Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

That pic of Netanyahu leaving preeezy's white house side door with the garbage bags on the side.....I am sure he remembered that too..... OT does tend to outline who's gonna win the battle..... go Israel and don't stop.

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At the UN he told them - I have no pride when it comes to defending my country and its people. And no matter what you do to me, Israel will defend itself.

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A man secure in who he is !! BIBI N.

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That was a humiliation he did NOT deserve.

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10/02/24: When Net passes, ISR will experience the same shock and bewilderment that the USA did in 1945 when FDR passed.

"Dust is hard to pike." Excellent!

The Poll: I pity-voted for "Dan Quayle." He hasn't won anything lately.

Things are getting so bad, the Turks have refused to bribe Tim Walz!

(Police identified an active shooter at the debate last night. "It was Gov. Walz, aiming at his foot," said police spokesman and fellow "gun-owner," Kamala Harris.)

[Debate 10-01-24 with J.D. Vance a fiasco. NYC Mayor Adams indicted for bribery by the Turks. K.H. had claimed on her powder-puff / roll-in-the-hay with Oprah that she's a "gun owner."]

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

Walz reminds me of Don Rickles

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Not arguing here, but Rickles was way gooder...

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Walz is Rickles "hockey puck."

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Rickles could be funny .

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Rickles was funny. This guy is a joke

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... and kinder.

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Too bad the handle "Mad Dog" was taken by Maddox. Walz is a live grenade seeking something to blow up. His approach backfired time after time. Vance reduced him to shrapnel, fragments of an exploded artillery shell.

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I see that creepy pedo Dennis Hastert every time I look at him. Daniel Greenfield describes him as only he can - Walz's bugged-out eyes, quivering apple pie chin, and the profile of a decaying jack o'lantern - 😂

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You do a disservice to apple pie-but very apt description!

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Eyes, chin, profile, what's he got has to hide behind?

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How apt. LOL, Daniel is never wrong.

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Don Rickles was hilarious. Tim Walz is a buffoon. Big difference.

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He was also a very kind and decent man offstage. Walz is not.

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I love the comparison of the little strip of JD's hunter's eyes and the deer in the headlight's eyes of Timmy! I watched and listened to all of little Timmy's lies and non-answered questions. JD was excellent MAGA 2024!

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Vance for president in 2028.

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That's it! I couldn't place him, but that's exactly him. I had thought it was Archie Bunker. Also close.

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Lou Grant. Also from Minnesota

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Brothers! Couldn't stand that guy either.

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Hard to believe he got through almost two hours without that head exploding!

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I kept wishing there was a blood pressure cuff around his neck.

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This week the old Bunker series played the episode where Archie snuck baby Joey down to the priest to have him baptized because Gloria and Meathead wouldn't do it.

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Minus the wit, charm, love of country, and common sense.

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Rip Taylor is trending for a reason

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Wife said the same thing.

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Hah! He does!!

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Different kind of funny though.

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I just mean expressions-Rickles was very talented

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

People who disparage Bibi forget that he (and his late brother) were badass terrorist fighters with real up close body counts back in the day. Bibi seems to have finally figured out that the US is at best an inconsistent ally, and that Israel needs to pursue its own interests. And it seems he no longer GAF what the rest of the Israel hating world thinks, including the current disgraceful regime in this country. His performance at the UN was something - bitch slapping the General Assembly while giving the go ahead to bury Nasrallah under 30,000 pounds of high explosives was a heckuva FU. Now he’s telegraphed “regime change” in Iran is coming “sooner than you think.” The sooner that happens the better off the world will be.

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

And the people of Iran will thank him. Obama had the chance and liked the mullahs more. Wouldn’t that win the Irony of the Century award? Israel liberating Iran from the mullahs?

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Agree, I hope he doesn't take his foot off the gas; finish the job in Iran, which not only helps Israel, but also the Iranian people. Even they will thank him!

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Not to mention the rest of the world!!

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I know Mossad is rather busy right now, but I sure wish we could get a few of them to protect Trump & Vance since the Keystone Cops are totally incompetent after having been infiltrated with all that DEI crap

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Amen. Even a Mossad consultant would be a help. Or some retired Mossad agents.

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DEI = didn’t earn it. As Harry Nillson once said, “A point in every direction is no point at all.”

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Yep, a good day for Bibi.

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10-02-24: The USA needs an "Iron Dome" system to protect itself against Biden, Harris, Walz and Oprah Winfrey.

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

From the poll, Don, it sounds like you didn’t watch it.

I’m in the top tier when it comes for my esteem for The Donald, yet I never care to watch him live. Last night was the first debate I’ve watched from start to finish that I can remember.

As I’ve thought since Donald first tapped Vance (Your hired!!), he’s the kind of politician we’ve long waited for. Enough ego to take the job, but humility to his core. Biblical meekness is controlled strength. FAFO in a suit.

This is the best slate since George Washington tapped Teddy Roosevelt as his running mate!

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Likewise. Only debate I ever watched in it's entirety. JD did not disappoint. Even with the two bimbos against him. He handled them flawlessly.

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It looks like Vance won the debate against 3 women.

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Bingo Ep.

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2 and Elmer Fudd.

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Good one, Epstein.

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Quit buying into the tranny terminology, two women and a cross dressing male.

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For once, the pregame predictions panned out. Vance was expected to mop the floor with Walz and that's exactly what happened.

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10/02/24: The two CBS immoderaters no doubt were dying to pull the studio fire alarm to bail Walz out. But not being moronic congressmen from Westchester County, they sat and stared into the headlights, frozen (when not trying to rig the casino with "fact checks"). Look forward, especially, to M. Brennan (CBS-Pravda) going up in flames on the evening of 11/05/24 (Norah O'Donnell, lame duck "news actress," whose competence corresponds exactly to Walz's skill as a debater, merits no further comment).

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Those two always give actual female professionals a bad name. They don’t have to be sorority girls, but they do. Every single time.

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10/02/24: Left-wing Barbie dolls (without anatomical parts).

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Vance got really good at this quickly. He was never really out of sorts but he is really nailing it now.

Even Former TN(D) Rep and current MSDNC Spokesmodel Harold Ford said, "I found him to be more likable than I'd expected." after the debate last night. Even those who won't vote Trump-Vance have to respect that he was civil but confidently execute.

FAFO in a suit, indeed.

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10/02/24: If you haven't read "Hillbilly Eulogy" yet, it's highly recommended. I avoided it like all other contemporary political non-books, then curious I finally read it months ago and discovered that I had unwittingly short-changed my brain. It is, and I do not exaggerate, a work of first-class literary merit.

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Yes; I'm dreaming -- drooling may be closer -- of what 12 years of competent governance in DC may do to the Loony Left.

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I thought Vance’s answers on abortion and “democracy” were weak, and Walz was better than I expected. But Vance’s demeanor was superb, and that may turn out to be the most important thing.

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Of course. Nixon won the debate but Kennedy won the optics and subsequently, the election.

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Right on, Steve.

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10/02/24 Correction: Washington (the Nationals) tapped Shohei Ohtani (and players to be named later).

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

As Gen. Curtis LeMay memorably put it, "When you kill enough of them, they stop fighting."

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An army is supposed to kill its enemies whether modern-day people are squeamish about it or not.

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

Israel and its IDF/IAF/Mossad have systematically destroyed Hamas and Hizbollah. Iran is next and before it becomes a N. Korea which has made itself untouchable because of its nukes. Bibi, the leader everyone loves to hate has been able to guide the Jewish State between Scylla and Charybdis and is now giving the feckless Western leaders an example of what leaders are supposed to do and how to lead!

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The Junior League team …just one of Barry’s projections.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

Netanyahu has perfected the fine art of giving a big middle finger to the UN: he addresses them at the exact same moment as Israel is taking out Hezbollah's senior leaders.

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For an encore, maybe Netanyahu can make the UN assholes pay their parking tickets.

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The Michael Corleone approach.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Indeed. When I read the sequence of events following Bibi’s UN smack down that entire episode of the Godfather in church christening a new generation while his soldiers simultaneously take out the traitorous 5 families ran through my mind. I doubt that was Bibi’s intention but there are many similarities from the GF saga. Michael was solidifying his father’s plan for the family’s future and in the very end the image of him sitting alone with the weight of his actions on his shoulders is our beloved Israel today.

Another fitting scene as one of the lieutenant's says to him on the way to being ‘removed from duty’, ‘I’ve always liked you Mike, it was just business.’ It’ll be up the DJT to fire Blinken.

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10/02/24: Blinken will scurry like the cockroach that panics when the kitchen light is switched on. And I want his ass in jail for his leadership in the fraud perpetrated by the Deep State that strove (and temporarily succeeded) to convince Americans that Hunter Biden's laptop came from Moscow.

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Trump will not be able to fire Blinken, doggone it! He has already said he is through at the end of Biden's term.

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Nevertheless, he will pay.

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10/02/24: Blinken can be indicted for fraud (see above).

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His speech was bait and Nasrallah fell for it! A superb mind game on the part of Bibi. The Israelis are playing 3D chess and Iran is playing tidly winks.

Some say that Israel is going to bomb Iran back into the stone age, but that could be done with a few firecrackers.

When GOD is done Iranian will only be spoken in hell

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That was just a perfect move, Flier.

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Walz looked like he wanted to chew Vance's arm off. He was astounded that Vance was so articulately in taking him apart and destroying all of his talking points. It was 90 minutes of split screen furor vs articulation. Amazing, isn't it, the way a cool head topples a mad dog.

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JD is a perfect compliment to Trump.

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It’s amazing what actual accomplishments can do for one’s self esteem. Vance doesn’t rely on others for emotional security. He’s a grown up who no longer blames his parents for his state in life.

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In spite of his past he took his own path, growing into it on the way. He owns it legitimately. Walz is a weenie.

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Thank You, Defiant, for this clear picture. So Glad VANCE toppled that MAD DOG. I trust your statements. My BP reading was too high for me to watch the entirety.

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Full disclosure, as soon as I saw the writing on the wall, I tuned out too having no doubt that JD would hold his own in a 3/1 match. Calm, steely eyed…unlimited potential. Trump chose a successor well.

Walz is one of those guys the camera doesn’t love.

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I watched briefly--we were driving--but stopped after the obnoxious moderators interrupted and "fact checked". Caught the clips later. Vance was absolutely masterful.

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

Friedman is pretty stupid. But he has to maintain his NY liberal bona fides.

Israel has a chance to end Iran as we know it. What a gift that would be to Trump as he takes office.

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Only one at the NYT's maybe "stupider" than Friedman would be Krugman.

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NYT has the "stupid" market cornered. Its only competitor would be Mad Magazine.

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What about Reich? He's been wrong about everything too.

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Whoops! Toss him in the bag too.

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surely you couldn't mean the esteemed Nobel laureate Krugman who's definitely in the same category as BHO who received a Nobel for what he surely MIGHT do

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My thoughts exactly, AD.

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Glad Bibi is so much smarter than the cognoscenti. I’m amazed that people I know think he is a bully, rather than being thankful that he’s trying to save the world.

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The ironic ‘Neighborhood Bully’ Robert Zimmerman sang about on his Infidel album.

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Bob Dylan? I’m not familiar

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Bob Dylan’s 1983 album Infidel.

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Something I read that Bibi said makes me think he has a plan that will jumpstart and abet a revolution in Iran.

Mossad, we know, has infiltrated the highest circles of the Iranian Guards. I look for more tasty goodness to come from that.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

Superb and delightful article!

Israel’s war accomplishments have also resulted in unleashing a new and refreshing phenomenon being felt by people around the world: that extraordinary feeling that comes with actually defeating an enemy and WINNING a war!

It’s been a looong time since people have been able to feel that exhilaration, for some younger people they’ve never experienced it. And for those sane and rational amongst us, we like it - we like it A LOT! More, please.

And we pray for the Peace of Israel …through its strength, faith and determination. God bless them!!!

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Saw something the other day: “You can’t truly call yourself “peaceful” unless you’re capable of great violence. If you’re not capable of violence you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless”

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"Speak softly and carry a big stick. You will go far" Teddy Roosevelt

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Roosevelt had another one, I am told: "When you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."

Don't really know how that works, though, if you've already blown them off.

Must be pretty humiliating to have the whole world laughing at you....

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True on all 3 points

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Totally agree!

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

Great piece. Israel should not stop. The US policy used to be easy. We don't tolerate nor negotiate with terrorists.

Vance at his age, gives me hope for the future of my grandchidren. MAGA will survive Trump. MAGA has other leaders beyond the uniparty. American made heros.

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Yes--the Republican (MAGA) bench is deep, broad, and awesome, learning more every day from The Master, Trump, and from the Israeli Master, Bibi.

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

i didn't watch the debate but i assume msm is saying waltz was masterful. that said, even my democrat cousin (who would kill for hillary) says waltz is a complete dumb ars. it truly is amazing that minnesota elected this guy as governor.

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Please. Don't call it Minnesohhhhhhhhta. It's New Somalia.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

omars play pen.

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Nothing works better on vacuous Democrats than platitudes.

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Well Minnesota is not known for clear or honest thinking. After all they elected a steroid raged stolen valor wrestler to be governor, and it wasn't Bobby Heenan

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Things are getting so bad, the Turks have refused to bribe Tim Walz!

(Police identified an active shooter at the debate last night. "It was Gov. Walz, aiming at his foot," said police spokesman and fellow "gun-owner," Kamala Harris.)

[Debate 10-01-24 with J.D. Vance a fiasco. NYC Mayor Adams indicted for bribery by the Turks. K.H. had claimed on her powder-puff / roll-in-the-hay with Oprah that she's a "gun owner."]

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Looney Tunes close: " That's all folks!"

Semper Fi, JD. Marines know how to prepare for battle. So does Israel.

TLF is irrelevant. So is the NYT.

From the Beach....


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TLF is one of the most egotistical, self-important, delusional pieces of poop-filled puffery there is and has been such for decades.

He makes Walter Duranty look credible, and that’s saying something.

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Suzie, tell us how you really feel about TLF!

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10/02/24: And he's made millions of dollars as the CEO of Incompetent, Incorporated.

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Things are getting so bad, the Turks have refused to bribe Tim Walz!

(Police identified an active shooter at the debate last night. "It was Gov. Walz, aiming at his foot," said police spokesman and fellow "gun-owner," Kamala Harris.)

[Debate 10-01-24 with J.D. Vance a fiasco. NYC Mayor Adams indicted for bribery by the Turks. K.H. had claimed on her powder-puff / roll-in-the-hay with Oprah that she's a "gun owner."]

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

re: piece(s) in the Middle East. You probably didn't know this, but you can identify the terrorists by their blue eyes. One blew this way, the other that .....

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Read this on X:

Death count from Iran missile barrage:

• 0 Israeli’s

• 1 Palestinian

• 5 Iranians, whose missile launcher blew them up!

Hahaha! More Iranians died than anyone else!

C’mon~ Tell me God does not have a sense of humor!

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Like they used to say on Second City TV, "They blowed up real good!"

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Oct 2Liked by Don Surber

from now on when ever any israel leader addresses the u.n., the islamic world will duck and cover.

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Good piece, Don. Iran's leadership will be gone within two weeks.

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Hopefully, but usually another group of terrorists is waiting in the wings.

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That is exactly the argument the Left makes. And it is crap. If you go to war to win, that fallacy has been historically proved to be the falsity that it is. But you have to utterly crush them into dust if you want peace. We haven’t been willing to do that since WWII.

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You are correct! Hence, my four word philosophy.

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