Everyone through the years has looked for the solution to crime in the black neighborhoods. Well my solution is a simple one, although it does involve brainwashing of the public in general, it is to make us all believe that a man who leaves his children is weak. He is nothing more than a loser and should be shunned by his community. We all know that having a father figure is all important to children particularly young males. It is true for Elephants and it is true for humans and it is the one thing that Jesse Jackson and the Rev Sharpton never seem to really talk about. How about these so called leaders in the black community start pointing the finger where it belongs.

And to the black community, here is the dirty little secret folks, white people could care less about your problems, they have enough of their own. They do not sit around thinking about how to keep the black man down. They think about how to put food on their own tables. They do not have the time to think about you and your problems. It is called survival and if you wise up, you will grow up.

Weak men leave their children, that is what they do, that is who they are. They are the pathetic waste of space who expect others to take on the responsibilities that are those of a truly strong adult. Being a good father is just as important a job as being a good mother, and every child should benefit from both.

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The welfare formulas have always favored single parent households. Parents living apart get more overall from these programs. Four generations of that structure have re-made the community into a multi-generation matriarchy. Poorly socialized boys reach adolescence with an image of success that idolizes being armed, draped with bling and having a harem. They abuse their female caretakers and their eventual sexual partners. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Yep, welfare started the demise of the family.

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You mean the Democrat Party, who have used the black community as their grievance/grift gift for decades.

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#1 I would not place all the blame on black(or any particular race of)men.

Unless it’s an assault, WOMEN are making a wrong choice too - to engage in sex that a result in a child irrespective of whether or not her circumstances would be a good environment in which to have a child.

#2 Even Barack H. O. spoke about (black)men needing to step up. Didn’t seem to help.

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Was that before or after he signed the law change that said welfare would only pay for 2 children? at that point, there was some self control at least with having kids. Once he signed that welfare would cover as many kids as you had, it became more chaos.

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Unfortunately, many of the women learned that more babies = bigger checks from the government. There was a lawsuit years ago, I believe, because the government was making women go and work while providing 100% free child care. How dare they! I also believe the government lost. Too lazy to go back and find the details, but 100% remember it happening. I'm having fun being deliberately redundant in my word choices. :)

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The best policy just might be for black communities to encourage two-parent families and completing high school. Jason Whitlock has noted this and has commented on how many black mothers are not doing a good job of raising their kids as the heads of single parent households with the children who can all have different fathers. He's black so I don't see the point in criticizing him. All the welfare in the world isn't going to fix family dynamics. I think comes from within.

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I prefer the Mayor Frank Rizzo approach.

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Sad to say that much of the black community is broken and can't identify themselves as anything other than a color. If the "white man" has anything to do with their problems, it is/was a Democrat or race baiters like Jesse Jackson that made a living by fomenting their strife. Looked it up to make sure I used that word right and, son of a bitch, I did (and no bribes were accepted in the process. Ukraine joke).

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You put it better than I ever could. Thank you. When you lose God and Family, what else is there? Never trust spellcheck: https://paulmaj13.substack.com/p/microsoft-spellcheck-is-flawed

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I couldn't agree more. In fact, I am tired of having the black communities problems shoved into my face 24/7 for decades. I have my own family and friends and business and organizations that I have to take care of. I truly empathize with them but I don't have time to give them any more attention even if it's just reading an article about all the black-on-black murders that are happening in inner cities. Geesh, if Barack & Michelle Obama and Oprah don't really give two hoots about the mayhem why should the rest of us?

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US Attorney Jack Smith reminds me of every thing I hate about HOAs

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Lefty women swooned over Smith's little presser yesterday on Twatter. They called him sexy,. Yeah, sexy like Satan.

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He is repulsive with his bug eyes.

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Didn't they same the same thing about Michael Avenetti?

Chris Wallace probably had a thrill go down his leg.

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Eerily similar comparison.

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US Attorney Jack Smith looks and acts like the Taliban.

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With all the evil going on, the blame can be placed on one thing--lack of belief in God. Personally, I get tired of reading all the examples. I was somewhat amused reading the San Francisco Chronicle that eight male and one female were shot last night. I'm not sure the "female" was a woman, but since they ARE celebrating their assholes over in SF, I just had to comment "With SF being so full of love and tolerance, how could such a thing happen?" Homosexuals are the angriest and most dishonest group of people I have ever seen. I see some democratic mayors actually showing some courage and cancelling these parades all in the name of public safety quite soon--whatever it takes, people.

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Its mostly the left, and its not limited to gays or the LBGQ + alphabet. Didnt they cancel the parades due to Moneypox?

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I am watching with a great deal of interest from the left, especially the women's libbers vs transexuals or whatever the hell they want to call themselves. I heard that some cities and towns might cancel events, but damn sure won't happen in SF, NYC or Boston. You should watch Liz Wheeler's show from yesterday.

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Let the feminists and transexuals have at it and just pop-the-corn and watch 🤓

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Item 2: It was always about the furnaces and the water heaters. If I were a cynical person, I'd suggest they know what happened during Mao's Great Leap Forward and they're counting on a repeat, but here. There is no way if you put all that on an electrical grid people aren't going to freeze in the winter in flyover country.

Nice round up. I'd heard most of it, but you always put your own fine touch on the craziness of the week.

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There is no way, especially when we get -30 degrees F. A heat pump wont keep up and Indiana cant really do solar.... its too cloudy most of the winter. Plus, the grid here cant handle all the people anymore than CA can.

I actually worry more the attacks on Farming and 'the Govmt' deciding that fertilizers are bad. If they force the farmers to quit using fertilizers esp nitrogen, it will cut the food production by 3/4s. MSM quit covering the farmer protests in Netherlands and a few other places. They made noises here about banning nitrogen and it all disappeared fast. So I wonder what surprise law will go into place without proper procedures.

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Look what happened in Sri Lanka. You're right to worry. It's all connected.

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Yes, farming had to meet ESG scores with organic farming. A total failure. And, it's all connected.

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And they are going after the cattle in Ireland.

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Of course natural gas will be banned. It is plentiful and clean. A threat to our betters.

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#12 It's certainly heartening to see Manchin's career going down the toilet. I thought it should have happened long ago. The scandal involving his daughter and WVU should have been enough but he survived that almost unscathed.

I'm not that encouraged by the line-up of Republicans in the state though. Some are touting Jim Justice as Manchin's replacement but he and Capito (the other senator) are both from the McConnell/RINO/establishment wing of the party. Capito is always right there with McConnell with votes and photo ops. The GOP establishment is promoting Justice. These politicians are useless at best.

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Not to Manchin his wife and daughter’s jacking up the price of the EpiPen.

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Probably why the Dems are not concerned . Manchin is now a thorn in their side.

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“ITEM 8: The New York Post reported, “A deadly bacteria with a roughly 50% fatality rate…”

You buried the lede.

For those who followed the link to read the article will see the NYP blamed to bacteria on….climate change. 🙄

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Is there anything climate change can't do (sarc)?!

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So far it doesn’t seem able to wash my windows or walk the dog. 😂

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They reported that all of the cases (3) were here in Mississippi. All 3 survived.

The article also said “ However, most of those people infected with the bacteria don’t show symptoms and develop antibodies against it, meaning many more people are likely infected, Petras said.”

Sound like a whole lot less than 50% fatal. Sounds like 0% to me.

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50% fatality “if not treated”, so yes, 0% if diagnosed and treated with antibiotics.

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I was mostly referring to the part of the article that said most who are infected don’t show symptoms and develop antibodies. They got it, did not get treated and survived. Another government hoax.

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Item 2: you can bet that The White House and Congress have state of the backup power supplies. They will be comfortable while you freeze in the dark.

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They will ride a separate grid and won’t need the backup systems.

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The poll: did ANYONE think Biden would not indict Trump?

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Biden doesn't do anything as he is too senile and incapable, but I see your point.

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Biden's sane enough to go after Trump the day it was revealed he took bribes and lots of money!!

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Yes CC. Good point.

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Items 19 and 20. The Armenian and Muslim communities have not been effected by the Chinese manufactured vaccines that turned their kids into soyboys yet.

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Least Surprising News...The D-Rats Suck...every GD last one of them and everything they touch.

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And half of the republicans.

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I understand the govt is complicit too. But that does not relinquish the individual from doing -or not doing, in this case - the right thing.

Integrity is what you do when no one’s looking, or when no one’s forcing you to do it.

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Here’s the deal. You can’t always save people from themselves. You can’t care more about a problem than the people it affects and expect a good solution. If the inner city black communities wanted to solve their problems, they’d solve them. That doesn’t mean people aren’t upset or suffering, but they aren’t apparently suffering enough to stop the violence and the crime. In El Salvador, they got tired of MS13 and other savage murderous gangs. They elected a President, Nayib Bukele, with some balls. He built a giant supermax prison. He and the legislature got the police and the army together and they systematically raided all the gang strongholds in the country. They put 40,000 + dirt balls in the prison. A country that at one time had the highest murder rate in the world had ZERO murders for an entire year, counting May 2022- May 2023. People are no longer terrified to go out of their homes. Now we have MS13 here because we have no borders and no balls. If the black community demanded harsh enforcement of violent crimes and drug dealing this would solve the problem. If we stop celebrating bad behavior - promiscuity, abandoning your kids, not getting married and generally being irresponsible - that would help a lot too. When are we going to hear that from black leaders across the political spectrum ? Never, it would seem. White Americans cannot solve black on black crime. It’s not possible. Just like America can’t export our system of government, and what used to constitute our values, to Iraq or Afghanistan, or the Ukraine for that matter. You can’t solve others problems if they won’t try to solve them themselves.

One other newsworthy item. The SEC is using gestapo tactics, suing crypto exchanges Binance and Coinbase to punish the crypto industry and failing to provide constructive regulatory guidance. This is bad for our economy long term, and bad for consumers. The next iteration of the internet and finance and a lot of other things will be blockchain based. Corrupt government bureaucrats are making the country less competitive because they have mismanaged the dollar and the economy and are trying to prevent innovative solutions that protect ordinary Americans’ ability to preserve their wealth and participate in new sectors of the economy. They’d have you believe that crypto is a scam. It isn’t. Yes there are scam artists in crypto, but the industry is not a scam. It’s a new industry and it’s evolving, just like everything that has come before, it takes time for an industry to mature. You know a bigger scam: the Fed and Wall Street and the losers on Capitol Hill destroying trillions of YOUR dollars for their personal gain.

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Agree with your comments on crypto and how you can't save people from themselves. I think what's going on in El Salvador is a net positive and a really interesting solution.

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The gangs were terrorizing the country. It’s war. These are not peaceful people with a political message. These are large scale criminal enterprises dealing in murder, drugs, human trafficking. The gang members are readily identifiable by their tattoos. The society could not function or advance because of the gangs. Perfection is elusive.

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There was no other choice for El Salvador but to create these prisons. And their members who have flowed across the southern border are continuing their killing and torture practices in the U.S.

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Not blockchain. There's another competing technology that does everything blockchain does, and more, without the overhead. It's more secure and less prone to co-option. Dang if I can remember what it's called, but it was developed by a couple of guys in Cedar Park, Texas.

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Excellent comments.

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Option #1, by far. By now, we know this was how he leveraged his US Senate seat, all those years.

#1: "Now you know why all of Washington supports the dum-dum. He stays bought."

Indeed - whereas president Trump CANNOT be bought.

#3: As I refuse to thank Disney for anything, I'd rather thank those vigilant enough to bring the instances of wokeness to the forefront over the past 20+ years to where it is finally approaching critical mass.

#4: There those who would hold that quoting scripture at a homosexual rally is not the best way to represent the gospel, that it is not loving (far too many Christians - both genuine and so-called - hold the same or a similar view), but I hold the opposite view. Where else will they be so confronted with the truth? Certainly not in their depravity-friendly churches. If any homosexual or pedophile activist were to walk into a church and quote from any writings of Kerouac or Ginsberg, he might be asked to leave, maybe even ushered out and invited back on the condition he first repent, but he wouldn't be arrested.

#6: "Guess what percentage of Chicago is black - 29%."

Yet, the mayor, C(r)ook County Board president, the C(r)ook County state's attorney, are all black, even though the Chicago Public Schools president is hispanic, the power lies with the head of the Chicago Teachers Union, one Stacy Davis Gates, who is also black - that means that more than 2/3 of the rest of the city is white, hispanic, and asian.

That doesn't seem very representative of the city's ethnicies, and isn't that a favourite theme of self-proclaimed "disenfranchised" Democrat minority "leaders?"

Representatives of less than a third of the population ruling over more than the remaining two thirds? To me, that spells a-p-a-r-t-h-e-i-d.

#9: Well, now we know the depth of Shamu's campaign - it's not enough to even qualify as a wading pool.

#10: CNN - where the lunatics run the asylum.

#11: "Mocking a girl killed in the Holocaust is a new low for liberals."

Is it really, though? Frankly, I'm surprised there was an arrest even made, given that it's sexual depravity celebration month.

#12: They'll get it, anyway, if Justice is elected as he'll revert back to being a Democrat when it suits him.

#13: I'd like to use my lifeline, Don.

#15: It's fun to see the vipers turning on themselves.

#17: There's still a very slim chance it loses its tax-exempt status. If that can happen, might a future congress be brave enough to revoke MLB's anti-trust exemption, and what remains of the NFL's?

#19 & 20: While I think it's dangerous to form any kind of alliance with Muslims, if they're willing to vote for Republicans as a result of this, we should welcome that support.

#25: Don't tell me - it was ONE rogue ad agency, wasn't it?

Once again, Don - thank you for making my Saturday morning coffee on my patio overlooking the lake that much more enjoyable!

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You should try and get a book called "NONE DARE CALL IT A CONSPIRACY" that came out in the late 60's. It is much better to get an older volume because the newer volumes have been "edited" to say the least. It will answer all your questions with regard to peop-le who refuse bribes.

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I read it in college - but a refresher would seem to be in order...

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Item 26. Well said Don. Pat Robertson is with God and we have one less angel to help us out of hell.

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#22. Remember all the CA fires from last year that were due to climate change..... until they had to report most of them were arson..... and then MSM quit reporting the causes.

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Most "wildfires" are caused by lightning and also by people -- arson, not putting out campfires correctly, cigarette butts.

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This is deliberate

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Lightning has a long history of starting fires which clear the land and rejuvenate the area.

Controlled burning is better, but it isn't socially acceptable. Visit an area about three years after a forest fire and see how things are new and fresh.

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Controlled burning was acceptable at one time then the environmentalist decided it was 'bad'. Its not, as you state, it is a part of nature and needs to be done.

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Ended up in CA most of the wildfires either last year or the year before were actually arson. CA manages forest like Trudeau and has 20+ yrs of brush piled up. And surprise, surprise is was mostly leftest starting them.

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When one of my sisters was brought on to "fight" forest fires, back in the early 80's, the going rate was $155 an hour. Ya think maybe there was a bit of an incentive to start all these fires ??

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Most of our wildland fires are arson. People getting their kicks starting fires. They are easy to spot.

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Unfortunately its not regular folk, its the left and the crazies. Remember the leftists putting nails in all the trees because muh save nature..... and yes, they are fairly easy to spot. If you are in CA or the west, I feel for you.

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Mississippi. Thankfully.

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#17: Trump was right when he tweeted last year that the PGA and LIV would merge.

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Trump is pretty much always right in his predictions.

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