17: Market Commons is a mixed use real estate development on the site of the former Myrtle Beach Air Force Base. The main road is Farrow Parkway. The road in named in honor of Billy Farrow, a young man from Darlington SC and one of the Dolittle Raiders. I wonder how many tourists know Farrow’s story. Lt. Farrow was captured by the Japanese and executed. The Darlington community spent the war years not knowing Farrow’s fate. My mom was one of those left wondering. I have no sympathy for those offended by honors to the Raiders. For me he personifies the many Japanese war crimes.

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How can they justify not honoring those that fought for the liberties they enjoy? Braindead is what they are.

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Not to mention ignorant and stupid. And what’s worse they don’t want to ever learn anything.

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Facts and the truth conflict with their belief system.

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The Raiders were based originally at Pendelton Oregon. Just 55 miles from my place. Knew several people who were contemporary to Gen. Dolittle. Amazing story.

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I was part of the Oregon Army National Guard when they dedicated their new aviation facility at the Pendelton airport to the Raiders and the 555 Parachute Infantry Regiment, an all black American Army unit who were the first smoke jumpers. Got to talk with the five Raiders at the little hosted party afterward. Still sends chills up my back thinking about that evening. Sadly, they are all gone now. One of the Raiders was a minister from Salem and his tale of how some of the less fortunate Raiders lives ended after the raid was heartbreaking. They were all true heros, which is a much over used word today.

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Aviators, The: Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, Charles Lindbergh, and the Epic Age of Flight, by Winston Groom is a interesting read

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I have it good read.

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Debate? I'd rather watch paint dry.......

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Calling those things a debate is an insult to anyone who has ever actually participated in a real debate

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Not a debate, more like an entertainment event.

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But not even very good at entertaining.

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They arent good for much except peddling BS and pretending they are the real deal. All marketing.

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Neil Postman was so prescient when he wrote "Amusing Ourselves to Death." We are an entertainment/celebrity culture, and there will be consequences.

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Spot on target. And there will be consequences. We are living them today. Taking nothing away from many celebrities' natural born talents, I am just appalled at how so many young mush heads literally worship celebrities who in most cases have never down anything for society or this country except "take from it". The black American culture worships people like Spike Lee who has made a wealthy life from exploiting the very culture he purports to believe in. The Kardashians have never done a thing for America except market their sexuality, yet they are extravagantly wealthy from it. The list of their peers who do the same is long. For most of us, we are long since tired of being lectured by these shallow people. When the spark comes and people go into the streets in mass to protest, I hope it ends with some finality. Hate to see this country go thru this again.

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Not just young mush heads. How about all of those older "babes" that watch the disgustingly stupid "The View."

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Time is going to fix that problem I suspect. Stupid comes in all sizes and shapes, eh?

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Didn’t watch the show. Too many people and not enough time for each to speak about what they want to accomplish. And oh by the way whatever they promise is just something they think they need to say to win. Once anointed they will do whatever there handlers tell them. They all want their 15 minutes of fame.

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And the big paydays and chance to steal as much as possible. When my kids were growing up I taught them to always vote against the incumbent. I told them he or she has had enough time to steal whatever they can. Now it’s the next guy’s turn. My kids grew up figuring their dad was kind of weird. One out of three admits I was right

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Rudi made NYC great. He turned the city around after decades of stagnation under Democratic control - I’m old enough to remember the Lindsey administration. The city was safe and clean. His leadership through 9/11 and the aftermath was heroic. He lead from the frontline during the attack putting his life in jeopardy. Anybody who lived in NY at the time knows this. I don’t understand the lack of respect for this man today.

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Cause, he did what you remember. Fascistcrats don't like that.

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TEM 4: Radar Online reported, “Desperate Democrats Begging Michelle to Run in 2024: Party Insiders Secretly Testing Support for Former First Lady.”

If voters remember correctly, the liberals TRIED to get Michelle obama to run going in to the 2016 election and she received less votes than Liz Warren. Get used to the fact that The United States had a queer president and that their "Children" have NO birth certificates and Michelle has a penis.

I majored in faggotology for awhile and herr obama has to come out of the closet, so I say this. The most damaging thing you can do to a homo is to ignore him. obama's outer shell is starting to break big time and he can't stand being ignored. Her, she or it, fairy barry once again has to be the center of attention and (s)he is the ONLY way to make that happen.

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Michelle didn't run before because she didn't want to work that hard. Now she might reconsider since Biden has shown the job is really three days a week, three hours a day, weekends off and liberal vacation time.

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If Moochelle runs as VP (Gavin Newsom's running mate) will she have to work very hard? Can someone tell me what Kamala does every day?

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As far as what Kamala Harris does every day. Kamala Harris does nothing which is why she has NO accomplishments except to show off her "Horse" face whenever she 'smiles.'

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Interesting comment. Where did you get your information? A ticket like that would be a liberal's worst nightmare and I don't believe it would even be legal. The reason I say is that is you can't have people from the same part of the country on the same presidential ticket. A second reason is that they both believe in oral sex to get somewhere in life.

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Well, the Obama's have four mansions in different locations but I believe they have always called Chicago their home. As for Kamala, thank you for making my point. Kamala does nothing so Moochelle can't use the excuse for not running that she would have to work too hard. She won't have to do anything.

The opinions are mine based on reading many articles from writers I respect. I firmly believe Newsome could be the (D) nominee. The open question is who will be his running mate? The Obama name has a lot of "pull" with voters and to elect the first transgendered VP would be a milestone in their (not my) eyes.

BTW: I believe the recent tsunami of transgenderism in the news is to desensitize society about the issue so Moochelle can run AS THE FIRST transgender candidate. Maybe s(he)'ll leverage the "T", maybe not, but s(he) still has sway among leftists.

Time will tell but that's my bet as of today.

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(S)he won’t have to do the actual work but (s)he’ll still have to show up every day, look presentable and mix with the unwashed masses, not to mention living in the hated WH. (S)he currently has everything imaginable with no responsibilities. Nope. Not happening.

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I cannot see the attraction of a Gavin Newson as he has been responsible for one disaster after another, starting with homelessness with his admission to his/her total failure being on the subject. The simple and cheap answer is to re-open all the closed military bases, staff them as needed and NO compensation to be paid to those who insist on living this way. I can't recall in the United States Constitution that you must be paid a monthly stipend to use as you want. Enact these two pieces of legislation and homelessness would end in a day. As far as the obamas' having four homes, they do. That doesn't mean they have room for illegals or street people. Typical attitude of Ghetto trash spending money they have NOT earned, so I will assume you are against reparations as well.

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Newsom hates California and Mrs. Obama hates the USA, perfect ticket

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There are a few other plausible theories on who the Dems will run, but until they know whether DJT is fully restricted from running, they won't enact their plan. Aside from Newsom, I think Hillary would step in to get the "first female president" title, but that will depend on whether Trump is able to run. If they keep Trump out, I think it will be Hillary and still a possibility of Michelle O as running mate. We won't hear a peep until the issue of DJT is settled once and for all.

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Probably not.

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I-T-E-M 4

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Just shows how the left is lacking any awareness of how much people despise Moochie and her husband. There are plenty of Dem women who could actually be successful candidates but the far left would lose their control if elected so they make sure to only promote radicals and far lefty's who have never worked for a living. Mr. Obama has the life she wanted and will never run for office because she cannot win. She's just lazy.

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One good thing is that "RINO" is being mentioned all the time now. It took Rush a long time to finally get the RINO thing but he got it. Along with it, the concept of the Uni-Party is part of our daily discourse. So, the enemy is clearly identified. That it doesn't seem to bother them may be an indication they're over confident. Good...

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"oui-oui" certainly a great Highlights of the Week with many items I hadn't seen before.

Also, of note: #'s 7, 9, 10, & 14.

Thanks, Sir Surber, for a great Saturday review.

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"Coolio Trump"! Which makes Biden, Dirty Ol' Bastard.

Sorry, Hawaii. You elected Biden; now you know. To boot, your hideous fascist-bitch Senator who makes Joy Reid (CNN) look like Betty White (I hope Joy appreciates the name selected).

You've dug your graves. Twice. First time, on election day. And now, today.

Obscene / preposterous NY Post headline about the RINO debate --- I saw it and knew that what had transpired was the exact opposite (if Kamala Harris had been on stage, the quality of the debate would have been improved). Pence looked like The Penguin in a 1960s Batman episode.

Around 7 am each morning, I pick up the Post, rip out the inner sports pages, and trash the rest. It wasn't always like this. Shifting into prostitution can be a very gradual process.

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Heard Hirono is still trying to buy train ticket to get back home. Any truth to that?

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What self-respecting train would admit her to the premises?

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Are we witnessing the destruction of our great nation by the very people who represent us? Can't help but to believe that, while people go on as if nothing has happened. Ever since Obama hood-winked people into believing him. Obama and his trans-wife have done nothing other than plant their Marxist, progressive liberal agenda throughout our federal govt and courts, by saturating it with like-minded idiots. We're a mess and if you vote Democrat, you too are a problem and a dangerous one. Deception is the new government program, just like the failed outcomes of Affirmative Action is and has been.

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We do seem stuck in a “waiting game”, while the Left’s lawlessness and corruption continues unabated, tormenting us daily.

It’s like the story of David and Goliath.

This young shepherd boy, who was just bringing food to his brothers in the army at the battle lines against the Philistines, who were all cowering in fear of the Philistine giant Goliath.

David didn’t get it. He said, “Is there not a cause? Why is no one believing that we have the God of Israel on our side?”

And he went out to confront Goliath, without a sword or armor, just five smooth stones and a sling shot, and, in the name of the Lord, slung a rock right into his forehead and dropped him dead on the spot, and then cut off his head with the giant’s own sword.

Then the Israeli army rushed the now terrified and fleeing Philistines, and defeated them.

Are we waiting for a David?

Or, are we in need of a greater faith in the living God like David’s?

Maybe both.

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We know the Dems will ride this corrupt wave as far as it takes them so I don’t expect them to slow down. The real question that needs an answer to the “mess” you refer to is WHERE ARE THE DAMN REPUBLICANS?

I get they only have a slim margin in the house and not the Senate or Whitehouse, but they aren’t trying to do anything except have worthless investigations. Where is the outcry? Crickets . . .

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The Republicans are playing their role in the Uni-Party script. How many times have Republicans "vowed" to fight back? How many dumbass hearings have Republicans held or promised to hold? It's all for distraction and delay. Like I've said, never, ever trust a Republican.

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I used to be a skeptic of the uni-party but havent been in yrs. This batch is the worst.

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My new nickname for Don. THE HISTORICAL ORACLE. I know. Sometimes I am really awesome.DOWN, PRIDE! BEAT PRIDE DOWN TO DUST!! Like DJT is soon to do to his enemies.

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First comment. Alright alright alright. Mathew McConaughey.

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People in my neighborhood were repeating a-a-a like a mantra and not even aware that they were saying it aloud.

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Final comment. See today's blog The Shepherd's Journal. I LOVE YOU GUYS! Also, I'm creating a hashtag to make it easier to find me on Facebook and Twitter. It's #ILOVEYOUGUYS

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#1: Bret Baier is Greg  Marmalard to Rupert Murdoch's Dean Wormer in the propaganda apparatus.

#2: If Democrats - both documented and undocumented - are able to stave off the day of political reckoning by stealing election after election, they won't escape the far more existentially consequential judgement day.

#4: I once believed that there was a politician no more cynical than Bubba Clinton, but I am wrong.

Thinking that the '08 election results can be replicated just because the nominee is the husband of the first black sodomite president strikes me as the height of cynicism. How tragic should it prove to be the smart play.

#7: "The destruction of Nord Stream by the Biden administration, either directly or through proxies, is killing the German economy."

Perhaps even largely true, Germany's "leaders" have been/are equally complicit. Remember this?


Whatever else may be the consequences, Germany, and the rest of Europe have brought the current state of affairs on themselves. If it is sympathy they are seeking, I suggest they consult an English-language dictionary, and search between the words, 'sh*t,' and, 'syphilis.' In any event, I have none for them - no one else ought to, either.

#8: It's difficult for me to conclude that even a fictitious animated character deserves the insult of being analogous to the dementia-addled Wilhelm.

#9: Agreed - but who will prosecute? What judge is going to allow it?

#12: He'll face no charges, for now - I'm sure that once it's brought to Gretchen's attention, that will change.

#14: "Libs hate it when conservatives play by their rules and win."

Indeed - which is why it needs to be done much more frequently.

#17: Damn straight - me, too!

#18: Good Lord, no. I thank God that I was spared such a fate.

Second only to the fans of Notre Dame football, Buckeyes fans both, collectively and individually, are the most obnoxious and insufferable of congregations - they make Wolverines fans seem almost human, in comparison.

#23: Under investigation by who? A subcommittee in the currently Republican HoR?

The target(s) need not be the least bit concerned - it will come to absolutely nothing.

#24: I fear that is what will happen.

It takes a conscious effort for me to divorce the film from Will Ferrell - the only reason I can view it is because it was directed by Jon Favreau - he of the film, Swingers, fame - not the speech writer for the first black sodomite president.

As for the poll, kudos to Dr. Cat. It's option #1 even without it presented as such.

Honestly, I couldn't care less what the hell happens to NYC - or the state of New York, for that matter.

Brother Don, you have my eternal gratitude for the way in which you distill the madness, insanity, and hopelessness of these interesting times in which we live into that which lets us laugh to keep from crying.

Another complete Saturday morning with a large cup of coffee that tastes even better for your efforts.

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Brett Baier....🤮

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I resent your ownership of footballs fans being registered to these teams.Watch an Or.Duck game to see the elite of the elite total a-holes.

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Granted, my sample size is limited to what once was the Big Ten (because there were ten member schools), and ND was included because of its being located in the heart of the Midwest.

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Now the Big 10 has what 16 teams and half not in the midwest?

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18...and now it's considering poaching a couple from the ACC...

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I was being sorta facetious but damn....

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When I was on an SM platform that shall remain nameless, I would often refer to the B1G thusly:

"The Big Ten (sixteen member institutions, but who's counting? Mathematics and arithmetic is racist, anyway) Conference."

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No prob here.

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Marvelous recap today that tickled all over.I figure the folks Anthony wrote and sang about are the ones looking in the mirror and seeing super-heros.Narcisstic bunch of spineless,brainless and soulless a-holes all reaching for your wallet in passing.Poca Dot Pot will put you on high,oui oui?Keep up the great work Mr.Surber,you are a treasure in the mold of Rush,Walter E. Williams ,Thomas Sowell and V.D.H.

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“ I trust they took Mister Mulvaney along with him because he still has a oui-oui.”

Coffee and keyboard don’t mix. Thanks a lot, Don. 😉

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Welcome to Don's highlights and the commentators here. I have replaced mine 3 times now. Monitor is safe and the cleanest in the land.

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I’ve been here long enough to look forward to Don’s humor but that comment was the funniest one yet.

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Watch what they do, not what they say.

The GOP talks a lot. They do very little.

They are disloyal as can be. President Trump is the leader of the Republican party. He’s the opposition leader and the clear GOP presidential candidate. And the establishment GOP won’t stand up for him or the vast majority of GOP voters who support him. In fact they kneecap Trump and us every time they get a chance. Do not give them your money or your time. They don’t work for you. They work for Rupert Murdoch, George Soros and other billionaires who are not friends of this nation.

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There was a debate? Who was involved? What were they debating?

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I think they were debating which of their red ties looked the most like Trumps.

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Item 8: Don, Nelson Muntz is a genius compared to our anacephalic White House occupant.

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