Item 5

What were these 70 year old English people doing in Afghanistan in the first place?

Item 22

It use to piss me off to no end that when I was a teacher in Clownifornia every 2 years I, not the students, would have to have a test for tuberculosis. What were the chance of me getting tb versus the untold hundreds of students from Mexico and beyond that came here undocumented?

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#5. Escaping from the repressive regime ruining England. Err running England.

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They could have picked a safer country than Afghanistan.

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In their defense, they picked a safer country than Formerly great Britain.

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William heard a lot of stuff like this: "I can't pass this course, señor, I don't speak TB."

"ITEM 17 ... 'Monica Lewinsky believes former President Bill Clinton should have resigned from the White House after their affair.'

"Really? I always thought he should have seen an optometrist."

A psychiatrist, if he truly thought that an elephant could smoke cigars.

[Lewinsky/Walz ("Tampon Tim") would have beaten Trump, damn it...]

--- "ITEM 19 ... 'Katy Perry is scheduled to blast off on the next launch of Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin rocket ...”

We're reminded of the old, old joke: "See why Jayne Mansfield will never drown."

P.S.: Bezos, you dirty old man. True, Katy is a tad older than Joan Barry (Mary Louise Gribble), but never mind that. No wonder Charlie Chaplin was your hero:


--- "ITEM 37 ... 'Microsoft is shutting down Skype after buying it 14 years ago for $8.5 billion.' ”

Thus depriving the Pentagon of an additional $8.5 billion for nightclubs, casinos, bookies and hookers.

This might be the only intelligent thing Bill Gates has ever done.

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Item 8. Al Capone did a better job running Chicago.

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Fewer people died

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So who in the world would like to have Lightfoot back at the helm of Chicago? They seem to do a great job of electing idiots

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Its the machine Cookie.

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Yes, the left wing machine is running the state. They need another Elliot Ness who has a guy named Connery working for him.

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The chicongo democrats can get a politician with zero favorability reelected.

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$$$$$$$$$$$ It's all about who has it.

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Brandon Johnson was/is a member of the Chicago Teachers Union. He had no political or administrative experience. The union rammed him onto the people with their army of paid supporters and no one bothered to analyze whether he was qualified. They chose him over a proven highly capable man with decades of experience and achievements. Very sad, very, very sad.

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Let's be clear here, this is all about money. You do not have to have a proven record if you have enough money to buy an office. The national education system has won after decades of getting radicalized. They no longer teach, they indoctrinate and it is unfixable in terms of our judicial system. The best that we can hope for is a complete destruction of the unions that have promulgated this and then the complete removal of todays system and replacing it with affordable alternatives. I'm not sure we are tough enough to bring this about.

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Let’s go Brandon!

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Seems like in the entire state of Illinois there should be at least one DeSantis somewhere who could fix the cabal ruining the state.

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Bill O'Reilly once said New York's state was the most corrupt outfit in the country ; not too sure I wouldn't put my money on the Dailey Machine .

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Yeah, but isn't this a sign of the times today how we debate who is the worst instead of just making a category for the most corrupt states? I swear, every time I think a state can't get any dumber and any more corrupt, some state proves me wrong. I lived in Oregon most of my life and while it was always clear it leaned left, at least they had limits to the madness. Not anymore. Both Oregon and Washington state have gone full nuke left today. I think Washington state made have the edge on the insanity here but we are splitting hairs I guess. They can't seem to look at California and see where this will all lead them. Leftist refuse to learn from history or the very reality they see all around them. By the way, I no longer say it can't get any worse.

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Sorry , " state government " .

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Would be one of the happiest days of my life if I ever see James Comey in leg irons and an orange jump suit. But I ain't holding my breath. Wishing for this is kinda like wishing the Epstein files will ever be released.

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What I don't understand is why the entire legal community isn't clamoring for his neck to be stretched ; besides violating the civil rights of millions he has made an absolute laughingstock of their profession . Nothing like losing faith in a segment of society that will not police their own .

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People lost faith in the FBI and DOJ long before Commie was there. It took it to a new level of hell, one not seen except in totalitarian regimes like Stalin or Mao had.

Who trains these people? Pol Pot?

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When any agency gets too big and too powerful, it gets out of control. Someone needs to start looking at the overlapping missions of our police state agencies.

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Because they are ALL in on the con.

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Because enough of them belong to the club that they are all related in a common drive to remain in power. So far, it has worked for them. Comey and others are protected by the club just like soldiers protect their fellow soldiers. It is for the common good. In the case of the rogue judicial system members, that good is defined by getting and keeping power.

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The damage caused by 8 years of Obama appointing Marxist-sympathizer judges.

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Or a religion "...that will not police their own", like Islam.

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Just watched about the witch hunt he did on Martha Stewart.

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Let's see they accused Martha for doing insider trading like Nancy and her like have been doing all along, guess I will have to study on that for awhile.

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I hate Comey…really…

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He is the epitome of the Deep State. Remember the lying in front of Congress with the smirk?

Said a thousand times, that if these bad actors go unpunished there really is no hope in saving our country because there would be no incentive for it to not happen again. And it will continue. As it is continuing now in real time.

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Are you referring to the Comey “matter”? 😎

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I agree, but when they are released now, I will have great skepticism that they haven't been 'tampered' with.

Certain names - with more money than I can conceive of - will have whitewashed their surname.

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files will be redacted if shown.

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ITEM 27: NBC reported, “Movie theater ceiling collapses during screening of Captain America: Brave New World.”

Neither of the two people in the audience, who both were asleep when the ceiling gave way, were seriously injured.

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I haven't set foot in an actual theater for years and I used to be a projectionist. I love movies but Hollywood has jumped the shark and there's nothing out there that I would pay money for.

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My position for almost twenty years. It seems their goal is to attack and demean all things good.

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03/01/25: The Oscars have become so miniscule, the event should be held in Rhode Island.

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Or on Johnson Island .

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Compromise: Pitcairn!

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How about Bikini Atoll? Get some good out of the residual radiation.

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They belong to the worldwide club, the club of elitists who think they own us by virtue of their __________ (fill in the blank).

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And what they do produce is usually a remake or a sequel. Neither of which is as good as the original.

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To quote W.E.B. Griffin , " an original idea and a cold glass of water will probably kill them " . Hollywood must have read that because they are sure avoiding original ideas when it comes to flicks .

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03/01/25: Where else can you get paid twice as much as you did the first time to deliver something --- as long as it vaguely resembles the original --- of much lesser value?

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Just wait until AI takes over making movies if you think it can't get any worse.

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Top Gun Maverick is the only good one I'm aware of in at least the last 5 years.

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I think Zelensky was in town and may have been in the audience. You just couldn't see his head above the headrest.

I think he was using the movie for ideas on how to change his pubic image into a superhero and impress Trump, although after yesterday, we can conclude it didn't work.

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I heard he was busy taking out the WH garbage and sprucing up the lawn to try to get Trump to talk to him again. Judging by what I saw while watching that meltdown, the runt needs to get some new advisors by canning his EU advisors who want to undermine Trump and Lyndsay RINO Graham and the Dems and then buying some really good knee pads. If he thought the minerals deal was bad, just wait until this next round of talks. I guarantee there won't be any WH Oval office repeat. Standby you text messaging, Vold, for further news.

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He should have tried lipstick, gone from being a joke to the Joker.

I know, wrong movie.

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Item 12:

Oddly enough, the last disease outbreak was funded by the federal government.

And please add ‘CREATED’ in reference to the ‘disease outbreak’.

Slam dunque.

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And their cure was more deadly than their disease.

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And 'the wealthy elites' got richer at the expense of the shrinking middle and lower strata of the population. Its criminal insanity.

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03/01/25: Government by Cannibals.

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Which was the Bio Weapon ?

This question can tell you where people stand on Covid.

I think it was the Vaxx.

My buddy who worked for CORE thinks it was the Virus.

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I'd agree with you. The flu isn't a Corona virus, the common cold is. Even had the Cov failed to spread, the tests would still come back positive because they gave positives to the common cold.

Look around at who was panicking. Also, remember all the people they murdered to advance the narrative.

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What I can't get my head around is, without question everyone knew it was a rapid development new vaccine for a previously unknown virus.

Who the hell get in that line ?

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Something to add, https://rumble.com/embed/v1ykytw/

Reiner Fuellmich is a lawyer in Germany. He started investigating the origins of COVID. This is an interview with David Martin, a specialist in corporate asset protection and patent security.

Fuellmich was arrested and put on trial last year. I don't know what the outcome was. Basically they will do anything to protect their lies.

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The brainwashed masses. The government has Pushed the narrative that vaccines are unsafe for decades. This started during Reagan and they were given protection from liability.

Every year we have a new strain of influenza and every year they trot out a vaccine. People have become conditioned to it and forget that there are many diseases that lack a cure. Ebola for example.

Thought about adding aids, but it's easily stopped by elimination of risky behavior from our lifestyles.

Unfortunately there are people who fear not getting sex more than death.

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You are right here.

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They didn't care because they made several billion dollars off of it with a waiver of any liability.

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And the feds are still doing it!

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"Half the country should sue ABC for defamation."


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Surber at his best 👌 !

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Welcome back, Brian. the comments just weren't the same without you.🙃

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Item 16: " . . . according to education experts and advocates.”

This can't be true. No one contacted me.

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03/01/25: Nor I. It stings.

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Item 29 - Clinton appointed judge doesn't know what probationary means.

Biden appointed Justice doesn't know what a woman is.

Does anyone see a pattern here?

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12 & 22 - thanks to the last Democrat administration, anti-American judges, and anti-American fed agencies the current measles situation is also compliments of “the government”.

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So far but have we seen the last of the unvaccinated? They are already here in large numbers because Joe Biden decided we didn't need to vet the illegal invasion. Future history, if we have any chance left of one, will not be kind to Joe Biden or the Democrats. Throw the hapless GOP in there too.

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ITEM 12: NBC reported, “Disease outbreaks and starvation deaths will increase as a result of USAID cuts, officials say.”

We've all seen the deep state playbook, especially when Trump is in office so there is some truth in Item 12.

Get ready for the next pandemic because the gain of function research has probably produced a form of bird flu (H5N1) or a new strain of COVID that will be more deadly and serious. The government must restore its failed reputation from COVID-1 and be able to say "We told you so" and "This pandemic was caused by Trump, Musk, MAGA, and DOGE".

It's coming. On Saturdays, I get to put on my conspiracy theory hat. My previous ones have all come true. I sure hope RFK, Jr is up to this deep state war.

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The Trumpster keeps dropping shiny things for the Left to chase after. There are so many that it's got to be planned. I'm expecting bombshells dropping on Dems just before the midterms and their October surprises won't make the front page.

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The Epstein files release would be perfect for that. Most Dems - and quite a few Repubs - could not get re-elected after those revelations. But I'm doubtful at this point.

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03/01/25: I need a prop on FanDuel: "The Epstein files do/do not exist."

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If any Dem is still not convinced by now, no amount of further evidence will matter. You cannot fix that which does not want to be enlightened.

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Most of them will probably not see the actual full footage. They will get a few 3-4 second clips of Trump being blunt, surrounded before and after by 15 minutes each of multiple panelists "interpreting" it as how horrible Trump and Vance are.

Most still are ignorant of any other news sources than the legacy media--they literally do not know they exist. I know some who did not even know what the word "aggregator" meant, let alone ever visited an aggregator site like CFP or Realclearpolitics, etc.

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03/01/25: Darn. The Zelensky ball just fell off the Christmas tree.

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The deep state killed RFK Jr.'s father and uncle. I think he's been up for this war for a long time.

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What is this [ deep state ?] you speak of ? Is this the cabal of thieves whores and crooks aka politicians or bureaucrats who stole America The Beautiful from we the people? The new sheriff will be paying rewards for bringing the sobs to justice ,preferably Roy Bean style.

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Yes, all of the above are in the deep state and including big pharma, NIH, CDC, FDA - all who hold keys to developing, releasing, and mandating treatments to screw up Trump's term. I think the next pandemic (and I have no doubt there will be one very soon) will be more virulent and dangerous to make Trump's 'no-mandates' policy cause the deaths of many people.

The government really screwed their reputation and trust with Americans and have to restore that at any cost.

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If you disregard his rather blunt and self-supporting means of dispensing justice, Judge Bean was successful at bringing some order to the frontier early on.

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It's gna take a Marburg virus to get people to panic again.

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"Bill Gates blamed the failure of Apple to build a competitor, which would have given Microsoft the technology to steal to turn a profit."


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ITEM 13: Collin Campbell reported, “Pentagon Officials Caught Using Taxpayer-Funded Credit Cards at Casinos, Bars, and Nightclubs Totaling $1.3 Billion.”

I want every single person who used tax-payer's cc's to go to jail. This is the lowest of the low hanging fruit to sweep up... Nothing will happen, though, because Republicans are cowards...

Every. Single. One. Of. US. Pam and Kash will round up two Nigerian body-builders and the piano player from Rick's Casablanca bar.

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They have two years to do so. No way it is enough time before the GOP blows the midterms again. Turn the DOGemen loose on congress next.

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I don't know how it is now, but when I was working for the government, we used an issued credit card for any purchases while on government ordered trips. We had to pay the card off within thirty days. We submitted a voucher for the expenses and the government decided what they would reimburse for. It was intended that we use it for fuel food and lodging. If we went to an expensive venue, we might only get a portion reimbursed.

I played it safe and never used mine.

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Failing that, we should certainly claw back the funds from their pensions.

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Another blockbuster highlight report. My favorites were:

Item 11 - Gen. Flynn, who was set up by Comey, telling him 'what goes around comes around'. Remember Jimmy, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Item 13 - You can tell a lot about a person by how they spend company money while traveling on company business. Those Pentagon officials, if misusing government credit cards, should be fired asap. Where I worked, more people were fired for travel expense report abuse than any other reason.

Item 17 - Don, you give Bill Clinton too much credit for taste in women. Look who he married.

Item 26 - The UN is the mother of corrupt NGO's. The U.S. could save a lot of money by just getting out of this den of thieves once and for all and kick it and those third world faux diplomats out of NYC. As a side bonus, it would help relieve traffic congestion south of 60th St.

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#17 Bill likes women that taste like cigars.

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Good Saturday column. In regards to item #22 you forgot TB. It was virtually non-existant until it came up from Mexico a couple of years ago.

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Hah! I started reading your rendition of Jefferson's words, thinking it would be gibberish. Imagine my surprise when I realized it was literal translation into Swahili! I used to speak the language moderately well, and recognized the words just fine. Then I realized it was a word-for-word kind of translation, not spoken as a Swahili speaker would render the original.

Well done, Mr. Surber! Google Translate? Or by chance do you also speak Swahili?

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But I do know Watusi

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How long have you known her

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The sad part is we have judges and politicians who wouldn't understand it no matter what language it's written in.

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Fun Fact: Congress has the exclusive power to declare war. Lots of virtue signaling by Congress critters but no one has introduced a resolution to declare war on Russia for waging aggressive war on Ukraine. No one will explain why they haven’t.

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They haven't done that because they want to be re-elected in 2026.

And they want to be re-elected because Congresscritters always seem to become multimillionaires on a $175K salary.

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