Without Lies there would be no glue to hold together the Deep Cesspool or the Dem Party.

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And half of the electorate supporting them does not care. I don't see how you fix that.

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Luann, thank you for your comment. I would agree with you, but we really don’t know the truth. With voting fraud, polling fraud, and a corrupt media, who really knows the accurate number?

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We don't know the accurate number based on fraud and a corrupt media. However, there are a lot of folks who just don't believe what is going on despite it being before their eyes. And they will keep voting Democrat. That is my point.

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Vast number of people have no idea of what is going on. They read nothing. Watch some tv without comprehension. And don’t really care. I was a real estate broker for many years. When I’d go into homes I’d look around for to see what people were reading or watching. Sadly many homes had no books no newspapers nothing.

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Joseph, you’re right. I grew up in a house that had 3 or 4 newspapers laying around the house everyday and timely books and magazines. I started reading the comics at 7, the sports at 8 and the news at 10 years old. I believed everything I read in those newspapers and when I read conflicting accounts, my father reminded me that newspapers are a business and that need to keep us interested by stretching the truth. Best advice I ever got.

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I know this to be true from my family’s experiences but your comment that most people are perpetually shallow and intellectually incurious makes me almost despair for humanity’s future.

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Sophie, HG Wells in the Time Machine opined about the future. Eventually, there will be two groups of people, the Morlocks and the Eloi

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Interesting thought. Although I can see the Morlocks (wolves) and the Eloi (sheep) emerging, I think at least a third group, we could call the Remnant (?), will maintain Western Civilization somewhat like the monasteries of the Medieval Period and that are found in the WM Miller novel, A Canticle for Leibowitz.

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For me it was EE Doc Smith (Dads favorite) and Robert Heinlein, Have Space Suit will Travel

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Look at what makes up today's democratic party: Thieves, liars, murderers, homosexuals, child molesters and welfare recipients just to name a few. Who would want to waste their time preaching the TRUTH to them..?

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Beyond redemption.

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No one is beyond redemption until they die. That being said, for them to continue to lead the lives they do because they consider it normal, just remember this saying:

"Idle hands are the devils tools" and look no further than the 'pride' parades that all liberal politicians espouse. As I said to one homosexual when I worked in, of all places, Cambridge, MA.........."I wish you'd take as much pride in your work as you do your asshole." Impossible under the circumstances.

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Good point. However, I still don't see how we can make them see the truth. We can't.

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Not bad. I'd love to join LGB, the rest is garbage-perhaps u r not too big an asshole to fit in my Kingdom. Unfortunately, as I sink further into dementia, my dark side demands attention. Cyrano may bite you from time to time w/his rapier wit.

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"A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Attributed to Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) British feminist. While I'm NOT a feminist, I do enjoy tossing her old saw around. :)

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But who needs it more ,fellow Renesance Man?

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That's true, but these people refuse to listen.

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Can you think about the last time you read or saw a story by some lame stream media outlet that you haven’t thought “Is this true or is it more nonsense made to look like something true”?

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Usually, I go mmm the opposite is happening or the claim of the right wing conspiracies will come true shortly. That truth used to be a couple yrs away, now its usually 6 months or less. we are not coming for your gas stoves..... 4 months later, banning gas stoves as an example.

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I hate to give any credit to that blivot Colbert, but his coining the word, "truthiness" is all too accurate.

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I always like that term -- "truthiness." It's so true!

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think i might like u if u can put up w/a 30 yr old brain in a 90 yr old body (brain is rapidly catching up)

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Fascinatingly, the lame stream media reports sports scores and yesterday's weather accurately. But that pretty much covers the topics that can be accepted without wonderment.

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At some point, most everyone in Russia knew Pravda was lying all of the time. Here, the liberals who believe the mainstream media will only realize they’ve been lied to when they are no longer useful to the liberals and are cast aside.

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It's already happening.

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And that has created their problem. Bud Light is the perfect demonstration of their predicament. In order to gain favorable capital costs in the secondary market, they sold their corporate souls to the radical sexualized commie left. They then, in their need to demonstrate their fealty to the left, they were forced to go along with the trannie stuff. This finally caught the attention of their customer base which was - WHAT?!?!?? ESG scores are soon going to be illegal in total in half the country (and who knew what that was even a year ago) - sounds like a great opportunity for some financial firm to make a bunch of money.

The Lesbians/Gays/Bi groups have suddenly realized that they are being cast aside for the new flavor. They also are beginning to realize that the rest of the country, who was essentially willing to live and let live, are being forced to re-evaluate the warnings given by social conservatives who said normalizing this - let's call it sexual adventurism - was a slippery slope. They are scrambling to jettison the other letters, and the media is doing everything they can to hide this reality, but it is happening anyway.

And of course, women realize they too are being thrown away. Oh, yeah, a few states formalized their worship of Baal to allow young women to kill their inconvenient babies, but they are now actively supporting wiping out women sports, or rather the ability of women to compete against only women. Gaines' almost solitary quest to get this stopped is inspiring. I especially liked her dad's demeaner in the congressional testimony recently concluded. Think our government elites want to run into him alone on the street without security? The elites are creating more of these people every day.

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The other reason that the LBG are beginning to take notice. According to the Trans movement, if a Lesbian doesnt want to date a TransWoman (man w a d***) then they are TERFs and Transaphobs. Well the reason they are Lesbians is because they like women. So the left is eating the left. Plus as you say, most LBG are live and let live where as most of the Trans I have met, seen or seen clips of, are bullies and downright mean people. My way or the highway. The two groups are incompatible.

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...and the sooner we let them each destroy the other, te better.

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Yesterday I posted this for my 12 followers w/o a picture https://paulmaj13.substack.com/p/take-time-to-smell-the-flowers

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They'll be cast aside in favour of new ones.

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And there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in the place where the worm doesn’t die.

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I wonder if the Ruskies ever thought that Pravda was better than NO NEWSPAPER. My city dropped their evening newspaper, and since I do not have a pet bird, I don't need the current morning paper.

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Go over there and fight for me.

GOT BANND FOR 100 YEARS. Spam my work; why, magnificent my work. Done anything lately for the helpless peeps in assisted living/memory care? Done anything to help fight Alzheimer's. Matt, perhaps I don't belong here-back to subsubstack.

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I keep hoping for a Charlton Heston moment in real life like in the movie Ten Commandments , where God crushes the enemies of good. Unfortunately, it’s looking more and more like the ending to another Charlton Heston movie Planet of the Apes in which our civilization is destroyed by traitorous humans.

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I think the issue is that we as a nation have turned away from God. The Old Testament is full of examples of the Israelites doing just the same thing. And God seemed to just shrug his shoulders and say - ok, my children, if you wish to do this the hard way so be it.

God will, in his time end this. But it will be on his time scale. His will be done. Perhaps we can a get a bit a cred for trying to protect his little kids from the pedos and trannies in our midst.

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Yes, we just see the strings hanging down from heaven not knowing what God’s tapestry looks like on the other side.

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One of my favorite movies. Still rings true today.

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Try Logan's Run

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That one, too.

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Traitorous humans? Did we watch the same movie?

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You have to muddle through to the 1973 Sequel Battle for the Planet of the Apes to get the allegory

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muddle was right =/

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Don, your comment, or rather reporting on the comment of someone else, that the RussiaGate scandal was worse than Watergate is spot on. By an order of magnitude greater than any political crisis of our country in its history it is worse. We need to salt the earth. I believe we need to demand the next GOP administration swear out warrants for Hillary, Biden and Obama - try them in a nice red GOP state in a smallish very GOP town. For their crime directly impacted those citizens right to elect their own government. My guess is they would all be found guilty. See, Mr. Soros, we can play that same game as well.

And then there are a bunch of FBI and DOJ types who need to be arrested and we will get around to giving them their rights when we feel like it. I think about 12 months in solitary to start, while we destroy their families financially would be about right.

As you might guess, I am a bit peeved that these so called elite still walk free, because they are elite only because they have their entire hand on the scales of justice. They aren't elite, they are crooks. Oh, and I also suggest we put a 500% tax on the endowment of every Ivy League School and Stanford. Just as a start.

They are all commie authoritarian jerks! Ok, I guess I feel a little bit better.

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Warrior Woman here. Don, keep posting the truth. As a former educator, this country is in need of righteousness comprehension. My heart breaks for people not seeing what is in front of their faces. We have to fight for our country. Come teach school with me for a month.

My heart breaks !!

Mom is in jail. Dad is in prison!

These beautiful children do not know who they belong to.

God save our children from stupid!!!!!

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Obamas, Clintons, Marxist dems, et al, rejoice in unrighteousness. They dishonor others. They are easily angered. They are unkind. They brag. They are prideful. They seek their own ways and schemes. Pure evil is what they are. Ultimately they will be in hell for all eternity.

Good book by Eric Metaxas

“A letter to the American Church” compares Germany leading up to Hitler and how the signs were there but 75% of pastors denied it, avoided it. The same is happening here. We are more guilty than the German people. They did not know where the evil would lead. We do know if we care to know.

We, the people, and the churches, must speak the truth unceasingly!

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Media lies but we can ignore them and get our information from more reliable sources. But deep state lies kill and that is carried over into our judiciary. The fraud perpetuated against Kari Lake (and Trump before) is a lie they're getting away with. If we don't die on this hill we're done as a nation!

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I say we make THEM die on that hill.

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Yep. Sort of like the old polio shots we had to take in elementary school, "This won't hurt, did it?"

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To realize that one has been lied to and manipulated is better than remaining in the dark. Also a great comfort and hope is to know the Truth that sets us free.

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Here are some good observations about the power of truth-related facts


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Right Sophie!

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Amen to that Helen!

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We have always lived with lies and liars among us. What makes today's situation almost unbearable is that the constant lies (gaslighting as my kids say) have more currency than the truth. Lying is a way to hold onto power and the greater the need for power, the greater and more ubiquitous the lies. You stand up to the lies and the liars and there can be unintended consequences for you as the truth teller. How to overcome this. Well, as many readers suggested last week, the answer is to pray. The other is small acts of resistance that can make a difference. The web of lies is so great that it seems impossible to bring it down all at once. Constant pushback with the truth is the other way. Other than those suggestions, it difficult to take on lying. Satan thinks he as won this round. But not yet.

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There is only one way that the individual can distinguish the truth from lies. That is lies multiplied inevitably conflict with each other.

On the other hand, truth is singular. It may be obscured by lies but if we continually question, examine and expose we set it free.

I remember with amusement as a parent and teacher watching children tangle themselves up in evasions trying to avoid admitting they made a mistake. Eventually they come clean because of the absurdity they have constructed.

Oh the huge relief when they ultimately confess, are blessed and forgiven.

Satan never wins, nor ever loses. Satan is within us forever.

He is however powerless though grace.

Through grace we are saved.

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Perhaps enough apostates will be heard. Truth is the only way out of our mess.

Maybe someday whoever was behind the selection of Obama as president will be revealed.

That would be nice.

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We know, already - Satan, himself.

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Obama is the face of the Chicago cartel: David Axelrod, Bill Ayers, Ron Emanuel and Valarie Jarrett. They are the ones who saw the window of opportunity. They are the ones who groomed, promoted, got financing and got Obama elected. Once Obama was installed in the Oval, the wicked communist stew that had been simmering in the USA since 1917 began to boil over. Obama is the quintessential yes-man. The commies give Obama plenty of money and time off. Obama says & does exactly what he's told. No more, no less.

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“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour”

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Now I am imagining The Washington Post replacing Democracy Dies in Darkness with this

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I'm convinced if they did their offices would be stuck by lightning from the Almighty.

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Turn the TV off, cancel rag papers, get the news from consecutive sources online, and continue to boycott the idiocy. Above all else, pray and keep your powder dry!

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It's option #1 today, as #2 is less a lie than a curse.

"Expect more lies because the media and their Deep State masters can get away with it."

Indeed - I expect nothing less from this nation's media apparatus, and with exception of The Daily Mail, the UK's, as well.

"However, Turley’s column oddly gives hope amid the despair because the alternative media online can empower dissidents to question authority, challenge the media and fight back."

True, I guess - at least until the alternative media sources are Parlered by Google, and AWS.

"...since we are forced to playing a long game, we may as well do it right."

My guess is we'll be playing the long game for eternity. If there is a strategic genius on our side, he's yet to make himself known. We need our own Lee Atwater to complement the peerless street fighter, Trump.

The left, I'm afraid, is still able to run rings around us in the long game.

"But we have the truth, which is really the most powerful force in the universe."

Yes, but by the time it is widely realized, the damage is done.

"But expect more lies until lies come with a price. That day will come and it may come sooner than we think."

I love your optimism, Sir Surber. Might I borrow some of yours?

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There are some - DeSantis has shown the way for a number of other states to start doing stuff. What about the AG in West Virginia? The governors in Oklahoma and Arkansas. A whole bunch of states restricted abortion significantly - with no electoral blowback - and now a whole bunch more are taking their first steps in reigning in ESG. Virginia struck a blow agaist the educational monopoly - and Musk's purchase of Twitter (whatever his personal politics might be) schooled the big teacher union head on her lies about her support for wanting to open the schools. There are a number of really rich and powerful people working to replace a number of our leftist tech lords at Paypal and Google. Facebook is already unhip and on its own My Space trajectory. See the Davos crowd's stupidity has left them vulnerable to other rich people taking over. There will always be rich people who want the next dollar - especially the one from another rich person. Heard much about ethics at SCOTUS since the Sotomayor story came out?

Keep the faith.

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Appreciate you raising the supreme fiasco ,//just too far a reach when the truth shines on it.

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Thank you!

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"Biden won" may not be my favorite lie, but it's the one that pisses me off the most, because of it's destructive and dangerous consequences for all of us.

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When a government ceases to represent the people from whom their power derives, the people have a right to abolish the government and/or begin again, with a new constitution. Now that we know our elections are rigged, is there any likelihood of change? Those in the FBI and DOJ as well as the Intelligence Community use their power to surveil and investigate innocent people to cover up their crimes. The Durham report lays it all out.

A peaceful separation can take place between Americans who care about America from those Americans who hate America. We who have not lost our belief in God, we who have not lost our values and morality, we who do not want our families destroyed can unite and create a new democratic republic.

We can leave the Blue states to become the Marxist States of America. We can leave them to their surveillance police state. We can leave the woke and perverse to themselves. The transgender men can compete with women in the Marxist States of America. The global warming advocates and eugenics advocates can destroy fossil fuels and human lives in the Marxist State of America. When the next pandemic comes they can mask up and lock up, and force each other to take a bioweapon in the Marxist States of America.

Starting in the Red States, a new constitution would protect the hard working Americans and their life savings from the predation of global cartels. A new constitution would prevent the rise of an elite class who use their power to harm those less powerful than themselves. We would have doctors who do not recommend a toxic injection be the only treatment for a virus no more severe than the flu, and don't recommend masking, social distancing, and lockdowns. We could refuse to be members in the WHO, UN, and all the other predatory global enterprises. We could make sure our children are given outstanding education and not Marxist or perverse indoctrination.

You will find many intriguing ideas about the protection of free enterprise, a new constitution, and the values upon which it will be based here:


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A new constitution is not needed - holding to the one we have is what is required.

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Well put as the original only needs to be followed in full daylight for the USA to recover the dreams of the founders.

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Let's go with the old constitution, please.

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I think we are beginning to see the re-assertion of the 10th Amendment. There is no need for separation. The constitution is brilliantly written. It is up to us to abide by it. The blue states are demonstrating that they are unsustainable, and people are voting with their money and their feet. Now we just need more red state legislatures and administrations to start to re-assert their own sovereignty from the feds.

That will take care of it. The growth and expansion of the federal government while we dealt with the slavery issue, a civil war, and all its aftermath gave great sway to the feds. The pendulum is swinging back.

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If everything gets split into 2 different states, how would the Interstate Highway System be used? Pay a toll at every county line? Interstate fuel pipelines? All kinds of systems built with money from all the states. How would all that get divvied up?

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