i am surrounded by liberals where i live. i really like my home and the amenities provided in fenton,mi but the town is simply democrat and i want to move to florida but at the age of 75, it's a big thing. i have assets but i live alone. not an easy call for me.

respects to all. surber is my go to guy. we agree probably 97% of the time.

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IDK...I'm alone also and moved from NY to Beaufort, SC. Beautiful spot. Made a bunch of new friends playing golf. You will do the same. I say go for it.

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i will take that under advisement.

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Churches,stores and entertainment venues are places to make new friends everywhere we go.

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Interesting when point point counterpoint are both right this happens more than you might think, like male female. This was designed by management. The best example is Jesus versus Mary at the wedding of Canaan? Deeds editing needs editing.

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Pray about it, Don. Ask Him for an answer, then act on it, if it’s a go.

Moving absolutely sucks and can be a leap of faith, but your happiness is imperative.

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i don't believe in the after life. thanks for the advice.

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I do. I’ll pray for you.

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tally ho.

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I I admire your fearless risk taking. Ever thought about hedging your bets? Maybe explore the other side a little bit before it's too late because you know when it comes to the end of the line you can't switch tracks just a suggestion.

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I am a native Floridian in real estate. My dad’s side of the family are New Englanders, several of whom have retired to Florida with varying degrees of success. The recidivists cited the heat and humidity as the number one reason they moved back home. I live on the Emerald Coast in the NW panhandle. Solid conservative region (Matt Gaetz is our rep), easiest climate for northerners to acclimate, heavily populated with retirees, best beaches, probably the best choice in the state for your circumstances.

Some words of advice -

- Visit for a few weeks in July and see how you fare. If you’re miserable from the heat then you won’t make it in the long run. Do your research and find a vacation rental company that caters to retirees looking for opportunities to socialize and try local amenities of interest.

- Meet with realtors in the area and develop a relationship with someone who clicks. Look for someone with the SRES designation (Senior RE Specialist). If you’re leaning towards the snowbird route, find someone with the RSPS designation (Resort & Second-Homes Property Specialist). These are pros immersed in their niche and have a wealth of information and support networks.

- Check out local wealth managers and meet with a few of them. They can help you relocate your assets to your best advantage. Ask your current advisor if he knows anyone in the area to recommend.

- Consider your state of health. If you’ll need a higher level of care, the biggest hospitals with more specialized care are in Pensacola and Tallahassee.

Good luck!

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Do you have kids/grandkids? That is driving our retirement destination decision. Pretty easy choice, really (for us, anyway).

Full disclosure: I just turned 66, so will hit "full retirement age" later this year.

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We moved last year to be closer to 2 grandkids. It was an easy decision. A lot of work, to be sure, but we were still up to it, and it's worked out well.

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no grandkids. one son and he never married. i have lived in florida before but that was three decades ago.

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Big changes like moving are hard, regardless of age. Ties to communities you’ve lived in for a long time are important and letting go of them would be a big sacrifice and hard to replace. I would never consider moving somewhere I didn’t already know a good number of people to talk to and have fun with right away.

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Age is less relevant if you're reasonably healthy. On the other hand, can you handle a hurricane? Or is the MI snow worse? Advice: If you do move to FL, be alert to the possibility that you will be mobbed by frisky widows. What about another town in MI whose population is reasonably balanced between Us and Them?


02/15/24 Fani's Eunuch-Lawyer Lover, called to the witness stand, was asked "if he EVER went to a Cabin?"... To which he said "No."

You Tube commenter: "It was THAT Un-Rememberable? Wow! Insult to Fani!

Moral of the story: He was having an affair with Log Cabin Syrup.

Things got very sticky.

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Make the move. Come on down. You’ll find friends down here.

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Have you ever tried being a snow bird? I have neighbors who are retired but go to Florida for a month or six weeks during the winter. They have developed a good set of friends there. Before making the big plunge of selling, why don't you try an extended visit? It may help you decide one way or the other.

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i understand

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I turn 60 this year. Have very few regrets in life, but one is not moving from DE to Sarasota FL sooner (been here 12 years now) go for it

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you make a good point.

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There are always political clubs. Art groups Volunteer food banks etc. who really need help. Church is a big one. You don't need a lot of friend but something to keep you going

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those places are all full of women and i'm not interested in that but thanks for the input. i do appreciate your effort.

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I moved to Florida 3 years ago at the age of 64 and on oxygen 24/7. Moved from Virginia. I love it here! Got a great home in a small tourist town. It was the worst move ever even with my son helping me. But got settled pretty quickly and have made some friends, more than the snooty Virginians!(from Kansas originally)

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that's uplifting sherry. i know you won't hint at where you're at but it's great that you are now happy. thanks for the post. 64....you're still a youngster.

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From the words I'm receiving from management, you may want to consider staying. Slowly. It's all set up. Uno. Tail wags dog, like Israel versus United States, and United States against world. More later.

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Item 2: if large capacity mags and semi-automatics somehow got banned, and Americans somehow willingly all gave them up, does anyone not think for a second that the cartels and hostile governments won’t smuggle them across the border to conduct their own objectives?

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Charles,stop using logic. /sarc

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I hate to disagree here, but according to grammar-logic, what you write it amounts to a double negative, which makes it positive. "... does anyone not think for a second that the cartels and hostile governments won’t smuggle them" would be more to the point by making one of the negatives a positive -- either one.

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Good one Marion. Geeky math humor. I like it My mother used to say m r puppies? Or m R not puppies? Oh! I see single letter secretary.

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I'm laughing very loudly at that thought. Sorry not sorry. This is why I'm not allowed on day shift.

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Item 10 - perhaps all of the white people at the Super Bowl should have taken a knee during the “Black National Anthem”.

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I like how you think.

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Why didn't I think of that? (Because I wasn't watching the pre-game voodoo animal sacrifices.)

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Louder. Lager. No. Longer. South bend?

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They just heard my laugh in downtown Plymouth. Stop. Don't. Don't stop.

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#14: if colleges continue to admit larger numbers of (correctly hued) young people who are barely literate and wholly innumerate and not interested in gaining useful knowledge, said colleges have no need for the “hard” majors like physics, chemistry, mandarin, and the various engineering fields. Said institutions are not educational, they are hedge funds laundering money. Taxpayers and parents are fools to keep giving them money where is no return.

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The stories I hear from friends who had stayed in academia are horrible. Basic chemistry classes with 50% drop rates. Organic with 75%. Now it depends on the school, but as my eldest says STEM means out of passing grades, social life, or sleep, pick one.

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I was not in a quant kind of field, but organic always screened for real capability and commitment. Our son’s friends who ended up in those fields were obvious from about 4th grade: you couldn’t keep them from doing the math or the lab work and talking about it on the floor in our family room when they networked their computers to do something on a sleepover. But they worked really hard at all of it to get really good at it. As your eldest says: if you’re not willing to put in the time to learn the whole business well enough to use it and do something with it correctly, you’ll fail.

That’s where the current fad of grading to proficiency misses the boat. Having the idea of something is not the same as having mastery of the body of knowledge. You have to master the subject to be able to use it as a tool. If you think precision in written English or understanding literature is white supremacy (aka oppression) you are unlikely to master any course of study, STEM or otherwise.

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Well put. It's the difference between being a dilettante, instead of someone who can actually produce results.

Grade inflation only allows the recipient to continue imagining that they "know things and are smart". And Marxist Higher Ed WANTS them to think that they "know things and are smarter than the rest of us"--so that those college students will really believe that all the social justice BS they have been indoctrinated into is actually "smart" and true, because "the smart people" all believe it. But their so-called "smarts" are nothing but an illusion.

I guess you could say, never before have so many dumb people thought they were so smart. And as the liberal culture moves further away from religion, these poor dumb people have no sense of their spiritual identity or value, so they become really dependent upon thinking of themselves as "smarter than the rest of the population" in order to feel a sense of value about themselves. Therefore, they resist all the more any attempt to look more discerningly at the DEI "theology". I suspect there are very, very, few actually smart people involved in Marxism.

The only hopeful thing in this, though, is that most of those college students are not inherently dumb, and it does not actually take that much "IQ-power" to see through Marxism. In another setting, and with better teachers, those students could learn to exercise a higher type of intelligence and see through the pretensions of Marxism. I think it also shows that there is more to intelligence than so-called "IQ". Real intelligence draws on a broader range of qualities; qualities that come to the surface more in good and moral people; qualities like curiosity, questioning, considering, having good judgment, having practical knowledge of what is constructive versus what is destructive, the development of independent thought, and ultimately the gaining of wisdom. Right now, the broader population far surpasses the college students in genuine, effective intelligence.

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I have to dispute this part: "... most of those college students are not inherently dumb". It's been determined that while decades ago college students had IQs about 20 above the average, today they merely have average scores, in other words, around 100. Not surprising, really, with the reigning Equity/Equality craze pushing everybody and his brother into college.

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I think the colleges have played a real 'bait and switch' on many young people, which is very sad. They thought going to college was a good thing, and had no idea they were going to become fodder in a Marxist program to undercut and destroy America. They were mentally hijacked and indoctrinated into a sad, dysfunctional ideology. They wasted precious years of their youth, got 'degrees' in various useless grievance studies, racked up gigantic debt, probably developed a bunch of bad habits that are counterproductive to success and happiness in life, etc. They went in with aspirations; they came out with indignant self-righteousness.

The people that have done this to our young people and to this country have racked up an astoundingly enormous magnitude of 'bad karma'. I'm no Hindu, but it's a good phrase that captures the sense that there is a self-correcting power or force in the universe that inexorably will exact some kind of retribution.

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You could say that about a lot of government programs, and a lot of government spending: good intentions, but in the end a lot of bad results, because for the colleges all that government money just encouraged the proliferation of useless majors and an enormous inflation in fees: you could call it CC: College Corruption.

When the WWII survivors came home, the GI bill made it possible for them to attend college; by and large that worked out, and it gave an enormous boost to the economy. But by 1965 already, the political indoctrination had started all over, of a new college population; the children of the WWII vets, who were very different from their parents, meaning spoiled brats. I observed them myself at San Jose State and at San Francisco State; the so-called student strike at the latter became the model for similar vandalism all over the country, since it was more than clear that university presidents (except for S.I. Hayakawa!) lacked the backbone to say NO to the intimidation tactics and the nonsense demands for "ethnic studies" -- welfare programs for unproductive grifters. And by now, people who chose careers that didn't require academics -- plumbers, electricians, and so on -- have done better for themselves than a lot of college graduates.

I won't go on, except to observe that sociologically, so-called Higher Ed has been on a trajectory much like the Church in the late Middle Ages: irresponsible, wasteful, idle, conceited and ultimately ineffective; and by now Higher Ed is overdue for its own Reformation.

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Oh my.

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Sigh. I was born too early... Or was I?? Hmmm.

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Colleges and Universities are also great hide-aways for the overly educated who don't seem to know the music has stopped and the dance is over.

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At the risk of being booed off the stage, I have to say I agree with some of what they do partly slowly but they're going way too fast and they're going to wreck the lab while performing the experiment and we and the United States are the lab I like to experiment did I tell you about the time I put a hairpin in the electrical outlet really got my mother excited but sometimes you have to slow down a little. But it's still fun watching the lab collapse so I'm laughing I suppose that's not funny watching your own country be destroyed but it is interesting.

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No thanks - I don’t live my life as an academic exercise. And I know it’s not a video game that you can get cheat codes for or just turn off as some of the younger radicals seem to think. And if I’m going to be part of a lab experiment I expect to be paid very well for the risk and have an opportunity to review and amend informed consent. Of course- your mileage may vary. I’d rather not be part of a low and going lower time in history.

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Well done EOD mom! Leave it up to a mother to bring some common sense to everything. If I may preach just a little... That's why God's creating the church she's going to be the mother of the future and bring common sense to the to the male dominated Trinity although we can't complain Jesus laid down his life for the church in deference to the father's will can't ask for a better man than that or a better male. Sermon done. Did I hear loud sharing choco choco chuckle. Not bad secretary.

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ITEM: Putin killed his top political opponent, Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny. The irony of having our demented puppet at a news conference yesterday going after Donald Trump was not lost on anyone. It was fitting that Americas embarrassment had a brain freeze for at least a minute. What Biden and his Department of Justice are doing to Mr. Trump are no different than what Putin did to Alexi. The only difference at this point is Mr. Trump still has a voice. If he continues leading in the polls, look for the CIA NSA and FBI to try to change that. America has become Russia, without clean subways and affordable, clean grocery stores.

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Exactly- Biden excoriated Putin for Navalny’s death, but Biden, Obama and their buddies are doing the same thing to Trump. It’s creepy & disheartening.

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These elitist pricks wish they had Putin's power to kill a political opponent outright. Oh, how they wish they had that. As it is now, they have to hide behind the CIA and FBI to maintain plausible deniability. Hillary knows all about that. Maybe they'll sub the job out to her.

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I met a former FBI agent recently who still keeps in touch with the FBI through benevolent orgs. When I asked him if Joe Biden was corrupt, without missing a beat he replied ' 100%'. They seemingly know it but no one dares to say anything - the FBI/CIA has seemingly turned into the 'American Stasi'.

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Neither Biden nor 1% of any other American could tell you who nalvany was.

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i think the take down of trump is coming soon. they're not going to let this go on much longer. if they can incarcerate him just once and keep him out of the public eye ....we'll never see trump alive again.

never believe we don't do the same things as putin or other nations do. we're worse actually.

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I’ve read that the USA has more political prisoners than Russia….I am beginning to believe it

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Especially those accused of the J6 "insurrection"

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and they're mostly right of center i would think.

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When was the last time you recalled, a liberal or someone on the left being arrested and imprisoned. The two lawyers who threw molotov cocktails at the police in NYC during the BLM riots, got their hands slapped and were released. Who was arrested during the BLM riots? What blacks and liberals, INTFADA are in prison for that now? None.

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on the money.

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Their first plan failed spectacularly as Trump’s popularity rose with each false indictment/lawsuit.

I agree with you. Now their preferred method is to have Trump imprisoned and experience an “accident.” Should Trump survive prison time, their next plan will be for the “accident” to happen elsewhere.

Naturally, I hope their plans fail, but we must be prepared for the worst. All of us have seen this movie before.

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i 100% agree sophie. they wouldn't want him to be a martyr but at this point that is less germane than stopping him from getting back into the white house. they've got everything pretty much locked down now except that pesky loud mouth orange man. once trump can be silenced, in a visibly ugly way and with prejudice, the rest will fall away or get in line, whichever they prefer....or something close to all that i suppose. whatever is coming it's obvious (to me anyway) that they are NOT afraid of our actions or reactions. the entire cabal has watched us do absolute bupkis for eight years now. the right is either in on the con or all talk and no walk while the ameircan people are more interested in what taylor swift thinks than what you and i say.


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Item 22: Think about what Yellen said, “Biden is at the top of his game”. Who would say something like that? Either Yellen is a raving moron trying to convince a skeptical and angry public that what they see in Biden’s actions and demeanor are all wrong, or Yellen is dumber than Biden. But here is the bigger question, “are any members of this administration intelligent and working for America or were they all picked for being members of Idiots International”?

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Yellen in the prime example of the Peter principle in action! She has definitely risen to her greatest level of incompetence

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I think these people were picked for their malleability, not their expertise.

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But she has nice hair and looks wise....

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She looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid doll...

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Maybe she was the model for Mama Smurf.

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You know the answer Reddog/Puppet stings on all.

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On the other hand, if what we see is really the "top of Biden's game," then as grandpa would say it, "Woe be tied to us."

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Love the Rodney plug...damn he was funny!

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Amen, too.

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Item 26: The judge rebuked the Trump (and friends) attorneys much more than he did Fat Fani. Sure feels like the fix is in.

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I don’t get Turley’s largely positive take on that judge. He seems spineless to me

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He's an evil prick, with the eyes of a goat.

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Yes, he seemed intimidated by Fani. Maybe he's been threatened. Or is a liberal.

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Don’t know if he’s a liberal or not. Looked him up- he went to university on a cello scholarship, and he’s Captain of the Atlanta Lawn Tennis Assoc.

Seems too manly to assume.

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Today I learned that he had actually worked for Fani Willis for 4 years. So he seems quite hesitant around his former boss. He should have recused himself. He's far too connected to the defendant. And she clearly thinks she can bully him. She's making a mockery of his courtroom.

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Just occurred to me, we’ve heard crickets from the Bar Associations around the country on all this law fare and prosecutorial abuse. You would think they’d be very vocal about what’s going on.

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Fani's Eunuch-Lawyer Lover, called to the witness stand, was asked "if he EVER went to a Cabin?"... To which he said "No."

He was having an affair with Log Cabin Syrup.

Things got very sticky.


Item 9: "I mean, if you say the moon is 6,406,648,416 corgis away, people won’t try to get there because they know at some point they will stop and play with some of those 6,406,648,416 corgis."

Well, Queen Elizabeth for one would have never made it...


Item 11: "And add a scalp to LoTT’s belt. The school district fired Dolezal over her porn site sideline."

No so fast. If she's no longer busy gyrating in front of an Only Fans RadioShack $1.99 Camera, that means she's back on the streets being a public menace.


ITEM 13: “Suozzi win in NY special election further weakens slim House GOP majority.”

Damn. And the New York Pansy-Post tried so hard to get her elected.


ITEM 32: “Eric Idle says he’s working at 80 for financial reasons: ‘Not easy.’”

Donald, DOUBLE my Substack subscription fee --- You just made my day!

Idle's memoir, "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life" (2018 paperback)

was very enjoyable reading ... until...

British, Idle found America to be a better place to live.

How have we been repaid? Page 280: A vile anti-Trump rant.

I've spent a reasonable amount of time hoping that someday, I'll find out that the assh*les I've met in my life are now living in trailer parks.

Eric, fill out a change-of-address card.

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#4 “the average Californian goes through 4,157 grocery bags a year” That’s about a dozen bags a day. Or for those that grocery shop once a week, 84 bags a week. For a family of four 336 bags a week. How does one fit that many bags of groceries in a Tesla? Math is hard, but REALLY?

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We throw away huge paper bags every day....isn't that waste?

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In the county where I live plastic grocery bags are banned but the drug stores can use them. Go figure.

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“ mean, if you say the moon is 6,406,648,416 corgis away, people won’t try to get there because they know at some point they will stop and play with some of those 6,406,648,416 corgis.”

Ahaha! I love this because I know I would do just that!

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How could you not?

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My short legs cause me to identify with those little royal pups. My dad called our neighbor's darling little Dachshund, "a dog and a half long by half a dog high."

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I would never get to the moon. Too many corgis to pet and pet and pet......

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Trump should push the other NATO members to assume more of the burden because he will likely be busy in engaging India, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines into an alliance to deter China. Scrapping the old 20th century Cold War template and building a more practical alliance rather than just bases for a global empire.

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29.. Grigory Potemkin still relevant after all these years.

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My first thought too. Let’s hope he fact-checked himself.

OTOH- maybe they’ve advanced to the bread & circus stage.

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#9 The Jerusalem Post reported, “Corgi-sized meteor as heavy as 4 baby elephants hit Texas — NASA.”

Wow. What material is so dense that one Corgi-size piece weighs that much?

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Almost as dense as the scientist who measured it in corgis and baby elephants

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Item 26: Fani, when she stormed in to the courtroom to demand she be allowed to take the stand, (cuz she’d changed her mind), had her dress on backwards!

Totally Missed her meds that day for sure.

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Her wardrobe is so avant garde she doesn't know which side is avant.

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Actually there was nothing avant-garde about that dress - it was a very basic style. Just goes to show - as she proved once again herself in court - what an ignorant imbecile she is.

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And WAY Too tight!

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That may be her style, over all.

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When she stormed toward that witness chair, I got a free look at Fani's fanny. Didn't do anything for me, but I suppose Mr. Wade has different standards. "Baby got back"?

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Baby gots bucks. $$

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Yes, and more more thing. These two co-conspirators said that Wade paid all the bills for all their luxurious vacations with his credit cards, and then Fani Fanny would pay him her share of the costs in cash -- but of course, there's no proof of that. Sorry; no receipts. That stinks to high heaven.

Unless she had tens of thousands stuffed in her mattress, repaying him cash would have necessitated writing checks for cash, or else cashing checks from other parties; either way, that would have been recorded at her bank. So why is the prosecution not getting her bank statements? They would confirm or deny it.

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What I meant here -- in case it is not clear -- is that this claim about cash payments looks like their belated, desperate way to deny that Fanny got big kickbacks from Wade paying for worldwide entertainment for the two of them. And since there's no material evidence for that, it will be interesting to see if the prosecution accepts that as factual; for if they do, they are themselves dirty.

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I haven't been following the trial closely enough, but meant she's got lots of taxpayer dollars to steer to her preferred hires, like Wade.

(And not to be paranoid, but one has to consider that she might be receiving big cash "under the table" for the role she's playing in harassing Trump. Hmmm, I wonder if she's paid income tax on that money--like how they got Al Capone. Isn't that one way the CIA used to monitor its agents for espionage--to monitor their finances to see if the lifestyle they were living was beyond what their regular salary could support, or indicated unknown income sources.)

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If she wasn't paying her fair share, how is it they never made it to Judge Judy??

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Yes but she had those eyelashes on as they should be and got Daddy to spin a few lies for her yesterday about piles of cash being a "black thing"

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Surprised items 3 and 5 did not cause a staff revolt at the NYT just because.Also surprised Elton was too cheap to buy a petrol hog but remembered he is about impressive looks.Wonder how the propaganda machine missed a charming story of grandchildren building trust funds for grandpa FJB in his dotage.Onca again Poca-Man is running on all cylinders cruising and crushing a funtastic week of actual things that matter to sane people.Great poll ,thanks for leading the 2024 MAGA charge Don !!

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