As we've all witnessed in the last 25 years, politics is to serve the politician, not us. Congress will never vote in term limits because it would remove the reason most are there. However, there is one way to circumvent this roadblock - and the founders were ingenious for planning for this day 247 years ago.
It is call Article V Convention of States. Writings about this little known article in the Constitution are usually scare tactics and incorrect. Be careful of the "opinion journalism" gang. It is a Constitutionally created way for the voters to do what Congress won't do. That is, to stop the self-serving work that hurts the voter in the end. I invite everyone to look it up and support it.
For the states to call a Constitutional Convention, 38 states (75%+ super majority) must agree to do so. Then, WE THE PEOPLE decide things like term limits, pay rates for congress, control the IRS including whether to have an IRS to begin with instead of a flat tax, whether we need a Dept. of Education and Agriculture and an EPA. This is the only way to circumvent Congress. I believe about 20 states have signed on so far. My state of Ohio is working on it now.
Sorry but I am NOT SOLD on the COS or the con-con as some call it. It is like saying "We need to change the rules so that they will follow the rules, since they're not following the current rules." We don't need a NEW Constitution, we need to FOLLOW the CURRENT one.
What do you think will happen if the Pandora's Box of a COS was opened when you consider how the DEMOCRATS FIGHT versus how the Republicans SURRENDER???
That same convention of states could vote the 2nd Amendment away, limit our 1st Amendment rights to only sanctioned media, etc.
No I think voters must insist the current representatives adhere to our current Constitution as written. And that includes impeachment of rogue judges too. But none of this can happen without secure and fair elections. I'm afraid we're too far gone in that regard. Shooting our way out of this is probably our only solution
Out of control courts, witch hunt commissions, and executive orders have been shredding your Constitution before our very eyes for decades. Doing what we’ve always done (stand around and complain) hasn’t fixed anything. Would you be surprised to know we have had 33 convention of states in our history?
I don’t mean to offend anyone but I am not an expert. Your best sources are direct from the website. I have read and studied the pros and cons for several years and am shocked that the discussion is shut down with “what if opinions” that have little basis.
FACT: You have lost your constitution. The courts, Congress,and the DOJ are running roughshod over your liberty and there is nothing anyone is doing to stop it. You are afraid to use a convention of states to eradicate the deep state control but they are changing your constitution as you sit and read this today.
Does anyone else see we are in the final days of survival as a republic? It is worth your time to learn about it from people smarter than me.
Nope I haven't. It's you pushing it not me. I pointed out why I have grave concerns and your response is that 80 years ago there was one and you didn't describe any accomplishments of such Conventions.
If I'm pushing FOR something and trying to win adherents, I would provide facts instead of pointing out ones ignorance in such matter. I'll admit, I am ignorant of the benefits of COS so enlighten us. I'll do the same on my issues should they come up here
While Article V does sound good on its face, the risks far outweigh the only slightly possible advantages. Even our Founders warned against such actions as they held the risk of undoing the very Constitution itself, which, if it was adhered to as written to restrain the Federal Govt, would negate the very need for any convention,
Conventions of states have met many times in our history, although not under Article V per se and the process is well defined and productive. I do not understand two things in the arguments against. (1) If the current Constitution is able to fix our problems of a tyrannical, self-serving government, why doesn't it? The voters have little control anymore. Elections are won by who counts the votes. (2) Do you really expect Congress to use the constitution to vote themselves term limits? End the out of control agencies that suck up billions is tax money only to dictate your lives and your property?
The founders took great risk, and were right to warn us to be careful with it. But, they pledged their lives and sacred honor to put Article V in the Constitution. NOW is the time to use it. Government isn't working and it won't change with us complaining about it.
There is one sliver of hope happening today that is actually “new”. People, myself included, are Awakening to how very, very far our country has veered from its Constitutional boundaries.
We had been asleep for far to long but this new awakening could also be likened to a revival of our original founding: returning to the foundation and genius of the Constitution itself. It can be done, but it is for us to see to it that it is. It can be a movement if enough people see how far we have strayed and realize we need to go back and realign ourselves to what will hold this Republic together. As Ben Franklin himself said it’s up to us to KEEP it.
The haters of the Constitution, those who lust for total power and control, have been in charge for too long, and people let them have their way, mostly out of want and fear, but we lost our freedom in the process.
It may take many years to undo the damage but we have the greatest Constitution in the history of the world, the framework by which to do it, if we have the will.
Too many of us said it has no effect on my business at the time and did not notice the slime getting deeper and spreading.Now we realize it is time to wake up.
ONE OF The best Constitutional scholars today is Mark Levin who is a strong supporter of Article V COS. Please see his comments at
Yes, I am aware. I have still not heard an answer as to why he (or any COS supporters) think a NEW CONSTITUTION will be followed any better than the CURRENT CONSTITUTION.
Term limit sounds good until you think of its results. The permanent, unelected administrative state would only get more powerful if there were term limits. I say do something about the administrative state -- term limits for them? defund and disassemble most of government? move most agencies to the heartland? -- then term limits for Congress. Of course, all that reorganization might just make Congress less powerful, or scare them straight, making term limits moot.
Your point is well taken. Why not consider getting RID of those administrative agencies? Congress won't do that because their voters are also the employees in those agencies. A Convention of States would do all of that and give us term limits.
The Administrative State is now and always has been UNConstitutional.
We do not need a COS to undo it or mess around with the Constitution. The Constitution ALREADY outlaws it.
There are also pros and cons with term limits, mostly cons. Let the people decide who to vote for, while imperfect (and now with vote rigging fraught with risk) is still the best way to determine who gets elected.
Dismantling the Administrative State can be done if we had an Executive Administration with the comprehension and balls to do so.
Aha. An analogy I can understand. As with ''Gun Control'' if we outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Term limits would limit congress critters their legal-ish method of earning mo' money.
And probably make the 1 or 2 terms they are in Congress all about them and none about actually doing the peoples business. At least right now most of them are subtle, and yes, I said most. there are some very notable exceptions.
I am pleased with my (R) congressionals, Sen. Blackburn, especially. If that changes, I will probably not mention it in polite company. She calls us "my Tennesseans" and I think that is special.
She is one of the few good ones. We keep sending Reps that we think are at least ok but they are hidden RINOS or become them before next term. Or they are Dems playing at being a R because that gets them elected.
If Sen. Blackburn ever wanted to run for Governor of Tennessee, she would probably win easily, but oh how we need her more in Washington DC. Bill Hagerty, junior senator, is a fine spokesman for us. Our House Rep is John Rose, a farmer-lawyer, young man with a young family. Thanks for the touch-back.
Having made her milions, a congresswoman will retire
I thought Nancy Pelosi had already retired.........-
When a stupid idiot like Maxine Waters can become a millionaire 10 times over, that just begs disbelief. The whole system is SO corrupt that is can no longer stop. People, whatever else you do today, pray.
I did read the other day that George Soros homosexual looking son is cutting back financial outlays by 40%. Might that be hope for the future?
In 1939, a young Jimmy Stewart, played Mr. Smith going to Washington. Frank Capra, beautifully summed up the graft and corruption that is Congress and the idyllic young man, who stood up to fight it. That was a mirror of America in the 20th century.
In 2023, our country has changed so much That we celebrate the graft. The newest movie would be Mr. Obama goes to Washington. He leaves government with million dollar houses in Hawaii, DC, and Martha’s Vineyard while the rest of the country gets poor and in ruin. This is mirror of America in the 21st century.
Neapolitan is a back bench, never heard of Congress-critter who grifted $5 mil over her 25 year stay in DC (Den of Corruption) imagine what the high profile grifters have pocketed.
Remember when those running under Newt’s Contract With America were for term limits? A few term limited themselves. Most got the taste of money and stayed.
Had the same thought. John Linder in my GA district stepped down after 12 years. No longer there so I don’t know what his successor has done.
America, so sadly and anger provoking, is so corrupt at every level of government and all governmental and NGO’s, that it is a wonder we have not yet fallen.
Watched a YouTube video with Eric Metaxas interviewing General Flynn. It is a good watch. Bottom line, we all need to be engaged “guarding the vote” and engaging with local and state government on all other unconstitutional subversion. (My word). The majority of those engaging are women.
Flynn was optimistic. I pray that his optimism is rewarded.
Just read that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez net worth is now $13 million and has 5 homes. She rents 4 that bring in an average of $5k each per month that bring her over $200k per year so those aren't small starter homes. We're screwed.
And she still owes on bankrupted book publishing business taxes which is still owed to the state. It is like $1200 +fees and fines. I dont remember if she is one who still owes school loans or not. I know a couple of the other in her circle are.
Judging by the wealth of other congressional people when they leave office, seems like she is not good at acquiring wealth. Having worked with many such people over the years, I can tell you some are so challenged in a past time they would be called organized crime. Apparently, when you walk into your first office, you are required to divest yourself of all ethicall and moral standards. Worst of all, we let it continue to happen.
"She got rich. The nation went broke. As Jerry Reed might sing, she got the gold mine; we got the shaft."
Newly sworn-in President Trump said almost the very same verbatim in his inauguration speech in 2017. If memory serves, there was an image of John "Death's Head" McCain beginning a slow burn as he heard those words.
"Only the mafia and credit card companies charge a higher interest rate."
I submit the mafia is the more reasonable between the two.
"Naming taxpayer-paid projects after yourself was pioneered by Hubert Humphrey and perfected by Robert C. Byrd."
Indeed it was. It was perfect that the Metrodome was named after Hubert Humphrey, though - not only was it was built with money from taxpayers on the iron range who would never see its inside, let alone the Twin Cities; it was also cheap, over-priced despite being built by the lowest bidder, and only functional if it was filled with hot air - just like HHH, himself.
"The difference is those CEOs create wealth while members of Congress create debt — more than a trillion dollars of additional debt each year."
With all due respect, Brother Don, the overwhelming majority of these CEOs' decisions do not result in the creation of wealth - see AB InBev, Target, P&G's BJ property, et al. Rather, most oversee a decline in their company's market value as they merely act as custodians of enterprises that continue to decrease in profitability while generating increased revenue. These enterprises prosper in spite of themselves and their senior management.
Term limits without being ineligible for any other elected office are useless. Two years in jail for a Representative is a good start, but that's all it is. Still, it's the better of the two options.
I do not know if the people have the will but we do have term limits of a sort.Sadly voters do not realize politicians and diapers need to changed regularly to prevent filth build up.Good expose of the crime committed legally by our elected mafiosi and how they regulate themselves should be a new post.Great post and Dr cat is baaaack.
So that's how you can get rich in Washington DC if you show up poor! Don Surber is teaching me math! Davidson County schools would pay you homage were it not way past my graduation date. Your cat earns more money, to hear teachers tell it. Turns out that 2 plus 2 does equal 4, with interest and recappable tires. Wonder how much over her basic need--vodka did the Wicked Witch of the East pile up before she learned that people would pay to listen to her being no way tar'd?
As we've all witnessed in the last 25 years, politics is to serve the politician, not us. Congress will never vote in term limits because it would remove the reason most are there. However, there is one way to circumvent this roadblock - and the founders were ingenious for planning for this day 247 years ago.
It is call Article V Convention of States. Writings about this little known article in the Constitution are usually scare tactics and incorrect. Be careful of the "opinion journalism" gang. It is a Constitutionally created way for the voters to do what Congress won't do. That is, to stop the self-serving work that hurts the voter in the end. I invite everyone to look it up and support it.
For the states to call a Constitutional Convention, 38 states (75%+ super majority) must agree to do so. Then, WE THE PEOPLE decide things like term limits, pay rates for congress, control the IRS including whether to have an IRS to begin with instead of a flat tax, whether we need a Dept. of Education and Agriculture and an EPA. This is the only way to circumvent Congress. I believe about 20 states have signed on so far. My state of Ohio is working on it now.
Don, if you'll allow it, I will post their website here.
More proof that our founders were geniuses. They foresaw this day almost 250 years ago.
Sorry but I am NOT SOLD on the COS or the con-con as some call it. It is like saying "We need to change the rules so that they will follow the rules, since they're not following the current rules." We don't need a NEW Constitution, we need to FOLLOW the CURRENT one.
What do you think will happen if the Pandora's Box of a COS was opened when you consider how the DEMOCRATS FIGHT versus how the Republicans SURRENDER???
Agree 1,000%!
Undocumented Democrats re-writing the rules? I don't think so.
That same convention of states could vote the 2nd Amendment away, limit our 1st Amendment rights to only sanctioned media, etc.
No I think voters must insist the current representatives adhere to our current Constitution as written. And that includes impeachment of rogue judges too. But none of this can happen without secure and fair elections. I'm afraid we're too far gone in that regard. Shooting our way out of this is probably our only solution
Out of control courts, witch hunt commissions, and executive orders have been shredding your Constitution before our very eyes for decades. Doing what we’ve always done (stand around and complain) hasn’t fixed anything. Would you be surprised to know we have had 33 convention of states in our history?
I don’t mean to offend anyone but I am not an expert. Your best sources are direct from the website. I have read and studied the pros and cons for several years and am shocked that the discussion is shut down with “what if opinions” that have little basis.
FACT: You have lost your constitution. The courts, Congress,and the DOJ are running roughshod over your liberty and there is nothing anyone is doing to stop it. You are afraid to use a convention of states to eradicate the deep state control but they are changing your constitution as you sit and read this today.
Does anyone else see we are in the final days of survival as a republic? It is worth your time to learn about it from people smarter than me.
When were the last two? What did they accomplish?
The last one was in the 1940’s. Doesn’t sound like you’ve done much research.
Nope I haven't. It's you pushing it not me. I pointed out why I have grave concerns and your response is that 80 years ago there was one and you didn't describe any accomplishments of such Conventions.
If I'm pushing FOR something and trying to win adherents, I would provide facts instead of pointing out ones ignorance in such matter. I'll admit, I am ignorant of the benefits of COS so enlighten us. I'll do the same on my issues should they come up here
While Article V does sound good on its face, the risks far outweigh the only slightly possible advantages. Even our Founders warned against such actions as they held the risk of undoing the very Constitution itself, which, if it was adhered to as written to restrain the Federal Govt, would negate the very need for any convention,
Conventions of states have met many times in our history, although not under Article V per se and the process is well defined and productive. I do not understand two things in the arguments against. (1) If the current Constitution is able to fix our problems of a tyrannical, self-serving government, why doesn't it? The voters have little control anymore. Elections are won by who counts the votes. (2) Do you really expect Congress to use the constitution to vote themselves term limits? End the out of control agencies that suck up billions is tax money only to dictate your lives and your property?
The founders took great risk, and were right to warn us to be careful with it. But, they pledged their lives and sacred honor to put Article V in the Constitution. NOW is the time to use it. Government isn't working and it won't change with us complaining about it.
There is one sliver of hope happening today that is actually “new”. People, myself included, are Awakening to how very, very far our country has veered from its Constitutional boundaries.
We had been asleep for far to long but this new awakening could also be likened to a revival of our original founding: returning to the foundation and genius of the Constitution itself. It can be done, but it is for us to see to it that it is. It can be a movement if enough people see how far we have strayed and realize we need to go back and realign ourselves to what will hold this Republic together. As Ben Franklin himself said it’s up to us to KEEP it.
The haters of the Constitution, those who lust for total power and control, have been in charge for too long, and people let them have their way, mostly out of want and fear, but we lost our freedom in the process.
It may take many years to undo the damage but we have the greatest Constitution in the history of the world, the framework by which to do it, if we have the will.
P.S. but it cannot happen without the Grace of God.
That is the Catch 22, in this sinful world.
Too many of us said it has no effect on my business at the time and did not notice the slime getting deeper and spreading.Now we realize it is time to wake up.
Great minds...👍👍
ONE OF The best Constitutional scholars today is Mark Levin who is a strong supporter of Article V COS. Please see his comments at
Yes, I am aware. I have still not heard an answer as to why he (or any COS supporters) think a NEW CONSTITUTION will be followed any better than the CURRENT CONSTITUTION.
Answer: It won't be.
It would have been wiser to keep the tree of liberty fertilized.
Term limit sounds good until you think of its results. The permanent, unelected administrative state would only get more powerful if there were term limits. I say do something about the administrative state -- term limits for them? defund and disassemble most of government? move most agencies to the heartland? -- then term limits for Congress. Of course, all that reorganization might just make Congress less powerful, or scare them straight, making term limits moot.
Good point. I join others here that advocate de-funding - ON A MASSIVE SCALE - the federal government or abolishing a majority of it.
Your point is well taken. Why not consider getting RID of those administrative agencies? Congress won't do that because their voters are also the employees in those agencies. A Convention of States would do all of that and give us term limits.
The Administrative State is now and always has been UNConstitutional.
We do not need a COS to undo it or mess around with the Constitution. The Constitution ALREADY outlaws it.
There are also pros and cons with term limits, mostly cons. Let the people decide who to vote for, while imperfect (and now with vote rigging fraught with risk) is still the best way to determine who gets elected.
Dismantling the Administrative State can be done if we had an Executive Administration with the comprehension and balls to do so.
Hopefully, the Supreme Court will be dismantling the administrative state in their next session.
I am envious of your faith which is not the size of a mustard seed - it is the size of an entire mustard shrub!
Is the Pope a Trump Fan? Do little bears use porcelain toilets in the woods? Droll, Schlong.....very droll.
They got a start but I have no faith in Roberts or one or two of the others. Hopefully, Thomas can guide them.
From your lips to Gods ear!!!!!
Aha. An analogy I can understand. As with ''Gun Control'' if we outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Term limits would limit congress critters their legal-ish method of earning mo' money.
And probably make the 1 or 2 terms they are in Congress all about them and none about actually doing the peoples business. At least right now most of them are subtle, and yes, I said most. there are some very notable exceptions.
I am pleased with my (R) congressionals, Sen. Blackburn, especially. If that changes, I will probably not mention it in polite company. She calls us "my Tennesseans" and I think that is special.
She is one of the few good ones. We keep sending Reps that we think are at least ok but they are hidden RINOS or become them before next term. Or they are Dems playing at being a R because that gets them elected.
If Sen. Blackburn ever wanted to run for Governor of Tennessee, she would probably win easily, but oh how we need her more in Washington DC. Bill Hagerty, junior senator, is a fine spokesman for us. Our House Rep is John Rose, a farmer-lawyer, young man with a young family. Thanks for the touch-back.
I saw this headline:
Having made her milions, a congresswoman will retire
I thought Nancy Pelosi had already retired.........-
When a stupid idiot like Maxine Waters can become a millionaire 10 times over, that just begs disbelief. The whole system is SO corrupt that is can no longer stop. People, whatever else you do today, pray.
I did read the other day that George Soros homosexual looking son is cutting back financial outlays by 40%. Might that be hope for the future?
In 1939, a young Jimmy Stewart, played Mr. Smith going to Washington. Frank Capra, beautifully summed up the graft and corruption that is Congress and the idyllic young man, who stood up to fight it. That was a mirror of America in the 20th century.
In 2023, our country has changed so much That we celebrate the graft. The newest movie would be Mr. Obama goes to Washington. He leaves government with million dollar houses in Hawaii, DC, and Martha’s Vineyard while the rest of the country gets poor and in ruin. This is mirror of America in the 21st century.
If ever there was a poll that had to have an “All of the Above” option, todays poll was it!!!!
Please discuss with the cat.
Neapolitan is a back bench, never heard of Congress-critter who grifted $5 mil over her 25 year stay in DC (Den of Corruption) imagine what the high profile grifters have pocketed.
Remember when those running under Newt’s Contract With America were for term limits? A few term limited themselves. Most got the taste of money and stayed.
Had the same thought. John Linder in my GA district stepped down after 12 years. No longer there so I don’t know what his successor has done.
America, so sadly and anger provoking, is so corrupt at every level of government and all governmental and NGO’s, that it is a wonder we have not yet fallen.
Watched a YouTube video with Eric Metaxas interviewing General Flynn. It is a good watch. Bottom line, we all need to be engaged “guarding the vote” and engaging with local and state government on all other unconstitutional subversion. (My word). The majority of those engaging are women.
Flynn was optimistic. I pray that his optimism is rewarded.
"Reporters do not consider that news." That is the problem.
Proving your worth once again, sir.
Just read that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez net worth is now $13 million and has 5 homes. She rents 4 that bring in an average of $5k each per month that bring her over $200k per year so those aren't small starter homes. We're screwed.
And she still owes on bankrupted book publishing business taxes which is still owed to the state. It is like $1200 +fees and fines. I dont remember if she is one who still owes school loans or not. I know a couple of the other in her circle are.
Judging by the wealth of other congressional people when they leave office, seems like she is not good at acquiring wealth. Having worked with many such people over the years, I can tell you some are so challenged in a past time they would be called organized crime. Apparently, when you walk into your first office, you are required to divest yourself of all ethicall and moral standards. Worst of all, we let it continue to happen.
"She got rich. The nation went broke. As Jerry Reed might sing, she got the gold mine; we got the shaft."
Newly sworn-in President Trump said almost the very same verbatim in his inauguration speech in 2017. If memory serves, there was an image of John "Death's Head" McCain beginning a slow burn as he heard those words.
"Only the mafia and credit card companies charge a higher interest rate."
I submit the mafia is the more reasonable between the two.
"Naming taxpayer-paid projects after yourself was pioneered by Hubert Humphrey and perfected by Robert C. Byrd."
Indeed it was. It was perfect that the Metrodome was named after Hubert Humphrey, though - not only was it was built with money from taxpayers on the iron range who would never see its inside, let alone the Twin Cities; it was also cheap, over-priced despite being built by the lowest bidder, and only functional if it was filled with hot air - just like HHH, himself.
"The difference is those CEOs create wealth while members of Congress create debt — more than a trillion dollars of additional debt each year."
With all due respect, Brother Don, the overwhelming majority of these CEOs' decisions do not result in the creation of wealth - see AB InBev, Target, P&G's BJ property, et al. Rather, most oversee a decline in their company's market value as they merely act as custodians of enterprises that continue to decrease in profitability while generating increased revenue. These enterprises prosper in spite of themselves and their senior management.
Term limits without being ineligible for any other elected office are useless. Two years in jail for a Representative is a good start, but that's all it is. Still, it's the better of the two options.
-->"Her help in getting her district a dog park was reported..."
That's some record of accomplishment in Congress!! What do the local elected politicians do? Anything??
I do not know if the people have the will but we do have term limits of a sort.Sadly voters do not realize politicians and diapers need to changed regularly to prevent filth build up.Good expose of the crime committed legally by our elected mafiosi and how they regulate themselves should be a new post.Great post and Dr cat is baaaack.
the 87k new and heavily-armed irs agents should have as their sole focus current and past elected officials. 50% interest on all ill-gotten gains
unfortunately, they are pointed at the middle and lower class. The congress critters and elites can afford accountants and lawyers.
So that's how you can get rich in Washington DC if you show up poor! Don Surber is teaching me math! Davidson County schools would pay you homage were it not way past my graduation date. Your cat earns more money, to hear teachers tell it. Turns out that 2 plus 2 does equal 4, with interest and recappable tires. Wonder how much over her basic need--vodka did the Wicked Witch of the East pile up before she learned that people would pay to listen to her being no way tar'd?
Great column, Don.