No more Bushes, no more Clintons, and, for God's sake, no more Obamas.

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Jesse Jackson was right for once - “Stay out the Bushes”.

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Biting my tongue here.

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My initial comment was not suitable for mixed company and there are ladies present.

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Tough to be told the guy I voted for twice has feet of clay-but U R the experts-will U concede he was better than Bambi and Brandon?

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No. GWB was no better. If anything, he was worse. At least with Obama you knew you were getting a puppet-tool of the Chicago Communist Cartel. GWB and Dick Cheney played on the child-like trust of the conservative American electorate. Bush and his purely evil running-mate Cheney knew exactly what they were doing. Both of those crooks knew what the Patriot Act would unleash. They couldn't run it fast enough.

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Funny you mention Jackson. Here’s a message I sent last week to someone who noticed how Jim Brown’s obit at ESPN et al got whitewashed:

SL: Thanks for setting the record straight about Jim Brown (recently deceased). ESPN is now officially in charge of the Soviet Communist rewriting of history books.

Reminds me of the time when some damned fool at the NY Times in the first edition told the truth about Jesse Jackson’s brother Noah Jackson Jr.’s convictions on multiple felony counts (in Jackson’s father’s obit).

The next day, the obit was reprinted. Erased: The truth about Noah Jackson Jr. whose now-sanitized name was mentioned only in the survivors list.

January 30-31, 1997: The Noah Jackson Sr. obits, Versions #1 and #2.

May 22-26, 2023: Jim Brown, according to ESPN/Obama/James and Goodell.

Nothing has changed. [end message]

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The Bush family has been part of the Establishment for generations. And the real divide in our country today is not between Repubs and Dems, but between the Ruling Class (as defined by Angelo Codevilla in 2010) and the Country Class. https://spectator.org/americas-ruling-class/ Codevilla's Ruling Class is more than just the politicians; it includes the academics, the MSM, and the top-level execs. (Bud Light, anyone?) Thirteen years after Codevilla wrote that, there have been some people in office who represent the Country rather than the Ruling Class, but still a minority.

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When Codevilla first wrote that, it was an aha moment for me.

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I have only now read it for the first time.

Like you Schlongtavious it is for me an aha moment.

For the first time I start to believe that the light before me in the darkness is not an oncoming train but the herald of a new dawn.

We the country class are winning through evolution not revolution because the confusion and dissonance apparent in the Ruling Class, here in NZ as in the rest of the Anglosphere, cannot be denied.

OK, fingers crossed, this will be increasingly confirmed in November here this year, and in America next year.

For many years as a landscape painter I felt myself quietly and increasingly reverently in the presence of God. It was and remains a private and personal privilege.

This year I have attended Evensong every Sunday.

I am almost totally deaf.

Although I can hear the music and read the hymns I cannot hear the sermon. Instead I use that time to look at to look at the cross above the altar, to contemplate and pray.

It is not much I know but I feel it is important that my wife and I join the congregation.

I am also as they say, rich in years, yet even so I accept that God still has a role for me to play.

Perhaps as a witness.

In a humble way I believe that I am a part of this change.

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Bless you my man!1

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God bless you, Ross.

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George HW Bush being a part of anything?? I was 37 years old when I watched George HW Bush cry like a baby when he found out he lost the 1992 election. He was a typical socialist and liar--just like the male who replaced him.

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Tore down as much of what Reagan accomplished as he could. Socialist and liar and back stabber.

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Remember the “kinder, gentler” comment?

A disgrace.

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America's ruling class take a knee to the Davos crowd. They will merely be the last ones fed to the lions.

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They think they will be the last fed to the lion. The problem is Davos sees them as competition and the masses see them as traitors. So not too sure about the last fed to the lion part.

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They are like Chaim Rumkowski in the Ludz ghetto. The Polish Jews served the Nazi war machine well but in the end still were sent to the gas chambers.

The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend, but they can still be a useful tool.

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Excellent surberish.

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I think GWB stays quiet because he knows if he doesn’t “go along to get along” (with the leftist communist cabal) he will be viciously attacked. His presidency will be attacked. His family will be attacked. His fathers memory will be attacked. The Bush libraries will be renamed or torn down. His children will lose their careers. While many, none in politics, who are older and near retired or retired, are speaking out, (Bill Mahr, James Woods, John Voight) GWB stays silent. I understand it but I also think he is in the end, a weak person. It actually sheds new light on many of the choices he made as president. No one will ever mistake him as a Maverick. And definitely not a truth teller defending the American people.

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W is a weak person. We are now seeing that.

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Bush was always a weak person, always.

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ALL of the Bush family are weak.

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They’re total phonies.

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Which is why they had to constantly polish and push the elder's WWII "fighter pilot" image.

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Too bad you didn't read my earlier post about HWs supposed exploits in WWII, either as a bomber or fighter pilot. His military dossier said he was both. I made a comment about the picture of HWs face being so clear during his "rescue" when that type of clarity in photography was virtually unknown. After watching him cry and scream after losing the 1992 election, I felt there was nothing HW would NOT do to avenge this, including what would happen nine years later.

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I think GWB worries about his kids mostly. Worked really well on the Congressman I think. Not remembering the state. His son was killed in an 'accident'. He quit making noise.

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And I would understand this. Parents want to protect their children. But I would like to think his children might support him in speaking out. It’s a big boat to rock. But maybe worth it.

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I would like to think so but its also a very big risk and I believe both of his daughters have little ones. I know one does.

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"Did something happen along the way to make Bush turn his back on the Reaganism that Trump embraced — or was GWB a fraud all along?"

The answer to this question is easy: GWB was always and ever will be part of the Machine. My guess is he's a pretty high ranking part that came down to play president, but he is part of it. (I was in my mid-twenties and came from a conservative background. I voted for him the first time. The second time I voted for Kerry. Which only goes to show that in a two-party system, choice is an illusion.)

Trump was supposed to be the foil that allowed Hillary Clinton (another part of the Machine) to win. People chose the foil over Clinton herself. And it broke the elites and the media machine.

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Yes, W was a fraud, much like his father who was President and one-time head of the CIA. They were and are globalists and allied with the WEF and Klaus Schwab. Remember it was George H. W. that called for a New World Order. W used 9/11 to create Homeland Security, the TSA, and other new government entities that limited the rights of law-abiding Americans while doing next to nothing to actually secure anyone's safety. This move was little different than what the Left does today using gun violence as a way to take guns from regular Americans. Fraud is one of the nicer words I use to describe the Bush family.

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My answer to the question of the day: I voted for “W” twice also and I always wondered why he never returned fire when the Dems launched their defamatory attacks. It turns out he was always his father’s son. He adapted well to the politics of Texas, but at heart he was always a RINO. To quote a wise observer:

“Of all the Never Trumpers — Bill Kristol, Ann Coulter, Jonah the Whale and the rest — none disappoints me more than the man I voted for president in 2000 and 2004.”

But I do have to add, Jonah the Whale is a close runner up.

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I was aware of Ann Coulter's daughter being an issue, but Ann Coulter herself? I find that hard to believe.

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So do I. I recall quite vividly how ecstatic she was on the night Trump was elected (and her triumphant humiliation of an assh*le BBC propagandist who was in shock that the Unthinkable Had Come True) . Do we possibly have her mistaken for someone else?

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From what I have read, Coulter does not have children.

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I believe she has two children.

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Not what her bio says, but...

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Unless that was her ex-husbands children, which I don't know--or care--about.

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She has never been married and has no kids, according to her bio.

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FYI without GWB we would have gotten AL Gore or John McCain. In 20/20 hindsight GWB was still the right choice. That just shows how bad our choices were

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Bush or McCain?? That's a choice??

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While I voted for Bush twice, I regret both of those votes. We still got Al Gore, as he was paid off to be the face of climate change. Would he have been any worse then, Bush? He got us into Afghanistan, where he clearly didn’t read the book on how to win the war. That book was written by Alexander the great who was the only person to conquer Afghanistan. He started a war in Iraq for no reason which destabilized the region.

I’ve learned over the last 20+ years that all of these people are run by the military industrial complex and deep state and no matter what their supposed political affiliation is, theyhave no allegiance to America.

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McCain would have been 10x worse... he and Miss Lindsay have never seen a war they didn't want to escalate further!

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McCain had to try and do something to change his traitorous reputation as a POW in North Vietnam. Same as John Kerry putting himself up for the CMH. Kerry disobeyed a direct order, getting himself and his crew in a firefight where two of his crew were wounded and one killed. Kerry should have had his dumb ass sent to a stockade and NEVER let of out. Instead, he is now the face of climate change. HA !!

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It would be unlikely for McCain to beat a hypothetical President Al Gore in 2004. At least we would not have had Obama in 2008 under this scenario.

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There was a difference??

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No one would have beaten by McCain. Big Mike would have pinned him on the mat in 20 seconds.

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The smartest thing McCain ever did in his life was nominate Sarah Palin for VP. If it wasn't for Sarah Palin being on the ticket, McCain would have lost worse than Mike Dukakis did 20 years earlier.

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I was going to use similar words - GWB disappointed me massively. From being on top

Of the world and the polls the day he stood on the rubble of the World Trade Center to becoming a jellyfish spined RINO and best buds with Bubba, Rodham and Soetoro. What a fall from grace.

An MBA president instead of a lawyer. Former owner of a baseball team. Working the ranch like Reagan did. He was different and that was exciting.

Something happened. Something changed.

Did his father’s CIA get to him? Did insider Cheney get to him? Something or someone did. And we are paying the price as Soetoro took over from him and the country has fallen off of a cliff.

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What we are all learning, sadly, is that all of our leaders are globalists, fascists, totalitarians, and commies (pick which description you like best or all of them) and do not care about their voters. Trump and COVID brought this home to me. They are evil to varying degrees, but evil nonetheless.

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About half the time, my 'tin foil hat' appears, and I am pretty sure the deep state has blackmail material on everyone in DC. I truly hate being this cynical.

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No more family dynasties and that now includes bobby Kennedy running for president. W is a fake. Maybe he wasn't 20-some years ago, but he is now. And, W has been a disappointment since about 2005 or so. He isn't and wasn't ever going to do anything about the weaponization of the institutions against the Rs and Trump. The best thing to do is to move on. He's just somebody that used to be president. I don't see another solution.

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When you are “elected “ president under suspicious circumstances, are president when a mass tragedy happens that years later looks suspicious and invade a country with suspicious “evidence”, one might conclude that you are a fraud. Just saying...

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You described Bush perfectly:

"Whale turd on the bottom of the ocean."

Or just a plain ol' lying sack of sh!t.

And sadly ... I voted for him twice, too.

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I first learned about Deep State governance during GWB's administration.

Shortly after the invasion of Iraq it became clear that Iran was running the resistance and were our major threat in the region. Bush made noises about prosecuting the war against them using a WMD pretext.

That was when the CIA "leaked" a false report that Iran was not pursuing nucular weapons. This knocked the wheels off of any chance of attacking Iran. Because the actual report was classified nobody who actually knew what was going was allowed to talk about it.

We may never know why the CIA wanted to preserve Iran. We of course know that Iran has worked on nuclear weapons all along.

Guess GWB is fully vested now.

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Because they hate Israel, as does the Uniparty.

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Yes, Suzie.

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(I actually do not think I voted for W the first time. I can't remember if I did the second time, given 9-11 and all.) But ...

#1 I think GWB is just tired. I suspect he wants to just retire and paint.

And despite the saying "If you can't stand the sight of your own blood, don't get into politics"...

#2 Trump was/ is not only tough on his political opponents, he gets personally nasty. (Low Energy Jeb) That is a harder pill to swallow for some/most.

GWB seems to be Family 1st. Party 2nd. Country maybe 3rd?

[I'm amazed that Ted Cruz put it aside to work w/ Trump as well as he did given how nasty Trump was to him! That is a testament to Cruz's character.]

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All true, Don, but too narrowly applied. The Bushies are the epitome of the Republican section of the Ruling Class. So, yes, they are frauds (and were from the get-go). It is part of my anger with the GOP that they tricked me into voting for them. Trump's world-historical contribution was to tear off the mask of both the GOPe and the Dems so the average joe could see their hypocrisy and greed.

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I believed in Bush and supported him after 9/11 when criticism was rampant from the news medium. I thought he was doing his best under the circumstances and I was blinded to the fact that he should have known something horrible was on the horizon. I didn’t see the truth until Obama was the president and I felt betrayed and lost trust even in myself. How could I not see who he really was. It finally dawned on me that we only see and know how the news media reports. The internet and social media was a game changer.

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Thank you for this. I've been red pilled about Republicans in past decade. I used to think democrats bad Republicans good. No. Democrats are communist and Republicans aren't that much better. FGWB!

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