres in 2024, he should not have kept promising during his gov campaign to stay the entire term. I am disturbed by all the RINO money and think he is getting bad advice.

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Disloyal? Ah, I see, Trump is a king?

Yes, DeSantis is no Reagan, because Ronnie lit up a room, from all those years in show business, he knew how to do it, and also was well versed in the details of public policy. Trump is no Reagan either. Because he does not know the nuts and bolts of running a government.

If I were to evaluate the effectiveness of each , DT and RDS, RDS has been more successful at running his state than Trump was in running the country, and he did so with a purple state with a huge GOPe contingent. He turned it red. And MAGA. Whether that translates into success in the presidency is open to discussion. I don't know. I just know Trump turned the feds bluer than they already were, and allowed the GOPe to run things. He is to be applauded for his ripping the mask off of the security state, and I loved his foreign policy. He was and is a disrupter, and we are seeing the ripples even to this day.

But can he actually run the government? He couldn't before, the government tamed him. Let's see if DT has learned a bit of the political moxy that Gaetz has shown in the House. Oh, and I fully agree Trump will be the nominee - all these bogus charges have guaranteed that. Let's see if FJB has sunk so low that the cheat machines in those important states cannot manufacturer enough votes to save him.

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You’re way discounting the incredible effectiveness of Trump— he shifted the entire political paradigm. And you’re way understating the magnitude of the opposition he faced—Trump went in to the belly of the beast and was viciously attacked by the entire Swamp and alphabet agencies. DeSantis has been an outstanding governor, but in no way does that compare to what Trump achieved.

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Not at all. He exposed it all. But outside of getting judges installed, which McConnell was strangely on board with, domestically what did he achieve with the unmasking?

Was it important. Absolutely. Is he to be commended? Absolutely. I have yelled that from the rooftops? Yes, I have. And will continue to do so.

Is he the guy to advance what we learned from that unmasking he achieved? I'm not convinced.

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He did a million things—more than practically any other President has ever done—can’t understand why you’re ignoring that. Making NATO start paying their way, renegotiating NAFTA, revitalizing American manufacturing, big steps that corrected our trade imbalance with China, cutting enormous quantities of suffocating regulations on businesses, America becoming energy independent, rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel, revitalizing the entire American economy, breaking open the Democrats former lock on black and Hispanic voters, sentencing review and release of prisoners excessively sentenced, mentored and created an entire young generation of Republican office holders, on and on. Plain and simple, Trump was a superstar.

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He kept his promises to his conservative base. No politician in my lifetime has done so.... until DJT.

Maybe I’m naive but I believe he’ll govern a bit differently this time bc he’s a fast learner. From the get-go - his transition team under Priebus began undermining him w/ appointments in place to thwart him. He was up against establishment GOP as well as O’Hillary Inc. For FOUR years. Media helped the opposition using propaganda to plant in low information voters “orange man bad bad.”

Back to today.... he knows how deep the deep state really is; he knows who the swamp creatures truly are. He relied on too many who he believed were genuine America First folks but proved to me me first & worse.

He’s a NYC street fighter & knows the Art of the Deal.

I so wish DeSantis had continued to be the epitome of a conservatively bold governor & supported Trump (as Trump did him).

A Trump 2nd term followed by 2 for DeSantis is good for America the once Land of the Free (& a nightmare for the O’Buyden, Hillary cabal).

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Someone easily will eclipse DeSantis in 2028, because the Never Trumpers gave DeSantis a big head.

Everyone running against Trump today are cowards, because they are waiting for Trump to be thrown in prison and helping with that process.

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You’re right, SusanMc—I’d forgotten how involved Priebus was at the beginning. At the time, I was surprised, but thought Trump was making a smart move to try and unify the party. But now in retrospect— I think you put your finger on it—Priebus probably did a lot of damage misdirecting Trump in his first round of appointments.

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There's an old saying, Susan: Fool me once...-I believe the second time around will be much better.

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You go, girl! 👏👏👏

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So only kings deserve loyalty? What about friends? Or the guy who made your political career?

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I'm loyal to a cause. What if I think I am better to promote the cause than someone who came earlier? Is my supposed loyalty to another, especially when he is taking hits and is bleeding so to speak in shark infested water, so sacrosanct that I cannot advance myself. They are both big boys. I'd suggest there is a way bit too much "loyalty" in politics today as you are choosing to define it.

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If DeSantis made a good case, it would be a lot easier to support him. Instead he started taking money from RINO PACs and empuppeted himself. I also find his Ivy league education and lawyer-at-Gitmo background troubling.

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Love that word:


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Me too, but not Google.

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It's a fair concern. Of course, Trump took their money as well, but I see no complaint about that. And who seemed to modify their supposed position on men in women sports and grooming of children by leftist wacko educators? Not DeSantis. But strangely Trump did. Hmmm. Interesting.

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As a Florida resident who

1. Votes for him twice for governor

2. Donated to his campaigns twice

3. Worked on his campaign the first time

4. Attended his second inauguration

I wouldn’t vote for him for President.

I voted for him to be governor. I didn’t vote for him to have him 5 months after his second inauguration to go off and run for President and not fulfill his elected obligation that he proclaimed he wanted.

He betrayed his voters in Florida by doing so. He has been a good governor but once you betray your voters you’re done.

BTW Trump is leading DeSantis in polling in Florida so there are a lot of us who think this way.

Ron screwed himself.

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If he hadnt promised and kept promising he would stay the entire second term, it wouldnt have been so bad. but I agree.

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As a Floridian who was a big DeSantis supporter prior to his presidential campaign, I have reconsidered all his "achievements" as governor and concluded that, in a time of common sense and respect for the Constitution he did the minimum of what we would expect a conservative to do.

It was a low bar.

Trump left it up to the governors to close down. 7 did not. All Republican. DeSantis was not among them.

DeSantis said nothing when a prominent Tampa area pastor was arrested for holding services - observing the 6 foot rule and providing hand sanitizers.

DeSantis has not only done nothing for the J6 political prisoners - many his constituents - but he gave Nancy Pelosi permission to set up a division of her capitol police in the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office (near his hometown) to pursue more. Several counties have passed resolutions asking the governor to remove this agency but it appears to be permanent.

DeSantis did nothing when constituent Trump's home was raided but make pre-planned sarcastic comments at a press conference that fell flat.

DeSantis was a JAG in the Navy. Yale graduate, Harvard Law. He doesn't need anyone to explain the Constitution. He does need someone to remind him why it was created.

DeSantis changed the Florida constitution in order to run for president - after promising Florida voters he was focused only on Florida.

DeSantis did send illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard but he didn't take the thousands he knew Biden was sending by plane in the middle of the night to Jacksonville. Instead, he went to Texas and flew 50 from there. Why? (BTW, Jacksonville just got its first Democrat mayor in decades in a state that now has more registered republicans than democrats)

DeSantis was promised that Trump would be taken out and DeSantis would be the only possible winner.

Some are still whispering that in his ear. He's too out of touch with the voters to see reality.

We've seen massive increases in our insurance here in Florida in the past 2 years. Many home insurers have left the state. Some neighbors have seen a tripling of home insurance premiums and people don't discuss that the last-resort insurer (backed by the state) is really insolvent.

Electricity prices have increased by 1/3 in the past year with utilities move away from natural gas to solar.

DeSantis has destroyed the support he had in Florida and whatever good he's done is now perceived as the minimum that a responsible governor would do.

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Did not know about the Capital Police station. Thank you.

Thank you for rest of info.

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Things that make you go hmmm....

Tampa and San Francisco were the two cities selected by Nancy Pelosi to expand the Capitol Police outside of DC.

DeSantis served in the House (Close ally of Paul Ryan).

Even left leaning Tampa Bay Times questioned the move.


Republican Executive Committees of Hillsborough and Lee Counties have petitioned DeSantis to remove those offices as recently as July of this year. Crickets.

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Governor DeSantis has been a good Governor. We visit Florida often and can see a thriving state. I have always maintained that DeSantis should finish his second term. Floridians elected him to serve them not run for President. After his second term join Trump’s administration in some high profile position and use it to launch a 2028 campaign. I’d be willing to bet Trump suggested the same thing to him. I’d also be willing to bet that the establishment Republicans said to Ron, “You do that and your 2028 hopes are toast. Here is a boat load of money, run now, and beat Trump in 2024.” It didn’t work for JEB! And it isn’t working for DeSantis. I have worked in and around politics long enough to know how this stuff works. The party bosses run the show. Everyone, I mean everyone, was shocked by Trump winning in 2016. JEB! Had millions in his war chest and was completely blown out by Trump. This really pissed off the party bosses. They reluctantly went along with Trump when it became obvious no one was going to beat him. Then they helped to undermined his administration in an effort destroy his popularity. Problem was “We the People” loved him. It became obvious he was going to win 2020 in a landslide. So they looked the other way while democrats fixed the election (Obama was so good at it why not) and went back to politics as usual. What they didn’t plan for was it pulling back the curtain showing “We the People” just what was going on. Oh there are still the many in the “Great Unwashed” who haven’t seen or refuse to see the light but many have. Will it get Mr. Trump elected in 2024 I sincerely hope so. However the opposition has a ton of nasty tricks at their disposal and plan to use all of them to prevent it because if Trump is re-elected many heads will roll. And that my friends is what “We the People” want to see.

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They were part of the Uni-Party - no outsiders. And Trump is about as far outside and you can get. He is rich already so they can buy him and they have been trying for 8 yrs to get some dirt on him to black mail him. That hasnt worked.

I have come to believe that once someone gets to DC, either or both of those things happen. I wish that I am wrong. The cynical is out today.

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I was a big fan of Gov. Ron up until it was obvious he was, at some point, going to announce he was running for President in 2024. Why? 2 simple acts of disloyalty - 1) running against the man who “made him king” in Florida, and especially 2) lying to Floridians that funded and voted for him in his reelection campaign for Gov. He told them more than once that he was running for, and would serve out, his 4 year term. Since then he’s transferred a large amount of campaign cash to his national campaign while hitting the road to travel the country. Things have only become more glaring since. The pre-campaign campaign was clumsy. Everyone with a brain could see he was doing a poor job of hiding his intentions. Book tour? C’mon. His whirlwind world tour was an obvious tell, and the visit to London’s financial center was poorly received. The campaign “launch” on Twitter was just embarrassing. The Florida Republican CONgressional delegation stood solidly behind...President Donald J. Trump. They accused Gov. Ron of not taking their calls and generally being aloof. I am not sure the Florida State legislature was a whole lot more supportive. Reports from the campaign trail reinforced the notion that he seemed to have difficulty connecting with humans. His debate performances were unimpressive, but had the memorable “hand raise” moment. His policy flip flops seemed consultant/donor driven. And speaking of donors, he’s taken money from all the wrong billionaires. Sadly, the more exposure he’s had, the lower his poll numbers decline. I didn’t pay attention in 2016, because I was excited (more briefly than I expected) that Sen. Ted was running. Then PDJT started making sense and knocking heads. I mention this because one of the folks I wanted to like was Gov. Scott Walker, who had done such a great job in Wisconsin. He was done and out early, wasn’t he? DeSantis looks like he used up his political capital very suddenly and thoroughly, at home and nationally. I doubt that after this disaster he’s going to find many open checkbooks for 2028. He could have walked in as the leading candidate. Now I wonder what the rest of his term as Governor is going to look like. It didn’t have to happen this way....

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DeSantis was/is an effective governor largely because of the rock-rib majority of red, white and blue people that populate Florida, backed up by a Legislature largely composed of the same. But he is a politician.

When I was young someone very wise said to me, “a President - or any leader for that matter - can only be as effective as the people he surrounds himself with.”

Trump, in his first foray, not only into the political sphere but also into the den of iniquity we know as DC, was truly caught unawares this regard. His default nature is to like everyone and try to get along. Heck, he charmed Kim Jong Un!

But that was his Achilles heel.

While he hated the political world and it’s totally ineffective way of doing things, he totally underestimated the depths of wickedness and chicanery at work every minute, in every nook and cranny, of that Dante’s Inferno known as our Capital.

By his third year he was just catching on - but then came Covid.

Suddenly, in those utterly uncharted waters, he found himself surrounded by a cabal of some of DC’s truly heavy-hitter veterans of unparalleled machinations and wizardry, (a/k/a liars), compounded by a never-ending drumbeat of a media-driven all out “fear campaign” unleashed upon the entire country.

People fault him for going along with too much of what was being sold, but in actuality he was virtually sidelined and even any attempt he made to counter or temper their supposedly sage guidance was mocked and ridiculed. The paranoia and terror injected into the people of the entire nation didn’t help.

And while I admit to have been disappointed in much of how he handled things then, I don’t know how any human, much less any politician like a DeSantis, would have fared any better -and probably much, much worse - under those same circumstances.

We have witnessed the depth, breadth and almost incomprehensible lengths the Left will go to in order to get and maintain power. It is beyond mind boggling in the sheer audacity of its utter ruthless lawlessness and corruption.

So here’s the thing about Trump: A. he’s not a politician. He’s just regular man.

B. He’s a businessman. He’ll be willing to negotiate in good faith but if you try to f-around with him, he’ll crush you.

C. His eyes are WIDE OPEN now to just what a total cesspool our government is and who exactly are the snakes that slither throughout it.

So here’s the rub: we are admonished by God to never put our trust in any man. And for the love of God we should NEVER put our trust in any politician!

That being said, I would rather have a man who has suffered the slings and arrows of his enemies, stared that enemy in the face, called it out, and is more determined than ever to crush it, to sit in the Oval Office of the President of the US than any politician mouthing “all the right things” but wholly oblivious to the true nature of the battle for our lives and the future of our country that is set before us.

There only one guy who fits the bill: Donald J.Trump.

P.S. that is IF we ever actually have an election the way things are going. We shall see.

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This is sooooo exactly right. What he was dealing with was demons. Being a man, that would be excruciatingly difficult. I believe he was a new Christian. I cannot imagine a new Christian up against what he was up against. Many people do not understand this. They are looking at this battle as secular/physical. It is not secular, it’s a spiritual flat out WAR. DJT has learned so much I think he would go in differently this time. Hopefully strapped with the armor of God (Ephesians 6)

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Flat out marvelous, Suzie. You should save a copy of your comment, as it might have future use to be presented again somewhere else.

Especially loved these phrasings: "Suddenly, in those utterly uncharted waters, he found himself surrounded by a cabal of some of DC’s truly heavy-hitter veterans of unparalleled machinations and wizardry, (a/k/a liars)"; and "People fault him for going along with too much of what was being sold, but in actuality he was virtually sidelined"; and "Trump...was truly caught unawares this regard. His default nature is to like everyone and try to get along. Heck, he charmed Kim Jong Un!"

Trump's innocence was our innocence, too. None of us realized the magnitude of poison that had been accumulating beneath the surface of our national government.

In recent years, we have been living through the exposure of all this, which has been deeply distressing. But this exposure phase was necessary, and we now seem to be moving into the clean-up phase, and starting to gain some serious momentum. Yay for the nearly miraculous replacement of Kevin McCarthy with Mike Johnson!!!

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If the Trumpster did anything he exposed the Deep State and the MSM for what they are, a cabal of elites that are running the country unelected. There are still many of us who just can't believe it. We grew up trusting our betters. Some of my golfing buddies are still going to get the shots and the boosters. Me, count me out!

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Yep, normal good people just can’t really even comprehend such evil, it’s so alien to us.

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Sounds like your golfing buddies have taken many wayward shots in the head!

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Spot on Suzie !!!

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Excellent comment, Suzie. 'Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth' (read that somewhere).

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Excellent comment Suzie! Very thoughtful and very well written! Did you go to the Poca Bentley Man’s School of powerful writing!!

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Well said, Don. We dont dislike RdS, we just are disappointed he is effectively working for the globalist donors after demonstrating America and Florida 1st.

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TRUMP 2024 Our nation is being destroyed by a masked Marxist Democratic Party with a toxic agenda based on lies, misconceptions, and a glaring neglect for the American people and ignoring the very values established by our founding fathers. FJB and Barry Soetoro

As far as DeSantis goes, he's akin to Ronna McDaniel's (Pierre DeLecto's niece) who DO NOT and HAVE NOT serve our populace base and what we're facing. I contribute direct to candidates thru winred as I did before. The RNC are far from President Trump's base support. Again, I say, FJB and Barry Soetoro

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The Trumpster is his own man. He listens and then does what he wants to do. I don't believe DeSantis is his own man yet. Maybe down the road but not yet.

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No one wants to stay on theJV team for his/her whole career. You have to keep testing yourself to see how far you can go. I give DeSantis points for trying out for the varsity team. It's real life experience, and I am sure he will learn a lot. Soon he will learn he is not ready to be team captain, and, if he is smart, he will join in supporting Captain Donald J.Trump!

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I'm sure he will support Trump as the nominee. Any GOP candidate would be foolish not to. And would be ostracized in the following years. Maybe Crispy Creme would. Lol!

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Crispy Crème is all negative energy. Who needs that?

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I saw De Santis speak at an event here in 2022. He gave a great speech. I was impressed. He’s done a lot of good things as Governor and he continues to step up to the challenges staring every politician in this country in the face and respond decisively. He’s not perfect. But he’s head and shoulders above any other Republican governor in the country. Not even close.

So his humiliating collapse as a candidate was unexpected on my part. I think it was a grave strategic error to not stand with Trump. I think he may have lost any chance at the presidency. Impatience, ego, and bad advice are not a good combination.

I think before he leaves Florida he should do everything possible to ensure continuity of leadership in the same vein he has established.

I think he and Trump should mend fences if possible. De Santis could be an asset on the policy side, no doubt. He’s proven that he knows how to go toe to toe against the Left and beat them. He should do it for the country, not for Trump.

A positive note is that it appears we snuck in a good Speaker of the House despite the back room knife fighting led by RiNO loser McCarthy.

This is positive. I guess three weeks without a Speaker wasn’t the end of the world and Gaetz and co. aren’t delusional anarchists after all. Here’s hoping Mr. Johnson walks it like he talks it.

Trump 2024

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Mr .Johnson may be a smiling assassin when all is said and done. I hope he is ours.

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Yes, time will tell.👍🏻

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Read that new Speaker supports additional funding for Ukraine! Bad move right out the chute!

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Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. I agree Ukraine shouldn’t get more funding, particularly given the circumstances of the prior funding.

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I would have been all in for DeSantis in a 2028 run for president but he jumped the gun. He thought too much of himself and not enough about the country. He has done some good things for Florida but he should have thought beyond that and supported what is best for the country in 2024. It’s not him now and may not be him in 2028.

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Thank you for this column. I would be perfectly happy for either man to be President, but, as you say, the race for the nomination is virtually over. I'm a big fan of Trump, but trashing DeSantis helps no one. He's a good man and a very good governor.

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I am not one of the DeSantis haters. Never was. He’s a good man and willing to take on the powerful interests who want it all their way. Early on I hoped for a Trump/DeSantis ticket because it made sense longterm. It still does. I cringed when Trump attacked DeSantis with the childish jabs and forced him to respond in kind. This didn’t need to happen but egos are everything in politics. Wish there was a way for them to join forces for the good of the country but doubt it can happen now. Knowing this could have been a very good ticket for America, if Trump chooses a squishy female for his running mate I may leave the party. Halley is running for the VP slot or a choice job in the Trump Administration right now. She deserves neither. She is a war supporter and someone who is a classic RINO. So DeSantis is the right guy at the wrong time this cycle. I hope he keeps his campaign classy and on subject until 2028.

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Maybe the right guy. Surely the wrong time.

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I'll wait until 2028 to look at DeSantis again. He made some suspicious alignments with NeoCon money and globalists in his fight against Trump. Hubris without enough experience? Perhaps. I'll wait, but he should drop out now.

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"President Trump's second term needs him, though"

Perhaps - but in what capacity in a cabinet in Trump's second term?

Personally, I'm hoping for only the absolute essentals being filled, and a lot of vacant posts. I'm not sure where he'd fit.

Though, I could see Pushaw as the press secretary.

"Give DeSantis his due. He is fighting for himself and if a man won’t fight for himself, how do you expect him to fight for you?"

Indeed. LardMaster is right - Ron! is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I'm all in on Trump, too.

No, Ron! should not drop out of the race - he's kind of a shiny trinket that occasionally distracts the propaganda apparatus from publishing ever more elaborate lies about Trump, and he splits the NeverTrumpers.

**Yesterday, were the comments disabled for everyone, or was it a glitch unique to me?

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It was everyone. Surber forgot to enable the comment section initially when he posted the article! 🤣 If you look at yesterdays article the comments section got turned on. 😊

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Glad we went back, Gail.

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