Mitt Romney trashed Donald Trump again, which gave the media another opportunity to pretend Republicans are abandoning President Trump. WMMS reported, “Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said he won’t support former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election due to ‘a matter of personal character.’
Hard to believe anyone associated with the Swamp speaks of "character".
For Romney it is all sour grapes. He just cannot fathom the idea of a guy of such low "character" as DJT could win the Presidency, opposed to himself, a splendid fellow who (like GWB) wants to be loved by everyone. Just another back-stabbing weasel RINO.
It’s really hard to measure the depth of Mitt’s degradation. He behaves as if his opinion matters. Name 1 thing he has accomplished or supported on behalf of his country since the Olympics he managed?
He - and others like him - do nothing except express opinions. You know what they say: Opinions are like - um - noses. Everyone has 1.
It's not the Repubs who ask for his opinion. It's always the Dem MSM looking for a gotcha soundbite. Mitt never disappoints. He's a legend in his own mind.
Mitt the Snit learned a lot from his father, George, who became president of American Motors quite by accident. Long story of which I will only include a few highlights here. American Motors president George Mason planned a fourth full line auto maker by merging Nash, Hudson, Packard and Studebaker. James Nance had become president of Packard and was all-in on the plan as outlined by Mason. Chain cigar smoking Mason died suddenly of pneumonia, an event that placed George Romney in the president's chair at the newly merged Nash and Hudson. George Romney hated Nance just like Mitt the Snit hates Trump. There is a whole litany of things George Romney did to prevent Packard and Studebaker from becoming part of American Motors. It is a real case study in duplicity, underhandedness and dishonesty. Like father - like son. Mitt is cut from the same bolt of cloth as his father.
GW Bush was probably the most disappointing president I can remember. He had great opportunities to change our government and make it less bureaucratic and more efficient and he failed miserably. Cheney had something to do with it but GWB did most on his own. It was the great resurrection and remaking of his career he was after, results be damned.
And he also brought us one of the worst pieces of legislation ever concocted by the Swamp... the "Patriot Act". Now used to spy on you, me and quite possibly everyone who comments here.
Now, if he could just figure out how to develop a coalition of his peers to actually accomplish something besides talking. GOP members are good at talking but talk doesn't accomplish anything other than take up time. I doubt most members on the Hill even understand what their role is.
I thought W did a good job as governor of TX and I was thankful he was president during the trauma of 9/11 instead of algore, but he too turned into a huge disappointment and my other vote I'd like to have back
Yes, Bush was a better choice than Al Gore. Where would this country have gone if Gore won one or two terms as president? Scary thought.
That said, instead of finding the weapons of mass destruction in IRAQ, Bush and Cheney were the weapons of mass destruction in America because they fed the deep state cancer that metastasized over the next two decades.
The only upside of a Gore presidency is we probably would have avoided Obama. The nation would have elected a Republican (Trump?) to correct for a Democratic presidential nightmare.
Agree with you here. But the events after 911 soured me on W. He let the deep state use the event to get even bigger and more abusive to our freedoms. I realized then that W was over his head.
The Deep State installed GWB as president(Florida charade 2000) so Cheney could respond to the 9/11 tragedy. Bush was as much of a puppet as Biden without the Depends diapers.
I would disagree, but the primaries have spoken. Trump carries the masthead now. DeSantis understands the workings of government much more fully than Trump ever will. That is why the dems went after him way harder than they did Abbott in Texas. They fear him.
What has very nicely happened is that Trump has been elevated by the political legalese attack on him. So much so that they very much fear what he will do in response. I think Merrick Garland in particular needs to be wary of prison time unless the House can pull subpoenas that have resulted in Trump admin officials getting in trouble.
All of this is damaging the dem brand, and ensures there will be more MAGA types in congress after each successive election - this will be an advantage for the next GOP president in 2028.
IDK, maybe DeSantis understanding the workings of the Swamp is a negative. After all, the system was designed for "citizen" representation. Not career scum who all become corrupt over time. And the fact his presidential campaign was created, bought and paid for by RINO's.
DeSantis does a good job and doesn't stir up trouble, has a great wife and family so I am perplexed as to why he is not popular. Does everybody have to be a character or a tv star to get noticed when they are doing a good job? It would be a relief to have less drama and get more done for me. But then, I grew up in an era where common sense came into play and not the internet and so called "social" media.
No he didn't. He was smarter than he appeared but didn't use it for the right purposes. His goal during the eight years was to not screw up so he could dispel his light resume.. Can't accomplish much if you don't take chances.
Was his turn... and birth right. Kinda like FJB. You know, after 50 years of being a scum-bag it is your right for being loyal Swamp scum to be promoted.
Mitt is a Mutt. A disgusting pathetic weak man who ran a poor presidential campaign and personifies the word RINO. His treatment of his pets as accurately reported show his lack of character and the true nature of his soul. FJB and FMR
You’re correct. He wanted the State job so he could be like John Kerry. Truth is, he was already like John Kerry, a dud. On a side light, if I could pick the next Sec State, it would be Eric Prince of Blackwater fame. That guy makes more sense in fifteen words than Blinkin does in twenty paragraphs. And to my surprise, he’s pretty conservative too.
I've listened to him speak to a group and he can literally speak about specifics of any country at the drop of a hat. Amazing guy who got railroaded by the feds because he got results without big bucks and big troop deployments. I would give him a job as Sec State or Defense Sec or National Security Advisor in a heartbeat. Besides being smart, he has the toughness it takes to get a job done.
That would be so good for the country they "state" will never let it happen. I do think LTG (R) Flynn is going to have a major role in the next Trump Administration. Trump is very loyal to those that are loyal, and Flynn is one of them. Just watch both sides go crazy when it happens.
Like the founders, Donald Trump is devoting his personal time and treasures to save this country up to the point of going to jail for standing for liberty. The parallels between the founders and Trump are uncanny. So, I'd like to ask Mr. Romney what part of the founder's character he is objecting to.
Speaking of character, there is a $17,000,000 slush fund of our taxpayer money available to Congress to hide their sexual exploits through "hush money" payments. As a member of Congress, I suspect Mr. Romney supports this "fund" to hide the character of his Congressional colleagues. He must be very proud to be associated with that group instead of Donald Trump's circle of patriots.
Romney got hosed by a fat journalist during his debate against the Lightbringer. Ryan incredulously got hosed by FJB during his debate. This is why they call the Republican party the stupid party. With leadership like that is there any wonder that the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party is in control of the levers of government? Character is an important consideration for a candidate for President and DJT has just the right character to counter the evil party.
Ugh ~ I had to hold my nose while reading that article.
Two people who disgust and sicken me to my core, Romney and Ryan, traitors to the United States of America. No, they’re even worse than traitors in that they work to deceive others as well.
No matter what may happen to them here on earth, should they die without repentance, they will fit perfectly in the 9th Circle of Dante’s Inferno, better known as Hell.
You are soooo right, Suzie, about the despicable nature of Romney and Ryan.
I respect true Democrats more than RINOs because Democrats will tell you exactly what they believe and their behavior follows through on their beliefs. I may disagree with them, but that is their right.
Romney and Ryan will pretend to be something they're not, think they are better than those they "represent", which is in quotes because their behavior does NOT follow the promises they made to connive the vote. They only represent their own interests, and do it by lying.
Does mittens think he, Ronna & Ryan are some kind of "influencers" these days? he lost my trust many years ago - jeesh how I wish I could take back my vote! why in the world are the good people of Utah still voting for that empty suit?
Not sure how - or if - Mormons rate themselves for "Mormonism" but I can't see a clearly Christian man in Romney, and certainly not in his daughter, Ronna, who he raised.
The Mormons I know live a devout Mormon life and their practice means they step away from some things in society and don't follow the things that make kids "cool". The children also make a commitment to spend a year as a missionary after high school, and they never openly judge other people.
Does Romney (and Ronna) fit this classic Mormon profile?
Can someone tell me specifically what Romney has done since becoming a Senator besides betraying the guy he asked for an endorsement? What does he do all day? He seems to me to be the quiet version of Lyndsay (Neocon) Graham. He’s a closet neocon who thinks the US role in life is saving other countries by giving them our money and dying for them. Other than that, what does he stand for? He stands for Mitt Romney for sure but what else? Romney is a guy who made his money off others hard work and he aims to keep it…..ALL. He wont do a thing to help fix the country because it requires a fair amount of hardship for most of us and he isn’t willing to jeopardize HIS money. Romney is a well connected DUD. Maybe Trump needs his network, maybe he wants to prove to Romney he’s wrong about him. Whatever the case, Romney isn’t worth the effort.
It's always they people devoid of something that speak the loudest about moral or ethical character. I doubt Mitts definition of character is the same as yours or mine.
That is very true. Other than running an Olympics successfully, and making a lot of money, what has he done for the country? If there were anyone who should be thankful and give back, it's Romney. But he seems to be obsessed with being an elder statesman of the party, something he does not deserve. I guess you get rewarded today for not screwing up to badly. I have always thought that Romney's greatest trait is just showing up and looking good in a suit.
Mitt Romney is the Senate poster boy for everything wrong with the GOP. Paul Ryan is cut from the same cloth, which happens to be single ply toilet paper.
These slime merchants don’t represent their constituents. They are Establishment lackeys, corporate shills bought and paid for by the donor class. They are handmaidens for permanent Washington. You want to see fake opposition? Look no further. Romney and Ryan ran a horrible campaign. I don’t think it was an accident.
Trump, whatever his flaws may be, has more character in his toenail clippings than both these prostitutes.
In 2012, Romney won the most influential primary that mattered: the Rupert Murdoch primary.
FoxNews was the go to for the largest bloc of GOP voters, and when Karl Rove said ______was “unelectable” millions of high propensity primary voters feared voting for that person whether or not they liked the policies.
12 years later, and those voters have either been soured by broken promise after broken promise, or passed from this earth altogether.
People under 50 regard cable news about as much as they do the Farmer’s Almanac, Perhaps that’s why the only bloc of voters clinging to Biden most are elderly voters.
The “tone” arguement was crap at the time losers like Romney and McCain made it. They were always capable of saying nasty things whenever the subject of their ire was a fellow Republican, and both men viewed their own base with contempt.
Across the pond, the oldest party in the UK is dealing with the fallout of 30+ years of electing leadership that despises their own voters, and the results won’t be pretty. Fortunately here, our version of Farage is winning from within. We just need him to be less magnanimous to those that oppose him. They need to be on the outside looking in. Larry Hogan in the Senate will lead to a worse senate than if they they just went Democrat. They would both vote the same, but Hogan makes everything he supports “bipartisan”.
Yes, Karl Rove was involved in 3 "dignified losers"--Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. Why would ANYONE keep putting him on TV as some kind of "expert"? Karl Rove has done so much damage to America. It only struck me a month ago that his first name being spelled with a "K" (ala Karl Marx) should have been a tip-off that he too is a "garter snake".
Calling Mitt Romney and Karl Rove "garter snakes" are insults to garter snakes. Actual garter snakes are non-venomous and eat mice and other destructive rodents. Romney and Rove are the rodents garter snakes eat.
The holdouts still there - like Rove - are really doing Trump a favor. Their words and advice paint them for who they are - RINO supporters. They provide a stark contrast against Trump and Trump's leadership. For anyone listening with half an ear, that will be a good thing for Trump.
“ They were always capable of saying nasty things whenever the subject of their ire was a fellow Republican, and both men viewed their own base with contempt.”
THAT is the absolute hallmark of RINOs!!
I remember McCain went out of his way NOT just to criticize Obama, but even to point out the glaring fallacies of his policy positions!!
Hard to believe anyone associated with the Swamp speaks of "character".
For Romney it is all sour grapes. He just cannot fathom the idea of a guy of such low "character" as DJT could win the Presidency, opposed to himself, a splendid fellow who (like GWB) wants to be loved by everyone. Just another back-stabbing weasel RINO.
It’s really hard to measure the depth of Mitt’s degradation. He behaves as if his opinion matters. Name 1 thing he has accomplished or supported on behalf of his country since the Olympics he managed?
He - and others like him - do nothing except express opinions. You know what they say: Opinions are like - um - noses. Everyone has 1.
It's not the Repubs who ask for his opinion. It's always the Dem MSM looking for a gotcha soundbite. Mitt never disappoints. He's a legend in his own mind.
Last line Jake.
We think very much alike. Spot on.
You as well.
And, as noses are like opinions, Romney always picks his. . . .
And they all smell.
I believe she's actually his niece - but that doesn't change what a worthless traitor she turned out to be.
Rev, you are correct
Ronna McDaniel is his niece.
Mitt the Snit learned a lot from his father, George, who became president of American Motors quite by accident. Long story of which I will only include a few highlights here. American Motors president George Mason planned a fourth full line auto maker by merging Nash, Hudson, Packard and Studebaker. James Nance had become president of Packard and was all-in on the plan as outlined by Mason. Chain cigar smoking Mason died suddenly of pneumonia, an event that placed George Romney in the president's chair at the newly merged Nash and Hudson. George Romney hated Nance just like Mitt the Snit hates Trump. There is a whole litany of things George Romney did to prevent Packard and Studebaker from becoming part of American Motors. It is a real case study in duplicity, underhandedness and dishonesty. Like father - like son. Mitt is cut from the same bolt of cloth as his father.
or those who could have mattered LESS! Again, snore ZZzzz.
"The ROMNEYS will be chosen for a Central Placement in the HALL OF SHAME OF AMERICANS WHO COULD HAVE MATTERED."
Nope. That would never happen because they all have serious "Character Flaws" and therefore could NEVER reach that level in our Country's greatness.
GW Bush was probably the most disappointing president I can remember. He had great opportunities to change our government and make it less bureaucratic and more efficient and he failed miserably. Cheney had something to do with it but GWB did most on his own. It was the great resurrection and remaking of his career he was after, results be damned.
And he also brought us one of the worst pieces of legislation ever concocted by the Swamp... the "Patriot Act". Now used to spy on you, me and quite possibly everyone who comments here.
Correct, worst decision ever made by a Republican. We will eventually tear it down if the country lives long enough to do so.
That's why ya gotta love Rand Paul. One of the only members of Congress who had the foresight to see just how bad this was.
Rand is a chip off the old block. Ron Pau was and still is great. He wanted to eliminate nearly all the government agencies.
Yeah but he was a fanatical gold bug, which meant you just couldn't take him seriously. The son has been much better than the dad.
Now, if he could just figure out how to develop a coalition of his peers to actually accomplish something besides talking. GOP members are good at talking but talk doesn't accomplish anything other than take up time. I doubt most members on the Hill even understand what their role is.
I thought W did a good job as governor of TX and I was thankful he was president during the trauma of 9/11 instead of algore, but he too turned into a huge disappointment and my other vote I'd like to have back
Yes, Bush was a better choice than Al Gore. Where would this country have gone if Gore won one or two terms as president? Scary thought.
That said, instead of finding the weapons of mass destruction in IRAQ, Bush and Cheney were the weapons of mass destruction in America because they fed the deep state cancer that metastasized over the next two decades.
The only upside of a Gore presidency is we probably would have avoided Obama. The nation would have elected a Republican (Trump?) to correct for a Democratic presidential nightmare.
Interesting analysis. I think you are right. Would Mr global warming have taken us as deeply down the ‘deep state’ hole as Obama?
Agree with you here. But the events after 911 soured me on W. He let the deep state use the event to get even bigger and more abusive to our freedoms. I realized then that W was over his head.
The Deep State installed GWB as president(Florida charade 2000) so Cheney could respond to the 9/11 tragedy. Bush was as much of a puppet as Biden without the Depends diapers.
Funny... this is how I feel about DeSantis. Great Gov but probably not ready for prime time.
I would disagree, but the primaries have spoken. Trump carries the masthead now. DeSantis understands the workings of government much more fully than Trump ever will. That is why the dems went after him way harder than they did Abbott in Texas. They fear him.
What has very nicely happened is that Trump has been elevated by the political legalese attack on him. So much so that they very much fear what he will do in response. I think Merrick Garland in particular needs to be wary of prison time unless the House can pull subpoenas that have resulted in Trump admin officials getting in trouble.
All of this is damaging the dem brand, and ensures there will be more MAGA types in congress after each successive election - this will be an advantage for the next GOP president in 2028.
IDK, maybe DeSantis understanding the workings of the Swamp is a negative. After all, the system was designed for "citizen" representation. Not career scum who all become corrupt over time. And the fact his presidential campaign was created, bought and paid for by RINO's.
That’s what I say! ENOUGH with “the system”!! That’s what’s gotten us here!
SMASH THE SYSTEM! Bring out the Chainsaw!!!
Arrest the traitors, grifters, liars, thieves and murderers!!
We need a WHOLE NEW WAY of doing the country’s business…and it’s called THE Constitution.
DeSantis does a good job and doesn't stir up trouble, has a great wife and family so I am perplexed as to why he is not popular. Does everybody have to be a character or a tv star to get noticed when they are doing a good job? It would be a relief to have less drama and get more done for me. But then, I grew up in an era where common sense came into play and not the internet and so called "social" media.
GW Bush didn’t exactly come across as a ‘big thinker’ or doer for that matter.
No he didn't. He was smarter than he appeared but didn't use it for the right purposes. His goal during the eight years was to not screw up so he could dispel his light resume.. Can't accomplish much if you don't take chances.
Was his turn... and birth right. Kinda like FJB. You know, after 50 years of being a scum-bag it is your right for being loyal Swamp scum to be promoted.
It was also his wife and daughters big time, who soooooo wanted to be “in with In Crowd”!
Interesting comment. I never believed W was a bad person, just weak.
There will be more Supreme Court opinions released today beginning at 10, expect most of the media to misunderstand them by 11.
Or if not misunderstand, at least misrepresent.
Or worse, put their legalese interpretation forth as if it were fact.
Ha! Good one. 👍
From here on out, I prefer the political prognostication of RSG to all others.
We bow to your wisdom, O Random Squeegee Guy.
Mitt is a Mutt. A disgusting pathetic weak man who ran a poor presidential campaign and personifies the word RINO. His treatment of his pets as accurately reported show his lack of character and the true nature of his soul. FJB and FMR
Romney has never gotten over the butt hurt of Trump not making him Secretary of State.
Mittens would have made the worst Secretary of State since, oh, John Kerry.
Romney will carry that bitterness to the grave. OTOH Trump knew better than to put Romney at State.
Blinken has taken the prize for ‘THE WORST’ easily.
Hands down, though the competition is formidable!!
Yup 👍🏼 😆 There's so much wrong about Blinken it's hard to know what he's done is more egregious
You’re correct. He wanted the State job so he could be like John Kerry. Truth is, he was already like John Kerry, a dud. On a side light, if I could pick the next Sec State, it would be Eric Prince of Blackwater fame. That guy makes more sense in fifteen words than Blinkin does in twenty paragraphs. And to my surprise, he’s pretty conservative too.
I’d make him head of “Cleaning out the Intelligence Community” Dept. !!
I've listened to him speak to a group and he can literally speak about specifics of any country at the drop of a hat. Amazing guy who got railroaded by the feds because he got results without big bucks and big troop deployments. I would give him a job as Sec State or Defense Sec or National Security Advisor in a heartbeat. Besides being smart, he has the toughness it takes to get a job done.
Imagine Prince,Flynn,and Grennell as PDJTs trident.
That would be so good for the country they "state" will never let it happen. I do think LTG (R) Flynn is going to have a major role in the next Trump Administration. Trump is very loyal to those that are loyal, and Flynn is one of them. Just watch both sides go crazy when it happens.
Good things can happen if we pray and believe.
JFK was going to do that and we all know what happened there.
Like the founders, Donald Trump is devoting his personal time and treasures to save this country up to the point of going to jail for standing for liberty. The parallels between the founders and Trump are uncanny. So, I'd like to ask Mr. Romney what part of the founder's character he is objecting to.
Speaking of character, there is a $17,000,000 slush fund of our taxpayer money available to Congress to hide their sexual exploits through "hush money" payments. As a member of Congress, I suspect Mr. Romney supports this "fund" to hide the character of his Congressional colleagues. He must be very proud to be associated with that group instead of Donald Trump's circle of patriots.
Romney has always been a closet democrat and the democrats told us way back in 1992 that character didn’t matter. So Romney fit right in in congress.
Touche Shrugged.
Touche again, Shrugged.
Romney got hosed by a fat journalist during his debate against the Lightbringer. Ryan incredulously got hosed by FJB during his debate. This is why they call the Republican party the stupid party. With leadership like that is there any wonder that the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party is in control of the levers of government? Character is an important consideration for a candidate for President and DJT has just the right character to counter the evil party.
The photo at the top of the column with Trump cupping his hands shouting something to Romney needs a caption. I suggest, "Go fuck yourself."
Or maybe... "Hey Pierre... go fuck yourself"!
Don't worry about the preamble. It's the body of the message that counts. The Go-Fuck-Yourself part. As always, eloquent.
Ugh ~ I had to hold my nose while reading that article.
Two people who disgust and sicken me to my core, Romney and Ryan, traitors to the United States of America. No, they’re even worse than traitors in that they work to deceive others as well.
No matter what may happen to them here on earth, should they die without repentance, they will fit perfectly in the 9th Circle of Dante’s Inferno, better known as Hell.
You are soooo right, Suzie, about the despicable nature of Romney and Ryan.
I respect true Democrats more than RINOs because Democrats will tell you exactly what they believe and their behavior follows through on their beliefs. I may disagree with them, but that is their right.
Romney and Ryan will pretend to be something they're not, think they are better than those they "represent", which is in quotes because their behavior does NOT follow the promises they made to connive the vote. They only represent their own interests, and do it by lying.
Does mittens think he, Ronna & Ryan are some kind of "influencers" these days? he lost my trust many years ago - jeesh how I wish I could take back my vote! why in the world are the good people of Utah still voting for that empty suit?
He's a Mormon. That's it.
Not sure how - or if - Mormons rate themselves for "Mormonism" but I can't see a clearly Christian man in Romney, and certainly not in his daughter, Ronna, who he raised.
The Mormons I know live a devout Mormon life and their practice means they step away from some things in society and don't follow the things that make kids "cool". The children also make a commitment to spend a year as a missionary after high school, and they never openly judge other people.
Does Romney (and Ronna) fit this classic Mormon profile?
Maybe Romney is as much Mormon as Biden is Catholic.
Because he's a Mormon.
…fixed it for you. 😉
Can someone tell me specifically what Romney has done since becoming a Senator besides betraying the guy he asked for an endorsement? What does he do all day? He seems to me to be the quiet version of Lyndsay (Neocon) Graham. He’s a closet neocon who thinks the US role in life is saving other countries by giving them our money and dying for them. Other than that, what does he stand for? He stands for Mitt Romney for sure but what else? Romney is a guy who made his money off others hard work and he aims to keep it…..ALL. He wont do a thing to help fix the country because it requires a fair amount of hardship for most of us and he isn’t willing to jeopardize HIS money. Romney is a well connected DUD. Maybe Trump needs his network, maybe he wants to prove to Romney he’s wrong about him. Whatever the case, Romney isn’t worth the effort.
It's always they people devoid of something that speak the loudest about moral or ethical character. I doubt Mitts definition of character is the same as yours or mine.
That is very true. Other than running an Olympics successfully, and making a lot of money, what has he done for the country? If there were anyone who should be thankful and give back, it's Romney. But he seems to be obsessed with being an elder statesman of the party, something he does not deserve. I guess you get rewarded today for not screwing up to badly. I have always thought that Romney's greatest trait is just showing up and looking good in a suit.
He is an older from CA.
They actually are similar in many ways. One is crazy and the other is working on it.
Frankly, I am baffled why Romney holds so much sway in the party. Hes a dud, just going thru the motions rather than doing something worthwhile.
Enough! Stop calling him Romney. Ditto for Snake. Heretofore, refer to him as the Schmuck. There. I fixed it.
Actually Putz would be more apt.
"Ryan said he'd write-in another Republican's name, as he said he did in 2020." The slimy little douche will write his own name. ;)
Nailed it on the poll.
Mitt Romney is the Senate poster boy for everything wrong with the GOP. Paul Ryan is cut from the same cloth, which happens to be single ply toilet paper.
These slime merchants don’t represent their constituents. They are Establishment lackeys, corporate shills bought and paid for by the donor class. They are handmaidens for permanent Washington. You want to see fake opposition? Look no further. Romney and Ryan ran a horrible campaign. I don’t think it was an accident.
Trump, whatever his flaws may be, has more character in his toenail clippings than both these prostitutes.
That last line totally nails it!
In 2012, Romney won the most influential primary that mattered: the Rupert Murdoch primary.
FoxNews was the go to for the largest bloc of GOP voters, and when Karl Rove said ______was “unelectable” millions of high propensity primary voters feared voting for that person whether or not they liked the policies.
12 years later, and those voters have either been soured by broken promise after broken promise, or passed from this earth altogether.
People under 50 regard cable news about as much as they do the Farmer’s Almanac, Perhaps that’s why the only bloc of voters clinging to Biden most are elderly voters.
The “tone” arguement was crap at the time losers like Romney and McCain made it. They were always capable of saying nasty things whenever the subject of their ire was a fellow Republican, and both men viewed their own base with contempt.
Across the pond, the oldest party in the UK is dealing with the fallout of 30+ years of electing leadership that despises their own voters, and the results won’t be pretty. Fortunately here, our version of Farage is winning from within. We just need him to be less magnanimous to those that oppose him. They need to be on the outside looking in. Larry Hogan in the Senate will lead to a worse senate than if they they just went Democrat. They would both vote the same, but Hogan makes everything he supports “bipartisan”.
Yes, Karl Rove was involved in 3 "dignified losers"--Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. Why would ANYONE keep putting him on TV as some kind of "expert"? Karl Rove has done so much damage to America. It only struck me a month ago that his first name being spelled with a "K" (ala Karl Marx) should have been a tip-off that he too is a "garter snake".
Calling Mitt Romney and Karl Rove "garter snakes" are insults to garter snakes. Actual garter snakes are non-venomous and eat mice and other destructive rodents. Romney and Rove are the rodents garter snakes eat.
He also was a key orchestrator in the attempt to bring down Paxton in Texas.
Vile excuse for human.
Many of the Bushie folks went to Fox.
The holdouts still there - like Rove - are really doing Trump a favor. Their words and advice paint them for who they are - RINO supporters. They provide a stark contrast against Trump and Trump's leadership. For anyone listening with half an ear, that will be a good thing for Trump.
Who watches Fox anymore?
I haven't watched it in years. I was going to ask is Rove was still on it. I saw one of the commenters above answered that.
“ They were always capable of saying nasty things whenever the subject of their ire was a fellow Republican, and both men viewed their own base with contempt.”
THAT is the absolute hallmark of RINOs!!
I remember McCain went out of his way NOT just to criticize Obama, but even to point out the glaring fallacies of his policy positions!!
Revolting traitors one and all.
I don't do cable news but The Old Farmers Almanac actually helps one reap more than one sows.
I'd say "sour grapes" if they could provev they actually had any.
Great minds think alike. LOL.