Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Tell me again why Harvard receives Taxpayer funds?

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Do you suppose Harvard will be willing to use much in the way of endowment funds to pay for all the unqualified students it’s determined to admit? It really should be taxed: based on its balance sheet, it’s more of an investment fund than an organization whose business is education.

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Great point!

Getting all govt money OUT of higher ed might be a great campaign position for candidates to include.

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"Education" in the U.S. of A. has morphed into the biggest, most corrupt bureaucracy. Nowadays, every public schoolhouse is a bureaucratic office of indoctrination. Every public school classroom is a chamber of spiritual, moral and mental horrors...for the children...

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Yep! You’re right. Although I’m not sure if education is the most corrupt bureaucracy--at least education gives competition to the military industrial complex, big pharma, oh heck, aren’t all bureaucracies corrupt now?

Easier to name a bureaucracy that is honest n’est-ce pas?

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Size-wise I believe so-called education employs more people than any of the other bureaucracies and the medical industry would be right behind them. Education and medical care are cornerstones of Marxist socialism\communism.

EDIT: I should have said that CONTROL of education and medical care is a cornerstone of modern collectivism.

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The corruption of our federal government and all receiving institutions.

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Because they have this huge endowment and own their own congresscritters. Who like our president stay bought. Sadly in both cases, the USA was not the initial buyer.

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Owning them is a nice way to put it. How many congress critters attended Harvard? How many judges? Everyone of them is loyal to Harvard not their constituents.

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Coffee spurt alert. Just for fun, search out the original name of Harvard. It was named Holy Harvard. Please don't drink and read.

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Long thought they could become a completely tuition-free undergrad university.

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Because their endowment isn’t big enough to pay off the National debt yet.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The universities have already been working hard on work-arounds. Gee, it's almost as if they had copies of the decision leaked long before the announcement.

Applications will now be weighing heavily "personal experiences" as a way of sussing out an applicants race. This isn't over by a long shot.

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Everybody knew it was coming - the only surprise is that Roberts wrote the majority opinion. He probably didn't want Thomas to write the majority opinion (he wrote his own concurrence) because it would be stricter. And that is the warning to schools - any red state school will get no support from their legislatures, and for those who try to mess around the edges Thomas shows the warning.

Yes, I expect the Ivy's to do their best to bypass this, along with the most prominent blue state schools. But they can only try so many things. And the problem is Griggs is still settled law. Disparate impact. If the "work arounds'' the schools try to use can be shown to create a disparate impact on otherwise qualified applicants, they will be open to individual lawsuits with significant financial penalties. The schools will lose - and there is not much they can do about it.

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As I understand the inner workings of SCOTUS from someone who teaches Constitutional Law, writing a concurring opinion allowed Justice Thomas to really speak for himself rather than for the court.

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Yes. And there was no secret that Thomas wanted this case. Roberts wanted to keep the opinion a bit less strident. Smart court watchers realize that Roberts has actually thrown a life line to the schools, and he has shown them what is coming if they won't just back off the most strident discriminatory practices they are engaging in.

My guess is that the schools won't get the hint - and Thomas will get his chance to drive a stake through the heart of affirmative action once and for all.

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Why should elitists get any hint or stop unconstitutional practices?They are so full of their own morally superior virtue that nothing can or will change their minds.

If Justice Thomas’s concurring opinion doesn’t wake up the “woke,” nothing can.

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I don't disagree. And I think Thomas will get his chance.

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Eighteen months or 3 years from now, the admissions officers in the fancy-pants schools will be trying to figure out which applications are produced by A.I. and which are from real people. Deep Fake will put a new spin on a lot of the old ways of doing things.

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To many, but certainly not the media, the Ivy’s have lost their shine. Legacies, indoctrination, pumping out gubment stooges and pass/fail grading have made the schools mediocrity factories. They will find new ways to keep their quotas and continue their slide.

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True. At this point, all they have is their name, and billions in reserve for false advertising.

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Some of the “diversity” Harvard graduates are not at all impressive. I don’t know the year in which Harvard started to hand out diplomas to their graduates like participation awards in middle school, but the cracks are beginning to show.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Great essay. The racialists of 2023 are not the freedom fighters of 1863 or 1963 for that matter. The current batch of race focused folks are Marxists and hustlers. The intersection of those two groups is that they seek to stick it to the dominant paradigm, which is (white people), and then take power and money for themselves. But it’s astroturf these days. Nobody is going to deny a black or brown or yellow person’s right to go to school or make a living. And the fact is that all the major institutions in this country are controlled by the Left, so if it was happening, they’d be the ones doing it. No, the contemporary race baiters are phonies and liars and racists themselves. Dressing up unqualified candidates with an Ivy League diploma compounded now by grade inflation and dumbing down the curriculum to achieve some artificial diversity recipe is bad for the universities’ brands and everybody in the long term. The colleges do it because they are run by Leftists and they get rewarded by the Federal Government with money for emphasizing racial diversity. If there was no money in it, they wouldn’t he doing it. The dirty little secret about all these elite schools is that their political agenda always coincides with financial agenda. Diversity is good for business. But that’s going to end now for a variety of reasons, not the least if which is that charging somebody $350,000 - $400,000 for a mediocre product available for far less elsewhere us losing appeal.

The most racist group, besides a few thousand white supremacists ( estimate brought to you by none other than the SLPC) is the Left.

“Asians don’t have good personalities, so we can’t let them in.” is first a lie, and second a racist stereotype. The academic frauds and their motley crew on the Billionaire-Bolshevik axis of feeble are the ones polarizing the country, not anybody else. We already had a Black Muslim President. We have minorities in every walk and station of life. Enough of this hateful, divisive crap already. The Supreme Court did the right thing this time. Of course, the Commues say they’ll to pursue their racial agenda. Notice that when government institutions don’t give them what they want, they are defiant from the demented pedo crook in the WH on down , but when you are critical of the Government, you’re the insurrectionist threat to “democracy”.


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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Wow. Most brilliantly put.

So many of the comments from the aggrieved Left over this decision are so mind-bogglingly racist and prejudicial it is stunning! Just the obviousness of how unfair and unjust- not to mention thoroughly insulting to an entire race of peoples - AA has been is so darn elementary. Not seeing that is the definition of willful ignorance. Refusing to see it is just plain racist.

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Their only principle is to gain power and so everything is viewed through that prism. They’ve been using race as a sledgehammer to break down the pillars of society. Of course, the Learjet libtards don’t want poor Central Americans that they brought here illegally on Martha’s Vineyard or in front of Nancy Pelosi’s mansion because look a squirrel. But if Beyoncé or Eva Longoria wants to camp there in a million dollar motor home, they’ll happily bring the canapés.

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My hope is, that somehow out of the discussion over this decision, people, especially black people, begin to see that AA was and is tantamount to saying, “You are LESS, and always will be LESS, but due to our superior benevolence, we will offer you a hand up.” Disgusting.

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And also that it turns the spotlight on the utter failure of the Public school system that has used it as a cover for their egregious failure at anything resembling a good education.

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The public schools aren’t for our kids’ education any more. They are for regime indoctrination.

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Everything but the three r’s are taught.

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One might add that many public school systems have failed due to the mandatory membership in the NEA. Join or don't join, but the dues will still be deducted from your pay check.

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I imagine sitting in my second-year organic chemistry class...looking around...and wondering whether there are "enough" members of other racial groups in the class. Joking! I was working for the A. Would any such thing have helped me? of course not. Would any such thing have led to better scientists? No.

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There was also this gem in todays article:

“We cannot let this decision be the last word. The court can render a decision but it cannot change what America stands for.”

You don't say, Herr Biden.....What DOES America stand for under your leadership then ?? Rights for child molesters and homosexuals. Paying endless reparations to people who had NO history of slavery, but are responsible for shutting all six Walmart's within 20 miles of Chicago and are the best clients for all the drug dealers in every majority with a democratic mayor who REFUSE to arrest them and sending illiterate policymakers to "Threaten" other heads of state, thus bringing us as close to WWIII as has ever happened. The last is the opinion of the Biden regime that thinks money can buy their way out of HELL. Even Bill Clinton has now realized that, but his wife hasn't and never will.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Harvard and other corrupt institutes of higher learning already have in place work-a-round application requirements so they can continue their racist admissions policy. They are too “morally good” to be bound by this decision.

Still I rejoice with Justice Thomas who has waited all these years to see this day finally arrive. I’d like to think Justice Scalia smiles from heaven.

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Roberts has been quoted (in words to the effect of) The way to end racial discrimination is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.

So it's no surprise he assigned the writing to himself. Move over Earl Warren. There's a new equal rights sheriff in town. Warren's Brown decision was unanimous. But the religion of victimhood seems immutable in the Democrat party since they cannot win without pandering to their Black constituency. Look for that "court packing" thing to be resurrected in 2024.

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What if one could exchange their White Privilege Card for a Victim Card? Anyone could get into MIT that way.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Let’s hope next on the chopping block are all things DEI, sentenced to DIE.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

So is Justice Brown saying she couldn't gotten thru school without affirmative action? And Justice Sotomayer?

And can we look at graduation rates? As Sowell said, it would be kinder to let the kid go to a school he can compete at. It's happening in STEM. My son talks about the 75% Drop rate in his organic class as all the kids told to go into STEM without understanding what it required found out. Of course, we both suspect the Uni will just change the rules. Can't lose that sweet sweet tuiton money.

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One of my daughters teaches at a STEM High School. She estimates at least half of the students don’t belong there. But it is over-diverse, thus highly praised.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

My hubby started Chemistry with a class of over 200 but it was a lib school and they didnt want chemists. So he graduated in a class of 5. If he had gone to an engineering school or a non lib school the drop rate wouldnt have been quite so bad.

Even Purdue uses the freshman chemistry classes as purge classes. My prof had been on probation for 7 semesters for failing too many students. The non english speaking TA didnt help matters. But it also meant that those that were determined, took it again and passed. They also ended up knowing their sh*t too.

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Prior to yesterday, one couldn't look at any minority with an Ivy degree and say for sure they got there on their own. It's sad, but true. They got a 40-year-pass. Would you want a doctor, airline pilot or lawyer who got a pass to get into college?

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The very statement made by the prof who flunked half of us, "How'd you like to know that the surgeon who just opened your check to fix your heart had cheated on his exam of flunked it?'' The foot was in the other shoe, by then.

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Chest. doh!

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If my parents were going to 2nd mortgage their house to send me to college, you can bet it would not be at the Party School all my fellows attended. It was to the tiny little college that was affiliated with our church's denomination. My folks may have invented the phrase Like It or Lump It. Obviously, it didn't kill me.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The universities have used a holistic admission process for the last few years. This is the work around. They will get rid of “race” question and in the “personal statement “ figure out their desired candidate. For example: I spent my summer in a Christian ministry protesting abortion.....reject.

I spent my summer helping 12 year olds get gender affirming drugs in Compton....Accept.

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Harvard Garbage University of Marxist woke learning. Don’t have any use for them and the like anymore than I have for armadillos. May God raise up a vast army of Hillsdale Colleges to restore classic education to universities of higher learning.

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Hear Hear and a big AMEN!!!

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Hillsdale. The new Big H.

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While we’re talking about elite universities, racism and blacks, let’s not forget that Yale was founded by a slave trader. The founder of Vanderbilt owned multiple plantations. If our racist past demands the tearing down statues of great Americans, why doesn’t it demand that universities like Yale and Vanderbilt be emptied out and turned into Section 8 housing as reparations for their founders’ racism?

That’s a rhetorical question - we all know that those two universities are hotbeds of extreme leftism and they are therefore exempt from criticism.

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At the least, rename them!!!! Yeah, sure.

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The article said;

In her dissent, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said, “Simply put, the race-blind admissions stance the Court mandates from this day forward is unmoored from critical real-life circumstances.”

I say:

Oh really? Does this mean that Ms. Brown, who could not even say what made a woman different from a man, is going to fly United Airlines wherever she goes. UAL said that starting in 2026 will hire nothing but diversity trained pilots. Good luck with that. I say that by 2028, UAL is bankrupt.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I wont be flying that is for sure. I dont care who, what the pilot is just so long as they can fly. If you put someone who is mediocre in flying, you get accidents.

mmmm maybe all the close calls and tarmac accidents that are happening now are a result?

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I thing the recent article about the OceanGate’s CEO spoke to that concern. He tried to coerce an employee to sign off on the hull’s integrity at 4,000 ft. The guy refused and was fired. Later the CEO made the comment that 50 year old white men aren’t “inspirational.” The CEO got his diversity hires who signed off of the doomed vessel’s integrity, and, consequently, his Eternal Rest.

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If they could all be like Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger!

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I hadn't thought of it that way, but you may be right !

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Jackson is a token. And she knows it. If she had any sense, she would have turned down her nomination as the insult that it was.

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Leftists have no self-awareness or any sense of propriety.

Hell, they just generally are devoid of sense, period!

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Some reporter should ask her if she needed AA to get thru school.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

UAL stock will more likely crash and burn….

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Better the stock crashes than airplanes.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I don't know how true it is, I've read that Harvard and others are quick to take foreign Chinese students for the exorbitant tuitions, fees and grants. Doing so cuts the racial allocation slots available in their old system and further excluded Asian-Americans. The "Asian" slot was taken by some Chinese general's princeling.

Discrimination against foreign students in favor of Americans is something I would favor.

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Yeah but then the student body would suffer from the lack of diversity of exposure to communists. /sarc

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Or by some Arabian princess of an oil baron (stick the female in an American school where she won't be bothered by the heaviness of an education).

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Ha! Good one!

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I’ve heard that happens at many, if not all, Ivies and other too pretentious for their own good institutions.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If Harvard wants to continue to do things their way a work around might be to quit accepting federal money. Their 39 BILLION endowment ought to be enough to not only provide for all the salaries and stuff but could also pay for free admission to whoever they please

Personally I think this decision levels the playing field a lot and if blacks or other minorities want to go to Harvard perhaps harder work and less street nonsense would be a good plan.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I might be wrong, but I firmly believe that were I black I would grossly insulted by the idea that I need a special crutch to compete.

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Obvious and rather stunning that they were happy to accept underachievement and the tarnish that brings....

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Excellent and fascinating article.

Another side benefit of The event of this decision is the conversation/debate it has opened up after all these decades. It’s about time, long overdue really.

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