Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

Churchill said that America could always be counted-on to do the right thing - after having tried everything else. Israel has tried everything else; now it is time to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth - Alleged President Josef Stolen's crocodile tears for the "innocent Palestinians" who bore and bred the October 7th killers notwithstanding.

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Well said and Thank You, Jim.

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Liked by Gary Blackman

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What a pathetic group the AP is. Hostile terrorists is more accurate.

Hamas hides behind AP unless they need to go to plan B, which is hiding behind women, children, and using hospitals as weapons storage sites.

They are the filth of the earth.

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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

AP works very hard…very hard at twisting the news into their favored shape. Newsmax and Epoch Times often regurgitate and distribute AP and Reuters so-called news stories.

You can pick up the slant when reading them almost immediately, so reader beware. Always check the source of the news you are digesting. There should be a warning posted atop every one of their articles: “What you are about to read is mostly bullshit.”

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AP and USA Today are the worst.

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and just about EVERYTHING Yahoo algorithm populates their website with...

I have had my email since the early '90's

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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

If I want to read bullshit I read stuff from AP, Reuters, NYT, etc.

But for years now, even before T was elected the first time, if I wanted to be informed, I read Citizen Free Press, Rantingly and a few other Conservative news aggregation sites. Guys like our Donny Boy right here are Gd Sends

We knew that AP had removed the middle man years ago. How anyone with half a brain read their dreck and believed it was beyond me.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

well said and can never be overstated. my best friend of 55 years watches abc news for his info source and can never seem to figure out why he is always so wrong and behind the eight ball. you cannot fix stupid. i know that's harsh but i also know it's true.

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"old habits" "old dogs"... etc

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

there are good people and there are bad people. same goes for birds, deer and dogs. it's always been that way and always will. anyone who DOESN'T understand which side of the ledger ap is on....is on that side of the ledger. ap, msm, woke, k-12, donks, hollywood, majority of congress, death row, most welfare recipients, illegal aliens, drug dealers, bank robbers, fanny willis, aoc, mitt the mutt, that ex-president with three islamic names, hamas ...on and on it goes.

at some point everyone chooses where they stand. i stand with israel.

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I would amend your comment to point out that there are no bad birds, deer and dogs but there are dangerous birds, deer and dogs. As well as other creatures Iike sharks, snakes, alligators, etc. There’s a difference. Animals aren’t inherently bad, and that includes Pedo Joe’s dogs. Only humans have the ability to make the choice.

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There are certainly bad dog owners! We used to have one living across the creek from us who chose to ignore their dogs and let them bark endlessly. Didn't pay much more attention to their children

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I reference the old "frog/scorpion" tale

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fortunately you can no more amend my comment than i can yours.

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The crusades were necessary and will be necessary again.

Israel is the tip of the spear.

Many want that tip to be dull.

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I also stand with Israel

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Israel is forever.. biblical.. what don't they get?.. SMH

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I, too, stand with Israel.

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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

AP and its horrible cousins believe nothing is going too far. And their nothing has to be exposed to air and denounced as evil every damned time. Everyone’s lane is wide enough to denounce and reject evil when they see it. Your lane, Don, is extra wide and seems to be getting wider.

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Well written and well said Mom!

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Amen, Don. Associated Press is a collection of agenda driven, ethics lacking Leftists posing as reporters. The management makes business decisions based on the profit motive. AP's customers are members of the vast Lefty media. Like any successful business, AP feeds its customers with content the customer wants but cannot afford to develop on its own. Its customers don't want the truth, they want content that supports their agenda. Asking AP to provide truth with a side of integrity rather than propaganda is to ask it to commit business suicide. AP laughably feeds the media system with the required propaganda mislabeled truth while demanding respect from us.

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Very well said. Their customers want customers content that supports their own agenda or narrative. Thats the essence of the problem.

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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

Can't spell CRAP without AP

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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

The bar for prizes was lowered to extreme levels when Obama won the Nobel Peace prize. Pretty sure the vast majority of Americans don't give a rats ass about Journalistic or any other awards. They are the epitome of the now infamous Didn't Earn It (DEI) culture. "Lipstick on a pig" like Sarah used to say...

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

This is but another great post by Don Surber. The only thing I might take issue with is referring to the UN as useless dolts. I consider that way too charitable. Those people actually do allot of harm to America and the world.

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UN and NATO need to be dismantled.. along with much of the national/world unelected bureaucracy

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WHO also.

And amazingly enough the US does most of the funding. So since we are broke, lets end the funding to all of them. and their rent free housing too in the case of the UN.

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Amen to telephoneman and you tj !

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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

One can not detest the msm enough but I do hate the AP as well as the hypocrisy emanating from OUR White house.There can be no reason other than pure evil for the continuous assault on Christianity and the beliefs of non-Islamists.This nation was founded and a constitution written and approved based on the belief in a Supreme Being .We must attempt to restore those hopes and desires of freedom to worship the founders left us .Great take down of American Pravda and good poll with several options.Thank you Poca-Man and lead on to a MAGA 2024 victory.

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The assault on Christianity is pretty simple. They attack what they cannot control or regulate. Firearms, free speech, religion, freedom itself. Liberalism is bankrupt and devoid of any redeeming message. It is an empty ideology. The only way they can win is by banning, regulating everything, hence they attack religion because it does not submit. Make no mistake here, before this is all over, they will go outside the Constitution and make religion an enemy of the state, just like they are doing with their attacks via the green agenda.

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" ... they attack religion because it does not submit." Wish the second part were entirely true. We've got tons of churches that are INO -- in name only, and they can't wait to jump on every dirty, deviant bandwagon that comes along.

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Talking in the macro here. Any religion can have in name only church's. It is a bit like Pelosi and Biden being Catholics............. when it benefits them and doesn't conflict with their actions. At the base, all religions are run by humans and humans are fallible. The left destroyed the Boy Scouts because it had a set of rules that did not support the fascist agenda of the left. Using some commonsense regrading freedom, one could argue that if you do not personally believe in God, you could at the same time still recognize others rights to believe in God as they choose. It's called freedom of religion because you are free to worship as you choose. But Fascists, Marxists, and lefty's can't allow it because they see the state/government as the absolute arbiter of everything. It's about control and power.

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That's true, but it's also about eliminating the competition -- so leftist ideologies, no matter how absurd, can substitute for it. I'm sure that the American activists who want to stamp out Christianity would love to have Stalin's tools: Confiscate the churches and use them for garages, blow up the nicest ones like Christ Savior Cathedral in Moscow, shoot the priests or send them to the gulag ... etcetera.

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I don't know if this is allowed by the site, but I would still like to give you a copy of my book. Can we meet, say, at noon Wed at Elmer in Alb?

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same happened in Germany leading up to WWII..

1/3 church supported Hitler, 1/3 opposed, 1/3 slept

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That's about right. But -- and this is not to put Luther down -- the fact is that both he and Calvin preached unconditional obeisance of the Protestants to their secular rulers -- no holds barred. They based that on Romans 13:1-7, but the fact is, they badly needed the protection of the potentates of their time, so they ingratiated themselves with them. that may be a crude way to put it, but it's the truth.

I do believe their interpretation of Romans was wrong, though a lot of people still hold it. And to make things worse, Luther not only inveighed against the Jews, preaching their destruction, he also fiercely encouraged the violent suppression of the peasant revolts of the time with outrageous verbiage.

So the point is, the Germans and most German churches were primed for fascist ideologies. The only exceptions were the Jehovah's Witnesses, who suffered terribly, and the so-called Confessing Churches, inspired by Bonhoeffer who was in on the officers' plot to kill Hitler, and was hanged a month before war's end.

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Sadly I agree Wim.

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Well said.

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Amen. Marxism tolerates no competing ideology.

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And we are too far down this road for the Marxist rhetoric to just wither and die. They are in this for the long game. I hope our side is as well.

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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

AP = American Pravda

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I've been using that for years because it's true.

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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

Look at the picture. The Hamas leader is sending a very specific message. He is telling us Hamas is everywhere, and they own the messaging. It’s a giant middle finger to the rest of the world. Ask yourself this, when those same people start killing on the same scale here, what are WE going to do? Aid to Palestine? Hell no, send Israel everything it needs to turn Gaza and the Palestinian lands back to sand, devoid of all evil life. If we don’t, then don’t cry when the evil comes to our shores.

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Much as it pains me to say it, Reddog - it's already here.

Prepare accordingly.

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I don’t need to. I have been ready for a long time. Never ever screw around with an old Army guy. Some of us were very good at our craft😎

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Blades of grass can only bend so much before they break, revealing what's underneath.

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Not sure I understand your meaning here.

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Convulted attempt at an "Under every blade of grass"


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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

As a Christian, I’m rather pleased about the “desecration” of Easter by the marionette that is finishing up his 4 yr lease of the White House (paid by you & me).

1) God doesn’t tell us to observe “Christian” holidays, rather he tells us to take a day off each week, and put our trust in Him to supply our needs. (See manna in the wilderness, and the double portion he gave the day before the Sabbath). Besides that- gratitude for sending us His Son, to die for our sins and rise again in majesty, is something to be pondered and grateful for, on a daily basis.

2) Anything that might awaken woke “Christians” is good by me. Or further put them to sleep (dreaming about the comeuppance of Trump for all his dastardly and mean tweets). I rather think Satan’s tormenting some minions for the stupidity of this unmasking FJB.

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I'm having a difficult time understanding "Why" he would do it. I'm sure he had no idea that it was going to be done. This came as a directive from on high and he just read the teleprompter.

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Biden didn't just read a teleprompter--there was a written declaration that was widely published. This really was extremely deliberate and "in our face". As to "Why", it's almost like the rulers 'behind the Biden throne' just couldn't help it. The evil welling up in them needed release and they couldn't resist letting blast a "F-ck You" to Christians. We should take it seriously as the warning it is.

I think this is an element of the self-destruction of evil. It was stupid of them to be so blatant-- it gives away the game. But they can't help it and did it anyway, thus putting a further nail into their own coffin.

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There is a lot of evil in the WH these days. It is not all directed by Xiden. There is a lot of strings being pulled hither and yon. So yes, they are getting more and more blatant. Either they expect to win 2024 and are safe, or they expect no retributions. Amazing they insist that Christians turn the other cheek while committing atrocity after atrocity. Justice will eventually happen, and they will be surprised,

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As I have said before the left/msm is in full attack mode as PDJT grows in popularity and so I predict a long ugly run up to the re-election of PDJT.There will be no low they will not stoop or crawl to go beneath in an attempt to stop Patriotic Americans from Making America Free from deep-state socialists again.We must rise to the challenge !

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I think you are right, Marlan.

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Why? Well, to rub our noses in their deprarvity.

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Because they can and think that they will get away with it.

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Hence, “marionette”

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Obama's mother was a slut, he blames America.

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God will not be mocked... just ordered more popcorn

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I’m only halfway through my first cup of coffee after sleeping in this morning so I’m not completely awake, but I seem to remember AP (or was it Reuter’s) doing pretty much the same thing for Saddam Hussein in Iraq?

Journalism by leftists is a big step below prostitution or any other slimy career one can name.

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That was CNN Plays in Iraq.

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Thanks! I knew it was one of those evil entities but couldn’t remember which one.

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There are SOOOO many to choose from.....

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Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

It just shows how far the mainstream media have fallen. The AP is supposed to play it straight because it provides news to so many different outlets. Not for a while now, if ever. So the AP photographer just happened to be in the right place at the right time? Un-bloody likely. Leftist ideology dominates everywhere in MSM. I recently read that the AP is taking money from foundations, naturally leftist, to fund its climate change coverage. How neutral is that? Not. In Canada, mainstream media are taking money from Justin's government, including the largest dailies, to fund their losing business models. There are no neutral media. The Canadian Press has Facebook/Google internships. The CBC, always leftist and politically correct, has been funded ($1.4 billion this year) by our federal government for decades to promote Canadian voices and culture. The news wing of the CBC, both radio and TV, is unwatchable/listenable, except for the French-language service which is called Radio-Canada. Only about 13 per cent of English-speaking Canadians are watching/listening to the CBC nonsense. MSM is corrupt. Let it fail. Like I've said before, this blog and others are now the way.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Don Surber

A friend, whose son worked for W when he was president, accompanied him everywhere he traveled. The kid sent us small give-away items bearing the Air Force One logo. Things like Mento mints, drink coasters, ball-point pens, and playing cards. I gave them to my grandkids, who proudly took them to school for Show and Tell.

Now, apparently, it is fashionable for AP personnel to swipe items like a pillow case. Do they put them under a loved one's ass so they can tell friends they got laid on Air Force One? Maybe the AP thinks they invented the Mile High Club, but in reality they represent our media's sewer system.

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