Yes, buy a gun and get training and stop voting for Democrats. I actually think abandoning the Democrats is the answer, then get a gun. Or maybe it's a tie for both at the same time.
Then the answer to my question is you are 50? Now for something entirely different.
Appropo of nothing we are discussing. I have just gotten call number 2 from some one in Iran spoofing a local number, and advising me that Amazon is going to charge me over a thousand dollars for a purchase I made today. Caller wanted me to press 1 if I did not order anything today. I told caller I had not purchased anything ever from Amazon. If Muslims can lie to me for political reasons, may I also lie to them for the same?? Enquiring minds want to know. I am as serious as a heart attack!
2. They have some bullshit practice in their death cult that allows them to lie to the infidels to get whatever they need. It’s called ‘Taquiya’ or some such.
Anyway if they can lie so can you …about everything. Next time it’s them tell you’re the Haram Funeral Parlour and you need to know their measurements for a pig skin burial suit😊😈😆!
I have my phone direct unknown numbers straight to voice mail. If they don’t leave a message, it was spam. Sometimes, spam leaves a message. If it’s someone I need back, they leave a message.
Some people fear that "the Jews" are plotting to take over the world. If that's true, I wish they would get on with it. They would surely manage things better than those who are in charge now. They certainly wouldn't do any worse.
Get in touch with Chuck Schumer. He may be able to help you.
I was once a gentile living in a Jewish community. It still amazes me so many American Jews support the democrats. The community didn't care I was a gentile. Nope what bothered them was I was conservative Republican.
What’s the big mystery? Why do Hollywood celebrities vote Democrat? Why do Billionaires vote Democrat? Why does anybody vote Democrat? People are dumb. People are nuts. People are Commies. The Democrat party is mostly not Jews. It’s mostly other people. Ask white suburban upper middle class voters why they support Democrats. Ask that question. Why do you vote for a party that hates white heterosexual successful people?
Oh that's a good one. The kibbutzim prolly only tolerate us lower-case christians among them. One of my attorneys spent 2 undergrad years at a kibbutz.
'S'cuze. I was referencing a biblical concept of being "grafted into the true vine" I am the Vine, Ye are the branches. Many refs, but Gospel of John, Chapter 15 is the most quoted.
The thing that gets me is the cabal on certain websites to claim the Jews all run/control the media to their own nefarious ends; if that were the case then how does the media go all-in knee jerk anti-Israeli/pro-“Palestinian” every time something erupts over in the Middle East?
Have said it before: JINOs - Jews In Name Only. They might attend synagogue once a year during the high holy days but the rest of the year their religion is leftist politics. See "Reiner, Rob".
But don't the "JINO's" understand that the Muslims are against the Jews as a RACE-- and that just the fact that a particular Jew's politics are liberal won't protect them one iota from Muslim wrath?
Nor do I; there seems no logic or reasoning to it. Don’t forget though when Moses was up on the mountain receiving The Ten Commandments from God the tribe had gone loco, worshiping golden calves, practicing hedonism, etc.
There was a social club here where I was born call the Knickebocker Club. Some Fisk University students who wanted to avoid the "colored" balcony at the so-named theater, knew or had been told they were "light enough to pass." If we shave the harsh edges off of that thought, maybe it would explain why the entertainment contingent is liberal.
I mention what Felix Mendelssohn's dad Abraham said to him about the made up last name Bartholdy; "there can no more be a Christian Mendelssohn than there can be a Jewish Confucius." Felix' sister Fanny did NOT change her name from Mendelssohn until she married.
I had a close friend tell me that years ago and it stopped our friendship cold for five years. I could not bring myself to speak to that person again until that issue was addressed to my satisfaction.
I dropped my daddy's baby sister down hard and cold when she accidentally let it slip what she thought about my cousin's Jewish husband. I made sure to go to that aunt's funeral decades later--just to be sure I wouldn't see her ever again. I knew in my heart I was forbidden by scripture to actually "hate her." Music cue: "I'll Think Of A Reason Later" was a monster hit for Lee Ann Womack.
The Jews can't even run Israel now and you want them to run things here? We'd be bombed and hated for the rest of eternity--and just like Israel now, do nothing about it, except COMPLAIN.
Obviously we are adults and as such we're expected to take care of ourselves and our own. We're also the adult Nation of the Americas that is able to stand up to the bullies of the world. Our official birthday is 1776. Israel started off as Palestine in 1946ish. They're obviously the youngster that needs to protected until they are able to stand alone. We fight bullies by scaring them shitless, beating common sense into them, or pounding them into dust then slowly rebuilding them until they are able to take over being useful. Beat them until they're your friends.
Don't aspire to dominate the world like Lucifer. Be willing to lay down your own, like Jesus.
You remind me of one of my fav pastors growing up. I'd ask some question or other and he'd say "Do I look like a concordance? Go buy one and look it up!" He's the pastor who after I told him what a great sermon one day, he replied, "Get thee behind me." I loved sarc early on in my existance.
You need a touchup on history. The Jews have been loathed for time eternal. Why? Because they cannot be trusted and outright dishonesty--or do you think someone like Chuck Schumer can be trusted. Look it up.
Jews were the first to preach the message of the Ten Commandments, that worship of God includes the second tablet of respect for fellow mankind. As the mother religion of both Christianity and Islam, Judaism pioneered the ideal of the holy and the human need for acting in accord with divine law. But anti-Semitism stands in opposition to the very idea of civilization. It detests Jews because it acknowledges that Jews are the conscience of humanity and the lawgivers of ethical and moral behavior. Jews are hated not because they are bad but because they persist in reminding the world of what it means to be good.
Great post. The Gazans (there is no such thing as Palestine or Palestinians. It's like Atlantis: a phantasmagoric creation. In this case, by the KGB. They're actually Jordanians and that is their state) do not want a 2 state solution. They want one state, sans Jews, and Christians, and also, any Muslims who prefer western law and order, prosperity, and freedom, as opposed to Islamic totalitarianism, which is what they'll get under Hamas.
The solution to Gaza is the same as what we did, with our Iraqi and Kurdish allies, to destroy ISIS. Pound every one of the structures to dust with artillery and air strikes, then send in the infantry and special forces to obliterate the jihadists. It was very bloody and destructive: look at drone footage of Mosul, Irbil, and other cities, but that was the only way to defeat them. They are all deadenders. You notice that because of Trump's decision to do so, no one speaks of a caliphate any more.
I wish the Israelis the best, but they will have a tough time, as our own country is heavily influenced by anti-Semites and racists at all levels.
I always refer to Islam as a death cult. Of course many Muslims are nice people who just want to live their lives in peace, however, the leaders take the Koran literally and wish to create the next caliphate. At the end of the day, Islam wants us all either dead or subjugated.
Ditto Stanford & Princeton (of course not to mention Yale). Our friends are so excited when their kids get accepted. Takes 2 Semesters at most for them to not come back home to their Retrograde family. Dennis Prager is right, college is a 4 year liberal indoctrination (I prefer concentration) camp.
(Like Lee says) Tax the endowments if their tuition is more than $10k per year, and NO taxpayer tuition & party money financial aid for these schools. Or if student loans are not repaid, take it from endowment, not majority hardworking non-college grads.
Our daughter was so po’d that we would not even let her apply to the slavery-endowed Brown. Nothing north of the Ni River, as well as U of Richmond, Duke, uNC, CarterPLO-Ctr at Emory. She turned out grounded and supporting herself….G-d is great. Occasionally I’ll send her clippings of latest insanity at Brown…
We'd have to say "Ed Zackery" to that. I went to a religious college and had the audacity at 21 to think I knew stuff. Since 1963, I realize the more I learn, the less I know. Initiation point .00013 "Ed Zackery" translates to the word "exactly!"
In our county school system before we had to consolidate with the inferior city schools, we would call getting passed to the next grade "a social lift." You couldn't have a 4th grader who needed to shave! sitting in class with nine year-olds.
I contend that Harvard, such as it is, could survive another 200 years on just the interest-on-the-interest of their money and properties. Without another penny being donated from here on until the End of Days.
Sadly CCNY is not the school it used to be. With about 1/3 of the City is Jewish but there is no longer a Jewish presence on the board of trustees. The speakers at graduation have no problem speaking about the destruction of Israel by calling for the end to the Zionist state. Maybe it would do better to repurpose the Harvard campus to Hillsdale College East. My father who applied to college before WW II was told by a well respected NYState engineering school to reapply for the next year’s class because the quota was filled, not the class but the quota. He ended up as a Clinical Professor at Harvard. He wasn’t very impressed. I actually spent two years as an instructor at a Harvard Professional School. I was impressed that such intelligent people could be so stupid. Lastly for more than a decade, when people would lament that college students have become snowflakes, needing special consideration when a conservative spoke on campus or proclaimed that “speech is violence”, I explained that they weren’t snowflakes but bullies. It was just an excuse and a way to get the Administration to do their bidding. We know this was true because the same people have no trouble agreeing with the rape and murder of Jews.
They were to a person intelligent. Most of them lived in a fantasy world created by their able to verbally convince themselves that the mental reality was real. They had distain for us lesser folk (State University top tier professional school not Ivy) and dismissed us for not being in that club.
I was well aware of the sordid past of Harvard when I went there. I knew that many supported the Nazis during the lead up to World War II. I knew about their anti-Semitism racism and recent history of anti-Asian behavior. However, there was never any of this “rot” on the surface, maybe it was in the secret clubs which I had no interest in. Today, the students and faculty stand up and are arm and arm with evil. That is a good thing. Why? Because they can look to the left and look to the right and see the faces of those that will rape, behead and murder them, and their family in the future.
I used to be proud that I graduated from Harvard, now I’m ashamed.
Stanford doesn’t have that history, but it’s in the vanguard of retarded woke campuses promoting bad ideas and bad people. Embarrassing to say the least. But mostly it’s shameful that they have abandoned the values that made the country great.
Fascinating article. Knowing (learning about) actual History is such a priceless and invaluable necessity when it comes to understanding our present and guiding how we move forward into the future. Thus, It is no wonder the Left is so determined to erase it.
Having watched several “interviews” with some of those college “pro-Palestinian” protestors, each and every one of them sounded like a robot, merely mouthing all sorts of utter evil and absurd nonsense that had clearly just been drilled into their brains, and whenever pushed back on their rote talking points, they either looked like a deer in headlights speechless, or simply repeated the same mantras over and over, or fled. But boy, were they ever “passionate” about that which they had so evidently had zero comprehension.
I don’t know how you reach these kids until they actually get to experience the consequences of such beliefs in their own lives. But, then they’d be dead.
Just checking in. Second to like Don's Daily. Boss is on my lap. Coffee is finished. Oldest travel agent daughter is back from Mexico and will rewrap my foot today. Shedding my competitive mindset very very very... slowly. Very grateful for Surber Family and their Learless Feeder. My constant prayer is for the return of Trump and a Bentley for Bubba.
10-27-23: And the key to this would be his complete independence.
In contrast, Observe! the self-inflicted shame that Fox "News" has brought upon itself, (Tucker). Now, it is just one of dozens of PR (disguised as "media") firms whoring for their past and present masters, Clinton / Obama / Biden.
As a final tag, may I suggest allowing Don to work remotely. He could be the ultimate snarky truthful factchecker. We could be his War Room. Move over Steve Bannon.
Never could grasp the notion of a person hating another based upon any measurable factor rather than some imaginary construct that has been created and instilled in that individual by none other than a proponent of that same construct.
As far as the middle east goes, much of this chaos stems from the colonial powers at the time, gathered together, while wining and dining took it up themselves to create nations. Disregarding any recognition of the diversity there, the lines displayed existing powers influence and control thus creating boundaries. Apparently, the controlled opposition had no input.
Gaza and the West Bank, despite years of financial supports which has amounted to incredible sums, has shown no real progress of advancing their own peoples in any metric. All their focus has been on instilling hate and a goal of annihilation of a people they've been trained to hate and kill.
Is there perhaps, a universal pattern of perpetual senseless hate, for hates sake and nothing else?.
BTW Yassar Arafat was able to die peacefully living in a million $$ mansion, in Paris I believe. Seems like he's the only one to have put ALL that money to some good use, eh?
We are at the pinnacle of the result of Rudi Dutschke’s comment about the left’s ‘Long March through the Institutions’, a phrase by the way referring to the Chinese Communist’s, Long March across China. No need to ask how thats working out for ya, Don’s column lays it out very nicely!
Even if it was possible to switch out every leftist oriented Prof and TA currently employed in the Commie Factories of Virtue Signalling Elite, who are we going to replace them with. Remember this has been a long time coming and the tentacles of the progressive, d-rat left now extend into every kindergarten an pre-school in NA. Just look at the decorations in your grandkids home room. Without some kind of change, some of these kids will one day be happily indoctrinating (I really wanted to say metastastising) at rat holes named Harvard or Berkeley or Oberlin.
Home schooling might be the answer in the early grades but at some point the kids have to get real and attend high school and then some kind of Uni, and we are back to the same BS.
Parents and Grandparents who know better and who were educated better, you have a duty…Get on with it!
I must say I am happy to see some (not many, really) donors and employers starting to push back against some of this mishigas, but I have a question: Where have they been until now?
This politically correct/woke cancer, after all, has been metastasizing on college campi for decades now. It hasn't been a secret. It seems that as long as the victims were conservatives, fundamentalist Christians, and Asians, the donors and employers were cool with it all. What did they think, the Nazis who run our major institutions of higher "learning" wouldn't eventually come for the Jews? The German universities were hotbeds of Nazism, after all. Looks like that bacillus has spread to our shores.....
I think it spread to our shores following WWII when our space program, and other programs needing well-trained scientists, accepted many former Nazis into our fold in trade for their skills.
I think it goes back further than that, to the arrival on our shores of the Frankfurt School following the Nazi takeover in 1933. Read Michael Walsh's "The Devil's Pleasure Palace" if you want the details.
Actually, it was the Woodrow Wilson administration that began the explosion of the administrative state, trampling the Constitution, in his desire to implement “rule the US by experts” in every facet of human life.
Yes, Wilson makes my list of "people who should never have been born," along with John Dewey, Herbert Marcuse, Michel Foucault, Wilhelm Reich, and a bunch of others.
Thank you, John Barnes, for recommending Michael Walsh's "The Devil's Pleasure Palace"--I just read up on it and ordered it from Amazon a moment ago.
I already knew about the Frankfurt School of Marxism, and that it promoted Marxism based on Race divisions rather than Class divisions; and that Antonio Gramsci was a prominent figure in the Frankfurt School. AND-- that the world's leading biographer and proponent of Antonio Gramsci's Race-based Marxism is Joseph Buttigieg-- Pete Buttigieg's FATHER !!!!!!! Our "revered" current Secretary of Transportation is--YES--a Marxist! He was apparently "very close" to his father, who passed away just a couple years ago.
But I did NOT know that personnel from the Frankfurt school of Race-Based Marxism emigrated to the US when the Nazi's took over in 1933, and mostly landed in academia, where they began subverting America. (Joseph Buttigieg was a professor at Notre Dame.) I expect this Walsh book will be very interesting. Thanks again.
I just looked at the Michael Walsh book at my local library. It is available only on eBook. They'd be happy to order it for me from the Inter-Library Loan program, (but that takes paper work and many days. Amazon prime can get it here by Monday. No matter where you go, there you are!
What once was founded as a Christian college is now largely a den of evil. Yet, many parents send their kids to Ivy League schools and huge numbers of other dens. Including my sister in law and niece. All for the “prestige” and to participate in “elite society”. What foolishness of biblical proportions!
Almost all of the higher education institutions, especially the Ivys, are tax exempt, invisible training grounds for destroying our representative republic through their brainwashing of zombie students. The students are zombies at that point because most just graduated from a failed secondary educational system called high school. Of course, there are also traitorous ties of Ivys to our enemies like China with UPenn. The only exception to this army of traitors may be Hillsdale College. All the rest are guilty.
So now Harvard is having a vigil for an imaginary country (pronounced [fɪ.las.tˤiːn]). The intelligence of that school has been wildly exaggerated. Claudine Gay may only be licensed to preach in Massachusetts, but even foggy old Larry Summers knows she was hired for body parts--skin being the largest organ of the body. Truth to tell, it is neither funny nor ironic that the supposed fount of great knowledge is celebrating the lives of murderers--who only rise, rape and rebel on a holy day celebrated by their victims. Memo to Ms. Gay: I caution you about cannibalism. "They'll eat you even if they can't digest your opinions." Flanders & Swann, EMI
The reactions to October 7 brought the rats out from the shadows.
The reactions in support of Hamas and the “river to the sea” Palestinians have been disheartening and disgusting.
The Reactions in opposition to Hamas and the “river to the sea” Palestinians have been heartening and welcome.
For years, “never again” was a phrase remembered by only a few. Now, “never again” has emerged from the shadows.
Thanks Don.
Remember, “nothing says Never Again like a Jew with a gun.”
Yes, buy a gun and get training and stop voting for Democrats. I actually think abandoning the Democrats is the answer, then get a gun. Or maybe it's a tie for both at the same time.
Speaking of abandoning the D-Rats.. did you see Bari Weiss’s statement this week!
Yes, I did!
What a huge loss for that part of the left that tries to think. I had to read it twice to believe it.
'Rolls Back Home Heating Oil Carbon Tax for 3 Years'. Somethin blowin in the wind up there?.
Hmmm. Tough choice 😜
Nie weider.
Never again in German.
Vielen dank Herr Lardmaster!
Well said.
“Never again” was merely a virtue signaling phrase. It never stopped. Oct 7 was the latest manifestation.
I'll be 82 in January. May I inquire how old you are?
I just turned 81 last week
Mazel Tov too the two of you. You write like 50 yo’s!
Then the answer to my question is you are 50? Now for something entirely different.
Appropo of nothing we are discussing. I have just gotten call number 2 from some one in Iran spoofing a local number, and advising me that Amazon is going to charge me over a thousand dollars for a purchase I made today. Caller wanted me to press 1 if I did not order anything today. I told caller I had not purchased anything ever from Amazon. If Muslims can lie to me for political reasons, may I also lie to them for the same?? Enquiring minds want to know. I am as serious as a heart attack!
1. 75…I have 50 yo kids
2. They have some bullshit practice in their death cult that allows them to lie to the infidels to get whatever they need. It’s called ‘Taquiya’ or some such.
Anyway if they can lie so can you …about everything. Next time it’s them tell you’re the Haram Funeral Parlour and you need to know their measurements for a pig skin burial suit😊😈😆!
That would be for a higher authority than me. As for myself, I would lie.
I have my phone direct unknown numbers straight to voice mail. If they don’t leave a message, it was spam. Sometimes, spam leaves a message. If it’s someone I need back, they leave a message.
Some people fear that "the Jews" are plotting to take over the world. If that's true, I wish they would get on with it. They would surely manage things better than those who are in charge now. They certainly wouldn't do any worse.
No one has ever let my family in on any of the plots, schemes and financial and industry controls we are supposed to have. I keep waiting.
Get in touch with Chuck Schumer. He may be able to help you.
I was once a gentile living in a Jewish community. It still amazes me so many American Jews support the democrats. The community didn't care I was a gentile. Nope what bothered them was I was conservative Republican.
What’s the big mystery? Why do Hollywood celebrities vote Democrat? Why do Billionaires vote Democrat? Why does anybody vote Democrat? People are dumb. People are nuts. People are Commies. The Democrat party is mostly not Jews. It’s mostly other people. Ask white suburban upper middle class voters why they support Democrats. Ask that question. Why do you vote for a party that hates white heterosexual successful people?
I can’t find it now but David Mamet wrote a piece on just that this week…Try Citizen Free Press!
Oh that's a good one. The kibbutzim prolly only tolerate us lower-case christians among them. One of my attorneys spent 2 undergrad years at a kibbutz.
Me too SL…where’s my check?
It’s not in the mail. That much I know!!
Said in Arte Johnson German…’Veerry Interesting… and just how vould you know about zat… Jew-boy’ 😁
What about the ones who were "grafted in?"
Not sure what that is in reference to Lawsy?
'S'cuze. I was referencing a biblical concept of being "grafted into the true vine" I am the Vine, Ye are the branches. Many refs, but Gospel of John, Chapter 15 is the most quoted.
The thing that gets me is the cabal on certain websites to claim the Jews all run/control the media to their own nefarious ends; if that were the case then how does the media go all-in knee jerk anti-Israeli/pro-“Palestinian” every time something erupts over in the Middle East?
It does not compute.
If you look at the credits on TV shows and movies the majority of the contributors are Jewish. So why is that industry so liberal?
Have said it before: JINOs - Jews In Name Only. They might attend synagogue once a year during the high holy days but the rest of the year their religion is leftist politics. See "Reiner, Rob".
But don't the "JINO's" understand that the Muslims are against the Jews as a RACE-- and that just the fact that a particular Jew's politics are liberal won't protect them one iota from Muslim wrath?
I really don't get it--it seems very naive?
Nor do I; there seems no logic or reasoning to it. Don’t forget though when Moses was up on the mountain receiving The Ten Commandments from God the tribe had gone loco, worshiping golden calves, practicing hedonism, etc.
They surrender completely to the flesh & worldly impulses.
Liberals are feel gooders with no logic or ability to reason.
There was a social club here where I was born call the Knickebocker Club. Some Fisk University students who wanted to avoid the "colored" balcony at the so-named theater, knew or had been told they were "light enough to pass." If we shave the harsh edges off of that thought, maybe it would explain why the entertainment contingent is liberal.
I mention what Felix Mendelssohn's dad Abraham said to him about the made up last name Bartholdy; "there can no more be a Christian Mendelssohn than there can be a Jewish Confucius." Felix' sister Fanny did NOT change her name from Mendelssohn until she married.
If we are planning to I wish someone would tell me what my role is to be. I want in. I’ve been waiting for eighty years for my orders.
I had a close friend tell me that years ago and it stopped our friendship cold for five years. I could not bring myself to speak to that person again until that issue was addressed to my satisfaction.
Jews are so much in control that we can’t stop morons from murdering us. Sounds pretty powerful.
I dropped my daddy's baby sister down hard and cold when she accidentally let it slip what she thought about my cousin's Jewish husband. I made sure to go to that aunt's funeral decades later--just to be sure I wouldn't see her ever again. I knew in my heart I was forbidden by scripture to actually "hate her." Music cue: "I'll Think Of A Reason Later" was a monster hit for Lee Ann Womack.
The Jews can't even run Israel now and you want them to run things here? We'd be bombed and hated for the rest of eternity--and just like Israel now, do nothing about it, except COMPLAIN.
My dear friend, you see behind the curve.
Obviously we are adults and as such we're expected to take care of ourselves and our own. We're also the adult Nation of the Americas that is able to stand up to the bullies of the world. Our official birthday is 1776. Israel started off as Palestine in 1946ish. They're obviously the youngster that needs to protected until they are able to stand alone. We fight bullies by scaring them shitless, beating common sense into them, or pounding them into dust then slowly rebuilding them until they are able to take over being useful. Beat them until they're your friends.
Don't aspire to dominate the world like Lucifer. Be willing to lay down your own, like Jesus.
So what is meant by the Levant?? Is it only the area of the Sinai Peninsula? I'm being serious. We never covered that in Bible Study.
Dam it, Lawsy, I'm a Shepherd, not a scholar! ... Star Trek
You remind me of one of my fav pastors growing up. I'd ask some question or other and he'd say "Do I look like a concordance? Go buy one and look it up!" He's the pastor who after I told him what a great sermon one day, he replied, "Get thee behind me." I loved sarc early on in my existance.
You need a touchup on history. The Jews have been loathed for time eternal. Why? Because they cannot be trusted and outright dishonesty--or do you think someone like Chuck Schumer can be trusted. Look it up.
I’ll quote Mark Twain: “It is better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
Jews were the first to preach the message of the Ten Commandments, that worship of God includes the second tablet of respect for fellow mankind. As the mother religion of both Christianity and Islam, Judaism pioneered the ideal of the holy and the human need for acting in accord with divine law. But anti-Semitism stands in opposition to the very idea of civilization. It detests Jews because it acknowledges that Jews are the conscience of humanity and the lawgivers of ethical and moral behavior. Jews are hated not because they are bad but because they persist in reminding the world of what it means to be good.
As opposed to Tony Neiderberger, who is only loathsome recently.
You are a sick, little man.
Right on-He called me a liberal and a homo, and asked if i had any friends-you guys ratioed him good,
wrong group of Jews.. shame on you.. the tribes were divided a long time ago..
Israel/Judah read history
Great post. The Gazans (there is no such thing as Palestine or Palestinians. It's like Atlantis: a phantasmagoric creation. In this case, by the KGB. They're actually Jordanians and that is their state) do not want a 2 state solution. They want one state, sans Jews, and Christians, and also, any Muslims who prefer western law and order, prosperity, and freedom, as opposed to Islamic totalitarianism, which is what they'll get under Hamas.
The solution to Gaza is the same as what we did, with our Iraqi and Kurdish allies, to destroy ISIS. Pound every one of the structures to dust with artillery and air strikes, then send in the infantry and special forces to obliterate the jihadists. It was very bloody and destructive: look at drone footage of Mosul, Irbil, and other cities, but that was the only way to defeat them. They are all deadenders. You notice that because of Trump's decision to do so, no one speaks of a caliphate any more.
I wish the Israelis the best, but they will have a tough time, as our own country is heavily influenced by anti-Semites and racists at all levels.
Danny Huckabee
Upvoted for “phantasmagoric”
I always refer to Islam as a death cult. Of course many Muslims are nice people who just want to live their lives in peace, however, the leaders take the Koran literally and wish to create the next caliphate. At the end of the day, Islam wants us all either dead or subjugated.
Harvard isn't an elite school; it's a school for the elites. And our elites are quite happy being apologists for baby killers. Noted.
Ditto Stanford & Princeton (of course not to mention Yale). Our friends are so excited when their kids get accepted. Takes 2 Semesters at most for them to not come back home to their Retrograde family. Dennis Prager is right, college is a 4 year liberal indoctrination (I prefer concentration) camp.
(Like Lee says) Tax the endowments if their tuition is more than $10k per year, and NO taxpayer tuition & party money financial aid for these schools. Or if student loans are not repaid, take it from endowment, not majority hardworking non-college grads.
Don't forget Brown, Fordham, Columbia, Cornell, Babson, Bard, et al.
Our daughter was so po’d that we would not even let her apply to the slavery-endowed Brown. Nothing north of the Ni River, as well as U of Richmond, Duke, uNC, CarterPLO-Ctr at Emory. She turned out grounded and supporting herself….G-d is great. Occasionally I’ll send her clippings of latest insanity at Brown…
Don't forget Georgetown. I think they hired Fauci.
I believe you are correct.
Bard should be #1 on the list.
I concur, but what's YOUR reasoning?
"Takes 2 Semesters at most for them to not come back home to their Retrograde family."
We'd have to say "Ed Zackery" to that. I went to a religious college and had the audacity at 21 to think I knew stuff. Since 1963, I realize the more I learn, the less I know. Initiation point .00013 "Ed Zackery" translates to the word "exactly!"
Love that phrase. By now, they are only considered elites by themselves and the liberals.
Hitler may not have graduated from Harvard, but Obama supposedly did.
In our county school system before we had to consolidate with the inferior city schools, we would call getting passed to the next grade "a social lift." You couldn't have a 4th grader who needed to shave! sitting in class with nine year-olds.
It took me a moment to realize what you were talking about. That's what happens when you have 11 years of parochial education. 😊
Exactly. Again, all smoke and mirrors.
I contend that Harvard, such as it is, could survive another 200 years on just the interest-on-the-interest of their money and properties. Without another penny being donated from here on until the End of Days.
Sadly CCNY is not the school it used to be. With about 1/3 of the City is Jewish but there is no longer a Jewish presence on the board of trustees. The speakers at graduation have no problem speaking about the destruction of Israel by calling for the end to the Zionist state. Maybe it would do better to repurpose the Harvard campus to Hillsdale College East. My father who applied to college before WW II was told by a well respected NYState engineering school to reapply for the next year’s class because the quota was filled, not the class but the quota. He ended up as a Clinical Professor at Harvard. He wasn’t very impressed. I actually spent two years as an instructor at a Harvard Professional School. I was impressed that such intelligent people could be so stupid. Lastly for more than a decade, when people would lament that college students have become snowflakes, needing special consideration when a conservative spoke on campus or proclaimed that “speech is violence”, I explained that they weren’t snowflakes but bullies. It was just an excuse and a way to get the Administration to do their bidding. We know this was true because the same people have no trouble agreeing with the rape and murder of Jews.
Excellent post!
“ I was impressed that such intelligent people could be so stupid.” ~ love that!
They were to a person intelligent. Most of them lived in a fantasy world created by their able to verbally convince themselves that the mental reality was real. They had distain for us lesser folk (State University top tier professional school not Ivy) and dismissed us for not being in that club.
In other words, arrogant.
They repulse me.
The aristocracy is always full of spoiled brats. Our society is no different.
Spoiled is the operative word!!!!!
'comfortably numb'
Is that like being "willfully ignorant?"
I was well aware of the sordid past of Harvard when I went there. I knew that many supported the Nazis during the lead up to World War II. I knew about their anti-Semitism racism and recent history of anti-Asian behavior. However, there was never any of this “rot” on the surface, maybe it was in the secret clubs which I had no interest in. Today, the students and faculty stand up and are arm and arm with evil. That is a good thing. Why? Because they can look to the left and look to the right and see the faces of those that will rape, behead and murder them, and their family in the future.
I used to be proud that I graduated from Harvard, now I’m ashamed.
Stanford doesn’t have that history, but it’s in the vanguard of retarded woke campuses promoting bad ideas and bad people. Embarrassing to say the least. But mostly it’s shameful that they have abandoned the values that made the country great.
I have a different gripe about Harvard. Tax their huge endowment.
Harvard and the other Ivies.
Poison "Ivies"
Awesome take but he needs help from Patriots.
Fascinating article. Knowing (learning about) actual History is such a priceless and invaluable necessity when it comes to understanding our present and guiding how we move forward into the future. Thus, It is no wonder the Left is so determined to erase it.
Having watched several “interviews” with some of those college “pro-Palestinian” protestors, each and every one of them sounded like a robot, merely mouthing all sorts of utter evil and absurd nonsense that had clearly just been drilled into their brains, and whenever pushed back on their rote talking points, they either looked like a deer in headlights speechless, or simply repeated the same mantras over and over, or fled. But boy, were they ever “passionate” about that which they had so evidently had zero comprehension.
I don’t know how you reach these kids until they actually get to experience the consequences of such beliefs in their own lives. But, then they’d be dead.
again, bring back the draft.. ('76 -89) joined at 17.. made me responsible
One way to reach these kids might be to mug them some dark night. Nothing can change a liberal into a conservative except he get mugged by reality.
It sounds bad, but sometimes getting punched in the nose is very edifying.
Right you are. That could possible be a design feature instead of a flaw!
Just checking in. Second to like Don's Daily. Boss is on my lap. Coffee is finished. Oldest travel agent daughter is back from Mexico and will rewrap my foot today. Shedding my competitive mindset very very very... slowly. Very grateful for Surber Family and their Learless Feeder. My constant prayer is for the return of Trump and a Bentley for Bubba.
Mr Surber would be an excellent running mate for Mr Trump. Don could do the firing/hiring, thus negating Trump's Achilles heel.
And the VP’s limo could be a Bentley.
And, Don would be even more vocal and critical of the fake media.
10-27-23: And the key to this would be his complete independence.
In contrast, Observe! the self-inflicted shame that Fox "News" has brought upon itself, (Tucker). Now, it is just one of dozens of PR (disguised as "media") firms whoring for their past and present masters, Clinton / Obama / Biden.
As a final tag, may I suggest allowing Don to work remotely. He could be the ultimate snarky truthful factchecker. We could be his War Room. Move over Steve Bannon.
He'd have no choice. Biden's plan is now to grab all the empty office buildings and turn them into mosques.
Never could grasp the notion of a person hating another based upon any measurable factor rather than some imaginary construct that has been created and instilled in that individual by none other than a proponent of that same construct.
As far as the middle east goes, much of this chaos stems from the colonial powers at the time, gathered together, while wining and dining took it up themselves to create nations. Disregarding any recognition of the diversity there, the lines displayed existing powers influence and control thus creating boundaries. Apparently, the controlled opposition had no input.
Gaza and the West Bank, despite years of financial supports which has amounted to incredible sums, has shown no real progress of advancing their own peoples in any metric. All their focus has been on instilling hate and a goal of annihilation of a people they've been trained to hate and kill.
Is there perhaps, a universal pattern of perpetual senseless hate, for hates sake and nothing else?.
BTW Yassar Arafat was able to die peacefully living in a million $$ mansion, in Paris I believe. Seems like he's the only one to have put ALL that money to some good use, eh?
Enjoy your commentary immensely as others do.
IIRC, Arafat died a billionaire while “his people” lived in squalor.
Also makes me wonder if he noticed when Hillary Clinton kissed his wife, Suha. OTOH, Suha said she wished she'd never married Yassar. Buyer's remorse?
We are at the pinnacle of the result of Rudi Dutschke’s comment about the left’s ‘Long March through the Institutions’, a phrase by the way referring to the Chinese Communist’s, Long March across China. No need to ask how thats working out for ya, Don’s column lays it out very nicely!
Even if it was possible to switch out every leftist oriented Prof and TA currently employed in the Commie Factories of Virtue Signalling Elite, who are we going to replace them with. Remember this has been a long time coming and the tentacles of the progressive, d-rat left now extend into every kindergarten an pre-school in NA. Just look at the decorations in your grandkids home room. Without some kind of change, some of these kids will one day be happily indoctrinating (I really wanted to say metastastising) at rat holes named Harvard or Berkeley or Oberlin.
Home schooling might be the answer in the early grades but at some point the kids have to get real and attend high school and then some kind of Uni, and we are back to the same BS.
Parents and Grandparents who know better and who were educated better, you have a duty…Get on with it!
I must say I am happy to see some (not many, really) donors and employers starting to push back against some of this mishigas, but I have a question: Where have they been until now?
This politically correct/woke cancer, after all, has been metastasizing on college campi for decades now. It hasn't been a secret. It seems that as long as the victims were conservatives, fundamentalist Christians, and Asians, the donors and employers were cool with it all. What did they think, the Nazis who run our major institutions of higher "learning" wouldn't eventually come for the Jews? The German universities were hotbeds of Nazism, after all. Looks like that bacillus has spread to our shores.....
I think it spread to our shores following WWII when our space program, and other programs needing well-trained scientists, accepted many former Nazis into our fold in trade for their skills.
I think it goes back further than that, to the arrival on our shores of the Frankfurt School following the Nazi takeover in 1933. Read Michael Walsh's "The Devil's Pleasure Palace" if you want the details.
Actually, it was the Woodrow Wilson administration that began the explosion of the administrative state, trampling the Constitution, in his desire to implement “rule the US by experts” in every facet of human life.
Yes, Wilson makes my list of "people who should never have been born," along with John Dewey, Herbert Marcuse, Michel Foucault, Wilhelm Reich, and a bunch of others.
Thank you, John Barnes, for recommending Michael Walsh's "The Devil's Pleasure Palace"--I just read up on it and ordered it from Amazon a moment ago.
I already knew about the Frankfurt School of Marxism, and that it promoted Marxism based on Race divisions rather than Class divisions; and that Antonio Gramsci was a prominent figure in the Frankfurt School. AND-- that the world's leading biographer and proponent of Antonio Gramsci's Race-based Marxism is Joseph Buttigieg-- Pete Buttigieg's FATHER !!!!!!! Our "revered" current Secretary of Transportation is--YES--a Marxist! He was apparently "very close" to his father, who passed away just a couple years ago.
But I did NOT know that personnel from the Frankfurt school of Race-Based Marxism emigrated to the US when the Nazi's took over in 1933, and mostly landed in academia, where they began subverting America. (Joseph Buttigieg was a professor at Notre Dame.) I expect this Walsh book will be very interesting. Thanks again.
I knew his father was a Marxist, but not these details. Book sales will soar!
Glad I could be of service! I think you will enjoy it. It's fascinating.
Frankfurt School is responsible for much of the cultural, societal, institutional damage.
I just looked at the Michael Walsh book at my local library. It is available only on eBook. They'd be happy to order it for me from the Inter-Library Loan program, (but that takes paper work and many days. Amazon prime can get it here by Monday. No matter where you go, there you are!
What once was founded as a Christian college is now largely a den of evil. Yet, many parents send their kids to Ivy League schools and huge numbers of other dens. Including my sister in law and niece. All for the “prestige” and to participate in “elite society”. What foolishness of biblical proportions!
Almost all of the higher education institutions, especially the Ivys, are tax exempt, invisible training grounds for destroying our representative republic through their brainwashing of zombie students. The students are zombies at that point because most just graduated from a failed secondary educational system called high school. Of course, there are also traitorous ties of Ivys to our enemies like China with UPenn. The only exception to this army of traitors may be Hillsdale College. All the rest are guilty.
So now Harvard is having a vigil for an imaginary country (pronounced [fɪ.las.tˤiːn]). The intelligence of that school has been wildly exaggerated. Claudine Gay may only be licensed to preach in Massachusetts, but even foggy old Larry Summers knows she was hired for body parts--skin being the largest organ of the body. Truth to tell, it is neither funny nor ironic that the supposed fount of great knowledge is celebrating the lives of murderers--who only rise, rape and rebel on a holy day celebrated by their victims. Memo to Ms. Gay: I caution you about cannibalism. "They'll eat you even if they can't digest your opinions." Flanders & Swann, EMI
Follow the $$$...
Verrrrrry interesting. Thanks for the link.
Much of DC and many think tanks like Brookings are recipients of Qatari cash.