By far the worst is Afghanistan. We spent 20 years, thousands of lives, and millions of dollars to replace the Taliban with… The Taliban.

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Actually GW Bush created the Afghanistan fiasco. As one of the dumbest Presidents, he never read the book on how to win a war in Afghanistan. Admittedly, neither did the British or Soviets. FJB just completed the Cluster F.

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Not MILLIONS.... BILLIONS.... and tons of those.

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We were never going to win in shitholistan . Their evil consumes them.

I'm not saying withdrawing was right, simply pointing out there was no humane way to bring them out of their bondage. It would have needed to be like Israel crossing the Jordan.

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Welcome to the PM club-very exclusive,

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Item 17 - according to Dan Bongino, that bag of cocaine has some DNA on it and the culprit has been identified. But the SS and the WH are trying desperately to “lose track” of that bag and to keep the name of its owner from ever seeing the light of day. Joe is the lamest lame duck in American history so there’s really no need to protect Hunter. So, who are they protecting? And why does ComAllah cackle like that?

Item 30 - as a senior in high school, our millennial daughter went to vocational tech a couple of days a week and got certified in cosmetology before her HS graduation. Two days after graduating, she went to work full time as a hair stylist, moved into her own apartment and became self supporting with no debt. Now she is married with three kids, still works part time and they own a house.

The American Dream still lives for those who make sane choices in life.

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I would “like” this twice if I could.

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LOL I would like this once if my browser/substack werent broke. Now I have to commit on everything which I dont do since a lot of people say it better than me.

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There…I did it for ya.

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My brother did the construction vocational tech.

I hadnt looked at the white house bag like that. I knew they were trying to deep six it. Had been since it happened. If a different person had found it, we would have never known about it.

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Cover-ups and buried stories are mounting: The Cocaine baggie, The J6 pipe bomb, The assassination attempt.

The connection? They ALL involve the Secret Service.

Trump needs to be very careful.

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"If a different person had found it..."

The Bidens chose the people around them, but when things start falling apart, people of weak character don't try to fix them – they lash out. I figure some staffer had enough of getting yelled at and made things official to express his dissatisfaction. Truly, God works in mysterious and often highly amusing ways.

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Mmm that is a cool theory, She has had 90% turnover in the almost 4 yrs as Vice. I know she certainly was on something in that video. And God does have a sense of humor.

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God has shown his divine sense of humor many times in just my life alone.

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Saw Bongino's show when he shared the DNA news about the baggie. I never thought to include Kamala as a suspect as I just figured it was Hunter, but WOW - what a story that would be if it was Harris.

Being an addicted contrarian, I am still believing the Dems can't/won't run with Kamala on their ticket so perhaps this is the "insurance" they may use to remove her if things continue to go haywire. We're far enough past the convention that any point-bounce has worn off and according to Rasmussen, Trump is still leading by two points nationally.

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I feel like a kid at Christmas waiting for the answer to who owned the baggie. These people are so EVIL, it could be anyone....lol Is K MALA losing interest in the Big job? on X today, her video about retiring with a "3 ITEM MENU" restaurant .... she was "flailing hands in air" drunk. It is a must see if you have never seen her drunk before. wow. THIS is the real kamala, finally released, and in vivid color, and by herself! She wants us to know who she really is! Best take a look!

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"... in vivid color." Isn't that racist? But I watched that too, and she's showing the effects of serious inebriation. I do wonder why she allowed that video to be published but then, she doesn't seem to score high on the self-awareness scale.

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I don’t think we’ll ever find out. The Secret Service is trying very hard to destroy the evidence before Biden’s term ends. The law states that baggie (the evidence) must remain in a locked vault for 7 years before it can be disposed. Like the fake ballots in Georgia, and the text messages between secret service the day of the attempted assassination, it will vanish “mysteriously”.

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yep, and the phones dystroyed by a hammer and all the *cough cough upgraded phones that mysteriously deleted everything, I swear.

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I’ll take Kackala for 1,000, Alex.

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For a second, I thought you were talking about my sister who took the same career path and a similar life experience. Good for your daughter and good for my wonderful sister.

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The way I see it, Joe wanted to protect Hunter as long as he can, or could. That explains a lot, like hiding his real mental condition, his insistence on running again, and more. But once he's out of office, I would think Hunter will lose his protective cloak.

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CONGRATULATIONS to you as PARENTS EXTRAORDINAIRE and to your AMAZING DAUGHTER! It is wonderful to hear a Real American Success Story of someone who did everything according to American Standards of Excellence! Parents of this wonderful young lady, Pat Yourselves on the Back for your Awesome Abilities as GREAT PARENTS! ...and GRAND PARENTS!

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Item 7

The recent spate of companies bailing on DEI has, apparently, been almost, maybe completely, the work of X influence Robby Starbuck, who features their insane policies on the platform. Harley Davidson and Lowes are the two most recent examples. He sends well-worded emails to the CEOs and board members and posts them on X. Is he boasting? Well the cause-effect period is almost immediate, and he teases who his next target will be.

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And people wonder why the Oligarchs want censorship.

Maybe not.

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At least the Airlines, Air Traffic Controllers and Medical/Dental/Vet Schools still are active in the DEI business,

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Newest poster child for DEI-'Officials probe death of Wells Fargo employee found in her cubicle 4 days after last scanning into work'

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“ For decades, the Euros have bragged that they have no guns and don’t lock up criminals and have a low crime rate. Well, good luck with the Muslim invaders. It wasn’t the guns; it was the homogenous societies.”

My schadenfreude over Europe replacing their Jews with Muslims is tempered by the danger to the rest of us that that development entails.

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Item 30

My two sons enlisted in the Navy's nuclear power program -- third generation sailors. You gotta be on the thin right edge of the bell curve to be qualified for that (the program, not the generation thing). Used their GI bills, which are far more generous than mine was, to get an education in trades.

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Thank them for their service, and yours. I am second gen sailor but I went into computer repair. Same thin edge. The Navy taught me a trade, lasted until everything was outsourced 5-6 times. I got tired of training my replacement so I went a different route after that.

But the GI helped, and so did the VA loan program.

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Thank you and sons for your extraordinary sacrifices, commitment, and SERVICE to PROTECT OUR COUNTRY AND ALL OF US! WE HONOR YOU, RICHARD WHITE, AND TWO SONS!

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From the only president who ever had the charisma of JFK and DJT: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them, to do the same or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children, what it was once like in the United States, when men were free. "Ronald Reagan

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Since I’m on a roll, I will say that 18 year-olds should have full civil rights and responsibilities. When I was 18 my summer job was swimming pool lifeguard. I could vote, I had a draft card and could buy beer and cigarettes.

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Not in SC. (Well to be honest, not legally). Distilled spirits could only be purchased by persons 21+

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It's BS

Pick a number, one number.

One number, you're an adult.

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#12 - Meanwhile throughout the Muslim world leaders will refuse to vaccinate their children against polio (and other stuff) because The West. Yet they will train them to be suicide bombers. The first step to civilization is to stop sacrificing children to your ideology.

I’m not betting there will be a large # of children vaccinated in Gaza.

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Didn’t Golda Meir say something about there never being peace in the Middle East until Muslims learned to love their children more than they hate Jews?

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Sounds about right, plus the government (or whoever) pays the parents a stipend if the kid suicide bombs.

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….the Palestinian Authority pays a stipend for LIFE to families of their imprisoned or dead terrorists !

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Yes, she did say that. Can't we say the same about rabid Democrats who use their tranny children to virtue signal? Who the hell are these people?

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Yeah, they will sell the vaccines to leftists in the West and buy more ammo.

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Poca-Man is firing on all cylinders this morning.Right from the photo opener to the poll is pure amused,admiring head scratching news and Surber witticisms.The poll how ever was toughest in a while because it was only a sample of a shitty bidet legacy which will continue to fester if we do not elect PDJT /JDV and conservatives this election.This may be the most important election since G.W. began as #1 in that if the dems win swamp fever will spread like wildfire as the parasites multiply.

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agree 100%!!! thank you for this truth.

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I would like to point out that the first decision Biden made upon receiving the nomination, was picking Harris.

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Minor correction, picking swallow was the first decision George Soros made for Xiden after he received the nomination.

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THANK YOU FOR THIS REMINDER! This evil plan has been very long in the making.

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My favorite necktie was a gift my wife purchased at a thrift store for $1. But I guess not many neckties are stolen.

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ITEM 6: The Daily Mail reported, “McDonald’s finally reveals launch of the Big Arch — its biggest burger ever.” When I was in the army they called it "shit on a shingle."

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Tough poll. I picked Ukraine because Russian nukes can ruin your day. So many bad outcomes to choose from brought to us courtesy of the sitting excommunicated fake President. The one thing Ripley the character and Kamala the DEI word salad tosser have in common is that they are both space cadets.

Yale and Harvard keep hiring ruling class losers.

If you are in the club they recycle you through the corrupt institutions until they Biden-toss you at the end. It’s like midget tossing only with more cocaine and brown paper bags full of CCP cash. I’m going back to sleep…

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Starve the Cat. Not a fair poll, so I abstain. A fair poll would have "all of the above" as an option.

Otherwise a fine summary of the week, especially Trump's new ad and the Grimace.

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All of the above

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re: F-16 crashes in Ukraine. Reminds me of when we tried to sell F-111s to the Saudis. One fellow lost control ON TAKEOFF and ejected. The problem is that the F-111 ejects out the bottom of the plane. He was only fifteen feet high. Ouch.

re: they talk funny in Tax-a-chusetts. So they do. "Ahhhhhnnnnd when Ahhhh got bahhhhk, Mahhrrry-Jo and the cahhhh were gone."

re: the gub'ment making everyone poor. Yes, yes, yes. People don't get it. Politicians are literally, literally, literally, making the nation poor. Poor as in Cuba, as in The Philippines, as in Albania. Bloody God-damned poor. People think "inflation" means prices go up. No. It is THEFT - theft of everything you earn and everything you have saved. And they know precisely what they are doing and they are doing it intentionally. Get it through that thick skull. They are transferring everything you have worked for to people who already have more money than their great-grandchildren can spend. I live in one of the poorest counties in Virginia and I see it every day - people who have worked all their lives going around snaggle-toothed because they can't afford to see a dentist. It's wrong, and you have a chance to do at least something about it. Vote in November, and By God, vote right. It is really all you can do at this point, and only everything depends on it.

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Vote Orange

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