I am not sure what today's poll is supposed to indicate, but part of the problem at Fox is that Murdoch's two sons are homosexual and that is hardly something to be "Proud" of.

As far as what struck me as a far more important story is that Joe Biden has declared that eliminating cash will be one of his directives should he win re-election. In my opinion, once cash is outlawed, there will be no more freedom and all of Biblical Revelations will have come true. Who would have thought a corrupt whore like Joe Biden would be the spark to try and end God's creation.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Post Truth America, Lawfare, Rachel Maddow, Mulvaney…

Why do we waste our time on these platforms talking about these sub humans.

Better we should start thinking and thinking solidly about what we’re going to do when we are cheated again out of the 2024 election because, if you haven’t been paying attention, they are going to steal it again, and just like the last two times, they’ve already told us they’re going to do it!

Write in candidate on the poll…

Alfred E. Newman

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Tucker should become the next RUSH.

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You cover so much with brevity, Donnie.

"While I don’t reject those two notions completely, I am sticking with my own take because I believe Murdoch could have won that lawsuit."

I agree and so do several prominent lawyers. My opinion: This furthers the notion that a) BigPharm controls much of the media, and b) This is further proof that 2020 was stolen and J6 WAS a fedsurrection.

Please pray Tucka releases the umpteenth thousands of hours of J6 video so we can finally uproot the Deep State.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Did Fox just Bud Light itself?

Can you name a reason to watch any of it?

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I'm inclined to go with Kennedy's take on Carlson's firing. He was on Carlson's show 5 days before and it focused on the covid debacle and big pharma's role. Big money does move allot of pieces in our world.

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Tucker will and is the winner on this. He will thrive. Fox won't they just "Bud Lited" themselves.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Tucker made 10M per year at Fox, he will make 200M per year at Spotify. Like Joe Rogan before him, he will be even a bigger star. This dumb move shows the world Ailes was the genius.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I don't watch any news broadcasts on TV but did see clips of Carlson on YouTube.

My recommendation is get involved on the local level and learn how to ballot harvest. I believe that is Mr. Trump's idea. I've also been getting emails From Mr. Ramaswamy. I know they are going to cheat . So we either counter or we turtle up and wait for them to cart us off the gas chambers. It is the older ones of us who will be dealt with. The young one won't know what has hit them until they are living in Venezuelan conditions. Most of the votes come from the young ones. Rush used to say they wouldn't be able to pull off these steal if they didn't have lots of people voting for them to start with.

I know three people personally who still insist Joe Biden is doing a good job.

One final thought. The rich have always ruled the world. To think that will ever stop is pure fantasy.

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"Fox is the Ray Epps of News." Well, that's one very good way to put it.

Your theory is as good as any, but my personal guess is Tucker didn't play along with the elephant and ass show. In fact, he exposed the circus for what it was, something meant to entertain and appease the masses but about as serious as you'd expect three rings full of a bunch of clowns to be. That is why Tucker is gone.

And, yes, Rupert Murdoch would rather be part of the show than be anything real.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Like saying the Emperor has no clothes, Tucker openly mocked our supposed betters in the ruling class, that mockery simply cut to close to the bone and he had to be dispatched so that the Murdock's could be a part of polite society

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Loved the line: "...she, too, is as disposable as a tissue."

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Jeezo Mr. Surber another burner, what the hell can I write to further this cause? I quit watching Fox the day Neil Cavuto abruptly ceased coverage of the press secretary Kayleigh McEnany stating basically he would not allow that sort of lies etc to be broadcast. CLICK off. Yeah finally had enough of their bull shit and turn "these greedy little bastards" off. Don't even know what in the hell I was thinking all those years of watching their bull shit. They sure as hell had some very nice eye candy, no? Prolly most of their people have become world renowned historians and everyone of those GLB's is pushing some sort of a book! That was started by Bill O'Reily, don't wanna hear shit from Brian Kilmeade et al. As I looked for a substitute channel OAN was good until they got killed off, next up was Newsmax which is simply a home for all the warmed leftovers that had left Fox either fired or were smart enough to leave on their own. Now it's pretty much Real Americas Voice! Ditched Direct TV, went to an off air antennae, streaming Sling. I knew pretty much all was lost when Glenn Beck left in a cloud of confusion that was years ago! If it weren't for the NHL playoffs really wouldn't watch at all, and don't get me started on all the pro sports Gay LBGTQ etc more insane bull shit... Tucker will land as you have on substack or something similar...Keep on keeping on Don, I subscribed!!

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"This may jeopardize its status as the No. 1 network on cable but losing audiences is not as big a deal as people think."

This is something I just don't understand. Advertisers purchase slots in programs and shows with audiences of a sufficient size. If that viewing audience shrinks enough, the value of ad time for that show drops, as does its price to advertisers. At some point, doesn't the market value become such that it becomes a matter of who's losing the least amount of money?

If so, THAT can't be sustainable, can it?

Can an enterprise reach such an economy of scale that market forces no longer have any effect? Is that how CNN manages to remain as a going concern?

It is beyond my comprehension that market forces cease to exist beyond a certain point for an enterprise that has reached a specific level of scale.

Is it a set of secret economic laws that only the elite business schools are allowed to teach? If so, that makes sense because I graduated from a state school in Minnesota, not Hahvahd, Yale, or Brown.

I guess I'm destined to be disappointed, waiting for the market to act and lay waste to the network TV landscape.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Fox News was Rupert's child. This is a simple case of prolicide.

Like you, Don, my wife and I stopped watching Fox News, around the time of the 2016 election. She was on the Trump Train immediately. For us Charles Krauthammer, whom we both admired, killed Fox News. We never looked back. Not watching that drivel freed up a lot of time for reading more substantive news.

In other news, while watching the Chevron Championship last weekend, I saw the light of the big 'B'. The prize for a hole-in-one on the par 3 12th was what I can only describe as a Bentley worthy of James Bond. Given the sponsor, I wasn't too surprised. No Hyundai there. Gotta love Big Oil :D

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I wonder how much influence Murdoch's two girly sons have on programming and personnel?

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