Today's Don Surber column is a detailed list of spiritual, moral, ethical and pathological insanity. Without God, a living soul is grist for the satanic mills. This column details the living proof of that fact.
Back in 1980 (or whenever it was) when the Supreme Court said no prayer and no Ten Commandments in U.S. schoolhouses, a huge spiritual vacuum was created. What this writing of Mr. Surber's details now are results from the elements of evil that have flown in to fill that vacuum.
IMO, this statement from the column gives legs to the insanity:
"A goon in a hoodie and basketball shorts with no discernable skills or accomplishments defeated a well-groomed, respected cardiologist, television personality and businessman for the Senate."
The goon did not "defeat" anyone or anything. The goon is incapable of rational thought. The goon is a crippled man who had a bad stroke. The real goons of Communist Democrat Leadership propped up the crippled invalid and pushed him across the finish line with boxes crooked stolen ballots and crooked Dominion Voting Machines. Fetterman and Biden got to where they are through vote-fraud and vote-theft. Saying the goon "defeated" anybody makes it sound like a legal, fair election.
Absolutely; Fetterman did not win his Senate seat in a "fair and square election".
After the 2020 election there were some news stories that Chinese nationals had purchased the controlling ownership of Dominion Voting Machines earlier in 2020-- and this was documented by the SEC filing of the purchase. At the time, I thought "How could the SEC allow this?" Well, last year, there was another story about how the SEC had essentially harassed a conservative company that was trying to go public to the point that the company either gave up or collapsed. AND then the story also revealed who the current head of the SEC was-- a rabid Marxist Democrat.
Our institutions have been infiltrated by stealth for years now. It was never clear what exactly Valerie Jarrett was DOING as Obama's mostly silent right-hand man for his entire 8 years in the White House. It also came to light that Valerie Jarrett is the daughter of parents who were members of the Communist Party of America. So I think it is very likely that for 8 years Communist Valerie Jarrett was quietly identifying and recruiting faithful Marxists that Communist Obama then placed in positions all over our government.
We have alot of untangling to do. And I know this can all seem discouraging, but the key treasonist Marxists are still actually teeny-tiny in numbers-- they have just finagled themselves into key positions-- and by stealth. They believe in Central Government, so they went after the Central positions in politics, media, etc. But America is a vast country and they were wrong to think they could lock on to certain top-level positions and gain control of the rest of the vast country. They are being exposed now, and we need to get each specific, exposed Marxist OUT of their position. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant." That is why they are so utterly desperate to shut down any conservative media source. I guess you could say they are like vampires-- burned up when the sunlight touches them.
TeaPartyGal, you are so right. The Chicago Communist Cartel of Bill Ayers, David Axelrod, Rham Emanuel & Val Jarrett are the ones who gave us Obama After Ayers worked with and developed Obama's Frank Marshal Davis inspired communism, Axelrod and the others got busy. Now we got what we got and it ain't pretty.
Chicago has been a hotbed of communist philosophy and subversion for more than 100 years. The philosophy of "progressive education" fathered by John Dewey got big legs in Chicago back in the 20's of the last century. That philosophy boils down to, "The only absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth." I remember, as a smartassed 10th grader, how proud I was to hit my mama and daddy between the eyes with those words. Now I'm embarrassed by how easily I was gulled by my communist-inspired schoolteachers.
Yes, yes, yes, Oaf. I am from Chicago, and could tell you some stories. Another key Chicago player was Saul Alinsky, who wrote the "Rules for Radicals".
Everyone should also be aware of a key northern Indiana Communist, Joseph Buttigieg--yes-- Pete Buttigieg's FATHER!!!! Joseph Buttigieg taught at Notre Dame and was the world's leading biographer (and strong advocate) of Antonio Gramsci. Classical Marxism focused on promoting Marxism based on "Class Oppression". Antonio Gramsci was a contemporary of Marx and Lenin, and founded the Communist Party of Italy in 1921. Gramsci focused on promoting Marxism based on "Race Oppression", haha-- sound familiar to what they're trying to beat America over the head with today ?!? Link:
Surely the Chicago Communist cartel was in sync with northern-Indiana Buttigieg's promotion of Race-based Marxism. It truly needs to be clearly understood by everyone that Pete Buttigieg is a Communist, plain and simple. The irony is, as mayor of South Bend, Indiana, the blacks there didn't like him at all. Now he's our (flagrantly incompetent) "Secretary of Transportation". Hey, the Marxists ran Obama for President, and deflected all criticism of him as "Racist". The Marxists earlier ran Hillary for President and deflected all criticism of her as "Sexist". They probably are holding Buttigieg in reserve to run for President and deflect all criticism of him as "Homophobic". Rick Grenell is a good counter to Buttigieg.
We are on the same page, TeaPartyGal. When Obama trounced foolish Mitt Romney in 2008, I decided it was time to read "Witness" by Whittaker Chambers. I'd always heard it was the best explanation of communism in the USA. I'd never read it because I could not bring myself to believe U.S. Americans would throw away what we've been given for the obvious failures of socialism\communism.
Communists are insane but their insanity does not prevent them from being evil, clever and absolutely relentless. While normal people are sleeping, wicked, restless communists are hard at work infiltrating and subverting every good thing about human life today.
I sincerely hope this great American Experiment will produce an alternative to the bloody violence that must necessarily attend the communist's attempt to seize power. Remember the Bill Ayer's youtube video of a film wherein a much younger Bill Ayers says at least 25 million U.S. citizens would need to be killed before the communists could establish the dictatorship of the proletariat? That was Ayers' estimate in 1970. I wonder what his estimate is for today?
All very well said, Oaf. And yes, Ayers is a hardcore case. These people (and Hillary keeps coming to mind here too) have holes in their souls-- and they are trying to fill that hole by thinking they are superior to their fellow man, and trying to get in a position to boss their fellow man around.
You also said it well in your first post above: "Without God, a living soul is grist for the satanic mills."
The real goon? Well then IMV we're talking about his wife. She didn't and doesn't give a damn, to be polite, about her husband's welfare. Jill Biden is another goon of the same stripe.
The Decline of Empire began with the slogan of "Free Trade" so that Crony, American-in-name only, Corporations could get rid of their pesky American employees, yet keep 100% of the American Market. As industries were stripped and shipped to Mexico and China, jobs, families and entire communities were destroyed. The despair of drugs were the alternative for cheated American workers.
And the worst fact of all ? The U.S. dollar could be printed, via debt, now via inflation, to provide the appearance of an actual U.S. economy, when the facts were, the physical assets of the nation, her good faith and credit, were being abused without consequence for the Decision Makers. The cover for asset-stripping was/is there for all, who are not blind, to see.
An industrial giant, birthed and spoiled by American Capital and unearned favors, China, now is fully risen, laughing behind closed doors. And Fetterman Nation can't even teach racist math.
Dont forget the outsourcing of white collar jobs to India too. All the tech companies complain that we have no IT staff trained. We do, and more graduating college. They just dont want to pay them.
And, I found this entertaining (/s). Baltimore has 23 public schools where no one can do math. There was meh from the left. Chicago..... has 55 public schools where no one can either read or do math. but our taxes go up every year to help little Johnny... last year my property tax doubled.
Don, you've captured in print what so many of us see, know and feel. I think the education system helped get us here. What I feel every time I see the Fetterman-ization of the world I live in, is the desire for vengeance. I know it's wrong. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. It's not my place to dole it out. I know that. But the feeling for these people to get theirs, to get their comeuppance, to see some sort of justice done to get things right is so strong for me, I want that every time. Sinner I am. I keep thinking that things will revert to the mean. We will go back to the centre. But now I don't think the centre will hold, not with what I see. I shake my head and I do hope and pray for better. What happens next is up to the man upstairs and maybe through his use of ordinary people things will change. We are lost collectively and have lost our way. We need to get back to "home."
In a perfect world, I would agree with you. But I am not seeing much evidence of justice being done or due process and the use of correct penalties to right situations. We are way beyond that working.
It will never be a perfect world, it never was, never will be.
One of the most amazing things about the American constitution is that it was written by men who understood that we are usually well intentioned but imperfect beings.
I know that it is not working at present, and there have been many occasions when it has not worked in the past yet it has amazing resilience.
It seems to recover, to be renewed.
The past is precursor to the future, yet the future will not be the same as the past.
I’m not much good at praying. Sadly I’m too evidently an imperfect man. Even so I believe in confession, repentance, forgiveness and redemption.
I also believe that these work out over decades and generations.
I used to volunteer a lot with the homeless in Jackson, MS. The churches did much to help those that wanted help. Those that didn’t, we provided someone they could talk to and trust. When gubment agencies tried to stick their noses in and get involved, it was a disaster. All they wanted was to check off some boxes. The homeless knew that and hated those “helpers”.
On almost every level, the gubment is causing similar disasters. It was dysfunctional before Uncle Fester was elected via cheating. Now, he is the poster child.
Planned? It is so screwed up, it can only be on purpose.
I am sure that this is all on purpose. No one could make it this bad without a plan.
And, yes, charity is better done by the church usually. The only instance where I see it going wrong and actually that boils back to the gubment is the illegal immigrants. But there the gubment is paying the churches to help so they are, right into the churches' pockets it mostly goes. Free everything, come here is the messaging too.
Life these last 2 1/2 years has been like living in a unending torrential downpour of incomprehensible Leftist Extremist Insanity; it would be almost impossible to list the number of egregious outrages that have and continue to occur day in and day out.
I believe most Americans, those who still have a grain of common sense left, are feeling utterly overwhelmed by the constant onslaught. It is almost paralyzing.
We look for breaks in the dark clouds that surround us, but they are few and far between. I fight the temptation to become hopeless, but find it increasingly difficult to see light at the end of all this totally self-inflicted insanity that is laying waste to this once great country.
I think it’s time for all good men, women and children to fall to their knees and pray for mercy from God above and for His help to show us the way out from this valley of death and destruction.
I am sure we have had other politician like Fetterman and Biden that were- Brain dead Depends wearing Zombies needing massive doses of amphetamine to utter words. Yet, the world was different then and the people pulling the puppet strings probably didn’t hate all of America.
Yes to other bidens but I truly cannot recall anyone close to Fetterman. And I’ve been watching this scene for some sixty five years of my eighty years. Anyone have any nominations?
Someone tweeted that how we talk about Fetterman checking himself into a hospital for depression is a mark of our humanity. The insinuation was that it's terrible to do anything other than sympathize with Fetterman. But he's a senator, not a private citizen. He's to blame if he ran for an office he knew he wasn't prepared for.
We should “renormalize” our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, the rule of law, our Christian roots, prayer in public schools, marriage between a man and a woman. I am sure fellow commenters can add more. We need to also “renormalize” calling all sexual deviance mental illnesses, all anti Americanism and our founding principles treason.
Hey, any gummint expenditure means a bureaucrat get richer; "We need more money for homeless!" means the money that gets allotted for 'homeless' going into the pockets of state employees.
"Hey Ukraine, we will give you $100B in aid and the first 10% goes back to us. Now, let's talk about Russia." It is the name of the game as former state department bureaucrat whistleblowers have stated.
Currently reading "Handsome Johnny: The Life and Death of Johnny Rosselli: Gentleman Gangster, Hollywood Producer, CIA Assassin"
The grift is a staple in American life. The problem is I am too dumb to participate.
Special Education question: Do we get any points at all for hiring the Handicapped in the White House, the Senate, or Hose of Representatives? Every little bit helps. Helping who is not known at this time.
Today's Don Surber column is a detailed list of spiritual, moral, ethical and pathological insanity. Without God, a living soul is grist for the satanic mills. This column details the living proof of that fact.
Back in 1980 (or whenever it was) when the Supreme Court said no prayer and no Ten Commandments in U.S. schoolhouses, a huge spiritual vacuum was created. What this writing of Mr. Surber's details now are results from the elements of evil that have flown in to fill that vacuum.
IMO, this statement from the column gives legs to the insanity:
"A goon in a hoodie and basketball shorts with no discernable skills or accomplishments defeated a well-groomed, respected cardiologist, television personality and businessman for the Senate."
The goon did not "defeat" anyone or anything. The goon is incapable of rational thought. The goon is a crippled man who had a bad stroke. The real goons of Communist Democrat Leadership propped up the crippled invalid and pushed him across the finish line with boxes crooked stolen ballots and crooked Dominion Voting Machines. Fetterman and Biden got to where they are through vote-fraud and vote-theft. Saying the goon "defeated" anybody makes it sound like a legal, fair election.
Absolutely; Fetterman did not win his Senate seat in a "fair and square election".
After the 2020 election there were some news stories that Chinese nationals had purchased the controlling ownership of Dominion Voting Machines earlier in 2020-- and this was documented by the SEC filing of the purchase. At the time, I thought "How could the SEC allow this?" Well, last year, there was another story about how the SEC had essentially harassed a conservative company that was trying to go public to the point that the company either gave up or collapsed. AND then the story also revealed who the current head of the SEC was-- a rabid Marxist Democrat.
Our institutions have been infiltrated by stealth for years now. It was never clear what exactly Valerie Jarrett was DOING as Obama's mostly silent right-hand man for his entire 8 years in the White House. It also came to light that Valerie Jarrett is the daughter of parents who were members of the Communist Party of America. So I think it is very likely that for 8 years Communist Valerie Jarrett was quietly identifying and recruiting faithful Marxists that Communist Obama then placed in positions all over our government.
We have alot of untangling to do. And I know this can all seem discouraging, but the key treasonist Marxists are still actually teeny-tiny in numbers-- they have just finagled themselves into key positions-- and by stealth. They believe in Central Government, so they went after the Central positions in politics, media, etc. But America is a vast country and they were wrong to think they could lock on to certain top-level positions and gain control of the rest of the vast country. They are being exposed now, and we need to get each specific, exposed Marxist OUT of their position. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant." That is why they are so utterly desperate to shut down any conservative media source. I guess you could say they are like vampires-- burned up when the sunlight touches them.
TeaPartyGal, you are so right. The Chicago Communist Cartel of Bill Ayers, David Axelrod, Rham Emanuel & Val Jarrett are the ones who gave us Obama After Ayers worked with and developed Obama's Frank Marshal Davis inspired communism, Axelrod and the others got busy. Now we got what we got and it ain't pretty.
Chicago has been a hotbed of communist philosophy and subversion for more than 100 years. The philosophy of "progressive education" fathered by John Dewey got big legs in Chicago back in the 20's of the last century. That philosophy boils down to, "The only absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth." I remember, as a smartassed 10th grader, how proud I was to hit my mama and daddy between the eyes with those words. Now I'm embarrassed by how easily I was gulled by my communist-inspired schoolteachers.
Yes, yes, yes, Oaf. I am from Chicago, and could tell you some stories. Another key Chicago player was Saul Alinsky, who wrote the "Rules for Radicals".
Everyone should also be aware of a key northern Indiana Communist, Joseph Buttigieg--yes-- Pete Buttigieg's FATHER!!!! Joseph Buttigieg taught at Notre Dame and was the world's leading biographer (and strong advocate) of Antonio Gramsci. Classical Marxism focused on promoting Marxism based on "Class Oppression". Antonio Gramsci was a contemporary of Marx and Lenin, and founded the Communist Party of Italy in 1921. Gramsci focused on promoting Marxism based on "Race Oppression", haha-- sound familiar to what they're trying to beat America over the head with today ?!? Link:
Surely the Chicago Communist cartel was in sync with northern-Indiana Buttigieg's promotion of Race-based Marxism. It truly needs to be clearly understood by everyone that Pete Buttigieg is a Communist, plain and simple. The irony is, as mayor of South Bend, Indiana, the blacks there didn't like him at all. Now he's our (flagrantly incompetent) "Secretary of Transportation". Hey, the Marxists ran Obama for President, and deflected all criticism of him as "Racist". The Marxists earlier ran Hillary for President and deflected all criticism of her as "Sexist". They probably are holding Buttigieg in reserve to run for President and deflect all criticism of him as "Homophobic". Rick Grenell is a good counter to Buttigieg.
We are on the same page, TeaPartyGal. When Obama trounced foolish Mitt Romney in 2008, I decided it was time to read "Witness" by Whittaker Chambers. I'd always heard it was the best explanation of communism in the USA. I'd never read it because I could not bring myself to believe U.S. Americans would throw away what we've been given for the obvious failures of socialism\communism.
Communists are insane but their insanity does not prevent them from being evil, clever and absolutely relentless. While normal people are sleeping, wicked, restless communists are hard at work infiltrating and subverting every good thing about human life today.
I sincerely hope this great American Experiment will produce an alternative to the bloody violence that must necessarily attend the communist's attempt to seize power. Remember the Bill Ayer's youtube video of a film wherein a much younger Bill Ayers says at least 25 million U.S. citizens would need to be killed before the communists could establish the dictatorship of the proletariat? That was Ayers' estimate in 1970. I wonder what his estimate is for today?
All very well said, Oaf. And yes, Ayers is a hardcore case. These people (and Hillary keeps coming to mind here too) have holes in their souls-- and they are trying to fill that hole by thinking they are superior to their fellow man, and trying to get in a position to boss their fellow man around.
You also said it well in your first post above: "Without God, a living soul is grist for the satanic mills."
The real goon? Well then IMV we're talking about his wife. She didn't and doesn't give a damn, to be polite, about her husband's welfare. Jill Biden is another goon of the same stripe.
“The Statuary Rape of American history is a good example.”
Yes Nikki Haley removed the Confederate flag when what she should have done is put Robert Smalls in Statuary Hall
I hope that her presidential run crashes and burns. Globalist!
Me too. She pulled some stuff that let me know, she would be worse than Romney as Pres. I cant stand her. Globalist indeed.
Despite the fact that the 'Bee covered it thusly, she's not running for the nomination – she's running to be another candidate's running mate.
Or running interference for the deep state in hopes of a position in their new world order.
Perhaps...I rule out nothing...
The Decline of Empire began with the slogan of "Free Trade" so that Crony, American-in-name only, Corporations could get rid of their pesky American employees, yet keep 100% of the American Market. As industries were stripped and shipped to Mexico and China, jobs, families and entire communities were destroyed. The despair of drugs were the alternative for cheated American workers.
And the worst fact of all ? The U.S. dollar could be printed, via debt, now via inflation, to provide the appearance of an actual U.S. economy, when the facts were, the physical assets of the nation, her good faith and credit, were being abused without consequence for the Decision Makers. The cover for asset-stripping was/is there for all, who are not blind, to see.
An industrial giant, birthed and spoiled by American Capital and unearned favors, China, now is fully risen, laughing behind closed doors. And Fetterman Nation can't even teach racist math.
Dont forget the outsourcing of white collar jobs to India too. All the tech companies complain that we have no IT staff trained. We do, and more graduating college. They just dont want to pay them.
And, I found this entertaining (/s). Baltimore has 23 public schools where no one can do math. There was meh from the left. Chicago..... has 55 public schools where no one can either read or do math. but our taxes go up every year to help little Johnny... last year my property tax doubled.
I am sorry.
So glad to be gone from Democratistan - er, I mean Illinois.
Even before I left, property taxes on our home in Hyde Park were approaching unaffordable - I was happy to sign it over to my now ex-wife...
Don, you've captured in print what so many of us see, know and feel. I think the education system helped get us here. What I feel every time I see the Fetterman-ization of the world I live in, is the desire for vengeance. I know it's wrong. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. It's not my place to dole it out. I know that. But the feeling for these people to get theirs, to get their comeuppance, to see some sort of justice done to get things right is so strong for me, I want that every time. Sinner I am. I keep thinking that things will revert to the mean. We will go back to the centre. But now I don't think the centre will hold, not with what I see. I shake my head and I do hope and pray for better. What happens next is up to the man upstairs and maybe through his use of ordinary people things will change. We are lost collectively and have lost our way. We need to get back to "home."
There is no longer a center because there is only one side
Well, maybe no center but there are actually two very distinct sides, as Sarah Sanders so aptly put it:
Not vengeance. Justice.
As you state, vengeance is the Lords prerogative.
Justice however belongs to us.
We make the laws, and it is our prerogative and responsibility to see that they are obeyed.
Due process and the use of correct penalties are the appropriate response to lawlessness.
In a perfect world, I would agree with you. But I am not seeing much evidence of justice being done or due process and the use of correct penalties to right situations. We are way beyond that working.
It will never be a perfect world, it never was, never will be.
One of the most amazing things about the American constitution is that it was written by men who understood that we are usually well intentioned but imperfect beings.
I know that it is not working at present, and there have been many occasions when it has not worked in the past yet it has amazing resilience.
It seems to recover, to be renewed.
The past is precursor to the future, yet the future will not be the same as the past.
I’m not much good at praying. Sadly I’m too evidently an imperfect man. Even so I believe in confession, repentance, forgiveness and redemption.
I also believe that these work out over decades and generations.
Perhaps we are at the fourth turning.
Thanks for posting this, LuAnn--Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton--perfect!
One of the greats--Eric Clapton. It’s been awhile since I listened to that song. Thanks for the link
I think it's so relevant to our times.
"It is like making Gary Coleman your first pick in basketball."
Truth. It is for gems like this I am so glad I subscribe.
I used to volunteer a lot with the homeless in Jackson, MS. The churches did much to help those that wanted help. Those that didn’t, we provided someone they could talk to and trust. When gubment agencies tried to stick their noses in and get involved, it was a disaster. All they wanted was to check off some boxes. The homeless knew that and hated those “helpers”.
On almost every level, the gubment is causing similar disasters. It was dysfunctional before Uncle Fester was elected via cheating. Now, he is the poster child.
Planned? It is so screwed up, it can only be on purpose.
I am sure that this is all on purpose. No one could make it this bad without a plan.
And, yes, charity is better done by the church usually. The only instance where I see it going wrong and actually that boils back to the gubment is the illegal immigrants. But there the gubment is paying the churches to help so they are, right into the churches' pockets it mostly goes. Free everything, come here is the messaging too.
Life these last 2 1/2 years has been like living in a unending torrential downpour of incomprehensible Leftist Extremist Insanity; it would be almost impossible to list the number of egregious outrages that have and continue to occur day in and day out.
I believe most Americans, those who still have a grain of common sense left, are feeling utterly overwhelmed by the constant onslaught. It is almost paralyzing.
We look for breaks in the dark clouds that surround us, but they are few and far between. I fight the temptation to become hopeless, but find it increasingly difficult to see light at the end of all this totally self-inflicted insanity that is laying waste to this once great country.
I think it’s time for all good men, women and children to fall to their knees and pray for mercy from God above and for His help to show us the way out from this valley of death and destruction.
I hear you, loud and clear.
Nikki Haley and Chris Sununu would make for a dream ticket for the Republicans. Sorry, I thought it was April Fools Day.
Glad I had finished my coffee.
I am sure we have had other politician like Fetterman and Biden that were- Brain dead Depends wearing Zombies needing massive doses of amphetamine to utter words. Yet, the world was different then and the people pulling the puppet strings probably didn’t hate all of America.
Yes to other bidens but I truly cannot recall anyone close to Fetterman. And I’ve been watching this scene for some sixty five years of my eighty years. Anyone have any nominations?
Woodrow Wilson after his stroke, FDR fourth term, and Reagan after 1981 shooting (sadly not the same man).
No other nominations. You are correct.
Every morning I read Don first (except Sunday of course) and then Jonathan Turley. His post today is somewhat related:
Good piece
Very good piece. Shocked to see that Real Clear Politics lacked "diverse sources." It is a collection of diverse sources and a daily go-to for me.
Someone tweeted that how we talk about Fetterman checking himself into a hospital for depression is a mark of our humanity. The insinuation was that it's terrible to do anything other than sympathize with Fetterman. But he's a senator, not a private citizen. He's to blame if he ran for an office he knew he wasn't prepared for.
We should “renormalize” our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, the rule of law, our Christian roots, prayer in public schools, marriage between a man and a woman. I am sure fellow commenters can add more. We need to also “renormalize” calling all sexual deviance mental illnesses, all anti Americanism and our founding principles treason.
We're in a 1984 Bizarro World.
I think it's worse than that.
Hey, any gummint expenditure means a bureaucrat get richer; "We need more money for homeless!" means the money that gets allotted for 'homeless' going into the pockets of state employees.
"Hey Ukraine, we will give you $100B in aid and the first 10% goes back to us. Now, let's talk about Russia." It is the name of the game as former state department bureaucrat whistleblowers have stated.
Currently reading "Handsome Johnny: The Life and Death of Johnny Rosselli: Gentleman Gangster, Hollywood Producer, CIA Assassin"
The grift is a staple in American life. The problem is I am too dumb to participate.
Why do you think it’s only a mere 10%? That’s just Joe’s cut that Hunter told us about.
Agreed, who knows how much the cretins steal from you - it is prolly 50%.
No, too principled - AND you have a conscience.
Kudo's for many things, starting with a Hanson brother pic!
Thank you, very much! It's among my all-time favourite films!
The 70's produced some WONDERFUL, thought inducing films. "Slap Shot", "Bad News Bears", "Blazing Saddles", Monty Python, etc...
I was kid and then a teen in the 70s. I loved that decade. We were wild and free.
I had an awesome - very risky at times - childhood!
oh yeah, lord I miss those days. And George Carlin and his 7 dirty words.
Haha! Cheech and Chong, The McKenzie Brothers, Richard Pryor, SNL was funny....
Article is filled with gems but I liked this the best, it applies to schools too:
"The number of social workers, advocates and programs rise but the problem grows."
Special Education question: Do we get any points at all for hiring the Handicapped in the White House, the Senate, or Hose of Representatives? Every little bit helps. Helping who is not known at this time.