13 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Trump was on fire at the Al Smith charity fundraiser. Whoever wrote the material he used has a bright future in his administration.

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There is a theme on X that Trump is old and exhausted. The man has been campaigning for more than a year had has outlasted many younger men and women. Also someone ask Jack Smith when did the campaign trail become campaign trials.

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He is Superman for sure.

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And Al Smith wants to know: when did tributes become tribulations?

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nice. when did the campaign trail become campaign trials.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Our first president is also a comedian, shades of Don Rickles. On Kamala: “Instead of attending tonight, she’s in Michigan (little known fact among the Silver Tsunami. Click on the underlined) receiving “ Communion from Gretchen Whitmer.” On Biden: “Joe has almost disappeared from view, the only way he could be seen less is if he had a show on CNN.” On Schumer: “Chuck Schumer is here, looking very glum… but look on the bright side, Chuck: considering how ‘woke’ your party has become, if Kamala loses you still have the chance to become the first woman president.” For those in Rio Linda: “Three weeks prior to his death, Don Rickles shared his final tweet, which he made in loving tribute to his wife, Barbara: “We are celebrating our 52nd Wedding Anniversary March 14th. Happy Anniversary my dear wife, Barbara. You are my life. [heart] XO Pussycat'

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13 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Item 20

How many more of these freaks are out there in front of students?

The citizens of Gettysburg need to recall every board member who voted to reinstate this sick freak but didn’t because of “transphobia “.

It isn’t a phobia when these people do the stuff they do. It’s called common sense and a duty to protect innocents.

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You reminded me that I recently read an article from some leftie site, can’t remember which, where the word “phobia” was defined as “hate”. Once again, the left is trying to re-write the language to suit their agenda.

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I call them "the Word Police"

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Word police would be correcting the error. Word nazi, but nazi is overused. Maybe word Marxist?

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I will stick with Word Police as that says it all for anyone to understand considering our audience (besides us) in the general public who vote for "them".

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Sadly there have been too many incidents lately where the police aren't the good guys. I may start using it as well.

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In general I think the police ARE the good guys but remember they have had a lot of new woke rules put upon them as well.

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And no one does it better, more's the pity.

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Has anybody watched the "video" that Kamala produced to be shown at the Al Smith dinner -- clearly to avoid attending in person? I tried, and found it too stupid, too juvenile and too condescending to see it to the bitter end. Unbelievable, really -- but what can one expect from someone who thinks that uncontrollable cackling can conceal her cluelessness?

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Please do not doubt for one second that Kamala and her handlers despise Christians. At her campaign rally yesterday, when she mentioned how important it is to be able to abort your baby anytime, someone in the crowd yelled “Jesus is Lord” and she told him he was at the wrong rally and the whole crowd laughed derisively. I cannot adequately express my disgust for this woman.

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Amen FFF.

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We all understand that Kamala is a Godless Heathen, we are just waiting for the Lord GOD to show her THE WAY.

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Or show her her eternal residence.

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I would add that video was pretty weird, too.

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I assume DT means Donald Trump -- but what about the rest of it? Pardon my unfamiliarity with social media abbreviations.

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I See What You Did There. ISWYDT.

It's like SCoaMF, Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure.

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Thank you for this elucidation. Unfortunately, I remain puzzled about how it relates to what I wrote.

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I believe Tmitisss was responding to my comment describing Kamala’s very disrespectful Catholic video presentation as her campaign’s preferred word for all things Trump and Vance - “weird.”

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I was telling you what his abbreviation means, the DT isn't for Donald Trump.

You wrote " I assume DT means Donald Trump - but what about the rest of it?"

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I was thinking the same thing...please use words here. :-)

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I See What You Did There ISWYDT

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More like Cringe.

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Harris at her peak intelligence .

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LOL, her peak intelligence happened in the fifth week of pregnancy when the first brain cell formed and ended the next day when it died.

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Yes, and I wish it had been shown right before Trump's speech for contrast.

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I watched 25ish seconds. That was it.

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57 mins ago·edited 56 mins ago

Beat me by 25 seconds. I'm not sure I'd want to risk the mental incapacitation that would come from listening to her.

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Item 13: “The Small Business Administration has run out of money to help hurricane victims.”

Gentle reminder to readers: The federal fiscal year started on October 1. The SBA has not run out of money; they've just run out of money for hurricane victims. Same with DHS, FEMA, and all other agencies.

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Good catch, you are absolutely correct. Also, before the end of the fiscal year is when government dumps money they couldn't spend. There's lots of money there that could have been reallocated to flood victims.

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Well caught yourself!

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I can remember lots of crazy Septembers when I was in the military. Had to spend the entire budget by end of month.

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Reign of the SLIME !

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Makes you wonder if they will spend a year's budget in 3 months before the next President takes over too.

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And if they install horizontal Harris you can bet the feeding frenzy will continue unabated.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

ITEM 31: Vanity Fair tweeted, “A second Trump presidency could mark the end of something we certainly don’t want to lose: democracy as we know it.”

If only we had a widely published list of all the things the Biden regime has released on our country since taking office that skirted Congress and ignored the courts to illustrate what has really eroded in our Constitutional system. It would show the "Democracy" claimed by the Democrats - (ie.) a tyranny of the majority - is a radical shift from a Constitutional Republic we are intended to have. Sad to say that most of our society are too uninterested and uneducated to understand that difference. The cumulative adverse effects of the Department of Education play to the Dem's advantage. They win by destroying things.

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They said " democracy as they know it" not democracy. They have no clue what democracy is or that we are a republic. I guess that's just them being vain.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

What a great way to start my day! Mr. Surber's on a roll today just as Trump was at the Al Smith Dinner and Musk was with his beautiful rocket and all of his and his team's successes occurring in the same day - what a winner!

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and I must add, just as Israel was taking out Sinwar - what a great week

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So good when a Muslim becomes open minded.

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How the hell do you invest in Musk? I'm so against EV that I can't buy Tesla stock but I'd like to jump on Elon's train somehow...

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Doge coin. Word on the street, its gna be the big winner when Trump and Musk incorporate Cryptocurrency into our monetary system.

I bought when it was 70 cents.

So my prediction is also a dream.

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We loved Howard Hughes too.

He died on one of his planes with long greasey stringy hair with 10 inch fingernails while rushing home for a medical procedure.

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Yes, Cookie! This has been an excellent week of WINNING!!!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Sarcasm-where the witty will have fun and the stupid won't get it. One more reason to become a Founding Member.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Item 11: The Baier Interview of Kamala shows she’s a vapid DEI angry individual. She should be getting the same number of electors this cycle as in 2020, yet fraud, fake polls, corrupt media and the CCP are making it seem like she has a chance. If she “wins,”we all lose. FJB

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I'm beginning to think that it wouldn't matter who the Dems put forward for President this cycle. There is so much bad news out there that can be tied back to the Dem party. The MSM has lost whatever trust it used to have. No one listens to celebrities or lists of supposed experts against Trump.

When the Trumpster wins the Dem party will leave several minefields in place. Obama did it very well when he left. Trump spent most of his time in office clearing minefields. I believe conservatives are smarter this time but there is still the Uniparty RINOs to contend with. We've got a long arduous path ahead of us to right the ship. Keep up the good work Don. You're getting more and more attention out there and it's helping.

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You’re absolutely correct. But I think that haven’t gone through four years of controversy well in office and four years of controversy outside of the office has hardened him to the possibility that there are enemies within. Hopefully, he will clean house and start hanging people.

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She also needs a window in her belly button so she can see.

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

#8- Jimmah has been in hospice care for 19 months. They only guarantee you 6 months in hospice care before you go quietly into that good night. He is beating the odds, but at what cost? He looks worse than the portrait of Dorian Gray. If you have any interest at all, Check out the link-Jimmy Carter is Doing “Good” After 19 Months in Hospice Care | Morehouse School of Medicine-

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The recent photos of Jimmy makes it seem like Bernie from Weekend at Bernie’s had more cognitive function. Ironically, both Jimmy and Bernie had more combined IQ points then Joe Biden and Kamala combined. FJB

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I cant believe his grandson released that photo. That was disrespectful of his Granddad,

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I voted for Jimmy Carter twice, I volunteered for the 1998 Houston Jimmy Carter Habitat for Humanity Work Project. I think what his family is doing is shameful Elder Abuse.

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Agree, Tmitsss, elder abuse is right up there with voting for Kom-7 months here-not sure I'll make it, but I aspire to beat his record.

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How sad is he?- Click on my blue/purple button.

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Item 2. You mean Victor’s Secret.

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Had to look that one up!

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Comment of the week~

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Item 12 about Kamala: "Be that as it may be, she still nailed Al Capone and Don Corleone, right?" We need clarification, Don. If she did, she was on her knees.

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It depends on how good a job the embalmer did.

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Besides a Trump Vance win, if Musk could only go in and clean out those ridiculous agencies and deadwood employees in government "jobs" we'd be able to have money for real issues.

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Item 7. Joe wanted to get to the Hagen Das in Germany before it closed.

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GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!!!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Item #12-‘Harris is pointing to the criminally misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act,” which got zero Republican votes, and which was supposed to lower the cost of prescription drugs by giving, as Harris puts it, “Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices with Big Pharma.’ Didn't you know the lunatic left has elevated newspeak to an art form? In a saner world, it would have been called the ‘Income Reduction Act’. Is there any lower form of life than a Democrat? Possibly a transgender groomer?

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Is there any difference?

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13 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

And The Atlantic sounds like Pravda and Izvestia

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Now that was an insult!





To Pravda.

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