General Patton was often called, "Old Blood and Guts," but in point of fact, his casualty levels were considerably lower than other wartime generals. Why is that? Because he was always in the enemy's face, pushing, pushing, pushing. He never gave the enemy rest or the time to regroup into defensive positions. Yes, he drove his men hard, but he drove the enemy harder.

Now that the Enemy of the People is on the run, we need to do the same as Ol' George. Push, push, push. Drive them into the dirt and grind their jawbones into powder beneath us. Never kick a man when he's down? Nonsense. That's the best time to kick him. Let's keep giving the Fourth Estate a continuous thrashing until it understands once again that its role is to Tell The Truth. Tell the truth no matter who is involved, whose ox is gored, and the Devil take the hindmost.

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I agree with your analogy and to tell the truth. In a discussion with my Army retiree group, we all agreed that Mr. Trump has taken a page out of George Pattons doctrine this time around. He is prepared and he goes on the offensive and never slows down. His opposition can’t keep up with him because he attacks so many places simultaneously. Trump 2.0 learned from his first four years and the last four. He is giving his opposition exactly what they did to him. Their madeup lawfare attacks served no purpose for the country and were damaging. Now, the left sees the result. And they are largely powerless to stop it. They will of course find lefty judges to slow him up but they wont be successful long term because now, they no longer own the justice system in this country and the majority of citizens are with Trump this time.

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Ah, while I like your Patton reference, I have quotes that suggests the news media have always been partisan, corrupt, and annoying. This one is by Jefferson who, though qualifying as the ultimate free speech advocate, complained in 1805:

"During the course of [our] administration, and in order to disturb it, the artillery of the press has been levelled against us, charged with whatsoever its licentiousness could devise or dare. These abuses of an institution so important to freedom and science are deeply to be regretted, inasmuch as they tend to lessen its usefulness and to sap its safety.”

And a couple of years later he carped, resignedly: "Nothing can now believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle."

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Yes, the newspapers were partisan back in Jefferson's time, but the difference was they were usually labelled as such and all the readers knew the news was being reported from a certain viewpoint. Today's news pretends to be objective (maybe with the exception of MSNBC) and that has been their downfall.

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People will read the news so long as it supports their worldview and doesn’t outwardly lie to them. That is changing because the media has been exposed as nothing but fake facts and lies. .

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Sadly, I have family that watches MSNBC and they believe it is objective and truthful reporting. They continued to believe Hunter's laptop was Russia-fake even AFTER the FBI said it was real because MSNBC kept that false rumor alive.

I artfully dodge topics at the Thanksgiving dinner table knowing an argument would never change them and it would ruin the day for all.

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Aaron Burr was crucified by the media after killing their darling Alexander Hamilton. He might have been a bad guy, but they overdid it and ruined him.

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The only thing Burr settled was who was the better shot.

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David didn't let Goliath get back up.

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I believe his head was whacked off. Hard to recover from a wound like that. So where is the MSM's head so the Donald can whack it off.

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Donald takes scalps not heads. So far it includes Jake Tapper, Dr. Fauci, John Bolton, General Milley, 17 IGs, and a lot of Federal government employees. Many more to follow.

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01/29/25: It's amazing that so many of these lazy, self-entitled fools are so unprepared. When they provoke a "common sense" response to their questions, it is instantly apparent more often than not that they never anticipated the response.

Which means they didn't think before opening their mouths. And after being on a four-year vacation with Binder and her washed-out, vile associates, they're in no shape to keep up with the people they're "interviewing." Road kill. Good.

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Right now their collective heads are buried way up where the sun don’t shine I believe.

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He may be working on cancelling their licenses

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01/29/25: It's been "teed up," and the almost unbelieveable thing is --- OK, it's believeable, these are the people who are outraged that murderers and rapists are being apprehended --- the MSM last-ditchers are mostly responsible for dong themselves in. Jim Acosta dramatically "resigns." Crickets.

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Exactly right, and you say it better than I did when I said this before Trump took office.

Pound these miserable twerps continuously without pause. Put them on the back foot. Let them play defense. Trump is the only Republican who has done this in my lifetime. God bless him. MAGA.

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Good analogy, but the current media cannot and will not tell the truth.

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Thank the good LORD the msm suicided this past election cycle while blogs and podcasts expanded their influence to reasoning voters.

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One of the main reasons for the legacy media's precipitous decline is that they don't tell the truth...and secondly, they don't do any true research/digging when "writing" a story.

Most of their "stories" consist of finding an "off the record" source who is quoted, to advocate for their leftist position on (insert topic here).

We cut the cord, don't do FB and get all our news from reading and various substacks/podcasts. Haven't missed anything, for that matter always know the news sooner than almost all my friends/acquaintanes.

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01/29/25: BRAVO! And the left is playing right into General Trump's hands by retaiing the human fossils in their party, while the Trump administration has wisely combined two requirements for appointment to office: Merit and youth.

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"Never kick a man when he's down? Nonsense. That's the best time to kick him.”

Yeah, it’s do much easier than trying to kick him when he’s standing up.

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If only Patton had been commanding the Virginians at First Manassas.

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Excellent treatise, Jim. Explains some strategies that work such as our nuking Japan and beating into dust the Nazi Germans. Also explains some of these scripture story examples etc of David beating the enemy into ashes under his feet.

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Waiting for the day -- should be very very soon -- when the White House replaces CNN's press credentials with the Libs of TikTok because they have a larger, more informed audience. LOL. All this winning is becoming a bit overwhelming. Fun overwhelming.

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Libs actually does research. She and Andy Ngo are bright stars

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Already happening: the White House Press Room has announced it will now be opened to all media from all news outlets and websites.

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Brilliant. Chaya Raichik IS.THE.BOMB.

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The likely outcome of recognizing greater diversity of outlets admitted to the WH press room, is that a greater diversity of outlets will be called on for their questions. To the loss of CNN, et al.

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I learned as a youth competition creates better products//the msm is unaware of the definition of competition .

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Beware “The Vance Glance”

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Don't know if there could be a better compliment to the President than JD.

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I can’t remember someone becoming a meme as quickly as JD has.

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I can't believe that I know what a "meme" is......LOL

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The back pedaling media has now backed off a cliff. No matter what they ask or report, the conservative followup questions are automatically "Who?" "What??" Where" and "When?" That stumps them, every time. Hooray for our side.

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Exciting times. I tell my kids and grandkids to pay attention. I've been above room temperature for about one third of the countries history from the Korean war to Donalds second presidency. We are at a turning point that is biblical in scope and global impact. The Trumpster is hitting them so fast and hard with his Delta Force level staff that they can't process all of it. Pardons are so last week. Now millions of federal workers have been given a buyout offer. Who saw that coming??

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Does it get better than this? Absolutely real memo sent to all federal employees:


“Put Resign in subject memo; Hit send”

🤣 The beauty of simplicity!

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I'm thinking the buy-out strategy may have come from Elon. I'm pretty sure he used that when he took over Twitter.

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If I recall he was even more blunt to the resisters. He just said “you’re fired” without the $$$. When you turn on someone like Musk or Trump, you have a fight coming.

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You can probably get by with more bluntness in the private sector. These government people have all sorts of rules and protections and it makes for a bigger battle that often ends us in the courts.

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Jan 29Edited

Pierre Poilievre interview is a classic (or rather classique). We all know him now rather that mouse who is retiring.

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Fake interview. Not a single sentence ended with the Canadian exclamation mark “eh”.

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Many of us have worked hard to get it out of our daily speech, eh?

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Haha, funny Kevin!

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He's going to be the next Canadian prime minister!

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He's likely even in the short clip on how to pronounce his name:


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For years, Trump had angry outbursts screaming the media is 'fake news'. His supporters agreed with him but his opponents just used it to illustrate their position that Trump was unhinged. This new-found skill in DJT handling interviews seems to have been adopted by his crew and applied quite well.

It is so satisfying to see the media be slowly minced into bite-sized pieces on camera as the interviewee deconstructs a false premise and spices that mincemeat with undeniable facts. The dessert is watching the faces of the interviewers go through a cycle of surprise, shock, and a squirming helplessness as they reach for a word with which to respond and nothing comes out of their gaping mouth.

We need a meme of face shots of interviewers at that exact moment when they reach that point.

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Yes, there is a calm about Trump this term. When you rummage thru his wife’s lingerie drawer you have no idea what retribution is coming your way. The FBI and justice department are just now about to find out. Just watch and savor. Melania is for sure.

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I love winning. Donald Trump did this.

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I haven’t finished reading the article but I just had to stop and respond to the Tapper/Miller exchange.

“You’re kinda changing the subject.” From just one of the numerous “journalists” who would ask Kamala a question and then had no pushback to her ten minute word salad, in which she cackled, made no sense and didn’t answer the question.

Go away, Jake. I’m sure that Acosta would love some company in his exile.

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Maybe the two could open a donut shop. Maybe name it Liars Club.

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Governors Shapiro, Moore, Whittmer, (Pritzker) Cooper & Newsome along with Senators Klobachar, Kelly and Booker and finally AOC….save your time and donors’ money and sit out 2028. You are not beating JD.

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Forget Newsom. Casualty of fire mismanagement. Angry celebrities are not easily brushed off after losing their homes.

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I like to say that Gavin Newsom's political career just went up in smoke...and woke. I think there must be a limerick somewhere in there.

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And not a one of them could tell you what the Nazi party stood for, just that they were evil.

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They've got nothing to sell except Trumps a Nazi. The public ain't buyin it but that's all they've got so they keep trying to sell it.

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Fundamentally, the people who largely make up the media are morons (sorry Don, I did say largely …). I graduated with a physics degree over 40 years ago. Even back then, communications/journalism majors were known on campus as “low achievers”. The only ones worse were the Education majors (shocker, huh). My observation is that college doesn’t appear to have gotten more rigorous over the years. It’s hard to put into words how much it pisses me off to listen to someone in the media who knows less about a topic than I do (when it’s their actual damn job).

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What will really upset the apple cart is giving credentials to podcasters & bloggers — “we are the media now” types. No more insider trading.

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"On October 14, 2023, Pierre Poilievre became the first opposition leader in Canada whom Americans have ever been able to name."

He was the first opposition leader I recognized. He eats an apple like Donald Trump takes a bullet.

But, it was a while before I could name him.

I could never get the hang of French phonetics.

I love this guy and hope he is gathering momentum and support in Canada.

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Poilievre is going to win the next election, even if the media don't like it.

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I hope so.

I'll send him a bushel of apples to use in his many media interviews.

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Here’s Stephen Miller showing how it’s done.

(Best part is when he laughs at Tapper 🤣)

Enjoy WINNING!!!

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I find Miller an exceedingly unlikeable person at face value but that is irrelevant. He is very knowledgeable and quick to take control of a discussion. Always one step ahead of his opponents.

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People (like Miller) who don't sugarcoat the truth and just state the facts bluntly are often a bit abrasive. I wonder how many of the Founding Fathers we would find to be "unlikeable"?

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That was good! Thanks for sharing.

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Our new Press Secretary revealed yesterday during her briefing, how they are expanding access to many other types of distributors of information well beyond the "legacy media"

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Besides conducting a master class for WH press briefings, Leavitt took a shot across the bow of the MSM by calling on Axios and Breitbart News first. The unmistakable message is, ABC, CBS, NBC, DNCNN, etc. are irrelevant—not important to WH messaging, and not worthy of trust. A majority of voters likely agree.

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Agree Cookie. That gal is 27 and has poise and confidence. She was obviously nervous but handled it like a pro. Shes fun to watch. Her enthusiasm is contagious. How the press corp changes to her will be fun to watch.

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The media - as we have known it - is dying due to the fact that in the age of Obama they abandoned all pretense of objectivity (which had been false anyway going back - @ least - to the the FDR admin). The fact that Trump then slew The Hildabeast sent them into spasms of apoplexy.

The Trump Admin should start cutting out the corporate/alphabet media & replacing them with independent/ conservative bloggers which - if a recent video by FNC’s Jacqui Heinrich is to be believed- is happening. The corporate media’s bias has been baked into the cake for decades; now it can be cut out.

Fire up that chainsaw.

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Just like Javier Millei

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Ha Ha. "The back pedaling media has now backed off a cliff". Descending whistling sound followed by distant thump.

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Don’t forget the mushroom dust cloud at impact circa Wiley Coyote.

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