Israel or some other legitimate government needs to govern Gaza for the foreseeable future.

UNRWA must be removed as complicit with Hamas and teaching terror in their schools.

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Forget UNRWA. The US should leave the UN and destroy all the UN buildings and build a nice park that will go a lot longer way toward building international peace.

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Excellent plan.

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If they just kept the park clean of trash it would be better than anything the UN could accomplish.

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After Israel is done with Hamas, it should move on to the UN!!!

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No, it needs to go after their threat from Lebanon.

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Its ungovernable until the current trash living in it are deported to Iran or Turkey.

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No entity in history has ever been able to govern Gaza. Read your bibles

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Dec 11, 2023
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Glass, it needs to be glass.

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That’s a lot of Windex.

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Lend lease the Israelis a few Buffs and conduct linebacker 3. Make shock and awe seem like holiday fireworks.

I can't agree with TJ, don't want the radiation in the region. Need to use conventional weapons instead.

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I believe Israel uses desalination plants. Gaza City seems like a lovely place to put all the excess salt.

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They indeed do have desalination plants. Decades ago I had a client who went to Israel to study those plants thinking it would be something worthwhile introducing to this hemisphere.

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The obvious place to need a plant is California but when they realized those plants used large amounts of petroleum and hydroelectric power to make them work they said nope because it didnt fit their ban carbon ideology. Yes, they really are that ignorant.

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Suicidal, I’d say.

But then the whole “Climate Change” hoax is nothing more than a murder/ suicide pact.

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Starting to look like that more and more. It seems to me the left is incapable of looking past their demands to "what then"? They just seem to want to get their way and assume something good will happen afterward. That is truly suicidal.

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Lefties are all [me me me now ].

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Dec 11, 2023
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I love this!

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They did one in Carlsbad. It took 17 years.

proof source - the ocean

The Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant is the largest, most technologically advanced and energy-efficient seawater desalination plant in the nation. Each day, the plant delivers nearly 50 million gallons (56,000 acre-feet per year (AFY)) of fresh, desalinated water to San Diego County – enough to serve approximately 400,000 people and accounting for about one-third of all water generated in the County.

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Wonder what LA county's problem is then? Could it be they dont want to fix it?

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It would, CA had 3 I think in planning then canceled them all. Then bitched because the Colorado river cant provide water for 10 times the population that it started with.

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CA never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

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Sadly, sounds like RINO Republicans.

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California is relying on on old agreements forcing other states within the Colorado river basin to limit how much water they can divert. At some point these states may just say, screw it, we are taking it and what are you going to do about it? Someday, California will be forced to renegotiate those old terms. Thus leaving themselves with even less water. But if ever there was a real life example of the grasshopper and the ant, California is the embodiment of it.

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Na - make it a huge pig farm.

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Now that finally got me chuckling. Thanks.

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Carthage. Never heard from again.

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But can they desalinate the dead sea? That needs to be looked into. Don't want to risk an imbalance in the Mediterranean sea.

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The Dead Sea isn’t salt.

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The dead sea is 34% salt. The oceans average 3.5% the great salt lake varies between 5 and 27% salt. Many pictures from the region show salt pillars jutting out of the water during periods of drought.

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“I cannot think of any other group that you can say ‘fuck the blank’ and have it be acceptable.”

Not to change the subject in this thread, but there is one other demographic that is mercilessly abused: The white male. Perhaps a topic for another post.

"Instead of denouncing anti-Semitism, they played semantic parlor games and said it depends on the context."

These hypocritical lunatic leftists are experts at the "semantic wars", starting with Bill Clinton with his famous "It depends on what the meaning of "IS" is". I am glad to see their terrorist semantics being effectively used against them.

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Without a boogeyman to hate, the left would be nothing but a sniveling bunch of spoiled, over educated children.

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Exactly. I can only add "lost" to your description.

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Pretty much. And the white female is not far behind. If you dont have a DEI status, you cant get hired permanently right now.

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Einstein and many of his Solvay Conference pals exited Germany - the center of world knowledge and research until the Nazis - and set up shop in America. Talk about a brain drain! Hey, you smaller colleges looking to make a mark and recruit students: major hiring opportunity with available highly qualified faculty and disgusted megabucks donors to support your new Humanities program based on tolerance and merit.

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Excellent point.

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Hmmm, with white males, it depends on context. 🤣 Bill Maher - good. Bill Barr - bad.

I think the other ‘blank’ that is always acceptable to say ‘F them’ and be celebrated, is Conservatives!!

Granted they (WE!) are multi- ethnic, religious, age and BOTH genders, but if one holds the conservative world view, you are ok to target to runout of restaurants, to pour water ( or worse) on if out in public, etc.

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I would caution you NOT to fall into "context" thinking. There are always individual exceptions to things (i.e. Barr, Mahar). We are referring to groups - large demographics - people. Yes, there are other groups that routinely get picked on - conservatives, Jews, males - but in public advertising you don't see major brands disparaging any group except white males. You can't count political advertising because its sole purpose is to establish a counter position often through disparagement. Lastly, Bill Maher has been one of the most liberal, hateful personalities for decades. He has only recently found it beneficial (to him) to take a more moderate position on some issues, most likely to salvage his ratings. He gets no respect from me regardless of his recent awakening from the dark side.

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Thanks Atlas, but I’m still not on board with just “white males” as a vilified group. There are way too many exceptions. (Biden and Biden, anyone?)

Now what I could agree is 100% hated are white, straight, Christian, males - but then they’re also -ding, ding, ding! - conservative.

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Gail, I never said white males were the only demographic to be disparaged. I said they were the largest - the most frequently disparaged - across the board. Yes, christians, conservatives, Jews, blonde women, etc all have had their place in disparagement, but the males (and more specifically, the white male) has been on the hit list for 30+ years in advertising media in a degrading way.

Make all the lists you want - and I will probably agree they have been unfairly treated publicly, and even discriminated against too. But, the biggest one is the white male. There are no holds barred for them.

You said, "There are way too many exceptions. (Biden and Biden, anyone?)". Not sure what you mean here. Biden is a white male and is constantly disparaged based on some of his behavior. Not that I care about Biden - but you made my point. White males are generally construed as dufuses, disengaged, and clueless especially if it has to do with football (US), beer or hunting/fishing. I probably should add muscle cars to this list. BTW: I love all of those things on the list.

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White males are just the current target, until something new and exciting and better fits the left's twisted narrative comes along. Remember, the left is made up of a bunch of unhappy, angry and miserable people totally lacking in the ability to debate anything. Petulant children comes to mind.

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perfect analogy.

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What I meant by citing the Bidens is that despite them being white males they are okie-dokie with the left because they are on the correct political team.

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Yes, you are right. But, politics is exempt from the point I was making because the advertising and messaging is a constant volley of disparagement. It is intended to be disparaging, but doesn't indirectly make fun of a person for their gender, race, age. Conservatives talk about Biden as a walking Zombie and leftists talk about Trump as a Hitler-Nazi-Dictator. Politics is all about disparagement. It is expected to be negative and critical on policy points.

My earlier post is about something bigger and more diffused. That is, the subtle degradation of the white male as being irresponsible, lazy, distracted with things like sports and beer but not engaged with the family. Mom raises the kids and is the hero while dad goes off fishing. This is the largest and most frequently degraded demographics in media of all channels. Treat a minority, or females like white males in public messaging and the media won't play it, nor will agencies produce it. Politics avoids this because its advertising doesn't pick on the gender per se, it defers to a political policy or position. So we are talking about two different things. Why should this matter? It matters because the destruction of the male role in the family helps to destroy one of the strongest pillars of society - the binary family unit. It's open hunting season on white males.

Here are examples of what I am talking about. I should mention that (white) males also think these are hilarious commercials. That's why they are the last eligible demographic to be disparaged. They don't care about these personas, but they are destructive:



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I agree with all of you. And let’s also keep in mind that white males probably invented the whole woke hierarchy garbage. Black Africans sold the black slaves to white folks. Evil, foul ideologies & greed come in all colors, genders & races.

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Maher: a schmuck with a warm, smug smirk.

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He's a freaking comedian for Pete's sake. What does the diploma on his wall say? Graduated from University of Comedy?

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Agreed. He hasn't changed his liberal thinking, only his marketing.

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Delete "blank." Insert "Democrat leadership."

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Israel has an interesting problem - in the meaning of, "May you live in interesting times." They can't annihilate Gaza (although I could), and they can't leave it there. To my mind the only tenable response is to do what the Brits did to the Scottish after Culloden: completely re-do the entire society. Destroy all mosques. Forbid the teaching of islam. Make owning a firearm punishable by 20 years in prison; firing it in anger is a death sentence - to be carried out publicly. Mandatory civics classes and classes in Representative Government. Mandatory Norplants after the second child.

The American sob sisters with the leaky waterworks always talk about the "innocent civilians" in Gaza. Somebody bore and raised these young men to hate Jews, and despite "trans men" bearing children these days, my money is on the muslim women, so save your sympathy for the Israeli women and children.

... and one small correction: Rob Reiner is not the fattest of the fatheads. He's the fattest of the Meatheads.

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Regretably, exterinating Hamas will do nothing about the remaining two bilion moslems extant. Have you seen what they are doing in Africa? The Phillipines? Europe? It is the nature of islam to exterminate or subjugate all non-moslems; it is a command set forth in their koran. America has been importing these jihadi-waging moslems for two decades, so it is only a matter of time before they reach critical mass and their war on infidels starts here. Importing a slew of Somali moslems into Minnesota gave us Ilhan Omar. That is what they hope to accomplish in other jurisdictions. Remember kt is their strategy to use the freedoms afforded by our country until they attain majority, at which time they will take control and eliminate those freedoms for everyone else. The globalists who determine what "Biden" does wish to use this to eliminate our sovereignty. Prepare accordingly. Si vi pacem, parbellum.

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I have to say that with all there is to be seriously concerned about going on today in the entire world, (which is saying something!), nothing gives me greater dread than viewing the dozens upon dozens of videos of nearly exclusively military aged men literally teeming across our so-called border from every nation in the world, by the thousands upon thousands every single day and at an an ever increasing and beyond alarming rate.

The fact that there is not a soul in our entire US government lifting so much as a finger to even bring attention to it much less stop it dead in its tracks is stunningly shocking to me. WTF?!!!

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We should be nailing our worthless Republican "leadership " to the wall and screaming at them about this. They are beyond useless ... they are dangerous to the American people.

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I think a few are screaming about it but when the left controls all the means of mass communication we just don’t hear about it. I think MTG, Boebert, Gaetz and a few others have been screaming about it. But when you’re only a dozen, at best, out of 457 ( or whatever the number of Congress is ) WTH can you do!? AND, that this dumb f*cos voted out The gay fattie from NY ( even while the Dems DO NOT vote out the old fattie in the senate from NJ who was found with gold bars) and then that POS McCarthy QUITS on top of that to further shrink any sort of GOP majority tells you jyst how worthless they are!!!

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Iran has their sleeper cells in place now. So does China. The attack on America will come from within our borders and involve taking out our infrastructure like the electric grid, internet, cell towers. Once done, we will all be isolated and helpless - fish in a barrel. Gun owners will have temporary protection, but with the ability to organize in a substantial way, will not be able to overcome an organized planned invasion. America will look like the aftermath of Oct 7.

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German starvation in 1945 helped change hearts and minds. Clearly forgiveness and mercy just gives rise to another round of terrorism.

Cutting off the terror money means shutting up the climate crazies and helping ourselves and Europe to build out a hydrocarbon and nuclear power infrastructure post haste. Anyone can see that the global warming crowd has enabled and helped fund global terrorism.

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Don, "Palestinian soldiers — Hamas — crossed into Israel with uniforms (war crime),...". I believe you meant WITHOUT uniforms

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Thanks. I shall fix it.

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Naw, don't fix it Don. Those of us who are retired enjoy trying to figure out where you were going or what you meant. Keeps our brains active:)

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Crossing into Israel with or even without uniforms is not a "war crime". What they did after crossing into Israel is one of the most heinous of all war crimes in recent memory.

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I’m pretty sure taking mil actions while not in a country’s uniform is a war crime, ie against the Geneva Convention. Acts of terror are war crimes. Terrorists rarely wear uniforms.

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There were some reports that some Hamas scum were wearing IDF uniforms to gain access. Not sure it was vetted.

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It is accounted as a war crime if it is committed by someone IN uniform, and “just” as a crime ( or act of terrorism in this case), if perpetrated by one not in uniform.

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The only people who try to abide by the Geneva Conventions are the people who honor and support it. Terrorists do not, so in my mind there is no difference between then term war crimes and the term terrorism.

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Kind of like laws versus criminals of all grades of crime.Laws stop only honest people .enforcement and punishment do work when applied.

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Please see the attached scholarly article from WestPoint. If what you said were true a whole lot of our special forces would be war criminals.


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Thank you for this article. It did indeed convey information that I had not previously known.

I think this portion gets to the heart of the matter:

"Hays makes clear that while SOF wear of civilian clothing or non-standard uniforms is only unlawful if it is perfidious, the practice has—and should be—limited by military necessity. He states, “State tolerance of Special Forces’ fighting in civilian clothing is limited to special circumstances, such as support for partisans”

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I think you are right on point. And it is clearly a war crime in what they did after they crossed the border uniforms or not. The whole issue of "uniforms" is a very opaque subject and confuses the issue. I can imagine the outcry if Israel in another day just started executing Arab fighters that they caught crossing the border in their everyday garments.

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Tragically it doesn't matter what Israel does or doesn't do.

The demons will always screech that it's Israel's fault.

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I saw mostly uniformed ones but I also didnt watch a bunch of videos. I didnt need too. Hamas needs to be dismantled totally.

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Eliminated to the last man, woman and child.

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Yeah, I think there were a few typos in today’s post that changed the meaning of the sentence.

That’s ok, I got what he meant anyway. 😊

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No, I saw both. Oops. I may be blindly supporting Don, kinda like I do that other Don I love. Sorry. Not sorry.

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There is a reason NO Arab country will accept 'Palestinians', including (Trans)Jordan where they came from...

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Why does no knee mention that Gaza SHARES A BORDER WITH EGYPT?!?!

About 20% (by my rough guess) of Gazas border is with Egypt!!

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Not to mention that 100% of their population is Egyptian. It was part of Egypt before Israel seized the Sinai peninsula. When Israel returned Sinai, the Egyptians refused to take back Gaza.

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Just like the Central American countries refused to take back their illegal criminal ms until Trump threatened to stop sending them money! Need to do the same with Egypt b/c no one will complain how they treat then.

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To their credit, only about 90% of central Americans are criminals.

With palistidiots it's the 99.98% who give the rest a bad name.

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And, another fun fact that I remember hearing years ago: 70+% of the prison population in Jordan is made up of Palestinians. I can't imagine why. It must be profiling.

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Now with Gaza almost gone as an irritant in Israel’s rear, they can get on with eliminating, one way or another their biggest concern and that is Iran. I haven’t heard anything from those goat f’ing rug pilots for at least a week (or their donkey f’ing proxies in Lebanon) and that tells me something.

In the end I believe, its going to be shown that this has always been about going after Iran.

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The gloves are surely off now. Hard to imagine Mossad and Shin Bet have been standing still since Hamas took over. Certainly they have plans in the file for how to snuff the leaders of Hamas now ordering drinks poolside in Qatari hotels. After all, nuclear scientists were blown to smithereens in Teheran by somebody so clearly there's capability.

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Turkey has stated that if anything happens to the terrorists they are harboring, the gloves will come off. Hope Erdorgan has his pine tuxedo ready.

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Turkey was a question mark all during WW2 until it became clear the Axis was losing. I'm sure the same rectitude prevails today. If Israeli intelligence tees up a kidnap or assassination opportunity, it'll surely happen. Erdogan will just whine.

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Gaza will never be gone so long as Israel exists. They need to govern it militarily in perpetuity if they want some peace and security. This has always been about Iran and we all need to face it. The ME has a voice in the world due to oil. Without it they starve. If Israeli wants to end this they need our help and the federal government isn't going to allow them to go after Iran, at least with the current gang in place. If you want to really hurt Iran, embargo their oil, enforce it, and let them starve and tell them if they so much as point a weapon at another country we will return the country to its natural state; sand.

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"If you want to really hurt Iran, embargo their oil,"

It seems we did this rather effectively just by unleashing our own ability to produce and export oil.

I do concur with your overall point, though!

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Correct. Drill baby drill. And keep Iran from selling theirs.

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Don't we just love how some of the media are so outraged by the savages in their underwear but devoid of any outrage with the atrocities committed by the sub-humans? These are the same morally bankrupt imbeciles so indignant at DJT calling Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas'. Good grief. Only in America.

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Better check the world news. Most of Eewrope is just as brain dead. France, Germany Italy and England have been overwhelmed because their leaders and intellectuals are just as brain dead.

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They have been infiltrated and consumed by invaders, just like it is happening in the US, albeit more slowly. Don't ever give up your firearms.

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Palestinian terrorists are like roaches. Kill the ones you see but others will soon take their place.

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Like roaches, just remove the food supply and they'll disappear.

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Embargo their oil, and watch them want to talk about cooperation. Their whole existence can be summed up by three letters: o-i-l.

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Not much hydrocarbon in Gaza and interdicting the oil trade of Iran has proved challenging. We spend a military dollar to deprive Iran of an oil dollar. Cutting them off from SWIFT commerce hasn't helped much, just resulted in discount oil pricing for Russia and China. Only destroying their proxies has an impact. Israel is busy doing just that.

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Our problem is we don't stick to the embargos or we pretend not to see other western countries trading with them for oil illicitly. Embargo's work IF one's country backs it. The huggers in our country only see the secondary effects of an embargo which is always people starving. Time to have a thicker skin and some stick-toedness.

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Gaza is a proxy for Iran. Eventually Israel will have to deal with them. Ezekiel 38 makes that clear.

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I recall my Old Testament. When enemies rose up against Israel, many times God instructed his people to obliterate all of them. And now, after October 7, understanding the need for that sort of complete destruction of life arrives to some.

To be sure, God does not enjoy the destruction, however necessary and rightly deserved, of his “handiwork” regardless of their most heinous attacks against Israelis.

“For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!” (Ezekiel 18:32)

Perhaps exacting righteous judgement against one’s enemies can bring both praise for God’s deliverance and sadness for the total destruction of one’s enemies.

One more thing: I read recently several accounts in which pro-hamas supporters self-righteously claim that history didn’t begin in 1948 by which they mean that Jews never inhabited palestine before that year.

Some 3 billion Christians worldwide prepare this Advent season to celebrate the birth of a Jewish baby boy born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago and at least a century before the region was called palestine. I shake my head in utter disbelief at the willful ignorance of so many misguided souls.

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There is an agenda here being played at the world level. It is being played by ultra-wealthy people who have a hollow soul and only strive for more power. It doesn't have to make sense to us, only to them. You cannot fight most of what you cannot see.

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Very true.

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If you can find it, check out the official flag of Palistine circa 1938.

You may need to find an older printed encyclopaedia. It has this weird double triangle thingy in the middle that bears a striking resemblance to the star of David.

This is meant to add to Sophie's great comment.

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Thank you for the suggestion. A quick internet search was not helpful but I didn’t really expect it to be. I shall consult more reliable sources next.

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I had a thought. Not all Palestinians need to be obliterated, just the military aged males. Let the Palestinian women run Gaza for the next twenty years and see what happens. It might work...or not.

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Or not .Women suicide bombers !

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The majority of Jews do not regard Christianity's belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

The Koran 1,700 years ago depicted Mohammed as being the son of God, which the Jews rejected.

That was the commencement of the Muslim's jihad against them.

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Gaza delenda est.

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Ceterum censeo idem

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Well done Poca-Man and may the flushing of sewers continue reaching as far as America and our blue shit holes.The tide is turning on the lefties as the vilest of people have become pariahs to the quasi-libs opening some eyes.The hypocrisy of their lifestyles versus reality is dawning on the masses,just not fast and hard enough.I only pray the reckoning is thorough and final!Great post and Dr. cat needs treats.

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Gaza delenda est, Washington delenda est . . . sure seems like a lot of things nowadays need delenda est-ing.

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“...most people don’t want Palestinian terrorism.

“And then there are the tedious TDS shows that call Trump Hitler but are silent when real Nazis appear at the door. “

There, I think I fixed it.

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Now Hamas is threatening to kill all the remaining hostages if Israel doesn't meet their demands for more aid and prisoner exchanges. Pure evil.

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Many of those hostages are probably already dead, and this is Hamas's way of covering that up. It's highly doubtful they protected those hostages from the variety and number of Jew-hating Palestinians (Hamas and civilian) they have been dragged around through. I bet enough Palestinians vented their hate on those hostages, either thru beatings, rape, torture, or murder. Given the level of atrocity Hamas did in public-- in front of the world-- during the Oct. 7th invasion, one can only imagine the level of atrocity they applied to the "hostages" in private. They can't really trade those hostages back to Israel in return for concessions, because the hostages will tell what happened, and the damage done to their bodies will be the evidence.

So Hamas is just milking the last PR value of the hostages, and will claim they were only "killed" because "mean Israel" wouldn't meet their new demands.

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my thoughts exactly!

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World opinion would swing further if Hamas actually followed through on that threat. Hamas has already lost the PR war in America where it counts. Hostage killing would license the IDF to be much more aggressive than it is now. Hamas is hopefully not that stupid, though who has control of the hostages isn't entirely clear so maybe some captors are that stupid.

At least one hostage death has been blamed by Hamas on an IDF rescue attempt. Nobody bought that excuse. So fair warning: an actual overt threat followed by killing hostages would unleash some major escalation.

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I suspect most of those hostages are already dead. They will never release those women alive because they know what the public reaction will be to what those women report seeing.

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Salt the Earth. I seem to recall that from another book I read. The “brave” Arabs who massacre babies and pregnant women aren’t laughing now. They aren’t cheering. They are surrendering g in their underwear. And unlike Hamas, Israel is not executing them on the spot. They will be treated according to the rules of war, because Israel is not a repository of savages. Guess who’s next on the Wipe Out Islamofascist World Tour? Also starts with “H”.

Rob Reiner is a POS.

Trump 2024.

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I recommend using sea salt.

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You are too kind to Reiner.

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