Buy some stock. We all should. Win or lose we need to support the guy with the only chance of saving our grandchildren.

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Using the platform is more relevant maybe. Backing a thriving and vital company will keep the stock healthy. And tell your friends and associates to vote red all the way down the ticket. Even to cemetery trustee in your small town.

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I bought 50 shares for the hell of it. It won't be the first stock I've bought and lost money on. However, I just felt like I was more a part of the Trump Train by investing in him. I'll vote for him and urge others to do so but, I've now put money where my mouth is. Few do that.

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04/03/24: What, Jon Stewart Leibowitz is such a Phil Donahue-comeback bomb that he's already been REPLACED? He must have recommended to his audience to buy the T.S. stock! (A Trump-Derangement-Syndrome no-no).

Seriously, buying the stock (if affordable) is a way of legally donating to your political candidates without campaign $$$ limits.

And unlike the unhappy credit-extending people chasing after Senator Glenn for the next 15 years, selling your shares --- even at a loss --- prevents a complete wipeout.

Jill Biden's IPO is next. The business? Jill Dior of Paris, Delaware's dress-lines ---fabrics that normally are used to upholster sofas and couches.

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Pretentious statement of the week: "...enjoying a finely curated menu of cocktails..."

About a hotel in the Alamo of American tourism, the Catskills, no less.

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It's not the media always getting things wrong about President Trump, it's the media always getting caught telling tall tales about President Trump. They have become the mythical people who never tell the truth. They now rival politicians in their dishonesty.

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In 1997, 14-year-old Nathan Zohner got 43 out of 50 9th graders to vote in favor of banning dihydrogen monoxide, also known as water. The hoax was a science project, which he titled "How Gullible Are We?" He not only won the science fair, but also inspired the tern 'Zohnerism,' defined as 'the use of a fact to lead a scientifically ignorant public to a false conclusion.'

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God bless his grandparents!

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Initially, they were somewhat irked by him because before he reveled it as a prank, he also convinced them to vote for banning d.m. The reading of grandpa's will years later must have been interesting.

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A willingly-ignorant public...

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They act very similar to politicians in fact. One could say that they are interchangeable with the Dem party members………..and pimps.

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Many of the used to work for politicians. Stephanopolis, Tsaki, are two I can think of off the top of my head. PS I didn't bother looking up the spelling. I figure y'all are smart enough to know who I mean. LOL

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Spelling is fine. But you could substitute “obnoxious runt” for the first and “lying wench” for the second if you want. 😎

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Yeah! That'd be like calling the quarterback by his number! My favorite misspelling for runt is Stepsonallofus. P'saki should have danced with the one who brung her--Obama. I wonder if she thought Biden was "marrying up."

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Those two people are almost...........almost pathetic. They are so blatant in their bias, and wrong so often. I guess they don't value their integrity above politics so long as someone is paying them huge sums. They need to be forced to go work out west on a working cattle ranch for a year. Maybe then they would see their ignorance toward the rest of us. Maybe not.

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Before they can value integrity they need to find it.

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Nice analogy Redd.

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I bought shares in DWAC days before the merger just to support Trump. So far I'm in profit. Don't care if it goes to a penny stock, I'm staying in. There's value in a social media company that honors the Constitution and values its customers. And Trump has a way of being successful.

I bought Rumble a while back for it's free speech commitment which has attracted content creators from YouTube. Worth checking out.

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I will check it out. Will give my financial advisor grey hair but that's her problem. Advisors.... Wanted to buy Apple in 2012 when I got out of the Army. My advisor talked me out of it. Bastard cost me quite a bit of money. I changed advisors.

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Big Blue and Apple! My sister saved her hubby's flight pay from VN and invested in these two stocks. When he retired, they paid cash for their house near 'Frisco. She was my hero!

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i also bought rumble and so far so good. i might pick up a couple of shares of the donald just to roll the dice.

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What I love about Rumble is they do NOT automatically toss Christian pastors from their network. I don't like having to re-invent the wheel every time I log on, but I'll get used to it. Pappy said you can get used to anything but a tack in your shoe.

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Love your Jim Cramer stock pick performance summary. This is how it works: Cramer tells you what to buy. Then, at a future date, he tells you, "Sell," and a chorus of voices can be heard moaning, "To whom?"

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Guess who’s the only guy guaranteed to make money every day from his show? None of you

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There are blowhards and then there's Jim Cramer, who blows harder. What a tool.

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I'm told "A politician in prison".

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Does he blow, or just suck?

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He’s like a fan: He blows on one side and sucks on the other.

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Buying more today. If I lose a little scratch, so be it. Since this seems to be one of the few ways available to support the Man Who Is Going To Save My Country, I'm in. (The symbol is DJT, what else?)

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My daughter, recognizing the incompetence, once asked me how Suze Orman could hold down a job as a financial adviser. I explained it to her this way. Jim Cramer, Suze Orman and other media financial shills are entertainment products capable of generating ad revenue for their employers. They sell an image and a name, not substance and subject matter expertise. As Don points out here, these shills with their game of 3 Card Monte, stay employed by satisfying their employer's religious needs. The religious needs are dictated by the Church of Lefty Politics which is driven by a Hatfield and McCoy level of hate for Trump and America. When hate is the advisor's main motivator, don't look for logic or reason to be involved in the guidance you receive.

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I once ran into Orman in an Apple Store in SanFran. She waltzed in as if she was a queen and expected all of the employees to drop their current customers and come to her assistance. She oozed the “Don’t you know who I am?” attitude. I don’t know anything about her current or recent financial advice because I learned everything I needed to know about her that day.

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When you listen to Cramer & actually follow thru, you will be crying as you are sitting on a dirty linoleum floor with a cheap bottle of scotch.

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RR, you really know how to paint an image. I can put myself in that description with a three day growth of beard.

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That’s what Cramer used to say when he made bad stock trades & lost.

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Often wondered why CNBC and other networks would have financial advisors on each day. No one, absolutely no one should buy a stock based on advice from a cable outlet expert, or in the case of Cramer, based on the advice of an egotistic idiot. Remember, if the networks pundits outright lie to you, why would you believe their financial guy wouldn't? As for truth Social, its run by some pretty good people and there is plenty of room in the social media world for TS and Rumble along with “X”. Trumps TS will do well long term because he seldom pushes losers so it might be a good buy if you want to speculate, or just help him fight the Troglodytes.

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As P. T. Barnum said, "There's a fool born every minute."

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I thought it was "A sucker born every minute."

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I did, too. But I checked, and was wrong.

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It's not just that CNN got Trump wrong - it gets everything wrong. I worked in the news media for several years. I am now a recovering journalist. I gotta tell you, I didn't need to take sides to produce great stories. My mantra was "Strike with a sharp axe and let the chips fly where they may." And "You can't make this stuff up." Today's news media has, for the most part, forgotten that. They've completely misplaced (lost) the objective - to be objective. And America is suffering dearly from it.

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Dad always said, "Buy American Thermometer. It's selling at 44, but if you stick it up your ass it'll go to 98.6."

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"His Truth Social stock is worth only $3.8 billion." OK, I think I could live on the interest of the interest; of that interest. It'd be more than my state retirement account and SSA combined.

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I bought a few shares of Cleveland Indians stock - still have the certificates somewhere. I wonder if the collector value of the now defunct franchise name will ever be worth more than I paid for the share? Wish I had a few more wahoo items as they are still sought by some.

I bought DWAC and am holding into the DJT transition. I have no concern it will do well if the campaign continues to do well.

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It's an heirloom

Pass it on to grandkids or nieces and nephews

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If you made investments based on whether you liked the principle of the company, you would be broke. Facebook, Amazon, Disney, etc are run by reprobates. When you invest in the NYSE or NASDAQ you invest in America. Politics are important just like dumping Budweiser (InBev), but most of these companies support average Americans. FJB

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Great post deftly explaining PDJT living rent free in otherwise vacant dem-msm cranial cavities The fact they are running stories of financial stress may be due to the fact lawfare is slowing to a crawl as PDJT appears to be gaining support.I saw a very interesting tweet from M Avenatti aka creepy porn lawyer /thanks Tucker/ citing Ergerons gag orders.Keep leading Poca-Man as we are gaining strength in.numbers and have a GOP committee working voters in stead of hair salons.Good poll and any spare bucks goes to Trump Media stock.

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