Before I finish my coffee and begin my rounds as self designated night watchman, mental health counsellor for political news junkies and relentless promoter for Trump and Don Surber, let me be the first to say, good morning 🌄🌅.

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The article said:

“President Trump—acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Government.

I say:

What do they call what Biden the molester has done with his rape and pillage of the United States. People, believe NOTHING you are going to read or hear that comes out in the media the next 14 months, ESPECIALLY polls. Until Biden and his family are removed (.....and executed for the traitors they are) we can only hope and pray.

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In some pictures of Soetoro, he truly looks like the devil he is. Satan on earth. It was apparent he was a truly evil person during his first campaign for President. The corrupt media created and is responsible for his reign of terror.

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Agree. Every time I see that d@mn smirk on his face, I want to personally wring his slimy skinny li'l neck! FJB and FBHO!

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I listened to Obama speak one time when he announced he was running for the WH after his long tenure in the Senate and I knew he was a fraud. I dislike people who talk more about themselves than others. Those people never learn a thing about life because they don’t want to……they think they know more than we do. But a whole lot of people believed voting for the black American was somehow going to erase all guilt about slavery and put it behind us. It didn’t. They don’t want it to go away……too much money and leverage to be made from it.

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Some people made it a hobby to count the times BHO said "I", "me", "my" during his speeches. It was astonishing. He truly believes he is God's (Allah's?) gift to the world. And why shouldn't he? Having accomplished so little in his life -- less than is required to become an Eagle Scout, for example -- he was elected President twice. I expect anyone in those circumstances could be excused for having unwavering, if undeserved, self-confidence.

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And count the times he says “er”, “um” and “uh” when not speaking from a teleprompter. A tell that he is an empty suit who can’t speak extemporaneously or is too busy trying to remember the lies he told the last time he opened his mouth.

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Well, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Soetoro's personal guru, Rev Jeremy Wright might ask What's wrong with that, it's very profitable.

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I once saw a picture of Obama in college where he had on a fedora, cocked just so, and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He appeared to be a “poser”, a slang term my teenage daughter taught me used to describe someone trying to fit in with the “in” crowd. He grew up bouncing from his grandparents white culture to his fathers native African culture to American black culture. He mastered the art of reinventing himself to fit in the environment he was in and the Dems fell for it.

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Agreed. I have always said that more than any of his predecessors in the WH, he could have done more to finally end the racism divide, and yet he did the opposite. He's a total fraud. Still is, just a wealthy one now.

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I just read this not five minutes ago (It is now 8:15 where I live). Biden has now taken 367 vacation days since entering office. I find it amazing he can do so much damage when all he does is sleep.

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To your point, I believe this only highlights the depth and width of what we're calling the Deep State Dr Rob Malone in one of his pieces "alludes" to the existence of this evil creature emanating from, you got it< the CIA and company.

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I called them the Alphabet Security Agencies not three days ago.

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Incredible! How far we have fallen. May God have mercy on our land!

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I remember Obama having a look of EVIL in a rally in Chicago. (When he spoke about the transformation of America). He stood on the stage, unsmiling and serious and looked satanic.

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Never forget his butt-buddy Soros.

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My name for Jack Smith, the U.S. special counsel, is Sphincter mouth! Maybe it is due to his mouthwash.

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Why “was”? He remains evil

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Until Obummer's trial for treason is over, and a guilty verdict is handed down, this activity will continue.

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Funny you would bring up obama. Just last night, Liz Wheeler's show once again brought up the issue of obama being a homosexual and that gorilla the media calls his wife is out there again. What would it mean to the United States if the obama presidency be ruled illegal. Happy days would be here again. I am no constitutional lawyer, but I do believe everything that he has done would be illegal. Almost ALL the horror story that the United States has suffered through, except 2017-2020 would be ruled illegal. Twice in one interview in the past week, obama called whatever his "wife" is 'Michael.' I don't think that was a mistake.

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I honestly believe he is the most evil thing I've seen in the People's House, in my 73 years. Carter pales in comparison!

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AI identified Barry's wife (hate to mention it) as a male and years earlier Joan Rivers stated that Mike was Mike, with no hesitation. I've seen more than one video of something freely dangling between Mike's legs. Too old and experienced old man that you can tell me anything different.

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I dont really give 2 shits wether or not someone is gay, it's taken me quite a while with all and I mean all of the innuendo circling around BHO and Big Mike, no pictures of her/he/she/it/them showing her pregnancies, his own bro coming out I read yesterday saying that his bro was gay......nothing stays burried for ever?

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Except the victims of Arkancide and a Kenyacide.

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Remember the photos of OHB taking a selfie with Helle Thorning-Schmidt, then Prime Minister of Denmark? Michelle/Michael was scowling at them, and a photo from a few minutes later showed her/him sitting between them. Puts that whole episode in a totally new perspective.

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Oh wow, I remember the pictures and scowl but didnt realize MB got up and moved. Just googling it, shows a whole lot of pics, and MB moved.

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Yeah it does; Mike is possessive.

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Don, for part of my life I worked with some congressional folks on The Hill as part of my job. I wasn’t a lobbyist, just a liaison. What I saw and learned about how bills are written made me shake my head and eventually change my work. The congress is lazy. They don’t really do much homework of their own. They get behind an idea or issue and then get much of the language that makes up the bill from the private sector and think tanks. I know because I was asked to furnish certain committees with language to be included in certain authorization and appropriation bills. By the time this language makes its way thru the process the actual final language most often does not resemble the original language in any way. At first I thought this was in error but soon realized it wasn’t. Congress writes vague and flawed bills, passes them, and then expects the applicable federal office and agency to write the operating language based on intent. This is where the deep state becomes the law makers. They write the language to support their internal biases, not necessarily the intent of the congress. This is how it is done and why congress is constantly writing changes to the laws they passed. It’s appalling. I do not know what the solution is but until those biases are rooted out and eliminated, the real power in DC rests with the unelected federal employees. This is how you end up with agencies like the FBI, DOJ, EPA, and ATF doing what they want and changing policies and rules to suit their needs. We need to clean out the bad apples before we lose our ability to do so. And its far past time for most federal agencies to be relocated to different parts if the country. Get the virus out of DC.

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Congress is run by the staff

The geezers are meat puppets

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Yes, 22 to 35 year old staff who have never done a single thing in the private sector or gained a bit of real life experience. They belong to an ideological cult that no way resembles reality.

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The meat puppets are in reality bagmen and women.

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I have a somewhat similar experience. The thing that blew my mind is how much (supposed) work is done by Congressional staffers, who all seem to have an average age of 25 and who all majored in political science.

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Those completely moronic people went to the “hate America” poli-sci departments.

There are pro-America, pro-Western Civilization poli-sci departments and Ph.Ds. You just don’t hear about the good work they do.

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VDHs new post is a shining example of our status today.

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Thank you! I’ll look for his article. Always a worthy read.

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They are all eager to be the "star" and care nothing for what that really means. It's all a power trip.

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It is the Judicial branch that is charged with interpreting the law. Congress only gets to write the law. I don't think they care how sloppy it is because the courts will do their own number on it anyway.

I remember when the ADA was passed (Americans with Disabilities Act). It stated employers had to make "reasonable accommodation" for any of the recognized disabilities if present in a newly hired person. When asked what "reasonable accommodation" meant, nobody knew. It was up to the courts to define it.

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Guess we should call them junk laws then, eh?

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Its like that weasel clerk aka Col Alexander Vindman whose “whistleblowing” about an innocuous phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy..

Vindman (along with other conspirators) had to confess under congressional oath that he lied.

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It disgusts me every time I see that cull Vindmin wearing the same uniform I wore for twenty-six years. He was a Obama loyalist left there to spy on Trump. He knows nothing about loyalty to a CIC. The minute Trump beat the Witch, the fix was in. Its still going on.

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Trump was readying a RICO suit against Clinton and the swamp cabal who have been running the government as their own fiefdom for decades.

I am convinced this raid was to find and take those documents that clearly connected and exposed those responsible for spying on Trump, the Senate, conspiring to overthrow Trump, exposing the propaganda methods and, probably, name the person who called a halt to the "ballot" counting at 3 AM.

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The American experiment is over. It ended when a “Manchurian” Kenyan was installed in the White House. As the Covid lockdowns showed most Americans are dumb Sheeple. I’m 2024 Trump will get 200 million votes but Biden will get 250 Million. Even though the population of America is 330 million, no one will question Biden’s win. McConnell and the others will say nothing. Welcome to Pyongyang USA.

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We are, indeed, living through the fall of the American experiment unless God miraculously intervenes.

It took Rome about 400 years to crumble. America’s fall seems to have been accelerated to warp speed.

“God has everything in control.”

--David Wilkerson

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A recent news story by Obama’s biographer about a letter he sent to a former girls about him fantasizing about having sex with another guy would be a front page, wall-to-wall story if it were Trump who allegedly wrote such a letter.

Instead we are subject to drivel about nonsensical investigations done by non serious people who lie about one man and cover up the crimes of another man and his dickhead son

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Obama has been pretty slimy from the get-go…it’s clear that he’s Biden’s puppet master…about his sexuality- many black men have hidden their proclivities because homosexuality was and still is not widely accepted in the black community.

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How many steps are we away from becoming North Korea? And don't you know the DC cartel would love to get there? They think they are close. I believe they are delusional and, therefore, dangerous. I There is a saying somewhere that says something like, "The most dangerous thing on earth is an eighteen-year-old, pissed-off Marine." How 'bout 30 million pissed-off deer hunters? Will that work?

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Agree. We can't become N. Korea - or even Australia - unless and until they confiscate all our guns. Good luck with that!

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True about Marines. Reminds me of Dolly Parton's new song, "Don't make me come down there!"

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Like a 308 zero’d at 200yds😊

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I think they keep doing all this stuff because they are delusional that they will be in power. It never works that way.

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Great summary, Don. "The bureaucracy then bypasses the court system by enforcing its rules through administrative law judges — who are appointed by the agencies with Senate confirmation."

Notice the term "administrative law". This is being used to bypass your legislatures to write regs in our blue states, including education dictates like 'critical theory', et al.

I trust organized crime more than our legal system. At least they will just whack me instead of putting me through lawfare ruining me financially.


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Speaking of "Education." Close it down entirely. No more freebies. Free education is worth what you paid for it. Diddly Squat. Make education the purview of parents, churches, synagogues, and if necessary mosques.

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Couldn't agree more. We raised our kids in a semi-rural smaller town area where the public schools were pretty good; they still have good teaching talent, but Education MN(union) is working very hard to ruin them.

If we did it over we would homeschool or co-op, etc.

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Trump wasn't there in Mar-a-Lago the day of the raid and the FBI knew he wouldn't be. I'm pretty sure that was a day he had to appear in court in New York with Alvin (the chipmunk) Bragg.

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Thank you Don.

Every time I see or hear about Bragg, Alvin, Allllvin, AL-VIN runs through my head. He even has Alvin's cheeks.

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Trump should have told those "FBI agents" that showed up at Mar-A-Lago to "get lost" (censored because we're all decent folks here, but really...), and made them physically break in/trespass on his property.

Just goes to show, Trump should have thrown Obama and Hillary (and any snot nosed BLM protestors) in prison when he had the chance. Then we'd be living in a thriving economy and I would be retired and spending more time with my grandchildren (in a country that is safe for them to grow up in).

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There's a reason the feds showed up at Mar-A-Lago when Tru mp was out of town.

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This article plus the Victor Davis Hanson piece this morning makes me think that with the level of corruption and out and out evil emanating from the WH, the 3 letter agencies and the DNC, even if T hammers his opponent, comes in with a majority never before seen or is voted the most popular Prez ever, he’ll never put his foot inside the White House again. And y’all know what I’m talking about.


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Yes, we do. They absolutely can not afford to have Trump back in power. It will be the end of many of them. But, have you considered how powerful Trump would be as a martyr? This is why I believe they are so desperate. The see no way out. They are screwed ten ways to Sunday either way. And that's why my friends and I believe, in our greatest hour of need, Trump was sent by God.

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Amen to that but if the most terrible thing happens… who is qualified to take the reins?

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80 million people with guns in their hands and revolution in their hearts. But that, too, would be a lost cause because China and Russia would surely come to Biden's aid to "restore order." It is a puzzle indeed. As Psalm 27 says, wait for the Lord. He is our provider.

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I agree wholeheartedly.

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Got your drift. Only thing I can say is that President Trump has ALWAYS his own private security detail. Saw them when then citizen Trump .was in the streets of NY on 9/11. But you're right to suspect this and I know President Trump does. Truly a shitty world sometime

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Agree. Nothing will stop them from stopping Trump. With that said, we need a back-up plan. Who is our number two? Do we have one? It sure isn't DeSantis. I like Ramaswamy, but he isn't close to being ready for the job.

We need a plan B. We plan for the worst and hope for the best.

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Plan B and Plan B’…

We, for our Children and Grandchildren’s sake can not let this go on.

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That unreleased Stones song fits Bathhouse Barry perfectly.

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Yep. The late Joan Rivers nailed it.

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Which is why she is late

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isn't that the Truth.......

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Yes. Read Jack Cashill's unauthorized bio of Obama; he documents O's slimy perverted behavior - AND the murder that silenced one of Obama's former "boyfriends". He was a criminal long before he got to 1600 Penn. Ave. But I suppose that's true of most of the swamp creatures in D.C.

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He is from Chi Town. Sorry but all politicians are corrupt and criminal from there. They make the mafias look tame.

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It was Hizzoner Da Marie Daly/ who assured old man Kennedy, ‘Don’t worry, your son will be president in the morning’ when Nixon was beating him.

The rest is, as they say, history!

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Who knew there were so many cemeteries in Chicago?

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Doesn't TAKE MUCH TO RILE UP YOUR AUDIENCE DOES IT Don? How bad has this gotten? Another revered agency (that few have heard about ever heard of), the National Archives has 1) been weaponized by DOJ to assist the Trump take down, and 2) has conveniently, secretly and quite innocuously labeled THE US CONSTITUTION ORIGINAL DOCUMENT as something that may offend you upon reading it. When I heard this I felt the same way finishing Don Surber's articles, I was furious and wanted reparations from these Marxist Globalist rat bastards, starting with Barry Soetoro's over 60 million cut and one of his three gated secure luxurious homes. I want more than justice I want common sense. READ THOMAS PAINES work "Common Sense.'

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Weaponized Archives? Scroo'm!

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"(The republic went bananas decades ago; we are only now realizing it.)"

True - tragic, but all too true.

Admittedly, I am not sufficiently high-minded enough to resist the desire for turnabout as fair play.

Should Trump win election and return to the White House, I want to see:

Every non-SCOTUS federal judge appointed by The-Turd-in-the-Punch-Bowl, W, Bubba removed by any means necessary.

All J6 prisoners pardoned, released, and placed at the front of the line for seeking redress from the Wilhelm administration, and members of the Wilhelm and Turd administrations, personally.

Gitmo overflowing with members of the Political Class -  former legislators; those in former administrations including presidents, vice-presidents and their spouses; cabinet members, agency heads and all corrupt agents; and the entire municipal government of DC; governors, secretaries of state, key county election officials, et al.; their passports, cell phones, and all electronic means of communication suspended and seized.

Media outlets' ownership (CEOs and all other C-level management), and all editorial staff incarcerated, their passports, cell phones, and all electronic means of communication suspended and seized, save for competent beat reporters.

This nation's "banking" cartel AT&T'd, only not so elegantly - give each one 30 days to become compliant with the provisions of Glass-Steagall and to purge themselves of policies and practices borne of wokeness and political correctness back to 1990, or be nationalized.

The Federal Reserve banking system audited, and then dissolved; its head, board of governors, and regional presidents incarcerated, their passports, cell phones, and all electronic means of communication suspended and seized.

SC justices put on notice that the constitution WILL be the standard applied in every case it chooses to hear.

The Corporate and Donor Classes put on notice that if any such enterprise in concert with any government (federal, state, county, or municipal) or so-sanctioned agency engages in activity that violates the constitution on its behalf, its officers will forfeit the right to due process and will be incarcerated, and the enterprise nationalized.

As for today's poll, it fails to distinguish between those that are clean, and those that have been worn, awaiting being laundered. Ergo, I'm going with option #1.

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That about covers it!!

Option 1 for me as well. More surface area for them to sniff.

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