Your comment about Cleveland's Mayor Michael R. White, who is black, letting the klansmen rally, reminded me of Mel Brooks' movie Blazing Saddles. Imagine a movie theater premiering that flick today. All hell would break loose.

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Still one of the best movies ever!

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Directed by Mel Brooks, a Jew and and a WWII veteran (combat engineer) - probably a big reason that a lot of "progressives" don't like it.

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Thank you, Dennis, for the enlightenment. I am developing a mental list of world War II veterans. I can't think of his name right now but he's the older actor that played Mr majestic. He was a world War II veteran.

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Charles Bronson?

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Bronson, the star of Death Wish. I just watched it this week. He's made some great movies. Chato's land was one of my favorites. The best western ever was Once Upon a Time in the West.

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A Mel Brooks keeper for the ages !

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But the people who went to see the movie would still be laugh their arses off.

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I'm on the floor laughing about the part where the new black sheriff rides into town. How about the group on horseback that gets stopped at a toll booth?

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Shitload of dimes

I saw it in Savannah after Time magazine predicted Southerners would rise in anger

Everyone laughed

The fart scene was the best

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I saw it in Frankfort KY. During the infamous fart scene, I literally fell on the floor laughing. As I got up, I noticed the other people in the theater looking at me with their mouths agape. It was1974 and perhaps Frankfort KY wasn't quite ready for Mel Brooks' humor. Great movie.

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Have any of you read his auto biography? Came out last year or so. Great read.

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It would be a joy to watch!

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It's available on Netflix for those who haven't canceled it by now

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There is no crime greater than robbing a child of their innocence. And there is no punishment great enough when dealing with this lowest form of life.

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You're right, Gayle--keep the pressure on. It can be tempting to feel no one in Congress is listening and that our earnest phone calls are ignored. But tons of us keeping up a relentless communication with them will eventually sink in.

The message they need to hear from us repeatedly right now is that the RINO Establishment is OVER, DONE WITH, ON THE WAY OUT; and that they should no longer link their own future to the RINO's. We're no longer sending money to the RINO middlemen-- we're only sending direct to people that take visible and effective action (like Rand Paul, Elise Stephanik, Matt Gaetz, etc.). They need to break free and start publicly speaking up and supporting what true Americans are demanding to save this country.

The RINO's are going down--either get with the America First agenda, or go down with them.

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Thank you for this clear and excellent post! Once we start to connect to the players in congress, they will begin to listen. We cannot remain silent. If we can remain focused on connecting with individuals in congress, so they know we intend to keep up the dialogue, we will never go away, hopefully by November of THIS YEAR we will have made a DENT in the heads of some. Whatever it takes to force them to TAKE THEIR JOB SERIOUSLY, AND TO ACTUALLY SHOW UP EVERY SINGLE DAY AND PERFORM THE JOB VERY WELL, is my goal.

Have a bWonderful Day with God's Greatest Blessings!

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Yes, this is very do-able. There's a ton of retirements going on--many objectionable RINO's are leaving. Phone calls from across America did make a difference in getting rid of Kevin McCarthy and electing a MAGA Speaker in Mike Johnson. (Yes, some people are disappointed with him, but he is a VAST, VAST improvement over McCarthy, and I truly believe will prove very solid for us.)

You have a wonderful and blessed day too!

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Your points are well taken and very coherent. Until the electorate take charge of their country no appropriate penalty will be enough. Fortunately the ultimate judgement will befall these spawns of Satan.

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Well said. Trouble is our elected officials are the biggest offenders of all laws. Judicial and moral.

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Aint that the truth !!

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Don’t think there are enough of us who really understand the depth of the corruption.

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You are right, AD. I've been paying atttention for a long time, but still continually am finding out I was naive as yet another layer of corruption comes to light.

Am only slowly coming to grasp the massiveness of the corruption. The magnitude of corruption we are seeing now would seem to indicate that something truly fundamental has gone wrong--that something that previously was sustaining our civilization has been undercut.

Just off the top of my head, I would name that as our Judeo-Christian religious foundation. As America has turned more atheistic and agnostic, we are beginning to see how intricately and completely our spiritual grounding had been holding this country together. Merit is now out the window; hard work is out the window; modesty and morality are out the window; family stability is out the window; etc. etc.

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That's true. Imagine the very worst of all possible hell holes and add 70%.

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Politics aka corruption is the second oldest and most vile profession in history.Oh for the curriculum of the late 40s and 50s in schools and we would not be in this mess.

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Make Public Hanging (or Firing Squads) for treason Great Again!

Just put Pedo’s in the Gen Pop of any Federal Prison…they know how to deal appropriately with them!

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It’s always the same MO from the Left:

“Rules for thee, but not for me.”

So much for their phony cries for “Democracy!!”

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Hey, that makes a great protest chant:

Rules for thee, but not for me.

Phony cries for democracy!

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"Muh democracy!" instead of a constitutional republic. As Francis A. Schaeffer in his book, "The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century", said, "What can be the logical results of a democracy with no controls other than the will of the majority? It means that if Hitler was able to get a 51% vote of the Germans, he had a right to kill the Jews."

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On his way to becoming German Chancellor in 1933, and next dictator, Hitler NEVER got 51% of the vote in a legitimate election. In the one of July 1932 his Nazi Party had received the largest share, 37% of the votes, which dropped to 33% in the November election of that same year, a 4% decline. However, merely in terms of the number of votes the Nazis were the largest party.

This was not unusual in German politics which, like most European countries, tends to fall back on coalitions for appointing a government when no one party gets a majority of the votes. To achieve such a majority, parties then negotiate and make deals to combine into a coalition amounting to an effective majority of the Reichstag or Parliament, or 324 out of 648, which was never achieved during the years immediately prior to Hitler coming to power. So in early 1933, faced with a governmental dilemma, President Hindenburg was persuaded to appoint Hitler Chancellor. His Nazi party then unleashed all sorts of violence and intimidation to obtain a majority in the next election, in March 1933, which, although the facts were buried forever, included the arson that produced the Reichstag fire, but they still only obtained 44% of the vote.

For a long time after that, no legitimate elections occurred ...

I apologize for this convoluted explanation -- but them's the facts. Hitler did not need 51% of the vote to mass-murder the Jews, and that program didn't get started until World War II was in full swing.

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I ardently wish that Francis Schaeffer were still among us to critique our idiocy and offer a better path to walk.

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Agree - he was a brilliant mind. Read several of his books in college (on my own, certainly not for a class at my liberal state school).

He was my/our generation's C.S. Lewis.

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He was every bit the intellectual giant that was CS Lewis.

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My gosh, how did I miss this person--Schaeffer? I'm a huge fan of CS Lewis, but this is the very first I've heard of Schaeffer. I had considered myself widely informed, but my gosh, every day I learn so much from Don's blog and all the commenters.

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Agreed. Another reason why their cries about “democracy” are phony. Ridicule them with it.

Obama used those “logical results of a democracy”, basically saying that he had a mandate because he got elected. I heard, “I don’t have any obligation to consider what the people who didn’t vote for me want or to work with their representatives.” He didn’t represent America. He represented those who put him in office.

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Same damn thing with Biden. They'd put us in concentration camps if they could.

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Haha! Whaddya know!


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You're right, Liberty. Nice R&R... RHYTHM AND RHYME.

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Musk has done much to protect free speech on X.

Now he is speaking out about our lack of voter ID in all 50 states.

I toast him with a fistful of crisp bacon.

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May I join your toast??

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There’s plenty for everyone!!!

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Now that most pounds of bacon are only 12 ounces, I'll go do that right this minute. Here's to Elon Musk. May he live a thousand years, and I a thousand years less one day, that I may not live to see him pass away!

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Liberalism would be dead, if not for fake voting and a small number of committed perverts. Unfortunately, in 1917 and 1932 the world saw the effect of these type of small men on a world that was asleep. With Biden laughably in charge those of us awake are both worried and prepared.

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"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely." The left is always accusing the right of doing the very things they do, projection, I think it's called.

I thank God that we have Substack and now X, from Mr. Musk, so that we can read and share with people and patriots like yourself and your readers. Keep up the great work!

Danny Huckabee

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Bacon and Bacon. I know I’m bad but I CAN’T HELP MYSELF!!!

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Comfort yourself with Mark 7:14-23 and Romans 14:13-23. 😀

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But I found small comfort in Romans 13 which, according to prominent preachers, like MacArthur, mandates unconditional obeisance to even to governments like Hitler. It seems absurd to me, and a historical misunderstanding.

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That is not my understanding. We are definitely to repay evil with good (1 Thessalonians 5:15, 1 Samuel 24:17) and we are to tolerate insults and abuse to avoid escalation into violence (Matthew 5:38, Isaiah 50:6), but we are not to partake of evil by aiding and abetting others doing evil. If someone's life is in imminent danger, we are to do good by stopping the perpetrators (which reduces their burden of unrepentant sin and is good for their victims as well).

As far as Romans 13, you should also consider it in the context of Galatians 5:22-23 (which ends with "against these things there is no law," meaning that as our governments attempt to criminalize good behavior, they lose authority) and Philippians 4:8-9 ("Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.")

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Look Boys, I haven’t consulted my Rabbi on any of this, so thanks for reaching out, but…

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About this, or about the bacon? My wife is addicted to the Extra Thick Sliced kind ...

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So she just doesn’t have good taste in men I see!

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Hi Chuck, I had kinda assumed you were on the other side of the Judeo-Christian family and my first post was intended as a joke that you could hop on over to this side to eliminate your guilt. You've got me thinking about weaponizing bacon as a path to conversion. 😋

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I posted a reply but it some how vaporized itself…

My mother was Catholic from way up in Northern Ontario. When we used to visit my Grandparents as a child if I wanted to eat among all my other cousins you ate what was put in front of you (and you had to be quick about) or you didn’t eat at all. When it came to bacon or my Gramma’s Ground Pork Pies, I was a pushover.😊

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Actually, for Romans 13, a different context seems quite possible. That is that the rulers and authorities Paul referred to were the rulers of the local synagogue where the early Christians met in those days. They had considerable power over the Jews -- many of whom were those early Christians -- and elsewhere in Romans Paul urged harmony and mutual respect in that context. And consider how in Acts 4:8, when the High Priest and his allies questioned Peter and John about their activities: "Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers and elders of the people! ..."

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When politicians find out they can rule the world by giving away bacon, we’re done.

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The hell with a chicken in every pot. It will be a slab of bacon in every skillet.

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Thats the winning message.

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It'd be Bangers and Mash in Great Britain. Glad to see there is still a semblance of sanity in this country; good old Bacon and Eggs rules; barely. I love local breakfast joints; where you better have your order ready when the waitperson shows up. Eggs over medium and make it three of them; toast well done; hashbrowns well done; bacon crispy. Oh, and do you have orange marmalade (a tribute to my dad)? And keep filling the coffee cup; and make sure the bowl of half and half in those little containers is kept full. Ah.... America. A great tip (30%) awaits the server and waitperson who keeps up with us. All of this from north central Arizona; not the big city.

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I'm really hungry all of a sudden.

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Me, too. I'll be back in a few minutes.

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A ‘nookie cookie’? Are those the ones “Girl Scouts” were selling on Epstein Island?

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Speaking of how were are now a country of men and not laws...

Remember and honor the veterans who are still in the DC Gulag for the THIRD YEAR WITHOUT DUE PROCESS IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT and here is a govt employee who did worse without consequences:


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I don’t eat breakfast at all but Trumpenfreude is definitely the best accompaniment for coffee.

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"I am pretty sure that the same right to peaceably assemble that klansmen enjoy applies to Trump supporters."

Not so. the Klan is essentially irrelevant. Small numbers, only enough violence to scare up donations to the SPLC and no electoral power. It's safe to protect their rights.

Trump supporters, America Firsters, American Greatness, all us types, we scare them and as a consequence must be silenced as best they can arrange.

The political donations (both in cash and in-kind nudge nudge) of the pr0n industry might be an interesting deep dive.

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A little Robert Smalls update. I also posted a slightly different version of my comment in a X thread and some people have mistaken me for a Democrat. Of course I think the Smalls story appeals to people who love freedom. Smalls said before they left that he “would be free or die”

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Freedom is the core belief in Natural Law. Has zero to do with skin color. Smalls probably had a less than 50% chance of survival that fateful night. The choice he took.

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The curious aspect of hunting down so-called Nazis is that someone has to go looking for them. Maybe those more IT savvy than me can explain how search works on Substack to identify these hard-to-find, yet so-called offenders of public decency--but right now, it looks like clickbait for media and other platforms to drive traffic--and not substantive, newsworthy reporting.

In other words, the woke/prog/left crowd is on a moral crusade for public decency--which is rather laughable given their "if it feels good, do it" morality ruling out any cultural limitations or social control over conduct, behavior, or scruples.

I'd call it hypocrisy, but for the woke/prog/left, hypocrisy is a feature not a bug.

(Meanwhile, no names are named, no one is identified--so what are the chances this isn't a giant troll by someone ghosting as a Nazi in order to takedown a Nazi. The lead complainant is Platformer--a media critic/promoter looking to make a name for themselves. I think this is what is called a self-licking ice crem cone.)

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I might've added that FusionGPS, the source for the Russian Collusion hoax, an outfit known for oppo research (smear merchants), regularly made coin by planting stories in multiple legacy media outlets, in order to create verisimilitude--the appearance of veracity. I see no reason why others have not learned this tactic.

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I've heard Irish patriot John Waters https://johnwaters.substack.com/ say there is evidence that MI5 was behind The Irish Troubles of the 70's & 80's--to divide the Irish, making each Irishman doubt the character of their nation and their Irishness.

Taxpayer supported psyops by pornogovernments are nothing new. When DARPA cut their digital tech developments loose into the private sector, the slick Playboy type magazine publishers saw their main chance materialize from thin air. The advance of digital tech in the private sector was (is) driven largely by pornsite developers working on faster, more precise ways to deliver their content. The beat goes on... https://www.webroot.com/us/en/resources/tips-articles/internet-pornography-by-the-numbers

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Without getting into the 'Irish Troubles,' it is clear that (all) governments' security services have stirred the pot, creating chaos at moments--chaos for which they have no control over the outcome--and which often looked bad given 20/20 hindsight.

I suppose you can muse about where initial technologies lead, given the development after introduction is taken into account. When the integrated circuit was first introduced, a cell phone constructed from the same would've been the size of the Washington Monument. There's no way of accurately foretelling what the future holds--it only looks like a straight-line cause and effect in hindsight. Cheers.

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I wish I had a dollar (used to be a dime when Trump was in charge) for every person on substack who wants Trump supporters hanged - I'd be rich. So, Nazis wishing people dead is forbidden on substack but calling for the actual hanging of Trump and his supporters is fine.

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Or those chanting “from the river to the sea” or “kill All the Jews”, -

they have no problem with all that!

Really frosts me to no end.

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It is remarkable to me how easily the left has perverted our language and our moral standards. The Founders never imagined that the Second Amendment would be construed by judges to include publication of pornographic images, but permit supression of ideas that make some people uncomfortable. Yet, here we are. The Founders abhorred "democracy," recognizing that it was nothing more than a tyranny enacted on behalf of 50% plus 1 of the people, and was the surest road to despotism and eventual anarchy. Today, those on the left, which includes most democrats, believe that the Constitution allows--nay, requires--us to allow filth to be streamed into our homes and schools, but also allows--or again, requires-- political speech to be suppressed by the government. Yet, that is the current state of affairs. The left has been substituting the word "democracy" for our form of representative republican government for a reason. If it can convince people that "democracy" is good, it can eliminate our Constitutional system of checks and balances, eliminate federalism and states' rights, eliminate the Electoral College and substitute a national plebiscite for elective positions in our executive and legislative branches of government and import a new population to overwhelm by sheer weight of numbers those of us who still cling to the system created by The Founders. Should this be our fate, America will pass into history, to be eventually regarded as yet another in the series of failed human experiments. Those unlucky enough to be alive at such time will curse us for allowing it to happen.

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