The media and the Left are going to hype the next global health scare. Already there are reports out of China of a new strain of pneumonia with calls for masks and social distancing. Can lock-ins be far behind? Look for Dr Falsie to make a come back.
Exactly! Hammer the hell out of these things...the things causing work-a-day Americans real pain. Do not get distracted with anything else...period. Trump should say, "I'm going to finish the wall and make Mexico pay for that, too."
On target. I don’t believe the abortion issue gets more than the fringe lunatic Democrat to the polls. Frankly, the GOP should view it as a plus and run on the fact that on one issue, the court got it right.
Drop the abortion issue. It's up to the states and whether we all like it or not most people support it up to 12 to 15 weeks of pregnancy. It's a losing issue and turns people off.
Agreement but it isn't going to go away so long as it works to weaponize it. The left will try to get it enshrined in every state so we have to deal with it but it is a long term issue, not the kind that people use when pulling levers at the polls. The economy is always the first reason but this next election may be driven more by the illegal invasion issue than the economy. People are starting to see the cause and effect it brings and it scares them ...............finally.
I must say I believe its exactly the kind of issue some people think about before pulling the lever and can make them make the wrong choices even when they know its the wrong choice, its that radioactive. So then why not forget about it altogether or at least till we’re running the joint and look at the wisdom of trying to tackle it then. Otherwise were on side for everything else!
I don't know, Chuck, you may be right here. But I have always thought that when it comes down to it, the economy and the voters sense of safety is how they vote. There are a lot of people who dislike Trump to the max but they also see what is going on in the country and some will pull the lever for the "R" if they think it will make them safer and improve their economics. Maybe wrong, but I'm sure that polling is as corrupted as everything else in DC and we need to avoid being swayed by it. This is one crazy, detached from reality country we have today.
Trump is a smart guy. Surely he knows all this. If he doesn't, he has a serious problem his supporters haven't recognized. Haley likely has a support group within the Republicon Party. They need to be identified.....and watched. The elections next year may be the Tea Party's last chance to cleanse the Republicon that Reagan would have recognized it.
What substacks does Trump read? Does he read Instapundit every day? Why did he choose Barr and other Tea Party enemies? Don, does he ever call you for advice? He used to contact me all the time....or at least his obnoxious fund raising contractors did. Does he have an undisclosed problem that causes him to do and say some hairbrained things?
I agree with your observation, but I'd like to see the criminal fraud inflicted upon the J6 protesters dripping from now until the next election. I can't help but believe that some of our enemies will eventually realize who has manufactured the hoax which our central government has become. Fauci and the CDC ought to be enough to get through decades of indoctrination and "awaken the woke".
As for Israel, "from the sea to the river and beyond" no more.....same with men competing in women's sports and violating their restrooms. No more Bizarro World.
Bc Biden is only nominally embracing Israel—-he’s still releasing billions to Iran. Fulfilling Obama’s goal in the ME. This administration is trying to “help Israel” but also restricting their options. They’re trapped in a box.
Biden has a foreign policy tied not to right and wrong, but to voting. It changes and morphs as needed, just like the rest of his policies. They stand for nothing but uncontrolled power.
The republican establishment hates real People and real America protecting its globalist cabal; they told Trump one thing and did another. Kelly, Mattis, Tillerson, et al.
Remember the good guys he hired like Grenell, Patel, Lighthizer, Wilbur Ross, Gorka, et al.
I like Trump, but I wonder about his discipline. Does he read? Probably. However, his ego and need for praise blind him to decisions that would be obvious to many of us. His choice of cabinet secretaries has always been perplexing to me. In addition, he gives interviews to individuals who mean him no good. Some people say that he is Daniel walking into the den of lions. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. However, he is the best Choice for America right now.
You're right, LuAnn. And sometimes when he accepts interviews from journalists that don't like him, he's trying to at least get a few first-hand statements from himself directly across to that antagonistic journalist's VIEWERS.
I agree. However, he should look at the Democrats as all antifa or BLM, or the hummus loving Palestinian crowd. You can’t change their minds. it’s destroy or be destroyed.
Trump tightened the money supply, lowered the corporate tax rate from 39% - how the F was it ever allowed to hit that(Marshall Plan BS)? - to 21%, unleashed American hydrocarbon energy, and tightened immigration. Did the republican establishment do this from 1988 to 2016? No. And they won't with anyone not named Trump, Vivek, or Burgum.
In Feb 2020 you had the highest purchasing power of your life. Now?
Don you make many salient points, however I must disagree. American elections no longer focus on issues but rather vote counts. How Republicans win? Print more ballots or flip more electronic votes. They need to get into the vote manufacturer business, then they can worry about the issues.
Agree. In 2012, 0bama’s economy was in the toilet but he “won” reelection. Anyone who thinks the left didn’t cheat in that election wasn’t paying attention.
This is the big point for 2024. In 2020 several states clearly were stolen by the Democrats, using the massive amounts of money the Zuckerbergs and others gave them (and their officials in the counties they control).
For example, an audit of voting in nursing homes in the Democrat-controlled parts of Wisconsin (Madison to Milwaukee) showed all of the ~92 had at least 95% of the residents voting and ~20 had 100% voting. It is likely that less than 50% of those residents were capable of voting. The additional votes collected just in these nursing homes were enough to make Biden win Wisconsin.
And consider the situation in Fulton County (Atlanta) in Georgia. The director of the voting announced publicly around 1000pm that vote counting had stopped for the day, everyone should leave, and that voting would resume the following morning. Security cameras show a small group of people coming in around 1130pm, taking boxes hidden under tables, and going to the vote counting machines with them and running the machines.
why can't we just admit that we are more corrupt than argentina. just stating that makes me want to vomit but the reality one is suggesting milei's win was stolen and/or that the one day only vote count was incorrect. perhaps they have better technology than america.
"... and because most Americans trust Republicans to handle those troubles best.:"
Yeah, but which Republicans. RINOs have proven themselves to be traitors on every big issue. I must not be like most Americans because I don't trust the bastards. My broken-record warning: "Never, ever trust a Republican." Luckily, Trump is not a Republican. You can tell because Republicans hate him.
Why focus on Nikki Haley's 3" heels when the Democrats are all heels? Oh, and hand-count ballots. It's easier than machine counting. Biden's votes will be the ones marked in crayon.
As a former daycare teacher, toddlers love the dark color crayons: black, brown and purple. Biden voters use the flat sided crayons. 3-yr olds and up detest those.
I wish somebody would poll Trump vs Brylcreem. As I have said several times here. Joe ain't gonna be the nominee. He was the straw man who had name recognition in 2020 to get enough real votes so the ballot stuffing and mail in fraud could put him over the top. That said, I believe Mr. Trump has a plan to combat the fraud this time around. As far as Brylcreem is concerned his record in California should make even that state break for Trump. Bill Clinton's campaign manager, James Carville, is the guy who came up with, "It's the economy stupid." The dems will try to make abortion the issue. It is all they've got. They think this off year election has proven that issue can win. Now if we could just get rid of Cocaine Mitch...
Never underestimate the repubs ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!!We are living in an upside down society in which common sense and reasoned logic appear to be hiding in plain sight,very efficiently I might add.Another master piece from Don Surber hits the web between the IIIs{idiocy and incomprehension].Great post but poll needs aota.
Since DeSantis has dropped in the polls, Nikki Haley has become the new Republican establishment media darling to knock Trump off the primary perch. She's got anti-American, globalist baggage DeSantis doesn't have so she's toast. The uni-party is really struggling to throw anything in front of the Trump locomotive to derail it, but it's gaining momentum anyway. So the question for these saboteurs is, "Can you tell the people are super pissed with you idiots? They're about ready to storm the Bastille and murder every one of you." At least, that's their fantasy.
IF they had common sense, werent eGOP or a liberal lefty. But omg the trash they send out, the Dems tried ramming Hillary through. So now the eGOP thinks it was Hillary's looks that were the problem.... mmm nope, she sucked monkey balls. Nikki chicky is just as bad, she just looks better.
Maybe, maybe not Don. We GOP’ers always think black Americans are going to wake up “this election” and vote “R”. Where is the history for them doing so? But maybe it will be different “this time”, eh? No, I don't think it will. That’s our GOP problem. We fail to learn. Why will ultimately decide this election for us is GOP turnout. Maybe I’m just dense but we don’t seem able to mobilize our voters when it matters. Too many people believe polling and when it looks like it’s all favorable for us we believe it. Polling is done by both sides to sway opinion. Make people think your party is a shoe-in and people stay home. The majority of polls today are compiled assuming Mr. Trump is the GOP nominee. The results reflect that fact. But put, say, Ms. Halley in the spot instead and it would result in a much different result. Halley represents the old GOP, Trump the new party, whatever that is. So if Mr. Trump can fend off the arrows and prevail against the Democrat judicial corruption, I cautiously believe he wins in a landslide. But if people start believing the favorable polling and don’t vote, lookout.
That’s true. But we have been woefully complacent since then. I think too many people ignore reality when voting and black Americans are the worst. That’s why it is waste of time trying to convince them they are being used. If they can’t see it by now, forget it. We win when the party is energized and goes to polls. There are enough people worried about the state of the country to win but we have to get them off the sofa and to the polls.
Regarding wake up “this election,” as long as there is a dem operative willing to drag a fin through the ghetto, etc., (analogous to Clinton's dragging a dollar through a trailer park). It's only a meme, but a possibly true one.
I don't believe that myth about dragging $$$. I think the latest leftist stunt of demeaning whites in favor of POC may have something to do with it though. Remember the old saying "nothing happens in politics by accident".
With due respect, we do not have to become what we detest about our adversary's. Ballow harvesting is only the first step. We aren't going to like what comes after.
It is fun to watch both Haley and Ron! self implode. Nikki has her people give a hat to a kid and then compliments the kid on the hat the kid is wearing only to have the kid tell Nikki where she got the hat. Bet she wasn’t expecting that answer. Kids say the dad seat things as Art Linkletter use to say.
And then we have “buy an endorsement Ron!” who exposed two snakes at once buy “donating” to a famous Christian politico in Iowa. Now we know both the preacher and Ron! are buyable for the right price… just like Joe.
I read “emulate Democrats” as “immolate Democrats.” I like my way better.
Yep. I get fired up just thinking about it.
So do I. Pass the matches.
Way gooder
Except I don't want McDonald's to become self serve. It's bad enough when I have to cook at home.
( This assumes that President Trump secures the border and deports the invaders.)
Haley’s comments should disqualify her. She can try again when she comes around again in 75 years.
Comments on all blogs are the most telling of where things are at.
God help the voters in 2099!!
The media and the Left are going to hype the next global health scare. Already there are reports out of China of a new strain of pneumonia with calls for masks and social distancing. Can lock-ins be far behind? Look for Dr Falsie to make a come back.
Let them try it. The refusal to participate will be momentous.
The pneumonia scare is planned Chicom psyops. They are in more trouble than it appears. So a diversion
The media and the Left??? You repeat yourself.
Oh, and it's socialist distancing.
Other than that, spot on.
Talk about Target!
Keep Hammering these 3 points…with pictures and connect the dot restaurant playmats for the educationally deprived…
Immigration…the Economy…Energy Policy. (Yes they are all related). But do it! Over and Over and Over Again.
Name me 1 North American that is not affected by these at some level!
And drop the Abortion and Gun Rights thing until we’re in, They are alienating Flash Points we don’t need to distract from our Message!
There! Easy Peasy Lemon Squeasy!
A Happy and Joyous Thanks Giving to you all!
Exactly! Hammer the hell out of these things...the things causing work-a-day Americans real pain. Do not get distracted with anything else...period. Trump should say, "I'm going to finish the wall and make Mexico pay for that, too."
Yes on the third point, energy!
Thar's wisdom in them thar words, CG!
How can I not like your like Lawsy!
On target. I don’t believe the abortion issue gets more than the fringe lunatic Democrat to the polls. Frankly, the GOP should view it as a plus and run on the fact that on one issue, the court got it right.
Drop the abortion issue. It's up to the states and whether we all like it or not most people support it up to 12 to 15 weeks of pregnancy. It's a losing issue and turns people off.
Life or Death a losing issue?
Why are we even discussing it?
I've always been "pro-choice". I choose Life, until God decides it is time for death.
But it’s no longer a federal Issue - it’s in the states hands now.
To be tricked into discussing it during a presidential election is just plain foolish.
Stick to economy/ energy/ illegal immigration. A trifecta.
Agreement but it isn't going to go away so long as it works to weaponize it. The left will try to get it enshrined in every state so we have to deal with it but it is a long term issue, not the kind that people use when pulling levers at the polls. The economy is always the first reason but this next election may be driven more by the illegal invasion issue than the economy. People are starting to see the cause and effect it brings and it scares them ...............finally.
I must say I believe its exactly the kind of issue some people think about before pulling the lever and can make them make the wrong choices even when they know its the wrong choice, its that radioactive. So then why not forget about it altogether or at least till we’re running the joint and look at the wisdom of trying to tackle it then. Otherwise were on side for everything else!
I don't know, Chuck, you may be right here. But I have always thought that when it comes down to it, the economy and the voters sense of safety is how they vote. There are a lot of people who dislike Trump to the max but they also see what is going on in the country and some will pull the lever for the "R" if they think it will make them safer and improve their economics. Maybe wrong, but I'm sure that polling is as corrupted as everything else in DC and we need to avoid being swayed by it. This is one crazy, detached from reality country we have today.
Trump is a smart guy. Surely he knows all this. If he doesn't, he has a serious problem his supporters haven't recognized. Haley likely has a support group within the Republicon Party. They need to be identified.....and watched. The elections next year may be the Tea Party's last chance to cleanse the Republicon that Reagan would have recognized it.
What substacks does Trump read? Does he read Instapundit every day? Why did he choose Barr and other Tea Party enemies? Don, does he ever call you for advice? He used to contact me all the time....or at least his obnoxious fund raising contractors did. Does he have an undisclosed problem that causes him to do and say some hairbrained things?
I agree with your observation, but I'd like to see the criminal fraud inflicted upon the J6 protesters dripping from now until the next election. I can't help but believe that some of our enemies will eventually realize who has manufactured the hoax which our central government has become. Fauci and the CDC ought to be enough to get through decades of indoctrination and "awaken the woke".
As for Israel, "from the sea to the river and beyond" no more.....same with men competing in women's sports and violating their restrooms. No more Bizarro World.
Agreed. If we would get out of Israels way and leave them alone, they would fix the Hamas issue. Wonder why we don’t?
Bc Biden is only nominally embracing Israel—-he’s still releasing billions to Iran. Fulfilling Obama’s goal in the ME. This administration is trying to “help Israel” but also restricting their options. They’re trapped in a box.
Biden has a foreign policy tied not to right and wrong, but to voting. It changes and morphs as needed, just like the rest of his policies. They stand for nothing but uncontrolled power.
I thought his foreign policy was tied to Davos Switzerland, just doing the WEF's bidding.
Maybe, it obviously influences it. But I think it is something else, far more sinister. At the speed this is unfolding we will know soon.
I don't think it can be more sinister than the WEF. They are Satan's own. It will likely be from them that the anti Christ emerges.
My worry is that he intends to stab Israel in the back which is what Barry and ValJar Binks want.
So sadly true.
Because Obama is actually running things and he's watching out for his own kind.
You are spot on Ep.
Too worried about PR.
Some with money. Israel (my eventual home) could probably buy the US and have it moved to Pluto!
Speaking of the palistidiots, I'm beginning to think we are living in the days of Zephaniah.
The republican establishment hates real People and real America protecting its globalist cabal; they told Trump one thing and did another. Kelly, Mattis, Tillerson, et al.
Remember the good guys he hired like Grenell, Patel, Lighthizer, Wilbur Ross, Gorka, et al.
I like Trump, but I wonder about his discipline. Does he read? Probably. However, his ego and need for praise blind him to decisions that would be obvious to many of us. His choice of cabinet secretaries has always been perplexing to me. In addition, he gives interviews to individuals who mean him no good. Some people say that he is Daniel walking into the den of lions. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. However, he is the best Choice for America right now.
It's the constant need for Revenge. If he could shut that down for the duration, he could win.
No, not really. It's the other side's constant need to try to destroy him that is the problem.
You're right, LuAnn. And sometimes when he accepts interviews from journalists that don't like him, he's trying to at least get a few first-hand statements from himself directly across to that antagonistic journalist's VIEWERS.
I agree. However, he should look at the Democrats as all antifa or BLM, or the hummus loving Palestinian crowd. You can’t change their minds. it’s destroy or be destroyed.
Gorilla TV
Haley has a support group in the WEF. She's about as conservative as Gov Brylcreem. She says what her master's tell her to spew.
Trump tightened the money supply, lowered the corporate tax rate from 39% - how the F was it ever allowed to hit that(Marshall Plan BS)? - to 21%, unleashed American hydrocarbon energy, and tightened immigration. Did the republican establishment do this from 1988 to 2016? No. And they won't with anyone not named Trump, Vivek, or Burgum.
In Feb 2020 you had the highest purchasing power of your life. Now?
This $hit aint hard, folks.
Xiden has more Achilles heels than a centipede. The two discussed here are enough to take him down, possibly over the margin of cheating.
Good one Sir Lardmaster!!
There is no margin of cheating when you can electronically alter the vote. 100% of ballots cast could be marked for Trump and they still steal it.
Don you make many salient points, however I must disagree. American elections no longer focus on issues but rather vote counts. How Republicans win? Print more ballots or flip more electronic votes. They need to get into the vote manufacturer business, then they can worry about the issues.
Agree. In 2012, 0bama’s economy was in the toilet but he “won” reelection. Anyone who thinks the left didn’t cheat in that election wasn’t paying attention.
Precisely why the uproar when DJT won in 2016.
Donks have been cheating at least as far back as Dewy beats Truman. Probably as far back as before Lincoln.
This is the big point for 2024. In 2020 several states clearly were stolen by the Democrats, using the massive amounts of money the Zuckerbergs and others gave them (and their officials in the counties they control).
For example, an audit of voting in nursing homes in the Democrat-controlled parts of Wisconsin (Madison to Milwaukee) showed all of the ~92 had at least 95% of the residents voting and ~20 had 100% voting. It is likely that less than 50% of those residents were capable of voting. The additional votes collected just in these nursing homes were enough to make Biden win Wisconsin.
And consider the situation in Fulton County (Atlanta) in Georgia. The director of the voting announced publicly around 1000pm that vote counting had stopped for the day, everyone should leave, and that voting would resume the following morning. Security cameras show a small group of people coming in around 1130pm, taking boxes hidden under tables, and going to the vote counting machines with them and running the machines.
why can't we just admit that we are more corrupt than argentina. just stating that makes me want to vomit but the reality one is suggesting milei's win was stolen and/or that the one day only vote count was incorrect. perhaps they have better technology than america.
"... and because most Americans trust Republicans to handle those troubles best.:"
Yeah, but which Republicans. RINOs have proven themselves to be traitors on every big issue. I must not be like most Americans because I don't trust the bastards. My broken-record warning: "Never, ever trust a Republican." Luckily, Trump is not a Republican. You can tell because Republicans hate him.
Which Republicans indeed.
Magadonian Deplorables.
Why focus on Nikki Haley's 3" heels when the Democrats are all heels? Oh, and hand-count ballots. It's easier than machine counting. Biden's votes will be the ones marked in crayon.
She seems to be getting more and more media attention since she's beginning to edge out DeSantis for 1st loser.
Kinda like shining a light in an empty room.
As a former daycare teacher, toddlers love the dark color crayons: black, brown and purple. Biden voters use the flat sided crayons. 3-yr olds and up detest those.
I wish somebody would poll Trump vs Brylcreem. As I have said several times here. Joe ain't gonna be the nominee. He was the straw man who had name recognition in 2020 to get enough real votes so the ballot stuffing and mail in fraud could put him over the top. That said, I believe Mr. Trump has a plan to combat the fraud this time around. As far as Brylcreem is concerned his record in California should make even that state break for Trump. Bill Clinton's campaign manager, James Carville, is the guy who came up with, "It's the economy stupid." The dems will try to make abortion the issue. It is all they've got. They think this off year election has proven that issue can win. Now if we could just get rid of Cocaine Mitch...
I like the way you think and hope you're right that Trump has a plan to deal with fraud this time.
Never underestimate the repubs ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!!We are living in an upside down society in which common sense and reasoned logic appear to be hiding in plain sight,very efficiently I might add.Another master piece from Don Surber hits the web between the IIIs{idiocy and incomprehension].Great post but poll needs aota.
Also don't underestimate the power the media still has over the weak minded ones.
Since DeSantis has dropped in the polls, Nikki Haley has become the new Republican establishment media darling to knock Trump off the primary perch. She's got anti-American, globalist baggage DeSantis doesn't have so she's toast. The uni-party is really struggling to throw anything in front of the Trump locomotive to derail it, but it's gaining momentum anyway. So the question for these saboteurs is, "Can you tell the people are super pissed with you idiots? They're about ready to storm the Bastille and murder every one of you." At least, that's their fantasy.
I actually wouldnt mind a female president -
IF they had common sense, werent eGOP or a liberal lefty. But omg the trash they send out, the Dems tried ramming Hillary through. So now the eGOP thinks it was Hillary's looks that were the problem.... mmm nope, she sucked monkey balls. Nikki chicky is just as bad, she just looks better.
Ain't gonna be no wimmen presidents. Evah!
Maybe, maybe not Don. We GOP’ers always think black Americans are going to wake up “this election” and vote “R”. Where is the history for them doing so? But maybe it will be different “this time”, eh? No, I don't think it will. That’s our GOP problem. We fail to learn. Why will ultimately decide this election for us is GOP turnout. Maybe I’m just dense but we don’t seem able to mobilize our voters when it matters. Too many people believe polling and when it looks like it’s all favorable for us we believe it. Polling is done by both sides to sway opinion. Make people think your party is a shoe-in and people stay home. The majority of polls today are compiled assuming Mr. Trump is the GOP nominee. The results reflect that fact. But put, say, Ms. Halley in the spot instead and it would result in a much different result. Halley represents the old GOP, Trump the new party, whatever that is. So if Mr. Trump can fend off the arrows and prevail against the Democrat judicial corruption, I cautiously believe he wins in a landslide. But if people start believing the favorable polling and don’t vote, lookout.
Blacks voted Republican before LBJ bought them off with the Great Society Hoax.
That’s true. But we have been woefully complacent since then. I think too many people ignore reality when voting and black Americans are the worst. That’s why it is waste of time trying to convince them they are being used. If they can’t see it by now, forget it. We win when the party is energized and goes to polls. There are enough people worried about the state of the country to win but we have to get them off the sofa and to the polls.
Regarding wake up “this election,” as long as there is a dem operative willing to drag a fin through the ghetto, etc., (analogous to Clinton's dragging a dollar through a trailer park). It's only a meme, but a possibly true one.
I don't believe that myth about dragging $$$. I think the latest leftist stunt of demeaning whites in favor of POC may have something to do with it though. Remember the old saying "nothing happens in politics by accident".
It's not just turnout. It's mail-in voting and ballot harvesting. Rs gotta do that, too.
Ballot harvesting needs to be outlawed for obvious reasons. Its a joke.
Yes, it's a joke, Reddog, but it has to be done to compete.
With due respect, we do not have to become what we detest about our adversary's. Ballow harvesting is only the first step. We aren't going to like what comes after.
Do you want to win?
Sure but what is your point?
your reasoning (to me) is the same reasoning that supposedly 'conservative' women vote democrat to support abortion.
It is fun to watch both Haley and Ron! self implode. Nikki has her people give a hat to a kid and then compliments the kid on the hat the kid is wearing only to have the kid tell Nikki where she got the hat. Bet she wasn’t expecting that answer. Kids say the dad seat things as Art Linkletter use to say.
And then we have “buy an endorsement Ron!” who exposed two snakes at once buy “donating” to a famous Christian politico in Iowa. Now we know both the preacher and Ron! are buyable for the right price… just like Joe.