Public appearances by President Pause (Pausident?) do not help his campaign.

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My cat is the pawsident

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No more jokes, stick to writing great commentary .LOL

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More like President "Paws" - as in paws little girls and daughters in showers.

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Nothing like a good pun to start the day

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President Biden has introduced a change to his White House departure and return routine: Instead of walking across the South Lawn to and from Marine One by himself, he’s now often surrounded by aides.

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Also known as “bumpers”.

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I think the secret service refer to that play (like a play in football) as the mobile human visual block so stumbling Biden can trip and fall freely without seeing the instant replays on TV.

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PAUSIDENT... Love it!

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Competing with Surber ?

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“Four more years! Pause.” Riigghhttt.

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04/26/24: Biden that day was three Sheetz to the wind (thank goodness it wasn't the Vatican).

And where else but Sheetz could this have happened?

Back in 2021, we're in Scranton on our way up to Skaneateles NY, and stopped at The Big S (where a Biden relative on the premises was arrested for vagrancy; his criminal record today would automatically render him as a Preferred Candidate For Hire as a Sheetz clerk).

The guy in front of me in the line said that during the 2020 Covid Panic, "all the Cidiots [city idiots; tone-of-voice, "assh*les"] flooded into rural PA" (!).

By the way, that Allegheny County Executive is an open member of "The Democratic Socialists of America."

Pittsburgh --- complete with a DEI-"Business Degree"-awarded mayor (after bouncing from college to college to college) --- is now officially Communist.

(Harvey Weinstein, whose rape conviction has just been overturned, is at liberty now to apply for a job at Sheetz. But alas! Without his previous esteemed criminal record, he now has no chance. Imagine the reaction of the women behind the counter on his first day on the job, had he been hired!)

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Arrested for vagrancy? In 2021? I'll be damned. Has anyone been arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a minor lately? Is that still a crime in our pedo world?

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You now will be arrested for sleeping with consenting adults, age 18 & up.

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It is not only not a crime it gets you bonus points on your welfare card.

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Once again, Trump is getting free press. He sucks the oxygen out of any room he enters. This is not what the Left envisioned, or wanted, but they can't help themselves.

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And they cant stop it.

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Trump had them singing the national anthem in Harlem. Colin Kaepernick was the hardest hit.

Lines like this are why I check in here first thing every morning. Don, you’re nothing short of brilliant!

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Our government is an oppressor. Time to tear it down. Read the Declaration of Independence. Change a few titles and it rings true today.

Burn it down.

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Geesh, Greg! Overreact much? Eat a Snickers bar then get back to us.

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Steve. There’s no over reaction. This government is a tyranny. Plain and simple. Not the form of government. The people and its current procedures are an affront to humans. They’re shaking us all down and destroying societal norms.

Since Obama, they’ve been shaking down corporations over mouse turds and in some cases following federal law. Sheetz isn’t the first to feel the wrath of DC.

What do you think those 87,000 new IRS agents are for? Who do you think will get those jobs? The IRS can’t hire enough people to fill existing positions, yet alone add 87,000 more agents. . . Unless they intend to fill the ranks with DEI foot soldiers for their fanatical financial field force. Angry hires with hatred in their hearts and envy in their souls. They are there to shakedown all of us. To FORCE us to pay they’re taxes.

They’ll find a small “problem” with your filing from 2018, fine you $25,000 which they will confiscate from your 401k. But you can’t liquidate yet without penalty. Do you think they care? That’s the point. Take the retirement money through fines and penalties for your failure to pay their tax as they wish. Obama said those retirement accounts were “lazy money”. How do you think they are going to get that money? King George!

It’s a full tyranny and must be brought to its knees. Peacefully or otherwise.

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I can only hope the pilots and maintenance crew for Air Force One that are flying Biden have been as fully "diversified" as that of United Airlines and is up to snuff for the EEOC standards of "Face Color Diversity" that ignores the ability to do the job.

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No such luck. The plane isn't a Boeing. (Or is it?!)

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Boeing 747-200B, known as VC-25A.

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It was Boeing

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Air Force One is a BOEING?!?!?! The entire MSM Communist-Pravda media on-board contingent could be wiped out (thanks to Boeing's DEI campaign rotting the company out from within, which they themselves (MSM C-P media) have been pushing for the past three decades)... covering a Sheetz campaign stop?!

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No problem with your diagnosis of the many problems that confront us.

I only know you from your words. When you say “or otherwise” you sound like the juvenile Antifa Anarchists who will probably never reach adulthood. When you reference King George I tune you out.

Have a nice day

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Like those juvenile anarchists in 1776?

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04/26/24: My goodness. What a regal response. Remind me never to cross swords with you (I already anticipate defeat).

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Greg, you're talking a hard line here, but the other day, you said you had met Chris Miller, a candidate in the Republican primary for West Virginia governor, and you were positive about him. That same day, Don Surber pointed out in a comment that Chris Miller is the son of the current WV House Rep, Carole Miller.

How can you be positive about Chris Miller? He has not served in ANY political position, but wants to waltz into the West Virginia governorship by flashing around the name "Trump" implying he is a conservative-- but he has ZERO track record, and it likely is all talk. His mom, Carole Miller, is a weakling, mostly RINO. It is a travesty for Chris Miller to run for governor without serving even a single term in the WV House, let alone Senate, let alone any other political job. He needs to pay some dues, give us some proof of where he stands. Right now, he's just a big mouth, and probably a fake mouth, trying to snow us by saying "Trump" on his advertisements.

To me, this really raises a question about your judgment. You called Patrick Morrisey, the current leading Republican candidate for West Virginia governor, a "carpet-bagger". How can you belittle Patrick Morrisey, who has an incredible, gold-plated, hard-earned record of success as our WV Attorney General for the last few terms. Patrick Morrisey is NATIONALLY known for his hard-working, nitty-gritty activism against the Left-- he has been head of the national Attorney General's Conference, and LED the fight against the Left in the courts with many outstanding successes. Patrick Morrisey could become another nationally prominent governor like Ron DeSantis. Patrick Morrisey has worked SO hard, and proven himself so well-- and you just dismissed him and said you liked Chris Miller-- who has done ZIP and is running based on his Mom's connections.

Is this how you plan to make America better? Sorry for sounding harsh, Greg--you got my "dander up (?"gander up"?--whatever that means). I agree with MANY of your statements. But I do much question your judgment based on your favoring Chris Miller over Patrick Morrisey.

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That’s okay TPG. I get a lot of people’s neurons firing with my comments. He’ll half the time I don’t even agree with myself. But it does bring out people’s views which is what we are missing in our national conversation: real discussion

Sorry to rile you

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Thanks for such a gracious reply, Greg. I apologize for getting riled up.

I know that it is important for us to “keep an even keel” when we are being barraged by the Left’s increasingly aggressive attacks. I resolve to do better.

And a sincere thanks to you for your military service.

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It’s all good.

I have an ability to think in dark places where most people dare not go (and have witnessed the evil) and therefore understand and can predict where the other side is going. I struggle with this and what I know God expects of me.

And thanks for supporting our service members.

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The Elite Globalist want the 30 trillion in retirement funds and the 20 trillion in home equity owned by the American boomer.

They didn't create WW2 so we could prosper !

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Steve, NO TIME for Sleepy Snickers bars.... have YOU TRIED 1775 COFFEE? It will revive and improve your reaction time.... don't want to be Late! Have a fantastic Day! Today is PERFECT FRIDAY!

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I actually dont mind supporting USA companies but their coffee sucks and I was in the Navy and cant drink it.

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Hey, I’m X-Navy, too! Best coffee in the world, IMHO.

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Gah, glad we all got choices cuz gah.

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I’ll bet Steve doesn’t do humor or sarcasm or hyperbole or metaphors either

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Time to “Go Galt”? Asking for a friend.

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Yep. We all need to take a knee in place. If 20-30 million of us, the working people - the engine of America- just stopped, the entire system collapsed.

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If there was a Galt's Gulch big enough to hold 75 million people, I'd be there.

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All credit for that name goes to Ayn Rand.

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OF COURSE! Put her name at the bottom.

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Bubble, do you have time to make a great Tee Shirt? ?"TIME TO GO GALT?" IS A Genius statement! Have a wonderful day! and Shrugged's version...."GALT'S GULCH"

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I disagree slightly. It is not the government, it is the people in the government. Is the federal government too bug? Of course. Does it need to be downsized? Sure. But first you have to get the radical plants out of the system to make the system work. It isnt all employees, but there are a great number of people in high places coordinating this tyranny. Once you get the leaders, it collapses.

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"Burn, Baby Burn! D.C. Inferno!" Our old songs keep coming back with wisdom and truths. D.C. is ON FIRE...Do you think Pedo Joe, O'BamBam and hisLinebacker Lady, and the Czar of the Kammalllalla Border have any idea of how high the Flames are?

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Part of me says no. But the other part says yes. And they like it.

Fundamental transformation. You don’t fundamentally change things you love.

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Litigious porn whores

Coordinated trials

Legal pundit cottage industry

Trump-hungry consumers

I think these are all farts in a windstorm. I only worry about two things:

1) Election fraud- fortunately I think the new RNC is laser-focused on this

2) 9-11 caliber terrorism being politically spun- since the FBI is laser-focused on white-supremist anti-abortion pray-ers

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I also have “Climate Emergency” and “Disease X” on my Bingo card.

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THESE ARE REAL DEM/COM IDEAS AND THEY ARE VERY BAD. Thankfully, the normal Dem Screw-Ups will cause them to mis-fire....

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Your second worry is a huge one for me. The open border has positioned our enemies in the world right here in our neighborhoods and on our front door steps where they are waiting for the call to take America by riot. It is an enemy that the gun-owning second amendment patriots won't be able to fight very well. They may defend themselves, but won’t have a plan of offense. Whoever is planning this multi-faceted overthrow knows the best way to negate the gun crowd is to not have a clear enemy attacking us.

I realize this is a big jump from today's post, but today's post makes it crystal clear the engine driving it is large and powerful.

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Perhaps the well coordinated antisemitic riots are just a test of a much bigger event.

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I agree. It is all a warm-up. Our "enemy" isn't one race or national origin group. It is many.

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But it’s a big continent. It would be hard to pacify. Certain places will be controlled and others will be free.

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I hope you are right.

In war, our military strategists select the few targets that gain control over the enemy (i.e. transportation and supply routes). Our daily life in 2024 can be stopped with some very simple things like taking out the GRID or a small EMP. Suspicious foreigners have been caught messing around with our power stations for many years. Even if they affect only a third of the country, the disruption would be catastrophic. The focus won't solely be on shooting the protestors. It will be finding food and water for our families.

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The country will have to split. Crazies in the big cities and the rest to the normal. Big cities will need to be walled off and sieged. I know Steve Boggs won’t agree.

If we get rid of the urban areas, we can make a go at the old way where everyone was equal. And yes we’re all going to have to work hard to survive. No more watching the NFL draft.

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Spot on Skinnydip.

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In fact, some of them are in congress.

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I think they have already started, there are too many weird fires burning infrastructure, stuff that wouldnt normally happen. There have been too many communications systems going down randomly, as well as hospitals systems. What do you take out frist against your enemy? Supply chain and communications.

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Barbarians at the gate? (Not referring to the fall of RJR Nabisco.) It’s gonna be OK. Our diverse military will protect us from them. /sarc

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Left of: a land war in Russia using US-supplied long range missiles, charged to our great-grandkids credit card…

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Military Industrial Complex VISA…don’t fight a war without it.

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You think there’s going to be an election?

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When did we ever think that would be a valid question? That's how bad things are.

If I heard that federal kill squads were banging through the doors of random, innocent homeowners and killing everyong inside for no reason, I'd believe it.

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The ATF just did that killing a fit suspected of illegally selling guns at gun shows.

Barged in the early AM and shot him 3 times.

He was an executive at some airport.

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I agree 100% A false flag event of some sort is a certainty. It's one of the few tricks they have left.

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They have used that trick so many times now that fewer and fewer people are falling for it, mostly just diehard liberals.

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“The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed suit . . . alleging the chain’s longstanding hiring practices have a disproportionate impact on minority applicants. . . "

Looks like lawfare isn't just for Trump. It is spreading to any organization that appears to support Trump. Not hiring a convicted criminal to a job that handles money is discriminatory? Will Bragg go back to Harlem and sue the Bodega owner for discrimination because there was not a proportionate representation of white employees there?

The effort in planning and coordinating this lawfare against Trump is mind-boggling when I think about it. I am fearful that this crack team of Obama insurrectionists pulling a coup on America will have a doomsday bomb ready should Trump get elected. It will involve a complete crash of wall street and the banks, a crashing of the dollar, and any of the other strange things happening now in preparation such as food shortages, GRID failure, or the uprising of all the sleeper cells who are in this country waiting for the call to engage in hellacious riots.

They have backup plans for their backup plans. We need a military that is on our side and I don't think they are anymore.

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The American people ARE a military... What - don't you have half a dozen guns and thousands of rounds of ammo in your house? I know many folks who do ...

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I'm just being practical in how this may come down.

A citizen militia is a strong weapon. The militia is able to fire a weapon but lacks tactical training, leadership and large-scale coordination, and recognizing who the enemy is. They also lack a clear trigger point as to when to engage. Who says "go" and who organizes it?

We have armies of Chinese, Latino (cartels), Iranian, Arab, Muslim (Hamas, Hezbollah) terrorists laying in wait. By now, probably tens of thousands of them in their own little corners of the country. That trigger didn't get pulled when our cities were on fire with BLM and Antifa.

I have great faith in your suggestion, just tell me how it's gonna work.

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As it always does in third world countries, when the people in power get greedy and over confidant and attempt to arrest yet another rival or take away yet one more right. It is always the same. Just wait for the next Jan 6th like event that will be weaponized by the feds against us. We are one spark from it.

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A potential model would be that of “leaderless resistance”. From Wikipedia: “Leaderless resistance, or phantom cell structure, is a social resistance strategy in which small, independent groups (covert cells), or individuals (a solo cell is called a "lone wolf"), challenge an established institution such as a law, economic system, social order, or government. Leaderless resistance can encompass anything from non-violent protest and civil disobedience to vandalism, terrorism, and other violent activity. Leaderless cells lack vertical command links and so operate without hierarchical command, but they have a common goal that links them to the social movement from which their ideology was learned.”

Have you read the book “Unintended Consequences” by John Ross? Again, from Wikipedia: “Its thesis, as discussed in the “Author's Note – A Warning and Disclaimer” in the beginning of the book, is that enough bullying, by what is widely perceived as a hostile occupation government, will inevitably end in revolt if the occupied area is large enough and has a culture that is significantly different from the occupying state, and that this revolt will be undefeatable if the rebels use very low-tech ‘leaderless resistance.’”

Sorry to be long-winded here, but there are options. And, I just put myself on SOMEONE’S list but it’s all good.

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Wow! You are smarter than I am on non-standard warfare. I will check out the book reference.

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Nah, not smarter. I just like to read “unconventional” fiction. LOL

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All those groups of which you speak hate each other. I can see them turning on each other and killing themselves off. Examples are in the Bible where enemy factions attack God’s people (there’s the rub!) and they end up turning on and fighting each other. You would hate to see it!

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I lost all of mine in a tragic boating accident on Watts Bar Lake.

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Love those Golden Eagles!

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Well…that post just put you on SOMEONE’S list. LOL

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Thank you, REVMikeyMac!!! You have the best idea for a Perfect Friday Shopping trip! and bytheway, THANK YOU FOR YOUR GREAT SACRIFICES AND SERVICE IN THE USAF TO PROTECT ALL OF US AND OUR GREAT COUNTRY! YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

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Read my reply to Steve. It’s financial shakedown a la the Mafia. They’re been after corps for years. Next they’re coming for us.

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Yes, the military is on our side. They understand the difference between lawful and unlawful orders. They may be politicized today but you will not see them go after their families either. We are not Mexico or Venezuela or the ME………yet.

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Y’know, I once believed that. I’m not so sure anymore. I think that the military has been radicalized to the point where the enlisted folks will follow any order from their superiors, and their superiors have been corrupted by leftist thought. Just my opinion, and I hope that I’m wrong.

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I am a retired senior officer. I watch the purge of many of my mentors and peers and then me. They replaced us with drone minded selfish idiots as you have seen in the last 10-15 years. The DEI push has purged the ranks of normal people and filled with angry hateful idiots who will in fact kill Americans gladly.

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Human nature doesn't change nor do peoples attitudes about their families. The military could be used in case of riots like back in the late 60's but that is far different from open conflict with American citizens who have had enough of being abused. I have always thought that the circumstances in this case matter. There are never guarantee's when it comes to peoples reaction to events but on a wholesale basis, the Army is not going to turn on its people. A corrupt POTUS probably could get the CIA or such to use an ultra-elite unit on a limited basis but I'm only guessing here, but PFC Snuffy or SGT Bobby are not going after their families.

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Damn, I hope you’re right.

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Me too.

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I think that you’re right, and you know what? It’s all a bunch of Sheetz.

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I went to college in a small town in PA. Sheetz made bank every Friday sand Saturday night with 3 for a dollar hot dogs. All the drunks and Stoners needed their munchies. The line was usually 100-200 people for hours. Not that I ever got into one of those categories. :-)

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Or a real bomb?

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If Sheetz has to hire convicted felons, then so do we. When Trump is convicted in New York, I will absolutely *have to* vote for him because the EEOC says so.

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Ahah! LOOVE it!!

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Very nice Frank !

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Lawfare ultimately helps Trump, yet Electionfare helps McMoron. FJB

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‘This is thug behavior by an illegitimate administration, which stuffed the ballot box with mailed-in votes to swipe the 2020 election.’ …

This cartel of thieves, psychopaths and outright murderer’s can’t afford to have an election that might go south for them.

I got $5 (fine…American) that says there won’t be an election at all!

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That'll cost you $6.50 by November 5th.

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I’ll take that action. The CCP will insist that we “hold erection for king” this fall. They are looking forward to “four more years, pause”.

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Well, BP7, fomenting a country wide insurrection, declaring Martial law and kicking the election can down the road indefinitely still counts as cancelling the election and makes 4 more years look like amateur night in Dixie!

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If there’s an election, it’s because they removed the threat of Trump. Somehow.

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It wouldn't that surprising for Brandon to cancel or postpone the election. His best bud, Zelenskyy did that so why not? If the polls continue to lean some in Trump's favor, that would make it even more likely.

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Be careful. The DOJ (With CIA) may be knocking at your Canadian door investigating your possible terrorist intentions with this bet. Trump did less and look where that has gotten him.

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My money-quote in a mother lode of money quotes: "...they mean TDS sufferers whose lives revolve solely around their hatred of him because the rest of us tune these clowns out." Ain't that the truth? Change the word "clowns" to "communists" for spine-tingling accuracy. Insufferable, despicable communists are godless fooks & rotters of the first order. Burn'em down.

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Trump's a mud creature and the more mud you throw at him, the bigger he gets.

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funny, Mick.

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Trump = Road Runner and

Biden = Wiley Coyote.

Every box of Acme Dynamite from the Biden Administration just blows Trump higher in the polls. It's going to boil down to one thing - again. Whether America can keep phony mail-in ballots out of the voting machines. We failed miserably the last time and have been paying dearly for the last four years.

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Throwing out all the charges would help the Dems the most. Right now people see the trials as persecution which garners sympathy.

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"..would help the Dems the most..." That's like saying they would only get burned a little less. They would still get branded with the "loser" label.

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Yep, that's how I voted too.. Trump news and publicity would plummet and I think the polls might reflect that.

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“Four …More Years…Pause” look confused, wet yourself, smile. Kabuki show trials. Idiot bureaucrats and a demented “President”. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s pathetic. When are we going to wake up from this national nightmare?

Trump 2024

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I think you just answered your own question.

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“ Trump had them singing the national anthem in Harlem. Colin Kaepernick was the hardest hit.”

Pure Gold!! Loooove it!

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"...the planner appears to be the incompetent Kamala Harris fresh off her job as border czar,..." WHAT? That imbecile? Years ago, Perle Mesta was known as the 'Hostess With the Mostest' for planning lavish parties. So now we have Heehaw Harris, the 'Jackass With the Leastest" planning Democrat shindigs. That's like telling Commander, Biden's people-biting dog, "Schmooze the crowd, big boy."

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"Not the Bee" just published this focus group data (sponsored by Dems) on why people can't stand Kamala Harris. Enjoy!


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Thanks. She's a jackass.

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