Item 31

It is rich that Piglosi was cited in the Supreme Court decision to stop Slo Joe’s taxpayer give away to the deadbeat student loan recipients. Their stupidity always comes back to bite them. Wonder just how much Nancy is fuming.

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I was shocked she said that. It's probably the only time she's ever been right. No wonder the Supremes memorialized it.

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My favorite opinion came from Thomas in a concurring opinion on affirmative action, just completely slamming Jackson's opinion, she being the most notable affirmative action hire in the universe; and demonstrating that too many given preference under affirmative action are actually completely incompetent. I'm sure if we go back into the 1800s we could find some political hack who got on the court who had no business being there, but KBJ is certainly the least competent person appointed to the court in over 100 years. Thomas, who wasn't black enough and who was attempted to be legally "lynched" by our current president, must have enjoyed writing his concurring opinion a great deal. He slashes at KBJ's competence with almost every sentence he writes. And attacks with great vigor the basis for her entire professional career. She is a fraud. Tough being called out so ably to your face in such a public way. But when you get in over your head, sometimes it's not very fun. I imagine KBJ's influence on the court is minimal. I'm glad FJB wasted his pick on someone who will be even more inconsequential on the court than RBG was.

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Sonia Sotomayer would like to have a word with you... 😁

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Not enough. She’s still breathing

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I doubt she actually said it, or even remotely expressed such a sentiment. Roberts knows on which side his bread is buttered - that was inoculation.

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Seriously, none of these people save possibly Rand Paul write their own material. WDC is a heinous beehive of fly-by-night writers who for the right amount of cash will pass off Nancy Pelosi as the American Shakespeare.

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I think someone actually found the quote and posted it on Twitter. It appears she did actually say that.

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“I don’t know whether to laugh till I cry or laugh till it hurts.” There is no crying in the Highlights of the Week post

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Another head-spinning week ending on a high note with the Supreme Court decisions. All 6-3, highlighting the political hackery of the three unwise liberals.

Brown is a disaster and Justice Thomas smacked her silly in his concurring opinion on the Haaavaaad and UNC discrimination cases.

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You can see the obvious divide on the high court. The Wide Latina and the recent Diversity hire are not distinguishing themselves.

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‘The Wide Latina’…😂😆

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One of the great typos.

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Not a typo!

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Ooops! Sorry I underestimated you. Great play on words!

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Not to mention Kagan’s embarrassing lack of intellect for not defending the Constitution. I thought she was smarter than that. It sucks to be a Jew blinded by leftist ideology.

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What I find somewhat shocking is how poorly written (and researched) the dissents have been. It's one thing for a justice to disagree on what the facts mean, it's entirely something else to be incorrect on the facts themselves. Brown's dissent would have failed a 1L legal research and writing class.

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As I read this week…probs from the Bee…the best argument for ditching ‘Affirmative Action’ by the Supreme Court sits on the Supreme Court!

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The Bee is suppose to satire but often the information there is more accurate and honest that what you'd get from the corporate media.

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The editor of the Bee recently observed that their material is supposed to be satire of events and public statements, but those things themselves are beginning to resemble the most biting satire the Bee could produce.

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Anyone taking bets that Brown’s law clerks are affirmative action hires who received affirmative action admissions into law school.

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Makes sense. They can join those pilots....

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And surgeons!

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I’m not an attorney but an old guy who’s been following this stuff for a long time. Seems to me an example of that famous line from a movie: “stupid does as stupid is” Or something like that. Relative to the job they are in they are three not very smart women so they have chosen equally bad staff which produce bad results. That’s my theory.

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Quality writing is a thing of the past, at least in the public square. On the few occasions when I read "news", I am dismayed by the low standards they tolerate.

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What's happening now to content for the web is that AI is being pushed. Not as good as this human yet!

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I was amazed too. I had to write better papers for my Business degree. We had one prof who was such a stickler on business analysis that his class was dreaded. He would have given her an F and told her to rewrite the damn thing.

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These manuscripts are researched and written by the law clerks for each judge but they are probably all diversity hires to begin with so building a complete sentence may be a skill they are still trying to develop. Although, you'd think the judge would proofread before its release and make necessary corrections - and maybe they suffer the same skill deficit.

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Morning SL,

Know what story keeps spinning thru my mind…the story about RBG and how she was this powerful voice for women and blah, blah, blah, and a beacon of light for progressive legislation and so on and so forth. But in the end, when she was well beyond her ‘best before ‘ date, when her side desperately needed her to step down so they could get another leftist rat to take her place on the SC and at a time when they could have, she decided to ‘Hang in There’ just long enough to kick off under the Admin of DJT and give us (err You, apparently I have to differentiate today) Amy Barrett and our long awaited return to a 6-3 Conservative Court…at least on paper! If that isn’t a sign that God is on our side I can’t find another one.

And Tony, if you’re going to remind me about sentences that run on and on, I know but I was on a roll!

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Yes indeed. God was n control on that one.

And Mississippi’s William Falkner wrote massive run on sentences and is considered one of America’s great writers.

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I read once that an early indication of dementia is excessive use of the conjunction “and.” That made quite an impression “and” reduced my tendency toward run on sentences.

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You’re all excused due to the great point you were making

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😁 It's been just over 10 years that one of my English professors got on me about English corrections and run-on sentences was my specialty with punctuation being a close second. Unless someone corrects you, how could you possibly know when you make a mistake.

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"Unless someone corrects you, how could you possibly know when you make a mistake."

Should end with a "?".

You're welcome.

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It was meant as a rhetorical comment, so no punctuation is necessary.

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I ❤️ it when the experts weigh in!

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I get that, but no one was minding me at the time.

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You must be butter, then...

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Brown is far and away the most loquacious of the nine. She loves to "hear" herself talk, a tell for narcissism. She will never say in ten words what she can say in 1,000. Does she see herself as the most important member of the court?

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Equally capable to the bidet veep.

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Maybe she just not smart enough or educated enough to express herself more succinctly!?

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Thank you DJT

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Mayhaps Col. will now stop the persecution of Christians?One can pray it will be so.

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Item 8. Don. I say open up the welcome wagon. I'm from CA and I've lived here 15 years. As a conservative, I still had to learn what real freedom was like. It blew my mind that you could buy a gun in a pawn shop or from a guy's trunk in the parking lot vs paying fees and waiting 30 days. AND most people are nice here. They use all five fingers to wave you into to traffic, while CA only needs one...

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OK, you can come but don't spread it around

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Liberal Californian are locusts. They have destroyed their state have destroyed Oregon & Washington. They are destroying Nevada, Utah and Texas. Suggest you keep them all out.. Sorry Jeremy

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Colorado and Georgia too!

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And Idaho

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I saw it from CA in the 90s. First Oregon and Colorado eventually even Montana... Libs are locusts BUT now those that remain in those big cities like SF get to live in their own filth... literally...

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Some years ago we moved to Florida from nj while our son was in college. The first time he came to visit he couldn’t believe that purple everywhere actually said hello and stop and talk and make eye contact.

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KJB opinions make Whoopi Goldberg “The View” commentary’s seem like Cicero.

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Lol ouch...

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The US Constitution and all state constitutions explicitly prohibit bills of attainder. “Attainder” is a term from English criminal law that equates to being declared tainted and having one’s civil rights nullified. A royal writ of attainder would declare somebody tainted and nullify their civil rights without a trial, declare them guilty of some crime and then punish them without benefit if trial. A bill of attainder attempts to single some person or entity out for punishment and then pass a law ex-post facto to punish them. It’s illegal. It is basically what they are doing to Trump and his team. Presidential records act, Espionage act, the Logan act, all have been used to selectively prosecute specific individuals for political reasons for crimes that either don’t exist or for novel interpretations ( never used before) of existing statutes. It’s un-American and illegal.

Men are men and women are women. Trying to rename anatomy to suit political objectives of mentally troubled people is absurd. Why more feminists are not defending women from these attacks by hostile men is a testament to the fact that all that matters is power for Democrats. There are no fundamental principles on the Left, only rhetorical BS rationalizing the current power putsch. You’re only as good as the Dems’ last election performance , preferred victim groups. Remember that.

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Correct, Tanto. It's exactly what is being done to Trump.

Here's my take on why many feminists, but not all, are not defending us: They have no use for the family and for women who have children and want to stay home by choice.

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Or don't want to put their careers first.

Women are not men. We all make different choices and should be supportive of them.

However, all women should be united in this attack against us. It's a real attempt to erase us.

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Yeah. It’s just more hypocrisy from them either way. Susan B. Anthony is spinning in her grave.

It’s easy to be aggressive when nobody scary is attacking you. Now when the Establishment lives up behind the transsexual movement, suddenly the radical feminists are silent. Women (and men) should be calling them out in this.

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I actually thought that was what the feminist movement was. The idea that women could be what they wanted, whither that was a mom, or a career or both. It was about having the choice. Now the new T movement is taking everything female and turning it to dirt.

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That was my understanding, too. I chose both. It was very, very difficult. And there are always sacrifices and regrets.

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There are always sacrifices and regrets. I think that goes with being a good person. Life is shades of gray even when we are taught it is all black and white. I hope your joys were more than the regrets, I think that is all we get really.

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I sometimes wonder if I would have made the same choices again. The answer is Yes, I owuld have had a career and family. What I regret is delaying marriage and having children at 39 and 42. Too old.

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1. “No man is above the law - even the President of Harvard”


2. “ hope they use the Don Corleone Treatment of a slap across the face and a command to be a man”

…or the scene from “Moonstruck” where Cher slaps Nick Cage and yells, “Snap out of it!”

3. Solomon should’ve told him the warranty on his presidency was about to run out.

19. The utter absurdity of having an ‘ecological consequences conference’ in the middle of a war zone is the height of parody - it’s more like a skit from Monty Python!!!

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I would prefer Moe poking them in the eyes, followed by a slap and then a heavy wrench to the head.

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I could never stand the 3 Stooges, but in this case I will gladly make an exception!!

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It helps to be male - not intended to be sexist or misogynist, but it seems to be true!

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I concur!

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Understood. It was clearly male humor of the 1930's. Years later it evolved into Super Bowl commercials, mostly by Bud Light and Doritos.

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The article said:

"And No Labels, which says it intends to raise $70 million to possibly place a third-party candidate on the presidential ballot next year, refuses to disclose who is financing this project.”

"I just read this morning that George Soros is having massive layoffs in his organization. My response was: Is the antichrist really running out of money?"

As far as government entities being sued for exceeding their authority, please do so at every opportunity. This is true payback for the damage these savages have done to MY country. As far as The USSC goes with their decisions, I can't remember a better way the month of June has ended. HELLO JULY !

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What a week! I may have a terminal case of schadenfreude.

Happy Birthday, America!

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The Macon team should meet them halfway.

They should get sponsored by the local Vietnamese restaurant. Call them the Pho-kers

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I have a son-in-law who is beyond nuts about bacon. So, I bought him a Macon Bacon shirt. He is happy as a pig in slop.

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I want to be mummified in bacon when I die 🤣

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Who knows more about bacon than The Lardmaster? no compromises.

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Like I said, bacon is keto.

Lard is back on the menu, boys!

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My mother-in-law makes her tortiere crust with lard. Delicious!!

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Two slabs of a Vidalia for a bun wrapped around half pound of bacon,yummy>

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Don Surber, you continue to reinforce the concept of "the pen is mightier than the sword" with your work. Your writings anger me, enlighten me, and make me laugh like hell! Happy Fourth of July to those of us who realize the importance of our US Constitution and America. The rest of you I hope to see at the departing gate at the closet airport GOD BLESS AMERICA

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Item 9 (Re: Bonus Holes) WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!! Just sayin.

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"Bonus Holes.". What's the issue?? You smell and taste of poop 💩. I see no advantage in that nor do I want to. Maybe you should read the book "SHOGUN" to remind yourself of the sickness of homosexuality. For those really hardcore queers out there, remind them that Hitler was not only a liberal, but for many years was a practicing homosexual. I mean what woman would want sex with someone who not only had hideous breath, but farted all the time.

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Bonus Holes -- When I read that this week, I was insulted. It's ridiculous. Recently, I actually heard a Canadian doctor on TV call women birthing people. Another insult. The other side tries to win by perverting the language and trying to make us conform to it. I am very glad this month is over.

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So do children pop out of the Bonus Hole?

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Does that make kids "bonus prizes?"

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I thought kids came from Cracker Jack boxes?!? mmmmm

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Nope. They're in the Trix boxes. They even advertise: "Trix are for kids!"

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hahahaha *monitor alert

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Why, yes it does!

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Bad cat,bad bad cat.Great rundow n to end the month and mostly on a high note.Probably the best quotes of the week came from the demo dream squad of hairgel the wise latina and the lizard of the swamp.The top of your post is a perfect hammer leading into the 4th of July.Too bad the self chosen guardians of(democracy?) either cant or wont read let alone understand something written in plain English.We are winning Mr Surber and they feel the swelling seas.

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I don’t think a slap from any Corleone could make a man out of anyone at Boston University...maybe at Boston College though.

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What demented idiot keeps a phone on them that is prima facia evidence of a crime and then answers it? FJB

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Yes, exactly! Must be a big guy who needn’t fear the law.

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Answer: President Sniffsalot.

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I am beginning to believe Don was a comedy writer in a past life. Maybe for the TV show “The Facts of Life.”

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