I voted for neither choice, Don. I doubt either of those two people can actually run, one because she is too lazy and one because hes too fat.

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Find out, drive a donut truck past Krispy. Better have a souped up engine or you're toast.

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19: Mfume was born Frizzell Gerald Gray and was a street gang member as a yout, so he knows the root causes of Baltimore's murder epidemic.

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OMFG! You weren't kidding!! I had NEVER HEARD THIS before!!

What a POS grifter this guy is.


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I'll start off by saying "Calling the remake of Snow White "BROWN SUGAR" was rich. Mr. Suber, that was classic.

As far as the article went, my favorite was "ITEM 12: Ace of Spades reported, “Barry Diller: Hollywood Faces an ‘Absolute Collapse’ If Actor and Writer Strikes Are Not Resolved Soon.” The UNION writers are actually paid to write this crap ?? They do almost as good a job as the mindless UNION teachers who are paid to educate your children.

I will repeat what I said a couple of days ago. The 'left' continue to lie because to tell the truth would be an admission that you are wrong--on EVERYTHING.

Excellent article, Mr. Suber.

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Suppose the change agents that put a gay in every TV show. Thank goodness for fast forward.

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They are still there and they are still getting paid.

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IF the writers and actors who go on strike are also receiving residuals for reruns of past work, this would mean that the companies (Disney et al) are being forced to support the strikers. Just a thought.

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Belle woke up before Snow. https://youtu.be/AJzds6fRfjM

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DS: "Tip to parents: As long as he’s governor, don’t let your kids attend any sleepovers at the governor’s mansion."

The governor of Louisiana is the deceased Michael Jackson?!

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Today’s poll is radioactive

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Yeah. I voted for Christie for the same reason that I voted for McCain. Christie's a joke; she's repulsive and dangerous.

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Lots of funny ones today: except many are true. Truth is stranger than fiction. The one with AOC is the best parody, though. On second thought, that might actually be true. I bet she's thought something similar. Have a great weekend and thanks for sending these out.

Danny Huckabee

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That could actually have been said by US Rep (Hou) Sheila Jackson Lee (not related to Bobby). Was on Houston ISD Board w my mother. Ambitious, but not a great thinker. She asked NASA about how close was the Mars rover from the Flag the astronauts put on Mars….

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That anecdote about Sheila Jackson Lee is unsurprising, but what galls me is WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS -- EVER -- TO CALL OUT THE MORONIC-NESS of DEMOCRAT CONGRESS MEMBERS!?!?!

The dumbsh*t Dems CONSTANTLY give opportunities (ie. wondering if Guam will TIP OVER?! WTF?!) and the Rs sit like mute porch monkeys saying NOTHING. 😡

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They can’t say anything due to the melanin content of the skin of those you mentioned. That would be RACISS!!!!

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I don't care. Rs are p*ssies if that is the excuse they use for staying silent in the face of such grotesque ignorance. Let's not forget their newest addition, who avoids the 'racist' pothole -- Fetterman!

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SJL has always been a top contender, with Hank Johnson, for the dumbest member of Congress.

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Add VP Kamala to the list. She and SJL make a box of rocks look like Albert Einstein.

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The writers strike is putting a hold on future Disney bombs.

The Little Merman (and they don’t mean Ethel Merman) where Ariel undergoes an addadicktome.

Barry and the Beast - the gay love affair between Dylan Mulvaney and the beast, where Barry ultimately undergoes a chopadickoffofme and becomes Bertha.

Cinderella - where Cinderella rejects the toxic masculinity of the prince and falls in love with and marries her two step sisters.

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I refuse to answer today's poll on the grounds either answer will make me puke.

Can anyone explain the MEME of the WEEK to me? I don't get it. 🤔

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From the movie “The Birds” by Alfred Hitchcock. A classic. Check it out. And the words are from a song by The Carpenters. Don knows his music history.

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When I saw that meme, in my head I could hear Karen Carpenter and became hungry...

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A very sly and deft comment about the cause of her demise, while adroitly steering clear of bad taste. There. No more food-related jokes until tomorrow, at least.

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Ok, I know that Carpenter's song, but what does it have to do with anything?? Is it just random?

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#2. I installed an EV charging station for a guy who got a Ford lightning. He commutes 40 miles for work and must charge it at work in order to get home as well. He was pretty good natured about me laughing, his employer required it.

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Had an electric car was ok when driving in town other than stopping in the middle of the road periodically. However, driving out of town was a nightmare. Had to stop to charge it after two hours on the road. At the high speed charging station. Every time I went there had to call the company to have it rebooted which took five minutes, then it took a minimum of 30 minutes to recharge. All of these stations were located at Walmarts. The Ford lightning was doomed from the start since it cannot go far and cannot hold its charge. The only thing it’s good for is being a generator. I think Kohler has a cheaper one.

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Item 5. I suppose it’s for similar reasons there are so many shootings in Chicago daily. If only they had gun control.

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Item 23:

I applaud RFK Jr. and cheer wildly that he is disrupting the Democrat Party, but he should be kept far, far away from any public office.

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ITEM 4: Breitbart reported, “Arkansas ‘2022 Teacher of the Year’ Had Sex with Student in Her Office.”

Forget it, Don, it's Arkansas.

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Now, now. Arkansas gave us Sarah Sanders -- penance for the Clintons

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Remember this joke?

Q: Why did O. J. Simpson want to move to Arkansas?

A: Everyone has the same DNA.

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I remember when one of Bill Clinton's rape victims was beaten senseless and one of their state police officers told the victim "Putting some ice on it will help reduce the swelling." If there were ever a reason to dismantle a police agency, that would be it.

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It wasn't the police who said that, it was Slick Willy himself. To Juanita Broderick after he raped her.

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Thank you for the Juanita Broderick name. The article I read long ago said it was a member of Mr. Clinton's security detail. If true, Clinton is an even bigger monster than Jeffery Epstein could ever have made him

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But it's ok -- cuz he's a Democrat. 🫤 😡

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Tony, give Bill a break cuz ya know, HILLARY! Nah just kidding, they’re both monsters who had season tickets to Epstein Island.

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I like to remind people of what Hilary's prosecution team comment during Watergate said about her and why she was removed. Hilary Rodham was removed because she was considered "Too Dishonest.". Imagine being called 'Too Dishonest for Washington DC.'. If HRC had any morals at all, she should have NEVER shown her face again and probably ended her life. HRC is SO corrupt, I have often referred to her as The Biblical Harlot.

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However, in the Bible, the harlot - Rahab - finds redemption.

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You're welcome.

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It’s true.

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If Clinton hadn't existed, Epstein would still be molesting schoolgirls at Dalton.

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The boy was also her brother. Worse yet, it was sixth grade. Worse yet, they're twins. Nuff with the arky jokes, besides most of them are true stories.

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Item12: I haven't seen any post about "Sound of Freedom". Went to see it a few nights ago. Have to say that I'm 71 and it's probably the most powerful and moving movie that I have ever seen. I don't really care about the Hollywood stuff. If you want good quality entertainment please support and go watch "Sound of Freedom".

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Item 1

A better title for the upcoming bomb of a movie might be Juanita and the seven cartel flunkies.

What would Walt say?

They obviously have lost their way over at the mouse house and show no signs of taking the foot off the gas pedal

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#1. She's no white and the seven dorks? And only Doc knows if the carpet matches the drapes and if her insey is an outsey.

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Don, the AOC pic is awesome. Thanks.

Neither choice above, as neither could "run".

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In other Stanford news, the university president is forced to resign due to story written by 18 year old freshman.


Maybe he is a real journalist in the making, or is it just another Bob Woodward destroying someone to whom he is politically opposed. His parents are both propagandists... err...“journalists“, one at the New York Times, and one at the New Yorker. 😂

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Don, maybe you can take the young man under your wing. 😉

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