If I understand the gist of the story correctly, it seems that the Republican party signed a noncompete agreement somewhere along the line that left all power to the Democrats. Well, dip me in chocolate and call me a minority. Now I understand why they let the Dems trample all over them without a fight.

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At this point in the invasion of our country through the southern border, you could be dipped in white chocolate and be called a minority.

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

Banning non compete agreements in IT will further incentivize hiring H1B visa holders as their residency in US is effectively tied to the particular employer. It will also encourage even more outsourcing to India, Philippines, and China.

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Employers dont need any more incentives to hire H1Bs. My hubby worked as a contractor for the 15 yrs due to his original 'life' job outsourcing. He just got laid off again. EVERY other person in his deportment was either Chinese or Indian. He got laid off 2 months early due to them bringing in more Indians.

Think about this ~ buried in the jobs report ~ almost all FT hires for the last couple months (maybe longer) went to foreign born workers, either legal or illegal.

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Gee whiz! Stop thinking. You’ll never get a government job!

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It’s likely not a legally sound ruling. There are pros and cons to non compete clauses. They are often hard to enforce anyway. The biggest issue on the employer side is when an employee leaves and takes part of a business’ customer base with them.

The rule’s benefits are overestimated. It will probably have little effect in the economy. The Commies aren’t in favor of new business formation. They are trying to crush the middle class. And of course there are always the carve outs for their friends. Just like Newsom and the new restaurant wage law in California. He exempted his buddy and himself in the law. Which is also likely illegal.

We have way too many laws. You break the law in some book just by existing now. In general we need fewer rules and fewer bureaucrats making them.

All roads lead to Trump. No Trump, no improvement in any of this stuff. The country is getting really ugly at the moment.

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

The biggest and best thing the FTC can do in its mission of restricting mergers and expansion of business to the point of squelching competition is for it to break up the monopoly of the US government. Now we know why non-profits were excluded from the "rule". Just as AT&T was broken into a bunch of "baby bell" phone companies because it became a monopoly, they need to break up the federal government and distribute it to 50 state governments.

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No. The best thing the FTC and all the others can do is shut themselves down. Go out of business. Leave us alone.

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One of the better ideas on this whole mess.

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

This sucks, esp’ly if my wife finds out about it. I worked very hard to get her to agree to a binding no-compete clause in our marriage contract.

(Just had our 49th anniversary. According to Leviticus, this is supposed to be our Year of Jubilee. That’s means, among other things, that we’re to do each other no wrong.

If she takes me to court, with a FDA appointed lawyer, I guess I’ll have to make sure it goes to a Bible-belt venue.)

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Wait until the bureaucrats find out God's opinion on non-compete agreements. They are too busy trying to take His place to see the signs of His Son coming, but the covenant will really hold their feet to the fire. And the rest of them, too.

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

Federal bureaucracies have grown way too powerful because of weak top executives or executives who desire to keep power long after they are gone. It's been this way since the Wilson administration, was strengthened during the FDR reign and continued on both sides of the aisle with the Bush 2 and Obama administrations. We need an executive in office who is not afraid to say, "You're fired!"

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May 1·edited May 1Liked by Don Surber

When the d-rats finally get tossed into the wastebasket of History, do all these annoying little pieces of legislative effluvia go with them?

I didn’t think so.

So, if thats the case, in a certain sort of way, they kind of win don’t they!

‘F’ That!!!

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Chuck, people argue with me when I say this, but the leftist are winning. They invoke a constant barrage of issues are grievances designed to keep us all off balance. Then we push back at one and win on 90% of the issue but the last 10% stays. This is how they erode away what we consider normal and integral to freedom and rights. Use the ACA for example. Total over reach when initially jammed down our throats. The SCOTUS pushes some back, the congress pushes some back, and here we are, with the ACA still in force albeit weakened. They will build on this if we don’t get rid of it first until at some point we have all government healthcare. Same with many other pieces of legislation. Without a strong political party to stop it, we are just treading water.

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Yep, at this point. Just shut all the agencies down. This is getting stupid.

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Exactly. Back to basics: defend the borders. Ensure commerce. I don’t need the Feds for anything else.

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Amen. Make sure we dont get dragged into any wars. But that State Dept needs shut down and redone.

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Yes, but we are past stupid and now in the stupidier zone.

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Bingo Red,

And the amount of political capital we have to spend getting rid of the last 10% can best be used elsewhere so we do a half assed job on two (or more issues). Maybe T needs a czar with a red pen and Carte Blanche.

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Now there is a good idea. 😀

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Effluvia! I worked in commercial construction for 50 years and never heard that word. I would love to see the expressions on the architects’ faces when I used that word.

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May 1·edited May 2

I’m channeling the scene in ‘When Harry Met Sally’ here Jerry when it was take your father to school day.

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

Word of the Day:




a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government; -- opposed to democracy and liberalism.

an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities. Such regimes usually try to achieve popularity by a strongly nationalistic appeal, often mixed with racism.

Specifically, the Fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1943.

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Yes - look how well total fascism is working out for North Korea. That's Obama's and the Dem's wet dream.

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… and They’re just calling it “Saving Democracy” today.

Everything is upside down and backwards. Makes your head swim!

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And Mussolini was publicly a socialist all of his adult life. Fascism is a typical form of socialist.

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

Everyone should go out and get fitted for a nice government approved dog style collar because with the unelected state making law, we are going to be required to wear one very soon. Of course it goes without saying, make sure your new collar is government Bureau of Democrat Control approved, has the appropriate places to display your “life license”, as well as your religious preference. Jewish wearers will be required to have their home address also displayed. The GOP spokesman, when asked about the party’s position on the collar requirement said “we are starting an investigation immediately, as soon as we can agree on a new Speaker”.

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If not a dog collar then at least an implant. There's been some discussion of this among members of the WHO and the WEF. It would help track health records like vaccination status as well as financial and banking records.

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Maybe it'll be the chip in your forehead or a wrist. Won't be able to buy or sell without it. They chipped our pets and farm animals, didn't they? Nobody will notice all the many illegal chip readers that are going to be Everywhere. As SNL church lady would say, "Isn't that special!"

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Wait…I’ve heard this story before. It seemed like there was a triple-digit number associated with it. Someone refresh my memory.

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That has waned because we all voluntarily consented by carrying this phone around with us. It’s better that the chip. It listens to every word and tracks not only our physical location but our browsing and buying preferences. Easier to assign a Social Credit Score.

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I got one of those for free, a couple of years ago. Born too early for this kind of thing; it just sits around 'cause I never remember to carry it. And I'm still alive, hard to believe as that must be.

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Where I moved from communist Maryland to free West Virginia, I wanted to go to the port in Baltimore, throw my phone on the deck of a freighter and allow my persona to vanish over the Atlantic horizon.

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I have everything removed and shut down on the phone I can. I have no extra apps on the phone. I dont do anything on that phone but call and txt. period. It boggles my mind that the younger generations think nothing of having bank info, and everything in their phone. Then they post videos of them committing crimes and are 'oh no, i would never do that.'

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The WEF is meeting now as we speak in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, discussing the roll out and expansion of CBDC’s, Central bank digital currency, whereby they can not only track every single dollar you have and what you spend it on, they can also restrict what you can buy, as well as penalize you for any number of personal infractions, like going to the wrong place, writing something disparaging about the state, etc., etc., by shutting you off from accessing your money.

Good times a’coming!!

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Yes. And there is ZERO impetus for this from the public. We already have a largely non-cash society-- and 95% of the public is pretty happy with the balance we have. We have the simple convenience of anonymous cash for all the little things, and for some larger things that we prefer to keep private, or simply not have recorded; plus we have the convenience of credit cards and electronic transactions for most of the larger purchases, and things we do want (or are OK with) being solidly documented (e.g., purchasing a car, real estate, online shopping, etc.)

NO ONE from the public is agitating for a "central bank digital currency". The only people that want it are GOVERNMENTS who want to exercise punitive control over their citizens by having veto power (and confiscatory power) over every individual's money. F**k them.

This is purely a government move to further centralize the financial sector and control the citizens. Not one citizen wants it. That the governments are pursuing it proves they are NOT working for their citizens.

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Never forget the Canadian truckers (amongst many others), who had their bank accounts confiscated by the government.

Some of them are still fighting to get their money back!

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Amen TPG.

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The smart set apparently does not at all understand why cash should never be given up as a means of payment. The answer: Freedom.

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I believe it. And the Fascist media would market it for them too. Likely the first recipients of the tag would be those mush heads protesting at Columbia. Slavery reborn.

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Yeah, Hard NO.

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

…and they’ve written a strong letter expressing their grave concerns to someone somewhere.

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God save us from sternly worded letters......

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May 1·edited May 1Liked by Don Surber

I think the Court is currently considering a case of bureaucracy over reach. Let's hope we get a clear opinion and not mish-mash. See:https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/01/supreme-court-likely-to-discard-chevron/

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They have already swatted several over reaches down and the bureaucracy still continues to try. I think the EPA water one is another either in process or recently decided. Not enough coffee this morning to remember.

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They did decide and slapped them down.

Chevron is the biggie to watch for which, hopefully slaps the whole system of renegade agencies down and for good.

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To what end: the administrations doesn’t care about laws or court decisions. They do what they want and dare you to object. Then they put the IRS on you. Look what they did with student load debt.

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It’s not nothing. And it sure beats surrender.

Go down fighting.

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I hope so but I also know the EPA release millions of tons of toxic waste from a mine in CO or Utah a few yrs. That spill decimated whole rivers, and water tables and land. The states ect tried to sue and were told nope. EPA just went oppsie and didnt even try to clean up the mess they made.

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We all must lose freedom because of every sob story.

Whenever anything bad happens, there will be bureaucrats, mostly Dems, wanting the power to ban the behavior that led to the bad outcome.

Freedom means freedom to make dumb choices, tho adult responsibility means you pay for own mistakes.

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Not just Dems. All politicians are psychopaths.

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If not outright narcissists!

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If not psychopaths it has to be damn near 100% sociopaths.

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Do these descriptions include LIAR EMERITUS?

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

This is a case of the executive branch usurping the power of the legislative branch. The uneducated (college grads) have no clue why this is dangerous as it eventually leads to a dictatorship. The FTC rule will actually hurt individuals. Why would I employ a new partner in my business if they will be disloyal steal intellectual property and open up next door. These clauses are important for a reason. FJB

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“Freedom is lost gradually from an uninterested, uniformed, and uninvolved people.” T Jefferson

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The absolute heart of the problem and why we are where we are today.

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

We can be rest assured the pie in the sky visions of the FTC that this will solve just about every ill on the planet now (with the exception of curing cancer) will lead to exactly the opposite. This simple rule of thumb works about 90% of the time. Maybe 95%.

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

I stand by my “overreaction” comment from last week: this government is a tyrant and must be torn down.

No one is talking about the intellectual property that will be stolen continuously in this ruling. This will increase lawsuits which is what the lawyers want.

The Bible talks to Pride as the greatest of sin. That may well be. But Greed and envy are a very close second place. I think they are actually the worse. Without money, it’s harder to be prideful and arrogant.

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China steals our intellectual property everyday and then sells the finished product back to us at a cheaper price, and Americans have such a death wish, they think it’s just fine.

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like the song says "Love Has No Pride"

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May 1Liked by Don Surber

Great post this morning highlighting the uselessness of our paid political agents.Time to fire all who endorse the power of three letter agencies and dump said agencies in the trash with the fired.RWR said {government doesn't solve problems,government IS the problem}.We need PDJT and team in the swamp to get rid of these agency leeches and return federal powers to those enumerated in the Constitution and no more.Puff poll for humpday but carry on Poca-Manas we gain traction to MAGA 2024.

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Shakespeare wrote “First let’s kill all the lawyers.” He should’ve written “First, let’s kill all the bureaucrats”

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They are the lawyers

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