Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Yep, here is a new shiny, please ignore the cocaine found IN the White House, not near it. Please ignore we arrested a whistleblower back in Feb, for doing less than what Hunter was doing. He will probably commit suicide while putting himself into a suitcase that zips from the outside. Please ignore the 20 shell companies and all those pesky bank records. please, look squirrel, there, quick.

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A wonderful essay, but I got fixated on one detail. How big a problem is it that soldiers need abortions (soldiers' wives can travel already)? If it is that huge a problem, I don't think getting the abortion is what we should be focusing on because clearly there's a deeper issue: like soldiers having enough down time to get themselves pregnant and not having the intelligence (or funds--are we paying soldiers enough) to use widely available contraception? Maybe start there.

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If Tuberville gets his way on the abortion issue, his next hold should be on the wokeness that has infected the Corps, and all other branches of the military.

I hope some other Senators join Tuberville on his mission.

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What the article is really saying:

Everyone in the military is sworn to defend the Constitution.

I say:

We are to defend The United States from all, enemies foreign and domestic. What the Biden regime is really afraid of is to keep the military in disarray so they can't organize a military coupe. Even corrupt as the Pentagon appears, I do believe there are some who are not blind to the realities of what Herr Biden wants--which is the complete destruction of The United States.

May God help us.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The Marines do not need a Gen. Milley which the nominee is not.That being said the oath is to defend the Constitution and Tuberville gets it.As he said change the law or drop the imposed policy.Great post with a dab of sarcasm Don and Dr cat gets a treat.We are winning little by little so onward we go.

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Given the current leaders of the entire military, I’d say it’s great that there is no commandant. The last one helped in the continuing destruction of the Corps. Leave the position open and maybe the acting commandant will be too busy to eff things up even more.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Maybe, just maybe there should be consequences for Marines who have sex w/o birth control of some description and then want to murder the resulting baby. consequences like raising the the child they irresponsibly conceived, or paying for their own goddam abortion.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Hey give each Marine a new box of crayons, that will pretty much take care of directives or guidance. As far as a hold on generals, what’s the problem. The fewer the better.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The brave men and women of our military past who provided the ultimate sacrifice, must be looking down from heaven with disgust in what they fought for. The military of 2023 does not have the discipline, resolve, or ability to win any future battles. If you examine military history involving the United States, what a great battles were won? With the exception of World War II, we either lost, entered when the decision was a fait accompli, or were in a one-sided fight that could not have been lost(Grenada/Desert Storm etc).

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

With all of the woke/DEI/pronoun nonsense now spreading through the armed forces I would give the same advice to the soldiers as I give to police officers in blue cities: leave while you still can.

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Yep, just another distraction, that is the goal of our federal government and both wings of the UniParty these days.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Democrats make everything a pain in the butt. Living around Democrats is like having thousands of hostile ex-wives (is there any other kind?) harassing you 24/7. If I understand “President” Corleone, I mean Biden correctly, which is hard because he’s incoherent,we are giving all our ammunition to Ukrainians and don’t have enough for our military. This is fine with me, because we’d probably just start another stupid war, which we will lose, and then leave all our equipment for the enemy, who will sell it to China and other terrorists. I’m sure however that the actual people who fight would like some ammo to do it with. I would send them some of mine, but am thinking that the way things are going, I may need a few thousand rounds myself if I’m invaded by homicidal cartels, ISIS, the Harvard law faculty or some other crazed Democrat ally. In the meantime, I guess in the meantime we need more Marine access to abortions and more desk jockey BS distraction.

Why is the entire federal government working overtime to protect this guy and his degenerate family? At a certain point isn’t he a massive liability? Don’t they have anything useful to do? (Uh, no). I guess they are so confident in their stranglehold on the bureaucracy and in the pusillanimity ( This word was big around 1800 when Joe Biden was first selected to the Senate) of the controlled opposition GOP that they believe they can brazen it out. Probably all true.

Time for coffee.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Another easy poll....the cat must be suffering from the heat of summer.

All organization need to work well when some one drops out, especially the leader. It is good managerial practice and can lead to cost reductions. Something unheard of in government and the education field.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The poll is missing that Dems just love baby-killing.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don needs to hire better paperboys, my newspaper was late.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

POLL: The correct answer is that the Democrats are pro-abortion, anti-military a$$holes. But the cat didn't give us that option today.

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